HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-12-20, Page 8eadc .asters for Christmas rro on.ts We are ail ready for the final Obristmse buying, mud although many people have already completed their purobaeea we Obi11 have a good aaeortment to 'Owego from, Preoento for everybody and to oat all purses, FOR THE GROWN-UP PEOPLE we have newboolre such as "The Doctor" by Ralph Connor, "The Silver Maple," "The Juugle" cud others.; Ebony Brusbee and Mirrore, Fancy (Mina, Burnt Leath- er inoludiug 008hion0, Book Oovers, Whisk Holders, Poet Card Albums, Centre Piece,, do. ; Stationery in Christmas Boxes, Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Booke, Solid Plated Ware, Perfume, Work Baskets, Mireocs, &o. FOR THE CHILDREN and very Little Folks we have Dolle end Della' Oradlee, Furniture, all kinds of Toys, Building and Letter Blocks, a large number of different Garnett, Picture Beek, Sleighs and Oarte. Sa 'a DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. ' gal Pins Pins A obiel's amang ye taklr' notes, An' faith he'll prent i4. MRRnr CERLSTMe9 to a11. RnnnwAL enbeoriptione are moving In very nicely. ADDITIONAL 100x1 news may be read on page 5 of title ieeae. Some of the store window deooratione are very tasty this feaoon. A LETTER from J. D. Ronald ie laid over until next week's Benue. A. 0. U. W. Friday evening when eleoiou of offioere will take plaoe. Tau eleighiug hes been something won- derful considering the email amours of ,now. Tan next monthly horse fair will be held on Ttlureday Jan, 3rd, 1907. Don' meta it, 2956 California Navel oranges, seedless, at 26, 80, 40 and 50 ata, par doz. at W. A. GeewAR's. Tannu is a move on hand to re-ee- tablieb an Enotmpwent fn oo0085tion with Braeeele Odd Fellowe.bip. Pewee Bolioole alone Friday of Ibis week for the Ourietmas vacation to re- open on Thursday, Jan. Srd, 1907. C. O. F. Uouur will hold its regular meeting on Christmas night. It will be election of offioere for the (torrent term. OEEIBTMAS will be a, potato holiday. The banks and other business plaoee will be oloeed. Postoffioe will be open for delivery of mail from 10 to 11 and from 5 to 6 p. m. AUCTION Sale of the MoNiobol farm, Grey township will take plaoe at the Am. erioen Hotel Brussels, Saturday forenoon of this week at 11 o'clock. BneAR beet shipping to Berlin bee been on the program this week. The author- ities say frost doee not spoil the eaoober- i0e department of the beet. A UONAWOY horse attached to a clatter caused some excitement on Monday. The rig was left at one of the tie poste et the Queen's hotel after a collision with it. PIANO TDNING,—Fred. A.. Lewis, piano tuner tor Mason, Rieoh Piano Co„ will be here in a week or s0 and will be ready to attend to all orders left at the fame tura store of WALKER & Beams, WEDNESDAY Mrs. Wm. MoHelvey of Jameetown, was driving from town when her horse took fright end upeet the driver out. We hope ebe will suffer no maims berm from her escapade. Morale Potters entertainment in the Town Hall, Brneeele, Thursday evening of thio week. The illustrated songs sang by Mies Spears, are said to be well worth the admt00ion fee alone. Take it in. Tan BRaseeLe Pose and Weekly Globe to January let, 1908, for the small tum of $1.85 in advance. No better pity weekly ie issued than the Globe. The it. luetrated supplement is worth more than the prioe naked. De. Ovens, M, D., London, Eye end Ear Surgeon, will be at Smith's Drug Store, Bruesele, on the first Tuesday in eaoh month. Hours, 8 a. m. to 1.80 p. m, Catered, egniut, tailing eyesight, deafness and nasal aetarrh