HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-1-10, Page 34
inersocrote Geo o -o -c>000.04:100.42
Don't internipt your father when bo's
telling funny Jokes
• Don't interrupt yew' when she's
eeterteining fo 1115 ;
Don't interrupt a visitor when he bas
come to cult ;
In lust, 11wieer not to Interrupt at all.
Willie was a YOU smell boy, but his
hither warded him to he bravo and
numly, and was always read,/ to encour-
lige Win 0 anything Met would help to
make him so. As they lived in the coun-
try, riding on horseback was ono of the
things he would need lo know,
Ono evening, when Mr. Lenox came
'home, Willie begged to ho allowed to
ride the horse around to the stable.
Ills father said, "Yee," and dismount-
ing, kissed the little fellow up intohls
place, and, putting the bridle into his
hand4, charged 11/111, W1111101,01' kap-
pelled, 10 1101t1 COM to the bridle and
stick on.
As Don and Willie trotted soberly off,
the father went through tho back way
to get Don's supper and bed ready by
the limo they gut there.
Going presently to Ilse door to see if
they wero coming, lie gave a shuttled
"Whew 1" For they were indeed ooming
—in a sweeping gallop.
Wiitie's hal was gone and his hair fly-
ing In the breeze, but his father was
thankful to see that be was holding fast
le the bridle with both bonds, and that.
his chubby little baro feet were clinging
securely to the horse's side.
Willie gave a sigh of relief ns they
aproached the stable door, and he saw
/Oa father standing, with calmly folded
arms, watching them.
11 father isn't, scented, I won't be
0111u1," thought Willie, and called out
bravely, "Father, must I keep sticking
"1'es, keep sticking on. and hold fest
1,0 ale bridle," 1110 father replied steadily,
"All right," the little fellow called back
es Den swept passed, .widle the father,
with trembling faith und love, was ask-
ing God to lake care of 1114 little boy.
What lind nettled lite usually goad -
natured skeet nobody over knew. But
atter passing the stable door, his pace
begun immeMately in slacken, thinking
of Um supper he was leaving behind.
And before they were out, if sight the
plucky little fellow on his back had
courage to pull to Ilan right, nnd let him
know that it wos time le be going home.
Don promptly obeyed this lime, and
walked beck al his accustomed gait.
"Father, 1 did slick on—didn't 1?"
Willie said promptly us he tumbled off
into his father's arms.
"Thank God, you dtd, my boy!"
Then Willie 11110W the reason his
father could be so breve for his lilIlo boy
wos because ho we's asking his heavenly
Father to take care of him.
There was once a little shepherd boy
who wits so fend of drawing that he
(18(11 10 111111)0 SiellireS 011 rocks and
stumps, and pieces of wood, using char-
coal for a 11111811. One day tt great pain-
ter came along and watched the boy at
his work, and went away saying, "That
boy will make a greater paintee than I
am." And he did, kw he WOS Giotto,
who revived Italian art.
In the year 1825 a Scoleh boy of ten
years went to work as a "Weed," in a
Glasgow factory. Ile had to work from
six In the morning 011 eight at night.
With his first. week's wages ho purchased
A coy of Huddler:la's Rudiments of
Latin." At the age of sixteen lie knew
Horace and Virgil, and W05, pursuing a
systematic course of reading.
Then he studied medicine, and al the
age of twenty lie Banda up his mind to
be a missionary and go to Africa. Ile
wos able lo carry nut his plans, and be-
came the Remus Dr. Livingstone.
A ffille Tyrolese boy who loved to
paint made his tirsi attempts at coloring
Will). juices pressed from flowers. With
these colors he painted all sorts of pic-
tures on the while side of his father's
collegello lived to be the famous
painter, Titian, the founder of the Venc-
Ran School of Art.
There WAS 0000 11 boy who was al-
woye •asking questions and trying lo
find out ahout things. Ile was 11 great
hand al reading hooks, but he loved best
to be making experiments. When he
was twelve years old he bought e 101 of
cheirdente and set up a little experimere
ling luboratory in a luggage car. Some
ono asked one day what lie would like
to be. "Oh, an inventor," he answered.
