The Brussels Post, 1907-1-3, Page 3ei •
Tim striping IlIlo l Mei rather thao
foRey in Ithirk,he, Japan, a (WWII Weil
rld* Ihe manufeellire of the iron
keine e 11211 i intilspeneablei la every
Japanese trout:Medd. On approlaibing
belling point sena, of these kettles 230-
tii with quavering satinet, whiell
1, a noinblnalion of different notes pe -
culler lo the form and size of the ket-
tle. 0/Ja of Ihe arrangements for pro-
ducing sound requivee four olives of
sheet iron In lie glued in the neily fiat,
bottom of the kettle. 13e1ween the bole
between them. When the kettle Is full
most tenet each other, leaving thin SiitS
10111 11/1.1 the plateg Is an ale 31221100.Wale:, aye nearly In a plane and al•
the cell is under the =kw and some air
remains le the cell between the plates,
but as it Is the port strongly heated
113 tile fire lhe cell is filled with steam,
which escapes 10 bubbles through the
slits; the water then (Teens into the cell,
In be converted immediately into steam,
The belittling of steam through the slits
acts as exciter and the kettle emits
sonorous notes, whiel»ney bo likonOtI
to the ruMings of pine trees by a gentle
breeze or the sound produced by stridu-
lating Inseels. To make the kettle sing
loudly it Is necessary to regulate the
fire in euch a wey that the expulsion f
steam bubbles is in good accord with
the natural period of vibration of the
kettle, so that, 11 is in sympathetic vi-
The coppers in Allem are copper
mines. 11 is believed by soine that the
grentest copper Induslry in the world
will be developed in the Tanganyika
region, where the properties are of great
potential value, and may prove to Le
ono of the greatest factors in carrying
civilization into the heart of Africa.
Much ffine Is required for developments.
Because of the heavy $110201011011 in the
share; lhese may suffer before the pro-
perties bcconie dividend earning. Tile
riengueles railway cannot, well be com-
pleted foe nye years cn. so, and even
the Rhodesia ratlway's extensions are
now le Repave 11 couple oe years ere
they anti reach the property, Robert
Williams is the plo»ecr and In a great
measure the aegenizert of this vast un-
flertekino, one of the most remarkable
of modern limes.
Will the Japanege save Mexico? The
solution of Mexico's labor difficulties
82001118 to rest with the Lilliputs of Nip-
pon. The Mexican laborer expects an
excessive number of leilitleys, a total If
131 out 01 1120 365 days of the year, end
these he lakes regardless of considera-
tions and devotee them lo traditiolull
or obligatory Idleness. No one ques-
(inns Ihe ninbilion of the Japanese, and
no one doubts their capaeity and Im-
proved methods. The Japanese colon-
ists in elexien are ne2 only contented
and doing well, but most of them have
morried Mexican women, Something
1,00) Japanese Ifthorers have M-
eanly been teenage». Into Mexico, and
about 2,000 more will be introduced,
chiefly for railway work.
The fans that are dying away at,
letagern are reincarnating in Sevitzerland
where an artificial 0111,111101 to be nearly
ferty feet higber than the Ningara falls
is to be conetructed near Cern al a cost
CF $12,000,000 to supply Purls net eke-
leicity. 11 15 the most Important work
ei its kind on. the European conlInent
mut- has been undertakenty a company
under 1110 supervision of the city got,
ernmont of Paris. A barrage or dam
210 feet high Is to be built 000005 the
,river 111110e 111 the town of Syssel, thirty
mile3 ,ecarthweet of Coro. This will pro-
vide the water power with which to gen-
0,111< electeicIty, which wIbI bo convey.
a$ to Paris by overhead cables.
A iVelteelre THAT WORKED.
"Please, sir," piped the tlny customer,
whose head scarcely mocha(1 the coun-
lel'. "If(11102' W011143 001110 oak varnish!'
"flow much does your father want, my
111,11e man?" asked the shaman.
"Fn 11101' says, will you 011 this?" said
the little felloW, handing htm over a,
half -gallon can.
IL was duly fffiecl and handed over,
"Father will Pa" You on Saturdny,"
said the recipient casually, And then
the face of the shopimm gem '<lade.
ee "airtime beck lire con,"
"Wo don't give credit here," ilk said,
Meekly Elle litlic bol 210,1<15(1 l)ncle- the
con, which Wes emptied, and handed
baek to 111111 wail n scowl.
"Thank ynn, sip," ha stlieL "irrilher
said you'd bo SUIT to leave enough in
the ents, round the sides, foe Iffin- to.
finish the job Ile 90111118 10 de) and r
think You 'eve, she"
8181101, Mottle of . AIM -China, brother
of the Bishop of Durham, has been in
charge of this Meese • Of 100,000,000'
-souls for over" twenlyeave yems, No
feever than torten of this family nro
active wakens 111 the mission field
(trend.. Tho first European eniseloenry
to 'eattle in an lefeelor CW31610.0113,
'Wee froell a livirY Pori, 131811011 Mettle
meade Hang -Chow 1110 hendquarlOPS,
nailed 31e0e by yeer he melte 1118 Weart.
