The Brussels Post, 1907-1-3, Page 6n 6000- 1�j,�„ Ssv ■ DUNG FOLKS o 0.0-00OO o•oaoaa•craau TIE BEST PET. • "My tab is thievery incest' al all," Laid Muth, pelting the pretty kitty -that snug- gled in her altos. "1 ani s0 glad that grandma gave her In me ". tut as. pretty as Tay-relbl,it," said Arthur, petting the head of Bun, who Vas nibbling a clover leaf. Mine is the Lest. I guess when Nell and Frank get lu'ro they will wish the box lied come to their )louse instead of us," "The idea of saying a common rabbit is as nice as my deny Tab," saki Ruth, getting angry. 'I guess 1 could have taken Bun if 1 had wanted, for I was the first to seo the pets. 1 wouldn't have that, nasty dog nor the rabbit nor the bird -nothing but this dear kitty." "And I'wouldn't hare a eat," sad Ar- thur, who, was getting angry loo, "I always thought a dog would be so nice, but this one is homely. 1 tell you the rabbit is the best of all," 'And I tell you my kitty is the best,' said Ruth- "1 don't-" • Before the naughty children could get any farther the door opened an in walked mamma with a letter in ler hand. "I just received a letter from grandmanla," she said, "and what do you think she says? Grandpapa made a mistake in his letter ab,:ut the pets and she says Frank and Nell are to have Drat choice because they have buth been siok. I alit sorry but 1 know my 111110 Loy and girl would rather have them salisfl. d than to choose yourselves, wouldn't, .you?" "_No, 1 wouldn't," said Arthur. "If I can't have Bun I don't want any- thing." "And I wasn't give up Tab," wailed Ruth, "You don't need to tell them anything •alout the letter, Mama." Mania talked la them a long line and told them how many weeks their little cousins had lied to slay in the house, and at last the children said they would give up their pets if Nell and Frank wanted them, Ruth slicd a few tears over the soft fur of Tab, and Arthur gave Bun an extra handful of clover, but neither of Um children said a word about being sorry the letter cane. For the firet lime the little invalids were to come the next clay to make their choice and bath felt it should be a happy time since they had been ill so lung. "I do hope they will taloa the bird and the dog," whispered Ruth just as the carriage was driving in the hoe. "Yes, but we mustn't let mamma know we feel bad if they lake Tab and Bun, whispered back Arthur. "1 wish I knew what they will do."• "Corte here, children," called mam- ma, and Arthur and Ruth rushed to the sitting -room to find the pretty bird in a new cage and the doggie washed and ccnbeel until he looked like a little gen- tleman beside the tramp that had been so forlorn the day before. "Oh! I wish-" cried two voices, and then there was time for no more, far Lrncle Horace carried the invalids in well wrapped In shawls. "The darling ki!tiel I want that!' said Nell, hugging the pretty kitten and smoothing its soft fur with her thin ebeac. "I'm so glad, for I've wanted a kitty so long." "May I have this lovely rabbit?" cried Frank with shining eyes. "I just love while rabbits" And after Tab and Dun had been car- ried away by two ,happy little people Arthur and Ruth danced up and down in glee. "candy! Goody!" they cried. "We have the best pets yet, haven't we, mamma?" You all have." said mamma, and 1 think she was right. ,I'LL PAY YOU F011 TILTT. This 1:IJle parable by an unknown author teaches its own lesson. A hen trod on a duck's foot. She did not mean. to do it, and it did not hurt the duck much, but the duck said, "1'1I pay you for that!" So the duck flew at the old hen, but as she did leo her wings struck an old goose, who stood close by. "111 pay you for that!" cried the goose, and she lkw at. the duck, hitt as she did so her foote tore the fur of a cat, who was just then in the yard, "I'll ,pay you for that!" cried the cat and she started for the goose, but es she dict so her claw caught in the wool of a sheep. "I'll pay you far Miall" cried the sheep, and she ran at the eat, but no she +died so her foot hit the foot of a dog who lay in the sun. "111 pay you far tial!" cried lie, and jumped at the sheep. but es lie did so his, leg struck an• old cow wlio stood by the gate. "11 pay you for that!" cried she, and she von at