HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-1-10, Page 1Vol. i8. No 27
W. H, KERR, Prop
The Holiday Rush is over now and we
have gone through our Stock and
are placing on Sale on Sat-
urday Morning
en's Suits
All sizes from 34 to 44 at 25 per cent.
discount. Regular $6 to $20 Suits,
now going at from
$4.50 to $15 each
All sizes. from 34 to 42, at 25 per
cent discount. Regular $8 to $20
Coats, the lot to be cleared at from
$6 to $15 each
25 Men's 's ur Coats
In Coon, Wombat, Wallaby, Dog,
Tallup and Calf, all sizes
Clearing at COST
Until your size in a Suit, Overcoat or Fur
Coat is pitied up. Come to -day and se-
cure a choice while they last.
Terms Strictly eash at Sale Prices
The only Exclusive Clothiers and Furnishers in Town
New Advertisements.
Cards of Thanks.
You won't feel—Jas. Fox.
County Council—W. Lane.
Eve specialist—I+, R. Smith.
Stock taking—G, N, McLaren.
Creamery meeting W. W. Harris.
The Education—Wingham I3us. Col,
Apprentloe wauted—G, W, Pollard.
Molc-rays ott-tlt.
W. R. Belden, who is going in for a
somewhat naw program of stock, at-
tended the sale of thoro'-bred Hol.
stein cattle belonging to Mr. Richard.
son, of Caledonia. Jle purchased a
choice heifer. From other breeders
he bought eleven heifers and cows.
all from prize stock. Nor did he
confine himself to cattle as he
invested in the celebrated sbire
stallion "Marcus Rufus," from Mr,
doreby, of Guelph. This animal has
been beaten by but one horse in Can-
WEDDING,—A very pretty wedding
took place at the home of Mrs. Scott,
Molesworth, on Wednesday evening
Dec. 26th when her daughter, Miss
Flora, was united in marriage with
John F, Stewart. A wedding repast
was served to the guests that was
dangerous in its appeal at this season
of special preparations. Rev, J. Burn.
ett, of Molesworth, Presbyterian
minister, performed the ceremony.
We are pleased to hear that Mr. and
Mrs. Stewart are to remain with us
having taken a house in Molesworth.
The congratulations and wishes of
happiness are extended by a large
circle of friends,
Robt. Forrest has commeneed his
duties as school teacher in Ashfield
township. We wish hint success.
Jas, Strachan has returned to the
Dental College Toronto after spending
au enjoyable holiday at his home here.
We are pleased to state that Mrs.
Joseph Coomber shows sonic improve-
ment and her many friends hope it
may continue.
A load of Brussels young people
visited the home of D. and Mrs, Mc-
Donald on Friday night whore an en-
joyable evening was spent.
C. 13, and Mrs. Forrest held a re-
ception at their home for W, S, and
[airs. Forrest who have been spending
their honeymoon at Brauttord, Wood-
stock and other points.
A number of our young men are im-
proving their education by attending
Business College, Herb, Edgar, at
Stratford ; Rus. Moffatt, at Toronto ;
A. Jackson and A. McLennan at St,
Thomas. May they do well.
WEDDING BELLS. --Wednesday Dec.
26th was the sceue of a very pretty
wedding at Mrs. Mulligan's wben
her eldest daughter, Miss Eliza Ella,
was united to Edward Barnard, of
Wroxeter, by Rev. L. Perrin. The
bride looked ebarmiug in a gown of
cream lustre, trimmed with white
chiffon and lace and carried white
carnations, with the lily of the valley
in her hair. She was assisted by her
sister, Miss Alice, who was gowned in
white organdie and carried pink car-
nations, The beautiful strains of the
Wedding Bell March was played by
the bride's sister, Miss Maggie.
Russel McDonald, cousin to the bride
of Brussels, acted as groomsman.
After congratulations the young couple
were shown to the dining room where
a company of about 3o guests relatives
to the bride and groom were seated.
The presents were beautifnl and cost-
ly. Mr. Barnard's present to the bride
was a gold watch. The evening was
spent in music and social chat and the
Young couple left for Wroxeter where
Mr. Barnard & Pope are owners of the
planing mill. The bride's going away
gown was a black satin finished kora-
nettle dress with grey coat and hat.
The good wishes of many go with
them to their new home.
Ise tad burV.