.00111a &cult, 80111011m0,'e on foie tome -
111110s in 80,11111 0110I132, sonleilinee lit the
picturesque but not mated Chino
. 110M-8,000 miles every LevelVe months,
Ile speaks Chinese like11 nalienle,
Bow Street.
Romances of
Tho Imerion Mail tele, 15 sine of
Bow Street Police court as follows
Why is the mime of Bow Slevel more
hroilnaliilt0te hall that ef any oiler Police
The veal 01101001' is that ere more than
18 rentury aml a Milt It litis been miser:iu.
led with lire Investigation, ,Nlvellon,
and presentation of crime in a fashion
oniirdy ils own.
IL eery be compamtively prosaic he
clay, lul nothing een rob it of Ihe hale
the? its past, histoey lies created.
The Bow Street nergistrate has al-
ways been prominent tot, sagacity, ex-
perience, energy; while the Bow %Peel
runner deserves a whole volume to du
him even the mintiest justice.
A Inure ed and fifty years ago the pre-
siding magistrate at Bow Streel wns no
loss m pereonage than Henry Fielding.
tiro Clovellst, 11 is to his experience
three Mot WO WO 1120 "Ilislory of Jona-
than the Great."
No doubt his prominence as an au-
thor overshadows bis work as a police
magistrate, hut foe pathetic devotion to
duty nothing can equel his record of
When the Bow Street magistrate had
13 do at Met time was to deal as best
he could with the terrible problem of
mime in London and Me neighborhood.
lo "examine" eliminate 21111011 alter the
fashion of 11 modern "Chid of .Pelice" in
France, and to discharge Lite ordinary
magisterial duties.
AL times It fell to bis lot to lead per-
sonally a force Of constables against
sonar desperate gang of criminals.
No words can paint the disordere
the Landon streets at the time -they
were a plague -spot and a horror. Field-
ing 90115 0 hopeless invalid driving the
limo much or his beet work was done;
worn out by disease, dying by inches,
no tribute of admiration is too great for
the heroism or a man who grappled
with his tremendous task with results
that were almost miraculous, consider-
ing its difficulty.
Better known as a ningistrate was Ills
hollabrother and suocessor, Sir John
Fielding, "the Wad. justice." Readers of
"Baimaby Midge" will remember him as
2.110 magistrate who at Mr. liaredate's
request, committed nudge, the mur-
derer, to Newgato. His boldness daring
(he Gordon Blots stands lo vivid con-
trast with the cowardiceof the Lord
Working out tr scheme that apparent-
ly Henry Fielding had originated, Sir
John instituted the "130w Street Patrole,"
not lo he confounded by the way with
the "Runners," whose glories belong to
it later period.
This branch of police service origin-
ally consisted of thirteen partieS, with
a leader for each. Eight of thern pa-
trolled the roads leading to London, mul
live the metropolis itself, The soheme
wns developed Inter on into more effi-
cient body, but hum the \Try first Ils
services in ridding the roads and streets
of highwaymen, footpads, and gangs of
thieves, were considerable.
Crime flourished in the eighteenth
century, and some of ifs grottiest crimi-
nals were examined by Sir. Iohn,
Sarah Melyard and her daughter aro
even new familiar by name to many.
though Lucie crime may bo forgotten.
Those women, who lived in Burton
Street, took littlish apprentices and
treated them with revolting cruelly.
Al last ono wretched girl tried to es.
cape, driven to despair by her misery.
Beaten, sleeved, an,1 finally bonnet in
such a way that sho could neither sil
nor even stand in a proper attitude; her
unspeakably brutal mistress left her to
a lingering death by way of watering to
her fellow -apprentices.
Bow Street rings the change rapidly
upon all the human passions. IL is no-
thing If not dramelic.
Hero is a romanee which stirred all
Loneon at, the time :
A yowls* officer' named Hoclonen fell
madly in love with Miss 11003,, a singer,
who was about double les own age.
lie proposed to hoe but she content-
tuouely rejected him, on the ground that
S110 would never metiry a soldier.
The Infatuated young man left the
army, took orders, and was presented
with a living In Norfolk.
•Meanwhilc ellss Reny bed fallen 1113 -
der the malign Influence 01 `Lord Sand -
wish, a notorious profligate, and, mnd-
cloned with jealousy, Hackman shot her
as she, left the 'Covent Garden Theatre
ono night.
The wretched man made en Unsuc-
cessful attempt, upon his 01011 llfe, but
recovered, and was executed for his
A 0e03, ditterent cress of criminal was
Bolland tile forger. His cenreer is a per-
fect eintrime uf the rnseallly which was
universal among the lower, class of
thief -tatters end -sheriff's ()Meer's,
lie bas been nicknamed "Jonathan
ttre Acond," end no lower !hen
[Whiny -Iwo pages of the "Newgate W-
ender" are devoted to the story of his
One instance, selected from many,
wilt- Illustrate 1110 methods, and give
eome Idea 01 1110 slate of the law winch
lode such 11engs poseible.
'rho Wife of tt naval capital contracted
ti debt of xao in her hushand's tibsence.