lite dog, but as she did so her horn grazed the skin of a horse, win s'ond by a tree. "lilt pay you far ball" cried he, and he rustled al the cow. ' \Vhat a noise there 'vast The horse flew et the cow, and the cow et the deg, and tine dog et the sheep, and the sheep at the cal, and the cat at the goose, and tie goose et the duck, and the duck at the her. \Vhnt a fuss there was! And all because. elle lien accidentally [stepped en lite duclee toes, "1I11 011 \?Vial's all this? cried the men who had the care of Vern. "Pott 71105 slay here," he 00id to the hen; but he drove the duck to Ibe pond, the goose to the field, 111e cat to the horm Thee sheep to the fold, the clog to the 'louse, the raw to her yard and the •horse iris stall, And so all !heir good CMOS were over beeenso th0 duck would not overlook a Mlle hurt wiikch woe not tended, • "A little explained. A.111110 endured, A little`: forgiven, . • The, quarrel is eared." UAD"S VALUAT1:ON, "lift I ant so unworthy, darling!" he murmured, as be held lbo .dear girl's hand b7 his. "CM, George.," she sighed, "If you end papa, agreed en every other point es you do on that, how happy We tvovltl bel" TIlIC!IJNG THE P01405. Selt-styled Firemen Bereave hoof of Poker Station, "Cops" Get Soaked. An amusing hick has been played recently on the constabulary of the Aux teem' town of 1'Ipppau, 1 new pollee station leas' been built and roofed with so-called !menthe wafer -proof tiles: •Gn the day after lis inaugnl'atiun, two men. dressed In the nnwlripnl lire brigade uniform and representing themselves to b0 actin{; under superior miters, ebnl- nenced to remove the lilt , cxpinining Lt .the inspector in charge thea the «u- tholilies lead been advised 111dt new I"metallic' tiles 'were duuge't'us in a lhuoder storm, being conduelnrs Of eh: erk'!Iy. The unsuspecting policemen gave thein a band in laking down the Tiles, which were loaded 011 a cart the men bad brought for the purpose. \\'hen the job was finished the self- Flylcd [lrrinen dra\ 0 away, promising t t, blain later with ol'dinery tiles with which to re-cover 1110 roof, Presently a vtedelt rain -,term carne on and the un- feelumale, shelterless policemen tele- phoned to headquarters asking that the roof might be promptly re'paire'd, as they were being washed out, Nothing, how- ever, was known at 1110 central office Of an order to re -rout the building, and now that the truth Las leaked out the- , unhappy guardians of the, peace are 1 having a bad lime at the hands of tho Ilocal wage. CURIE PILleS AND CONSTIPATION, Why is it that Weans are so effective in the etre of piles? Because they don't waste time on symptoms, but get back lo the -real root cause 1 Nature Inas pro- vided that the liver shall secrete a sub- stance which, operating on the Intes- tines, shall prevent the congestion which causes piles. Bileans do not merely soothe tite congested veins. They act on the liver cells, enable thein 0 start their work and then the agony of piles disap- pears as does a river flood when the ice jam is removed. Mr. Thos. Plunkett. of 472 Manning Ave., Toronto, sae's: "For three or four years I suffered from constipation and piles, I also had severe headaches, All sorts of remedies were recommended to ale but I tried them in vain. Bileans were very different however. From first Eying them I found benefit, and now 4f anybody wishes to know anything about P>ih'ans I will be glad to tell them how superior they are." \Vhy superior? Because most reme- dies merely get at the external symp- toms. Bileans go back to tie cause. Same reasoning applies to their certain cure of all Ilwer ailments, indigestion, headache, constipation, female ailments, anaemia, debility, etc. Druggists and stores sell 'at 500. a box, or from the Dileall Co., Toronto, upon receipt of price, 0 boxes for 52.50. --4—' BRIDGE OF MAHOGANY. Valuable Wood Used in Mexican Struc- ture fur Pedestrians and Teams. As mahogany is among the most cost- ly woods in the world, it may be in - ferrel 1haI ibis tropical material is not r, ree extensively employed in the con- struction of buildings, etc. A bridge constructed of solid mahogany is cer- tainly u rarity, a curiosity. There is one, claimed to be the only ane in the world, built of