The Brussels Post, 1906-12-27, Page 5i it /Ye 1 ..i;a~`.e.;,rles:s, :s..i. tis c,,e;u . , . �+le a weei ' .. . aniu xrasce 2e• tai✓•z•�> w •eA+ e:xet0..4reare.•vai +w,r.:•%r.;f.>wl r 4e .t+eeistai>, 6�'a,.Oi; ie,U4 4E l lei Standard Bank of Canada Winter Term Opens Jan.2 Hero aro ¢oma of the Reiman Iteoordu made by the ELLIOTT (,f./.101/14.1 TORONTO, ONT. outof the last 220 oohs from buolaose Brine we have adnd FIR l'1110Y al tyro p014010130 We had no ata chic ready v� 10001,41. Wu hove oleo had 82 mule for subli0es College tomatoes. 101 ex. 'umlaute of ether Business oollog8es or a Sborthaud Schools wore enrolled hero duties the bt.1 two years. Wu believe we have the boot Oommerontl School la Oaueda. Wu thorough y outsets, our etudoub0, Write to.dav fur catalogue. wIJj'Jgl W. J. ELLIOTT, l'rolpal COIL P011034 AND ALIXANDRA BTS. MEDICAL CARDS. DR. R. A. 13Uii'NS— SueoeSSoe to Cr. J. A. ltc\auglton Brussels, 011ifriO Oraduute of Polyolluiu Post Graduate Ruhetol of Modleine tied Surgery, Now York. elember of College of Physioisae aid Sur- geons of Ontario. Mee and residence sawn as formerly or- cantetl by 1)r•. ttONaughtou. Disease. of 00010u u epeelalty, 'Phone No. 21. BUSINESS CARDS. K'iT kt. MoORAOREN— 00 • Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Of. Ilea at Grocery.Turnberxy. street, Brussels. WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER or MARRIAGE LICENSES Unite ili 21m reel 011ice, Ethel. 00-4 BCRT H A C. ARMSTRONG 1e peepar011 to give leeeoslO on Plane or 11eed Uri u. Torus oil 13ppLoatiou. Puololaoa at11800-8ru00010. Rosineu00— Lot 8,000.10, uroy. Pupils way Dove their lesseuo at their own .homes 11 proferred. III1SS MARGARET lV'LAUCKLiN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conservatory of Music. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company Office mud Resldence— WALTON, ONT, ROBERT OUNNINGHAM1 rt100035110R, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. 1.41 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION• .2.• • nRu, will 8011 for better prices, to better wen Ln lees time and lose chargee than any other Auctioneer in East Buren or he won't charge alytbiag. nates and orders can ulwaye bo arranged at this odloe or by personal applioation. ROBT. H. GARNISS BLUEVALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reaeooable. Sines arranged for at,the 01100 of T1311 POT, Brussels. 22tf VETERINARY. GA. CUNNINGHAM— • Honor aredua,o of the Ontario Vet. emery College, is prepared to treat all dis- eases of domesticated auimale 1u a oompat• ant manner. Partioulor attention paid to Veterinary Deut10try and Milk Paver. Oalle promptly attended be. Whim and luarmary —Four doors North of bridge, 0urnburry at. Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. AR. MACDONALD-- • Barrister,-801iettor, Notary, Eto. Btt0aeosur to t.4. F. Blair. 00800 over "hue - Mad Batik, Brussels. 8011eitor for Metro- politan Beak. VT M. SINCLAIR— V Y • Barrister, Hblleiter, 0onveyauoor, Notary Public, Jto, O1fioe—Stewart's Block A. 1 door North of Ooutral Hotel. Holiulter for the Standard Bank. j�ttUUDF00 L', HAYS & SLAM- - it PURL I.O.I 1C.' NOT AEI I(b W. ThoUDltueT, E. 0, 1412114.1t. e. Dare 018000-)11000 lel uteri). ()coupledby Aloan % UOme•Ou es belt, G0amnton, 011135100. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD. IIttN77HT ((ruduate tit Tho Royal 310llege. of Dentoo +r' Burgeoue of Ontario anti First -01m% Boum next to t13r0200'0 Toronto hpivoiiullory, Diets 1111:0 "NEL Winter Term Opens Jan. 2 8 pi CENTHAL,,,,07/ , • STRATFORD. ONT. Tule tio110. I is reeogli11et1 Lobe One of the leading C„minerdht, Schools lit kb ll Ao Kion, Our gtadnato0 are in do - all OB 100012080 001)090 tom:hers.. ib The moat rodent appluettl0n we re•• '�, ceived for a 'tomboy oltwed 111400.00 per annum. We believe we are tun- . �j fling cue of the meat 3'00ur0303V0 and i' itp.to•3ate business training sob MI6 In the l'rovin00. The demand epee 118 a„...) for o31100 help 10 OOVOraI 11w0e the sap - ply. Write for trees elata1,9n0, 0 2104111012' St ahr1,A0H0XN. 1f frim mit pale. Et '_ems exeet.m.tiasX--x 1,9 S43'7� BU111Tht16, .Olt 142RE1?Y10 FUND 8101:000000.000e00 TOTAL ASSETS uVER 10,W0,004 A enenertl,l ia111Lt0 a- S3tt00inefala TrariSO, 0xed. — SAVINGS 8ANKms•-- littepuna mpaulude0rl 10 11,you of01300it t0 date of withdrawal tit bi(;beet current rates Joint 140paele Accounts—A SPECIAL OONV(4NIIINCE in use in 000 Savings De. pertinent 10 the "JO3ut Depo0it" u000unt, Mulley may bo 4013310itcl or rvrtbtiruwu by either of the two metabere of the household. This system fe 31 great eollv013. feaee to many residing in tore, but wipe particularly so to furu1Or0, as 1t1 the latter other feature o 1.110 system fe 1n that ito n ease of the death of eithernparty the gmAn- o ey mut be bo de 1f you n bly118kindly call W1wri130111 0004. We will tell you Mere about Our Married Wooten .ltd Minora may make and withdraw deposits without thein. turvell1luu ui ally pursuit. SALE NOTES OASEED, OOLLI11OTED or may be left tor SAFE BEEPING only for whiuli no 02arge is made. YOUR BUSINESS will reueive our careful and courteous attention. G. P. SOHOLFIISLD, GEN. MANAGER, J. F. ROWLAND, MANeoan. Walton JEWELRY STORE I have opened a Jewelry Store in the McKim Building, and my stook i8 new and well varied. Special attention paid to Repairing. You will find my prices moderato. D. .{ LAK. E i9l5tzt.CI.a,te m, Mirth. Norman Murch spent the Christmas Solidays at his home in Stratford. Jno. Emigh and family have moved to the 2riak reeidenoe on k1i11 street, where they will reside for the time beiug Mre. M. Young is away to Markdale, attending the opening of the °beret' ane ie having a reunion with her many old riende. R. 13. Oarter, of town, took fourth plaoe in the honor °lase in the junior Pharmacy ree0lte. Mr. Carter retorue o Toronto after the holidays tor his duel year. The following officers were elected for Blyth Lodge, No 968, L 0. L.: --W. M., F. flaggibt ; D, M., A MoNally ; Chap., Rev. Hartley ; Rea. Seo., Jolla Hartley 1 F. S., J. E. Taman ; Treat) , W. H. MoElroy ; D. of 0., John Maine ; L., Bros. Pratt and Audereou 1 • (tom mittee, Brae. MoOommiue, Gerry, Sime, Stewart and Carter. Piles get quick relief from Dr. Shoop's Magia Ointment, Remember it's made alone for Piles—and it works wish Oerteinty and eatiefaotion. I002111g, painful, protruding, or blind piles diaap• pear like magic by its nee. Try it and see. Sold by F. R. Smith. Henfi.yn. Hunliug le the order of the day. S. Wright visited Hentryu and viol• pity a few days. Ed. Collie 1188 recovered from a re. lapse of typhoid. L. Imolai is having his gravel hauled for hie new stable. Wm. Balzer, has enured a position on the 0. P. R. es Linwood. Mre. Wm. Stevenroo ie improving after a slight attack of typhoid fever. Ernest Martin hart been removed to Ethel but will still work on the G. T. R. Mrs. 0. Bawtinheimer is improving from her re°eut Mese we are pleased to