She wns imprisoned, and 1301101)21 utter-
ed le find bat) 11 she paid him se5, ' 1m -
1110(11,1101e he rearrested hoe on the
ground that "the hall deemed ihemseive
trot sectire." A further, sum of X10 and
a bond on her fueniture as collateral
seerwily was extrelod. Nalurelly
ertough sho wee 112 Orme sold up, and in
her despnir attempted to set fire to her
house, for which offence 8110 WaS 001)'
(1(1110101 to death.
Her husband aTrivect from filg voyage
in total ignoreiree of theee eacts, ired
1101101121, feeling mm101101010 wee boiler
aVOided• bribed tin Associate le swear
Mese debt agnInet The caphiln, was
imprisoned in consequence, and
1i'bp (31 "1'1" "cy NEW CITY OF TliE PACIFIC
1421 has inveetigaled merry 111'
111,1 its Bs tWitlleA Or tha
greatest magnitude, Ma allege 1111100-
31 brained hy one of the old "Clinithes"
luny Mahn lu eshildish a Nereid,
A ge»tienlon felted himself beeeie the
magi:dente foe 1110 111.11101j8 offence of
seeking a Ogee in the elreels.
Me:Effete ha suy, the inagistered wet!!
ens expended net, ripen' 12, prisoner_ but
els otter, who WM 8101/0111(1iX/ 1f(1111
POI' pallet and sag:ugly the thl Bow
street, oilleers deserved 1110
PRINCE 'MC 0, T. 11121
Ilerhor Commodione rand Sate and the
Surrounding Territory
Tbe Lew eily whiter the fieend Treble
In Mitt Railway Cennpany propose. es -
praise, tz>1ltshtug 1,1
( recent, years eases like that of the 11'4 tt\l‘rZIAY111 1o121,,g >111111)0.
"t11'tlIJilUS .312
rrefalgar square rioters, llie huriesun Tee clev hes been named Pearce Rupert,
i;i111,1;1.1,1s1)1:ittsot, riot dearyisse, \tviehr,is) I is' if Ili go oCrIci.111.1011,eas,
at Lhe
[reeled public notice, but fee real Builswes Bay Company,
ronatimo of (lre court liee in quite ono- A trip 10 Peeve: Rupert illls the visi-
ting' direction, - ter with the entImeiasin mid optimism
For nearly twenty years the Pollee wittier the head officials of the read are
displaying. Imagine a wele channel
leading into a land -lock Muller a mile
In width, whose waters extend fur in-
land beyond the expansive besin wealth
forms the harbor itself, and some idea
can be formed of the great port; which,
11 may Iv said without. exaggeralien. will
1.0 capable of aecommoduting all lb,
fleets uf 1.110 PacIlia. The segments har-
bor of Vancouver' Is frequently referee'
Il) as erio of the finesl. on the Pacific
IT:01,1cl 1 might. be lost In that a Prince
Fringing (he shores of ihis great bay,
lealen Isluntl and the adjaeenl meinlenti
peesent a mineral -ea of utmost unbrohen
forest, while Digby Island stretches ite
sett across the entrance to Um city to
protect 11 -from the swells 01 Um Peelle,.
Mountains lowering two thousand feet
above the water perform a similar DDT
Ir' shielding the town from the winds
Mowing off land. The green mass ef
fir rind cedar is scarred here and there
by the location camps, of the survey
parties, while a small wharf provides
(egret Misslen has deal1 patiently and
enrefulty with nearly every case brought
before the notice of Um come, and its
quiet, unebtrustive wore is cordially
recognized ancl suppueled by every offi-
cial attached to the court,
Mr. George Hall, the missioner, has
many InlevestIng stories to tell of those
who hem passocl under' Ills care, but
for simple pathos none is more touching
Ilion 11,111 of a young weenie 30212)03 lie
was enabled to being back 10 a l'OSPeC-
1111110 life after a long career ot crime,
constantly she bad been charged, and
Ito had asked her over ancl over again
,thota her parents. She would give no
answer': it waS quite clear that 5110 Wee
too ashamed to sank their belp.
By pntient, inetestigelion the secret was
disclosed. One morning when the wo-
man was discharged, her mother met
her at the prison gale. For fifteen
years they bad neither seen nor heeled
of each other, but at last they were
brought face to taco, and from that mo• binding accommodation for the coast-
ing stenmers. Apart from these all is us
yet virgin wilclerness.
ment the old, bad influence seemed to
go, the W0111011 9005 Mehl/Med, and led
a decent erect respectnble life.
IL is not every Bow Street story that
ends thus, but 22 15 well to feel Wet
something more than mere punislunent
ot clime is associated wilb its memories.
Stolen on London Streets and
Afterward Disposed Of.
Dog thieves have been very busy
veceutly in the neighborhood of Oxford
Street, Regent Street ami • piecadilly,
says the London Daily Mail.
The pollee believe that there Is an ex-
pert, and highly organized gong at
work. The ordinary dog thief with hls
eack for sniall dogs and a stout piece of
rope for 1110 terger ones, is always at
work; but recent losses point to a more
daring method of appropriation. It Is
believed that many of the thefts of
smaller dogs are coin -Milted by women.
They hang about on the outskirts of
crowds of ladies looking into tho shop
windows, and -the small leerier Is snit -
ped up and either concealed under the
clog!: or the thief halls a passing han-
som. As the female thieves are Invari-
ably well dressed,. the 1002 121211 they
have a more or less protesting small deg
under their arm occasions no comment.
