The Brussels Post, 1906-12-27, Page 2NO'f
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keboth sugar and alcohol from THE BAi"1'LlililllP. Are THE PRESENT TOME, CENTS A DAY, IIAPPlNIL , DEATH AND DISASTER,
It prneticully Is pure melte
d easily convertible Into thesis `" -- — — ,•,_
. Also sawdust In tete hvontl- Marvellous Development of Sldpbuitd'Prisoners Mutiny, Kill Their 'Warders London County Council Provides Pala- The Noled Selonliiie Revolutionist says Story of a Lady \Veto Dreamed of the
ury is more valuable than solid 110 for the British and Escape to RavnO° Neigh, sial Accommodation toe 'throw All Spirits lu10 the
By th3 use of hydraulic pees -
Navy. boringB Winning Horse -- The Story u[
1 luteole heat the particles •'era Towns: Nomadic Poor. Sea." a Shipwreck.
ole.a solid mass capable of'be• The details which have become public Not only dues anarchy with mob -law If environment Influences character, Professor Osler, the "too -old -ale The Individual who denies of win-
ded into any shape and of co- in c+,unetlion with the new warships n[ rale Russian lovas, but It has Spread and alt psyebolaglsls declare ie does, tarty" scientist, delivered a lecture at nM, of horsernces Is well lcnutvn to
L brilliant ollsh. 'lYte only am- the invincible" class render 11 perfect. Into tweet -!mown prisons. Accounts then the fuluro inutales of Bruce llouse, the \'\reeking Mous College at Cumden every raving mon and Therm (.s no
p y clear that the word cruiser will be nn came in eonitnuall p p y g g b y '
used are sawdust, alum, tend lnaroheonism to apply to the vessels, )'from siarts Kemple Chet, London, should vicale' 'Tow's, England, uannin which he doubt that realm an unfortunate non
of the empire of word°rs killed, gover- ascend in the social arid ethical scales compared the human bodyto a steam can club his tutu from the time t1D
mi'alton marble can be mane- says the London Express. Hors wounded and mutinous prioners atter a brief residence in That paludal engine. dreamed that a certain horse would win
from a mixture of sawdust They, arc, indeed, "capital ships," de- escaping to pillage the neighborhoods lodging house. 11 is more like a dwell- "TIte engine wants fuel," lie sold. "So a forthcoming event, But there is n
ry waste, motor, glass, and glues signed to lie In the rirst fighting Rae tiley pass through and sow bloodshed Ing for the rich then e tent mar home does the human body. But give them ludicrous story told 0f u. lady who kept
ayacetic acid; wood 1)a tithe mid smash on enemy by sheer propene and horror wherever they go. for the nomadic poor, the wrong sort and both cease to work. on dreaming of different tnrses in a
B derance of gun -powder. Their advent From a prison In Eastern Russia, just Bruce Meuse, some details of which "While the englno has only one fur- race in which her husband was inter.
alcohol are produced on a corn- will be the last word in the doetrine of under the Ural Mountains, comes a story appeared in the London Daily Matt re- once, and a large one, the human body ested. Every time she dreamt, of a
scale out of sawdust. Factories horuogeneityn which seems alined incredible until It meaty, is the London County Council consists of myriads of little furnaces— different horse she backed it. Iter bus -
n erected in America and Fen vClveanwhtle, tete pace of warship de- le remembered that es bud and worse ludging-house which that body promised thut Is, cells, band was the owner of leo favorite, and
coitveed i pine needles Intoshrinks from conlentplatlng the what According to the report of the gover- classes by the 11oiimen to Strand !1)i- not meat. Many people get on with- to small amounts, IL Is true—the news,
ol. This is used for mattresses is to be,' even though it be actually ma- nor, two Hien, sentenced to a long terns prevenient. 11 was opened recently by out steal if they eat porridge, whirht is of course, soon leaked oul, and the
Itutre, for manufacture into 113'- le ialtzing upon the ships, r of herd labor, were placed together in Mrs. H. Wallace Bruce, wife of the just Its good, but the trouble is Hurl. sporting Press and the public began to
licles such as undervests and
Without trying to speculatively pen. 5 cell awaiting their turn to' be taken to chairmen of the London County Council most people eat too much of both, and wonder what was the game of the fuv-
f•rehors, For manytrate the veil of official secrecy which the other side of rho Urals- They were Ilnusing Conunilloe. Il is as a tribute to so injure the works. °riles owner.
years bite- remains closely drawn •around the "In- friends, and soon made up their minds Mr. Bruce that the building is to be Vegetarianism is alt right in its way, UNDLEASANT HINTS.