that material. This structure is located in the Department ct Pakenque, Slate of Chiapas, Republic of Mexico. This district lies in the ex- treme southwestern part of 'Mexico, near the boundae;y line of Guatemala. Thio mahogany bridge Is conslrucled entirely of that valuable wood except some iron supports, braces and %51(0 that are neeeesary. The bridge spans the Rio \lichol end its total length, in- cluding approaches, exceeds 150 feel, while the width is 15 feet. It is used by Nth learns end pedestrians and, though sewwewhai rude and primitive in con- slruetien, it 10 very substantial. None of tie Umbels • of the flooring were saved tar in that region there are no sawmills, but were lawn and split. In tint FGflion of old Mexico there ere several fiery nurse rubber planta - hong and mahogany trees are quite c nlni.,n. In clearing away the tropucnl Amniote Inc selling out the young rub- ber trees the mahogany growths ace. also cut down and removed. As. this wool Lo guile abundant, some of It was used in building the bridge. 4 Groat Things from Little Causes Grow -It (alms very lilile to derange the stomach. The cause 1055 be slight, e coke, s-.melhing eaten or drunic, enxi- cly, worry, or some Miler simple cause. But if precautions be not taken, this kimp;e cause may have most serious consequences. Money a chronically de- bilitaled constitution to -day owes its de- Slraclion le simple causes not dealt with in time. Keep the digestive ap- parattts in healthy condition and all Will be well. Parmelee's Vegetable 'fills are better than any other for the 'purpose. HOW SIMPLE. Ilusbond-"My dear Emily. why is 11 1 nm always. in the wrong?"' eVife-"Becortse 1 am always in the right." The 0F.night and narrow path isn't Wide ennugin for crooked people, IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND NEWS BY AMAVL ABOUT 301 IN BULL. AND .1115 A'1iOPI-B. Occurt'ences In the Lend That teethes Supreme in ilio ComillOtclat World, Th British 11ue1'u:n new:T .peer lits n• 11,1 situated at Ib'rul•en, .only , ret0 miles and n hall of sheiving, Nora- 111aul1uellta hove be0n erected In ibe late Prime Consnrl than to any other marl ww h, ever lived. Two numeral hilitis have been plac- ed el) the hemee in which Charles Lamb lived at Chase e Side, Enfield. Bele shoo in„ will hereafter be includ- ed fu tee rurrieulum of the elemeulevy schools of Grein t3rillbl, '1'.p Um borough of Southwark lite lute Alderman Hawkins bequeathed his tile vary of Mind 1,700 volwness including some vuivalee and rare works. AL Ririuinghai, Chlirles Thompson 1110 SfliNlced 17 four years' impriscm- nn nI. for stealing cycles left in 00 streets. ts. As a re -nit of an n1l•ertisement for saw 111111 halm,, aver 2,000 111e11 assem- bled in Shaftesbury avenue outside King Edward mmnsione. As compensation for the loss of a leg i0231 hes he :1 awarded to Owen \\'il- liams, '1 envy, :wiliest a Liverpool firm of culltreetore. Earl Compton, see of lite elements cl Northampton, was tined $13, including costs, at Huntingdon, for driving a mo- tor car to the danger of the public. 1t nn; shown al the inquest. at Ilale- sowem. on Allele, Williams, that 31)1110 cycling down Mucklews hill, 110 was thrown into a channel by a collision with a deg. The preliminary work of restoring Selby Abbey was commenced. The east- ern gable is nal considered safe; and Seaflolding is being erected to ensure its removal. It was announced in the 1.nnclon Ga- zette that the King has grilled a reliv- ing pension nI X3,500 0 year to Sir Rob- ert Rouer, late one of the Lord Justices of Appeal. Charles Cuss. a young laborer et Cucddrawv, Peterstone, near Cardiff. took a short cat home end was 'killed by u 'train. Ilis Head was found hu a field near the line, Al Sheffield tho Lord Mayo' entertain - el upwards of 110 midwives at a high lea at the town hall. He spoke of 1)11d - wives as missionaries in the cause LI the children. At LI stli w•aite, In 1130 Durowtlale \-al- ley, Keswiele, a double wedding which has just been celebrated, was the first marriage which has taken place there for 10 years. In Maceleslheld n burglar broke twice info the same house, taking away on the second occasion a pair 01 boots which he had placed ready for removal before and