The Brussels Post, 1906-12-27, Page 8THANKS egret over Mies Wileon'e decision to b ave the profeeeion. She did epleudid work in the eebool end had a taetfal and appy way of managing her depertmegt. Her Mile always did themselves and We thank our many customers for their pat- ronage during the past year, and especially during the Christmas season. We Wish All A Very Happy New Year and shall try to serve you better in the nom- ing year than iu the past. F. R. SMIT. DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. nezzassweenneeemetzerzysmospzwe BRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOUTE$BN ESTBNBmN W. 0. & B. Train's leave Brunets Station, North and South, anfollows: GOING SOUTH GOING NORTH. Mail 7:05 a.m I Mixed St10 a.m Dltxed........ , 11:26 a.m I Mail ...._1:44 p.m Eapreea 6:02 p.m Emerson ...... 9:61 p.t, cfca1 Stine lents A °hiel's amang ye takit' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Harry New Year to all our readers, THURSDAY'S [MOW helped the sleighing THE euowplows were on duty ou Thursday, PUBLIC sohoole will re -open on Thurs- day of next week, Jett. 3rd. MONTHLY Horse Fair will be herd on Tbureday of next week. It eboald be o good one. EAST HuaoN Ooaeerve.tive Convention Was held iu Hawse's on Thursday after- noon of thio week. EAST Howls Farmers' Institute meet- ing will be bels in Brueeele on There. day,Jaunary, 10tb. SEVERAL Brueselitee will aseiat in the program et the Methodte0-dearth, Wel- ton, New Year's nigub. 'Women thew( toand ou Xmas Day. The owner may have the same by Prov Ing property and payiug for tine notice. BOY wanted 40 teem she printing bodiless, One who hae passed the Ea trauee Examination preferred. App.), at THE POST. DR BUTLER'S VISIT.—Dr. Butler, the London Eye tipeotadet, will be at the American Hotel, Brasaels, on Wednee- day, January 9th. Gleam supplied. MISS KATE WILSON Was treated to a tin and linen shower on Wednesday evening. Coming ethnic oast their shadows before but the New Year ie a good time to make a start. Goer am, with dark brown lining, lost Saturday evening between Braeeele bridge and the let eideroad, Don. 9, Grey. Finder will much oblige by leaving it at THE Pow. al0N10I0AL Nomioation tor Brussels wit take prate ou Mouthy evening next trom 7.30 to 8 30 o'oloek. F. S. Scott is 'the Returning Officer. If an elecbtoa is held the date will be Monday, Jen. 7th. Tao BRUSSELS POST and Weekly Globe 0o January 1st, 1908, for the smell u sum of $1.86 m adv, ce. No better oft y weekly is leaned than the Globe. The il- lustrated supplement is worth more than the pries asked. &eve= Boolu,aT. — The Souvenir Booklet of the Methodist Church, Brae rale, is lauding ready Bale. It ouly ooets 85o. and is a keepsake that is of reel intereet and not likely to be doplioabed for a good many years. Booklets may be bad at Tam POST Pubilehing Hoose. THE Oath PUREED Down.—To allow the benefit of having a definite date on tsbiob tang have to be paid in Brnesele it is only necessary to state that on Deo. 14th, the last day before 5% ie added no wee tbau 93,401 was paid to Collector Oliver. Only 9346 remaiued aupaid, a consider- able part of wraith has been banded in 9in0e. AN exhibition of the Pitner Gasoline Light was made this week at Viz POST Publishing House by Messrs. Kreuter & Bemswonh, of Ethel, the local agen0e. Many called to examine, enquire and commend the new illumination. Its brilliancy and OSearne0s is ouly equalled by the simplioity and oheapoees of the oyatem. WON THE AWARDS.