The Brussels Post, 1906-12-27, Page 4rustle
1'ITIRS.DAY', DRO, 27, i'sos.
Rory New Year to till 1
Ir the patronage 9n 0onueetion with
the recommending and granting of pub.
iia plume were taken out of tbe halide
of the M. P.'s and M. P, P.'a' there
wonld not male be a kindness done to
them but people would be placed, in
pesitione often more likely to be there
on their own merit rather than by the
bgnd.emking of some palliest! party.
Some tlmee the timber ohosen is of a
very poor gnality.
WHAT about the good reeulutione .for
1907 ? The miming year is going to be
better than the one now ;losing in so tar
as individual effort is made to do baton,
for the time to Dome. Precept is first
oleo in ltd plane but praatioe Is infinitely
better and le the fruit following the
blossom of good resolves. Time speedo
away very quickly eo the less dreaming
and the more doing the better. Make
reeointlono to keep not to break.
Do you belong to the number of those
who are willing to take a band in push-
ing the development of industries in
Brussels for 1907 ? Your good wiehee
, are all right but it takee something more
propulsive than that to institute 000
maintain mauutaotoriee. This work oat.
not be done by oue iudivIdaal, anima e
person of means, but by a united ane
vigorous effort on the part of every rate.
payer. Do you want to keep down tasee?
The beet way le to eat the town growing.
Let no wake rip and get at it.
TERRE appeere to be room for oongirt.
arable difference of opinion among the
Manitoba people relative to the queetiou
of Government ownership, the recent
vote beiug fairly well divided for ane
against. Exieting Companies are afford•
ieg good accommodation but we believe
the rate mould be rednoed with advantage
to both proprietors and lessees. Tbere'e
nothing like popularizing public 0til9Eles
and making the people feel yon are giving
them big value. The nee of the 'phone
on a big circuit goes without question
and tbie is one way to make it attractive.
The pnblio ownership bueinees is a ques-
tion with two well defined sides to it and
we are not eure that all the propoeele
would be even ordinarily of a common
seine quality if adopted.
OonALT le having its innings and all
British Columbia and the Youkon can
do is to sit up and try and look plettaant
11 people were half as willing to path
their way in the ordinary walks of life
ee they are to hazard their Met dollar
in so many wild oat 9oh8me0 there
woad be more eatiefled men and many
more. happy bottles. The epirit of over
Poaching tor the cake of getting riob in
a minute is eating out the heart of many
a man and following in the same train
are innumerable lila that only those who
have tested the rode Dan describe.
A spirit of content with the ordinary
tuooese to be expected in return for in.
dustry, sobriety end perseverance is
worth infinitely more than the fever.
1911 excitement, unrest end often Dom
piste !where by adopting a lees eorapa.
lone method. Gambling dives are looked
upon as a menene to the community in
whiob they ere operated bat those with
a gilt edge and a high sounding name
may prove a greater mantrap,
To :the Editor of Tan Poo :
DEAa Sen, -Detroit is one of the finest
oitiee on this continent, well bail' up
with beautiful and ooetly pubiio, as well
es private buildings. Its broad streets,
nailed avenues, are unsurpassed anywhere
and unequalled by few. Indications of
the large intelligence of its modern pro
motere ie its street oar service of the beet
quality and likely to get 24. or 8 cent fares
no the tear future, The city lieu on a
level grouud about 40 or 60 feet above the
river, its Southern boundary. The De.
Irbil river connects lake St, Clair with
like Erie eom8 20 miles apart which
fnrnielles the city with unlimited enpply
of pore water, unfiltered, and also the
beet of sewerage facilities, benne 19 ie
claimed to be a very healthy plane, ex•
ceptiog probably He damp atmoepbe,e at
lime8 nutted by its nearness to t98ne
great sheets of water. On the Detroit
river we find more vessel touuage daily
palming up and down than enters any
other port in the world, not even except.