Emerson Fulton will spend another
term at the Business College, Strat-
Jas. McCallum and sons have pur-
chased a threshing outfit for their own
use as they have considerable thiesh-
ing to do every Fall.
W. J. Stafford spent New Year's
Day at his old borne. Mr. Stafford
is engaged in a pianiug mill at St.
Mary's and is doing well.
Mr. and Mrs, Dunning, of Hartney,
Man., are visiting with Mrs. Wm.
Davidson and other friends. Mrs
Dunning is a daughter of the late
Francis Morrison.
Jas. Dennison has gone to Stratford
where he is employed as book-keeper
for a firm in that city. Tim will be
very much missed especially by the
fair sex in this locality.
Joshua Dennison and wife, from
Moose Jaw district, are visiting with
friends in this neighborhood. They
may return to McKillop to make their
home in the near future.
R. Cecil Gotvland, the new teacher
for S. 8. No. 9, has commenced his
duties. He is a young man of high
ambitious and sterling qualities and
will no doubt make his influence felt
not only in the school room but in the
community as well.
We extend congratulatious to our
friend Alexander Ross in the good
position be attained in heading the
list as Councillor for this township.
Sandy is a universal favorite and will
use his good judgment in administer-
ing the affairs of the townsbip at the
Council Board.
Mr, McLean, a student of McMaster
University Torooto, preached a very
able discourse in Bethel church last
Sunday afternoon to a large audience.
Mr. McLean is naturally gifted in that
line and speaks with such power that
strikes the hearts of his hearers and
holds them as by magic and we expect
a very brilliant career to be in store
for him.
taken by Sam. Campbell, Bernice
Slemnton and Wm. Ilemsworth, As
Fiazet Coats was not present, the other
two took their stand and both Mr.
Campbell's helpers beteg away Robt.
McKay took their place. .Affirmative
received 7 points and negative receiv-
ed 5. After the debate was over Miss
Alice Davies gave a recitation followed
by a speech by Robt, Pearson, Miss
Hutchinson contributed a short recita-
tion. The subject for next debate will
be :—"Resolved that rural life is pref-
erable to city life." Noble Milne is to
take the affirmative aud Wm, Kreuter
the negative, Debate will take place
January nth in Gibsoo's Hall.
WEDDING BELLS.—Thursday of last
week, at high noon, one of those al-
ways interesting events—a wedding—
took place at the residence of the
bride's father, Robt. Pearson, when
Miss Isabel Pearson joined hand and
heart with Alfred A. Harkness, of
Banff, Alta. Miss Mina played the
Wedding March as the principals took
their places for the ceremony which
was performed by Rev. A. C. Tiffin,
of Trowbridge, on account of the ill-
ness of Rev. Mr. Armstrong, B. D.,
of Ethel. As the Wedding March
commenced four girls came in with
white ribbons and made an aisle for
the wedding party to pass through.
Little Miss Ida Bremner, niece of the
bride, made a charming flower girl.
Sbe was dressed daintily in white
silk. The bride wore white point de
esprite, oyer white silk, with bridal
veil, and carried carnations and Lily
of the Valley. Hearty congratulations
were accorded the happy twain and
to further express the high esteem in
which Mr. and Mrs. Harkuess were
held many choice, valuable and use-
ful evidences were accorded in wed
ding gifts. After the wedding dinner,
prepared in most excellent fashion,
had been well taken care of and of
which about 6o partook, Mr. Harkness
and bride took the train for Sarnia
and other points followed by many
sincere and outspoken wishes for a
bright and prosperous future. The
youug people of the company followed
the wedding party to the depot and
gave them a generous supply of rice,
After a holiday visit ot a few weeks
in Ontario Mr. and Mrs. Harkness
will leave for Bauft where they pur-
pose making their home. May their
joys be many and their t-oubles tew.
The bride will be no stranger in Banff
as Sbe resided there for some time
while engaged as teacher. She is a
bright,woman and will be welcomed
back to the West.
vVrt)xes r.
Harry Brown visited for several clays
in Toronto last week.
Mrs. R. Black is spending a week
with friends in London.
W. M. Robinson spent several days
of this week in Toronto,
Harry and Mrs. Stewart, of Brus-
sels, spent Friday in the village.
Miss Jessie McTavish has returned
from a visit with Wingham relatives.