—The Chairman of Bruges's School Board offered 4 prizes for the beet examivatiou in Donation in tour departments of the Public School and the reeulte were ae follows :-61r. Oameron'e room, Cora Bell ; Mies Wil- son's, John Henderson ; Miee Smith's, Fannie Frteodehip; Mlee Downey's, Troia Deadman. Diotation ie a eabjeot that too much threes cannot be laid on. MaTRItootem.o.—Last Monday Rev. D. MoOamae, of Listowel, tied the mabri• tnonial bow between Hilton Hunter, formerly of Brnesele, and a son of Mre, A, Hunter, of town, and Miss Lizzie Cameron, both of Ailistoa. The happy young couple were vieitore in Brueeels for a few days. THE POST extends Ira. terns' oongratuletions to Mr. Banter and bride and bopee their married life will bring to them mnob happiueee and pros. periby:- The groom to foreman in the newspaper office at Alliston where be has spent the past 4 years. LARGE S111roIENT.—W. W. Barris sbip• pod for T. Ballantyne & Sons, Strattord, the Fall ahem from tour of the leading isotones in the Listowel district. The iota room eaab fernery were as follows :— Wallace, 826 boxes, worth 96271 87 ; Dime & Morningtou, 673 boxes, 98,788 87 ; Molesworth, 806 boxers, 94,120 48 ; ;Prow - bridge, 890 boxes, $8,688 99 ; a total of 1086 boxes, for whiofl there was paid out the sum or $10,716.91. The pride per pound was I8 Ceuta, bat Re the weightier or the cheese very in the boxes, the valve por box varies, the average pries per box being nearly 910, This shipment Cleave out SMI the seas00'8 make in the district, NEW YEAR'S day will be a pnblio holi- day and will give the Municipal oaudi dates an opportunity to do some snaking hands, A Loon of young people drove to Gorrir Obrietmae night for a skate. They toot in the Methodist oburob entertainmeut instead. Tar Women'e Christie') Temperene. Union wit. serve lunch in their room tie, Bret noonday in January from 8 io 6 p. m. THE closing Assembly of the Twelv,• o'Ulock Club, is connection with tin. Series, Will be held Friday evening , t this week. NEW and renewal sobeeriptione to Tux Pon are moving in ninety, A number in arreare bate beep equariog np to toy delight of the Editor. A Goon ONE —We recommend out readers to subscribe to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine, the beet Agrloohoral Journal in America, Tam POST and Weekly Globe to Jae let 1907 for the small enm of 9185 u advaaee. The illoetrated peed' of tb. G obe are worth the money alone, TBE regular monthly meebior et th, Womeu'e Chrts'san Temperance Unto will ee held an Friday evenmp of tb, week, at 8 o'clock, in the room over J.1 R se' grocery. PIANO TvNINo,—Fred, A. Lewis, pian, tuner for Maeou, Roth Piano Oo., wli ue here in a week or so and wid be reed. to attend to all orders left at the form tura etore of Waxen et BLADE. THE Moving Ptoture dhow in ab. Town Hall hot week preeeuted duan very interesting things on their prugran• especially to the children. Tue Mott crated aorta- were well given. LEST OVER -UNTIL NEST WEEK — Owing to the press of work and lateueee with wbiob a number of iotereeting re porta acme to band a number of them are lett over until the next isene of Tile POST. GREY BRANOE Agrioaltural Society en that meeting will be held in the Connor Chamber on Wednesday, January 9th. East Huron Sooiety will bold its mean,. a week later in the same plane. The hour will be 1 30 o'clock. WE are sorry to bear that Willi. Brown, grandeon of Mre. George McK'.y, Braeeele, has had to undergo an epithelia, at London Hospital owing to an injury he received at school. He le 18 years of age. We hope he may soon be o. k. LAST Friday a bad 'mash mouthed iu the engine at the Electric Light power house which put the lights out of baei nese inside and out. The neoeseery repairs are being made es quickly aa possible. It was particularly uuforloe ate that the business places were depriv ed of the light at the holiday 8eaeou. DR. Ovens, M. D., Loudon, Eye and Ear onrgeoo, will be at Smith'e Dale Store, Brussels, on the flret 'Taeeday in esah month. Hours, 8 a. m. to 1.30 p. m. Cataract, ogoiut, feeling eyeelgbt, desfoeee and nasal oabarrh treated and glasses properly fitted. Next visit, Tuse• day, January 8th. N. B.