HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-1-3, Page 8HEid3�VCEUM A Splendid Cattle. and Poultry .Food It ensures fine, strong cattle and keeps them fat and healthy. For Poultry it is invaluable and is a great egg producer. Put up in two sizes --- 2 ib. package 26o 4 lb package 50c RlioE3tR GOODS You can depend upon our stook of Hot Water Bottles and rutintaiul Syringes as being good. We keep the Red Rubber Goods which we guarantee to give satis- faction, but also keep the cheaper varieties if wanted. (food Line of Atomizers We keep all the most popular Magazines w1R l 1 DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, 80008585 55TEN9ION W. G. & 8. Trains leave Brussels Station, North end South, as tollowe: Gone 500TH Gorse Roams. Mall TOB a•m 1 Mixed fa10 5,111 a.mMail .. 1:44 p.m Express..... 9:02 p.m I Express 8:81 p.m rua1B.etus Items A ohiel's amang ye fakir'nein, An' faith he'llpront ft. WRITE 1907 sow. MatirmeAL EI,otion next Monday. A. 0.D. W. Friday evening of thie week, Oath for store toe has been rather short in its supply in town. TEN Finaomal Statement of Brussels for 1908 may be read on page 4. A LOAD of young people drove to Wing ham ou New Year's nigbt and enjoyed a skate. A NEw smoke etaok has bean procured from Stratford for W.F. Stewart's Hour GREY Branch Agt. Society anima meeting nest Wedueeday la the Towa Hall, Bro88818. A GOOD ONE.—We reoornmend ant readers to subscribe .to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine, the beet Agrionitural Journal in Amerioe. THE POST is sorry 40 learn that Miee M. A. Downey, teacher, le ill at Chat ham and nimble to get back this week to name work in her department. CROWDED OUT.—This week again a number of interesting items are crowded out of TRE POST hot we hope to get straightened away next week after the holiday rush. New Year's morning a brakeman named Barber was instantly killed at Atwood by the morning a000mmodatioo. It is supposed he nipped oe the foe and was oaoght by a chanting train. MATRIMONIAL.—Harry Stewart, of Ear. Grey, Seek., and Mies nutmegs, of Roth ray, were married ou New Year'a Dey and are now viaitiog in Brunets. The bride le a sinter to Mre. W. W. Harris, of town, and known to a goodly number here. May they enjoy many prosperone years. R. 8. PELTON, editor of the Nrwa, Iroquois, Ontario, and a former grad nate of THE POST, bee inoreaeed the size of his paper to seven columns and is giving otherindiaatione of tbe proe- panty attending hie efforts. We wish him continued entente and the hearty ap. preoiation of hie patrons. Da. Ovens, M. D., Landon, Eye and Ear dnrgeou, win be at Bmitb'e Drng t Store, Brnseele, on the first Taeeday in a each mouth. Hours, 8 a, m. to 1.90 p. In. Cataract, Kraut, failing eyesight, b deafness and nasal eaterrh treated and glaeean properly fitted. Nast visit, Tan. day, January Stu. N. B.—Dr. Oveue makes no calla. Nen Monday will be election day. The polling pldaea will be at Boot. Thomson's olioe, the Monad Chamber and Geo. Birt'e residents With J. T. Ross N. F. Gerry and P. Soot' ae Deputy Re- turning offieere. Polls will be open from 9 a, _. to 5 p. m. The School Timeless will be sleeted by ballot to well ae the 0ounoiilore. A Quin wedding took plane at the Inane of D. tied Mre, Ewaa, Brunetti, Tuesday evening when Robt. J. Holmes, of MoKillop, and Miee nosy Langford, of the same township, were united in marriage. Rev. Mr. Wishart, B. A., tied the nuptial knot. The young temple will reside in McKillop with the good wlehee of many friends. JeNpARY. RENEW for THE POST, Horse Fein Tbureday of this week. THE Pon and Weekly Globe to Jan let 1907 for the small sum of $1.85 in advance. Tbe illustrated pages of the G obe are worth the money alone. DR. BUTLER'S VISIT.