Dal operators threw away slack vincibles," It is interesting to review to escape. There was a third pian In the named, but vegetarians are not always as re- At last the unfortunate man was
• Now It commands at the briefly the momentary stage reached in cell and to 1111)1 they confided their bust mentally as pyhslcalty. The hu- obliged to make a public statement that
cents a ton. The Increase Is wurship design as exemplified 0y the tat- pians. LODGERS MAY COOK. noon engine is frequently put out of re- 6 p
est example put afloat, This is the qhis wife's bels only amounted to a few
ly to the conning from armored cruiser "Shannon;' launched at HE PROMISED TO IIEI,P T[IE\I. The new house, which Is designed to pair by popple who persist, to outing im- pounds, end that be himself hod known
of cedemand Formerly they Chatham not long ago. accommodate (100 lodgers — why not properly cooked !nod, added to which nothing whatever of the matter. By
amp coal and pulverized it, The "Shannon" is one of a group tri They worked hard nit night long and 700. slnnds on the corner of Drury they maks 105 mistake of chewing and lents time, •however, his market was
for many nights, digging a funnel un- Lane and Kemble Street. 11 is in the digesting improperly. s1)
three cruisers built under the estimatesi elle, and when his horse won there
y use slack. Quartz rock was der their cell, All the prisoners in the forst of a huge letter L, The dining- , were, of course, i
of 1004-1905. She Is a vessel of 1.4,000 REPAIRS NEEDED, people who hinted all
ago considered worthless. tons' displacement, and of twenty-three place knew of 11; for in these mesons, room is a a mine_hots and hone -like sorts of unpleasant ihtngs, end the
ss is made from it, Bricks, knots' speed. where the supervision is inefficient, netts apartment.. The walls are' ]heed with "Like locomotives, people are node Io wretched man has never heard the last
nubstones tilin and similar In this latter detail sho is not sue- travels from cell lo cell like wildfire. umber glazed tiles, tettered with bright last a certain time, and, like them, they of his wife's decants from los 10111000en he made of 6ltisglass. The riot to any type 01 cruiser designed Every morning, these Three men rifled g0Cen. On the walls, framed in green require repairs. Small repairs can be, reloads,
since the advent of the county class five thele' pockets with the earth dug up dur- tiles, are Colored sea -scopes and rural done inside, but for huge repairs they A curious ease of a prophetic dream
slue 01 the by-products of the years ago. In point of size she is only ing the night and also put it behind their views. have to go to the doctor. Sometimes occurred in 1884, when a London tlsi-
ndusLry, all of which are menu- 150 tons bigger than the "['owerful,'' shirts. They turned it out in the prison "Lodgers often like to cool: their own this is successful; & m it les not." lar was slaying with a clergyman's
otit of what was waste ma- which vessel is now ten years old. yard when they went for their daily ex- food,' said Ole. Bruce, "and so we. have On�the subject of alcohol and lo
bac- family In Carnnrvonshlre. During the
tY' ears a is approximately But es n fighting machine the "Ston- ereise. But one ;morning, when they provided facilities for their doing so cm Professor Osler proven himself to course of his visit the fetidly album 3018
00. y a so non" maria such a prodigious degree o! were nearly at the end of • Ihetr task, here." Near the middle of the room a be revolutionary in the extreme. produced, and he locked at the portraits
Cotton seed not long ago development upon either of tete types lh53- discovered that they were being spacious open chamber is provided for Throw 111 the beer and spirits into with perfunctory interest until ho be-
e matter, giving considerable named that it seams altogether a His- closely watched, and lett off digging for a large hot -plate, where fifty lodgers Uie Irish Channel, the English Channel, Cat1)0 suddenly inleresled In the portrait
get rid of; but in 1900 the by- Homer for her to be classed with team. a day or two. They had, however, no could simultaneously cook illty modest and the North Sea for a ycnr," he ex- of a young man in naval uniform. 11e
of cotton lead were valued in In truth, the war cruiser has virtually •sooner begun again than they •were ;reals. claimed, "and people in England would asked the clergyman who the young [el-
dlsappeared, and in her piece stands a searched, the earth in their pockets dis- be infinitely better. It would certainly low was, end learnt that he was a first
I States as more than $42,000,- covered and their tunnel as well. All VERY LACE LUXURY. solve all the problems with which the
most formidable species of cousin at the family, serving in the mar-
h probably has doubled by this MOBILE BATTLESHIP. the prisoners heard of 11, and began to The smoking -room has accommode- philenthroidsils, the physicians, and the canine marine. Tho visitor hesitated
look for the spy who had given notice lion for 100 men, and chess -boards and politicians .have to deal. for a moment, and then spoke earnest -
The "Shannon" could sink the Males- 11 the deeriti05, other table games are provided. Hunt- "Do you silppnse you need tobacco? ly to the clergyman in private.
'— _+—. • tie; the prototype of the world's battle- All d Glared that only one could be ing scenes adorn the tiled walls, the On the day after you have dumped all "I've never seen that young feliow,
e experts are receiving honors. ship a decade ago. The "Majestic" could guilty, and that was the man who deep -mullioned windows lend an old- the tobacco into the sea you would find as you know," he said, "but I saw him
p g now, under equal conditions, sink the shared the two mens' cell. The prison. world ale to the place, and, a broad, that it was very good for you and hard lir a dream three weeks ago, and I feel
cent events show that men of Shannon;" ers wore to have the man's life. Bele- open, green -tiled fireplace, which one on the fishes. Tea and coffee, like al- that l -must tell you what I saw. 1
ecognize the ability of women ofTsisei due to two factors—superiority gates from every cell conferred at oxer- enthusiastic lady described as a "perfect coh01 and tobacco, are really not noses- dreamt that I was standing on the Bea-
te and carry out scientific re- d potentiality of gun -power. ciso time and were unanimous In de- love," would not be out of place in a eery; in tact, they merely disturb the shore, and 111 a blurred sort of way I
1)d ins tl>e others with their The Majestic•' carries four forty -six-ton daring that their victim must be ducal palace. The reading and writing furnace of the body." p lightning
p guns,throwing twelve -inch projectiles of sow a shipwreck. ,A [Inch of li hl.nln
g p 1 , hanged. The only one who suspected rooms, to while and green, carry out fin conclusion, the pi:Messer pleaded showed me the name of the ship, which
le is that the Royal society , f 050 pounds in weight. The "Shannon' nothing was the victim himself, who the same generous and artistic scheme. for simple life, with plenty of fresh air was the Mirabelle."