etaie. Mre. Jno. Gaynor had the misfortune to fall and break her arm about the wrist. Rev. Mr. Westgate is endeavoring to 'orm a Gleaner Lillian among the young people. Churchill Bawtinheimer hoe returned home after a pleasant enjouru in the West and is muob improved in heoith. . John Fogel and Tom Gaynor have deolded to meanie in the West for the Winter, where they have eooured a good position with a farmer, they like flee country. George Michael had a very narrow ea nape at hie bash farm on 10th oou. He woe hauling wood land the load a ipped away from under him 0ausinp him to fall under the horses but being too near the team he vette not hurt 01u0h, Strunk By Llghtnlbg Neately describes the twenty of Put nam'a Corn Extractor. Roots oorue int in short order. flume no pain, leasee no soar, and gives perfect eatiefactioe. Remember there i8 only one "beet”— that's Pnlnom'e—fifty yearly in Dee. AtWob(1, Foray Greeneidee has anmpleted hie term of eervioo with It..1. Welker, but ober. Chas. and Mrs. MaMane, of the 10th oon., celebrated the twenty.fifth answer• nary of their wedding reoentty. Bt. Alban's Epieoopal ohu'ob oorebret ed the diet year of its exietenee by hoed. mg a 'metal evening in the Munko Hail. T. G. Ratehffe, °lark of Elmo, wee in Enloe attending the arbitration meeting ill connection with Borne eubool 000130001 in that township. Atwood i0 00 have nn open -air bloating rink lifter till, Donald Gorden having tweeted permission from the proper parties for the use ,f 0110bowli00 green. Frank Ballantyne 'arrived Monte 01' rn Jarvis whore he hon been working in dreamrry all Surnmor. Frank 11111 'leave Shortly tot Iowa where he will attend n Dairy School. A meeting of the Direotdre of the 1•Ima Fe,rmort'. Mutual Piro Inadranoe Co. tva4 held OD Ded. llth, . Present : 14 3,1111111, Baker, 0lelalld, Hewitt and ' Remo old, A01aim wee ,presented by A. ken Mo. belied, of Mornhlttlon, for 11 ,bee dam11Y ed by Bra3 udjost0d 04 $24,16. Claim [Corn Wm, Holtman, of Moruington. tot 00010010 0f home destroyed and domugee by lire, asju.ted at 1326 40. Olatm from J. G. Hamilton for damages to drive barn, by lightning to the amonet of $8 00. Claim from Wm. Peters, of Ellioe, foe 610, damage to barn by llgblulug. 0,11m wan presented by James Rattle!, of Morn Iugtou, for 1530 for live sheep killed by lightning, all of whiob were paid. Ap- p110a610ue ler inenran01 were 8000pt013 amounting to $110,025.00. Meeting ad jo0rned till the Aouual Pleating white, will be held on 'Tuesday, the 22nd o January, next. Don't 000 Cense Liniments A tummy ago they were papular. To- day peeps want eome•hing Emily to apply, 08r101n in 008u140, and abuse all a (neap liniment, When Nervnt0ue ie applies aches and pains dieappetlr as the pores absorb its eoothwg healing properties. Nerviiine penetrates to the Dore of the petit, tutees inetautly, and leasee 4(0 oily bad brawling memory bellied. Good ,- take 1u, capital to rah on, and five timer morn powerful in destroying pule that. any oily iinlmeut. Dunt fail to get a targe 25a. bottle. I:lentawel. Invitations have been issued by the geutleme0 of Listowel for their amnia New Year's Eve (mime. H. B. Dully, of the Simone Reformer, and Mrs. Donly, were tip town, 4110 guests ut B. F. Brook. Mre. Dimly le a daegbter of the late Joseph Brook, of Samoa. The High Subool Board hue appointed Klee Vivian Olaysou, B. A , 0aughte. tit W. R. Clayton, town, 1,e fourth teacher i0 the eubool uta salary of 0700 duties to begiu to