Of Ore larger 13,pes, collies end poodles
are the most sought after by the dog
thieves homage ffiey seem to be more
easily handled by strangers and because
they alweys command a good 'market on
tee Continent, especially in France. 'rhe
smaller' -ffits have various fates. They
may be "faked" to some extent and sent
down Lo "Club Row" in Slioreditele
where there is a regular dog market
every Sunday morning, and where ten
or fifteen shillings can easily be Ob.'
Willed 101' a good leerier, the purchaser,
of course, having to run the risk that
the dog Is stolen and 111123' be claimed.
Another method of disposing 01 1110111 is
through lire Medium of varidus papers,
rind It tided resort is to hold them -to
eanseni. This Inst method is by far the
most profitable way of realizing, but it
requires to be carefully carried through.
To show the extent to which dog
'etealing .1s carried on, -it may be men-
tioned that at eerie Street police °Mee
there were recently eight molices offer-
ing rewards fee "lost" (the polite %WV et
putting "stolen") dogs, and ot 3211111100.
ough Street and 1111 the other West End
oftlees it eorresponclingly lerge nunter,
l'he rewards offered range from a. mini-
mum of X.1, up to £20.
A luxurious bedstead, for an Eastern
Rajah of India, has been matle in 1310-
mIngliam, England. It is chili -nod to
bo the most ornate ever made in that
city. 11 18 15 feet high, and 115.1 four
bronze figures, symbolizing Ihe seasons,
al the four corners. At the head is rn
elaborate floral bronze, wilh' popiraiis
of the King and Queen, the Pelnee and
Peineet4s ol Weles, nrel little Prince &l-
eveed, while the foot is adorned with
pictures of Lord Beaconsfield, eiv.
Gindstone,'Leett Salisbury, Lord Rose.
hem, Mr. 'Balfour, end Mr. Chamber.
;ton, Above Iffis are a big mirror' and
a handsome clock end barometer, with
inscriptions detailing 1110 titles of the
great owner of the bedetend.
Offleini recognikon luts been given to
11 couple of seller pipers rit Portsmouth
Naval barracks. Tbey nee -Scotsmen,
und on enlisting brought, their plpes
With them. In the course of lime pipe
11111810 grew so popular that the skirling
Ines were depitted to lead out the bat-
talion in place of a Me band, Now, hav,
Ing been officially recognized, they have
been fitted oat 111 kills of the llovat
Stuart Milan, tunics of the orthodoe
SeOleit cut, and Glengarry caps with
cockades, And miry be seen al the betfd
of lee bluejneleels when the latter aro
0311. 013 the Illereh,
111$ IDEA,
"Pa, %V1ler:3 tile WIS11)-1)0110 ?" neleet
the threeecenr-old.
"Ti'e the bone that's 121 1110 part 0( 11121
Chicken yorr 101511 YOU had( whee yoreve
/fol. tiro, Treelet" responded the youthful,
THE SITE IS ric.runEsQuE.
The land slopes baek gently for dis-
tances ranging from half a mile to two
or three miles. Here and there tee
ground rises abruptly, providing the
necessary fall for drainage and sewer-
age, while a shore line five or six miles
extent sweeps around 1110 front of the
future. city. Tire view from these ele-
vated stations and from the beach is
cherming. On. the opposite shore moun-
tains slope down to the water. •
To the northwest, Wyatt& a ehannel
studded Islands, is to be seen the
famous Indinn village of Mallakliatia.
knowa OD the Coast es "The Holy City."
This village was laid out by the mis-
sionary Duncan. Here lie taught iris
copper colored clisciplos to embrace the
arts and trades of the white num and
founded what, was intended to be a
model settlement. Later trouble arose
between Dineen and his Bishop, and
Inc Indlens migrated to a settlement on
the Alaskan coast. Opposite Prince Ru-
pert rises Mount, Ilnys, named eller the
President of the 11110. 12 is more than
three thousand feet high.
The railway meot are proceeding up-
on somewhat novel lines in founding the
Before all acre of 155)21 is put on
the market the best expert advice Is to
to obtained in planning Me elly on the
most up-to-date lines. When the official
prey of the railroad were last Oil the
Coast they saw in Seattle houses, hotels
and business blocks being torn down
in order to permit of lowering the street
grades and correcting other defects In
the laying out of that. city. This is to
be obviated in Prince Rupert, which is
intended to be the city beautiful of the
Coast. Five parties are now engnged In
a careful topographical servey of the
whole townsite. Whoa this is complete
their plans will go before a board ef
engineers and landscape gardeners, and
ihey will decide upon the bese lines to
adopt in building the city proper.
The city itself is In a trade sense born
to the purple. Not only will it be the
Pacific terminus of the shortest trans-
continental system' in Amettlea, with the
lowest grades of any line traversing
North Americo., but through its gates
tvill Pour UM vast west -bound Irado of
Biel line lo the opulent, Orlent. Immedi-
ately behind it Hes a virgin turnery ot
immense potentiality, quite equal in
coal, gold, timber and agricultural land
le the southern perlIon of the province.
