HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-1-10, Page 5ttFORIW
1'...,.e, „ .... P , .,, a "
Strong Heads and Skilled
Hands to the Front /
nod bo properly prepared for bE minent
positions. Wu deal only luhigh grade
1 Huainan Education -1110 (tied ovary 4 young man and 'wmnan eb0lud have, 1
*i' Our 0011001 has now the largest attend -
auto in its lilet.,ry. Onmwouao DOW.
Prepare well and 0000000 is °fatale ,
No trouble f.,r our graduates to got
Pc 01110110, Clalalug0O tree.
w. J. J'3LL10T1', Principal.
,,..coon Yc mo AND ALNxANDRn 1100.
11R. 1L A. BURNS—
t'i11eCI:Nor to Dr. J. A. SloNaugillou
Itrllea11(0, lli11111'Ie
Graduate of I'ulyollnw Lust Gra (10001
Bohuol of Modiaiu0 and Surgery, Now York
Meunier tit Uullegu of Physielmna and Our -
goons of Ontario.
01.11cu and residence mune as formerly 00
mimed by Dr. AloNaughtou.
Diseases of wowet) a 0P00ialty,
'Phone 1'a. 21.
a teener of Marriage Lioone0s, 01•
gob at Grocery, Turnborry street, llrueeels.
Otnce In the lost 011ie°, Ethel, 80.8
.L) la prepared t0 give lessons on Plan„
or (teed Urg.ou. Tenon on appl,oatt0u
Pustomoe address—Brussels. Resin euue—
Lot8,000.10, Oroy. Pupils may nave Guth
lessons at their own bomoo 11 prefer:otl.
Pupils prepared for the Toronto
Conservatory of Music,
Agent Howicli Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
Oaloe and Rosidence—
J. • gen, will eel! far better prleee, to
better emu, in lees time and lase chargee
Limn 0113, other A(101100000 iv Etat Huron or
lie won't charge anything, Dates and orders
0031 always be arranged at this ofno° or by
personal applioation.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terms roaeouable. Sales arranged for
at the office of TEE POET, Brlleeele. 2311
Honor .atlua.e of the Ontario Vet-
erinary 0u11oge, Is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domoeeloatedl animals In a e0mpet.
ant weever, Partinular attention paid to
VOtal•Iuary De0ttetry mud Milk Fever Calla
promptly attended to. 01400 and lunation
—Four doors North of bridge,. 'Xurubarry at.
• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Elo,
hu0sewer to G. F. Blair, Califf over Stan-
dard Bank. liru000ls. Solicitor for Metro.
pulltau Barak,
I o Barriator,SINSullener,e00000y00000,
/Notary Public, &a. Ullbea-Stew0rV0 !.310011
1 Guar North o1 Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Sauk,
b Akuus1E18, U✓ O iIO1'1il''.1, Rl, NOTARIES
W. P11uoDEoo0, K. 0. It. 0, nava
UBioes-1'hoeo formerly occupied by Blears
Ua0Or00 x 11011,
o0D0uion, ONTARIO,
(1 r0dnate of the Royal Oollege of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario and Ph'et•O1a90 11.0001'
Oracmate of Toronto University, oatoa
next to Brower'u Photograph Gallery,
7 .3=i=lit,=t11Tilu i b" fp
g Winter Term Opens Jan. 2 LI
L' JL18ALO S i.
VI, 'able n01uo1 1s 1SeOgni0Od to ha one rf
q,, of the loading Domeier olds Solitude 1n ID
1 Anteriea, Our g1 aunatoo are ie de- sf
mend as Business Oollog0 teachers, a
4 rhe most recent apphaatIon wo re,
aeivod for a toaoher offorei 01100.001
per annum. We believe we are 01111
' 01ng one of the Most progressive and
bp -to -date Lnamoa0 training Bolivia 10
1 The demand upon n0 p
]Ii��}1`� times the tom- ial - / 6 several t OB
for \Vi' bel i e p
n tato ala
alto for frob a
1 w g
` Py.
,Vi fdo1,A0BL.1N
1,t ELL101.1 & ,
,-711 2*21i 1 los 11~4 Ifs ;C
''Alrrmil`."R" T.P O'11'+I➢I +BriXeseonsittss!tteawnxw 9'n 1':u,,,,°* .ar,�,... +aw�r. ergwlHrw:or
I have opened a Jewelry
Store in the McKim
Building, and 111y Stock
is new and well varied:
Special attention paid
to Repairing,
You will find my prices
9iztri.ct gam
A Goon ONE —We r000mmnnd our
readers to subeoribe to the Farmers'
Advocate end Home Magazine, the beet
AgrI0ultural Journal in Amerioe.
