The Brussels Post, 1907-1-3, Page 1z
Vol. €j8. No 26
te Goods
The Holiday Rush is over now and we
have gone through our Stock and
are placing on Sale on Sat-
urday Morning
90 Men's Suits
Al] sizes from 34 to 44 at 25 per cent.
discount. Regular $6 to $20 Suits,
now going at from
$4.50 to $15 each
45 Men's vercoats
All sizes. from 34 to 42, at 25 per
cent discount. Regular $8 =to $20
Coats, the lot to be cleared at from
$6 to $15 each
25 Men's Fur Cleats
In Coon, Wombat, Wallaby, Dog,
Tallup and Calf, all sizes
Clearing at COST
Until your size in a Suit, Overcoat or Fur
Coat is pic.aed up. Come to -day and se-
cure a choice while they last.
Terms Strictly eash at Sale Prices
E. e. Dunford& Son
The only Exclusive Clothiers and Furnishers in Town
New Advertisements.
Election cards,
For service—Wm. Willis,
Herbegeum—F. R Smith.
Bulls for sale --Andrew Hislop.
Farm for sale—C. B. Wilkinson.
Annual Meeting—E, H. Ag1. Soc.
Auction sale—Benj. Smillie estate,
Winter goods sale—E. C. Dunford
& Son.
31)xstxict laws,
2:retatter mole.
Will Long was home,from Walkerton
for a few days.
Whitfield and Howard Tyerman are
home for vacation.
Miss S Seel left on Wednesday for
her school near Wsngharn.
Miss Etta McNair is visiting with
Miss Nora Mauuders, of Morris,
Wm. Raddetz. of Vermilliou, Alta,
is visiting friends in this vicinity.
E. H Kaiser, of Mount Forest,
spent a few days with A. J. M. Helm.
Some of the members of the home
of John Hunter are bothered with
scarlet fever but we bope they will
soon be o. k.
Thie week Misses Susan and Beatrice
McNair left home for the North where
tbey will teach during i9o7. Miss
Susan bas gone to Bracebridge and
Miss Beatrice to Torrance. We wish
the young ladies success.
The annual meeting of Bast Huron
Farmers' Institute will be held in
Wroxeter Saturday, Jan. tetb,
S. S. Snell, of Turnberry, entertain.
ed a large number of friends from this
vicinity to a house-warming on New
Year's Eve,
A quiet event took place at the borne
of Mra. Mulligan, Jamestown, when
her eldest daughter, Miss Ellie, was
united in marriage to Edward Barnard
of the firm of Barnard & Pope, of this
place. The ceremony was performed
by the Rev. L. Perriu B, A. Mr. and
Mrs. Barnard have commenced house.
keeping in Mr. Barnard's residence on
Sanderson street.
Mark your ballot for Local Option
Monday January 7th.
Mrs. and Miss Grace Walker spent
New Year's in Brussels.
There is said to be another wedding
yet. Can you guess who it is ?
Cheese factory meeting Saturday
afternoon in the Township Hall.
The sawmill yard of S. 8, Cole is re-
ceiving a large quantity of logs this
Andrew and Mrs. Eckmier, of Strat-
ford, have been bere renewing old
A watch -night service was held Mon-
day evening at the home of Wesley and
Mrs. Pollard.
Will. Laing was home from Port
Huron, Mich., for a short visit with
relatives and friends.
Decision was given at the debate
that thejspeudthrift is a greeter menace
to Society than a miser.
At the recent school meeting Robt.
Barr was chosen trustee as successor
to Wm. Slemrnon who retired.
Some of the sugar beets have not
been shipped yet. We have hearth
of some lots tbat never will be.
Jas. Pearson took the League topic
at the close of the regular service last
Sabbath evening giving a very
thoughtful address.
Next Sabbath evening•tbe pastor will
give an address on the question bf
Local Option. He will take the same
subject at all appointments.
Miss Bells Lamont, who has been
home for a visit. leaves on Saturday
for Toronto where she has accepted a
situation as stenographer and book-
Principal McDonald, of Wiarton,
and Miss Pomeroy, of Fullerton, are
hero and commenced their duties as
teacbers in our school on Thursday.
We wish them success.
We are sorry to hear that Mrs.