had forgotten. A fox hunted by the Relvoir hounds on Tuesday was pressed so hard that he rat into Aslaekby village end welt to ground in the churchyard. He had given the pack a fast rum. Fred: "They tell Inc at your office that you are only one of the clerks, and you said you were a director." Charles: "So I am. I address the envelopes." A Quick Recovery from Paver and all siok- nnss is always the case when "Irerrovini " the hest ionic i0 used. It builds, it strengthens, it giros uew life, Try it. "No," declared elle young man, with a touch of sadness in his voice; "it may be that some day 1 shall be happy, but nL present it is beyond ale." 11is com- panion was interacted. "There is a girl 1 love dearly,' he continued. "Sire would have me if 1 %shed her, but I dere not. I really carrot marry and live on a thousand a yea'." Consternation and pity were depicted on the faces of his friends. "You can't marry of a thou- sand a year?" asked one. "Why not?" "Why nut?" echoed the youth. "Simply because i haven't the thousand I" strong words by a New York Special- ist. -"After years of testing and compari- son I have no hesitation in saying that Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart is the quickest, safest, and surest known to medical science. .I use it in my own prac- tice, It relieves the most acute forms of heart ailmentinside of thirty minutes and never fails." -36 And it sometimes happens that there is no himmony In the hone of a anisic composer. FIollowey'.3 Corn Cure destroys cams land ''•nils, root and lire -note Who, 'that w011'.d (m11111'e them with such a 'cheap end effectual remedy within 'reach? TiHE CARE OF GLOVES. Ton much cannot be said about the necessity for proper care in removing gloves from 111e hatch, for upon this more then anything else depends the length of lime a pair of .gloves will wear. After unfastening ilia glove it should be turned hock over the hold es far us the fingel0, and then should be pushed off wvithout pulling on the fingers of the -glove al all, 1,s when this is alone the Iltrcafis of the sewing ore broken, and in a short line begin to rip. After the glove is off the hand to fingers sliouhi be gently sI1115hlened out, the gloves smoothed into shape, and put into a box lo knee them fron7 the air es much as possible, no it is the air end the moisture in 11 that rot the fine thread with which a glove Is sewn. FEtlAT.ls SEXTON. London lets only one official sexloll- es„s, wles5 name tend title aro painted In gold on the board Outside the Oily church in which she curries mit her pc. anther duller. The church, which 15 on Ludgate 11111, has a tail spire veileh obstructs the view of Si, Paul's as seem tion (.tillgete Circus, and thus In5rs one al the finest ercttllec hmal perspectives in the world. Tie Ocxloy,0ss olllee 'er 1' `. + r �'vml d , p lit her to din, graves, but there c 1s no churchyard, :stalely si:aps end offices having come to occupy God'.; nets. Sire hila a 1)1010 colleague who Is des. ribed 00 Iti "verger," tho only mod- em oate n use of the now obeelete form of spelling "verger," OIAGNIFICENT CAhIFORNIA TRAIN'S, Iiia the I'hiengo,. Union Pncdtlo and No:til \Visite% Line, The "Los Ange- les Limited" lo Southern I.nlife'nie end the "tlreeland limited" to Sam Francis. e are considered by h'avelcl:5 as the kneel trains leaving Cifieego. Less Rem [Mee days to California. Drawing room and c'onparinlout sleepers, buffet, ob- servation and 11011th ears, • '!'rains eledrie lighted Ihrouldund. The "Chine and japan" Feet Mail c'arrie:s Pullman Slnndaid and 'lbtu'ist sleepel:5 to all 1lifo1uia Coast 1ai(x l 11 l California literature, folders ami rates lo he had on application lo R. 1). Ben - General Agent, 2 King Ste, 1'uron- lo, Ont. TIRE RBGIIT END. One day Percy, aged three, was play- ing with the tail of a big dog. Look out," said the careful aunt; „he'll bile you, ileal'." "01), no, auntie," lie said, "i'so not at the blliln' end;" TERRIBLY DISTRESSING, Nothing can cause more pain and more distress than Piles. Ointments and local treatments may relieve, but cannot eine. 1)r. l,ronhardl's !Tent -Raid Is guaran- 'le::cl to cure any case of Piles. 1f Ilam -Reid deceit% cure you, you gel your money hack, Hem -Rett is a tablet token internal- ly, illus remewIng the cause. 