DR BUTLER'S VISIT.—Dr, Butler, the
London Eye Bpeuadot, will be et the
Amorioen Hotel, Brussels, on Wednee
day, Mat'Oh 19th. Glassine supplied.
Tun young ladies of Mise Jam Buch
an0t'0 elites in the Methodist Sabbath
Sobool played Santa O:aooe and left
a very neat hon bon diah with their
teacher. They were suitably thanked
for their kindness.
Pilau get quick relief from Dr. Bboop'e
Magic Ointment, Remember it's made
alone for Piles--aud it works with
certainty and oati.faation. Itobiup,
paiufnl, protruding, or blind piles dieap•
pea like magio by its nee. Try it and
see. Sold by F R Smith,
A 000D OPPORTUNITY for those who
wish to know the ouud,tion of their eyes,
whother they require glasses or if the
gaa8.e9 they have are suitable or not, aloe
for their needing arti8oial eyes. J. W
Browett, Dr. of optioe, who ie a graduate
of the best Oanodiou and Ameriout
Oolleges and has had many years exper
suite in the principal pities of both
00ntriee is teaching opticians through
Out Ontario, and will be at F. B. Smith's
Drug Store for a limited time. Mr.
Smith ie paying for the eervioes of tine
gentleman. No aharge will be made for
the examination. A. number of appoint
menta are already made and many will
take advantage of this exoeptioual op
recent evening the young men ooneti
luting Mies Minnie McNaughton'e
Bible oleo in the Methodist Babuath
Sohool here called at her home, Priuceas
street, when the following addreoe wee
read and the teacher preaented with a
0hoiee toilet set
Bliss Minnie dfoNauphtort.—
with feelings of great 'manure we have
met together this overdue. We feel we
cannot let this glad Ohrietmae season
peas without trying in a small way to
show oar esteem for yon. Anhough at
times we may appear not to appreof0te
your efforts to promote our spiritual good
and welfare we are deeply indebted to
you for the good seed sown In one bearte
and we hope and pray that the seed hes
fallen on good ground, But as a more
tangible expression of our good will we
ask you to accept this toilet set and we
hope when you look on it in future years
you m0y remember the many good timee
we have spent together. And we hope
the tie wbiob 0(10000 ns now may not
be severed for many years. Wishing
you a Merry Xmas and n Happy New
Year. Signed on behalf of your Bun
day Sohool Class,
W. E. Donoan Ernest Rozeil
Ladle Bailey Garf. MoDoiald
Alvin Stemn Erneat. Miller
Ray Fear Stanley Wheeler
David Mo0all Daniel Glassier
Baleen Wheeler Ed, Nioholson
0. Emmett oar Robt. Davidson
Muton Runde 11. J. Manning
Brussels], Deo. 24, 1906.
The rooepient woe taken by anemias but
nevertheless made an appropriate replt
for the kind words and flue gift, A
most enjoyable evening was spent, Mira
MoNaughten is a firat•olaeo teacher and
well deserved the appropriate reacenition
from the boys indicative of the good
fellowship existing. Few Wanes attend
more regularly, behave more properly
or contibuto more generously to the ob
jeot0 aimed at by the (obool.
KNi0000 or foo CLEAVER,—Our butch•
ere made a most commendable display of
Ohrfetmae meats and were deservedly
accorded many compliments by both
sightseers and ouetemore. The exbibtte
wero tastefully decorated and looked very
Moe indeed,
Mem Boos,
had in their display the following ;—
Prom David Ounoin2hem, 1601 con.,
Grey, 1 heifer, dressed 690 lbs ; from
Harry Sellers, Brd line Mottle, 1 heifer,
dreeeed, 581lbs ; from Bobt, Miller, 12th
con„ Grey, 1 heifer, dressed, 528 'be ;
from J. Jermyn, 8rd line Morrie, 1 calf,
9 weeke old, droned 160 Ibe ; from Wm,
Oakley, gravel road, Grey, 1 lamb dream
ed 80 ib('; from Alex. Bryane, James
town, 4 pigs, dressed 900 Iba, They also
had poultry, bologna, eaueagee, bead
cheese, smoked and oared me0te, &i. &a.