—Dr. Butler, the London Eye Spsola.iet, will be at the American Hotel, Brnseele, on Wedoee day, Jauaary 9113. Glaeeee supplied. DR. .7. W. BaowETT, optiaan, who was 00 bave been at F. Smith's Drue• Store ban been compelled to postpone hie ooming owing to sickens in hie fang tl Mrs, A. MoGee and moo Geo. from near Wingham, made a visit with John and Mrs, Bateman, Brussels, Wm, Xing, o Ethel, tore. Bateman'e father, was glee here. ALL PASSED.—All the Model pupil - from this looality were enooesetnl inn are deserving of oongratnlation , Mi8ae- Bella Hendereou and Jennie Rands too; honors. A MEETLvo of tbe shareholders o Brussels Oil Co„ will be held in th. Town Hall, Brussels, on Tbnreday o next week, at 3 o'clock, for the purpose of organization and commencing busi nen. CoRRRCTInN.—Io the report in Ise week's Pon, of tbe prize wionere in Eh. Dictation oompetition the name of Fay nie Stubbs eboold have appeared i��,, Sneed of Fannie PTriendehip fu Mies Dote Smith's department. DON'T forget East Huron Farmers Institute meeting in the Town Hai Brussels Thursday afternoon an., evening of next week. Th. program appears in another out emu at this Issue. Every body we be welcome both ladiee and gentlemen. Wm. $liner, electrician, of Toronto, and the Miesee Mabel and Gracie Fine are spending the holidays at the tatters' parents, Bra rete. Fred. ane Gus, also epeut Mons with them. Th. former le of White & Go., Fruiter, Tor - auto, and the tatter of the firm of Mc Oarthey & O,Ier, barristers, Toronto. PABie STAR-TzANeaatsT Nov. 21et — "A large and laebtoneble aadienoe listened with pleasure to the meant ie the Opera House last night. The pro gram was excellently ohoeen, arranpeo and presented, Considering the difficult and varied selections it ie este to say 130 one bat a very talented reader °onto have carried the heavy program throne with 8000888 and that Mise Imlach cel tatnly did." Town Hall, Brussels, Jan, 16th. GEORGE ROB Dean.—Last Sunday Geo. B, Roe, a well known resident a Wingbarn, and a former Brueeelite died after an illneee extending over e ew months. He leaves a wife but no amity. Hie brother resides In CRIT mitt and his sister, Mre. Duffield, le leo there, Mr. Roe wee a well known over of a good horse and owned a nom er of epeedy ones. He took oharge o•' he Queen's Hotel, W n ham o 0 D $ i n the Q g failure of hie father's health, some yearn ago. Deceased had many lriende who will regret his early demise. Tee Pose thinks the ratepayers of Brussels did a wise act in the pining of our well known townsman, Jere Leckie in tbe Reeve's chair for 1907 by a001amabion. It ie 26 genre since he vacated it after a useful tenure of 16 years. He is well verged in Manioipa. work ; hes considerable leisaro time to devote to the ooreful attention of boeineee•; is wait aOgaainted with the Co, and its needs and will make an A 1 Go. Councillor at this critical time Reeve Leckie tin aleo filled the Warden's 'their. There were several aepirante we understand for the Reeveehip if Mr' Leokie bad not got the seat by aaolama. tion. It is a pity when there was no fight for the chief ohair thee the Coon oillore and Bobool Trgeteee could not have been returned in the same way and aaved the expense of au eleotioo. There R re no mentions at issue that make maoh differeuee who are the winners in the present contest, PRETTY WEDDING: A meet pinion event took place at "Hswthorn Ridge," the home of Mrs. Jae. Wih,on, Brunetti, on New Year's Day, when her daughter, Miee Kate, late