—Dr. Ovens makers no calla. THE POST And Weekly Globe from now mita the end of 1907 for the sem of $1.35 '9 the biggest offer we have been able to make for a long time, The Globe hae been wondertally improved the past year or two and ie to day the baht Canadian Weekly on the market, When yen have it end year own home paper you need no other. Catarrh of the nose and throat should lead you to et least mak tie for a trial box of Dr. Shoop'' Cetera' Cure. Nothing so surely proves merit as a real, thine. test=and Dr. Shoop, to prove tbie, earueetly desires that we let you make the test. This ornemy, snow white, beat. Ing beim, soothes the throat and nostrile and quickly purifies a foal or feverish breath. Call and investigate. F. R. Smith. SORRY TO SAY GOODBYE TO AN ExooL LENT TEAoneR•—Fridey afternoon abort, fntereetiug programa were given fo the various departments of the Pobilo Sehool in town after which a Christmas treat by the teachers to the pupile was in order in the line of oobfeobionery and fruit. The =rains in Mies Wilson's room were speoiady interesting over the fact that on account of her severing her oonneatiou with the staff a presentebion was in order, Frank Scott read the following address and Edith Deadman made the presenta- tion .— To Mise Kate Wilson : DEAR Tmaoamn,—We, the pupile of your them, regret very mneb your deoie. ion to be our teacher no longer, You have always been a patient teacher, a wise counsellor, moot eaoellent instructor and have done your utmost to improve our welfare. You will ever be remem• bored by the pupils of this room with feelings 66 the bigheet regard and esteem and we ask, ae a token of our teeliuge, that you aooepa thie silver dotted eel from yodr pnpile. Wishing you a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year, The recipient wag not only surprised but deeply toothed by the kindly deed hence few were.the words eke said in aokn0W ledging the ibongbtfclness of the donors, Principal Oameron eulogized Mies Wil. eon's tnithfnineee nod 000055, as a teach. or and voided the tentimente of the townspeople generally in a%pressing their theater credit, Miss Dore Smith will euoaeed Miee W(teon and we hope P110 Will have A 1 maned) in carrying on the marked 000oee9 of the peat. Tile POST ie glad to ,tate that Mise Wilson. t 0000588 continuing a reeident of thin oddity of which further particulate will le given. Business Locals. ' Ouse loge wanted. G. A. DxADMAN. 801006 sharpened in flrst.olaee style at She Ament factory. 0000 ooW for eale will calve in April. Apply to WALTER WILBEE, Braude. BEATS.—When skates are dull and are not true take them to McGregor be will. renew. Yours T. MCGateoon, Brussels BAs Alas in Millinery. Everything . old regardless of coat to clear out title eaeon'e stock. Call and see us, MISSES HABEIRE. Puma LoeT.