T, McLeod does not gain in health
as fast as her friends would desire
to see her but we hope a change for
the better will soon ensue.
David Lamont, of Mesita, Mab.,
arrived home this week for a visit. He
is a son of Angus Lamont. Some
people say "Mrs." Lamont may go
back with Dave when be returns.
Miss Minnie Lamont had the mis-
fortune to have one of her arms
broken by the upsetting of rig in re-
turning trom tbe Lamont—Dunbar
wedding. We hope sbe will soon be
o. k.
It is reported that Alex, D, Lamont
may go West next Spring with the in-
tention of becoming a resident. We
will be sorry to lose him and Mrs.
Lamont from this locality if he carries
out his intention.
Wednesday of this th' week Miss Belle,
daughter of Robert Pearson, and Al.
bert Harkness; of Banff, were united
in marriage at the home of the bride.
They will make their home in Banff
where they are both well known. May
their joys be many.
Rev. Robt Pearson supplied the
Pulpits of the Ethel circuit last Sab
bath. Mr. Pearson is to be ordained
this coming Tune in the Alberta Con-
ference. He' is a preacher of ,narked
ability in every way and is to be heard
frons later on as one of the leading men
of the West. His sermons on Sunday
were able and much appreciated.
TEMPERANCE.—A meeting in the
interests of Local Option was held in
the Township Hall here on Wednesday
evening and was largely attended,
In the absence of Rev. Mr. Armstrong
Robt. McKay presided with his
customary ability. The program was
as follows :—Address, Mr. McIntyre,
of Listowel ; solo, Miss Olive Raynard
recitation by Miss Alice Davies ;
address, by Rev. A.0C. Wishart, B. A.
of Brussels ; recitation, by Miss I.
Cole; National Anthem, The meeting
was a great success and temperance
element runs high.
Miss Teenie McArthur is home from
a visit to Neepawa, Man.
Wm. Schnuck is making prepara-
tions for building a new straw shed.
Miss Mary Mann is home on a visit
from the West, We welcome her
Wes, Stevenson bas been holiday.
Mg at Guelph and enjoying a fine time
no doubt.
Miss Ballantyne, the new teacher
for No. 9, commenced her duties on
Miss Ella liaclntosh was a visitor
at P. A. MoArthnr's for a few days
during the past week.
Geo. Hanley, of Stratford, Miss
Gertie, of Toronto, and Joseph of
Webbwood, were spending Xmas with
Geo. Hanley, Moocrieff.
Misses Tena and Frances Coates, of
Trowbridge, were visitors during the
past week with their cousin, Miss
Sadie Lamont, IrtbCOIL
W. V. McKay is the new trustee
for S. S. No. 9, Grey, D. Livingstone,
the retiring trustee, being promoted
to the office of Sec,.Treas. las, Noble
is caretaker for 1907 at a salary of
Miss Annie Rozell arrived from
Paw Paw, Mich., last Monday after
a visit of five months. She called on
Detroit relatives on the way here.
Miss .Rozell enjoyed her stay and
came back much improved in health.
Miss Hazel Rozell went to Toronto on
Thursday of this week to visit her
sister, Mrs. W. H. Salter.
sHiP.—leaving been nominated as
Councillor for the township of Grey
I take this menus rather than personal
canvas, to introduce myself and solicit
Your vote and influence. If re-elected
I will do what I consider to be in the
best interests of the people of the
township. Yours respectfully,
WEDDING.—The marriage of Miss
Winnie MacKinnon, daughter of Mrs,
John MacKinnon, 8th con., took piece
in Buffalo on Nov. 27th, the fortun-
ate groom being Ernest W. Maclntyre.
a popular young lawyer, of Buffalo.
Mr, and Mrs. Maclutyre will reside at
681 Auburn ave., where they will be at
home to their friends after Jan. ist,
Mrs, Maclntyre's many friends wish
her and her husband many years of
W roxeter.
Miss Ada Johnson is the guest of
Hensall relatives,
Miss May Davidson is the guest of
relatives in Winghnm.
Miss Strome, of Fordwieb, spent
Saturday in the village,
Miss Agues Black was a visitor at her
home here over the holiday,
Mrs. Geo. Allan is spending a weak
with friends in Teeswater.