They never had a ,finer show and are to
be congratulated,
display was made up of the endermen•
Honed °applies ;-2 heifers, 2 years old,
fed by Alex, Buohan0n, Grey, one drag
ing 680 end the other 625 pounds ; a
heifer, 21 months old ted by Hush Moses,
Morrie, dragged 000 pouch' ; a heifer fed
by L.Wheeler, Grey, dressed 690 pounds,
h re
a heifer fed by Jno. Bno an10n Grey,
dressed 685 pounds ; a lamb fed by Jno.
Currie, dressed 75 pocnde £ 2 pigs from
Geo. Kerr, Morrie, 2 pike 1(001 Jno
Bnohauan, Grey ; 10 geese from J, Don
aram0011, of Grey, dressed 12 pounds enoh
and 12 from Jen. B. Smith, of Grey,
weighed the earns ; 12 team" from J, 111.
Sellers, Morrie. In addition there was
puddings, smoked and mired meats,
bead cheese, eaneages,boloznn and other
tansy and appetizing ertiolee in the
oghibit, and praise wee not stinted by
thn'e who saw the exhibit, Quarters of
went t Geo, MnFnr Whe
mac bent ws o G o
the S.
L, Wheeler, Geo, Johnston, D 0. Rose,
C. Wheeler, Jno, Clegg, M. Doll, J.
I3readlbot and Jay Cllegg, It'e almost
We take great )flea=euro jn announcing to the citizens of Brussels and surrounding country that
we have itlranged to have J. W. Browett, Dr. of Optics, of Philadelphia, to demonstrate in 0111'
store the most modern method of eye examination and sight testing. Wo wish to givo the pub-
lic an opportunity to consult in regard to their eyesight with an expert whose work and teach-
ing has placed hila in the first Tank of Opticians. 1)r. 13rowett will remain until we are thor-
oughly familiar with his system. flo will have entire charge of our Optical Department while
with us, and will conduct eye examination daily from 10 a. in. until 8 p. m. We hope every
sufferer will call while this optical education is going on. This opportunity began for the pub-
lic on Saturday, January 5tb, and continues for a limited time. We pay the specialist so that
consultation awl examination is free. Persons requiring glasses or artificial eyes will be fitted
at reasonable prices. Appointments are now being eecurod for consulting the specialist. Many
have already come to have their eyes examined by an expert without charge. For particulars
enquire of
too bed that such oboioe displays are
made et Obrietmae when people are too
well fed to properly appreciate the 0,a
merit 0f what our Knighte of the Oleaver,
are putting within their reads. The
people of this lo0nlity are well looked
after In the meat line end Messrs.
Bucker and Onrrie gra deserving of no
email credit for the exoelleney of the
regular weekly supply the year through.
If you are constipated, dull, or bilious
or have a Sallow lifeless complexion, try.
Lax eta just ouoe to Bee what that
will do for you. Lax ate are little tooth
some Candy tablets—nice to eat, nice fu
•£feat. No griping, no pain. ;Mota
gentle laxative effect that is pleasingly
desirable, Handy for the vest pocket or
puree. Lax ate meet every desire. Lax
eta come to you in beautiful Ilthograph,.d
metal boxes at 5o and 25 oonte, Bold by
F, R. Smith.
A Hurd Case Overcome
No longer 000800ary to suffer from
mueoolar rhrnmariem. Every ease aen
tie cured Ferrozone is unfailing aa
proved by David Johnston, of Ormond,
Ont. "My wife wee a dreadful sufferer"
Ele writes, "For two years she could
oareely do any work. Her knuckles and
ratite swelled, mining torture. 'To get
up or down attire was impossible. She
took box utter box of Ferrozone and
rubbed the Bore planes with Nerviline.
Improvement started and she mended
est. To day she fa quite oared and we
hank Ferrozone for her recovery." Nn
emedy more popular with doctors than
Ferrozone ; it doea cure, 500 per box at
ell dealers.
& r .
[Intended for last week.]