—Taeeday, Deo. 111b, a puree containing both bills and eilver was test in Brdeeele. The owner will be deeply indebted to the finder if the oat Sirtiole to tett at THE POST Pnblieh• log House. PERSON %I, PARAGRAPHS. Miee May Skene is home from Tor. mite. Mies Downey is vieitiog relatives at Ohatham. Mies Pearl Sharpe le book from a visit to Ingersoll. Miee Vinie Edwards spent the holiday at 8trattord J. Leslie Kerr, of Blyth, spent Christ. mat- in Braeeele. Mies Oarrie Hineeten Waited Wingbam relatives en Ohristmae, Ira Parker, of Wingbam, ie visiting in own renewing old friendebipe. Mr, O"pp and Bone, of Toronto, were here for the Ohriebmae holiday Mre. and Mies Stuart, of Woodbridge, are the suede of Mre. James Fox. Roger Deadman is fllline a position i•, the Dominion Bank at Napanee. Mater Harold Herr, of Clinton, ie ho'idevine with relatives it Brussels. A. J. Oarrie and family were vieiting with Seaforth relatives on Obristmae. W H. Willie and family, of Seafortb, .te their Uhrisemae dinner at 8. Gerry's. Miss Eva Gilpin was visiting at. A G•.rdlner'e, Ma$iltop, daring the peat ae, k. Mre Wetter Smith hes been ill with hronobitfb bat we hope she will soon be better. n ' Mre. A. Morns n, of PortAnglin, Vliohigan, is here on a visit with relatives and friends. Will, Haveroft, of Hamilton, enjoyed the Christmastide with hie mother, John street. Mies Berbera and Alex. McKelvey are home from the Univereity, Toronto, for tbeir holidays George Bishop is home from Weise. ey', Manitoba, for s visit. He ie well ,'eased with the Weet. Miee Mabel Colvin, who has been fill '•e a millinery eitnetion at Orediami, •'rived home last week. MiseeeMina and Clara Hunter, who have been at 0 inion, are visiting rela. troth in town this week. Mise Hattie Downing is here from Leamington, where she hae been te8ob• ing, for the Ohrietmas holidays. Frank 0 Iver, of Tilsonbure, was here or Ohrostenae and enjoyed the home .:atberi0g at his mother's, William +treat. Alex Rose is home from Ottews for e short holiday and looke ae if the Cap. tat agreed well with him. He'e alwaye we'oome. - R K. and Mrs. Rose and Mies Georgia did Aattin, of Li-towe', were visitors at the parental home of the former for Christmas. Edward Speiran, of Goderiob, was tailing on rela ivee and old Mende for a few days He is well pleased with the 'lo. town. Mr. Otto, of Sebringville, and hie nephew, Alvin Stemn, of town, epent Christmas with Mr. Powell and family at Blyth and bad a royal time. Gordon and Mrs Howell, of New Ham burg, were holiday visitor(' at S. T. Plume this week. Mre. Plum and Mr. Howell are deter and brother. Mre. Gerry James ate her Xmas din. ner at her home in Brampton - end from here went to Harriaton to attend the wedding of Miss Loa Settergreen. Oliver Smith, of Earl Grey, near Regina, is home on a vleit with relative(' end friende. He has enjoyed life in the West and will return in the coarse of month or eo, N MoOaalay oelebreted Christmas by ailing downstairs at hie home whioh eft him with a lame leg, temporarily petting him off bis regnlar work. We ripe he will soon be o. k. Regular Meetings —Or— East Maxon ron Farmers' Institute v will be huh) tie follows 1 - Brussels January 10 Albornoou—W 0 Sboarer, of Bri'btou "Rotation of crops and solution of teed grain ;" H Jones, of Maitland, "Row to Man- age 0110 orobarde" l.ynulug—W (1 Shearer, "Pnitltry relolne for the bo ye •" B Juuee, "Rafauuo at Nature. Bird Life end Iueeot World" Wroxeter January 12 A fternoou—W 0 Shearer, "ROtabiou 0 0l' 3 8 and seleotloo of seed uralo ;" 13 Jones, !blow to ihalluge our orchards." Evoulug—W (1 Shearer. "Rutter maktn• On the rat ;" H Juuos "Balance of Nature, Bird Life and Insect World" Afteruo oe meetings commence at 190 Eveniu g meetings commence at 7.90 Mueboal program will be given at the even- ing meet,nge EVERYBODY WRL00ME Tiros. eloM,LLAN President. P. A, MDAj'rHun, Booretary. Brewer's Reliable Art Studio We would be pleased to tali your Photograph. Family