January. John Soots, the well known cattle man, who asteuded the Fat Stook dhow at Guelph, purohosod a wooed prize heifer, a half of which hue been eeaured by B. E. Thiele, butcher. The heifer dressed 1150 Ibe., and is a tat one. Albert Collins, of Burke Fells, war in town, having rue up while upon hie returu from Moutreel and Ottawa, to see bis father, John Collins, wbo bee been in poor health lately. Albert ie manager of the Magnetewon River moo Lake Steam Navigation 0o. SObjulued is e. lilt of the Winter meet. Hoge of the North Perth Farmers' Iusti. ate : Regular meetings—Atwood, Jan. 4 ; Millbank, Jan. 5. . Supplementary meatiege—Gowuuetowu, Feb. 1; Oar (nage, Feb. 2 ; Rootook, Feb. 4 ; M11. versou, Feb.; 5 ; Hampstead, Feb. 6 ; Shakespeare, Feb. 7. Tile epithets 'or the reenter meetings are Messrs. Wm. Elliott, Gait, and A. E. Shearing. mu, Walkerton. Supplemeutary— Mejor Sheppard, Queenetou ; J. Gard house, Highfield; Miss B. Maddock, Guelph. 1f "taken at the eueeze stage" Preveutioe—a toothsome sandy tablet— will Barely and quickly check au ap- proaahiug cold or lagrippe. When you first outoh a oold—or feel it coming on— ,ake Dr. Shoop's Preveutioe, and the effect will certainly surprise and please you. Prevenbi0e, will surety supply the proverbial "o0noe of prevention" Sold u 5 (Ent cud 25 Dent. boxes by F. R. Smith. Presbytery of Maitland. The Presbytery of Maitland met fo Wmgham on Tuesday the 18th met., with the Rev. John Radford, Moderator, in the chair. The docket was the light. Get that has been perhaps for yearn. The Treasurer's uud auditor's reports showed the fivauoee of the Presbytery to be in a very oatisfaotury condition. The Finance Committee re0ommended bat the aseesemette for 1007 be 12o per family, for the Preeby1ery Lund, and ie per member for the Synod hind. They umber reopmmended that the salary of he Clerk and Treasurer be moralised rom 085 to $100 ler year daring from the begiuuhlg o0 1006 Th. 0e reeuentuen entente -Were curried. Dr. J. L Mnrr,y wan u°mitiated as Moderator of the .10x4 General ABeemb- yDr, Murray made a statement, rel:ard• tug the Imprees3o10 made upoti him by the uottou of• the brut Commuter on Ohuruh Union, at their prelant meninge, he having attended the matinee of the Committee. Al er Nome di0Ondeiou it wee agreed thud- 0he next. regular meatier which laake. plane Ill Wtnuham, On the Lim 'Tuesday in March, shall begin at 10 80 it. in, ked tint 11118,1 ab 11O0eeeary bun,ieoo hoe been trap -noted, the Comm Mee o,, Rtm110 111100,1nun 1.10 bail. 01 el ONtlroh U31011 that ,4 may be ni.wt••rn Ill 00430eren0 , 'hat the I oni0'r0,me b eon4tutlelt through sal- et Milne tie0e011, and .seemed the f°.100tng 'day 01 n0aee00ry, 1( ae00rda000 with an lnelruotioffrom the General Assembly that ail Ow 00n 1r03aldoue in the ehurah paying it lege -tdpl(1d then $800.00 be visited hi their hruebi leriee with 8 View 1)) Maroon. thl errinunt, whioh la the minimum stipend 13 the 4 000by1Orw3 rhur011 Dr. Mnrr,y sed the Clerk were eppnu3ed a depute. tient to visit the congregation of 'Pin Rivet with'uetruotione to report to th Presbytery at he Mardi meeting, The ministers of the following charge ere Oommiesioners . to the Genera Atteenilrly o1 1007, 1V'-liehOtti, .81. Helen & E. A0hfialn end Brneeele ; syn the Oon,tr03atlone 1,4 N 2u1.0.e an Be'mor0 and McIntosh, 1,:"k Amok Ripley -mud name, ,gni: Moleewol.rh have the privilege of .nominating each a TNI: ETROPOUTAN AK tieP0'T,►L3—.l,ul1Seized 02,000.004) CAPI:'PAL—Paid