Ing the Suez canal or Liverpool, moetly
grain and iron ore downwards and mer•
uhandise and opal upwards.
Sdwe halt dozen theatres going full
blest afternoons and evening;, Sendays
inoloded, and generally always tall, often
have to appy several days ahead to
00oure a good,eeaM, People seam 00 have
Iota of money to speed for amaaemente
es well as grand demises for the ladies,
while the tr180 are working like beavers,
tooth and nail, after the almighty doliar
With : vivo. and 001080tu008 unsurpassed
11y any elaee of people, (1lnetl0 and go„
money taike ; dollars are king," is the
Shibboleth. Work hard and work quick,
is the motto I big wage; ie the rule { and
it 0omee quick and ghee 08 quick, yet tba
greet majority of 011i20ne own their own
*omfortable hemeeteade ; many gamily
aoquirieg them on the monthly 'Metal
meat plan.
Are you aware the lnnnel notice the
Detioit tiro le aotdal.y begot by the
Mhthigan Central Railway ? its ehert80
it oonttitienal that all Mule can 9me it by
paying.0108ouab19 toll. 'Distend of boring
190499lite fiver ai, heretofore, erIuohee
are 80 be dug ftwel•ehe b0ttoal of the
river dewas6ardel 'a double tbe of Steel
for two ereeke told in trenob aheacevered
over with e0910r8a8 Oelneet and the river
pone over It,. This la 908117 written but
the doing of it lathe puzzler --with tualle
wide, 33 teat deep and 4 mite uurrene,
We au lmmoneo Undertaking, I Moder•
aloud it le to be done by suffer dame,
600 feet at a time, eh as not 10 °Mcruo'
eavigatiou too mob. Cutler dant meaue
epilee 80080 down deep atm made a Crater
tight wall, when. °animated the water 9e
primped one then eteaen ohovele excavate
th'e depth regaired ; tubes etterward in.
sorted', sealed and oovered up ; thereafter
aoo0bor 600 feet further throes the river
to coffer aammed and pro:matted with as
to first 8806ien and 90 on 008(9 eump•eten
11 18 to be hoped note of those poor
fellows, the workere, will lose their lives.
T notice the Penueylvaoia Railway enter
lug New.York coy muter the 13od.oi.
river by boring ; begiunutg eimu'ta •
eouely at eaab eine have met to the Into
die to an i(Ioh-ae otoueeefuily as oar
great O8nadiau eugtneer, Hobson, of 1b.
G. T. R , did his elg job the Sarnia -Port
Home tonne), and a in equally seeeee810
the Simplon n]auea under the Aim, lou
tooting France ante Italy.
Verily the Milleu,um le notrly ap
proaohiug so tar ae rendering tiavell.ut
,eoi.itiee bet hold on its a long way !rum
ue yet,. Just lieteu to old Femme 0080011)
i0 the act of "eac0mtulcatiog" that Pope
and hie archbishop repreeeu tet, tee from
their territory win] a song fier08 60
war in near future. Om England to L.
her polities' plight of :Mundt and State
(Itemembermellt-under the galea of ar
edooationai bid ; Germany in throes of
political trooblee. Emperor Willie dt,
mending inoleaemg appropriation on wit
veeeele, impoverielmg ble people • with
•nob tremendous taxation that the
Rleoheteg (Paruement) the people pmut•
bauk refuses. Preotdeot "1,duy" - how
aver clever beloved by al' hie people be -
"put hie tout in it" whet he threateme
"Frisco" with the army to euiurce *1
neomeeary the return otJapaueoe etudeut
to their public 8uhoo,0 { Resale sego abut.
to be torn in shreds by her own dow,
trodden pe0enutry the remit of ages of
mis rule. Claimer. alone 0eem.118 )
etande out to bold relief uuuou0ty view
ed as the only country under the ane e,
moat without a fault excepting ,el way.