Groups taken suitabh for Framing (sizes up to 14x17 iu.) We will (1"o our best ti' please you. Visitors to the town are invit ed to call and see our work. H. R. BREWER Miee Ida Williams, of Toronto, is visit ing in Brueeele. Mise Clare McCracken Is home from Toronto for a holiday. J. H. and Mrs. Cameron are vieitiog relatives at Looknow. N. B. Gerry and family, of 51y111, were in town for Christmas. Alex. Thomeou, of Guelph, was oalliog on relatives in town lost week. Miee Maggie MoNanghtoa, of Olin• ton, is home for a holiday yieit. R. Drone was in Goderioh on Ohrist mac visiting Jno. and Mrs, Donaldson. Mrs. Beagle and daughter, Verbena, of Auburn, are the gaeete of Mrs. I. C. Riobarde. J. Little, of the Standard Bank, went to the home of bis parents at Barrie for Ohrissenae. Gordon, G'adye and Harry Roee, of Kincardine, have been visiting relatives in Braeeele. R, W. and Mre. Matheson end dough• ter, of Luoknow, are spending the boil day iD town Garfield Barker, druggist, of Chatham. was shaking hands with Brussels friends for a few days. Richard Stevene was here from Sea forth for his Christmas dinner, Be le employed in the flax mill. Barrister MacDonald ate his Chriet- maa turkey and plum padding at the parental home in Aehfleld. Al an Romany, of Tera, epenh Obrist• mac at Jno. Fogies. Mre. Pugh and the visitor are sister and brother. Wilbur and Mrs. Baker and children, of Granton, were vieiting relatives at Benguela and Hentryn thio week. Thos. Curry, who bas been laid up with an atteok of quinsy, is able to get about Once more we are pleased to notice. Mrs. Jae. Sholdioe and eon, of Magi'• 'op, were visiting with her father, P. Watson, Queen threat, the past week. Mre. Sohleihaat and little deuebtel, Helen, or Rodney, are vieitore with the former's mother, Mrs. McKinley, Brne eels. Mre. Wm. Diamond end eon Vernon R„ of New Humbug, are Vi'itOre with Mrs. S. T. Plbm. lire. Diamond is a niece. Bert. Lott fa spending the Cbrietmae vacation with his relatives in town. He 'e attending the Inetitation for the Blind at Brantford. Little Mies Alexandra Martin, of Bel. Wood, was vieitiog at the Menge with her nnole, Rev. Mr. Wishart, and her .a0ntie, Miss Wiehart. alias Florence Buohanan hae atm pleted her term as teacher at Winona and arrived home last Saturday, Gen, Buchanan is also here for a theca thou, ion 10003 the 13 averslln,'1`'inunu. CREAT CLEARING SALE —or—. Barnes, .ober, Blankets, Bells, mugs, &c. Owing to the unfavorable season we find our stock too targe so for the next 40 days, or up to the end of January, will sell all }Lanese, Robes, Blankets, Belle, &c at Re- duced Prices, and offer you Bargains that you may not ('ver be able to buy at again as leather and fall material for building Har- ness is advancing so much. The Harness is all our owu matte end we guarantee the worknianship as We have no Factory harness in stock. TERMS—Small amounts eaell ; large amounts settled by promissory note. L C. c b. r Jno, Bateman is enjoying a short va. . ()Mon in 'Toronto, Mies Erna Avery, of Toronto was among the holiday vieitore in town. With Minnie Moore is here from Bt. Tbomue visiting with the home balk. klieg Jeeefe F, Imlaok, of Los Angeles, Oanforuis, 15 renewing old triendehipe in town, Editor Hall, of the Wingbam Advance, was a welcome °eller on THE POET On Thursday, Robert McCracken, of Rochester, N. Y., bang.op hie etookitig at the parental residence, Braeeele, thie Christmas, Mr. Otto, who was vieitiog hie dater, Mrs. Stemn, has returned to hie home at Hebringville. We would not find fault If be beoame a resident of Braude. Hilton Hunter, of Alliston, and Miee Lizzie Cameron, of the same town, were Chrtsbmas vieitore at Mrs. A, Hunter's, Phomas street, the former's mother, Rlohard Williams was shaking bantla with old friends in town this week. 