HO was Thomas Edison, who, besides
his wonderful discoveries in electricity
and numy remarkable inventions, has
made some of Mc most, useful machines
for the benefit, 01 1110111)10)),
One day a young German Ind was en -
waged in reading an exciting story. in
the middle of his reading ho paused and
tossed 1110 book aside. "rhis will never
do," he suid. "it is too stimulutIng; I
00111101 study so well after it," lie never
rear' another novel, but devoted himself
to philosophical 111111 80101111f10 WOI'k.
'11118 boy was afterwards Um famous
philosopher, Johann Clotlieh Fichte.
These examples, to which could he
added namy more, tarnish an interes-
ting lesson to every boy, however poor,
Boys who have an object in life, boys
who tulip advinitogo of their opportuni-
live, and who imply Ihemselves with
diligence to their bushiesssethese two the
boys 10110 melte successful men, as 100
soy. And if they use their gifts in filo
servire of God and man, they ttre Stio-
cessfill indeed,
The serpent was (trilling 0 hatch of
Pew recruits.
"Why is 11," ho said to a brighldnelt-
Ins chop, "that Inc blade 01 your sabre
is curved instend of straight?"
'rho blade is einvsl," the remit
answered, 'In order to give more force
1) the Now,"
"Nonsense," sold ilie sergeent, "The
blade is colaed '11 1151 to II the seabba141.
11!! 1(118 straight, how Would yeti get it
the curved scebbard, yon idiot PI
Teething Babies
are saved sufferlog—and mothers
giver) rest—when oue uses
Nurses'and Mothers' Treasure
Quickly relieves—reguletes the
bowels — prevents convulsions.
Used so years. Absolutely safe,
At drug.Storra, 25c, 0 bottles, 01.25,
National Drug St Chemical Co., Limited,
Sole Proprietors, Montreal, 41
Beets liege, Gambetta and Napoleon in
Vote of French Populace,
An inieresting coolest, is in progress
among the readees of the Petit IterIsien
to cheerio by vote who Is the greatest
man 111 the modern history of Frence,
Al p,,,sent Pasteur, with 215,725 voles)
heads Itio list, Victor Hugo Is second,
Gambetta third and Napoleon fourth,
Mud) public interest is taken in the
contest, for, owing to the Immense cir-
culation 0( 1(10 Petit. Parieien, the result
will give a very fair idea 01 1110 °pin-
tail of the majority of Frenchmen as to
Eranoes greatest. man.
You Must Agree in This:—
Tett headache does not necessarily
mean Mere Is anything wrong with
your head! That hong so, you must
look to some other organ for the trou-
ble. le the ache in the foltehead, and
does 11 cense if you press it? That is
neuralgic headache. Is 11 on one side
cf We head only? That is 11111(1 11)0 doc-
tors call "megrim." Both these forms
arise from 1001c of lone in the system.
19 your headache general and accom-
panied by sickness or foul breath or
constipation? Tha1 kind of headache
is doe to liver and stomach disorder.
Nine headaches in ten arise from these
causes. Biteans correct the organs
which by their derangement are mus-
ing L110 trouble, and core headaehe Ly
their beneficial operation on tho diges-
tive system, tho Boyce and the blood.
;tilts. 0. 11. Black, of 35 Blevins Place,
Toronto, says: "I suffered acutely from
headache. The attacks Wen /11051
lent told (1111(10 me so Ill I could thirdly
do anything. The headache was accom-
panied by digestive trouble, heartburn,
and constipation, and It seemed as if I
were going from bad to worse. Until I
tried liileans I was unable to get any-
thing which gave me relief. !Means,
however, acted 11110 atingle. They not
only enre(1 the headaehe, but also re -
hove] me of the indigestion, heartburn
and constipation. No ftunily should bo
without a box of Weans on the shelf."
Bileans are 0. cure for all digestive
and liver disorders, constipation, piles.
debility, anmniin, blood impurities,
colds and chills, rheumatism, wind
spasms, remote ailments and Irregularl-
ties, sallew complexions (due to bile in
the blood), dizziness, ale. All druggists
and stores sell them at 50e, a box, or
post free from the Oilcan Co., Toronto,
for price. 0 boxes for $2.50.
111000,000 to Be Saved by Employing
L0110 flange Water Power.
