The Brussels Post, 1907-1-3, Page 4J Rausogis THURS D A 3,' , JAN, 9, 1907. DIMINO the pact year it has been esti• mated that 45,000 Immigra0to Battled iu Ontario and this year ie expected to OM do that record. A 3111pletansurloil bill ie on the pro. kram at the oomtug session of the Maui. tots Parliament. Some undertake W kitty it will be fearfully and wonderfully made with the balance well in favor of Mr, Roblin. ONTAaio'a Parliament will assemble on Thursday, January 241b,for the dee. patob of business. It ie expected w prove an interestiog session. Indioatioue polus to the reorganization of Ib, Liberal fighting foroe in the House at• though the partionlars ere not yet made publio. A I PROPOSAL to grant hume rule to India anti a patriotio faud is being raise° to push a campaign for education amu campaign purposes. The promoter base their olaim on the privileges grant rd the Boers in South Africa, The 10,000 delegates preeeut were very en. thnsiaatio over the discussion of the question. TEIs has been a Wipter of big ane deetrnotive tires. Among the latest to the burning of the Governmeut House and contents at Dawson. The Geyer. nor was absent from borne at the time in New York. Fire ie a good eervam but a bad master and following this ruls the inenranoe oompauiee wheel: it to the policy holders. AT a largely attended meeting of the Roman Catholics of Huron Co„ held h, Seafortb, on Christmas Day, a reeotntio, was passed, on motion of Barrister Ke • loran,eeoonded by Judge Doyle, expreee- ing indignation over the treatment of their church in Fraaoe and enggeeting e vigorone boycott on French goods prof. fered for We in this country to show their disapproval of the Frenoh govern. ment'e action• a of the resolution were ordered to be forwarded to the preen and institutions interested. EVERYRODx Will watch the Advisory Board in ite dealings with the edemas tional affairs of this Province, We be. lieve the Government practically had the opinions of these. and Many other prominent ednoationisis, barrios the expense, before in the shape of roman - Hone, reoommeodttione and criticisms in oonnactioo with Teachers' Iootitutes, anions, etc. Probably these expressions were leas biassed than may be the op inions of the new ()punch. The Minister of Education should be a mac practically acquainted with the work under hie oonlrol. Second Term Exam. B Warwick „•.477 L Lamout .,,,158 V AiolaY ...,..472 Sep. Walker ..110. Beeeie Walker ,.465 BRUSSELS CONTINUATION CLASSES Rooms 1 tt 2. FORM III BR.—Exam. in Physics, Chem.,Alg., Oomp., Gram„ An, Hiet. and Geo. Total 600. Hon. 450. L Lamont ....507 L Straoban ....372 N Sparling .....442 H Young 870 A Lamont 484 H Hagg ........834 M Fear 426 T Dark 315 G Ross 887 S Atmatrong ..810 T Zimmer 878 in h e' a FORM III JR.—Exam. t P to P Geo., To1 help. Gram.,An. Host. and Geo. tal 600. Honore450. I Frain 588 W Henderson ..482 IN Brothers ..,500 L Drokson......422 W Straoban497 R Shaw ...... ..692 G Armetrong487 J Robb 892 Ii Deadman....484 L Rutherford 810 F Morienzie....476 J Wilton 267 FontsII—Exam. in Geom., Gram.,: Writ., Famish, Lit., Com., Draw.. Bead. ing. Total 760. Honors 668. E Evans, 629 J Cunningham .457 G Robb 601 L Sinclair 485 P Bremuer ..,.490 0 Bell 481' P Baker .479 0 Scott 412 S Stubbe 470 0 Holmee 847 M Dunbar ..,406 WMoOntoheon 841 W Browett......487 R Sinclair ..,.279' FORtt I—Exam. in Lat , Gram., Writ., Lit., Aleg., Comp., Draw. and Read. Total 750. Honore 563, J Leckie 587 T Dickson ......436 H Moore 683 0 Armstrong ..434 G Jordan 679 W Soots 413 0.' Armetrorg ..523 E Ewan 878 M Birt 517 I. Thuell 247 1. H. CAMERON, Principal. M.FHesoNDaN. PUBLIO SCHOOL OLASSSIS. noon 8 ENTBANOE,—Exam, in Gram., Spell., Arith., Clomp, Lit., Geo, and Map Draw. Total 726. Heoore 646. F Scent 616 B Leckie 447 J Henderson ...611 A Robb 458 M Jones ......608 C Amens 421 I Barkley 551 F Gerry 848 K Amens 528 W Bell 889 N liwen 607 B Corry 2t0 O MaMillan....495 P Brewer 165 V walker 464 JB, IV -Exam. in Gram., Geo., Spell,, Mem., Gram„ Comp. and Map Draw, Total 726. Honors 646. Il DoOdman677 E Plebs 450 E Gilpin 696 H Mooney ...421 B Gerry 532 M Thomson....418 J Armstrong .,528 Winnie Long ..418 0 Leokie 616 W Spathng ,.,406 n B Hartle H Armstrong 9 4 2 887 Willis Long .,.489 E Somers... —865 It Wilton ..,...487 W Miner 343 C Lowry 483 S EA .., 177 K. Wu,so8, 'leacher, noon 4 Sa. 1V --Exam. in Spell, Gram., Comp., Geo„ Bead., Mem,,Arit�1., Hist„ Writ. and Draw. Total 830. Honore 658, F•Stnbbe 672 W MoLeoblan..586 G Kerr 659 E Lamont ..,.522 W Kerr 625 W Aiulay 616 P Dark..,...., 622 M Thomson 497 I Strachan :..,815 E Fiats 488 EI Ament 600 L Bateman ....442 O 1tloDunald .,600 11' Robb 436 8 Burgess 649 Jo, III—Exam. in Spell., Aritb„ Camp., Geo,, Read., Gram„ Writ, and Drew, Total 660. Honore 488. A Moore 505 E Barkley ....,416 A Finu 489 H Burgess Crooke 471 N Fox .....896 N Simmoue487 A Wilton 886 H Lowry 465 F Friendship ..832 V Rees 467 Harold Lowry ,.283 13 Brothers 429 D. Sacra, Teeth" r. Room 6 SR. II—Exam. in Aritb., Comp.. :pall., Geo., Mem., Draw, Total 600. Honore 460. f Deadmau625 F Lowry 407 J Ilabkirk ,...502 L Ba luutyoe 406 H Waiker......482 R Barkley 883 ,v Lett 478 M Edwards ....872 E Toole 482 V MaOreakeu ..856 A MoLachlau —441 441 P Tbne11 364 W Harris 437 I MgLanahlan..863 L Lowry 487 K Finu 845 4 tloore 427 G Colvin 543 E Lowry 426 L Holmes 213 J Jaokeon 426 JB. II— W Armatra❑g466 H Fax 571 Elliott 469 T Snider 85h Roe 439 0 Orooe ......884 H Work 419 N Browett ....241 G Edwards 416 F Wood 284 S Kerr 402 W Stratton ...,223 G Jamieeon872 M. T. DowNEy, Teaob,r noon 6 OLese V—Total 650. Honors 415. L Jaokeon 52.2 Bezel Crone ..458 J ylgLauoh,in515 L Bergen ....440 d. Thompson 477 R Sinewy .. „403 J Ballantyne 466 • ()Less IV—Total 650 R Stewart 520 Fred. Payne....466 .11 Mercer 618 L MaOrackeu..458 N Friendeblp 612 B Oempbell....450 I Toole 511 V Sinclair ....427 W Payne 507 T MaLauoh4n..418 R Ritchie 468 L Ameut 598 Class 1I1—Excellent-8 MaLanoblin, W Somers, R Onrrie.—Good—J Thump eon, M Carter. CLAN II—Exoellent—R McKay, E Shia e, W Harkness, A MoLa❑uhttn, L Snider, 0 Crone,—Good—J Jamieson, W Buchanan, P Barkley, L Jaokeon. CLASS I—Excellent—W McDonald — Good—H Gerry, W Burgess.—Fair—G Snider, R Payne, JEAN RITCHIE, Teaober: IIhenmatism Almost Stilled leer For years Mrs. B. Stehteohmidt, of Humberstone, Ont., was a martyr to rheomatiem. "I wag eo stiff and lame I e uald hardly walk" she writhe "An attack striking my limes made walking mpoesible. Friends and doctors gave preemptions but 1 only.got relief from Ferrozone. I took 12 boxes and Baine° relief from the first. To day I am well, feel stronger, weigh heavier and took the pietore of health," Whether muscular ur inflammatory, obronio or otberwiee, Ferrozone does ours rheumatism and eciatioa, 50o per box at all dealers. Jatnet.towxt. Contended for Met week.] ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION•—On the oloeiug day of school in 8. S. No. 1, Tarn• berry, D. A. MacDonald, the teacher, war presented with a ring from the pupils accompanied by the lollowmg kindly worded addreee, which wee read by Gwen, Snell, Bessie Miller making the presenia. Non :— To D. A. MacDonald : Dame TRAORE❑,—We regret tbe ;time tae dome the, as teacher and pupils we moat sever, W Y p a have full appreciated p your patient and untiring efforts in our behalf during the abort time we have been together. Although you cannot aontinoe to be in our eabool room with 0e we Bao assure you that you wile always beve a place in our heart,, and trust that we have in yours. We Bek you to 0000pt this ;fug as a email token of our love Nod esteem for yea. We feet that we oat, never reward you for all that you have done. Youriu1uenoe over ❑e tae been that which would lead 0e to do ouly what Ie good and true. Though you may never be fully rewarded in this lite we are confident that yon will veep a rieb rewar1 n the life which le to Dome. May the God who has watched over 0e in the past watch over and guide you always. Sign• ed on behalf of the scholars of S. B, No, 1, Tarnbeery, GWEN. SNELL, Rae= ' ILLER, JORN MILLER. Mr. MacDonald made a brief but appro. lariats reply in expreseingbin thacke for the aboioe gift. Ee will spend a portion at least of the doming year at home. ADDRESS AND PaEnENTATION.—On Thum day afternoon, 20,11 Deo , the pupile and persists of B. S. No, 10, Morrie, astonish- ed at the school and enjoyed a pleasant afternoon with their teacher, J. T. Straoban, who 18 leaving the soholl. A very large representation of the notion were present and all with one voice expreeeed theft great Borrow at losing heir pop❑ler and clever young leather. The following address was reed by Mae et Willie King while Mise Bella Robb ureeented Mr. Sheehan with a beautiful Gentleman's Companion with his name engraved in silver 1--• DEAR MR. STRAORaN.—We take this opportunity of expressing our sorrow that our relations as teacher and papil0 must now be severed and of making known to you our k00d wlehee tor your future happiness .ed prosperity, Dnring the three years f our present reletico0 you have over shown a sympathetic interest to ae, proving a patienttekober, a rise conn• .91103 and'e eompetont instrootoe, Aea seiscoameseemosesesei and bless you wberever your !Mare lot may bo oast, 'Signed in behalf of the aobool, 13gLLq Roan LEaonE E01411(18, FIIANS Slaw, WILLIS $INe• Mr, Btraohen replied in appropriate terms end thanked ail concerned for the many kindnesses received. Mite Pea 000k gave a p easing recitation, while speeches wets mhds by Mr. Shaw, Mr, Oubt and Mr. McDonald. G. A. Dead mac of Brueeelo, gave several eeleotiOne on hie gramaphot.e. A tasty lunch was served. Both teacher and pupils looked rather blue in the hour of parting. Mr. Straultan has been a 1090 sad Mud ►snob er and has proved a decoded sitcom in his profession. He 18av09 with the very beet whine of a large oirole of friends. Diet Not The Whose Thing Your table to loaded wilts food—digest ble and wholesome, yet you never gain •trsngth, What's the trouble ? Look within, and what do you find 7 A lazy ,ver, stomach overloaded with work— oeeleee work because the bowele and leer are net auflloiedtly active. Relief e quickly supplied by Dr. Hamilton's Pills, They make weak fo'ks etrong by removing the three of the weakness. Otg805ion improves, eouotip•.tion leavee, ver takes new lite, kidneys wake up,— bo whole system ie enlivened by Dr. 11ilmilbon'e Pills. No better medicine for the dolt or well, 25c at all dealers. Carmel Crook. CARD OF TEANtte.