treated and glasses properly titled. Next visit, Tues. day,Jennary, 8th. N. B. Dr. Ovens makes no calla. ADM. Bemuse bee been appointed Ad- ministrator of the estate of the late George Stemn. Stook bee been taken in connection with the business and epeoial bargaioe will be offered to reduce the large supply of goods on band. The bosineee may be offered for Bale at it later date. Aletur TAL affairs are very mum. A rumor, n0000firmed, speaks of J. Leokie, R. Graham, G. Thomson, B. Gerry, J. T. Roes and S. T. Plum ae men capable of taking pare of the town affaire. We have not heard how many of this year's Conn- ell are likely to seek re-election. Monday evening next will likely Bat rumors at rest. TEE School Board has engaged the eervi088 of Mies Helen Ford, of Ealex town, ae 880088eor to Mia,, Feeeenden, B. A., ata salary ,ot 8500, duties to nom• mime atter New Years. Mies Feeeenden goes to Goderieb where ebe will teach on the Collegiate waif. She i0 a eobolarly young lady and we wish her well, Miss Ford is highly reaommeuded and will no doubt perform her part in a eatiefoetory manner. 0001110 AND .OvP?En.—The other even. ing the residents of the South Wester- ly part of the town shaved their att. preaiation of the kindness of 8, T. Plum in snow plowing the eidswelke by pre senting him with an oak Merritt tilting atm ohoir, nioelyoushioned. florae of the young ladies donated a haddeome ohi0a ottp to the game gentleman. The addreee e000mpa"yiug the chair said :-- Dealt —Dealt Faretn.—"We, the oudsreigued, feeling that We ere deeply indebted to yea for your kindness to keeping oar eidewalke clear of e0oes during several Winters past beg you to accept (hie chair ae a ,light recognition of Otte appreciation therefor." Along with the cap wee the wieb "May you long be spared to drink yout tee oat of tufa cup ie the wish or your Tory Blil beet frionde." The reoopi8nt wag quite eurprie813 Al the elitewardaho Wart aa l deelreeo to expretie big ting a best Hawke to three who so genereaely played Banta (Mane with him feetheir bigbly appreciated giftO, READ the advta., prove their veracity and save money. HowIOE Mutual Lesaranoe Co. Direot ore wilt hold their monthly meeting o0 Saturday of next week., Tae Ament factory bee finished Mu- ing beading call i0 now manufacturing batter prints. Quite a supply of eaw loge ie being hauled to be milt yerd. W. J FAwoEOT, manager of the Me. tropolitan Bank, was eboeen a member of the Publio Library Board by the School Board, as 8000eesor to A. E Mellish removed. TEE Poem and the Weekly Globe and Oanada Fernier for Doe year fur $185, the balance of the year free to new lab scribers. This is a newspaper snap. We oan only make this great offer for a limited time. Renew at ones and get the benefit of tale remarkable bargain. Tan Oliuton Reword epeeke of a former Brneeelite as follows : — Dr. Shaw will move next week into his new reel denoe cm Ratteebary street East. The building ie of briolt, two storeys high end le eurronnded on two aides by a Motto verandah, which is eulgeetive of moot. out -of door living iu the Summer time. It has all ebe mo leru nun vemeooee tun will be e cosy oomfortable home for i1 offeble Dr. and family. Here', wiehing them many happy and prosperous yeare in their new home. PERSONA I. PA ItAMil PIl$, Harry Downing ie here from the West on a holiday visit, Freak Ardell, of Gorrie, formerly of Broaeele, also came home.—Wdl. Hingetou, eon of R. eon Mrs. Hingetou, is now at Fairbanks, Alaska. He ie interested in goid mining while still working at hie trace.