A colossal scheme of power develop -
1)1 is said to be on the point of realize. -
tion 111 France. 11 13 proposed to utilize
the river Rhone for the development 01
electricity for the city of Pads. Light,
heat and motive power aro promised at
the cheapest, rate in the world.
The originator of the idea is an engi-
neer named Male. His plans have the
indorsement of the Nallonni School of
Highways and Bridges, and of the
Society of Electro -technicians, The
enterprise is so assured that contracts
for the delivery of current in Paris at an
early date are already being negotiated.
The water is to be drawn from the
Rhone aL Crezln not far from the famous
Porte du Rhone or Falls of Bellegorde
where the river, already of great
volume, draining Os IL does Lake
Geneva, plunges for 300 yards or there-
abouts through a chasm which it bas
scored for itself in the solid rock.
The water diverted through a sluice-
way will he impounded to the 1111101131E Of
2,00(1,000 cubic) metres, or about 2.666,000
cubic yerds, on the level of Collonges
and returned to the river through a
double tunnel of 4,500 metros, or Omit,
4,750 yards, wills a fall of 05 metres.
This will furnish a 0011', 1118 calculated,
equivalent to 100,000 hoise-power.
The electric current, is to he developed
by 4S dynamos divided info groups, each
driven by a turbine of 10,000 horse-
power. The lines to Paris will be as
direct as possible; the distance is be -
Leven 250 and 1100 miles, but no special
difficulties ere expected. Some long
linos of delivery in Americo and one in
Sweden, supplying Stet:hotel kom 11
distance 0( 11110 ictiometres, or 360 miles,
have been studied in the preparation of
tho plans, and are (mated as showing
that the enterprise is entirely possible,
IL is calculated that the delivery 0( 1(10
net elect*: pottier from these works in
NHS 118 compared with the development
of 1110 8111110 enemy on the spot by coal
consemption will effect a net, annual
economy of about 20,000,000 francs, or
The population of England at, the
bine of WIlliam the Conqueror did not
meow.] 2,000,000, all told,
Toronto Man Claims lo Have Mothine
For Generation of Working
A Toronto inventor believes he bile
solved the problem of perpetual motio11
foe the generation of power, That is the
10111P10 etatement of a fact which if borne
out in deed 111011118 0110 of the greatest
lents in 11)0 history of the world.
For hundreds of yours 1! groat
mm1111111011 minds of the earth have
delved into this tremendous mystery lo
little or no success; thousands ei Might
intellects 110Vts been dimmed through
close and fruitless application to the
solution of this gigantic question; 1I10
asylumo have harbored dozens of dis-
appointed seekers after the right idea ;
a mint of money has been cast, upon this
wilderness of 0001111, tI1(1 never bus any-
thing dime back.
Perpetual motion that would generate
power would revolutionize the industrial
world. Think of Um vast saving in fuel;
of Ole universal oveetuening of the pre-
sent systems of supplying prattles No
moro deem or electricity needed in the
fadoelas; machines no longer dependent
upon flre as a nisi cause. 11,0p0115 up
such a vast field of thought and specu-
lation that one is astounded, ever-
whelmed at the very suggestion.
With so many thousands of the
brightest minds perpetually delving into
Ibis great, and hitherto unsolvable prob-
lem there could not but be some inroads
made upon it. The mechanical geniuses
have evolved it so far as to secure regu-
lar moticm within a machine, but have
ncvee been able to advance beyond that.
The difficulty has been that the velocity
Imparted by the downward motion hes
been just or more than equalled by tho
necessity 01 1101111111(1 the weight back to
position again. Always, or netney so, the
fundamental idea has been the wheel,
and about all that has been 0000111-
1'lISI10(1 is to secure speed enough 111 the
nue half of the circle to overcome the re-
sistance 111 the other. And this meant
an unsteady, irregular motion without
power other than Mat required to keep
Itself going, and was utterly valueless
except that it was a step toward the
solutIon—peehaps. Clocks have been
Invented Mat required 110 winding, and
that possibly Is the best. that has been
The Toronto man, who, for obvious
reasons, is not revealing his identity at
the present moment nor his place 01
abode, nor his workshop, Is positive
that, he has a solution 01 11)0 momentous
problem. As he put, 11,—"I have got it
and 1 will be ready to show it to the
world dirty in the new year." Ito end
aside 1110 "wheel" idea. altogether and
worked along original lines. With a
small model he has generated enough
power to work a sewing machine, not
fitfully or spasmodically, but smoothly
and regularly, and in this much alone ho
has surpessed ' all other inventors in
this direction. If a small machine can
do that, why can't a larger one develop
power enough to revolutionize the whole
industrial [yule?