teacher in Brussels Public School, was united in marriage to Damian MacDonald, the popular Fmer010.00 of Jamestown. Tbe interest. ing ceremony was performed by the Rev. A, 0. Wiebert, B. A., of town, in the pree0oae of immediate reining and a few of the friends of the bride and groom. The bride, who was abattended, coked charming in a dress of point de eeprite over white 'silk and was given away by Droggiet Fox, while Martel Brothers, niece of the bride, very bicety performed thee duller' tit flower girl. The bride's travelling snit was navy blue obiffon. Atter a dainty lunobeon and the reading Of congratulatory telegram messages from Chicago and Guelph, Mr. and Mre, MaDDonald drove to their home where the beet widen of a /ergs otrole of friends for a floppy and prem peroa0 voyage throneh life a000mmenied the=. The wedding gifts were valuable and well Minted. Compliteleetary epeo0he8 were made by a number of the gnoeoe r8lutive to the excellent tlualitiee' of both bride end poen, DANDY WINDOWS. --The ebow wiudowe at E. 0, Dunford & Son store are new in deeign and attractive in arrangement, The back of the window is made of aeb peun0le, with plate glaee"mirrore running to the window glass, Quarter on oak oigoe with pdraelain letters inform the public a8 to Oerlain information. Geo, Denyer bad the carpenter work under Lie obarge. Saloon reopened on Tbnreday, Miee Ford, of Besse, was on hand ae eaaae0aor to Mies Feseenden ; Mktg Smith promos ed to fill the vooanoy caused by Miee Wileou'e resignation, and Miee Hattie Downing, who has been teaobing at Leamington for the past year, has been ensu ed to take the department taught by Miee Smith, Owing to Miee Down. ey'9illness the pupils' in her rot= were sent home allt11 Henley, Good work will no doubt be done this term, MIse 11CLAen'0 DRAMATIC RECITAL.— Tuesday, Jen, lOth,le the date uboeen for the Recital to be given by Mies Inn lath io tbe Town Hal, Brnseele. Mite Imlach le it Dramatic Render, graduate of the Dobirloou School atexpression, Los Angeles, Oaiitotnia, and bar work has met with =Itch appreciation Winn bee retgrn to Maeda, At bar Brunie 0000011 the win be 8.00i81ed by Miee Gertrude Hensley, eoprano Oaloid of Woodstoolt, and Mies Joan MoLeuele lin df town, a0 u0a0rnpaniet. An oven. log of bigh literary Mud rnneioal merit. Tiro=iced. -` METROPOLITAN UA PI'I'AL--.tittllgrleed CAPITAL—Paid. up RESERVE and. Snrplue PoOftts 1'Directors 5.J. amour, D, E. THOMPSON, II.O, President, Viee-President, TRes, BRADB0AV, 5.L,A, n16 DoN09 AIR. w- SWIMMER /LABII, R.O. 248, REAM JOBN-rme0BRoo3 W. P, AO88, - eederal teenager 92,000.000 1,000,000 1,138,13$ te0.. !'�.':'TJi F.: •.... Y `' .'.�:+. ,iL .'. ',.,.1� �. a:'• }..ra ' ^i ti'.. teniate, ANK Stan.dard Bank of Canada wx, aosx0 Z,Z2 11 733 TP7fAL AHRFOII t41'OVER FUND $16;UWo0 A Gee*leo al Y3ateleiug' JBufainesl6. Transacted "- SAVINGS BANKY'"..- MiOrest paid from date of depoeitto ditto of withdrawal at bighoet omTOpt one mud oompobeded half -yearly. Joist Deposit Acconale—A 8PE01AL 00B331NIENOE lu 008 in our eavinge De. pal tient to the "Joint deposit" account, Money may be deposited or withdrawn by either et the two members of the household, This system is a. groat 8onvou- iebee to many residing in town, but more parttoularly 80 to ethane, ns in the latter ease whether man or wife mimeo to town eltbor eau attend to the Flanking. An- other feature of the system is that 1n ease of tbo death of either party the money eau be withdrawn by the earyly01 without eon, We will tell you more about otic methodsif you will kindly call or write, Married Women and 18111015 may make and withdraw 