'Be bee been in the W. at where we trash hie possessione will yield him large thorns, Dr, Fred, and Mrs, Gilpin, of Mioh tgao City, Ind., are here enjoying a week's holiday. They spent Christmas at Mrs. Gilpin's parental home at Owen Hound. L W. and Mre. Kingewood and Roy, of I gersoll, end Will. and Mre. Lowry and daughter, of London, were holiday visitors with relatives in Brnesele and enj tyre a few days. Dr. W. J. Browatt, of Peterboro', was nsre for Obriemnas. .Mrs, Browatt, who hits been in poor health, a000mpenied her husband Earn, and may undergo a merited operation. Mrs. R. A. Hayes, of Looknow, who was visiting here returned to her home last week. Her son, Dr. Hays and Mre. an, arrived home from the Old Country tbie week. alias Mary McAteer, who hes been teaohing urar Exeter, ie home for her nnhdaye. She oommerl0es work neat rhureday in the Godman school, 8th true, Morrie. Ws wish her anomie. algae Elara Mitobell end George and Mrs. Armstrong and daughter May, of Toronto, were bare for Christmas with Mrs. and Mise Mitchell, Mill street, Jae Mitchell, of Dundee, a son of Mrs, Kimbell, was also here. Rev. A. 0. Wished, B. A., and Mies Wishart were away to Fergae for Oh, jet MKS. The reverend gentleman went on to hie former charge at Beaverton and on Thursday made a young couple hap. py by tying the matrimonial bow, J. R. Grant, of Winnipeg, formerly of Brussels, ie epeodiug the Winter on the Paola, Coast to avoid the wintry temperature of Manitoba's oapital. He has spent the peat few Winters in Oali. fornia, Florida and other Southerly pointe. Mr, Forrest, who has been down East ,n oonneotion with the Construction De. partment of the 0. P. R., where the •work of doable teething the road from Smith's Pelle to Ottawa is in prestress, was hbms for Christmas. He will not move Isla family from Braeeele for the present. A new pork.paoking factory and pub. is abattoir will be established at Bt. Tbomue. A man giving the name of John West eased a Forged Oheok for 6600 on the T. Eaton Company at Winnipeg. Robert Jaale, lumbermen, wee killed on the railway at Webigoen. Frank Blplee was asphyxiated Sty g(ts in his room at an Ingersoll hotel. The Yukon block at Brandon was bornsd, (musing a lose of 1)40,000. The Bank of British North America at Dook Lake, Seek„ was destroyed by ere, A bear wandered into the Langevin blook et Ottawa and gave several civil servants a fright. Jake Petebenik, of Montreal, is ander arrest on eoepieion of having caused the death of hie wife, MORN% JA0000N.—In Tiedale, Sask., on Dee, 17th, to Mr. and Eire. Peter Jaokeon a eon, M.A-RRSoam. HuNTna-0AmenoB.—O0 Dee. 24, 1906, et the Methodist Pareonege, Lis - 'towel, by Rev. D. MoOanlu•, Mr. Hilton Hunter, to Mies Lizzie Oam• Bron, both of Alliston. MaILnor—Wmme—At the residence of the bride's parents, on Deo. 26111, by Bev. B. Anderson, Mr. Jno. Mo Ilroy to Mies Edith Willie, both of the township of Morrie. MAeote—HEaeLtr —At the residence of the bride`s parents. 74 River street, Toronto, on Der. 25th, by Roy. R. J. Pauls, Mr. Fred'. El. Maim, of Ethtl, Druggist and Stationer. to Mise Anna Bertha, eeeond dangb• ler of Mr, and Mrs. Ban. Benefit). WATT—EI111U0Y.