As a molter of fact he has got beyond
tho theoretical stage. Ile has solved.
that. Now he is about to take the last
step, the flnol trial, that will in a month
or two give the world one of its most
magnificent inventions or—record ano-
ther 01 (110 countless failures. No, it win
not be a failure in any event, for he has
evidently ihe right idea, and 1( 110 does
not come to a practical solution he has
at least gone beyond any of his prate-
cesSors and has opened up the field
anew along lines that aro new and that
may later lead other minds to the final
Al the present moment ho Is having a
machine built along the lines of his
model, and he estimates that it will
generate 200 horse power. 11 11. will, the
vast problem is solved, and the world,
industrial and otherwise, will be revolu-
tionized; 1( 11, will not—perhaps Ile may
be tibia to correct in the larger machine
the defects that are not apparent in the
At soy rate, the world any well emit
the outcome 01 11115 next experiment with
bated breath.
The British Government, it is under-
stood, has a standing offer of ten mil-
lions for the practical solution of this
problem. so Woes oo her leg for ISO years. Ihree
Clara's 1Itaing Mun--Wou't you play
something for us, Maud?
Maud—What (hall it be?
0111111 0, anything you 01111 think ef
that's oppropriele.
Aloud—Then ('11 plity something Sett.
The lent (1 some Alislralien rabbile
show a gradual adaptation to ra new
opuin of locomotion. The rehlets tiinf
beinallIfflE; climbers, and often nseend
toss; in 10e11).011 for food; WWIIfeel, 01
cemespience, aro said to bo growing
slighter, and the clews lunger end
They ries Nut Violent In Aelion.--
ti ne perons, when they wish to
(*rues, ,&10111pelf, resint in Epsom
and ether purgative salts. These are
speedy in their viten, but servo AO pet"-
-11111110111 plod. Their 1150 produces in-
cipknO, chills, and 11 persisted In they
injure the stomach. Nor do they act
upon the intestines in a benefletul way.
Patenelee's Vegetate° Pills answer all
purpeses in this resped, and have no
Ono num makesall the burglars' jern-
intim In London, The police know the
man Voll, and are fully aware of his
peculiar !rode; but there Is no law by
10111011 he can be arrested or stopped.
Catarrh and Colds Relieved In 10 to 60
MinuteS.—One short, puff of the breath
through the blower supplied with each
hOttle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder
diffuses this powder over the eurface of
the nasal passages, Painless and delight.
ful to use. It relieves instantly and per-
manently cures catarrh, hay fever, colds,
headache, soro throat, tonsilitis and
deafness.. 60 cots -41
The average age of brides in Great
110111110 at present is stilted to be iwen-
ty-SIX, and of bridegrooms twenty-
Success 10 Llte in dependent upon good health.
you ore ont of sorts, ill or feeble, (eke
"Forrovlan." TVs the best 001144 01 bottins,
AD medicine dealers.
A lawyer had tits portrait taken in his
favorite attitude — standing with his
halals In his pockets. His friends and
clients who went to see 1111 exclulined:—
"Oh, how like the origlnel!" "'Taint
like him," said an old farmer; "don't you
sec he's gat his hands in his own
An End to Bilious ITeadaelle.-13ilious-
ness, which is caused by exeessive
in the stomaell, has a marked effect up -
CM WO nerves, and often manifests It-
self by severe headache. This is the
11)(14 distressing headnehe one can
have. 'chore are headaches from cold,
helm fever, anal from other caus)•s, but
the must exerueleting of 011 111 1110 11111 -
Otis headache. Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills will cure 11—eure it almost Im-
mediately. It will disappear ns snon
a- the Pills operate. There Is nothing
surer 111 the treatment df bilious head-
"Chorlie," said his mother, "when
that, boy threw stones at you, why
didn't you come and call me?"