—The (allowing note 4,8910 for its ,f;—Mise. AND Mae, LoNo —femme—We, the members of Court Wnodb,ne, in meeting eeeembled, take mnotl pleasure in tendering you a mast. hearty vote of thanks for the able and -6finent manner in which the Foresters' 'upper was gotten up and ooudnoted e our behalf on Thursday evening, Deo 20.1, and also for yob; hoepita tty and goo'( will. We earnestly hope that our presence and 000dudt while with you ,n that 000aelon was of such a nature a. to Dave yob so impressed, that if we ere spared till another year passes ny and wish to arrange anything of the Kind again, your hospitality will be as fr.ely offered as it was an ,.hie occasion Wishing yon a Happy New Year, we emain yours. Sign -d in bet If of the 'lonrt, WILL WDona, 0 R. ALLEN CatacnoN, Reo B o SwwoonHEP.,RT —The following ie the , I,a,.brook wheel report fur December. Name are Ir, order o1 merit.:—Sr. IV— Viotnr Sperling, Mary McNichol, Alex. Dark, Hare n Smalld. ti, Emma Bunter, David Perris, Herbert MuDunald, Jr. IV—Viola Long, Lillian Dark, Beatrice MoQcarrie, Leila Sperling, Muriel Spar. j. .ng, Reeeell d.ldereau, Jo ha Baker, Je9810 Mepzieo, Sr. III-Lnin NeDouald and Bessie Alderson (equal), Arthur Fox, Orma Stelae. Jr. III—Willie Baker, Nettie Reymann, Resta Fox, George 1 Smttlidon, Christian Fischer, Sr. 11— Luoy Aldereou, Addle Spading, leueeell li;ligbt, Hazel McDonald, May Hunter, Mamie Cameron, Lola Stelae, Maggie McNabb, Le81ie Porrie. Jr. II—Evelyn MoNiebol, Edward Sptal)don, Part II— Harold Fox, Elgin Porter. Sr, I—Fiala Sperling, Ohariie Morrow, Earl Ray. mann, Oeaar Gorsalibz, Thelma Small" don, Jr. I—Llty 1laddatz, Maggie Perris, Robbie Fox, Alvin Hooter, Pr)ntary Mi11y Aldereou, Madeline B01ser, Oarbdta Fischer. L. A. MORAx, Teacher, Stop Ltmplug Cure The Corn Quickly done by Putnam's Painless Core Extraotor, Acte in one day, 09❑ee9 no polio, removes every truce of -aroma. Fifty yours of sunrise proves Putnam'e is the beet. Refuse egbetitu. tee, PECULIAR WEAKNESS IN MANY WOMEN is Promptly Overcome by tile Regular Use of L''err00One• Many women stiffer untold torinre from nervuue debility arising from die orders of the feminine organa. Day by day they grew worse, A false sense of modesty prevents them using a good remedy like Ferrozone,—end it wou•n mire them 1 Every pale eiokly woman oan b• oared and nourl-hed beak to health by Ferrozone. Think of it, lost nerve force is t,rought back. New vital energy eppplied. The blood is not may enriched and puri8+d, but is properly eirun aced tbr,ngho0t theb dy. Impoeeib a tor any woman who ueeeFerrozoae to be eerione ly 111, to suffer from weakness, irregulars Hee or functional derangements, becanee Ferrozone nate directly on the organs that maintain the b,.lenoe of health, Because free from Alcohol, Ferree pe man be used by young or old with ebso ute safety It oaneee the eterlt8 .to rise, euppliee ambition, °heart° ese and new aenee of strength that adds mach to sue pleasure of life. Prepared in form of e oh000'ated coated tablet. Ferrozone is .old by all dealers, 50o