40908118 without thein. ter00nelon or any person. SALE NOTES GASHED, COLLECTED or may be left for SAFE-RBEPING only for wbioh no Obarge is made. YOUR BUSINESS will receive our careful and courteous attention, G. P, BOHOLFXELD, GRN. Malmo -no. J.P. ROW LAND, Mermen, THE METROPOLITAN BANE la open to reooive the [toeounts of Farmers, tforabaote and Business Oommuuity generally and to give careful aoneideratton to all proposel8 submitted to it. It relies upon its past record for oonrtooue treatment of Its One• tonere, and will oxtail 1 every Consideration consistent with sound« banking to those who nay desire to trauaumt business with it. t ar laves' PaArir Dlfr'axJ r '.I,ti AM • Lntereet at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all sumo of $1 and upwards BRUSSELS BRANO H W. J. FAWCE'1'T, Monoger. Huron County Model Schools, The Board of Examiners for the Coaaty of Heron met in the Pablio Shoot, Seaford], on Friday, Deo, 28 h:, to finish the work of the Model Bobool examination, As the 9eseion just closed wee expected to be the 1581, there was a large umber of aniline in atteodanoe. At Goderioh there were forty (oar daring the term, and forty-three wrote, one fail- ing 00 writefon 50000at of 8toknees. In addition to these there were twenty wrote en the Pins! for Renewals, at Clinton eleven and at Goderioh nine, making in all one bundred and eight, The patine were considered fair. To pass, 080dida108 bed to make 60 % of the total, and 75% for bonuro. The ease mark wee 750, and the honor mark 987. The Model Clasen tins year have maiutaiued the reputation of tbe County Model Schools. for good work duricg the term, a large number receiving honors. HONORS PASS Brimioombe, Bees, Ansley, Laura Berke, Je-eie M Barkley, Mary Omen, Annie Burne, Ettie cadent, . Mary R Oapliug, Ethel M Dryedale, Helen Cameron, 'Eva Foster, Ohvo E. Campbell. Gertrude G,rvin, Mayne L Devideen, Ethel G..ld,borpe, Elta I Hese, Freda 0 G.veolook, Ree Horton, Evelyn A Henderson Isabella Law, Annie Jameson, Marg R Mali. ugh, Irene. .Johnston Emma Marshall Kate Jobnetone, Martha MoGraokeo, Carrie, Burdock, Jean McGregor, Meade E MuMa..us, Lilian McKinnon, Elia Miners, Victoria McNair, Beetrioe OaoDoogsil, Belle Petrie, Violet Pe.rre, Annie Robinson, Lottie Robb, Ella Sorimgeonr, Jennie Rands, Jennie Sheriff, Irene le se, Mabel Stewart, Wienifred Swann, Annabel Sullivan, Nellie Sparks, Mabel Taylor. Bella itirting, Oberlotte Troy, Maud M Smyth, Betsy Anderson, Alex 0 loll, Pearl Boyce, Norman R Prick, Hattie Br,ntnel', Alvin Welters,' Mona M Fraser, Finley G Birke, Wm H. Forrest Robert Badour, Henry J Hogertb, Clinton Guyon, Arthur J Love, James Enerherdt, Fran L Mo0roetie, John Figiand, Wm, McLean, Donald, Pewier, Footer Siddall, Gordon 0 Gardiner, Sydney Swann, William D Gordon, D. Stewart Grantees, Don 0 vloLenuan, Alex J McLeod, Angie VI mond, Thornton Soot', Frank DISTRICT Hones Men, Nora Muff, Mnliie Sswyere, Laura SOalee, Kate OERTIFIOA P808TES Glen, Alexandra MoNa,r, Susan M Robinson, Edmund Sheriff, Oora Hatton, John 0 Purnell, John J Reynnlde, Ernest J Yeo, Franklin RENEWALS Pare Mark B90, Honore 478 HONORS - Peer Onyler, Edna Bailie, Mabel Heaton Olen Durand, r ell nit O Mgnuing, Edna MaCavr , Edwin PaaCoart, URtherine MoEwen, Ten Porter, Maud. MoSay, Lizzie Roberteoe, John E MoDouald, Marg Thompson, Isabel E Milian, Bertha Worthington, Alice MoDonald, Atex 9 Robinson, Lilian Sanderson, Ella Sturdy, Fanoett E Switzer, Therein The following are ender age and will not reo8ive their oersifloatee till they are eighteen. Birks, William H Cameron, Eva Culbert, Mary R Oapling, Ethel Goldthorpe, Ella 