Already preparations aro being made
lo open up the great. coal deposits 1,1
the Telqua, on the main line 01 2118 rail-
vitlYn.niedintely 111 teont'of tbe ally a rich
harvest lies waiting. The richest, hali-
but banks in the world, those of the
Queen Charlotte Islands. lie 30111311e (Ivo
hours steaming of the docks ot 1110 new
elly. It is to those banks that the New
England Fish Company of Roston sends
ils fleet of stetimers end loads from their
0,alch the helibut specials which cnrry
the frozen fish to the tablag of Now
York, Philadelphia and the New Eng-
land Steles, Salmon, clams, herring
and other, teod fish abound In the neigh-
borhood, Tlie railway conten3, is fos-
tering new organizations to exploit this
w 1 1.
Too eliniale is extremely mild, All with a princess of the blood ro3,al, and
1102,15 110 15)110'
seldom faits mut 992111< is carried 0-1-1.--i`o• 11.1101083; Inonda ticiiegIrsepawrittrieleras
the open the year around. Within the
11. heli,rftttrethe 5011181 1110 Of the railay trn"e careelrgelythPelcs'tn(1 s88111prinoonupclteasthosl)ogusoyinici150on:leiiiingine,1, t 11101
prelirurysurveYs"re1)1)10les'exalted office is no e0120301002',
but 2110 lne isnowbeingdefully
who thus 1,1 a laurel floes '1 through Ihr, DAWSON IS A DEAR CITY
ranks of the peerege. surely Bre meekest
King (int -go of Greece is baying al
premetien on revent.
new eeleied earellege beet for, cilvs.rmuLtzEncoRo.oliGisNoA.Illi USED FOR
kliwwif in France wh:,•11 prn
on‘es 10;
m•hieve n iperall 1111,orute dvec,ra-i
tion. It will vonittin a drawing _
tiaill,g-rtaaa, test lealreems, a dress- leinflEest Coin in Cireffittilon 15 'revel -nee
imarieen, and a study, Tie, deeeridien lelve Cents and It \VIII Roy
k to ee entirely of pule -green oweetellieti,
lilt's. Over wells arel wilp.
tem 11 eatfern w1111,1,iiii,v owl emi-1
0111111114,4, viititc..11ed on the earthen -i
‘seA:InT1,1:1'e.fe hcZy,..12:1el,g11:8f 111;,?Ligilnuulindy'. t..1:11;y7.itriy,1 '11 13 ';,11111g Tilfs41.1v
and einieed eve1-411re:: lie 1 urebtaiet, tell,: entl,P Iteweon City has grown into e
az be fame feel the nettitherg of the thriellig tamn with a populatiOn el
.1«loniebee club. 11e leig run brio a merit nein lianbsend in liot wen
(1.0 et enmity miles en home bas thee. warettoneus, ellureheit, banke,
pushed a eel' three /Mies 111 dress 11(2 11-10 lights. wholesele and retail
clothes, hes 11101 10 Want 11111,* 11111,35 101' 141,031 n,,,1 two Illidoelete rIewspapera
NAp.1;1 111%31,011\11,qm Iliv,,ers‘tgernae8s 1811(1 11,200
urnniicio ws.„0,111nor`g); 1s"1144,„--21112`,01.2, ere:11111o° our"r'uY't
\verde). bas been. everturnerl twice, has
11 aThdae tIsle1m21if lapo 11n hasa;,11e)Ycif 110 l01e,71i:0Nre111121,
runeveihs w1,,1$2oadi3.i11019‘:011g3iz„0i0
wales hos never tog mile is 16x1I, tind, while they are
eured for any form of athletics, never 51"1„nr,helilei 1'111 11.,110 1)0:401311(11 is load,
gone in, to any extent., Pur tiding, entire- "P",,uto w!ritlown being excePtiolt
1,/ disapproves of bicycling, and is in- ""3:„,''friali•
diMirent to the fasemations of bridge. 10're n° shingles 111 those
She keeps up her muele, Ind is more deY'', so the 1"11'" Were e'1Vered with
0e"r:11. mein 31121)11 the grass has 500
1111611111.te,"7:i0frioiiigtttingero galleries is really one ohrtt1tr1;.1.Tii:.00i,:17grfjectoo(11)1003, and he sews duing every pref:11111:10‘ml11:,01i,:1.ulodoor.Thi
mermen, silo can snatch teen other
duties. While on her long sea trips she Peentryle,1,15::.ond:d:iiln,ado.siwtaellehenclat1:011trie;at,,seli;yobr.uheilft000lbln.1
poor children, and when elle visits a 1-,-.,1'''-'
lute deep and putting in a wooden hos
sewed and knitted endless garments fer re',1',?", ennisble end je Pe°11P"a MI by foul
country house she Invariably providee tie 1.111:::. (:nouND 1,4 ALWAYS rii0710
heprsveestriatevlilltb iitto,p)slic:Neliofwelinsilst.;!akvitt:vin, g in . • wi:we,lif y.fivo e.,1115isale 81110i1i.c..1
day, entering a store in a small village swag -eta '
Ikoiet:laitactehes 0 lyneeati"r11:11cg,reptiltreelbniiscen 1, nhee Vsica:Ne.