"the tariff I"" Could she just role It is
elastic &a to please eh ahk8 wintery
meantime and MuLeen'e peony (2e) It
mbe ride on the oto reliable Gram: 1'ruur
we would begin to maze the millennium
was getting near tn.
Mr. Farrow said "be ewe and write ai
you ate and bear as we dom't see mmuh
here" -rather too big a job I tear, h s
donee Pone could not ouotain such to,
invited Instructions. Gueoo harem may
be more than most of your readers w"
have time to permit trusting at !Bala
bey will be eo busy getting the gum
hinge to Ail the young ones' ecookmge
ai the Nioteen hundred and sixth omit.
va08ary of the 0bri88lan era -and make
,he little folks twice glad, they who are
*estined ander a Providential care to
help along the long looked for rea
millennium when"Man to man the
world o'er ehallgbrttbere be for a' that.'
Let the Golden Rate be ever our motto.
Yuure truly
JNo. D. Roan)
To have a beautiful, perfect, pink,
velvet•Iike 1199, apply at bedtime a light
coating of Dr, Shoup's Green Bales.
Teen next morning, notice 8000(0lly the
ffeot. Dry, creaked, or oolorleae lip.
mean feverishness, and are as well
'ppearing. Dr, Shoop'e Green Salve
ie a earl, creamy, heeling olutmeot, that
will quwkly oorreat any akin blemish or
ailment. Get a .free trial box at our
store and be 000vinoed. Large, Glans
jars, 26088• F. R. Smith.
Grea v.
[Intended for la8t week.)
WAo IN IT Abn RroaT.-Last week Oliver
Turobuu 15th con., who it work•og hie
way to the Iron b as a breeaer of good
stook, attended the Winter Fair and
Stook Show at Guelph as be bad done on
other 000aeione, He did more than tbir
however ae he took en exhibit of Leioee•
ter eheep and wail s000eeefnl ae a prize
wiener in addition to dlepoeing of hie
exhibit at good prices He won let on
pen of three bred by exhibitur ; 2nd in
open pen ; 3rd and 4th for single ewe in
whiob there were 16 eutriee ; and 8rd and
4'h in dreeeed oarmaeeee. This tea most
commendable 8howi0g and thou d prove
au incentive to many others to make
entries at the Show a year hence. 'i:he
Winter Fair ie well worth atteudieg and
ie a means of education and inetrnotion
not easily obtainable elsewhere, We
congratulate Mr. Turnbull oil his enemas
and on his pluck.
Ile A Strong Alan
I00rease your vitality and nerve energy
restore vim and force to your overworked
body. Ferrozone will do thie ea it did
for Walter Wood of Beanport, N, B., who
writes; "I oan esy Ferrozone has given
we a new lease of lite. A year ago I
suffered eo from nervone exhaustion I
was coarsely obis to drag myself around.
my appetite was gone, T had no color or
ambition abet telt' used ap, One box of
Ferrozone started me bolt to health.
I took a uumber of boxes and my heath
was oomptetely restored," For men
who are•tired, pa's, 0808,no and thin
blooded noshing compares with Ferro.
zone, SOo per box at all dealers,
Tem Poo gives the news.
Scfoon REPORT Foe DROE1tnEn. Sr.
Dept, -V alaeo,-Exam. Ib Bookkeeping,
Gram„ Arith.•-E Eemeworth, 95 ; H.
McLeod 94 ; B. Bateman
94 E. Ono
bar, 84 ; R.eeler, 80 ; L Uoper, 69 ;
E. MoRee, 64 • A, MoIntoeh, 63 ; G
MoIiee, 50. 1V'.-,plxam. in Lit,, 1'hy.,
Ar,th,-R_ Framer, 95 ; I. Smith, 94 I A.
00oper, 87 ; R• Thomson, 84 ; A. McKee,'
81 ; 0. Baneuld, 81; 0. Dene, 79 ; L.