9 Henderson, Isabel/ Here, Freda 0 Law, Anuie Mal oagh, Irene Mnrdook, Jean MrManne, Lilian , MoKineon, Ella Petrie, Violet Boon, Frank M Swan, William D. Siddall, Gordon 0 Toll, Pearl EAST HURON CONSERVATIVES. The annual meeting of the Conser- vative Association of East Huron was held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on 'rhnl'sday afternoon of last week, and was the largest and best the As- sociation has ever held. The great- est enthusiasm was displayed by the delegates, Dudley Holmes, of Wing - ham was unanimously re-elected President, and the other riding of- ficers elected were; --1st Vice -Presi- dent, John Wilford, of Blyth ; end VIce•President, john Soarlett, of Mo• RGlop ; 3rd Vice • President, ltobt. Mosgrove, of Bluevele;. Secretary, Theo. Hall, Wingltate, and Treasurer. Wm. Smith, of Walton. An Execu- tive Committee Was elected composed Of the officers, President of eacb muni. cipaiity, and past•Prsidents of the association. Br. Chisholm, M. P., of East Huron addressed the electors at coetidera'1ie length. He denotinced the extra '0 gent and corrupt methods adopted by the Gltvoromeut at Ottawa, and gave a weld and interesting errant of hie stewardship, He also Outlined his system of cold storage of term products, and told bow the Govern• nlent bad adopted his means of carry- ing out suet] a system. Messrs, Bow- man and Hall addressed the meeting and were wall received. Resolutions were carried expressing fullest con - Hence in Mr. Bordeu, Premier Whit- ney and Dr. Chisholm, LV rY 1 r rt rt Geo. Barrows and family have moil ed into the village, He sold his farm and may go West next Spring. Messrs. and Miss Barrows, who were here from North Dakota, and N. W T., have returned to their homes. ;The Neal store business is now under control of Will, Neel, his father retiring from the active management. We wish the new proprietor the best success He bas been brought up in the business so is acquainted with the details. The boarding car for the new rail• way has been making its headquarters here. The railway has now reached Blyth but as no gravelling has been dome for several miles it i, rather risk' travelling. Passeuger trains will. not likely commence until after the Win- ter is past, Business Locals. CEDAR loge wanted. G. A. Dsonsueet. 43ATR0 sharpened in firet.olase style t.A* be Amen factory, Goon cow for Bale, will calve in April. Apply to WALTER WILDER, Braesele. SKATE.—When skates are dull and ars not true take ,hem to MoGreeor he wil renew. Yenta T. MCGREGOR, Brussels BARGAINS m Millinery. Everytl.ieg •,cid regsrdleae of 0086 to clear out tine aeaeon'e stock. Oatl and gee to, Moses HADx1Rx. Pease Lon.—Taeeday, Deo. 11th, a pane contenting both bale and silver was Ioet in Brn-eels. The owner will be deeply indebted to the finder ' if the loot article is left at THE Pon Publieh ing Home. ' CHURCH UNDIES. Missionary day in the Methodist Sab- bath Sobool next Sunday afternoon. The report of the Methodist- church anniversary is orowded over to next week. Bev. Mr. Wiehart preaohed a very suitable die000rse in Melville church last Sabbath morning from the text fly - have not passed this way heretofore." In the evening the topic Wits "The marriage Feast." People We Talk About. Miee May Deadman is here on a visit from Toronto. Mien Alias Bone ie borne for 5. visit from Toronto. R. J. 0olemau spent the holiday with relatives at Alton. A. J. Lowick, of Fordwiob, was in town on Thursday. Alex. Walker. of Teeewater, was visit. ing in Brussels this week. Jure Beattie, of Cheeley, . renewed old tri ndohipe in town this week. Dr. and Mre. Barna were