"Call your' replied Charlie. in tones
at disgust, "Why, you couldn't hit 0
barn door,"
Yet Zani-Buk has Completely Cured.
So powerful are the healing eseenees
in Zain-Buk that in some cases which
have been pronounced beyond relief
they have worked complete core I Such
an instance is just reported from Inver -
may, Sask. Airs. J. M. McCormick, of
Mat' place, says: "Abotit seven years
ago lily face broke out in eough red
blotches, which 1)01110(1 end Itched and
smarted in turn ahnost beyond endur-
Sliee. 1 11'1011 every remedy I could get
for taco ond skin troubles, but In vain.
1 consulted doctors, and they told me
there was absolutely no cure for me,
but that I should havo to wail until I
outgrew the disease.
"Finally my husband sent for a sample
al Zarn-Bok. We applied some to ft
91111)11 patch of the disease, and to our
delight the portion treated with 'Sam-
Buk very quickly healed. We then ob-
tained a peoper supply, and began tho
Zuni-Buk treatment. 1 1101 110W delighted
to slate that after having used a few
boxes, I am completely cured. I w111
never be without 7.0111-11511 in the house
as tong as I Ilve, and to all who aro
troubled with skin diseases in any dant
I would Say, 1001110 110 time in obtaining
a supply of Z0111-Buk, 1 have since ob-
tained 0 supply for an old lady who had
the perpetual mollen Mee hes rim
[Sesingli wnolo life and he is at last
anima to mist the die of success, let it be
hoped. All others have failed and the
world has been disappointed so often
that 11 18 inclined to vlew such attempts
as a waste of lime, energy and money ;
to look upon them na fruitless and the
problem ns unsolvable. But, because all
others have foiled is no reason why 1111s
ono should, however great the odds
against his success..
Non-pnytnent 1(11110 10 Rejection of Pro-
bably Peat:dile Payment.
Two theeeders named smell ens sss.
godzie, of Vienna, have brolight an
(tenon for $2,000, which they allege they
hove lost by Ilia non-pnyment of half a
They protected at tho German Patent
011100 a contrivonce to prevent accidents
in working cranes, the yearly peplum!,
being $37.50. This antonnt was calcu-
lated by the Austrion postal scrota' and
duly sent by post -office order.
The 13801111 postal ftuthorilies, however,
cleansed that [Ile amount received was
one-eighth of a penny less than the sum
(hie, and sent two notices to the inven-
tors' bgent asking for the balence,
As the notices were disregarded, the
Patent 00100 declined the potent, lapsed,
'rho Inventors have note brought thefr
notion against Moir agent for 00(1101 10
felling to pay the extra halleferthing,
boxes were sullicitant to Muss. tixe
Zam-Bulc cures cuts, burns, brulses,
scalds, eczema, scalp sores, pimples,
poisoned wounds, childeen's rashes,
ulcers, boils, elscesses, itch, sore back,
festerieg and discharging wounds, eic.
Used as an embrocation 11 cures 111)0011?
11118111, Scintlea and Cold on the Chest.
.A.II druggists nod stores sell Zuni -Rol( at
50c, per box, or obtainable from the
Z110,11111: Co., Toronto, for price, 0 boxes
for $2,50.
Costomer—Whatl Irifly cents for that
chicken? 1)0n't you take anything off?
Butcher—No, sir, no, str, not even 11
log. 1 am willing you should have it
Dear NUther
Your little ones ere a constant care kt
Fall and Winter weather. They will
catch told. Do you know about Shiloh's
Consumption Cure, the Lune Tonic., and
what tt has done foe so many ? It is said
to bo tho only reliable remedy for all
diseases of the air passages in children.
Itis absolutely hannleta and pleasant to
take, his guaranteed to cure or your Money
is returned, The rice is 25c, per bottle,
and all (1881081 1)1 medicine sell 363
Xhis remedy stould io avec), l'ousellold,,
is the greatest food and tissue
builder IfflOW11. It has no equal as a
mare fin. all westing diseases, and
throat, chest and bang troubles, it is
tt germ destroyer and strength produe-
et , nourishing and restoring the vital
()mans, II is 11 perfect food and valu-
able medicine combined. it Ls pleasant
to take. it Is predigested and easily
borne by tht; most delicate stomach.