The By-law granting Geo. Howe &
Co St000 was defeated by a small num-
ber of votes.
Misses Nellie Black and Edith
Harris left for Wingham this week
where they will resume their studies.
IV. I. Johnson, who has been em-
ployed in Wingham for some time,
visited at hie home here over Sunday.
Mrs. R. Gibson and son. Win. re-
turned from Paswegan, Sask., last
Wednesday. The latter will spend the
Winter here.
Mr, and Mrs. Cooper, former resi-
dents of Howick, but now of Alberta,
are spending a few weeks tvitlt their
many friends here.
Mrs j. Young, of Winuipeg, who
has been visiting her mother. Mrs.
Nookes in Howick, left for a visit in
Montreal last Thursday.
At the Municipal Election held here
on Monday the following were elected
—Reeve, R. B. Harris ; Councillors,
R. Black, J. N, Allan, W. M. Robin-
son and A. H. Rae.
Renew for'rtte Pos'r.
Gordon McDonald 'slatted in Blue -
vale on Sunday.
Miss Ida, of Toronto, is visiting her
sister, Mrs. D. Miller.
Wm. McDonald visited friends in
Galt during the boliday season.
Bert, McEwen, of Goderich, spent a
few days under the parental roof.
Jos. Coombes, of Molesworth, called
on Jamestown friends on Sunday. ,
Sinclair Snell, of Prince Albert, is
visiting friends in this community,
Geo. Mason of Wingham. will take
the service at Victoria next Sabbath
Mrs. D, S. S. Hicks, of Gorrie,
visited her sister, Mrs. J. D. Miller,
last veek.
A, Pollock and Mrs. M. Gibson
have returned from visiting friends at
ilsa Craig,
On Monday Archibald Wright, of
Jamestown,, started to Wingham Bus-
iness College.
Andrew and Mrs. Eckmier, of Strat-
ford, and Mr. Menzies of Ethel, visited
at Geo. Eckmicr's•
Win., and Mrs. Moses attended the
funeral of Mrs. Moses' mother, Mrs.
Reis, at Aliso Craig.
S. and Mrs, Snell entertained a
number of their friends at it House
warming on New Year's eve.
E. 1, and Miss Note Maunders and
Mass Etta McNair visited Jamestown
friends'rhuredey evening,
Our congratulations are exteutled to
Councillor Cutt who beaded the poli
last Monday. He's what you call a
McAlpine Taylor, Boissavain,
has returned home after spending an
enjoyable holiday with his grand-
parents, S, and Mrs, Caldbick,
Gardott McDonald, who has filled a
po:.ition in the Jamestown store for
the past :as months, returned to his
bone on Wednesday where he will re.
main for a time,
Et tel.
George W. Pollard is asking for a
blacksmith apprentice.
Rebt. Hamilton, of Chicago, was
visiting at Robt. Barr's.
Wm, Brown is visiting his cousin
in Logan for a day or two this week.
Some of the farmers are shipping
their sugar beets, It is high time they
were away.
W. E, Sanders has been appointed
weighmaster for the Ethel station
scales for 1907.
A number of young people spent a
pleasant time ort New Year's evening
at the home of Geo. Bateman.
MissHelen M. Barr left on Satur-
day for Chicago where she will spend
a clay or two with tier uncle before
leaving for Kansas City, Mo., wbere
she will spend the Wiuter.
Last Sabbath evening Rey, A, C.
Tiffin, of Trowbridge, preached a rous-
ing Temperance sermon to the Metho-
dist church here. The pastor was ill
with a severe attack of la grippe.
Miss Pomeroy, who was delayed in
getting to her dcpartmeut of our
school owing to illness, arrived on
Monday. Frlpcipal McDouald is a
tnarried man and his wife is here.
Miss Ida Cole returned to Alma
College nt St. Thomas where she is
taking n course. 'There are 75 girls in
the festcleuoe and about aoo who come
for day Iguana and board or live in the
Au auction sale of farm and farm
stock is announced by N A. Milne, of
Ethel, to take place next week,
If Mr. Milne disposes of itis farm he
Purposes removing to Manitoba it is
said, His stock is good so the sale
should bo largely attended.
first debate of the Society took placit
Dec. nth. Before the debate it was
moved end spcoittie4 that the following
cotp.mittt a be appointed to arrabge a
nnbjeot for the next meeting ;—Thos.