visitors witb J. H. and Mre. Reid, of Senforth, Mre, D. B. Moore was 810101ng Mrs. ann. Barnhill at Henfryn thie week. Duncan Stewart, druggist of Detroit, was hems for a than vteit tete week. The Mines Horton, of Gerrie, were visiting Miee Nettie crown thie week, W. Riggs, of Bowmanville, is a holiday visitor at of Lowry';, Princess etreet, Miee Morrow, of Midland, spent New Year's Day with her sister, Mrs, G. N. McLaren. J. Ourtit, Prineipat of Mitverton public eahoot was visiting at Jae. Eaiott's Ian week. E. J. Hill, of Lethbrid e, was a visitor with his father, Joo. Hill, Brussels, for a few days. R. Raebnrn, wife and children were New Year's vieiters with W. L. and Mre, Lentberdale. Eletou McGuire, of Holstein, is visit ng relatives in town. He is a nephew of A. MoGuire, J. W Or.ieie, of the Standard Bank, spent New Year's under the parental toot in Toronto. J. and Mre Hnmphriae end daughter, of Toronto, were vleitore wit13 Jae. and Mre. donee, Brassole, Mins Thane, Meadows, of London, wag visiting rela'ivte iu town for a few days during the peat week. Miee Joen Rose, of Toronto, end R. and Mre, McAlpine,. of St, Catharines, were here for the holiday. Harry Gooding, of the Toronto Sobool of Preetiaal Seionoe, Is the guest of Dr. Pend during the holidays, Mrs. H. R Douglas, of Dauphin Manitoba, wag the guest of Mfg. and the Mistiest Douglas, Brunette Willi Renter, of Stratford, was poli daying in Brnesela. He hag it warm plane in his heart for this locating. Mist Vera Dunford, of the 'Eaton mit. linty department, Toronto, le enjoying a holiday with relatives and friends fp town. M.A. Worth, Mre. V7orth and dad• Otter, of Vergerville, Alberta, are violtore tit B. Gorey'e, Mrs, Worth and Mre, Gerry aro eietere. Stewart ig a visitor from the West ender the parental roof, Queen street, He le a son of Atex. Stswert, Odeon OOreet, Ban, Mice Clara Thompson, of Toronto, W visiting her sister, Pare, J. 0, Jones. Mire Beatrice Feild, of Hamilton, was the greet of Mies Mildred Scott 'hie week. Mrs. (Rev.) T. W. Cosecs sod eon ao- ompanied Rev. Mr. 0oeene to Brussels and were wake/roe visitors' although their stay wee very eltort. Aif. McMillan fell on the slippy walk on Thursday morning and Out quite a each in hie head, neoeeeitatiug a few etitohee being put in by a doctor, P. J. McDonald, who was oontraoting at Moose Jaw last Summer, is here on a visit with hie family. He veld likely return to the West next Spring. HORN.. ANDERSON.—In Shakespeare, on Deo. 801h, to Mr, mod Mrs. Robt. Ander- eon, a daughter. M.A.RR.iFeL. HANBON—MOBAY: At the residence of the bride'e father, Garden Oity, Boutb Dakota, on Xmas Day, by Rev. Mr. Hyde, Mr. Henry A, Han son, of Graoeland, to Miee Mabel May Malley, trite of Robb: McKay, Ethel, Out. Election Cards COUNCILLORS T . tiro Elector's of Brussels : LADIES AND GENTLNAIEN,—I act a can- didate fur re-e'eotion to the Council B otrd and if returned will do my beet to a 'vane the interests of Brussels. Your v to and.iufiuence will be appreciated. JAS. BALLANTYNE. Tn ,he Electors of Brussels : LANIER AND GENTLEMEN —1 am 30 the field for re-election as Cotlneillor and „ill be well pleased if you see your way to support m0. Will not be able to see you personally so uoe this uotifiontion instead. If returned to the Board will do ae I have in the past—my best, Yours Truly, ' ALF. BAEEEI%, To the Electors of Brussels : LADIE8 AND GENTLEMRNj I am a can- didate for Councillor for the coming year and respectfully solicit your votes and influeuoe. If elected to the position I will do my beet to advance the interests of Brussels in every way possible ooneis- tent with economy. Yours respectfully, ROBT. GRAHAM. LADIES AND GENTLRMEN.