Doctors Prescribe It
Many of the most prom/nen!, Medical
men prescribe it in their regular prac-
tice in preference to all others.
Dr. Harmon Allen, cf Toronto nays "As (1
stimtilant to nutrition in wmting disomes Cod
Liver MI gmtdsion fs the hoot tissue builder, In
Dr. Slocums OxulaulAon on nauseating tote and
smell 1101 avoided, waffle retaining &U 110 medial.
Rai l'Ahle of the pure oil.
Dr. Bruce L. Riortion, Physician and Surgeo n to
the 0.1,18,, says "Sons of the Cod Liver Oils
on the market are valueless ea account of pro.
013880a 1,) render them, tasteless. Such promotion,
remores the active principle of the oil. I look
num moetun's oxonnitston any the best, for the
reason that it Is made of the pore oil in the very
highest state of emulsion. .A4 an emulsion of
31100 (101 Liver 011 1 consider Oxonmision perfect."
Dr. T. Wylie, Grand Tfetlical Examiner, Sons of
ssot1.11,1, says 1 '11 affords me extreme pleasure
to be In n, position to be able to recommend
6110cunes Oromulsion to inralids effected with
consumption, scrofula, or wasting diseases of any
kind. 1 hays prescribed Oxmoidslort for years
with great pleasure to myself DA well RS comfort
to my patients, 1 and it almost universally
adapted to children and the aged with n Isom tho
digestion fo feeble and the iyuiptiatie conditions
below nor mal."
If you need Cod Liver 011, or are weak
end run down use Oxomulsion. Al all
druggists at 35c and $1.00 per bottle.
BEARINGS, Limited.
Manufneturors of tho
Fill -
Niagara Fails, Ontario.
Work wanted for Potter & John-
ston machines, and Brown &
Sharpe grinding machines. Prices
low. Any kind of light machine
built to order.
Men wish they didn't have any hard -
1111102 than boys think they are hav-
Thos. Sabin oI Eglinglan, says: "I
have removed corns from my feet with
Holloway's Corn Cure." [leader, go
thou and do likewise.
It's a fortunate thing for many lasv-
yers that the fool -killer is so far be-
hind with his work.
There is no more obstinate skin trouble than
01)1Rheum It sometimes lingers fur years, but
Weaver's Gornto makes short work of it. Also,
take Weaver's Syrup to Insure permanent mire.
- DIner—"Now, waiter, what do you
mean by keeping me so long? I've been
waiting here nearly half an hour,"
Waller—"Lor' bless you, sir, I've been
waiting here nearly ten years."
Tho Governor's Wife a prisoner.—Mrs.
Z. A. Van Introit is the wife of the gover-
nor of the county jail, blapanee, Ont., and
was a great sufferer fromrheumatism.
When the best doctors in the community
and "specialists" fulled to help her, she
burled her seep tieisin of proprietary
remedies and purchased South American
Rheumatic Caro. 4 bottles cured her. -40
pingcs much more quickly than air
which is moving slowly or not moving
at all
"Do come in, auntie," she begged,
"and help us; we are ping to have
charades.' "Certainly I will,' answered
1.110 old lady. "I lotew you were malting
Rion, because I smelt 1110111 as I came
ITCH, Mango, Prairie Scratches and
every form of contagious 11011 011 human
Or animals cured in 30 minutes bp Wol-
ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never
"I, heard of a man who laughed so
bard at a story that he lost his voice,"
declared helcson. "What was that
story?" asked Familynian, anxiously.
"I'd like sy 1.41, 11 10 my wife."
Avoiding Winter colds le difficult ; curing
Stein is not bard (1 3(0') take Allon's Lung Balsam.
Begin when the bold is young 111111 not wait until
It settler; on the lungs, for titan, oven with Alloys
Lung Balsetn, complete relief will be slower.
11ow Scotland Yard \Vetches hlove-
, tnents 01 Civilizetion's Enemies.
If, as was staled by the Geneva cor.
reepondent, 1110 Anarchists front Zurich
'Insist, on making London their headmen,
'lees, they, will be closely watched, and
"'there Is (11110 to fear from them ,
A Scotland ytuel official stilled that
'all dangeroue Anareleels in the metro-
)olie aro so peasistently shadowed that
'111011. movements and designs aro never
'for a moment in doubt,
' "When Anarchists sot out from °thee
countries with the intention of coming
'le London, the police—who act as our
agents—at the port of embarkation
'communicate with Scotland pled," he
'said, "These people are thereupon met
expepinnefid men, and are followed
11 the houses in which they take up
their restdonee.