—In Morris, at the reef donee of the bride's parents, on Deo, 6th, by Rev S. Audereen, of Blyth, Mr. Robert Walt, of Hallett, to Mies hiillie, daughter of Mr and Mrs. George Kirkby, of Morris. To Our Patrons With another year's work about completed we take pleasure in extending to you all our hearty thanks for your kindness and pat. a'onage during the past year. That the coming year may be one of happiness and prosperity to you all is the wish of Yours Very Sincerely, JAS. FOX Axzvssax.,s D.2ASE:I 211'$, Fall Wheat 68 08 Bar'ey 42 43 Peas 73 74 Oats 33 34 Batter, tube and rolls..., 20 22 Eggs per dozen 20 20 Hay per too 8 00 9 00 Flour, per bbl 4 60 6 20 Hoge, Live 6 00 6 00 Wool 24 25 Potatoes per bus 46 Apples (per bbl.) 1 00 1 50 Balt, per bbl., retail 1 00 70 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN BOAR FOR SERVICE —THE uudorei¢nod will keep 'or service on Lot 24, eon. 7, Grey, a pure bred Berkabire Boar. GEO. ADDY, Proprietor, 29.9m Ethel. THREE YOUNG SHOEITHORN Rolle for rule. Two were prize win. Dere at Rrnosele nal Fatr. They are dan- dles. Bed and roan in color. Also a law tine females' for Bale Lot 8, Goo 9, Grey. D. ROBERTSON, I1.01 Bsnssele P.O. Annual Meeting. • The Annual Meeting of ,,Grey Branch Ag. rionitural Society will be -held in the Coma. ail Oblt:ruber, Brussels, ou Wednesday, Jan• nary Otb, at p. m., ae per Statute. ltroolv• log the Auditors' Report, electing officers cud other business will constitute (be pro. gram, - JAW. HB KERRRP, 8 cretary. 11ARMToTOmISEINT.—O deoldN ler RAO– aoUN,to leaaase the I.,rm of Thos. Miller it will be ,entad by tender. Tender. received by the undersigned up t Jau. 10th, I707. Full par- ticulars may be got from F. 8 Scott or at the anotiou sale on Dee. 07511, when every. thine belonging to the agitate of Thos. Miller will be sold to the highest bidder. JANE MILLI, B and F. S. SCOTT, Commit tee 'Phos. Miller estate. hristmas Presents Our dealt of Fin- Watches, Jewel- lery, deo., w0 bought for cash direct from the manufacturer. Wo eau save you muuey on Reliable Goode in Watches, Necklets, Rings, - Lockets, Bracelets, Chains, Brooches, Tie P ns, Pearls, Diamoude, Cloche, Silverware, Violins, &o,, 50. /1 T7 .a ay Evarytttfeg QJ i .J tl ♦.d is saorifiaed by ue for quality. This is the rook on which we build our buaioees. We handle dependable goods only. PRIC [J. We do not Bell gold ll iJ L,4 dollars for 900, but we do give you a dollar's worth of value for every dollar expended. Our prices areae lots as the lowest. H. L. JACKSON JEWELLER. :Brussels Daylight Store 33 nli'11,''e'111'lig'L''Ir11,',,,'lll'Ip4•�tit1'lu'le'I,rl,.pllli Ili trV"W,'I,''t•'1,lintlir"I'11111r'le'I„'Itel,'ll,'tli Ili Ilrlli Ia'lu'bi'h'4,rt ,'l1,eU'I,I'tl„ei'b'te,4/'li 4rlli Ili Ilrlli Ili Il,�l,rt^I,"li'a'Ia'teli'y,i'1 "1,'Ui 11,'Iri'I.ittlh G. N. McLaren Hints to hristmas Shoppers We have suitable Gifts for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. Old aria Young Dees any Article on this Lit Appeal to You ?' Ladies' Fano'. Collars and Ties Ladies' a, d Children's Handkerchiefs Fancy Wa1S'lnjjy Ladies' Fur Coats Fur Ruff:l and Muffs Gloves and Hosiery Dress Goods Retldymade Skirts and Waists Wool Blaukeis Beadymade Underskirts Ladies' and Children's Cardigans and.. Overshoes Ladies' and Children's Slippers Gentlemen's Ties and Handkerchiefs Gentlemen's Gloves and Mufflers Men's and Boys' Warm Underclothing Fancy Suspenders Men's and Boys' Suits Men's and Boys' Overcoats Men's and Boys' Odd Trousers Men's and Boys' Winter Caps Men's and Boys' Overshoes Fancy House Slippers Men's Fur Gauntlet's - Curtains and Table Covers Table Linen, Napkins and Towels We have a 'complete assortment and youmay depend upon it our prices are the Lowest. Highest Prices for Produce Goods Right or your Money back Wi.slziia on.e and all a di/ferry Cht'istrnas. Next Door to McLaren American House J 1' it v