Misses McLaughlin 'and Evans, of
Gorrie spent Friday with friends here.
Fred. Taylor, of Gerrie, renewed
acquaintances in the village on Satur-
GeorgeSpotton, of Wingham, paid
the village a business visit on Satur-
Miss Effie Parr has gone to Toronto
where she will continue her study in
Miss Ethel Godboit, of Exeter, is
the guest of her eousib, Mrs, T. G.
T. G. and Mrs; Hemphill attended
the wedding of a relative in Exeter
last week.
Misses Ella sad May Smith, of Col-
poy's Bay, is spending a few bolidays
at his home here,
Alvin Hemphill, of Toronto, spent
New Year's Day with his permits, T,
and M
Mrs. Hemphill,sr,
Miss Elliott, of Mount Forest, spent
several days of last week with her
friend Miss Beatrice Howe.
C. 0 Anti Mrs. Stewart returned to
Woodbridge last week having spent
a few days here 'lvith relatives.
A number of young people from
here enjoyed a skate on the rink
at Gorrie Saturday evening.
Joan and Mrs. Brawn, and little
daughter, of Toronto, spent New
Year's Dna with Dr. and Mrs; Brawn.
W. R Mooney was on the sick list
from the prevailing grippe cold.
In S. S. No. 5 George Proctor was
chosen trustee for the current term
as successor to Chas. Proctor,
On Nomination Day somebody
helped themselves to a chisel from
the barn at Tbos. Miller's, 5th line.
It is to be hoped the individual is
sharper than the chisel,
las. H, Leishman is here from Pense
Sask., for a visit. He went West last
Spring and has been engaged at farm •
ing and will return next March. Some
say he wont go back alone as batching
is a lonesome way of living. Mr,
Leishman looks well.
Ladies and Gentlemen,—I am in the
field for re-election as Reeve of Morris
after a year's occupancy of this office,
and ask your vote and influence. If
returned I will do my very best in the
interests of Morris both in the Town-
ship and County Council.
Yours Truly,
At the annual meeting of the rate-
payers of S. S. No. 4 Morris, bell in
the school bouse, Dec. 26th. John
Mooney, after continuous service of
over twenty years, resigned the offices
of Trustee and Secretary Treasurer of
this section. The meeting tendered
him a bearty and unanimous vote of
thanks for his long, faitbful and dis-
interested services in behalf of the
education of tbe children of the local-
ity and for the care exercised in finan-
cial management of the affairs of the
section, being as careful of the school
funds as if the money were his own.
A sum of money was also voted to him
at the same time.
OBITUARY.—On Monday, DOC. 77th'
Mrs. A. Ledgerwood, of Eden Grove,
Ont., died on Dec. 17th at the Maple-
wood hospital, Kokomo. Ind., of
typhoid fever, aged 5o years. The
circumstances surrounding the death
of Mrs. Ledgerwood are peculiarly sad.
She went to that city several weeks be-
fore to administer to the wants of her
sister, Mrs. Harry Durmon, South
Union street, whose entire family of
several children were ill with typbold
fever. She nursed in this afflicted
faintly until she herself was stricken
with the malady and had to be taken
to the hospital, wbere she died as
above stated. She is survived by a
husband and eight children, four sous
and four daughters, and three grand-
children. Mrs. Ledgerwood's maiden
name was Annabelle Johnston and she
was bora within three miles of Brussels
on the 6th con of Morris, living there
until the year 1875 when she married
Alex Ledgerwood moving with him to
their home near Paisley, She was a
cousin to the MoCntcheon families also
to Mrs. Wm. Rands and Mrs. Thomp-
son, who attended tbe funeral, which
took place on Saturday Dec. and to
Starkville cemetery, Paisley. Rev.
Judson Truax, of Eden Grove, conduct-
ed the funeral' service. Deceased was
a fine woman whose demise is greatly
Municipal election day next Monday
Miss Carrie Speir. is bome on a visit
from Cannington.
Public schools got down to business
once more this week.
George Cardiff is back from the
West where he spent several months.
He may rettirn ib the Spring.