Curio's VIOYORY.—A very pleasant
end lutere0lmg event tock plane on the
ve0tng of Wednesday, Deo. 26th, at
the residence of John Dunbar, 4011 eon.,
when his etdeat daughter, Mies Lida,
eoame the bride of Peter Lamont, of
be 811 eon„ in the preeenoe of upwards
t 100 guests. At flee o'alaok, to the
trains of Mendelsohn's Wedding March,
played by Mine Nina Dunbar, the bridal
couple took their pleats ander an arab
of evergreen where the m18tia words
were spoken, making the happy couple
ane. The bride, who was unattended,
was beautifully dressed in a Princess
sown of !lend embroidered oaebmere
trimmed with applique and point de
eeprite and carried a bouquet of cream
rosea and Lilies of the Valley. After
the usual good wiehee were 80(000eed
he company was regaled by a sump.
00008 repast of good thing,, the supper
being a triumph of oulinary art. The
-emainder of the evening was pleasantly
pent in musk', afetal ohat and danodng.
Ube wedding gifts were numerous and
useful. The company diepereed in the
wee eon' hours of the morning wishing
Mr, and wire. Lamont the beat of every
thing. They have taken up reeidenoe on
the groom'e fine farm, 8 h eon,, wbsre
we Cruet they will epend many happy
and proeperone gran.
Proved .later Fuer Years
The teat of time sae proved that Pot
name Ooru Extender mares quicker,
,vith lees dieoomfort and mere thoroughly
than any thing else. Oontaine no acids,
to purely vegetable and abeolotely guar
'anteed: Ineiet on "Flotuam'e" only—it's
the beat,
.&11W 00(1.
Mies Annie Switzer left for Wheatley,
where she began her duties' as teacher.
Mre• Barry Campbell is now able to be
up and around after live weeks' ao0fine
went owing to it badly sprained ankle.
Robert Knox hes all hie gravel, rend
and briok on his lot for Otte new house.
The material was ell drawn by the
armors who formed a bee and soon had
the material on bond.
Call and inspect my geode and oom-
per0 Prices, Quality and Design in all the
latest Novelties. I am hatter prepared
than ever bot're and oat convince the
shrewdest buyer that they inn get the
best value in my lino ever offered, Any-
Ihieg sold le sold 0triatly on its "Quality"
or looney refunded,
loly OPTICAL PARLOib is conrplet-
ed nab threw requiring Glasses will fled
that Stratton's fs tho place to get ail the
latest methods; 0
i f proper testing.
l 0
Cordial invitation to all. S,
Sign of the Golden (Molt,
Rev. H. P. Westgate °pent hie New
Year Holiday with his p0renee fu Wat.
Fred. McNeil left for Btratbroy where
he inte0de raking a course in the Dairy
ieboolin that plane.
George Curry sae made a deal with
Mr. Groeob, of Milverton, and exobaugee
oma store ort Main street, at present oat
smiled by Mr. Siuolair, for a large eoety•
tette gee plant, capable of providing euffi
went light to enpply all the boriueas
puma in Atwood, ae well as private
houses• ,MO. Curry hes eeoured the
building to the rear of H. Porter'e prop
arty, formerly need a0 a etoble and etore
room and will instal the plant in the
course of a few weeks.
Oronp an positively be stopped in 20
minimal. No vomiting— nothing to
00001011 or distress your 'Mild, A sweet
pleasant and safe syrup, called Dr.
dhoop'e Oroup Orme, data the work and
does it quickly. Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure
to for Croup alone, remember. It dose
um claim to !fore a dozen ailments. It'B
for Oroup, that's ell. Bold by F. R.
Friday, January 11th the 100 sore
farm, West of Ethel, belonging to Mrs
ante Holland, of Toronto, will be offered
for sale at the Royal Hotel here, by F
S. $aott, auctioneer, by pabli0 emotion,
at 2 o'clock. It will be Bold subject to a
reserve bad. Jno, Bateman is the pre°.
ant tenant,
W i llllat7tia.
Mre. R. M. Robinson bad the role•
fortune to (all in her home and break
one of her arms.
Wm. Baberteon, formerly of Wingham
has been appointed sub -agent for Dom
.'ton lands at Renton, Alberta,
The work of finishing the Hospital
ready for opening goes an nicely, sod
to nearly competed. It is expected
that it will be ready for oaoupetion in
two weeks.
Dr. A. J. Irwin having resigned as
the Public Sahara Board's representative,
a ape01al meeting of the Public Sohool
Board was held when Dr, R. 0. Red-
mond was eeleated.
Mre. Leomdaa Hubbard, the intrepid
explorer of Labrador, will lecture in
Wiugbum on Jau. 17111, under the au
sp1008 of the Epworth League. The
008000, photographed by Mrs. Hubbard,
will be shown on the canvas by Rev.