President af the United Slates. One 11. on_ t_he...;3ffilliiilywi;i:iostnt;:,Taa;., swet,ifyilesnalnla30,11phniat,1:1:.!!!
13•1•rieL.00(1111noney In eireulation, and there
,e, debt in dVidiee'e.1°'1'41inel'ac'' \vita 04-
a copy of hie own but*, "The Wirmingo lit'-gi
1 eie istel that the Ibrew them Into the
glanced at it for a few minutes,
of the West," He picked 1 1 up al '
Then sItLeceatg, o%No"ilireigie, ifill,ey ley' undisturbed,
IL turned to the storiekete,,,,ririi.ey"seiNv1hoherse
this Roosevet1.1" he said. Evaporated a)tri',1e-g•1110e.''reiturl.leveedrsiarniiril unsleicell.
a rancher somewhere, stranger, W112 the summer, e )ulion bolds bring
reply,; "and what I want to say is 11101 111 I, freee supply, end oesa these so,
iinagnO5nd°Pslinicilaentoller'eanebleitiniegr gIve ucaPn7rdlia- arqr1:1•°le'S'Ij1111/?;`111113•Paggls:-01an11.ed.used for cook
anything, better than that." 111 03111
King Edward can speak German and sinutunienedartn$11 ame.110c:zenriT 71.111,17, -,Pe
French as fluently as English, and hns Order 111 a restatnent cost front 75 eefe•
a fair knowledge of one or two other 1,, lig, end in eeme.e0y 1.
languages; but. as a linguist. he is quite Cerilent steak is conitnon1'a1Undkina$3,56
eclipsed by Um Emperor of Austria. It hail kir
Is told of him that cd. one of the great "A light lunch, consisting of aPicte,
military reviews he addressed five dia of pie and a smell glass of milk flyst:
ferent. regiments -German, etallen, Hun- the business man 50 cents. Cans Of con
garian, 1301iention, and Walachian -each (kneed InIlIr, benring the ltigbily c1210,0e4
lo Rs own tongue; and Hungary will plitture of a eersey cow, are found or
never forget how, fifty-seven years ago, 012 reefeurant tables. A small hole 11
the yinatul Archduke Francis 30001,11, punched in the lop and from this mill,
when installing a certain Governor, le permed into the ceffee or tea,
electrified his audience hy addressing it "Table d'hote -meets are served at A'
in purest Magyar, a tongue no other -easily within reach of 011. Whit.
Aecheluke had ever laken the trouble to almost everything mien at (hie meal t
lcam. They sprang from their seats, of the canned variety, the fond is vete
waved their sWords hi 11 feenzy of en- palatable. The dinner ennsiels elf seem
thustasin, and ahnost, lifted the 0001 301111 a rase pntaloes timelier vegetable, pi,
thunderous slimes of "Eijen !" or pudding and tee or coffee..
Zealand. and was reluctant to go beck
was a very popular Governor of New 1)115110 is $12 a pert. Clothing is like
The Earl of Banturly is 110W fifty. fle "Beer costs $1 a bottle, and 0121110
001310 e:e1)e010100. laikesmade gown
to London. Ho has invested a large whieh sells everywhere else for $fil
self worked hard at frult-geowing on his lingerie waist costs its weever lo new
sum in Australian land, and has hen- bring,. stno Dawson. The expensiv,
sort frier Sl to $15, and $5 bats or.term out there. Ile is described as "one
of those men who can plough a field one eagerle bought for
day and not as lord -in -waiting to hes, FIVE TIMES 'MAT AMOUNT,
Sovereign the next." The mamees wor- 'Tending mailer, Is on a par
shipped hint and dowered 111213 with everything else in price. Ten cent wag
many ennobling names, and the Colon- azines sell for twenty-five cents to 1111%
ials generally esteemed him so 11151113, cents. The twenty-five ennt vnriely
that, they petitioned tor a renewal of bis the reader double in summer and four
term or oince. Ills lordship, evho is a times their price In winter. Cost et
descendant, of William Penn, the form- transportation Is the cause of hig)
der of Peunsylvania, was nearly Pe,leees•
drowned by the capsizing of a boat, and „yanks receive a 1 high cis $100 a 03011)118 bullet from a rifle -range once wheezed w"°- beard and roonI. A woman wile
close by his head. 0011105 hrt lo prepare dinner nnd sels th,
Every day the young Duke of West-
holIse ienet ?lied Ss3c5ru ?31. w80400
minster gets richer. Ile is the ground
landlord of miles and iniles of houses-
commands $3 a day.
the whole of South Beigravia-and for "Keeping warm in winter is another
expensive necessity. WOOd to used kit
each he receives a shilling a year pep -
fuel, and last winter it cost $67 1151,2per-corn rent until the ledses kill fn.
a small collage for six months.