"\Ve escortain who thole companions
bre, where lhoy nongregate, and 1181101-
13' manage, on one pretence or another,
lo 1)0 represented tit their meetings. A
"Suepielous movement leeds to closer
01)11111)100 411)81 la arrest on some pretext
'Mille their premises tiro searched for
tiectIments Or infernal machines,"
Mystery of the Sloop Candor,
Lost 'Wilk Ilex Grew of 140 Men.
Despehlw" reeeived at Queenstown
recently from British Columbia contitin
perticulars of the Muting sif a lith 11003
111, Ilt11t4 1.101011011B 10 the Sinop
Condor, 0.111011 was keit, with her cre[v
uf 140 (neves end 111011. while an a 0(3.
00 from Esquiinalt Harbor to Hone -
loos 111 noceititiep, 11101, and 01 svIlose
fate no definite intelligence WOS ever
reeelved, 0111 3'S the Loodon Chronicle.
She finding of the life buoy after a
period of five years revives the sad stnry
of the tost sloop, which sailed on her
initial ceininission iron Esquinialt
for 11110111111 011 Dec; 5, 1001.
The (seller wag subsequently signaled
passing Cape Failery and On 111,-. same
day the .strannir Alstleswan also passed
the cape, Mit ne)ther ship '8514 ever earn
again, and the supposition at the time
wos II)0.1 they foundered in 0110 of the
violent storms that swept the Pacific
coast a few (lays later.
Wreekoge was picked up near Von -
comet* Lsland, but it was nevcr ascer-
tained definitely whether it belenged to
the Condor. l'he life buoy found In
Herta Bay which was discovered by
some miners, has been identified as be-
yond doubt belonging to the ill-fated yes -
"31110, Is it true that money talks?"
"That's what they say, dear.'
"Well, 1 wish you'd leave a little here
li, talk to me during the (lay. 1 am
gellitig !nighty lonesome for some el
that cullVersuliell."
While more prevalent in winter, when
sudden changes in the weather try the
sironge-I constitutions, colds and
coughs and ailments of the throat may
come in any season. At first sight of
derangement use Rickles Anti -Consump-
tive Syrup. Instan1 relief will be ex-
perienced. and use of the medicine un -
ti the eold disappears will protect the
lungs from allot*. Fur anyone with
llama or chest weakness 11 cannot be
The speaker. nn Irishman, was giv-
ing a spirited toldress 011 1110 glories of
the British nation, After describing
some afflonls reeeivell from other na-
tions, he exelitimed: "And must England
stand with her arms folded and her
hands in her pockets?" Ile made an ef-
fective pause, which, however, was
quite spoiled by the roar of laughter.
Stop the Pain but Destroy the Stomach.
--This is sadly too often the ease. So
ninny nauseous nostrums purporting to
cure, in the end do the patient immense-
ly more harm than good. Dr. Ton Stan's
Pineapple Tablets are a purely vegetable
peptiln preparation, as harmless as milk.
One after eating prevents any disorder of
the digestive organs. 60 in a bor, 35
cents. ---40
Oecasionally a man puts his best foot
femoral for the purpose of registering
a kick.
When In town, buy "The D rt T.," Menthol
Piaster. Try it fur neuralgic or rheamatiu pains.
Et is the best and simplest thing aud will only
cos 1411a
Nothing seems to succeed like the
success of the woman who toms what
she 1001118 and gees after it.
Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator
hos no equal for destroying worms in
children and -adults. See that you get
the genuine when purchasing.
Smith—"Thai cough will get you ln-
to trouhle if you don't get rid of iL"
Jones—"Ilow so?" Smith—"You bark
sn much the police will arrest you for
not having a dog license."
Dunning Soros, the outcome of neglect
or bad blood, have a never -failing balm in
D. Agnew's Ointment. Will heal the
moat Stubborn cases. Soothes irritation
almost instantly after first apulieation.