MOLead, 76 ; 11. Eoltmier, 64 1 *R Eok-
m,er, 01; *J. Bremner, 68; *I,, Struohon,
02, Sr, IIL-Exam in Gram , Lit„
Arith.-A. Bart, 91; L, Henry, 89 ; F.
Freemen, 79 I W. Eokmler, 76 ; I. Engler
72 : L. Moibtoeb, 68 ; V. McCall, 67 ;
•F. McOalluru, 46; 'A, Fletcher. Jr.
IIf -Skew. in Gram., Lit., Arith,-09
Smith, 88 ; S, Hemeworth, 87 ; P. Mo•
Leod, 62 ; *E. Maybury, 49 ; *R. Thom
peon, 80;'J. Cooper, 35. 'Aimee' from
ono or more examinot,on.' L. A. 811ANN
ON, Pm:Mittel. Jr, Dept, tir,,,t,1I.--•.P.
•Bateman) 0 Engler, N. N;Kee, 15. Dob
eon, N. Addy, 0, ilekmter, 0. Cooper, V.
Pollard, *S, 8traehen, Jr. 11 -'ft,
I9okntier, W 'Thompeon, LI• rogation, t
Isettale o ei1»
1 . Ooat6sp, G. Elokniler, G. Cole, R, Hem.
eworthi A, Ward, 71. Roth, "W, 'Yeo,
*M, Martin, 39, II,• --D. MoRee, R.
Ennlmr, P. Dobeon, M. Oaatee. $r, X.-
]3 Freeman, L Loegeway, L. Daae, S.
MoDoneld, C. McOoilum, L. Tbibideau,
*F; Sanders, B. Gid, Jr, L-A. Lange.
way, 0, Pollard, L. Hemoworth, E,
klokmler, a, Heath ; 11, Yeo, W. Oole, L.
Martin, i3. Thibideeu. Nanette marked
hue " have mooed one or mole exams•
A. Q. Sw1TZZOI Teaolter,
.t Winter Terms.
(titillated with hOli tj u Bushing
This is the meet modern, thorough
and 80008 sful in0t ,utton of its kind
in uutarlo. Excellent et tiff of teach.,
erg; u, excelled t (mipmeeb; huge
ettaudenoe ; actual eneiueae on "1l,
During November we had 20 tines
111a09 calla from leading woo rue
for Bookkeepers, Monographers
1(1 4 Telcgrapkero as we had grade.
rites to semi.
Enter any time.
Individual instruction.
tt Our handsome Chrlet*na0 Cate- '
*ogee seat free on application.
i l ii
GEO. SPOTTON, Principal
Application Form
for afomberabip in the Finest and
791 nest , witles8 Training Sohool it
of Toronto, from 1a0,2nd, next, to-
gether with detailed illi mention o
theg eat advantages t0 bo rij'yed,
will be Beet free by return 10891 oil
0. quest of friend or letter.
Write to -day to
89. H. SaAw, Principal.
Tongs & Gerrard 888., Toronto.
l'exzngtic ioJ'SR4;t5AtSf341
Bank of Hamilton
Ff ▪ Capita!, raid UP, *2,500,000
'tool Assets, *29,000,000
80 BRAN(ags IN OANaDA 80
ttPresident, - . HON. WU. GIBBON /e'
k8B ,dont 1& Geueral Alanager, ttr
Reserve runt. $2.110 008
Saviuge Department -Ample security
for Depwitore.
Deposits of $100 and upwarde received
Interest allotted at current rates and
compounded halt yearly.
eDVANU08 made to Farmers for
feeding stock.
4) Bale Notes colleo8ed and advances
(flq�t made thereon.
Drafts bought and gold,
W. N. AfoKAY, Fns.Ao8NT,
Call and inepeot my goods and com-
pare Primes, Quality and Design in all the
latest Novelties. I am hotter prepared
thea fiver bel re and can oonven00 the
ehrewdest buyer that they can get the
best value fu nay line ever offered. Any -
thine sold is mid etriotly on its"Quality"
or money refunded, *
My OPTICAL PARLOR is complet-
ed a• t1 tho.e requiring Glasses will find
that Stratton's is the place to get all the
latest methods of proper testing.