per box or els for $2.50, Financial Statement of the Village of Brussels for 1906 RECEIPTS 'Inch on band, County account '• Consolidated Loan account " ' Local Improvement account " " Sohool Loan $537,50, Tp. Morrie $6.60 School account, Tp. Morris Government Grant ;linking Fuud—Cash on bend Metropolitan Bank Iutercet Intermit from Looaltmoonnt Debenture and Coupons Interest on Mortgagee Resident Taxes Dcg Tex Wm. Oiegg,licenses, 6254.88 ; Dr. Weston, $1.50 Rents—Weigh stales, $886.55 ; Tp. Grey, $86.00 ; Tp. Morris, $6.00 ; L, S. Duuford, $6,00 ; T. A, Hawkins, $8.00 ; Norman Smith, $8.00 ; Mr. Langford, $3.00 ; Green 0o. $12.00 ; Gen, t line, $10.00 ; S. Scott, $8.00 ; Demme 0. Rose, $5.00 ; Ten Nights lu Bar Room Co., $5.00 ; Barnett Bros., $5.00 ; Eckardt Family, $5.00 Current Loans from Sinking Fuad account Blieuellaneoue—Ina. Crerar $ Total $ 422 97 1488 00 151 01 844 00 179 82 187 00 8460 26 17 90 40 60 529 b7 486 00 9089 19 68 00 816 82 4622 83 9147 19 235 88 438 55 1046 00 2 00 $18048 75 DISBURSEMENTS Balance due by Local account $ 425 71 No.862 6 Chtlaue- tine bye By Law 588 4. ; U Salarie' -Robert Oliver, $883,80 ; A, MoLauchlin, $50,00 ; Jae, Tut tabu 1, 841.75 ; Inn. Long, 545.00 ; F. S. Soot), $107.60 ; A, Strachan, 560.00 1. '2. 11084, 589.02; Ino. Simmons, .75 ; Dr, 0. A. Toole, $10.00 ; R. Hende'son, $6.75 1 J. Y. S. Kirk, $6 00 ; W. H. 191ot reckon, 56.00 : R, Leatherdale, 81.50 Printing, oto,—W. H. Herr $68,60 ;Municipal World, $8,88 707 67 06 18 Interest—Staudard Bank, $23,45 ; Sinhine Fund account, $40.60 ; 6428 06 Law Uoets-B. L. Doyle, ;114.86 ; P. S. Soots, $12.00 ; A. B. McDonald, $2.00 86 Roads and Bridgee—W. S. Sellars, $246.40 ; William Denbow, $3.00 ; 0. Meadows, .50 ; P. MoDonald, $9,50 ; R, Henderson, $7.26 ; N. McCauley, $6.10 ; Thos. Newsome, $6,00 ; Peter Tarr, $23,85 Wm. Oampbell, $1.50 ; Geo. Lott, $6.15 ; A, Campbell, 54.66 ; Ii, Mercer, .75 ; Geo. McNichol, 76 Charity -•Per, A. M. IvioKtty 8 20 75 School Purpoern ee—Government Grant Equivalent, 9147.00; Govement 314 Grant, $187.00 ; Sohool Rate, $2200.00 2484 00 Debentures and Coupons—Consolidated Lo n, $1488.00 ; Soho 1 Loan, $387.50 ; By•Law No. 15,'99, 5144.69 ; By -Law No. 20, 1899, 8785.96 ; By -Law, No. 7, 1900, $528.07 ; By -Law No. 4, 1902, 5816.46 8825 67 Fire Proteetiou—Gen, 'Barkley, $40.00 ; R. Henderson, $84.95 ; J. W Fairbanks, $18.85 ; D. Ewan, 52.00 ; Geo, McNichol, 750, ; W. F Stewart, $4.18 100 7B County Rates—, ounty Treasurer,. 428 60 Current Loans—stinking Fund account 1046 00 Street Lighting—Thuell Bros 690 08 Town hall and Weigh Scales—Jas. Kelly, $10.00 ; John Heffron $5.50 ; Inspeotor of Weights and Measures, $8.50; Western Fire insurance 0n., $40.00 ; Mr.t. Howard, 91.25 ; Wilton not Gillespie, $8.14 68 80 Sinking Fund account—Loans on Mortgagee , . 2800 00 niteoallaneone—F, S. goott, $76.30; Siok Ohildren's Hospital, $5.00 ; orlon• ioipal World, 85.00 ; P. Ament, $6.85; G. 'R. 11,, 60o, ; Can. Express Co., 51,45 ; Bell Telephone 00.. 82o, ; H. James, $8.00 ; ROA. Oliver, 58.00 ; Joe, Thueil, $1.00; Jas, Fax, 31x, ; A. Campbell, 51.00 ; 13. Garry, $10,00 ; Ger,y & Walker, $7.80 ; Gor. McDowell, $2,00 ; Jolla Meadows, 750 ; Geo. Barkley, 870 ; F. Sperling, 51.00 . 125 74 Public Library—Library Board 191 50 Sidewalks—Royal "tone Paving Co., $1211.89 ; A, McLaunhlin, 524,00 ;" F. 8. Scott, $48.12 1278 51 Balance on hand 8827 62 Total ..t ........................ $18048 75 ASSETS. Cash on hand $ 8327 02 Unnollected taxes 864 68 Hall rents 88 00 Amt. dile from sidewalk ano't1278 61 By -Law No, 4, 1002 -La 616 46 Total $ 5620 16 LIABILITIES. Dcbenbnres and Coupons foiling _ due $ 28886 64' Salmi ' Equivalent Street lighting Salaries Oounty rates Amount to balance Notice to Creditors In the Surrogate Court of the 0ounty of Hero», in the matter of the estate of George Stontn, date of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Htu'ou, harness maker, 580890ed. NoWfee ie beeeby giros, pitreuant to Bevis. ed Nta letse of Ontario, 1897 "lute 128, 0.11 untended Anis, flint ail eredttm'e an alma ha ring 1'"y unions «atiot the rotate of the said'Worse 8temn, who stied on or 01111 Ito 1613 1.91 of Decelu''ef,1000, are re. (lobo.) on or bet re the eiet day of Jane. sly, 1007, to bend by post pre.. deliver to A.11 Macdonald, of the VIllege of Urns. eels, Solicitor for A('red 0, heeler, Aumin- I,tinter 01 said eetute, their lthrietlau aid t.ul'0ame' MEd ad„rieeo with full part °etare iu lrriliaa of their plaints. ibe etatomeut(af their . oeouuts and the uatuto of the theta. :tide -(il uul) held by thein. mei mouth is further given that after the sell last mentioned data the said 43101010' tester will proceed to distribute the aaaeta • 1 the d, to aced amongst toe partied entitled too- roto, havim; roger•, uuly to the olulme of widen be 411111 teen nave nobles and t art he said Administrator will no1.ue liable for b 0,09801,: , of any purl thereof. to any Vere0n • r persons of Whose outline notice shall nut h ve beet; received by him at the time o1 -urn distribution. Bated at hi:easels this 18111 day of Deem. er, A. 0,1800. A.H. MACDONALD, 24.8 Solicitor for AtImiuiatratur IMPORTANT NOTICES YOUNG SHORT HORN BULLS Leiae•ter Item Lambe end Bruns 'Pettey Gobblers tar sale Prams reaamr- able, N, A. MMILNE, Ethel. 10.11 T1 )OUND CEDAR FO11 SALE -- J. 1 15 pieces 11 feet long and 'e emcee 24 teat in length Alcoa manner of cedar fel uo posts. Por further particulars sae or write 1a0s, N1W3OM, Brunets. 16.10 1,108 SALE OR TO REN T.— '• rum uudersigueu offers her 100 euro arm, being Lot 20, Ouu. 7, 'grey, far stile or o rant, Oomlortable house, beta bora, trabard, walla, 40 Perm ix only 5 of a mile rout the stir lug village of stilet Pur fur- •1,ru:partioulars apply to P, S. /Mott, Drne- a1 -,•le, er .118, KATE HOLLAND, 75 Shuler t ust, Tarout° 07.080 1)i4OPER`l'Y F011 SAL E—THE • uuderatgnad otters for sale aft aro of 00 I upon widen is a comfortable dwelling .011se, etas le, hum trees, goad over•dowing well 40. Prop rty ix located 3 of ails Nest of Orenbrook u d oouveutoat to school,. batch, »L1,405104, do. Posaeeaioa tit any im, Nur prloe, t•ra:s, Sew, apply on the r mases to Al RAYMANN. 9)1 or Oranbruok P.O. tJ ACRES OF LAN') FOR sole being Nd of Ri Late 58 Dud 00 •fro ',Morris. 40 cores under cultivation au.l balance bush; no buil,-ngs. resew - „inn alvei uu •o':wrietioo of potabae•• 15 utiles from Jamestown ant 81 front W,ox- •tor. 3'e. fel tial partiou tars apply to NILIZA. MULLIGAN, Proprietress, 21-4 or Jamestown P,O. SHORT HORN BULLS FOR e1AL10-0118 was a year old 18 January, 000, and the other 10 months old. Prize „nimale end 10 good 000 5118ou. Terms to Die puiohader. J441EEB 8(9(13113, I.ot 80, on. 6, Morris, or Bruosele P. 0. 