— Barrieter Sinclair was iu Torouto, on legal business this week,—R. D. Cardiff, of the Metropolitan Bank staff Brussels, ie in Toronto for a week or so.— Mies Robertson, of Wiugham, wee visiting Mies Alioe Jewitt One week,— lire. Oliver Smith, 0t Wroxeter, hae been visiting relatives and friends in Braeeele. She ie always welcome.— Rev. E G, Powell was at London laet week. Hie second eon, Earl, ie visiting his grandmother Tuckey.—Miesee Nor. ma Spatting and Rills Cunningham and Ray Fear, spent Sunday at Oreobrook at the former', home.— , Joe Habkirk, Frank Anderson, Jas. Cott jr. and Bert. Stewart of Blyth, were in town teat Sunday.— Milena Elate Wilton, Mary Dark, Genie Rose, and May Smith are home from the London Normal Sohoo, for the 0briatmaa vacation, They will complete their work next Spring.— M. Oavanaeh, of Buffalo, N. Y., was a visitor at W. Oakley',, Braeeele.—Mrs, M. Buchanan is vieitiug relatives and old friends in Eaet Wawauoeh.—Miee Mary Goatee is home from an extended vied to Seaforth,—J. Leonie Kerr, of the Blytb Standard, watt in town for a abort time tbie week. —Oliver Querrin ie home from the West looking Bret rete,—Thie week Aliases Belle Heudereap, Carrie MoOraoken, Eva Cameron and Jeuote Rande arrived baok from the Model School at Clinton, having finished their examinations. The results will be an• nounced shortly,—Mrs. Leokie was a vieitor with Listowel friends for a few days.—Ernest Miller ie home from a trip to the West looking Bret Mass. Be worked for a while in the pulp mule at Spanieh River where 400 hands are employed. The Massey Oopper mine was another field of toil to him, Several weeks were epe01 at MoGregor, Men Hobe,. He visaed his brother Obartia who is just recovering from an attack of typhoid fever. Mr. 'Miller brought a ,ample sheet of pulp home with him that is now on exhibtbion at Ton Poem Pnbliehing House. — We are sorry to state that our towoeman J. Leckie hal been laid up with an attack of la grippe but is improving nicely now CHURCH UIIIMI1S'. Next Sabbath Ohristmao eervioee will be in vogue in the oburohee, On Ohrietmae Day, Deo. 26th at 10 a. m., there will be service in the Oatbo• lin oburob, Broaeele. Mies Oared Hingetou will sing at the Methodist oburub Ohrietmae Tree enter taiume0t at Belgrave 0818 Tuesday evening. Rev. Mr. Wilbert and Elder Stewart, Queen street Bleat, attended the meeting of Mediated Preebytary at Wingbem on Tuesday. "Repentance ae preached by John the Baptist" was Rev. Mr. WieberVa theme hast Sunday morning in Melville oh0r8b and in the evening "Tbe Prodigal's re- turn" wart the enbjeat, Tiaet Sunday Rev, Mr. Eiertley, of Blytb,and Rev. Mr, Lang Ford exohang ed eervieee, The editor preached two pra0tteal dle000rsee oo0tainmg many elements of helpfulneee. A service for the Sunday eohool obild- ran of St. Johne church will be held next Sunday morning, the rotor Rev. Mr, Lang Ford, de/dating. Every pdpil Will be presented with a tibbon badge, Bev. B.G. Powell (poke in the Metho. diet ohutch on Sabbath morning on "Three deaths tied three reaurreoliofa." The evening eubjeat was "The goring 01" from whittle a etirting Tempera00e ret. Mon was given in weieb the reennsielllty ^� tor the Ilgnor deft, was placed at tbo A 0 .C3 is "aj1T7'''rJ9'i deer of the eleetora. r i'et,.te.1 L1. f'= L i Sabbath, Dee, 801.11, Rev. T, W, Oveeue, of Welleoeborg, it recent paetor bore, will preeob Aunivereery sermons ,n the Methodist oboroh, Bruaeele, and will Moo addrees the Sabbath Sobool, Speeiat motto will ciao be rendered, the Orobeetre•taking part at the evening eervio6, Monday evening following at Meurie011 !Wheel hoard, Regular meeting of the Brueeele Public 801,011 Board wee held in the Board Room leek Friday evening. Membete pres080, D. O. Rose, T, barrow, Jae. E1- Iiott, R. Leatherdale and J. G. Shone. Minutes of laid meeting were read and the tree entertainment addreeeee are adopted. expected from Rev, B. Anderson, of Moved by D. 0. Rosa, seconded by R Bly;b,.and Rev, Mr, Coeeoe ; reading, Leatberdele that the account of 3, 11. by Mise Jam Buobaoan end Rev, E G.