— I am again a candidate as Councillor of our village. Have endeavored to do my duty in the paet and promise to con- tinue bo do the same if returned next Monday. Not being able to make a per- sonal canvass I take this inane of soli°. iting your vote. Wishing you all a pros- prone year. Yours Truly, J. G. JONES. T To the Eleotoro of Brussels l LADIES AND GHNTLEMEN,—Having been uominated for a seat at the Council Board for 1907 I eek for your support BARNARD—MDLLI0AN.—In Jamestown, on Deo, 96th 1906, at the reeidenoe of the bride's mother, by Rev. L. Perrin, Miee Eliza Elven Maltigan, to Mr, Edward Barnard, of Wrox- eter. HOLErEe—LANGras0,—In Brunetti, on Jan: let, by Be,, A. 0. Wishart, B. A., Mr. Robert J H Imes to Mise Bogy Laugtord, both of McKillop, MOOARTNRY—MILLER.—In Wroxeter, on Deo. 26th at, the residence of the bride's Meter, Mre. John Patterson, by the Rev. L. Perrin, Mr, Thee, W. McCartney to Miee Mary Ann Miller, both of Goderioh Tp. MAODONALD-WmaoN.—At the resident) of the beide'; mother, on Teensy, Jan. let, by Rev. A 0. Wi hart, B. A., Mr. Damon MeoDanald o Jamestown, to Mise Rate Wilson daughter of Moe. James Wilson, Brnseele, aaaa- MoNAIs,—In Oranbrook, on Deo. 28113, Mary McTaegart, beloved wife of James McNair, and 78 years, 2 mnuthe and 22 days. HoLttss.—In Ma$i.lop, on Deo, 28th, Jernina, rellet of the late Wilriam Holmes, in her 64th year. .113ElernM 2•S Fall Wheat 67 68 -Bar ey 42 48 Peso 78 75 Oats 38 84 Batter, tubs and roils,.,, 20 22 Eggs per dozen 20 22 Hay per ton 8 00 9 00 Floor, per bbl 4 50 5 20 Hoge, Live 6 00 6 00 Wool 24 25 Potatoes per bus 45 Apples (per bbl.) 1 00 1 50 Salt, per bbl., retail 1 00 70 THE. PEOPLE'S COLUMN. "IX SHORT HORN BULLS for bole from 0 tole months old. In. tending purchasers . t.ould see them. 282m .ANDREW 8,183.0P, Lot V, One. 14, Grey, or Brussels P. 0. 1(?U ACEI+; FARM FOR SALE beteg 8t batB., Can, 4, bim•rfe There Fe ou It aa good bank b. rn good frame beers, one eerc of orohnrd, eev0u soros of 110,8,90 aarea plowed seedy for crop and the bMauor lo 000,8, The Maitland river orn8see one corner of farm, The farm also iuolade• "Rndmin Lame Werlre" Apply to 0, B. WILKINSON, Belgrave P.O. ' 20-8 Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting of Grey Branch Ag. riaultural 8noiety will be Ytald lc the Oouu- ail Ohambor, Brussels, on Wednesday, Jan. nary sib, at p.m. as per statute. Beech, irg the Auditors' Report, eleotiug officers and other business wilt constitute the pro. gram. JAS. SPFIR, President. W. H. HERR, Secretory. To Our Patrons With another year's wont about completed we .take pleasure in extending to you all our hearty thanks for your kindness and pat• ronage during the past year. That the coming year may be one of happiness and prosperity to you all is the wish of Yours Very Sincerely, J.S. FOX Druggist and Stationer. fPiBR7r.E YOUNG SHORT HORN Jr. Nullet0,0510. Ten were prize win - tiers at Rrutaele Fall Fate, They are elan- d.ee. 11ed and roan in color. Alen a few line females for Bale. Litt 5, pan. 9, Grey. D. EON1011T80N, 10.11 Brussels P.O. Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the East Hutson Agricultural Sootety tall lie held iu the Town Hall, Hineoela, on Wednesday. Jnun- ary 18112,1007, at 1 o'clock p m '11iue08 of the meeti.ig :—Reosiviug the Annual State- ment and Auditors' Rapp ,01, appoluting eel. core for the year 1807 Jro JA8. tERO04ON,President. W. H. 807100, nearotary. ARM TO RENT.