Cordial invitation to all,
"r' Tom
Sigo of the Golden Oleo's.
Notice to Creditors
In the Surrogate Court of the County of
Huron, in the matter of the estate of
George Stamn, late of the Villege of
Brueeele, in the County of Huron,
harness maker, declaimed.
Neter to herebt given, pursuant 88100,10-
, (t Statutes of nntario, 1897 obap 129, a'
mended .Arts, that all remitters an 1 others
having cry 019$130 'gnluet the e,tatt of the
'•Rid ieeree Staten, Who died on or
ebbet 1be 10tH rat of D, cent '89,1008,. are re.
gilLod nn or ltet,'r0 the 0191 day of 5080.
try, 1907, to send by poet,l. re i aid, or deliver
to A. It Mnollonald, of the Village et Brits,
eels, 8olieiter for Mired 0, 0091 or, Admin..
i,tietor , f Said eel ate, that r Christian and
81000,20• mud ad' re050 with full part molars
in writhe )) of ttielrby 0101011)8001.1,the st,temeet,nr
their omenete and the nature of tl o scour.
18188 (ii anhurl
end notroe ie fm'ihor glve0 that offer the
said loot mentioned date the said Adminla
Crater will emceed to distribute 0 t 9 asaOEs
rdi the dl ar aned egard only
tpartite: ontiticf
thereto, bov1 11 regard hely to the Maltn001
Wbloh he shell 19101, baa netlee Mud teat
'he 0(11(1 Admiulstr,ttor will net o0 liable for
I he`nseet , or a1.y pen thereof teeny person
or )ierertne of Whose 0(01519 nodes, shall not
hove been received by him at the time 01
,nab dletnbntton
Doted et • .ettoe,olathis 38th day of Deoem-
bbr,A.'D,1990. A at,NAr'.DONALD,
2081 Coli*iier for A(Imiuletrntor,
eXa,W No. 288
OF 31113
Township of Gxey
4 lay -Law to Prohibit the Sale
of Liquor in the 7-ownehi¢
of Grey, in the County of
The Muoieipal Council of 111e Town -
.hip of Grey hereby ouaotle a- follows :-
1. -That the sale by retail of spirit.
nous, fermented. or other manufaottu•ed
'ignore is and shall be prohibited in every
tavern, inn or other place of public enter-
tainment in the said M alike utility, and
the sale thereof, except by wholesale, i0
nud shall be prolnbited in every • hop or
place in the said Munloipality other than
,t Melee of public entertainment.
2, -That the v to , 1 the eleotnre of the
said T'ownehip of Grey will be talion on
the By-law by 8(1e Deputy Returning
Offieere hereinafter earned on MONDAY,
One Thousand Nine Hundred and Bev 11,
oommen0ieg at nine o'clock iu the fore-
noon and coutiuuiug until five o'olooit 'n
the afternoon of the same day, at the
uudermenttooed places ; that is to say :-
Polling Hub -Division No. 1 a• School
House, S. S. No. 4, John McEwee, D.
R. 0.
Poiliug Sub -Division No, .2 at School
House, S. S. No. 1, William Work, D.
R. 0.
Polling Sub -Division No. 3 at School
Haute, S, S. No. 2, Oliver Turnbull,
D. R, 0,
Palling Sub -Division No. 4 at Sultool
Anise S. S. No. 9, Neil McNair, D. R.
Polling Sub -Division No. 6, at Town-
-hip Hall, Ethel, Conrad Bernath, D. R.
Pogillg Sub -Division No. 6 at School
House. S. S. No, 5, Amos Smith. D. It,
Pulling Sub -Division No, 7 at Forest-
ers' Rall, Oraub,00k, Allan Camerou, D.