- Cameron for 510 76 be paid for bio ex Powell. 'Vocal seleetione by Mies Rate McRialay, Brussels ; Dr, Fred. and Mre, G11pio, of Mtobigan City, Ind, ; the S, 8. Oreheetre, acrd ohoir in anthem and quartettes, In oomplienoe with a former deoieion the oauoelled mortgage on the bhuroh will be oonsigned to the flamee. The original pulpit taken from the old oboroh, will be to nee on Sabbath by way of remioieoenee of days goue by and the stirring Gospel appeals that were given by the peters behind it. "LITTLE STARS" MIssIoN BAND.—The cannal. Birthday. Party of this juvenile MieeioearySociety was held in Melville oboroh Thursday evening of lest week and was a moat enjoyable 00adeio0. Hiss Lizzie 51004, the faithful President, mewled the ehair and introduced the following program t—Opening hymn— No, 591 ; recitation, Edith Wilton ; chorus, "Oerol sweetly oarol" 1 recitation, Johunie MaLauoblin ; long, Jean Hab kirk, (Blyth) i ereaeorer's report ; recite. tion, Algo McKay ; ohurae, "Xmas tree" recitation, Jean Fox ; °horse, "Taffy song" by regneet ; recitation, Jennie R .bb ; song, Joe Habkirk ; secretary's report ; reoitatiou, Harry Fox'; Bong, Ada Moore ;dialogue, four girls ; reoita. tion, Nellie Fox ; (Mutate, !In search of the Krug" ; address, Bev. Mr. Wiebart. The_prooeede were 51760. Tbe Secre- tary's report for 1906 is ae follow° :—To- night we are attending the eleventh 13101108y party of the "Little Stars" Aliee.on Band whieh was formed on Deo. 14th 1895. Oar officers for the past year have been :—President, Mime Rosa ; Vtoe-President, Mies J. Habkirk ; 'Treasurer, Kate Deadman ; Seoretary, Muriel Brothers. One hundred joined the Band the first year and although we have had out 76 members this peer still he "Stare" have maintained their record for seining and oaetieg their ligne abroad, Su: gailte, vamed at two dol.are each, hate been sent away this year. Seven urmbere, Edi,h Toole, Irene Toole, Fairy Robb, Nellie Fox, Alex Fox, Harry Fox, and M, Brothers, attended every meeting. Mies Roee, Sean Fez, Katie Deadman and Roee MoK•,y attend ad every meeting but cue. In the April meeting Rev. Dr Rose spoke very nioely to the Band. The Juue meeting took the form of a pia nioheld ou Mr Leokie'e lawn which all the Band thoroughly en.' loved. In October a special meeting wee he d for the bringing to of the talent money and Thunk offering At the first .1 the year a Dumber of the members promised to try to earn some money by inveettng five cents. Thio money, to ether with the talent money, amounted to $20 20 At the November meeting Miee Goodteliow, a returned mieeiooary, from India, gave a very interesting ad- dress on that country and ,bowed a number of temples of Indian work and jewelery. The largest meeting wee in .face when there were 66 members pee. rut and the emalleet in September when here was 27 present. The average at tendanoe was 40. And now as it is oetoreery on meet birehdaye we will wieb the Band many bappy retards of vie day and give it a pat to grow on. ['he total proceeds for the year will be about 540 00. 