Turnbull, S. S. Cale, Ina. Brown and
r. Keller. The subject of the debate
was "Resolved that the spendthrift is
a greater injury to society than the
muter." For the negative Telfnrd
Keifer, Hate' Coats and Garf. Dunbar
were chosen and affirmative was to be
among friends here Mr. and Mrs.
Copeland leave fur their home at
Niagara -on -the -Lake where Mr, Cope-
land owns a good farm. We congra-
tulate Mr.1 Copeland on his wise
choice. The guests from a distance
were Mrs. McDonald, Guelph ; Mr.
Copeland, sr., Welland ; ,Harry Me -
Hardy, Southampton ; and George
Aitchison, Churchbridge, Sask.
Among the gifts was a handsome
mantle clock from the Westminster
Guild of the Presbyterian church of
which Mrs. Copeland hes long been
a faithful member. Sbe will be great-
ly missed not only in the Guild but
in the Sunday School where she has
taught for veers. We join in wishing
Mr. and Mrs. Copeland a long and
joyous journey down the path of life,
Adam Halliday, of Virden, Man., is
at the home of his parents, Mr. and
lilrs. Halliday, of Belgrave.
Rev. and Mrs, Rivers returned
on Saturday from spending their holi-
days with relatives at Dresden, Wy-
oming and Loudon,
The members of L. O. L. 462 held
their annual election of officers on
Dec. 26th. The following are officers
for the year ;—W. M.—Alex. Leish-
man ; D. M.— Wm. Love ; Chap.—
Rieb. Irwin ; Rec.-Sec.,—Bert. Wat-
son ; Fin.-Sec.—G. G. McCrea; Trees.
—Wm. Bryans; D. of C.—jos. Ruddy;
Leet.—Root. Mello ; Committee—
Wm. Johnston, john Watson, Robt.
McMurray, Thos. Williams, Wm. Mc-
CF.2'411' .
Finlay Fraser has commenced duties
as teacher in S. S. No. 5.
Miss A. D. Aitken, of Glenannan, is
visiting her friend Miss S. Pearson.
B, and Mrs Dark, of Molesworth,
epent New Year's at Jolla Hollinger's.
A. C. and Mrs. Tack, of Clifford,
spent New Years with Jim. and Mrs.
las. Savage who, has not been very
well for some time. is cottfiued to the
house now, we are sorry to say.
Jas. J, Pearson took tile service in
Trowbridge on Sunday night, while
the pastor, Rev. A. C. Tillie preached
in Ethel.
Harry McMaun is visiting for a week
or two with friends in Morris, and also
visiting his sister Mrs. F. A. Elliott,
in Goderich.
Miss Maggie Campbell has returned
to Toronto where she is attending
Business College, atter spenciiug her
holidays here.
Norman and Miss Lizzie French, of
Stoufl'ville, are visitors at Thos. David -
son's, ttth con. The visitors are cous-
ins to the Davidson family.
Jas and Mrs. Armstrong and Miss
Beatrice. toth con, visited relatives at
Arthur and Shelburne. They attend-
ed a wedding of a nephew of Mr,
Armstrong's on New Year's Day,
Chester Armstrong: Loth con., left
for the Ontario Agricultural College
Guelph, this week, where be will take
what is called the Short Course, It is
a good idea and we hope to see more
young leen follow his example.
Not a few in this township think the
law as it relates to majority demanded
ded in Local Option elections is the
grossest kind of injustice to the
temperance element, a vigorous
effort should be made to have it chang-
To the Ratepayers of the Township
of Grey :—Accept my thanks for the
cordial support yob have given me in
the late Municipal Election. I hope I
may be able to do honor to the trust
you have placed in me,
Yours respectfully,
las. McFadzean.
Rev. W. A. Findlay, of Whitechurch
will preach Missionary sermons in the
Methoditt churches on Bluevale cir-
cuit next Sabbatb, 13th inst.
ERSONALa.—Miss Cora Messer has
re rued to. Newbury after the Christ-
mas vacation.—Mrs. Barkley, of Cli-
max, Michigan, bas been visiting her
father, Wm. Messer.—Misses Florence
Thomson and Edna Pugh, of Brus-
sels, visited Mrs, Joseph Pugh here
last week.—Mrs. Stewart, of Brussels,
visited Mrs. Anderson Holmes last
week.—Miss Maud Paul has returned
to Chatham Business Bollege after the
vacation.—Misses Annie Elliott and
Ethel King, of Wingham, visited Mrs.