up 1,000,000 Iti';SE1tYP and Surplus Profits 1.188,188 Directors S, J. 11100 1110, D, E. TEOAIPBCN, lt. 0. Pr0e8sident, Vice -President. mum, BeensuAw, 13,L,A. Me notion A113. It. 1ORT2ylblt (matte, E.O. 1Ali. RYRItt 301.141 01148T111,0015 W. ll, ROSS, General Manager 'run 001TUOPOLITAN BANS to open to receive the memento of Farmers, lferehents and Buelnoee Oominunit7 ggouorally and to give careful oouelderatiou to all proposals submitted telt. 14 rollea upon Ito poet record for courteous treatment of its Cue. Miners, mud will extent every consideratiou ooneieteut with coned banking 10 these who may desire to trau0aat bueluee4 with It, tsp4'r Il9Slib4 6.7 RAMC lIsPrbgiray1XG'av8"' ftterest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on ell sumo of 01 and upwards BRUSSELS BRANOH W. J. FAWCE'TT, Manager. elder as Commissioner to the Aeeemb IyIt was recommended by the Presby tery'e F. 1(31. Committee that the Rev. .1. T. Taylor, missionary at Nohow, India, who is to spend two weeks within the bounds be asked to eddreeo meetings in Craubrook, Walton, Belgrave, White ahnrah, Dungannon, Ael.fteld, Looknow, Knox oharah Ripley, Bervie, N. lilnloeo, Pine River, Belmore, Wroxeter and Braswell/. The meeting° to begin oo the 21st January. Thia recommendation was adopted. The Presbytery adjourned to meet in Wtnuham, cur the first To edny in Maruti at 10:80 a, In. ANDREW MA0N350, Olerk. Select You're Medicine With Care In debility and weakness medicine should be mild and far reaching. Many pile and purgatives are too harsh, are draetio Mewed of curative. Exueeeive salon is always followed by depression, end knowing this, Dr Hamilton devised ilte pills 0f Mandrake & Butternut eo as 0 mildly iuoreaee liver and kidney activity, flush out the elementary oanal, ,0100 and regulate the bowels. Thos do Or. Hamilton's Pills eliminate poisons from the body, restore olearneee to the akin, bring strength and that sweet re 4lorer of health—Bleep. Beet medioiae on earth, 25a per box at all dealers. 0 SHORT COURSE OF STUDY. For over thirty yenre the Ontario Ag- rianllnral College brie provided courses of etady and praoti0al field work for farmers' soils, and thonoande of young Men have taken advantage of it. At drat the mimes woe two yeate. This was found to be too short, end in 1888 e third year was added. Still later it wee found impoeeiblo to do joetioe to ha work in three erasions, and the regular College Conroe, leading to the degree of B. 8. A., now oovere a period of four years. But there are many farmers and farm• • re' sone who cannot spare the time to Wire the lona College ()aurae, and others who might find the time, but have not lie means or education sufficient for matrioulotion. For the sake of such men we have supplemented our regular work by adding 813011 0000060 to meet (heir special requirements, A joduing pevido0 with a fifty foot ring, and with Beata all around capable of fending comfortably 850 persons, has Haan built eepeoially for the convenience t those taking the Short Conroe in Live dtoolt. Into this ring all aliases of home, beef cattle, sheep and swine are Brought for oritioOem. The animate ,re judged by the members of the clue uhemoelees, and fleetly judged by some recognized authority, so that students may have a good opportunity to Dom pare their judgment with 01182 of others. No money will he eparod in bringing in some of the beet representatives of all these cheeses from the otablee of our leading