—ON AO- 0oDNT of Wm. Miller deeming nut' to lease til„ f a'm of Phos. Miller it will bo rented ny t0neer. Lenders reoelved by the undersigned 1044 ti Jan 10b11, 1007 Full par- tiaulara may be got frou, P. Scott or at inn auott,a stile on Duo, 27th, when every- thing belonging to the estate of Thos. Miller will he Old to the- highest bidder. JANE M1LLIr3. and P. B. SCOTT. Committee Thos. Miller estate. AUCTION SALE OF FA.RM.— Tire Executors ofythe estate of the late Reuinmiu Smillie hove instructed F. B. Kona to «ell by' ti0hlte auction at tbe Amer- ican Rotel Breeee1e, on Saturday, Tannery 00th at 8 olelock, that part of the estate be- ing ;`forth Half of Lot 12, Ooa. B, Morrie, eon. Gaining 100 sores Thera is a comfortable frame douse and good bank barn, Tilts farm bre been seeded to grass for a number of scare and is in a good state of fartidty, Luing well adapted for either Cropping or pasturing. There ie a continuous eupply of running water and a good well at the house. A number of choice trait trees and 20 sores of gnod hardwood bush are on the pleas. This farm Is oitu,.tsd on the main road be- tween Brussels aid Bolgrave 1 1 mile from outran cud poet ottice and 1 mile from 8ohool As the Ermine as mast wind up the eeate titre property will he 5014 to tae high- est bidder. For term- apply to the auction. . 8r, Hrnsasla, or to wr1L3AM Ma Or BEN - Jaime Burman, ltseoatms, 0ensall P. O. STOCK FOR SERVICE. BOAR FOR SERVICE —THE Radarsigned well !MOP .or service on Lot 24, Con. 7, Grev, a pure bred Berkshire Boar. 9m GEC. ADDY,EProprietor, QIIORT HORN BULL FOR 1� osoylon,—Tho undere:gned will keep for eerviee ou Lot 8, Con. 1, Grey, a Short Horn Bull. Also a Yorkshire Hog. 'Terme, 8100 in eacheasewith privilege of return- ing It necessary. PedIgreee may be Beau ou appliaatlou, WA1, WILLIS, 26.2 Proprietor. r4" Rebutoommemenmemieu t��Gma`4 'c4A,i1h't� rA�y��a ,,Wall- 445.rr aNarUss'e�9.rmiYA94'y�eYr�'y%tti D . O I�r M +t.�V�l1 S, L02iMO #eJl Eye and Ear Surgeon ' R VISITS BRUSSELS MONTHLY 1 If E Cel Spectacles treatment f Ear or Nose do not fat to see 3. OVENS. you require ye Glasses or or Eye, '1 Di OV S l.ce ; Smith's Drug Store, -Brussels Next Visit : Tuesday, Jan. 8th Hours 8 a. m. to 1.80 p. m. veep' ei4' ex 4'�"riy ' 410 sus +, b. � vu -y .. t.� S+w.O?��.b...S. noxi Monday int the polls, My hero en- deavor, if (leeted, will be to work with the Ooucoil to aid In the advancement of Brussels. Yoore Truly, B. T. PLUM. SCHOOL. TRUSTEES To the Electors of Bruseele LAD/Es AND GENTLEMEN, --I take this manus of intimating to you that I am a oaudidate for le seat at the School 'Board and will be glad if you eau 080 y005 way to vote for me neat Monday. If elected my, only ciente will be to advance the iu0Oreste of our school, Tout'% Very Truly, MOORS, To the Eleotore of Brussels ; LLnINe Meg G11r1TLE61EN,—I hays boob. nominated . inated as Ttgetee for another form, 10 you aoe.md me your vote and re.eleet me I will madmen to perform illy duty to the best of toy shinty,' Yours 'Truly, W. ee. BINcr.AIR, Your vote and influence aro r8 bpeotlully solicited for the re.eleet1011. Of, J. Gy SKENE GREAT CL —OF—. IIarness, Robes. 31ankets, Sella, Rugs, &c.. Owing to the unfavorable Reason we find our stock too large' No for the next 40 dn.ys, or up to the end of J'itnuary, will sell all. Harness, Robes, Blankets, Bells, &c , at Be• " dueed (Prices, and offeryou Bargains that I g � you may not ever be able to buy at again as lesthel and all material for building Her. 11t'FS is advancing so mob. The Harn*R8 is all our.. own ma 11 an 1 we guarantee the workmanship as we have no Factory Haleness ill stock. . TERMS -Small r amounts cash Y l t? I age amoFlnts settled by promissory note. ARINC SALE L C. hair s