81.00 at all dealers, 01' The Wilson - 'Pyle Co., Limited, Niagara Falls,Ont. "Why, my dear 0150," declared 117e hypnotist, "by making a few simple passes before your eyes I can make you forget that you are harried," "Go ahead," said the other. "I've been try- ing to forget it for len years." A Plea -ant 13'dl:rine.-There are500e pints which have no other purpose evi- dently than to beget painful internal disturbances in the patient, adding to his troubles and perplexities rather than diminishing thein. One might as well swallow some corrosive material. Par - melee's Vegetable Pills have not this disngreenble and injurious property. They aro easy to take, are not unplea- sant to lite taste, and their action is inild and soothing. A trial of them will prove this. They offer peace to the dyspeptic. CANT BEAT A WOMAN. Mrs. Mott. -Ton never tells me a word about his leisin0ss. Mrs. Stolt. -Neither does my husband. But when I want to find out, I invite some company and be leis out every- thing. "One Foot In the Grave." -If t),e thou- sands of people who rush to so worthy a remedy as South American Nervine as a last resort would got it as a first resort, how much misery and suffering would be spared. If you have any nerve disorder You needn't suffer n minute longer. A thousand testimonies 00 prove it. -36 Maisie -"Aren't you coming to my party?" Daisy -"flow earl I, when I'm hi hall -mourning?" Aloisie-Oh, well, cone and slay half the evening." The Luxury of a sound throat and robust lungs is most keenly enjoyed by people who, haying • itered from a little cold, you know," haveboon reaonod from misery and danger by Allen's --- Lung Balsam. Smith: "Good morning, Jones. I hear you have a son and heir." Jones: "Yes; our household now represents the United Kingdom." Smith; "liow:s that.?" Sones: "\Vliy, you see, I am English, my wife's Irish, the nurse is Scotch, and the baby wails." The greater the irritation in the throat 'Me more distressing the cough becomes. Coughing is the effort of Nature -to ex- pel thi:e irritating substance from the air passeges. Biolde's Antl-Constunplive Syrup will ileal the inflamed parts, 'which exude mucous, and restore thele 1a a healthy stale, the cough disappeer- ing under the curative effects of the 'medicine. It is pleasant to the taste, 'tinct the price, 25 cents, is within the 'reach of all. PROVING LITS WORDS. She: "Before we were married you (lectured your willingness to do any- thing, even to die, for my saike." He: "Well, if mine Isn't a living death I don't know evhaL is." Impossible to Find. A plaster equal to "The D 0I,Menthol. For side Bobo nothing 0511010 1t. "t yard roll outs 7 plasters, Mailed on receipt of pries Davis d&Lawrence Co„ Montreal Tho Youth: "1'es,es,I'm in business for myself, but I don't seem to be able to) meet with any success, The Sage: "No- body ever meets with success, young elan. Ho must overtake 11." Eo'l Dysart has offered to present six acres of lend le Grantham to be con- verted into a recreation ground for the borough. ERMW ur Can cure your Cough or Cold, no question about that but - why go to all the trouble and inconvenience of looking him up, and then of havinghisprescription filled, when you cat step into any drug store m Canada end obtain a bottle of SHILOH'S CURE for a quarter. Wily pay two to five dollars when a twonty-five cont bottle of SHILOH will cure you as quickly? Wthousands t do4 Canadianssdhave clone for the past thirty-four trrnvla yorrolowheeerCoghoCd appears. SHILOH will cure you, and all druggiets back upthis statement with a positive guarante& The next time you have a Cough or Cold cure it with r si. n -..rJ a aia��LtYeFt1�' ., MAE ND. 52-O6, Trade qoar In a vodety of styles, fabrics and prices, for Women, men and children, Form -fitted. Dealers aro authorized to replace instantly and at our cost any Pen- Angle garment faulty in material or making. LE. Pen -Anglo Under- wear is form -knit so it can't help Via fitting your figure, -its made oi! long - fibred wool , so it won't shrink -and i't's guaran- tecd besides. Tho whole idea is to make it so good you can't afford not to buy by the trademark (in red). 