'T, B. Boyle, with the aid of his ele0tr10
The following ofiloere have been elect•
ed by Court Maitland, Canadian Order
of Foresters, for thi0 year :-0, R„ Jae.
nitoheu ; V. 0. R., J. A. Dey; Treas.,
W. J. Neil, Fin, Seo., H. B. Ei (oat ;
Reo. See., 8. A. Maguire ; Chaplain,
M. Beckwith ; 8. W., A. Campbell ;
J. B , F. H. Roderue ; Auditor, J. A:
Day ; Trustees, J. Batton, A. Clamp.
bell, F. H. Roderns,
The auntie) election of officers in 0.
Y. B. Lodge, No. 11 (Wiugbum) took
elate ae follows it—W. Master—Jno,
Robertson ; Dep.•Maeter—W m. Adams;
Rea. Sen.—Alex. Robertson ; Fin. Seo.
—Joe. Gnaet; Treas.—Geo. Kerr ; D.
of 0.-R. Golley ; Lret.—Maxwell
Abraham ; I, T.—J. Reid ; 0 T.—F.
Oaermare. Committee—George For
gnoon, F. Gueet, R. Oa.vert, A, Camera
J. Mensa.
Pity The May Office Man
He feels half dead, a sense of ' mosea,
headoohe and nerve straits, He is on the
verge of breakdown through overwork
and look of exercise. These difficulties
are best overcome by Dr. Hamilton's
Pills which make the bowels aotive,
stimulate kidneys and liver and thereby
free the eyetem of impurities. To re
vitalize and 801mnla18 your whole being,
to shake off lethargy end tredneee,
nothing compares with Dr, Bamiltmf'e
Pills which do make good looks, good
spirits, good health. Bold everywhere in
25o boxes.
Cr1Ltnk)r00 Ir.
Mien Margaret MoTeggart, of Bt,
Thomas and Damian Taylor, of Bothwell,
attended the funeral of Mrs. James Mo
Nam, or thin vtlinge.
OnITUARY.—On Friday evening, Deo,
28th a most respected resident in the
person of Mary, beloved wife of James
McNair panned over to the great maj,n0ty
in her 04th year. Deoeaeed was born do
Tarbott, Argyleabire, Bootlaud, and came
to Oauada at the age of 4 years along
with iter parents, when they sett ed iu
the township of Yermoath. In 1862 she
was united in marriage to her now be•
raft pornn•r,coming to what was then
an almost unbroken forest and Battling ou
a farm on the 16th eon , of Grey, where
they resided until eix y08r0 ago when
they retired and took up reeidenoe in the
village. Bra obildre
, born to them
n were e o
four of whom predooeueed her mime years
ago. 'Three brothers and one Meter 0111'.
viva, John and Dougal MaTaggart, of
the nth eon of Grey, and Duuoan end
Margaree on the old homeeteod in Tar.
mouth, Mre. MoNair wan a faithful
wife and unselfish mother, enduring with
a fortitude equalled by law the hardokipe
and privations inspirable from a pioneer
life She wan n e ht' nt member of the
Presbyterian oharoh for over fifty yoare
andbe delight wee to be found 11a ularl
r g
to se the home. of Ken to hear what God
the Lord had to say unto her. She had
been in felling beans over a year bot
Regular Meetings
East Iluron
Farmers' Institute
will be held as follows :—
Brussels January 10
Afternoon—W 0 Shearer, of Brighton,
"Rotation of Drops and selection of toed
grain ;" H Jtne0, 0f Maitland, "How t0 men-
ace ,1110 orchards "
liveoiug—W 0 Shearer, "Poultry raising
tar the boys;' H Jo0ea,"Balanoouf Nature,
Bird Life and Insect World"
Wroxeter January 12
Afternoon --W 0 Shearer, "Rotation of
crops fwd selection rd seed gram 1" H Jones,
'Hop to !Wattage our oresarde,"
0veoiog—W C Shearer, "Butter making
n the foam ;" B. JUDOS. "Balance of Nature,
Bird Lilo sad !ascot World"
Afternoon meetings amnesties at 1.10
Evening meetings 0omm0000 at 7.90.
Musical prograw will be given at the even-
ing meetings.