R. 0.
8, -That on Saturday, the Twenty
Ninth day of Decembe A. D. 1906, tit
the Clerk'- Cllr's in the Village of Ethel,
in the said Township of Grey, at the
hone of ten o'oloolt in the fore,, on, the
Reeve of the said Township of Grey,
shall appoint In writing, sighed by him-
self, Iwo persons to attend at the fiunl
summing up of the votes by the Clerk,
nod one person to attend at each polling
place on behalf of the pereous interested
in and desirous of promoting the passing
of this By-law, and a like number on
behalf of the persons interested in and
deoireins of opposing tate passing of this
4, -That the Clerk of the said Muni-
cipal Council of the said Towuehip of
Grey shall attend at the Clerk's
Office, in the Village of Ethel at the
hour of two o'clock in the afternoon of
Tuesday. the Eighth day of January,
A. D., 1907, to sum up the number of
votes given for and against thio By-
5 -This By-law shall conte into opera-
tion, and he of full force and effect o1 and
after the first day of May next, after the
final passing thereof.
Dated et the Council Chamber in the
Township of Grey, this day
of 190 ,
IL. Sl Reeve,
Take notice that the above is a true
Dopy of a proposed By-law which has
been taken into oonoirleretien by the
Municipal Council of the Township of
Gray and which will be finally passed by
the enid Council in the event of the
Resent of the eleotore being obtained
thereto, as provided by the Liquor
License Aot after one month from the
publication thereof in Tam Buossees
Pon newspaper, the date of which
publication no Thursday, the Thirteenth
day of December, A. D„ 1906 and at the
hour, day and places therein fixed for
taking the votes of tho electors, the pone.
will be held.
[L, B,j JOHN MOINTooa, Clerk.
young ealtle for sale. Apply st tote
4 and 6, Com 18, Grey,
Leicester 'tam Lambe and Browse
Turkey Gobbiere ter sale. 'Prices reaeou-
able. N, A. MILNE, Ethel. 10.1f
10 nieces 11 feet long and '0 nieces 24
feet to length. Also a number of 00400
fence poste, For further particulars see or
write 'PH08. NeWBOAI, 8rOssels, 10.89
Tae uudersigned offers her 100 acre
farm, being Lot 20, Con. 7, dray, for side 8l'
to relit. Comfortable hou"e, batik barn,
orchard, wane, &o harm le only 1 of a mile
from the stir-inR village of 0th,ll Fur fur-
ther purtloulare al,917 to F, S. Boat, Brus-
sels, or efh8, NATE HOLLAND, 78 1(boter
Street, Toronto, 87-9m
undersigned offers for sale au acre of
:And upon which to a oomfortnhle dwelling..
biose, stable, lint trees, good oven .flowing
wolf, &e. Prep rty It located g ore 01*,
11998 of Orllnbrook a d antivenin 6.41 school.
('hu,oh, peatolioo, &*. Poe8,•e,io . at. a. y
time ler price, 't rma, &n„ apply on Eh.,
premises to ld, RAYMANN.
0.88 - or (lraubruok Y• O,
50 ACRES 01 LANT) F012
gale being N4 of Si Lots 60 and 00
Con. 1,14iorrle, 80 cores untie, 91711riv aunt
and balance Multi Cu bull' eget 'P1,0808.
Moe q,ve" uu 10'uli Ietf„I of petulant 14
Mlles irony Jamestown and of from IVrox-
titer. For Natter in ltleunn's apply to ,
ELIZA AILILLI1 AN, Prof rletross,.