Each month fresh leases fall into Ills "There is no place in the world 11-111,11!lends, and at 1.110 end of thirty years the bag a wider range of temperature that
whole of the property, which is now
Dawson. 111 Win1PI• the mercury drops
worth many millions, will be his en-
tirely. The tand, 30115 acquired PcriniPs 10 70 degrees below 5000. h
by his ancestors nearly two centuries
midstunimee them
lenerature often gate
ago was then 11 worthless marsh. poris as high. as le5, but the nights are 01
of it were drained and the land let on ways cool." ,.
long leases at low rents. Suddenly,
however, it became the fashionable SLANDER _ON LONDON REFUTED,
quarter of London, and correspondingly —
the ducal family 13010121e one of the NoL Always Foony Tbere-One Clear
richest in the peerage. The Duke's in- Day a Week on on Avertme.
coin° to -day Is $500,000 a yenr. In
It is the conviction of many tourists
thirty years it will be increased five -fold.
in London that, there is fog in 11)01The German Emperor insists upon
metropolis 305 days in every year will,
good dancing at Court, and the arrang-
ing of an evening party is one of his lb" e"e11111"1 0.1 leap Years, when thole
favorite pastimes. He is most anxious is fog on 366 cloys.
This exaggerated noted of Lonclor
that the Court balls shall be distin-
guished for their elegance, and exects fogs Is
110)11111101Irbeeiniel'elligbYlisillontliul (?Ceilliminion
(hat the smallest details shell be care-
planned beforehand, Each yenr, gtves 0 00031111 1122(111 0) the won.
therefore, he chooses either from hts thee tionilthOns taken twice a day ant
bodyguard or from the 1st egiment of which shows Me following yesult tot
Cavalry ,of the Guard, two brilliant eaV11.
tiers, who are excused from all militate
duties. These officers must dance to
perfection, wear' their uniforms wife
dist Mallon, and lead re cotll Ion with
method and dash. They open the ball
finitely located.
-.---e— -
The following is a cepy of lhe op--
— laph Of a Watchmaker, \widen 1,y tem.
self, in which he is compered to a
Notes About Some of Ore Prominent w"teh that bed elm d'w11 I--
People on the World's Singe. "Hero Hee, In horizontal position, tire
outside case of George Miley. whose
The Queen -Regent of Spnin is one of abiding -1)100e In Ihnl lino 135e en bonne
1110 rew Sovereigns who lute° over elude to his profession. hliegrile was his
n balloon nscent. This exciting event, maluspri»g, mut meeker], the regulator
0oettereel some Years ago, When she- of all the mittens of his life. Humane.
hannelled 10 drive near n field where generous, and Wirral, his 111111,1 never
some (teepee/men-le in neelel nareention; slopped Oil he hod 1'01101,eki ItiSreeSS, ite
810,7110111101111101t1. 011121111,11,11101.50 zSir111,01 11,ffkirol(eldinole)1!0.: 11,1'.'')' ‚.0,111 10yee111,eft)0,111mgv,110ex,r1.11311,11,3:,v21,1eii131,1sui.e.1101;
permillcd In 111111(0 1111 114(1)11. I 15y. 111011 111011 la, was ossily sot tight
Tha Duke ot lefet ls 1110 01113, man who egnin. Ile had the 1101 of a -Tonging Ns
eeer Changed 1118 'file while be 13reel,- lime eo well (lint his hours glided by in
tested. On Jely 27111,t1,889, he tees may- ono conlinuel rourel of 111eH:,111'0 ned de -
Hod ns earl stirmly, but at the silben- light, till no unlucky minute put en end
quent brieakfrise the Imo Queoo‘ 111 eels- 10 1318 eel:donee, the eateg rests rind
ing her ginee lo' the Yoreig couple, con- ninuideleand 111','13'sbermath the tare
retired a dukedont .01i the beffiegreem1 but his -geed Works will never die."
last year:
Overcast (pare fog) 145
let (dense)
Clear sky 60
1011o3v ,,,,, ...... ....,.•.... .,• 1)1
Hall 5
Thunderstorm 3
Gale 2
Variable 00
London had lest yeer 1,400 hours of
51100111110 0111 (Sr 111470 hours between thr
rising anti The setting of the sem Irt
other words, friend three-quarters of tle
time taken by nbservellons Wee 0001'
11151 elld 11111111100. 9011S 010111',
111 1,011tha foggy days are We rulr
21 id clone tlnys ere Ole rieceplion. 11 is
42 0011e31e nol possible le figure meet
aye ire Meolieely elver ce telettly fog.
and es l,i these the expression
adopled of reelable.
1,011(101.1 OWeS 1,158 10 11 1111/10 cam
binnffint of elremashinees-awestmly 01
1,1111119 001eely 91111,18 mn oot or 1110 11133
days of the year, mall minehtee throngh
1110,11 of the le'ri Miry over wieell the
westerly m. 0.ifilinve41e213, whale •blow
find nu el:mist 1111iVel.:3111 use of eoft
Last ever there were more days et sum
lipbt in London 1110» Drel3, Inel been 021
an event() 101' evenly years lietere.
Ntold le Todd, just intele from Emcee.
"What dill you cross tont" "An e11t13
stenowh r
liourti AFRICA..