Wm. and Mrs, Michie, of Galt, were
here for 'a holiday visit under the
parental roof of the former and enjoy-
njoyed their stay.
hli Smith, of Brussels, occupied the
pulpit in Sunshine Methodist church
-last Sabbath afternoon and preached a.
very acceptable discourse.
We are pleased to congratulate Miss
Bessie Moses on being successful at
the Kincardine Model School, taking
boners, She will not receive her cer-
tificate just yet as she is under age.
We wish her continued success,
WEDDING, -0u the evening of New
Years Day Rev. A. MacNeil, M. A.,
of Walton, perforated the marriage
ceremony, at the home of the bride's
parents, between John Shortreed and
Miss Alice Kirkby, both highly esteem-
ed young people of this township,
We trust many happy years are before
also in efficiency, We should encourage.
anything that will help Brussels, If
eleobed he would aid everything that was.
for the best,
114. H. Moore was surprised at hie
nomination but was not a candidate -
If he will be in the field at all he would
choose to run for the School Board for
With he also was nominated.
Postmaster Farrow was the only 'Peas -
tee nominee to speak. He returned
thanks for bis former eleeticn 2 years
ago to the Board and also for hie elec-
tion as Chairman of the Board. There
wee no better school in the Co; then
ours nor any with as good it record.
Had visited the various departments at
intervals and on different occasions had
examined the classes and believed the
pupils were on the right ror•d to attain
an A 1 education, If re-eleoted he would
work for the advancement of the school,
52,550 was now received by one of his
eons who is a teacher. Mr. Farrow
said he had taught for 14 yeare and
thought he should know something about
the school's needs.
Inapeotor Robb thought Brussels
eobool was well taught end at a very
low rate. If the work were done in a
High Sobool it would cost much more.
Thought the Board was more than
eoonomical in salaries, stingy was a bet-
ter word, All Who wrote for Junior
Teachers last year, 18 in all, were suc-
cessful and were trained in our own
school. A bad tr•nstee is an unfortunate
thing and be hoped the persons chosen
would support the teachers end see that
their efforts are backed up. The
Board's record showed that great pains
had been taken in securing A 1 teachers.
This concluded the proceedings.
Geo. Robb and R. Hendareon have
withdrawn from the nominees for the
Council since Nomination Day and S.
Wilton and Jno. Ballantyne from the list
of Trustees.
Last Monday the annual Municipal
Nomination of Morris township was held
in the Township Hall, a large number of
electors being present. Returning Offi-
cer Clark received the following nomin-
atiOne :—
Reeve—George Taylor, W. Iebiater,
Arthur Shaw.
Councillors — Peter MoNab, Neil A.
Taylor, Arthur Shaw, Robert Yuill, Obae.
G. Campbell, W. E. McCnbobeon, Geo.
Kelly, jr.
At the expiration of the hour ex -Coun-
cillor George Jaoksou was sleeted to
preside as chairman, a position he filled
with acceptance. Addresses were given
by the nominees, all of whom received a
good hearing. Arthur Shaw retired from
the Reevesbip contest thereby leaving it
to Mr, Taylor, who was Reeve last year,
and Mr. Isbieter, who$ has been County
Oounoillor for the past two year term.
Ex -Wardens W. H. Kerr and James
Bowman, who were present, were oalled
on by the chairman at the close of the.
program and spoke briefly,
L8Ck1E ELECTED 88858.
Monday evening the municipal Nomi-
nation took place in the Town Hall be-
tween 7.80 and 8.80 o'clock. During
the hour the following nominations were
put in:—
Reeve.—J. Leckie, who was unopposed
and was consequently elected by ac-
For Counoillore,—S. T. Plum, R.
Graham, Geo. Robb, Jas. Ballantyne,
J. G. Jones, Alf. Beaker, M. H. Moore
and R. Henderson.
School Trustees,—J. G. Skene, '1'.
Farrow, Saml. Wilton, M. H. Moore,
W. M, Sinolair and Joe. Ballantyne,
Returning officer Scott, after reading
the list of nominees, announced partio-
nlars as to the election on Monday next.
Inspector Robb was chosen chairman
and on taking the ohair oalled on the
persons nominated.