21••4. or Jam eatnwu 'i
Hnnvton.-.Thr undersigned will keel,
0�0f , ervle , on tmt 17, Cor, e, Grny, td a 8ltottA
Baru ht171,' f11yt1, Starr" bled trent import• r. Sl'�a: o 3
ed sire and Ove in 'nrted- 8008880 iu dam,
Be to a of eio0 atlmal, 7'ert1 8, 0) 80 for-
grade *owe with priviloee of rett1ruieg if Headache
nein 0' ary. alto be 4 thoro"•bred Bare.
all Ire Boar with registered pedigree, Tering
$1.00 to be laid at time of sarv1o8wltl1
,pOvilogo of ret. ire rig if Peewit y,
90'4 RUlt'1' MoDONALD Pro rioter
,,Vi t.N•
Mts tw'!t
3 3`:l:.l'P1L
T? ir�i,l
Articles on the
Open Air Treatment
of Tuberculosis of
the Lungs
Attractively Illustrated.
NOV., 1006
$LOOy ar
Facsimile. Cover Page (reduced in size) new
Monthly Magazine of The National Sanitar-
ium Association. Full size of page lox 7.
Muskoka Free Hospital for
The National Sanitarium Association of Canada
has undertaken to publish a monthly magazine
devoted to the Outdoor Treatment of Tuber-
culosis, and the inculcation of Hygienic
Methods of Living for the people generally.
The first number was issued in November,
All profits from this magazine -- from
subscriptions and advertising—will go
to the maintenance of patients at the
Muskoka Free Hospital for Consump-
Any one contributing one dollar a year,
or more, to the funds of the Hospital
will become a subscriber to CANADIAN
OUT -DOOR LIFE for one year,
No Father, No Mother, No Home—
Worse Than a Prisoner
find doctor's certificate and examination papers. Hope
you will secure me a place in your Sanatorium. You will
notice that my circumstances is a hard one; no father, no
mother, no home -worse than a prisoner, Nobody wants
1110 on account of my disease. Hoping you will have the
charily anti consider my position, and give me a position
at once in your Sanatorium, 1 ever pray.
An Orphan, without Home or Means
DR. A. E. HANNA, PERTH: I have a patient here, a
young fellow in whom.I am greatly interested, He has
tuberculosis. He is a poor young fellow, an orphan, out
of home, without any means. If we sent him up would you
take him in and do the best you can for him? I know how
difficult it is to accommodate all who require treatment,
but this is a special case.
18 is aIwoys ena0uragteg to have a letter from friends who kindly contribute. For the
convenience of those who have not time to write, the following blank maybe used : Gi DO
Dear Sir,
.1 have pleasure in enclosing the sum of
($ ), as a contribution to the maintenance
H071. SIR 1'l. R. MEREDITH. Kt„ Chief Justice, Flee -President Nat. San. Assoelatlon,
Toronto, or W. J. GAGE, Esq., Chairman Executive Committee, Toronto,
8,,1'All Subscriptions received will be acknowledged in the Toronto "Globe"and "News."
Any'o::e.;ub crlbing one dollar or more becomes a subscriber to the Canadian Outdoor Life
for one year. ,•
Is a business motto of
this strenuous age that
applies with tremendous
force when it is a good
act you should do.
"A child's kiss set on thy sighing
lips shall make thee glad.
"A sick man helped by thee shall
make thee strong.
"Thou shalt be served thyself in
every sense of service which thou
FULLY AND ECONOMICALLY."—Dr. R. W. Bruce -Smith, Government Inspector Hospitals and Charities.
go. 1
eara -Ina Wee a yea„ oil in Jan80rv,
1900, and the other 10 mouihe old. Prize
animals and in good eonditioe, Terms , o
suit purchaser. J1bl NS 8i'bAR, Lt 80,
C 6, tlorris, or Brussels P. 0. 16e.81
uudorrlgned offers hie heuee and lot,
situate Int 81111 street, lire:eete, for Salo.
It le Wail i,teal.0,l•a 0n1198nlen1•and coin ha,
table lemic Pooseeoiuu Dau be given at
once will oleo sail the vitoaut tot, corner
.•f 31(11 and I4iiz, l)erh streets. wbion wont.*
100)10 a tine building site. Per further pttr-
t,e,,I is s to price, term., &a,. Imply to
1.'11(10 ADAM. 4, Hardware Doelor', Ford.
wtoh• 80.4
Farmers or Storel(eepers
by coming t0 the
Brussels Sant Works
can get any kind of Salt
they require.
Gordon Mooney,
Foreman, - 137088818.
Pact in the head -pain anywhere, has its cause,
Phan is congestion, pain iablood pr0eatlro-nothing
else usually. At least, so says Dr, Shoop, and to
prove )the has created a little pink tablet. That
tablet -celled Dr, Shoop's Headache Tablet-
1/Oaxea blood Menus awaY from m nala
Its efieotis oharming, pleasingly deligktful. Gently,
though safely, gamely equalises the blood clrcu.
If .you have a headache, it's blood pressure.
If 14's painful periods' with women, same cause.
19 you a1'8 vlaoploss, maws. nervous, it's blood
congestion -blood pressure, That surely is a
catmints, for Or. 8hoop's Headache' ablate atop
1t 1n 20 minutes, and the tabletssimply dietribule
the immttllrat blood pressure.
Bruise your finger, and doesn't it got red, and
swell and pain yon? Of mune it does. We con:'
You llfln
d it where Dain
is -el ware. It's. simply Common Sense,
We tea et 20 cents, and cheerfully recommend
C. ®, F,
Court Priucese Alexandria. No.24, 0.0. lr.,
Breaee)e, meets 10 their '.odic 1200m, Illae'
bill Bmck, nu the 2nd and Met Tue9dave o1
each month, at8 o'clock. Visiting brethren
`11.) wele0,20.
The regular Monthly Horse Faire will be
held for the season au follows :
THURSDAY ,..,..JAN. 8rd, 190?
JAN. Stet, "
FEB. 28811,
APR. 4th, n
Leading Local and Outside
Buyers will be Present
Synopsis of Canadian Noi'th toast
ANY even numbered eeotoo Of dominion
liana. in Wn,ituba,Bnaltat0ltewan and
Alberta, 800.11' ling 8 1011) 26, not reserved,
luny be homesteaded by any perglu who is
'he eels bead of a family, or any bud over
18 years of nn0,.tn the extent of one-quarter
8e8Eion Of 880 00,'08 more or less
Butrat the
ina l laud o10 rertne dist let
s foade s tun which
tbe land ie&'teat°,
Tho homesteader i0 required to perform
the uouditlone eouune ed therewith under
o118 Of the fn110tvi 1e plane :
(1) At least sIX mouths' res,donoe upon
Dud oultiv,tmu of the Jodi iu erten year for
three team.
(2) If the father (or mother, if the fa' bow
is deoeae0n) of tbehomesteader resides
upon a term in the viol its of the land
mitered far the requirements as to reei-
dinee itav tle 00 With! by enoh 11ar0e0 00•
shrine with the totter Or Mother.
(8) If the settler 1101 hie per,naueut real -
donee upon larmILo bind nwuvd by him
le the vmiuity of his licu,esteod, the re-
quirlmeedsa0to rceldn000 may be satis-
fied 117 cock leuoe upon the 019,1 laud.
Hix mouths' netoe le writing ah01,1(1 be
given to the Oommfe loser of Dominion
1,11040 at 011owa of inteuelou to amply 10r
W. w, WIRY.
N. B. Deputy li .1'I H8onOIL ((ten ut tliis lid•
vorti,omeet wl❑ u.,t be peel for.
inter is
and every person
in want ofd
W er
Light or Heavy, cap be supplied by us. ,Our
stock is large and First-class. Light Bob-
sleighs g s w ltll or wit111iut Plli,tlr)riny and �leitrhs
with twit -inch ruulla'I:rr. Trl the lisle of Clut-
ters we have just what you
(71i'II Eai'11Iy and ilei; :Your ,Choico
Prices old Terms ms to suit ill ' I,iu elipser
4 .„L::
& Co,
1lrussule Carriage