It relieves all itching and burning skin
diseaSes in a say. It cures piles in 3 to
5 nights. 35 cents. -39
"What made your husband's hair turn
so grey? He's still a young num. \Vas
it the result of some terrible fright?"
"No. Ile once tried to have a house
Where Weakness is, Disease WIII
Setne.—If one suffers from any organic
weakness, inherited or contracted, there
disense will settle when it attacks the
body. Therefore drive out the pains
that beset you, do not let a cold or a
cough harass you, and keep the respir-
atory organs in a good healthy condi-
tion. This ynu can do by using Dr.
Themes' Eeleetrie 011. Prevention is
the wisest course.
"Mr. Hybrow," tisked the reporter,
"didn't you once till the 011010 of pro-
fessor of ancient language end
cal literature 11 an Eastern college?"
"No, my young friend," said the slen-
der, scholarly looking man. "1 cannot,
say I filled IL, but 1-4 occupied it."
Something New and is Delighted. Feels
Like a Boy.
M. N. A. Defoe,
29 Colborne St,,Tor-
onto, sarst
"I have been 11 suf-
ferer from Dyspep-
sia for years. I have
been Waled by doe -
tors and have token
limey medielne8 with
Only temporary 10-
1101. 811100 tieing
Dr. Litonhardt's An-
ti -Pill 1 can eat any-
thing the same as
when a boy. I find
Mr- M. N. ael00. they regulate both
sionmeh and bowels. Sly old time Ag-
ee has returned, so that toy spirits are
buoyant and temper normal. 1 glee all
0(0(111 to this wonderful remedy —
,Leonhardt's Antt-P111.'
All dealers or The' Wileon-tryle Co.,
Limited, Ningara Falls, Ont.
ISSUE NO. 4-07.
Trade marked lhus in a
variety of styles, fabriesand
$C1711S:et'r winTr.omFlifTcid.
Dealers' aro tunorixed to
replace inslanly and 01 our
cost, say PemAntile 03"
meet faulty in mamma
or lark sec. 201
Pen -Angle trade4
mark (i)) re(1) rai
every Pen -Angle
garment, tells you
it will fitand won't
own dealer so
guarantees it.
Underwear thus
trademarked Is
softer, warmer,
more flexible,
better wearing.
pEs .410 .7r #2r .20
"Health and Vigor depend upon the
quality and quantity of the blood."—
Dr. Carson's Tonic,
Stomach and Constipation Bitters
A Purely Vegetable Tonic and Blood
Purifier. Price 50 cents per Bottle.'
If you are not able to obtain It in your
nuighborhood. WO will send to 0flr ad.
dress two bottles upon receipt of ONE
DOUAI". (Ofqper bottle) carriage
Pamphlet sent MIN on application,
The Carson Medicine Company'
87 1Vellington St. West, - Toronto
VAJA°11,2VIAT,Itr.,1k.,trt'201.t.e.Y, "Bno:151
Knitting Machine
With or Without Stand.
YOU CAN clothe your floniny from head tO
loot FREE,
Catalogues E, F. G, 11, 4 distinct machines.
Address, )lox MIS.
ook iritt this
oofin question
01,1115. -0110111
Get book on
"Roof ing
Right" and
see how little
risk you take
when you
roof any
building with
an that keeps your roof good for 25
years. Withdeeent care, an Oshawa -
Shingled roof will last a CENTURY.
Easy To Put On
With a hammer and a snips
(tinners' shears)
anybody can
put Oshawa
Shingles on
Locked on
all four
the side lock?
It drains the
shingles so that
water can't seep
under. Top lock
(see belovv-) makes
whole roof practi-
cally one piece and
sheds water quick.
Made in one grade
only-28-guage semi-toUghened steel,
double -galvanized (saves painting).
Wind - water - and -fire*
PROOF. Keep buildings
safe from
Cost only
4.50 a
square (10
ft. 10 ct.)
Send for book-
lef and learn
ow little a RIGHT
roof costs. Address
tjgj 1 PEOPLE
Of Oshawa
Montreal Ottawa
0214 Orals SS W. See &NMI St.
Toronto London
11 0,1100508 1)0. eb Duseas (IL
°Winnipeg Van con v co
1 ?eV lartithitrd St, 011 Pomace OS