'Business Locals. SKATES sharpened in flret.olaee style at he Ament factory, FANCY oollare and ties for Xmae. Good assortment at MoLareu'e. Sze our Bon Bone, Every girl likes a box of Bon Bone. Bee W. A. GnlowAt'e. NEW ehirte, ties and oollare for ve0,le. me . G N. Madam. Goon cow for Bale, will calve in April. Apply to WALmze Wz,Dzz, Brnesele. MEN'S and hoye' sole, Big assort- ment. G. N. MOLAKRN. DON'T tail to Bee our new overooate. Sp eise at 510 00. G. N. Motonen. Seems.—When ekatee are dull and are not true take them to MoGregor he will renew. Yours T. McGeuoaon, Brussels. BARGAINS In Millinery. Everything sold regcrdleee of coat to Clear out this season', stock. Call and lee tte. Messes B ARuntx. rum slippers make useful Xmae presence, We have them for. ladies, geutlemen and ohildree. G. N. Madame WANren.—Fresh roll butter, 260, Fresh eggs, 26o. Dry picked poultry, dried apples, feathers, raw fore, &0. Geo E. RING, Wmgham. Pena Losm.—Tuesday,. Deo. 11th, a puree containing both bike and silver wee lost in Brussels. The owner will be deeply indebted to the finder if the toot artiote is left at Taio Pose Publish ing House. pauses to Toronto to purchase Bupplie.e for the eohool and his 8xp011008 00 Gode• rich to interview the County OoOuOil about grant that wee witheld from this eobaol. Carried. Moved by D. 0. Roes, seconded by Jae. Elliott that Mies K. Wilson's reeig- nation be accepted. Carried. Moved by R. Leatherdale, seconded by D. 0. Roes that Mies H. 0 Ford be first oboioe, and that Miss E. Derge be ee000d abode to fill Miee Feeoenden'e place on t8180h1ng ,teff. Oerried. Moved by Jae. Elliott, seconded by R. Leatherdale, that Mr. Fawcett be eleoted e member of Library Board. Carried. Board then adjourned. Le adb n r'v, Rev. D. Perrie and wife, of Wingbam, were ependiug a day at Locust Hall. The Young Peopls'e Uirole, of Bettie, Charob, met at Samuel Forbes on Toes day evening and eujoyed a very eooieb,e time. Wilson Dennie, who has not been en joyiug very good health for some time ie home hum the West out we hope with good Dare hie health may rr(0r11. A uomber of men are engaged ornate,. Ovoidonthe eaeada Company ,sod on the 14th: Con, Tbey are staying with lobo M,el'hereon where they wi 1 spend many a p eaeaut evening. Alfred Hewitt has moved hie bonne to Walton and will work at the carpenter trade. Mr. Hewitt and bid eebimable wife are highly roepeoted residente and enjoyed the oonfidenoe of a large uomber who regret their removal, Why is it there ie so ranch land for Bale or to rens in MoKillop 7 We have land auenrpaeeed in fertility and strength end with the new railway facilities our prodaoe will be as easily marketed ae any of the surrounding towuehips. Molc;rmworth. Same REPoaT.—The following is the report of U S. S. No. 4. Wcllaoe and Grey, for Nov. and Deo. Mark 100 V Class. --T. Menzies 57 R. Elliott, 46. Sr. IV. -0. Stewart, 78 ; W. Brown, 70 ; M. Baogeter, 69 ; D. Fraser, 61 ; A. Heade, 45 Jr. IT.—G. Spenoe, 81 ; N Stewart, 68 ; F. McDonald, 56. Br. III. - J, Stewart, 89 1 G. McDonald, 78 ; A. Stewart, 76 1 H. Elliott, 60. Jr. IIL— M. Brown, 85 ; M. Cummings, 69 ; H. Speuoe. 65 ; A. McIntosh, 49. Sr. 55.- 0. McKee, 80 ; J. Douglas, 78 ; S. Ooom bee, 56. Jr. II.— E. Barnett, 65 ; Wm. ' Oummings, 59 ; H, 0oombee, 58, H. MoDanied, 54. Pt. IL—(In order of morn) L. Cummings, A. Sangster, 0. t0tewart. Pt, II.—S. Shearer, E. Patter- son, J. McDonald, 11. Douglass, W. Brown. J. H. Johnston, Teacher, The next qualifying examinations for the Rhod, e eobolarehipe will be bald on January 17 and 18. HORN BiaD.