Geo, McDonald, this week.— Rev.
and Mrs. Baker axd Miss Pearlwere
holiday visitors at Toronto.—Fred.
Pugh, of Drayton, visited at Itis home
here last week.—Miss Ruby Duff has
returned home to Harrowsmith after a
visit at !tome here.—Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon, of Whitby, are visiting their
daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) West. --Miss
Alice Duff has returned to Thorndale
after the holidays.—Mr. Rogerson, of
Mullett, visited et John King's this
week.—Miss Sarah and Tames Orr
were holiday visitors to Pittsburg Pa,
pretty wedding took place Wednes-
day, Jan. 2nd, at the home of Jas.
and Mrs. Aitchison, Bluevale, when
their eldest daughter, Miss Annie, be-
came the bride of Josepb Copeland,
of Niagara -ort -the -Lake, formerly of
Welland. At 4,3o o'clock, to the
strains of Mendelssohn's Wedding
March, played by. the bride's sister,
Miss Aggie, the bride entered tltp
parlor leaning on the arta of her
father and took her place tinder the
arch of evergreens and holly where
the groom was waiting. The nup-
tial knot was tied by Rev. W. J. West,
Bluevale. The bride was beautifully
attired in a creast gown and carried
a boquet of creast rosea, Her going
away dress was of blue broadcloth
with hat to match. Rena, daughter
or Rev. W. J West, acted as flower
girl and looked pretty in white silk.
Site carried a bo net of pick std
white carnations. The dieing room
was tastefully decorated with pink
and white and the table was spread
with all the delicacies of the season.
The many useful and coolly presents
testify to the high esteem in which
the bride is held, The groom's gift
to the bride was a haudsonte sunburst
of pearls, After it low days visit
M ox -rias.
New Council will meet next Mon-
Miss Carrie Souch was visiting rel-
atives and friends at Brauttord and
Robert and Mrs. Elston of North
Dakota, are here on a visit. They
were both former residents of Morris.
Mrs. Elston was a Miss Perdue.
CARD OF THAXKS.—I wish to take
this earliest opportunity of returning
thanks to the electors for the hand-
some majority they favored me with
last Monday. My only ambition is to
do the best 1 can to further the in-
terests of our township every possible
way. Wishing you one and all a year
of prosperity. I remain,
Yours gratefully
W. H. McCutoheon•
HIGHLY APPRitct t ED•—I take this
public way of returning my hearty
thank to the Electors of Morris for the
cordial manner in which they tendered
me their support on Monday in re-lect-
ing the Reeve. It will be my pleasure
and is my purpose to do everything
witbin my power to promote the best
interests ot Morris at both township
and Co. Councils. I trust the year will
be one of happiness and prosperity to
us all. Yours very thankfully,
Geo. Taylor.
REcmertot.— Tuesday eveuing a
reception was held at the home of C.
B. Fnrrest, and line, to welcome Wal-
ter S. Forrest, and bride back from
their wedding trip. There were too
or more present and an A r time was
eujoved A splendid lunch was served
in Mrs. Forrest's hest style. The
guests of the evening were made the
recipients of many useful and valuable
presents. Vocal and instrumental
music was on the program and many
good wishes were expressed for the
future happiness and prosperity of Mr.
Forrest and bride, They have taken
up house on the Forrest homestead acid
line, where they commence married
life under most favorable auspices.
THE Pos'r throws an Editorial slipper
atter the happy twain.
b'lATatatoa1AL,—A happy marriage
took place at the Empress Avenue
Methodist Parsonage, London, on
New Year's Day. The principals were
Walter S, Forrest and Miss Christina
Robb, both of Morris, who were united
in the holy bonds of matrimony by
Rev. L B. Wallwin, B. A., a former
pastor of the young couple, The bride
looked beautiful attired in a dress of
cream paillette silk trimmed with lace
and insertion, and wearing abaudsonte
bridal vett of white tulle with wreath
ot orange blossoms Her travelling
dress was of navy blue broadcloth with
bat to match, After the sumptuous
wedding dittuer the happy couple lett
for points East to spend their honey-
oneymoon, and upon return will reside in
Morris. They begin married ,life with
many good wishes for their happintS$
and prosperity.