Civilit.otion Looks OW at Moe s tho
Train Crosses tliS :
Veldt. •
111s fesblorialSe to aliade td u railwa3r
1'411111y in South Africa In tones of
Ofinly-velled ecorn anti contempt, lo
einaterrin it as It ''>11105, 0011]] 11122) of 11
as unintore,sting., says a writer in the
Pall Mall Gazelle. 'nerves space -al-
most undreamed of space. And that 18
all, Through 111,1 (0,1311 1110 traveller lives
in the pasi, 1.s -le, if he hns any
imeglnello» o1. ale that for 1116 moment
he has lee -eerie part at an ancient civil'.
zation whieh still survives the train and
the telegraph ; he moves through cities
with a story in every stone; each zreile
brings new pictures of the mighl and
wealth which Jill the most enchanting
pages in the Imols of history. -
In America you cross a land of the
Mime. The cities are marvels of Invert -
eve genies; even away In the country
more is an echo of the bum of restless
enterprise, the murmur of a people con-
tident thee are hurrying on to realize 11
great destiny.
But across the great plalean of South
,errien you seem to live always in the
wesent, li becomes a. dominating idea.
You cannot, picture a 'past save like 'the
:Resent- or imagine a future differing
from to -day. The veldt is, and it looks
as if 11 will always be as it. is. The
-lender thread of steel which crossee its
illimitable space, the little towns set
'town al such great distances from one
maritime, play no part in the scene.
rhey are there, it is true; but they look
fortuitous, ouL of place. Trains clang
across the Karoo, and pant up the hill -
:ides from Natal; but the veldt ignores
them; II, does not adapt itself to them.
rho slow-moving ox -wagon alonefills
el the picture; the mail -Maim with Its
ieareldight piercing the darkness and
Janie of the night. Is, and always will
a thing apart. It always seems to
me that thora Is something curious, al-
inost 11110(11111Y, about the great spaces
.1 Southern Africa -something you do
iot and in other gveat lands. The haste
1 modern life clashes with the spirit, of
he veldt. There is a silent protest
learns( the Intruder. The country calls
Ogees,: and drouglit to its aid to pre -
:001 its freedom being shnekled by the
eonds of civilization and the handcuffs
.f progress.
The space destroys speee. As you
Awry northward or eastward -from Lon -
em in a toile a 111111111e express the close
ets villages fly past, increasiug the im-
wession oI haste; but let the same en -
eine pull the 11-0111 -northward from the
:ape Into the heart of Africa and its
-peed will seem to slacken. Steam can -
as eat up the distar.ces of such a, con -
Meet. and there are no centrnsis, 110
ierm lundinerits, by which to nietsure
Ire onward rush.
Yet surer a journey, monotonous as it
e. brings scenes whiter give it a faseina-
ion all ftS own, No one can paint in
eards or on canvas the beauty of a •
eolith African morning just after sun -
'Ise. 'Your carriage stands still at some
vay side station, with its solitary one -
Ivey house and inevitable dwarfed
ree. Away, as far as the eye can see,
drelehes the thio grassland. The land -
cape holds nothing to attract save its
pare; hut the sunshine is something
eigland never knows, Bee air is like a '
traughe of ehentngne, the marvellous
leeriness and fres:mess-which no
Aber land can equal -give new 111e. No
Teem yet sevirle the dest across the
.lain. /011 1210 world is still, as though
est in silent worship of the loveliness of
he moment.
A few sleepy Kelm's, wrapped close In
tiankets which dispirly a rainbow of
inlor, gaze \Nth languid eyes at the
ending moesler. The white man and
Is 3011310 are ran -tiller toelay in the heart
11 the Dark coothloor. Yot there are
non living who remember the limo
viten the coast tribes believed Ural 3011110
nen were a produclitm of the sea, which
hey traversed in largo shells, their food
cing the tusks ofelephants' which
hey would take from the beachIf inid
Imre foe therm placing beads In their
itead, which they obtained from the
.3,3tIorn 01 the sea. Illstory has been
made quickly in South Africa.
A shrill whistle, and on agnin mb0
:pace. All clay you clatter forwarei-a
ettle uncertainly at times. There are
mysterloue wayside teats In the wilder-
oess, when 3.011 seem to have run out of
the world end been sekeireclied Mr from
the linunls 0(men; (here are wettings at
'My sidings, from which not a Judg1a-
eon Is visible, and Where the oilly pos-
eble Waffle nppears to be a wild buck
ir en occasionnl stet*, bullock. The land
empty. The etvarms of natives you
expected to see are absent; the country
'uolcs descried. Spece-only seem, Now
Ind then 'Imre glides intoetbe picture te
town with a name enown to history, the
ole of a siege. tho field of a battle. '1110
Impression It leaves .13 simply one of in-
tigneleance. No ordinary town could
leek imposing upon even a plain.
0,11 clay the trein toils Onweird, grow.
Mg weary 111 Bows, as though dis-
heuelenecl 211 the 1111108 which still
dretch ahead. A few horde of gouts or
settle; 11 shy flgure In the dist/wets
which makes yOu lbink or the harried
!Irishmen or tlie Veal pees; now
and then a lilvallke kraal McVay under
the shade of some trees, But no incl -
dont,. no beetle -never wns there such ,
monotony. Yet you cannot conjure up a
different picture. Even in Imaghter lien
you CtOMOL 1r011:101'nl tha veldt, IL was
Ihns 1311021 1110 11181 Willie men pushad
forward (rem the &leiter at the coast
eettlements Into the unknown, It is thus, ft will he thus In a decade -
;traits in a century.
igtian itio Itukrys nee elittikendlehried
bout thIS Leine of year, e