—In Wingbam, on Deo. 81h, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Bird, a daughter, Lows,—In Grey, on Deo. 12th, to Mr, and Mrs. Robert Lowe, a daughter. hristmas Presents Oor stock of Fin- Watches, Jewel- lery, &o., we bought for dash dieted from the manufacturer. We oan save you money on Reliable Goods in Watches, Necklets, Binge, Lockets, Bracelets, Chains, Brooches, Tie Pane, Pearls, Diamonds, Cloaks, Silverware, Violins,, - &e„ &o. Q V A !ally CT E¢eryrhfug `tV is oam•Ifloed by ue for quality. This is the rook on which we build our bulldog. We handle dependable goods only. PRICEJC ednfloor Bell gt,ld dWo 900, but we do give you a dollar's worth of value for every dollar expended. Our pricer are as low as the lowest, H. L. JACKSON JEWELLER. I ! eduction ale For 30 Days of the Stock of the late George Stemn, Brussel: A Reduction Sale will be conducted for the next 30 days during which SPECIAL BAR- GAINS will be given in tobesn D1alukets, Lur e, De11s, Whips, Mitts, Gloves., 8z0. to reduce the laige stock. First-class .lines in Heavy and Light Harness, Trunks Valises and. Satchels Colne and secure the Bargains; AdmInistrato Pena.--ln Bradwardine, Marl., on Deg, 9th, to Mr. and Mre, 55, J. Parr, a eon, Snoarnnnn.—In Morrie, on December 12111, to Mr, rad Mee, John Short reed, a deagbter, RADDemx,—Iu Oranbrook, on Deoember 10th, Johanna Bhreder, beloved wife of Ferd,usud Raddalz, aged 68 plata and 4 menthe. A.TTCTIoTT FRIDAY, Dob, 28th.—Farm etook, im• plemeute, &u. North half lot 21, con. 7 Morrie. Sale uureeerved at 1 p. m. Evans Bros. proprietors. Thor, Brown, auotieneer. SATURDAY Duo. 22/0.—Baggiee, oat. tore, agricultural implemeute, &o., Wynn's old Edged, Brussel Sale 00. reserved at 2 p. m. MaLauohlin Bros. Propts. F 8. Scott, Auo, THURSDAY, DRE, 27Ta.—Farm etook, imptemente, eta., South halt Lot 16, Con. 4, Morrie. Sale at 1 p. in, Jane Miller and F. S. Soot , Committee tor the estate of Thoe, Miller. HR SF33E13..c, MA.L^ti2C7D'S'm, Fall Wheat 68 Bar ey 42 Peas 78 Otte 88 Butter, tube and retie20 Eggs per dozen 20 Hay per ion 8 00 Flour, per bbl 4 60' Clogs, Live 6 00 W o„I 24 Potatoes per one 45 Apples (per bbl.) 1 00 Salt, per bet., retail 1 00 68 43 74 34, 22 , 20 9 00 5 20 000, 25 1 50 70 STOCK FOR SERVICE. 110, 111 FOR SERVICE —THE ut.der•;enea will keep or service on or 24, Uon 7, l4rev, apure bred aerkebire Boar. OHO. ADDY, Proprietor, Who Lrthel. Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting of Grey Branch,Ag. eel riim•at Si 0lety will be held in the oun- ell Obau,ber, Braeeele, nu We,,oeeday. Jan• nary otb, at p. m, as per Statute. iteoeiv 0g the Auditors' Report, electing enders nod other bustuaes will count -Rate the pro. ram, JAS SPFIIt, President, W. B. IMA1RR, Seoretary, 1 ARM TO RENT.—ON A0- • ooUNT of Wm. Miller deciding not 10 lease the farm of Thos. Miller it will be entad by tender. Tenders received by the undersigned up to Jan. 101h, 1907. Full par- iouiare may be got from F. 8, Scott or at the anal in sale on Dec. 2711, when every- , hinn belonging to the estate of Thos. Miller wit bo sold to the highest bidder. JANIS MILLIP. and F. 8.80050, Committee Thos. Miller estate. C(HORT HORN BULL .VOR i7 CEnvro0.—The undersigned will keep or cervine on Lot 17, Oou. 9, Grey, the Short Hoon n11. "Blyth Star,” bred from import - sire and five imported Grosses in dam. Be is a obolos animal. Terme, 81. G0 for grade Bowe with privilege of returning it eoee•ary. Also have a thorn -bred Rork - hire Boar with registered pedigree. Terme -.1.00 to be 1 aid at time of earvloe With 90.8 age u 0 'BT. MoDit 'r. ONAL0,Proprietor. 