warded the Hughes medal to will carry six twenty -nine -ton guns, helped the friends from good-natured- The cost per night at this lodging and lots of good, hard work as the only \VAS IT MERE COINCIDENCE?
re. Ayrton for her experiment- int enh(:0.2-mch shells Of t350. pounds tress and had never the least intention house is 7d., which charge includes all means of attaining comfort end pence.
weight; butthe high -velocity, fiat "That's the boy's ship!" ejaculated the' ,
rations on the electric arc and trajectory, and long range of the tatter of spying upon then. At lest a fitting the advantages of the building.If taken _ clergyman.
sand ripples; and the weapon renders It more effective latter
moment arrived when there was no by the week, the charge is ed. per night. '- "•! hen there seemed to be a blank,
the first lecture delivered other piercing armor than the former, guard about. At o'clock one niter- [`m 1d. a lodger can have a hot o sold and the next thing I saw was a body i
one in Parts by Mine. Curie, Moreover; the "Shannon" will be able `noon, six delegates entered the cell. The bath, which includes soap and towel. CURES OF MAKE-BELIEVE wasted ashore at my very feet. Tho
to exercise this advantage of long-dis- hook and the rope were In readiness. The men can buy cooked efood at the features and uniform were' those of the
succeeded the late Prof. Curie trance fire delivery and intensity of col- THEY BEGAN THEIR TRIAL. strop, or raw food and cook it them- -- young fellow whose portrait I have just
air of general physics 01 the leative broadside discharge upon her "What shall we do with this traitor?" seines' seen. I stooped over him, and a 'large
Some of the provisions and their SOME EXCELLENT ADVICE FOR WO- Paris. But Mrs. Ayrton own terms. A superiority of six knots asked one man, pointing to the unhappy P 5' seemed to glow on his chest for n
Curie originated and carried speed would enable her to fight when victim prices on a printed list beside the shop MEN AND G11RLS, moment, and Ihen I awoke."
she liked,whero she liked, and how "Hang him 1" they all cried. The ma counter are : Tea, per cup, eed. or 1d.; The clergyman was interested, but et-
scienlific investigations unald- g•
the tacit acknowledgment of she liked. tried. to escape; he rushed to the door, coffee, per cup, Md. •or 1d.; Dread, per ^ -- The
no importance to the dream,
g Iter broadside is belled with six inches shouting for help. But he twos one "cut," Md., id., 134sL; butler, per "pot;' Poverty and Despair Very Often Follow though he thought the appearance of the
ive capacity essential to work of Krupp steel. The "Majestic" is ar- against eight, and after an awful drug- cede margarine, per 'pal," %de cigars, figure 5 was rather strange. t
1)d is interesting and signifi- mored with nine inches of Harveyized gee they pulled hint bock, slipped the id., 2d., ed.; cigarettes, packet, Md.; the Attempt to Appear In due course the visitor left, with his
Hugh some of sirs. Ayrton's steel. So remarkable has been the ad- noose round his neck and hanged hint const beet, per plate, 4d.; roast pork, Well-off strange dream still haunting hen. A
is on the electric aro were vance in the powers of resistance of the on the hook, per plate, 4d.; roast mutton, per plate, fele days liner, on the Otls of the month,
metal that the "Shannon" could with- At this moment the guards appeared 4d.; brawn, per plate, 1d., 2d. A great deal of interest has been in be exact, he look up the paper, tthd i
the laboratories under Prof. stand a substantially heayfer impact rf 1)t the door of leo cell. They were met There was a large company present at aroused in England by the case of the there saw his dream had conte lime. A 1
charge, it was to her alone gun -fire than the ten -year-old battle- with a volley of plates, benches, tables, the opening ceremony, including Lord clerk who lived beyond his means. ship had been wrecked, and a number 1
inception and carrying out et ship'—anylhtng, in foot, to keep tlienr out till Carrington. Mess Finn, who has been for many elf the crew had been saved, but the,
monis were due, as well us To the outrage layman these may ap- their victim was dead, •years secretary of the Distressed Gentle- Young Welshman end been washed y
peal as dry wird comparatively ensue,- The inmates of the other cells, hear- WHEN THE KAISER TRAVELS. folks' Aid Association, gave her views ashore, fully dressed, and, of course, 1
1)l speculations deduced from gest[ve details, but they are given mere- int, the row, ran to their comrades' ns- — upon the subject dead; so that, in every particular his a
e The logical result of the ly to illustrate n point. One frequently sislance. The soldiers fired. Four men Works hard and is Accompanied by `Hundreds of cases of destitution have extraordinary dream end been realized. t
the Royal society and the hears et asked, "What is the distinction fell. The trial was over. A tow come under my notice of people who
rho wreck had occurred on the. 510 of i