Taos, idOMILLAN. President,
P.A. MoenTaun, Beoretary,
an saoident in the Fall when ebe was
'brown from the buggy by a frightened
horse, greatly ioareaeed her sufferings
and uo doubt hastened her end,
Through it ail she evinced that 0o0rak0
and Obriatfan patienc0 that characterized
her whole life and when the end Dame it
was peace. She will long be kindly re.
membered by the many who knew her
for her good cheer stud hospitality to one
and all. The bereaved will be widely
symprthized with in their sorrow. In
ferment woo made in Oraobroak cemetery
un Mouday afternoon, Rev, D. B. Mo•
Rae oondnating a suitable and impressive
A Case In Went ArICLat
Mre. A. P. Ferguson a wall known Cape
Bretoner bas onred asthma by "Catarrh
ozone." Her statement is oonvinolug ;
"Although I wee troubled for yoare it
was only recently I tried Catarrhozone.
When attack °torted I got out my in•
haler and invariably got 90i& relief.
1 ooutiuued the treatment tin one bottle
was fivaebed. 1 did'nt nee more because
I was oared and the asthma bee never
returned." Oetarrhozoneis sure death
to asthma and bronchitis, Try it end
be oo"vinoed, Two eizee, 25o cud 81.00
et ail dealers.
Robb, McKay left for Shelburne where
he will reside in the future,
Recently Reeve Sloan sold a team of
farm horeee to Jno. Gillespie, of White.
ehuroh,for the Bona of 9400.
On Suede}, January, 20100, Rev. Mr,
Wishart, of Brunie, will preach anni•
vereary sermons in St. Andrew's' ebermb,
MATniatetuAL,—A very pretty wedding
took place ou Wednesday, December,
16101, at four p. m. at the home of Daniel
qui Mre. Kennedy, when their sewed
daughter, Mise Mae, was united in the
holy bonds of matrimony to Geo. E.
Moore, of Benmiller. The bride entered
the room on the arm of her Lather to the
attains of the weddinglmaroh played by
,ties Leila Begley, end took her place
under au arch of evergreens trimmed
with billeting. The bride wore a beaati•
fol dreee of oream taffatta Bilk daintily
rimmed with obiffon and ribbon, wearing
a beaming bridal veil caught with Mulish
sot white ribbon. The ceremony wee
,.erformed by Rev. S. Anderson, pastor
of the Methodist church, Blyth. After
the happy rumple received oungretulatione
•rum the guseite 70 in number, all sat
down to the well spread wedding dinner.
The dining room wee deourated with
vergree0: boughs auo red white and bine
minting. The bride's present(' were
numerous aid wetly. Guaira from a
110Bfan00 were Ed., Mre, and Been
Castle°Wm. and Mra, Johnston, Jobe
Oborohill, Mies Orouau, Mtasee Lily and
Money Randa, Jae. and Mrs. Smolt, Meta
Maude Osborne and Mr. Eastman, of
Olintoe ; George and Mre. Oolviu and
family, Peter and Fire McQuarrie nun
Mire Annie and Willie, Frank Smith, o£
Br00eele ; Geo, 111. Mitchell, of Ethel ;
Harvey McGee, of Auburn ; Ward and
Mre, Gadbtll, Faroe aud Mre. Walters,
Richard and Mre, Moore, Dave Minion,
Wm and Min Ada Moore, of BeuiiIler t
Bernice Payne, of Jamestown, and
numerous guests from town, The brido'e
•eoeption suit woe navy blue chiffon
broadamth, with white hat trimmed arab
white wings and ribbon. A very enjoy
able evening wile event in danoiug until
he email hours of the morning. The
young couple will make their home in
Night oomee mud Ifs hard to Bleep,
Morning dawn(' and the anxione tired
feeling0(•11 t Unwilling to et
is t hake. U
g iN
np, a strong de8110 to root jut a hale
miner. Unwise to neglect tile gradual
online. It can't ante itself,—bot Ferro
zone by t'i'ming Hall pare blood at uncle
0upplio0 nutriment toe building up the
„,,,e,, ' yettlytot Pee d w..lasee
ttC1g,;,ki4:R the consumptives of ainy
given community be seen at one time,
or pais in panorama before the peo:male,
public consciousness ofthe magnitude
of the afidtion might be aroused. A
physical disaster shocks the wt..,r k and
lets loose the sympathy of m.rdoEe A
few thousand deaths are (1OthiNg ass
compared with the deaths f roam con-
sumption.” LAWRENCE F. FLICK, 141i,1�,9
Medical Director of Henry Phipps Institute for the Study, Treatment
and Prevention of Tuberouloele.