Outorio breeders. The work will be ooudooted by G. E. Day, Prof. of Animal Husbandry; H. S. Arkell, Letnemer in Animal Huthandry ; and Dr. J. H. Reed, Prof. of Veterinary Boienoe, with the aeeietaoae of other uompetent etoakmen who are regarded Re authorities on the moat valuable breeds of farm animals. One hour eaoh day will be spent in leoluree on Heed selection and the beet methods of cleaning need, and in the adgiug of oats, barley, wheat, peas and 1 10011 ; and of the gratifies, elovere, and t the various fodder (rope and in the identification of the weed seeds moat oommanly found in grave and (lover seed. Tbie coarse will be conducted 'by 0. A. Zavitz, Prof. of Fie d Husbandry; 1, Bnohauan, Leotnrer in Field Eine. bandry, and J, E. Howitt, Leoeurer in Botany. In the Poultry Course which taste for one month instruction will be given in the todowing brews/see of the poultry :'310433880:—P00p0ration of plane, epee'. 8138tinn8 and 00tlmat' a of poultry 13000ee or various purp0800 ; hioatiotl, Ont. atrmuion, 10u*ilation and fnru18h.iags; breeds end varieties of fowls ; origin and oharaoteristiae ; principles of breed leg and mating ; judging ; Natured told artificial iuonba0io0 and rearing, ears and m0uagrmeu0 ; the production 01 e0g0 in Winter ; demo0etratiene and praeti0e in fattening, kiting and • pre• paring ahiokeue fur home and foreign mnrk0le. The d Maud for trei0ed men in Dein- nit 0, n, fur exoeedo the supply, me- t ming e-tming men th.•ruu0hly equipped in 'h•- Solenua and P,aotlde of Buttermekiu. end Oleeermaking RIO in constant n0 moue The Dairy School le -well per prod t" given lined (mares in detryin, (Tee term is 3110.omon 1133) A hoed of about 40 onw03 hitters Red 01Iv08 re presenting 8 different breeds of dairy cattle, give8 an excellent object ieeson in the handling, feeding, and oaring for a dairy herd, befitting eupplyirl4 rpeoimene for classroom work. A re cord ie kept of eanh oow'e milli, that eiutiente may see the iillp0r10nc0 and 1 eimp laity of a cow reonrd. '['henv centers are offered an rite at840(4 Indere, for those 1ltrmere mud ferment' eons who bent not the time not the moldy to take the relater 001)ege Conroe aid it ie to he hoped that a large number will avail lheineelve8 of the op. PALE, TIRED WOMEN Regain Strength and Freshen quickly with Ferrozono. Nothing is more °attain than the direst settee Ferrozoue exerts in female complaints. It is the beet medicine for restoring virility and strength. By in. failing new life in the blood, every organ in the body re better nourished, and to ooueequeooe takes on strength. Ferro. 2008'0 record is marvellous. It makes you feel strong and sturdy. Nonrlehes the week, rebuilds and reet0;ree those in eeeroil of better health. Far girls and woman both old and young, Ferrozone Gail work wonders, as it did for Mrs, Mary Malone, of Harbor ,Buoobe, N. S., who writes ; "Before 000ng it 1 eoaroely knew what good health meant. I was Suet as miserable and weak as any woman uuuld be. Tired from moruiug till night, bothered by trifles, 000ea8ingly nervous. The firel box of Farroaoue improved my blood, gave ms appetite. In short time I was tike 0. new p00000. Now I rejoioe in abundant good health," Try Ferro - zone. It wilt make an On830300 ed fm. pruvemeul i0 your looks, your feeling, your health. Whether anaemic, nervous or suffering from eeoret dieordera,— Prt°e 50e per box, or six boxes for $2 50, at all dealers., Friday, January 11th the 100 acre farm, West of