between a battleship and a cruiser— wounded, a few ]:Illed, and the hanged Stat[ of Government Officials. have lived beyond their means,' Miss the month, and the dreamer came to
of Perls is that women where does the one leave off and the J'
„ man cut down lilt brealMeg• This is Even when travelling the kaiser is Dino said, "but they have always been the Conclusion that the figure "5"on the b
eligible for election into any other begirt? one of the pictures, out of hundreds, al work, for being the chief of 111E great- professional man or women driven to poor boys chest indicated the dale On
academy that exists for the Such a quslion cannot now -a -day's which disgrace Russia daily. est Hatton he must keep the Government spend more money than they could whieli 100 catastrophe would take place- s
extending the boundaries of really be answered at alt. The devlop- _•^_+-_ machine in notion. afford. So, in some awful and mysterious way, iu
meat of the cruiser has rendered her so ? A large stuff of Government oftictals `"I'nke, for example, the case of u he bad been sent a prophetic dream n
h tnnttva(ue superior
oto ain but aggregate
grogtelcom- — accompanies lrtm. A high official from doctor. He is obliged to have a good 111 his a Winn he end never seen s
4'very t The the Foreign Office attends to the duties house and a carriage, His wife must 11
type of battleship that the new one Cry o[ a Poor Russian Boy Done cf foreign politics, makes reports on the dress well; in fact, they must present The boy who was drowned was the 11
test skyscraper will be 100 overlaps the other. to Death, affairs of the stale, receives the orders an appearance of •prosperity or Itis present writer's hard -beaded
whsle the dream. Ir
it, !t is a 1eadin NovYork THE CLASSES HAVE MERGED.Daily p al the sovereign and keeps up the Dom- er was a hard-headed engineer, until
g The London Er cess has the patients will not consider hitt a sound t.
municalions between the Kaiser and the and reliable man . porde ly f the lateted with one of the pro- n
rho slates that people now Intsl short,
ttierutser that has coma Andfollowing
itr�ss 6hig pathetic story from Rign,
Cha ncellor. Then there is n privy coon- "All rofessional men and, in fact,all perUcs of the lute Mr. Alfred Beit. h
Idle aged people, may yet c(llor who Itktts dicta/Lions, deciphers mankind are judged by thele outward SeDnnd sight, •o • rho power o1 fore-
storec building made of re- to the stmtdnrd of the battleeldp, and Seven youths, whose ages ranged telegrams and Transmits ter, same. deobp Be• appearance, LelbnL disaster, pe hies hardly cocas
pncrete and towering above not the battleship that has come down from sixteen to nineteen years, have sides,gtwo adjutants accum and therein lies hal[ the under io leadhng of drpeales, but many e
e g bov- to the calibre of the cruiser, it must teen reedited for eight cases of rob- i pa;y ,the tragedies of poverty and despair, b
suiteuncanny talcs are told of leis strange u
from the ground. The 11ty. bit Bold that the last-named type Is the fiery by threats. The amount of money. " For the ver lively.exchnn gift which is possessed to a great ex
one .that has grown out of existence. they extorted was £250, Y ge of mos- JUDGED BY CLOTHES.
lings now seriously consider -segos belwen Ilia Kaiser and the 'Chen' lent by Inr, Scotch, and to a less degree k
We have abandoned the cruiser, In In a letter they wrote to M. lifttner "Tine musical profession i5 in the sante by the Irish. e
1 to -seventy-five storey build- tete proper significance of her denomina- of Rlga they domanded :fi90 for the un- seller special . arrangement Is made l y ] Ir
he seventy -flue storey build- lion, and are now. betiding Types of war employed, adding: "We give you two the Imperial postal department. Tele- Blight. An agent w111 judge a singer by P11018HL"l'S ABOUND IN VILLAGES. D
vessels which, differentiate thein as the hours to consider Ilio molter." They evaphie messages ;lust be presented to ]ter appearance, and insist on her hav- You need only pcnelrele to some ,e! 11
storey butld(ngs. The mainonce to the Keiser. When no ing smart frocks of the latest fns11Ion, 1110 smaller Scotch 01110508, unsI you
Present is the devotee se"- may, are all ships of the line. In jus- ware identified by their victims. J' fc of this policy It may be urged As the freely admittert their guilt, to be deciphered a postal od(clnb is in i One of the most difficult positions to will often find an accredited prophet, s
weight o[ the cattle for sup. that a sen war can only be fought tothe nearest telegraph office to attend to ill is that of governess, whose powers are, never called in doubt
the court-martial ordered them to be this duty. "A governess Ina private family le Questiohitt, and he will shut, up like b
ar in 1(1e thirty storey build- finality by battleships. All the expert- hanged, but afterwards the sentence u
1 conmission is huge. Some cute nf.Lhe Par Enshern struggle carni was altered to military execution,