206 NDERWEAR THIS IS A 20th CENTURY FAMILY Knitting Machine With or Without Stand. YOU CAN clothe your faminy from head to foot FREE. Catalogues 11, D, O,73,. 4 distinct machines. Address, 11ax 100. ORFELMAN BROS., GEORGETOWN, ONT, A REBUKE. The Buller -The house is on fire ma- dam. lle'e are all the hand grenades, Airs. Paeelcill - You should have brought them on a Tray, Williams. A. General Favorite, -In every place 'where introduced Dr. Thomas' Ecleclric 011 has not failed to establish a repu- 'teflon, showing that the sterling quali- ties which it possesses are willed ev- erywhere when They become known. It is in general use in Colada and other 'countries as a household medicine and the demand for 11 each year shows that I; is a favorite wherever used. TR iALS. 1-0-1 suppose ft :mild he a great trial to you, dear, If, after all, our en- gagement was broken off? She -You bet it would, dear. A great breach 01 promise trial. If a dog bites you don't be scared. Bathe the 'round with cold water and cover it with a dleth m which Weaver's Carate has boon freely spread. The Comte relieves the pato caused by ilia sting of insects. \VHIAT SHE WANTED. He: "Marry me and you shall want for nothing. She: "13u1I don't want to want for nothing. I want to want for something 1 want." Kidney Cry. -Pain in the back is the cry of the kidneys for help- To .ne- glect the call is to deliver the body over to a disease cruel, ruthless, and anally life destroying. South American Kidney Ours has power akbi to miracu- lous in helping the needy kidneys out of the mire of disease. It relieves in six hours. -3e Husband (angrily): "Were you always as Innlish as you aro now?" \Vifc (calmly): "No, dear. Don't you remem- ber that I refused you three antes before' I was foolish enough to marry you?" I OLD MAIDS IN SCOTLAND. More 'Allan One -hall the \\'marl Are 'Without I l u s ba n d s, Notwithstanding all its lave songs, fieoIland r 11011 eliow 11)1113)5 ilio 11111010 permeation n preponderance of married women, Of the 11151111(1 lassies and widows -between the ages of fifteen and the talcs' report of the 'British Regis. fats-It•a-aura than one-half, of 5S per arehL, rnm,d11 without husbands. This i e n s o res proemial t of the feels aa,r cd in t 17l true -General, 'pleb is for 1904, a year lluu completes half a century of national registration. '1110 marriage rale during those fifty years has shoved 110 serious variation, It, tuns highest, in 1873, at 7:8 poi 1,000 of the population, and lowest ei 1580, at 0,3. The latest is 0.97, which is below the rano for the Untied King- dom as a whole. Prudence is an observable cherecterls- Lie of entrance into matrimony when the survey Is extended to fifty years. A snuffler proportion of young leen and young W0111011 new marry under the age of tww'enly-fivo, and also at the late per- iod of life; they prefer wedlock between twenty-llve and f0rly. Some child -wife exceptions are noted. Seven married in 1004 were only fifteen years, and fifty -tree were one year. older. TWO child widows married again, when eighteen and nineteen respective- ly, bachelors of the age of nineteen, A NEW WAR ON OPIUM. The Chinese government hes followed Its recent edict against opium by strin- gent regulations which seen to show a sincere purpose to do all that can be dole to suppress the use of elle drug in the empire. The regulations provide that not only the cultivation of •he poppyPy but the use of opium shall cease within 10 years. No new ground can be pieced under cultivation for opium production, and the ground naw under cultivation for that purpose must be reduced one- tenth annually hider penalty of confis- cation. Persons already addicted to the use of elle drug are required to use an annually diminishing quantity, and all persons are forbidden to begin its use. (Metals aro especially enjoined to set an example of abstinence. The impor- tation of morphine 0 prohibited, and pleasures are to be taken to end the opium trade within ten years. These governmental regulattons will be strengthened by a growing public senlI- ment against the use of the drug, which finds frequent expression in the Chinese press. ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch on human or animals cured in 80 minutes by Wol- ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Ho\b' To WIN. "Unfortunately, the evil in nye al- ways gains the victory." "Well, marry. Then your better half will always be victorious." , Sciatica put him on Crutahoe. Tas. Smith, dairyman, of Grimsby, Ont., writes: "My limbs were almostu seless from sciatica and rheumatism, and, not withstanding my esteem for physicians, I must give the credit where it belongs. I nm a oared man to -day, and South American Rheumatio Cure must have all the credit, It's a marvel, --34 A FRIEND NEED Whan you have a cough, fold, acre throat, crou), whooping cough, bronchitis, asthma or tuna truublas you naturally think of l OLT 0 EXPECTC RANT. ., ilio safe and naverfaihng remedy for all 'tlrose ills, Perfectly harmless for Mo. wealust stomach or most delicate child. Children love It. Adults enjoy it. IL always mires, 1t is Dr. Slocum's won - Merrill cough and throat remedy. It htta 'never Inert equalled for qutcic, positive 'and satisfactory results. No household bhould he without it. "1 have used your doltsfooto Enactor. ant and and it satisfactory in calm of sl oroup, colds or coughs. I bavo used it. over slow I got a trial bottle, and have rhlammended it to everyone in need of it. You may use my name and address for testimonial if you wish. ROMs; Ms; it will benefit others as 16 has dorm my chil- dren, I remain, MRs. ACNES COMBER, . 1069 Prances St. London, Ont. Every ;nether, every father who values 'Me health and well-being o1 their 01111 - 'drop will always have Coltsfoole in the 'home as an ever -ready physician and 'friend. All up-to-date dealers, for 2500 'will supply you 'villa LT t TE EXPECTORANT. "Health and Vigor depend upon 1110 quality and quantity of the blood."-. humanitarian. Dr. Carson's Tonic Stomach and Constipation Btttersi A Purely Vegetable Tonic and Biood Purifier. Price 50 cents per Sottic.l It you aro not able to obtain it in your. neighborhood we will .rent to any ad- dress two bottles upon receipt of OYh DOLLAR (000. Per bottle) carriage prepaid. Pamphlet sant Sim on applloation, The Carson Medicine Company 87 Wellington St. West, - Toronlol' CARPET DYE1N . and Cleaning. Thio 1, a apeeialty with 1130 BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO,. Bend neaten tarn by poet and we are aura toad fah es Brans 1(00 taa, Montreal. MORE FRENZIEll FINANCE. Bronco -"I just. made Si," Green -"flow did you do It?" Brown -"Short wanted to borrow five,. and I glrally compromised by lending him one." Much d's'.ress and 51cleness in cbil- dreu Is caused by worms. Molder 'Graves' Worm Exterminator gives re- lief by removing Ilia cause. Give it a 'heal and be convinced, " AUTOr1ODILE " AND " CYCLE " SKATES Design and Finish Unsurpassed. Ate,nlirurn Topo. Nickel Steal Wades And Manufactured by THE O4PdADA CYCL's, AISID P1IOTOR 00., limited Toronto Junction, Canada. 1 OfillS fight 515 Sa1vaniz d STEEL 6 With Put them on with no tools but a hammer and tinner's shears,'—can't go wrong. They lock on all four. sides, are self -draining and water - shedding on any roof with three or more inches pitch to the foot. Make buildings fire .proof, weatherproof and proof against lightning. Cost least in the long run. Made of 28 - gauge toughened sheet steel—only one quality used and that the best - bent cold and double -galvanized. Last longer with no painting than any other metal shingles heavily- :s's wase i Far .asi, ,: a.sy Work painted. Guaranteed in every way until 1982. Ought to last a century. Cheap as wood shingles in first cost; far cheaper in the long run. Oshawa " Galvanized Steel Shin- gles cost only $4.50 a s quer e, 10 ft. x 10 ft, Tell us the area of any roof and hear our tempting offer for covering it with the cheapest 1, oof you can really afford to buy. L e t us send - you FREE booklet about this roofing' question -tells some things you may not know. Oshawa Galvanized Steel Shingles are GUARANTEED in every way for Twv'enty-Five Years Ought to Least a Century Bend for 5111E Book--"1oofiete 1118111" Get Gur Offer before You hoof a Thing Oplia grat Address our ha ria M O2ITIOEAt TORONTO OTTAWA LON1)011 Iii/INtatut VANCOUVER Wartafortima021.5 Craig Yidold,nru Usama 0W. aoalr O'11(0� r bLombardrio ata os teasteitae115