Many reasons surely must infiuence men and
women to help in the great work being carried on by the
Other hospitals refuse the consumptive. This
institution cares for them.
Not a single applicant has ever been
refused admission to the Muskoka Free
Hospitai for Consumptives because of
his or her poverty.
Seven hundred and thirty-eight patients have
been cared for since the Free Hospital was opened
in 1902. Take a week's record :
63 patients in residence; 37 absolutely
free, not paying a copper toward their
maintenance; 15 paying 54? cents a day
or less; 5 paying $4.001 a week ; 4 paying
$5.00; nate paying 57.00.
These figures tell plainly of a large deficit on maintenance
account each month. To cover
this the trustees are dependent
upon the contributions that
come to them from friends in alt
parts of Canada.
Not since the days of :;—v'-
George Muller has so great a '�th-.,'.,-,,;,,c ,-^
work of faith been carried on.
1000111100. 000.1030001001Vhe.
Contributions may be sent to SIR WM. R. MEREDITH, Kt., Chief
Justice, Osgoode Hall, T,ronto, or W. J. Gage, Esq.,
54 Front Strl et, W., Toronto.
Applications for admission and all information from
J. S. ROBERTSON, Secretary Yational Sanitarium Association,
(Saturday Night Building), 28 Ad elaide Street, W., Toronto, Canada.
rwc.,u,�e ,-..,.netre,,Wl0 Nae. -1'
No. S
eyetem. This extra nonriehment ie
distributed throughout the entire body, ;
gives force to the nerves, strength to the
muscle, and power to the digestive organa.
At once you Leel bread, toned,etrevgth• '
eyed. You know a powerful foroe is 1
building up depleted energies, you realize
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spirit of robust health. Search the 1
world over and you won't find a tonin to
nourish, build up and trinity a weak 1
body like Ferrozone. Phymioiane oleim 1
it be the beet all round and strengthening
medicine ever discovered. To take '
Ferrozone regularly is an indnranoe
policy of health, a guarantee that you
will be tree from vexatious spells of
tiredneee and debiliating eiokneee of every
kind. Sorely its worth while trying a
medicine that Mre. H. 8. Gold, of Bowe -
roan, Man., speaks of as follows : "I
want to state my ate, because I think it
may be the mane of aseieti0g other
suffering women to health. A year ago I
was almost a wreak. I was pale and
emaciated, suffered from nervoneneee mid
hysteria. Little things that went wrong
in the hones bothered me. The doctor
advised different treatments,but they
didn't help. He said my low condition
of health was due to weakneee that might
never beamed. Ferrozone had a peonliar
grateful effect end built me up quickly,
1 am now strong and vigorous, and vette
made so by Ferrozone," (Signed) Mrs,
H, B. Gold. Before your ill health ace
sums a chronic or malignant form build
up with Ferrozone. Sold everywhere,
50o per box or civ for 62.60 at ell dealers'.
Pain in the head—pain anywhere, hos its muco,
Pkat is eon gestion, pain is blood pressure—nothing
else usually. At least, so says Dr. Shoop, and to
Prove it he has created a little pink tablet. That
tablet—called Dr, Shoop's Headache Tablet—
coaxes blood pressure away from pain centers.
Its el/valet-t, awning, pleasingly dotigktful. Gently.
though safely, it surely eeuatizes the blood Chou.
lotion, j
13 you have a headache, it's blood pressure.
11 it's painful periods with w001011, ammo cause.
If you are alerpt'os, tvstkse, nervous, it's blood
eongasticn—blood p ,faire. That surely is o
certainty, for 18 Almoy s Headache Tablets atop
It in 30 mime.... a'ld the tablets simply distribute-
the unnature; blond pressure.
Bruise your linger. and doesn't it get red, and'
swell. and Nil, yon'? Of coarse it does. It's Too..
gostion. Mead press0r0. You'll dialit where pain,
is—always IE•s simply Cunneen ranee.
We tell at 25 cents, and cheerfully recommend
r. Shoop's
A trial will convince everyy honoowifeinCanada that "Reflnnce!SrakIn(l Powder"
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premium often to Boys and Carle, If interested drop 110 a postai.
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t' 1 eei1101111 stton01
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nt 1 food �o
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din r Y
Pur to P,t., t
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As P
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