13 CAT.'YJ S AND OTHER Ira�W 9'gry �+ young cattle foveate. Apply at LotsEn e�p�tt trl+i Al�itty: A ,uu d Qou.15, Grey, 21,0 110B1taT ISLAIR, No coca ion for anyone to wear a shabby Overcoat with such hand- some, etyliab garments as we're selling at extremely low prices. Tide store eats the pace for Brussels with OVERCOATS AT $9 75 that >01 are worth half ae much again, 15 dozen Men's Extra Heavy Fleec- ed -hirte and Deawere, all sizes in stock, worth regdlar SOo. . t)(>) These go on gals at t) e`7 5 dozen Boys' Fleeced Shirts and Dr were, sized • 20, 22, 24, 26 and 28, all at one price, . 25 6 dozen Boys' Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, size. 80, 82 and 84, Clearing at a 3 J .FERGUSON ce ROSS for T3oliday Buyers The following Iiet will help you. LEATHER GOODS What woman would 1101 be•pleaeed to receive a etyliele new Hand Bag ? SHAVING SETS If be doeou't shave himeelt make it an object for him to do so by bayiug him a good outfit. TOILET CASES A largo variety and in every desir- able combination. PERFUMES You will want to give Perfumee no matter what ,lee you give. Our stook le very complete. SMOKER GOODS Something very nine in Tobacco Jars, Pipes, &o, BOOKS Au extremely fine aosortment—"The Doctor,"' Duncan Polite," "The Sil- ver Maple" and eumetbiog very fine iu the Poets. STATIONERY Many items in this line make splen- did flhrlotmae tokens, Stationery in epeoiel boxer beautifully decorated. FOUNTAIN PENS, DESK SETS, INS STANDS, &o. GAMES, TOYS. DOLLS Let the little folks see the Toys be- fore the final rush begiue. We have a fine assortment, CHINA You can aiwaye give this with cer- tainty that it will be prized. You will Bad some attractive pieces here. WORTHY TOILET ARTICLES This line is becoming more popular each year. Handsome Military, Hair and Oloth Brushes aud Mirrors, Man- icure Setts, Ouff and Collar Combin- ations. XMAS c'OST CARDS so very popular at present. We have an eutirely new stock. Sea our oomio line. BIBLES AND HYMN BOOKS Our assortment iu thio line was never better. We have Bonne handaomo copies of Tho Book of Praise and Methodist Hymns. We cannot however give you an ade- quate idea of bile extent or beauty of oar line until you come to the store so come along and see whet we have. You will be made welcome at Fox's Druz Store Br1Usse.S Daylight Store = G. N. McLaren. ,a'e,,,wwooh,,,00i rlEohvwhPhowt; ti t, Ie,,a,tahNp,i,N,,,,h t; IMeelr•e,,,ow i U, wiwhAa,t'UWgAa9,l0rhl'IsOW ah'Ir'ti 1,, ti uJt; trhrlp,h'4,'th ,,Id'tl,h'•h'tde.'t,'trlu,heliel Hints to risimas ppers We have suitable Gifts for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. . . . . . . Old ant Young Does any Axtiole on this List Appeal to You La,riie,' Fanot Collars and Ties Ladies' a d Children's Handkerchiefs Fano 8 Wais'iugs L'idir s' Fur •Uoa,t4 Fur Ruffr and Muffs Gloves and Hosiery, Dress Goods Reath made Skirts and Waists Wool Blankets Ready made Underskirts Ladies' and Children's Cardigans and Overshoes Ladies' and Children's Slippers Gentlemen's Ties and Handkerchiefs Gentlemen's Gloves and Mufers Men's and Boys' Warm Underclothing Fancy Suspenders Men's and Boys' Suits Men's and Buys' Overcoats Men's and Buy s' Odd Trousers Melt's and Buys' Winter Caps Men's and Boys' Overshoes Fancy House Slippers Men's Fur Gauntlets Curtains and Table Covers Table Linen, Napkins and Towels We have a complete assortment and you may depend upon it our prices are the Lowest. ankalememorproast Highest Prices for produce Goods Right or your Money back Wishing one and all a illerrij Christmas. Dici4aren Next Door lo American House