When Lhe Kaiser is out hunting n expected to dress well. She must have a knife, but those who know sty that q
to cemfirm what was nlrendy held to be Beneath n glimmering I special messenger goes after him in case, a heat tailor-made costume for the he dreams write els eves open, and that
d of utilizing the upper floorsg 6 :ero3001 lamp 1'ven t messages must be delivered. morning, a pretty afternoon frock if she his prophecies never fall, Strangely
I be Invented and introduced an established princlpie in this dire°- 17 the prison courtyard the youths re -p
lion, C" !Vet' religious consolation. Three Even ata tale hour in the alight the bring her charges down to tea, and a enough, they are always to do will 0
slnscraper can soar any Fought to finality, yes! The van• alio were Christians look the sacra" Raiser hes ordered that regardless of smart evening gown to appear in after death or disnsler, which adds enolher Is
r p100001 understanding the quishIng of the baffle fleet of either .,f mune, and the Jews made their eusto• life own convenience he shall he Hank• dinner: element o[ mystery to rho "Inexplicable e
elevator already have been hvo conflicting powers means conclusive nine profession of ialih. One of them, coed i[ imporinnt corn t' ar- lite governess in a High school is in slut[" o[ which drenms Had visions aro B
victory to the oilier. But this !s the. with tears streaming down his cheeks, rive. In nddllinn to these telegraphic n worse plight. She must have a bicycle mode. o
And for that reason even last, stage in a Campaign• and before it but with a loud, firm voice repeated reports, mall matter, which Drives dally and a bicycling skirt. Gymnastic, golf Mr. T. P. O'Connor•, M.P., the well- tri
buildings are impracticable is reached there Is inevilnhly much de. the words of the Jewish confession: by courier, must be answered; then, al- and hockey costumes must also be pro" known journ5list, is, in a modified d5- to
sni(ory and indecisive fighting to be so, attention must be given to the re- vhded. tee the possessor of smiler pewees.
done. g g "Hoar, 0 Ismail God is our Lordl God ports of Ministers from other depart. "The question of remedy is a difficult 1 Is, he thnks, nn tumhep py gi11 to he T
t „One. \VD have sinned; we have done _meats, conferences must be held at all one. able to loots into a fellow -creature's
However much we may develop the 0010 in Hes eiglil.' L'ntrs of the day,aby g
S CRIME. various war units out of existence, so Another sent greetings to his parents.q dlclnitons "1 recommend a all women to become Ince and know InitliltOn Lhttt ho Is
fee as their original role is anncerned, When risked if be repented. he answer• given in the study where the ICniser is thoroughly expert in housewifery., Fla][ doom°d. Analyzed 1 cold blood, hoty-
00011 aiurflers in Swiss Can- we must alweys come back In the ole. ed. "Where is Divine justice,when such slopping, be I, an lwnrd of the Itchen- Lha causes of bankrupt homes is wast° Duet', user O'C:onnor's power is, perhaps, a
Atlribuled to Its Use, menlary principles of sen Oghthng. Nav- conditions exist as rove iia to these zollern or in his sleeper, In the kitchen. the elhervnnoi of 1110 trained, journe- M
al progress, after all, (ravels largely (h primes?" Added Co this ;lust be ra1(1011 ed the "1 suggest that both men and women lest, winch enables him t0 dote approach- St
ve been no fewer than eleven evcles. Sacks were thrown over the heads of hours when he Is working atone, con- who depend fora hying on their own ing disease and decay; but the feel re-
the Canton o[ Vaud, Stvit- Thus, when the bruiser grow trio a the condemned, who wren then led into sisUng of the rending of •newspaper clip- industry, should learn hvo professions. renins that his •pn'Cdlcllons have •proved 111
thin the last three months, young battleship and was destined to a field: They were lied. to slakes, and pin ts, the (telly° correspondence with if things go wrong In one profession siertlingly tette. h
the crimes have been the lie in the line, a new typo was e•volvCrl, t C ssa ks rhis w=ife, from whom he roneives a daily they are never at a slnndsltlh I)reams,nnil visions are inex licnl)ie ft
)sintiic drinking, Allis canton k. supplant her in inc necessary work he .o C teemed in line o[ fire letter, and the sorrel andence with ro - } ,
Drawn was breaiang when Uu three vat• B \ y "A girl who is a eleeee typist and is and iL is perhaps' Intended for air hen°j s
unenviable notoriety of Con- Of reconnaissance once tuns Crossed 1)5 a all or friends. iii that 'we should never clInover what `
u of the spine than any other lays were given, The.bodie,s ever° burled, 0160 en excellent. cool: can always keep
YI,°cit. 1, This she°its of waship has in the sand, - • herself, .If slid breaks down in one pro= ma. powCr. is, 00
not peneed very sltceessful, bong seem. ICs5ion she has the n1t1Cr' at leer (inter- MR. OtY1 R ;5 \Vl?,tell) Pi10\t[CE. it
is have all been ..Of a brutal 1 adequate to the work the 'were de- r A GRACIOUS SOVEREIGN,- - 'The late Ade'. F'. W. IL 117015, who Q
Y q Y G0()D AND OSGOOD. lips. 1)t
he last one look place quite signed to end01,101m, and so no mere of Considerable amusement was ones r11 Is also necessary Ihnt a men '001)1 perhaps tete +renlesb nulliorif •
hon a wealthy woman, tvlto them have been built since. the eomple- 'i't1e snhlcel of ancestors is often. an caused by n elle of Emperor icholas' should i 1, r J n
and ler cook were mor- lion f the original baten. inlere:,ihtr = topic of conversation. A p N , lou d ord ton so his 0111 I1 S I, end ;mew pet r ghost
-ow oich dhcludrs 10 -
assailent'111SO tttaelced l 0 o k 1 1. lace cxlremcl rood 01 her mother's pen tate: of Sib the offers of ho only es on to spend n saster surd, and neva into {;hast -hectics. and home—
Iwo But now we [tad a new. cross of ocean 3r+ Y B o Iris congnuniC> o[ Siberian militia, 'who vol.vetimpress on h°r that disaster will inevl• n:anys declared hot after lits death h
ns in the house; but the ee- destroyer beinglaid down,manifestly unfoered for service at the front. The follow if she goes b°. oed this Ieav r solve °
y family:, created a sensation and mode tidily g y meati enc � to so c the mystery 01 "J
umptng through the Window, ,gut of reoognIllon 00 lite nceessity for her Listeners wonder a Lillie when she pavilion rend, ""We humbly ley at your 111n11," a erilions and dreams. So 1Jef e
e he Units to keep 1011th with various squad- ttimark,'d: MWidely:s feet our desire to be permit, 4 -.._; decd he wrote on n piece of mei, a son. a
" , eons and glean inlelli ene,e about the "My father filled ninny responsible pe- led In fight end die for the latheriand, tenet, known only tlen-mete nd placed
�„ enemy. These mosquito craft are. Ca 3(11004; we all have the greatest respect The Emperor, ht ;tempting, wrote on the : r, ,i 1 h
lett' Mercy on mei Don't have a dis laeernent of 1000 Ions and a for hen. M father w+ee a p 6 A GRAVE CllA11GE, t, n, a 8 lock envelope, Ipe, which, in His
that mon p + Y good mon, margin of the petition in his own hand. lurn,'wns locked ire: the safe of a Well- dl
yoltr dnughler is speed of thirty-three' knots, end since but' -•alai a corloin sliflening of the Y' thank you sincerely, and hoe "Dor r" sold the shrot0c1'looking
ma�ey? Mr. twice]-- No.o, (he can scaraei be destine sl nal ors and an acid y Y, p your, f ,1lkknownl,Myer promise physician, lett
Y Y d (o aunty n d ed expression �f wishes may be fully renllzed, rnnn, "how many feet D[ gas does It lake ,,it•, Myers promised,' i( he weer. nip
(raid to est her•' Mrs, SO. torpedo aggression on to the blue omen, firmness In the gond lady's face added h m tet
« -- to lclli tt;tan?" to rCVIriI Itis friend a(Icr death and .inn'
a tt �rize•fighter�-a regular acing that stili battleships and cruisers' iteportanoe to her ennehislon my MO- ""That's 5 qtr 01' geeellon, rcpiled the pert 6n. irhu lire srmlcnce r1
1 [melt, a score Of men and ere titemiolves capable Of indulging01 then was an Osgood!" WORTH GOING TO. "why you wise ,,, p 1 I enclosed In iii
doeloi, wi y do y l v s11 to snow, the envelope, Bal Mr. Myers fs. dead,
1 dozen women," Mr. Meek phis SOK' of 'fighting, eve can Only con- �- Daisy -How did you enjoy the ria' One of the guests et trey hotel end n
veal -."Ohl' 'Then lies nil trlude that theee new desireers tire i . f `s :Matta for a ornaplay geode de 1 ern, Bever re poem' even ,1)e n
y e n C W n In rpake a last n((thff enough of it in kill Memoir, adti°t wont ..a end Urnt scnl°1)r s
le Afraid he Was 8on0 poor tendod as the latent experimentaldollar n ferlher l atet 1)1, 1 e .t(1LLres in ht
r so1C.'t ?) ex q,., lean the near°st bar- Miss BDxgcgt- Imnrens int 1 ho47d Itt send in a Manor hill le, lira meth Ihe1l,rut.ey ?hcra 5a;0 mused.--tgltclon
Y pet551On Of tete ecoid cruising units, toxin'Winter: three w0uen rawinH over my hat. fors.," �..,.,.,.� Jf
N oeee eeee.e... , ujee, a come..;.eoo,:•fit
It was ior'merty thought that Ute sto-
mach was the aloin nr4nut of digestion,
and dyspepsia was supposed always to
have its seat there, Ilut this tplesl1011
has been melt studied of late, with the
result Thal. the Moneteit has been found
to be of little account, comparatively, 111
the preparation of the food for absorp-
tion. Tho moat important part of diges-
tion occurs In the upper part of the in -
Melina, where tiro food, after lcueing the
stomach, is churned and ;nixed thor-
oughly with the bile and panereotio
Since, then, the intestina lakes such
an important part in digestion, it is
nalut'al to suppose that a failure to per-
form this function pr0perl,y would give
rise to serious disturbances u! health,
and such, In foci, Is Lha ansa,
Intestltal indigestion is a not uncom-
mon affection at ell periods of life, and
is especially prevalent In children. The
chief symptoms are flnluience, or wind,
afore Or less colic, cbcu•rheen, or more
often constipation, or an niternaliun of
the two; and practical starvation, 05
shown In wenicnosi and omacialion.
Tho treahnont is mainly through diet,
but this will vary, of course, accorilblg
to age. fn an intend the pr0bleni Is a
tltfiicull one. If the child is fed at`Itft-
clolly, all prcpnred foods containing
'lurch should be taken away, mnd'cmws'
milk, modified as to the amount of Int,
sugar• or casein it contains, according to
the physician's, directions, should be
1f the infant is nursing, the life of the
mother should be studied. for the state
o! her health clay affect the milk ln-
J uriously,
In older children and adults Ito
amount of fats and of starchy foods
must be carefully regulated. Cereals,
pastry, rico, potatoes and bread must be
out out of the dietary for n. time, or
lalcen in very small quantity, When
eaten at all they should be most thor-
oughly, even excessively, chewed, for in.
Oils way they may be 01 a great moa -
sure digested by the saliva before reach-
ing the intestine.
The diet should consist mainly of
milk, white 0f eggs, and tete mom easily
digestible meals anti fish. The dierelema
or constipation should be regulated, and
I the administration of intes-
tin11 antiseptics is benollciel, -Regular
exereise In the open air is of great value
in the treatment. The cold bath, oe'
shower -beth is often of service, when it
s followed by a healthy reaction.—
YouUn's Companion,
You ;may remove lite tightness caused,
by a cold, almost instantly, by mixing
emmenia and sweet oil, or fresh hen's
qi1 will do, shaleng tt thoe ugliy' Lind
ebbing it on the nose and forehead.
By adding laudanum you hum a splen-
did liniment
Hoye you noticed tint the person who
usually fond of coffee is quite apt. to
e predisposed to diseases of Ilia kid-
neys'? Do you know Iltnt coffee Ls en
aggravation to kidney' Roubles? De
ou know that a scant teaspoonful of
rowned chicory, edited to half leo
mount of ground coffee usually used,
will counteract the evil effects of cor-
Among home remedies none servo
Beer then hot water ot• dry applica-
ions. \Veen hot water le used, caro
hmulti always be taken to prevent. °Sleh-
1g cold afterward. A 7to1 ltnnp C111111 -
has often relieved pain and put the
offerer to sleep, and it is something
at stay be made ready for use with
etle loss of time. A second ono should
heeling to he used in case the first
not sttficient, and in n10ny cases pain
any be relieved without disturbing the
At the first appearance of a pimple,
old sore, or any. outer for'm of eruption,
%the with spirits of camphor. This will
scally cure it very soot It is a well -
lawn fact that what helps one has no
fleet 011 nnotiier. For instance, a
lend who cannot cure a cold sore with
anphor finds witch hazel most once -
0, and another finds nothing so good
or any sort of eruption us a strong
eteflon of powdered alum and 0105,1 of
rim•, equal purls of Inch, dissolved in
very ]title liol wale' 56111 applied fee -
teal ly.
Cure for •Rheumnitsm. - Dissolve a
pi el bicat+ltonale of potash 100 size
f a pea to a leasymi tful of wider. 'This'
for one close and shoutct be repented
tory four hours. teethe the afflicted
pt with n linimeu1 mode of the whiles
f two eggs, two lablsspoonfels of mil-
s of turpentine end two tablespoon-
els of vinegar. Shake this'hvcll and
;the the 5lllicled parts often with it.
TI remedies are both cheap and
I'o keep the hinds from chopping rub
tem with a salve nettle as follows :
alt together 1tnc ounce of bees\vox,
va 01111505 Burgundy pitch. four Dunces
veer oil or geed, fresh hone -made
rd. Steele Through e. thin cloth into a .
box o• small jar. end 11 le reedy for
se. For culls or hurtle, or any other
oc, spread n lotto of This sltive on a
oft cloth and apply. if used very gen
6usly f1 will draw n. boil (0 a head.
is nn old rerip5 handed down from a•
uakai• family, who end used (t .1ov
any years.
GOOD SEITVA� i" 1N IbEA\'l'3N,
Mrs. Pit ltlon (lo her coachman) --•
hoes, 1 trust the( yell are an aitend-
nl at religious exetrises?"
"Oh, yes, mem, 1 goes as often as 1
ts.'1110 ohanor, 111011." '
"And I'trust. that, y'oU feel it your
ter to lead such a Life hero as wilt
sure you n piece atrio1g the good in
e next worirl " '
00,Yes, mete, I (Vies to, T,hellk you
MI Titett."
"1 a1n glace mf tl, entries. C Ii/tee heen
11)11c1t. 111Cnsed tv:lli ;your' servire9 1111%1'
111 1
is n real comfort to .Ing Io knelt' '1151 ;
305 aro permitted le have ensrhnten
ill heaven, f may stilt •etilploy you th°rode
N oeee eeee.e... , ujee, a come..;.eoo,:•fit
It was ior'merty thought that Ute sto-
mach was the aloin nr4nut of digestion,
and dyspepsia was supposed always to
have its seat there, Ilut this tplesl1011
has been melt studied of late, with the
result Thal. the Moneteit has been found
to be of little account, comparatively, 111
the preparation of the food for absorp-
tion. Tho moat important part of diges-
tion occurs In the upper part of the in -
Melina, where tiro food, after lcueing the
stomach, is churned and ;nixed thor-
oughly with the bile and panereotio
Since, then, the intestina lakes such
an important part in digestion, it is
nalut'al to suppose that a failure to per-
form this function pr0perl,y would give
rise to serious disturbances u! health,
and such, In foci, Is Lha ansa,
Intestltal indigestion is a not uncom-
mon affection at ell periods of life, and
is especially prevalent In children. The
chief symptoms are flnluience, or wind,
afore Or less colic, cbcu•rheen, or more
often constipation, or an niternaliun of
the two; and practical starvation, 05
shown In wenicnosi and omacialion.
Tho treahnont is mainly through diet,
but this will vary, of course, accorilblg
to age. fn an intend the pr0bleni Is a
tltfiicull one. If the child is fed at`Itft-
clolly, all prcpnred foods containing
'lurch should be taken away, mnd'cmws'
milk, modified as to the amount of Int,
sugar• or casein it contains, according to
the physician's, directions, should be
1f the infant is nursing, the life of the
mother should be studied. for the state
o! her health clay affect the milk ln-
J uriously,
In older children and adults Ito
amount of fats and of starchy foods
must be carefully regulated. Cereals,
pastry, rico, potatoes and bread must be
out out of the dietary for n. time, or
lalcen in very small quantity, When
eaten at all they should be most thor-
oughly, even excessively, chewed, for in.
Oils way they may be 01 a great moa -
sure digested by the saliva before reach-
ing the intestine.
The diet should consist mainly of
milk, white 0f eggs, and tete mom easily
digestible meals anti fish. The dierelema
or constipation should be regulated, and
I the administration of intes-
tin11 antiseptics is benollciel, -Regular
exereise In the open air is of great value
in the treatment. The cold bath, oe'
shower -beth is often of service, when it
s followed by a healthy reaction.—
YouUn's Companion,
You ;may remove lite tightness caused,
by a cold, almost instantly, by mixing
emmenia and sweet oil, or fresh hen's
qi1 will do, shaleng tt thoe ugliy' Lind
ebbing it on the nose and forehead.
By adding laudanum you hum a splen-
did liniment
Hoye you noticed tint the person who
usually fond of coffee is quite apt. to
e predisposed to diseases of Ilia kid-
neys'? Do you know Iltnt coffee Ls en
aggravation to kidney' Roubles? De
ou know that a scant teaspoonful of
rowned chicory, edited to half leo
mount of ground coffee usually used,
will counteract the evil effects of cor-
Among home remedies none servo
Beer then hot water ot• dry applica-
ions. \Veen hot water le used, caro
hmulti always be taken to prevent. °Sleh-
1g cold afterward. A 7to1 ltnnp C111111 -
has often relieved pain and put the
offerer to sleep, and it is something
at stay be made ready for use with
etle loss of time. A second ono should
heeling to he used in case the first
not sttficient, and in n10ny cases pain
any be relieved without disturbing the
At the first appearance of a pimple,
old sore, or any. outer for'm of eruption,
%the with spirits of camphor. This will
scally cure it very soot It is a well -
lawn fact that what helps one has no
fleet 011 nnotiier. For instance, a
lend who cannot cure a cold sore with
anphor finds witch hazel most once -
0, and another finds nothing so good
or any sort of eruption us a strong
eteflon of powdered alum and 0105,1 of
rim•, equal purls of Inch, dissolved in
very ]title liol wale' 56111 applied fee -
teal ly.
Cure for •Rheumnitsm. - Dissolve a
pi el bicat+ltonale of potash 100 size
f a pea to a leasymi tful of wider. 'This'
for one close and shoutct be repented
tory four hours. teethe the afflicted
pt with n linimeu1 mode of the whiles
f two eggs, two lablsspoonfels of mil-
s of turpentine end two tablespoon-
els of vinegar. Shake this'hvcll and
;the the 5lllicled parts often with it.
TI remedies are both cheap and
I'o keep the hinds from chopping rub
tem with a salve nettle as follows :
alt together 1tnc ounce of bees\vox,
va 01111505 Burgundy pitch. four Dunces
veer oil or geed, fresh hone -made
rd. Steele Through e. thin cloth into a .
box o• small jar. end 11 le reedy for
se. For culls or hurtle, or any other
oc, spread n lotto of This sltive on a
oft cloth and apply. if used very gen
6usly f1 will draw n. boil (0 a head.
is nn old rerip5 handed down from a•
uakai• family, who end used (t .1ov
any years.
GOOD SEITVA� i" 1N IbEA\'l'3N,
Mrs. Pit ltlon (lo her coachman) --•
hoes, 1 trust the( yell are an aitend-
nl at religious exetrises?"
"Oh, yes, mem, 1 goes as often as 1
ts.'1110 ohanor, 111011." '
"And I'trust. that, y'oU feel it your
ter to lead such a Life hero as wilt
sure you n piece atrio1g the good in
e next worirl " '
00,Yes, mete, I (Vies to, T,hellk you
MI Titett."
"1 a1n glace mf tl, entries. C Ii/tee heen
11)11c1t. 111Cnsed tv:lli ;your' servire9 1111%1'
111 1
is n real comfort to .Ing Io knelt' '1151 ;
305 aro permitted le have ensrhnten
ill heaven, f may stilt •etilploy you th°rode