R. Henderson, who has filled the
Reeve's onair for the past 2 years, was
the first speaker and read the finanoiel
statement and added a few comments
showing the small amouat the Council
really control in the management of
town affairs. He had been nominated
as Councillor and would not say yet
What he would do.
James Ballantyne was in the field
and would do his best if re-elected.
Hop d that the experience of the pest
year would be of service to him.
J. G. Jones and A. Backer were called
upon as old members of the Council
but were not present,
J. Leckie was warmly received on tak-
ing the platform, He referred to his
past record and said it was quite un-
expected that he was presented by a
requisition asking him to allow bis Dame
to be placed in nomination for Reeve on
Monday. Under the oiroumstanoes he
had acoepted the honor and would do
ode beet to further the interests of Brus-
eels as he had always done. Some-
things were needed here such as inOreas-
ed Railway facilities, improved in-
dustries and more of them, &o, The vil-
lage steads iu good financial position,
aid there are advantages iu promoting
workable ooncerne such se the cold
storage block of Robb, Thomson, Hoped
a good Connell would be oleoted ane
that together they would beam Brno -
eels. cels.
S. T. Plum thought an election Sons
not neoess•ry singe Reeve was elected
by aoolansation, if euoh can be arranged
be would not stand in the way. If he
were one of the eleoted be would do his
best as be had always done.
R. Graham had always worked in the
fntereaba of Brueaels. After a, reeidenee
hereof 20 years he felt more then ever
that we have'Eo put forth efforts to make
the town go. Believed in economy hat
Reeve—Robert Livingston and Wiliiam
Deputy Reeve -John Grant and Adam
Councillors—Duncan Johnston, John
Brown, John Outt, Arohibald Motean,
James MoFadzean, James F, Collins.
Robb. Livingston retired. consequently
Wns. Fraser takes the seat for 1907 by
aoolamation, and is receiving congratula-
tions. Mr. Collins and Mr. Johnston
withdrew their names from the list of
nominees for Counoillnrs. Township
Clerk McIntosh presided at a platform
meetieg held after the Nomination hour
when all the candidates were naked to
epealt, There was a large attendance of
ratepayers. The Local Option By -Law
will be voted upon in Grey also next
Monday. A separate ballot will be used
for the latter.
Reeve—John M. Govenlook and John
Counciliors—Henry Benermann, Thos.
Broom, James Cowan, William Morrison,
Francis MoQn id, Wolin McDowell, Alex.
Ross, James V. Ryan, Michael Rowland.
Wm. Morrison retired at the meeting.
Dr Milne, John Potter, Frank Metcalf,
Andrew Sloan. The two latter resigned.
Mr. Sloan has served the village well as
Reeve for the past two or three years.
Oounbillors—Wm Johnston, Wm Jack-
son, Luxton Hill, Richard M'•Oommiao,
Joseph Garter, John 0 }Jeffrey, N B
Gerry, J H Ohellew.
Sobool Trustees—Was flims, Nicholas
Cummings, Dr Charlesworth, Robert
Slater, Dr Long.
Reeve—Tames Snell and Thome Mc-
Councillors—John Barr, James Leiper,
Benjamin Ohurohiil, Samuel MoOool, H
H aill.
Reeve—John Musgrove (aoo.
Coanoillors—Ds.vid H Moffatt, John
Rutherford, Alex Kelly, Robt McMichael,
Wm Maxwell, Wm Bolt. The two latter
have resigned,
Mayor- Wm Halmos (ace.)
Reeve—Dr A J Irwin (moo.)
Oounoillors—George McKenzie, W H
Green, W Nicholson, D .E McDonald, T
Gregory,0 J Graham, Dr Agnew, W
Greer, 1 H Crowder, D M Gordon, 3 W
MoKibbon, George Hanna, P Bnahenan,
John Kerr, G 0 Manners, D Bell, Wm
Bone, 0 G Vanstone. Meagre Green and
Bone announced themselves as not in the
Beene --W Baillie, (ace.)
Councillors—.D B Murray, Sensual
Thompeon; Stephen Medd, Arch Ander-
son (all by aoolamation.)
Reeve—J T Carrie, Win Beecroft,
Councillors—John Gillespie, .T a Tay-
lor, P W Scott, 'H Daimon, James Cum-
mings, W Campbell, W J. Parks, Gavin