Ethel, belonging to Mrs. Hate Holland, of Toronto, wid be offered for Bale at the Royal Hotel here,, by F. S. Soots, a0011oneer, by public amnion, at 2 o'olook, It.will be sold eobjeot to a reesrve ltd. Ino. Bateman is the prem• ant tenant. Timm for Bale, suitable for barn or straw abed. size 82x56 feet. G. %x35012013 & Oo , Ethel. Duo of The Saddest Stories First It W80 a cold, negteoted of course and °a1arr11 developed. Nothing watt done and oonoumpliou followed. Watch the little °old, keep it from growing by using "Ca0arrhozene." Nothing simpler town inhaling the germ•killing vapor of th10 greed remedy.' Golds and catarrh Bee 1,e before fire. Every trams of throat and brouuhlal trouble yields immediately. Calarr11ozene ie eoteutifia and absolutely guaranteed for preveotiug and During eolarrh and kindred ille. Two sizes, 25o and 0100 at all dealers. portlrnity 40 11.410414 during the coming dJanuary. Lefebvre & Co,'e epioe mill at Montreal was damaged by fire to the extent of $80,000. ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS Ionian Parttime Preteriau Tullman To Liverpool From et John From Halifax Fri, Dee. 314 Bat, Dee. 22 Fri, Jan. 4 Sat, Jun. 5 Fr•1,Jau.10 Bat. Jau. l0 Fri, Jan. 20 Bat, Jau, 20 Rules 0t Passage First Cabin—$55 and upwards, according to steamer. 010uund 00um-841.50 and up - wares. Parisian and Pictorial" one class Oulu annum ere (5000433 6540 upwards, Third Class -827.52 an 0teamer0, Boston to Glasgow Corintbtuu.. ridgy, Deo. 28 rpa tioularo, rates and tickets liioillun Friday', Jan,1L Huauud class 805 and upwards; Third class —Eostbuald, 810.50; Westuouud, 827.50. Not Sw apply to d ' Tend, your nett hbnr( liedMende of our • ar{;ain0 in newspapers. Tun P0(T and Weekly Globe till January let, 1008, - for d 181.88, W. It. REM Agent Allan Lieu, Weasels, fw�alSri cxcl ctio 'or 30 tt TSisbltE ofthe Stock of the late George Stemn, Brussels A Reduction Sale will be conducted for the neat 30 days during which SP.ECIAL BAR- GAINS will be given in Robes, Blankets, Bags, Bells, Whips, Mitts, Gloves, tic. to reduce the large stock. First-class lines in Heavy and Light Harness, Trunks Valises and Satchels. Colne and secure the Bargains. A. C. BAEKER, Administrator M Fruits Dates, Figs, Raisins, Cur- rants, Prunes, Peels and all lcinds of Pure Flavor- ing Extracts. All varie- ties of Nuts—fresh. ° f r ectionery Stewart's anti Perrin's Chocolates and Bon Bons. All kinds of Fancy Oakes. Special for Xmas — Cal. Navel Oranges and Lemons Our Grocery Department is full of the beet that money can buy and the Prices Right. The home of GOOD CHEESE) and lots of it, and 27e Tea. Fish and Oysters on hand.41,....., Hot Coffee and Cocoa served in the best style W. A. G RR El W A R -GHQOS!NG 'tt'iu'h'tt'hrhh'4; VINAt� tr'h'L"I;'t This problem' now confronts you. In attempting to solve it remem- ber we aro prepared to render assistance. We eau do • it by showing you the following goods IN FINE CHINA AND GLASSWARE Cream and Sugar Sets Cups and Saucers Water Sets Salad Dishes Berry Sets Cake Plates Jardineres Cocoa Sets, etc. We have also a uice display of Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Ties, etc., to suit all ages, as well as a good supply of Toys. FRESH GROCERIES AT RIGHT PRICES During;the Holiday Season we will give 5 pounds of any of ler regular 25e Tea for $1.00. acDo al . . eros. -.-,_wu a�n:::ry_.a.vx,.+usaers've-lx=•�..•w.aa�v JAMESTOWN PAMIR IF CHRISTMAS ONLY AME IN THE GOOD OLD SIDIM1;;1t "liftfl: