The Brussels Post, 1906-12-27, Page 3e'trerrro*-S' G a'C00•opo0-esteSse YOUNG • FOLKS Do0a40000 o-0oa000gC►CDa0 DON'T 1311 TOO SURE, '\tire i( Y 1 u) 1 the tap of on apple tree A Baldwin sang right e"1 And laughed at is brothels swinging below, g While he had a seat on the topmost row, "I tell you the farmer's wife11 let •oft And nut „1 n 1 Wo 6 you, 1 Y r n lhr. the I, Wow; But I'm so high up here in t11e tree, Shell never get uiu; $he'll novel' get mei The farmer's good wile) she soon passed that 1 way, And.„thls is what f heardhor say : "That spenlid red Baldwin up there so high Shall muko tor the clilldren an apple pie," 5o it Isn't, you see, always best to crow, Though you may have a seat on the top- InOSt WHISPER OF IRIS. (Tilts story was written by Shigeno Mitobe, of rho Girls' College, Tokio). i shall not say when or where; but there was a large garden surrounded by a fence of evergreen trees, and almost in trite renlre of 11 was a pond, bordered richly by tris of pulplo and while flow- ers. 1t was 0 bl'Igllt spring morning. A lovely purple iris enjoying the venran sunshine was making iter toilet Re a 'nymph, on the mirror of pellucid water. A white iris standing next to tete purple one called to her with a beaming smile on her snowy (000 "miss Purple 1 \ass Purple 1" "Yes, Miss White. What eats I do for you?" said lh0 purple lids, turning to her friend. "Nothing in parlicldur. By -the -by -e, who is she passing us now?" "1 don't know exactly. But 1 have heard she is one of the daughters of Mrs. llonnkawa, A few minutes before 1 saw her mitring around the pond with. aur young mistress. They admired us ao nuuJt as to say that we were' IIIc prclltst powers in the whole garden. Didn't you hear that?" "Yes, I (1111. liuw kind they aro t0 think so much of us 1 I was mucin in- IceesLrd in the conversation of the 111 Ile girls. 1 think it was Miss Haumiwnka who first said that flowers might talk Lo each other as girls (1j(1. Then I heard the Voice of 01(1' young 111101ress saying the irises most do a great deal of chatter- ing, because she often -saw (heir trends bent or Unwed, as if they were enjoying themselves with Merry talks. And she wanted to know what the flowers were talking about." "Yes, yes. At that limo I really wished that I could speak and tell her how grateful I felt toward her. \Vas not that the way you also tell, Miss White?" "Yes, indeed. She is always kind to us. In cold winter days, while the lie under the ground,, she feeds us with various nutriments. in the hot days of summer she gives rills of cold, clear water, We hardly know how we can repay her for her great kindness." "That Is true. By all means let us en- deavor to please our young mistress by making our best toilet and blooming out in our prettiest. 1 think it is our duty, and also Tile ons/ way to show her our deep 1rntilude." While 111ey were thus talking, the soft sound of garden clogs was heard, and the lovely giri, wearing a long crepe gown, came near Ilia pond to look at tier favorite glowers. With a cheerful smile : the irises bowed respectfully, just ' as n gentle gust of spring breeze rustled among theta. ' AS CROSS AS A DEAR. "You're as cross as a bear," said Boss to frilly. Uncle Jinn whistled. "Bears aren't cross to members of their own fans 13'," he said. "Now, 1 knew a bear of lee---" Boss and 13111y both ran to him and climbed up on his lap. "Did you "really everknow a bear?" cried 131113'; with wide open eyes. "\Nell, not intimately," sold Uncle a Jbni, but I used to gn hunting 1110111 when 1 was up in Canada, arid ono day I was out with a hunting party,and we saw right straight in front of us—what do you suppose?" "A reel bear 1" gasped Iho chit(100111 111 concert. "Yes, n real mother bear and her little son. 'fhe dogs slurred after them, and the mother bear begnn to run, but the little baby son couldn't rule 'as fast as she ctid, and the dogs were gaining on 11101, so what do you suppose the mother bear dill? Leave her 111110 son behind? No, sir-ce-ce. She picked the baby up o1 her stout nose and towed him ahead ; then' she ran fast and, caught up to him and gave 111111 another boost that sept him flying through the air. She kept this up for a mile and a half. Then she 1v115 too lived to go any Nether, tend the clogs :surrounded her. Then she sat up on leer haunOies, look her baby in her held paws and fought the clogs off with her feeepows.. And how she (lid roan'1" I3ess shuddered. "You could Hear her Whiles away. She never forgot 110 baby; kept gunr8ing him .n111hetule. Wilton 11(1 7111(111(1!' W0, shot, me baby cub jumped. on her dead body old Ivied to fight elf the dogs with his 11111e baby paws. That's the way the bears 'stand by each other. Sometimes I think they love each outer batter then brothel's And sisters. Hey, Bess, what are you crying about? I guess 1 won't tell you any more bear stories if that is liie Way, you feel," 1'Biili(I tabbed Bess, "you 1'1 tis good zees good as a bear I" Then /hey all leugll0d. together and forgot what they had been. Cross about. "My deer," sold il,r, young husband, "'did yen speak to the mill(nlnn a130111 there, being no 0(00)11 on tine lnillc?" "Yes, 1 'told 11110 about Ile this morning, and he has expintn0d ft sailsfOotOrily; end I ihllik11 is 'gone a credit, to 11111), ton, "What did the say?" "He said Ilial 110 nItVoys lilted the jug so full that ilurei tr0 reeein onthe lop for the Serene," BR1hNRI3N FROLIC, Milkers inis1 Ie Apple t ohaea andGive forth "311Ik Pouch.' An eslrr nrdinnry fate Inas befallen 111: entire (1111 of cows on the, farm of 111'. George Sehenelc, near l'iluenixvilla. Venn. The 1h"r(1 happened to colo' across 11 quantity of apple puhorcr, the re8]due Ime1 cider -making, and with nn1- mal curiosity luunediolcly sampled 11. 7'he seine 111111 followed was (111111111 in the 11101ast degree, So drunk did the cows become that they relied and fro- licked 011 the grqund, unable to "111(0 for hiccoughing, Melon limy found their fret 111ey staggered about the orchard. It.rrhme after en,* other like drunken awn. !'heli' hillm'iaus stale conlincaed for two days, during which time their 1)i was ) milk 1 r said l y Lha neighborhood to have Required 11 d'slincl flavor, and lune Mune:. )*sly described by 1110 owner es "Inn punch," The peculiar flavor, 1100' - ('ver, dienppeared ns the cows recovered from their dissipulton, much to the sor- row of the inhabitants of the district. MARVELLOUS CASE OF IIEALING. Air. Alf. J. Clark, of Cavendish street. Lmulon (Ont.), tells flow Zalnl•Buk cured hint of severe burrns. Ile says:—"I girl Inv hands very severely burned witli lime. The burns were so deep that as i plied my shovel the blood actually ran down the handle. The agony I suffered you may well ininghl0. 1 tried several different ]finds of solves but the burns were too severe for these preparations to heal. "I obtained a supply of Zem-pule and the very first application gave ale ease. 'rills pleased me, you may guess, but as I applied the hu1111 each day 1 cons mare and more pleased with the effect. The pail was relieved completely. In very short lime Zam-But( Healed any burns completely, and My hands actually fell *Aloe—the muscles more firm and the skin in butter condition than before I W/18 burned." Not only for burns, but for cuts, bruises, sprains, etc.. Zain-P,uk is the hest and surest cure. 11 also cures 000011111, ulcers, abscesses, ringworm. boils,- eruptions, poisoned wounds. chapped ne crocked hands. cold sores, chilblains, ball leg, piles, etc. All drug. "rises sell its 5'0c, a box, or posh free from he Zane -Polk Co., Toronto, on receipt of price. 6 boxes for $2.50. HONEST ADMIRATION. Tommy Twaddles-•-"Oah, 1 don't want to go to school." Pa Twaddles—"But don't you want a good education?" Tommy Twaddles—"No, pa; I'd rather grow up to bo just like you." To discern and deal immediately wLih causes and overcome them, rattler than to battle with effects eller the disease hose secured a lodgement is the chief aim of the ]medical mal, nncl Bickle's Anti-ConstunplIvo Syrup is rho result of patient study along this particular line,. At the fest appearance of a cold the Syrup will be found a most efficient ee- nl*ly, arresting development, and speedily healing the affected parts, to ]hat the ailment disappears. "Weren't you frightened when your revolver missed firer "No; spy wife kept the burglar off with a hat pin while I reloaded." Salt Rhoam, Totter, Eczema—Those des. tressing skin diseases relieved by one ap- plication. Dr, Agnew's Ointment is a potent curd for all eruptions of the skin. Jas. Gaston, Wilkesbarre, says( For nine years I was disfigured with Totter on nay hands. Dr. Agnew's Ointment ourod it." 3§ coasts. -31 "Kale, 1 must warn you. I saw that policeman put his am round you end kiss you." "I couldn't help that, ina'a11T i "11th you didn't seem to object." "Not. me, nn' be had up for resislin' the po- lice.' Many Thanks aro dao from the proprietors of weaver's Corate to friends who hem written to. toll of the Oorato'o good word in oaring scrofulous humors, !scald head and other skin diseases. Butcher—"What 1 can I do for you, mural?" Young Wife (hying to give her- self the ale of a veteran)—"Ono ]aurid of beef sausage, but without bone, please." Only allose who have had .experience can tell the iolrlure corns cause. Pain with your boots on, 171(11) with them off --pain night and clay; but relief is sure to those who use Holloway's Corn Cure. There is one remarknble peoulinrily about camels. They are 111e only ani'- 111(lta That cannot swim. Allen's J,tutg Balboni, In which thorn to no opium, nares sore throat and sore longs oe 11 allays the inflammation an.l rids you of the moons Haat stops up tho ahs Passages. 210., 60o., (11,00'bottles,, - - A one -,sided affair is all right if it ltttppen, to be a bright side, A small 'vice in a great elan is equi- valent 10 a hole in n silver gtinr(otlt issappionomoommosionnenommeemeseemnoneericasnee ay "T110U SHALT i(ILL." The New ' Co Irl (' i Now a an mmol nn nt s i\o r Ob• served in Beside. The World's Work sent 1)r. Isaac A. "Anarwic.h a 1ru1nrd blssimt student I Ind writer, to !Russia to investigate and 511(0 of aclllul (111101111us there, 1n hie ,00011d article "Practically Civil War in 1,u lin a1.s, erneng other things num ie e I Se and I , 11 aha !!albs to It. Muck a u td l , wherever the 1111(; of Russia Dies, the uununil inent, "Thou shalt not lci11;" lifts been suspended. Aside from sum- mary ext'enlions by military governors, late columns of the deity press are filled with croons of citizens *erten, maimed (1)111 killed—by ilio ltolirr,'hy the Cos - mucks and by 1,l0in Hooligans o11iiinled with sr,nic, "patriotic" 0001013'. The reign of terror is supreme. 'fake, for example, a case haat hap- pened in the very capital of the empire, under the eyes of newspaper correspon- dents frons all parts of the world, and which has been varirnlsly reported. A regiment of the Empress's Cavalry Guards was riding along Sergius Street singing a military song. A working -girl on the sidewalk remarked contemp- tuously that they looked as If they had just liken Pert Arthur. Sorne by- standers caught up the words and shouted: "Hurrah for the Port Arthur boys 1" An officer of the guards, riding near the sidewalks, had heard file girl's re- mark. iso ordered six of the troopers to seize her. The girl ran and hid in the hallway of an apartment -douse, but was dragged forth and carried in a cab to the guardhouse. ""!rake her and do what yine please," said the°Macer. 'file men unnnftnOusly declined. The officer then called seven troopers 'known as the "executioners" and com- manded thele to give the girl 25 plows with their whips. She was then allowed t) stagger away. Though the affair was reported In all the newspapers and the identity of the officer was well known, he has not been e(t11ad la. account. , And at. the present writing n month has alrcndy elapsed. This incident hes been widely, reported because of its "'neo'S interest." Scores 01 similar outrages are occurring in all purls of the empire dully, but are never heard of. llussiu is In u stale of revolution. This fact 11211 *ren officially proclaimed by aha government in justtficulion of its policy of repression, the 111(e of (v111011 has not been witnessed since the days of John the terrible. -0 IIOGI3IENT ADOPTS BABY. \Vas Found Asleep in Sentry Box, Willi Note From Its Parent. The soldiers of the Slxly-third Foot Regiment, al. Saint 1'11101, France, have adopted a lathy which was found 0510011 in a sentry -hex on a recent morning. 11 fled a wooded horse clasped In its arms and pinned In his jacket was a note say- ing: "Please look after my little Jacques, whom I am unable 10 support." Jacques was thereupon taken into her - racks, and the mon promptly decided that he should remain. He will wear tt little suit of regimentals, and the sol- diers will take it 111 turn t0 loot( after him. 4 Th ry Never Knew Failure.—Careful ohservnhon of 111e effects of Partnelee's Vegetable Pills 1100 shown haat they act immediately an the diseased organs el the system and stimulate them to heal- thy action. There may be cases In which the disease has been long sealed and does not easily yield to nledlcine, but even in such cases these Pills have been known to bring relief when all other so-called remedies have failed, These assertions can be substantiated by many who have used 111e Pills, and medical men speak highly of their qua- lities. Jabbers—"I tell you, old irinn, it's a terrible Thing when your wife quarrels with her motor and Iho old lady lives with you. Which side do you take?" !-lavers—"Nciihcr. I preserve an alarm- ed neutrality." ne.:Vin Stan's - Pineapple Tablets.— "Medical scienee by accident eteeovered tho potency of the pinoapp1e 50 a' i)anae00 for stomach troubloe. The in apt! 001/1050 of vegetable pepsin contained in tho fruit makes it ata almost indispens- able remedy in eases of dyspopsta and indigestion, Ono tablet after each meal Will cure most ohronio cases. 60 in a box, 30 cents. --32 Lillie Girl (innocently 10 new reclor)— "Will you please see bow ninny times you can run come the ga1'don?" Rector (sur'prised)-9 couldn't., my child. 13u1 why do your ass(?" Little Girl—"0111 merely because dad said you were so long-winded." A great Combination, "rrorrovim" the beat tonic ie. It should' be taken by all invalids, by all who aro rot down or out of sorts. 30 builds up, gives now life. rr Is TO SMILE". To live loo fast is also to die loo fast. Prospective heirs are usually glad to wear dead men's shoes. The worker with the most sand usual- ly is the Ars( to raise the dust',. To lose one's head is often the Imnlo- 'diato prefaceto toeing one's feel. If 501111 Of your china has been in the family for y'ea's, yell probably wash yore mvn dishes: When 1110 poor young mal finds a rich "better 11011," he also is apt to find belle(' qunn'lers, Seng of the nightingales May be s0 ll,nur(1 ful because morning after morning they find their bills .all ov0r due. They say a woman's aim le poor. 1t io only natural, 51101' all, that she shoved find herself at aunt's feet when she hos thrown herself at his Head. --Success IIlleguzine. An oldindy, traveling for the feet tittle i11. tt'Meg() city, saw a glaring sign on the frons, of n high building, which read; "The Smith Mnntllanitirhl(1 Com- pany." As she repented It Aloud slow- ly site renlitrlced to Iter nephew; 1'Lnwv me rey1 \'/all, I've 110nrd 1011 I Stnliirs, all •my lite,. but I never knew before where they matte 'ems" , • Only the successful 1001) is in a pool' Orin to Value the welds praise at ds line Werth, P.II.A,I10A,O,U, --- Man Who Buys 111(31)15 a3I Price o Won't Realty Appreciate lily Intorno!). Whet a dyne costs has less than ,a ' y ad think 11) d, with 115 snlulsing qua- lity. The truing that *)outs is what itb> made of, and how it's made, My l'h0rnah cigar is a revelation to 100,1 who were wind, to think a (tip r Iii ,e u " Illid i 1 ,tui, 11 to 0 Ed 1 'ell ]L' I , e 1 Ily line. 11 is Not 118 1111(011 n 0u1'prise to the man who didn't believe u (Igor could he ,fine unless it Dost fifteen cents, a( least. The Pharaoh costs Jen cents, nbout everywhere good (Agars ore sold. 1 would like you to buy war and judge It in eldnparlson with ony Jlfleen-cent cigar you know, 1 feel just about certain you will say 1lie Phar'onh bus the full-bodied, mel- low flavor, t, the fragrant amnia, the suprl'-Iplality richness—without rank- ness—that you thought only flue Im- ported cigars could nave. With the real Manicuragua Havana filler and the mild Connecticut binder and Sumatra wrapper all put together colder 1113' eyes in this model factory of mine, the Ph11roah has it fair right to be 81115ed with fifteen cent cigars. 1 don't want you to believe 11 until you Imew it's so. You will w11(3n you've tried the Pharoah. Bettor buy a box for Xntns. Your dealer should Have 11-11 he is up -bo - dale and keeps the best brands. \fade in Granby, Que,, by J. Bruce Payne, Lhe iced. "what a lovely collection of odd cups!" exclaimed a guest, peering into the china cabinet. "Did -it take you long to get so many?" "Oh, no," said the hos- tess, whosuttees by the servant prob- lem, "those ore samples of the sots we've had In the last two years." A Purely Vegetable Pill.—Parmelee's Vegetable P111s are compounded from roots, herbs and solid extracts of known virtue in the treatment of liver and kidney complaints and in giving tone tc the 'system whether ; enfeebled by overwork or deranged through excesses in living. They require no testimonial. Their excellent quatlies are well known lc all those who leave used these and they commend themselves to dyspep- tics end talose subject to biliousness who are in quest of a beneficial medicine. Picture Dcnler—"'Phis, mndam, is merely a chrome. and It is not expen- sive." Airs. Newrlch—"Alta To be had etiheap, 1 suppose. Of course, Chromo 10 a very obscure artist, and cannot. command high prices." The Backache Stage may be ,just that Incipient form of kidney disease which, If neglected, will develop iutostubborn and distressing disorder that will take long tedious treatment to cure. Don't neglect the "backache stage" of the most insidious of diseases. South American Kidney Cure stops the ache in six hours and euros, -30 She—"Women may gossip sometimes, but they have better cannot of their longues than men have." Ito—"You are right. hien have no control what- ever of women's tongues." Dld you notice that old man limping along a day or sono? well, if 110 1,111 put on his back Trio D L L" Menthol Piaster, in a week he will. walk as straight as any one. VEILS FOR FIREMEN. One of the gravest perils which the men of the fire brigade are constantly ,lacing. is the. fierce, 'overpowering heat 11, which they are compelled to work. This peril, however, if we may believe recent information to hand from Ger- many, has can"ed to. exist. After suc- cessful trials, the newly -Invented "heat - veil" has been introduced into practice at Cologne, where 200 men have been supplied with the appliance. The veil is made after the principlo of a safety lamp, with double windows. It is com- posed of fibres of cane, which, as is Known, possesses the peculiar property of retaining wafer for a considerable length of Lime. The veil Ls made damp before. being fastened to the fireman's ordinary brass helmet. MAGNIFICENT CALIFORNIA TRAINS. . Via the Chicago, ,Union Pneibc and North Wedern Line. The "Los' Ange- les Limited" to Southern California and the "Overland Limited" to San Francis- co are considered by travelers as the finest trains leaving Chicakn. Less than three clays to Caif0rnio. Drnwingroonl and ecnparhnent sleepers, buffet, ab- Rewri110)1 and dining cars. Trnins electric lighted throughout. The "China and Japan" Fast Mall en:Ties Pullman Standard and Tourist, sleepers to all California Conspoids, lllustea I011 California literature, folders and rales to be had on application 10 B. 1I, Bon- nett, General Agent, 2 Xing SL, Toron- to, Ont. Duly (10 new sert'nnq—"You quite un- derstand, Bridget, that 1 shall only bo 'a'. dome every Wednesday iron lime to Ave?' Bridget ---"Yes, mum." To 3her- self) "Bridget, me swale soul, if fuer a woman had n hlvenly sitivnlion, sure it's yelself has got it. Wid the mus - tem only 01, home fur two hours ]very wake, phw01 a x050111' lime 01 Can beVe 1111 int" ANOTHER WONDERFUL CASE Dere is SOusethhlf11 That Will be 'Wel- come News la Alnny a bis-, • courared One.' "For sevc'ni ' penes I have been troubled with gas around my heart, shortness of breath, 1113' food (lid not digest properly, it turned sou' 111 my stomach, causing ]ne 'great distress; often, disagree - William lis Reed" loo, I had disagree- nblo oklncks nI belch - tilt; gas and heartburn, al(1' levan pains across the small ,o( my back, "1 flied 1)r. l.ennimr,lis ,\nli4Pi11 nod (ran) 11)0 very first found ('(1101: Anti. Pili has Indeed cured (11e," This Is The. Vohllnlliry eInlem0nl. of Win it gleed, of 165 Queen SI., King- sloe, Oat, ` Ali dce)ore eir '1r110" Wilson—Pyle Co., United, Niesstrei Pelts, 011l, .•. ISSUE NO. A Startled Mother Hears That Cough 4 1 She h,n,of h o e sc o s u 7 t t O n none —Croup, Whooping Cough or Lung Trouble. If sho Is a wise mother she will have the never -falling remedy at hand— Collsfoote Expectorant. It is the best, the safest, the most reliable and positive cure for all fortes of coughs, colds, croup. whooping cough, sore throat, bronchitis, asthma and' lung trouble. No harmful drugs. The most delicate child, the weakest stomach, welcomes it. It is pleasant to take. It is the most reliable household remedy Known to medical science, effecting remarkable cures every day. "Baying used your Coltafoote Expectorant I Donald or it asplendid medicine forboughe or any throat or lung trouble. would not like to be without it In the house," 3£118, J, LLOYD, Vittoria, Ont. Thousands have borne similar testi- mony. to the wonderful curative proper- ties of Coltsfoote Expectorant, At n11 druggists, 25c. per bottle. No other Cough Medicine "Just as good" as Ci,. LT F EXPECTORANT: TE 'Soldiers must be fearfully dishonest,' says Mr's. Countryside, "es it seems to be a nightly occurrence for a sentry to be relieved of his watch." ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch on human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. lJleks—"My Ana comes out in hand- fuls. If 11 keeps on 111 soon be bald." wicks—"Nonseluse, if it keeps on you can never be bald." Deafness of 12 Year's Standing.—Pro- tracted Catarrh matinees deafness in many cases, Cant. Ben. Connor, of To- ronto, Canada, was deaf for 12 years from Catarrh. All treatments failed to relieve. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder gave him relief in one day, and in a very short while the deafness left him entirely. It will do as much for you. 50 oents.-33 Tromp—"I looks like a tramp, ma'am, but l ain't. Fin a sailor, ma'am, 1 was wrecked and washed ashore." Un- smypathelic Lady of the I-louse—"!Veli, you ain't been washed since, 111 wager." One of the greatest blessings •to pa- rents Is Mother Graves' Worm Exter- minator. It effectually expels worths and gives health in a marvellous man- ner to the little one. BOTH FORGOT. Mother—Tommy, what did 1 say I'd do to you if you touched that jam again? Tommy—Why, it's funny, ma, that you should forget, too. I'm blamed if 1 can remember! Dear M,s, (her - Your little ones are a constant care in Fall and Winter weather. They will catch cold. Do you know about Shiloh's Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic, and what it has done for so many ? It is said to be the only reliable remedy for all diseases of the air passages in children. 1t is absolutely harmleiu and pleasant to take. Itis guaranteed to cure or your money is returned. The price is 25c. per bottle, and all dealers in medicine sell 3,4 SHILO 't This remedy should be in every household. g6 I'LUCICY 5CI100L111:i'rlil:sy, I Courageous Lillie School 1 oo Marin 'nettles a Rear Single-handed. The heroine of the little ' village of S,i(way, Alfunesotl, Nays the Minil0apb- li., Journal, is pretty Aliss Mary Mut- Valley, MGValley, la SCI20oln1latress, -who, 01110e - handed, tackled a hour which bad In- vieled11e class -room, t Nis; \I111 nC w1(s standing at the blackboard when n cry of tel'11110 from one of cher young cheeses caused her to turn towards the door, There, in open 1oorufy, stood a huge black hear, with head 00018(d curiously Sideways, and nose greedily snf1111g towards lite closet. where the teacher and children kept their lima baskets, There wits instant panic among the pupils, none of wh111 was more than 10. but the ani- mal paid no attention to the children and headed straight for the lurO'l7 clos- et One of the boys, balder than the others, threw a chalk eraser at the bear, which tuned around with an angry growl and started towards the terrified children with claws spread out menue.- Ingly. Miss Mulvaney thereupon seized a stick, sprang forward, .and smote Bruin on his tenderest spot ---across the bridge of the nos". This luckily seem- ed to disconcert the animal, for it turn- er) tall and scampered out 01 the room. The danger over, Miss Afulvaney foint- ecl, 1.ut a liberal application of cold water by some of the elder children soon brought her around again. The bee Is an artistic upholsterer. It lines its nest with the leaves of flowers, always choosing such as have bright col0rs, They are invariably Out In cir- cles, so exact that 110 001l1pass would make them more true. Pains Disappear Before lt,—No one need suffer pain when ttley have avail- able Dr. Thomas' Eeleclric 0i1, If not in the house when required it can be procured at the nearest store, as all merchants keep It for sale. Rheumatism end all bodily pains disappear when it is applied, and should they at any time return, experience teaches the user cf the 011 how to deal with them. Beforeop net Pen«Angle garments all the shrink is taken out. t01 Pen - An le �h Underwear r e bw 11 keeps you com- fy as well au warm,beaause the 6' short fibres that make some under- (. wear itch are taken we out of Pen - Angle wool, ?loge lore a e variety of fabrics, styles a nd prices. in all sizes for women, ;nen and children, and guaranteed by your own dealer. "Ileallh and Vigor depend upon the quality and quantity of the blood."-- Hurnaniterian, Dr. Carson's Tonic Stomach and Constipation Biter( A Purely Vegetable Tonic and BTooil Purifier. Price 50 cants per Bottle. Ilyycu are not able to obtain it in your noighborh•,od, we will send to any ad- dress two bottles upon receipt of ONE DOLLAR (Leo, per bottle) camiaee prepaid. Pamphlet sent FREE en appltnaticn, The Carson Medicine Company 87 Wellington SL West, - 'Toronto CARPET DYEING and Olooniog. Thlela o che10ehr r.•Ith the BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING OO Saud parttoulom by poet and wo are care tont/dale Asti1000 200 155, Montreal. Hix—"An acquaintance e1 mine, pat- ented on appliance io enable a girt to play two pianos at one time. Dix ---"Did he make anything out of it?" Aix—"Well 111 mode, n )110\-e out of the tuwn. Ills neigtlbors threatened to mob shim." - late sate-,, -Altait'sikeisTiftweiler XIEXThe Top Notch in `J i-iC1Cka.Y SKAT :z? xk10, The very LATEST AND [TEST for tip -to -Date Players. ' NOTE the distribution of weight by means of the Double Standards. NOTE the Combination Bracketed Heel. NOTE the Unbreakable . Fran t Bracket. NOTE the Shape of Runner and quality of Steel used therein en- sures a Keen edge and increased speer or velocity, hence the name a cents to pay poet,;;o bring± Catalogue "t#," which cootaina complete solos et the game n(.Iro"ksi. THE 001P[r ry 1-s nARrnouTH, N,s., and ANEW 000 7 ,�j:, CO., LIMITED, (20 Woinngton street W,. T01)0NT0, .kY.a;'-% `A' ix �•'-tsi ;,Zi : • ` ' 'gr °(tt7424 e. MA E OF ALUMINUM£ So Light and Yet So Strong. ,Toon o" Aluminune. Blades of Nickel S2c=1 " AUTOCIOGILE " AND " CYCLE " SKATES Manufactured and guaranteed by The Canada Cycle and Motor Co., Limited, Toronto Junction With ST Is E. s3' i"rk Ealvanized ITEEL Put them on with no toels but a hammer and tinner's shears,—can't go wrong. They lock on all four sides, are self -draining and water - shedding on any roof with three or more inches pitch to the foot. Make buildings fireproof. weatherproof and proof against lightning. Cost least in the long run. Made of 28 - gauge toughened sheet steel -only one quality used and that the best— bent cold' and double -galvanized. Last longer with no painting than any other metal shingles heavily= 1 : f�k in r Addres4 culfr 1VIOI+ITR'glilr TORONTO Orr WA ot 121.1OraisSt.W 11 Colborne Sr. 4e:480008x50. Naardsl WareOtts 1..... 1!tdvf4C.x Z painted. Guaranteed in every way until 1932. Ought to last a century. Cheap as wood shingles in first cost; far cheaper in the long run. ' a Oshawa " Galvanized Steel Shin- gles cost only $4.50 a s q u a r e, 10 ft. x 10 ft. Tell us the area of any roof and hear our tempting offer for covering it with the cheapest roof you can really afford to buy. Let t us send you PREF booklet about this roofing question—tells some things you may not know. Oshawa Galvanized Steel Shingles are GUARANTEED in every wayfor Twenty -Five Years Ought to Last a. Century Send for 711E11. Book --"Roofing i1if}ht" Get Onr Offer Setae Poe Roof (I Thing 101 tiJ 12 M 13' LONDOX co Der des (1, halm Canada WtNNlPIPEC1 VANCbUV&1t 1=E0 Lolnbarcl ib Olt; Ponder St,