16.1,1 1,ROPLRTy FOR SALE—`THE uudere(gued offers hie haute and lot, await 0u Ai111 e.reet, Brussels. for sale. it t9 well located, a enurement an emu for. able. bone. Poss00eica into be given at unoe. Will also sell the enema lot, corner 1 ,lin nod kHz Oath 0108018, which would make a cue building site. For further par - molars ..s to orrice, terms, &d., aupty to 911120. ADAMS, Hardware Dealer, Foid• with. 88.4 A BLANK Application Form for membership in the Finset and neat, I•❑etuose Training Sebool la Canada—The CENTRAL EASINESS COLLEGE of Toronto, from Jan.2ud, next, to- gether with detailed information o the great hrivantagee 10 be enjoyed, Will be sent tree by return mail on 0. rpm of friend or letter Wtlte to -day to W. H, Re(Aw, Principal. Yonge dC Gerrard ole.,'Pometo. LT Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Sala . they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, Brussels. a`od' ?1 is °p v 4Ay --Aran ,.sammc k atimm `, '3a wr F'a"p';erua°a w” a s ': It cannot bo too eieat'iy Btatcll, f01' the statementis beyond any qqualification or conttlradicton, that error since the lklusicolta Free Hospital oon l'eF fop sed admission ti because oflect hislor 01i r has la applicant More, perhaps, than any other charity in Canada the USKOKA FREE HSPWqAL FOR CONSUMPTIVES SES is dependent upon the contributions of the Canadian public for its maintenance. e 1Ixi) ADMINISTRATION BUILDING—MUSKOKA PRER HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTIVES Private philanthropy has erected the buildings, providing accommodation to -day for 75 patients, and which the trustees are prepared to extend, if circumstances warrant it, to too beds. These beds are for those in any part of Canada, without means, who are suffering from this terrible disease in the incipient stage. There is no large endowment, as in some public institu- tions, the interest of which will go a long way to pay the running expenses. The monthly bills, covering cost of administration, salaries of medical men, nursing, clerical and domestic staff, besides the heavy expenditure for maintenance of each patient, are depend- ent for payment almost entirely on the contributions that come to the treasurer from kind friends•throughout the Dominion. Could Not Pay -Has Young Wife and Child. DR. G. F. CAMPBELL, G1117D VALLEY, ONT.,—I have a patient, 26 years of ago, with tuberculosis. His circumstances :"•e not such that be could pay, as he has to young ,vire and child to support. Could you make room for him at the Sanitar- ium ? I think he might improve. Let me know what you would advise. Destitute. J. AUSTIN, KINA1OUNT, 0141". We have a MRD, unmarried and destitute, afflicted with lung trouble, whom we wish io send to the 19Ius- 1(olea Free Hospital for Consump- tives. Please let me know what 100 have to do to gain admission for ltim. Where Will Your Mosley Do More Go©d ? Contributions may be sent to SIR W117. R. MEREDITH, Kt., Chief Justice, Osgoode Hall, Toronto, or W. J. GAGE, Esq., 54 Front Street, W., Toronto. Applications for admission and any other information from J. S. ROBERTSON, Secretary National Sanitaria:.=t Association, (Saturday Night Building), 28 Adelaide Street W., Toronto, Canada. Jj �°SiiZes.,... t5 .f.k, -,,.•a-:rVtl:,..v. Na d 0. 0. F. Court Prineees Alexa"dria, No, 24, 0.0.1., et meek, meets in their bodge Room, 61a8 - hill Bionk, au the god 00d Met Tuesdays of nab month, at8 o'olook. Visiting brethren always welcome. GEORGE 8F(RR. 0, R, W. L. LNIATHLRDALE, R. 8. MONTHLY HORS:E FMRS BRUSSELS, The regular Monthly Horse Fairs will be held for the season as follows t THURSDAY .......JAN. 81•d, 1907 JAN. Bleb, " FEB. 28111, " " APR. 4t1, 1, Leading Local and Outside Buyers will be Present '1 Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS ANY even eumher 5 Emotion of Dominion Laurin in Mauttoba, Baeltntohowau and Alberta, 0xonptine 8 and 26, not reserved, may be homesteaded by Buy person who is the sole head of a fold y, or any male over 18 years n01018,334 the extent of ono -quarter eeotion of 160 sores more or lees Bntry may be made personally at the local land °nate for the dietrlot iu which the laud is situate. The homesteader is required to perform n . leo endoEotie col neo ted therewith undo Y cue of too following plane: (d At le,tte ars he l ate'earthroulettesupon and a eearatmu of the ]Dud in each year for three veare, (2) If the father (or mother, if the father is deceased) of the hotneoteader resides upon a farm in the rid ity of the laud entered for the requirements as to reel• donee may be an billed by etch person r0• aiding with the futber or mother, (0) If the settler has hie nerman0ut rest. donne upon farming laud owned by him iu the vicinity of his homestead, the re. golrnmoots 08 to residents(. may be antis. tied by residence upon the sold land, Sixmoutlte Mitten ht writing ,honld be given to the Oowmio,loaer of Domiuiou Lando at Ottawa of 1uteutt00 to apply ter patent, W.W,0ORY, Della ty of lbs Munster of Interior. N. 13, tlu,tnthorisod peblivatloo of this ad- vertioeutoub will at be pant tor. and every person in want of-oa" Cutters or Sleighs Light or Heavy, can be rupplied by us Our stock i- large and First-class. Light Rob- sleighs will) or without Platforms and 'wleighs with two-inch runners, In the line of Cut- tel't, we have just what you want 18 2s I eft 11 Early and Get Your Choiee 00 001 577 60 , Prices and Terms to suit the Pta'chaer 8207 47i Total' $ 5620 15 small token of our appreciation of what ROBT, IIENDERSON, Reeve, sou hive done we ask you to accept title gift and play that God may geode, klep Bu)(34EL8, l7.cembe)' 18111. 1906, r. r, A. S RAOHAN, J.taaeurer, A N C . B1'I15SelS Carriage' liaCsor'y. To provelm,ue8tlonably, and beyond anydoubt, Met (ntarrh of the nose and throat eon be cored 1 am furnishing Patients through dreggl0t0, email. tree Trial 136xes of, Dr Stoop's Catarrh Cure. Ido thte because I am so certain, that Dr. Shoop'e tot Catarrh Cure will tali ached g- substantial stantial tical Nothing M corbtinly, fe so sgenui e I er a physical fatarticl any 1700 ose real,0genuine e merit. But wilt article meat rather tree marc. elan Mal test will Candamm anther than advance it g Shoptic bailment tura ie.a theautif l nickel heaope antiseptic 06 bate, tint np In 0thln fol ntekel an41 li glass tars Te801. Sieh 9101, eta., as rpormetb ks a !Cltymoh Menthol, eEc..nra inuorporalad �ito a velvety, cream like Peltolatum, Reported by Dr. Shoop from 11erop8 Ii Catarrh of the twee and wiroot has extended to the stomach, then by all means oleo neo internally, Dr. 8hoetes Restorative, 63001011 distross. a lack of general strength,' bloating, belching, . 311(071 nese, bed taste eta.. sorely cell for Dr 8hoop'0 Restorntide, For wtoampliaatad catarrh only of the missend throat matter 818s, however, deed be used but s A $hops 7 r,R.Li