HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-12-20, Page 6ebr+ tI4414204117411/ BEAUTIFUL MILLINERY A Large, Fashionable and well assorted stook of Fall Millinery is now on display at my Show Room e h and t Ladies of I3 rUBSeI and s vicinity are cordially invited to call and examine the same. MISS MASON, who has had ra wide experience in 4iity Millinery; hag been engaged for the Season. The undersigned is g for past patronage and asks for a continuance.S m e Pfic ._ od plate and Satisfaction assured. , Y MRS. MoKINLAY Wq,p '. 4.w .v.YJ"• " ,•,•....,1. tatle Wo..w44aMY.+,w• .8+11 Winter Tenn Opans Jan, 2 'Here are pone of the Re000t Regards, Qtq,''ftk made by the 1<R ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT, One of the last 250 mails from . business Er r ma we have ailed FIFTEEN of the positions giend a We L ve no one 08(18 for Buttuess college teachers. 101 ex - tandem of other is mine ea Colleges qt- Shorthand Schools were enrolled here miring the laq two years, We believe we have the best Commercial School in Canada. W e tboroughiy eutiefy oar V F students. Write today for oatalogGue, l,p W. J. ELLIOTT, Prinotpal. ay"lt O... YONOE AND AI,E8ANDE0 BTB. MEDICAL CARDS. ,R, R. A. BURNS— Successor to D ..J. A. McNaughton Brussels, Outitrlo Graduate of Polyclinic Post Graduate School of Medicine and Surgery, New York. member of College of Phyoloiaue and Bur- geons of Ontario, (Enoe and residence 00me as formerly oe- envied by Dr. Ma8anghton. Diseases of women a specialty, 'Phone. Pio. 21. BUSINESS CARDS. H. McORACE.EN— i Y • Issuer of Marriage Licensee, Of. dee at Grocery, Tartherry street, Bruseols, WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER of MARRIAGE LICENSES Omen Iu the Pest once, Ethel. 30.1 BERTHA C. ARMSTRONG Is prepared to give lessors on Piunu. or Reed Organ. Terms on apphoatlo0. Fosioffioe address—nrusei)0. Resiuence— Lot 8, Don. 10, Gray. Pupil', may have their lessens at their own homes 11 preferred. IVUUSS MARGARET M'LAUCItLIN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils urepared for the Toronto Conservatory of Music. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company Offioe and Reoidenoe— WALTON, ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAMI INB1EANOE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. B. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION• • can, will sell for better prides, to better men, in Ion time and lees chargee than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders oan always be arranged at Nate office or by p ereOual application. ROBT. H. GARNISS BLIIEVALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable, Sales arranged for at the offioe of Tan Poor, Bruesele. 2.281 VETERINARY. GA. CUNNINGHAM— • Honor ala.taa.e of Eu1 0010110 Vet- erinary College, 18 prepared to treat all die - miles of entreats in a compet- ent manlier. P018110181 attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry and Milk Favor. Culla promptly attended to. O1lloo and Infirmary —Four doors North of bridge, Tnrnberry et., Brussels. LEGAL Mill CONVEYANCING. AB. MAODONALD— • Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Ate. Successor to (0. F. Blair. Ofiloe over Stan. dard Bank, Brusnole. 8011eiter for Metro- politan Peak. V T M, SINCLAIR— Y 1' • Barrletor, Bolloitor, ,080V01aneer, Notary Public, deo. OOloe—etewart'e Block 1 door North of Ooutrol Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. PLIOUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR— BARItISTERs, 0C,Li01TORS, NOTARIES TUBLfu, 10'10. W. Pnovnroor, K. 0, R, 0, HAYS U, h'. BAAIU. Offices—Those formerly o0o0pted by Meson (Jammu a: Holt, Gammon, ONTAmo. DENTISTRY DR. R. P rc E/LL7, I,BNTIa8 Graduate el the Royal College of Dental Burgeono of U,,)81, 0 and Flret.olase Honor Graduate of Termite University. Office next to Brewer's Photograph Gal1Ore, /31088101/8, a lig B Winter Term Opens pens Jan 2 g eilEifillAt,f STRATFORD. ONT. 41 Thio 8011001 is rea0gnlzed E° be one of the leading Oomm0rehil - Scheele in II Atherton. Our grade/dee are in de- mane as Business College teaobors, If The mot rodent > s t-0 rt a h00 nine' rafted I p n ro• Q.� e v ora tdachor off� offered 35400 00 ID per annum. Won 000 V0000 aro 11004 " nineone of the inn training t-0 e l eve and up•to-d01008, VI odOtabo,0 80 run. it thel'rovineo0 Tlie demand upon lie J ioro8lao in ofN is ovine!ith e 0 the sup- iY• Wats for free bab,1e,i 2 7J ELLIOIT R M°LtLtN, rrinof0ale. 1 iii Bank of Hanzlittorb Capital, raid lip, $0,100,)00 Ateeerye Fund, $2,80.,000 Total Assets, 6129,000,000 80 BIiANOR1011 IN CANADA 80 Preoldont, • , HON. W00. GIBSON Vide Preeidout ffi Goueral Manager, JAMES TURNBULL ETHEL AGENCY Sayings Department—Ample security for DePoeituee. Deposita of 81,00 a nd upwards received. Interest allowed at Durrant rates and compounded half yearly. ADVANCES made to Farmers for leading stook. sale Notes oolleo100 and advances made thereon. Dratte bought and sold, W. N, efol(AY, Cnn.AOENT, .tra l aQ) a g - COUNTY COUNCIL, The iaet meeting of the County Colwell in its pr008nt forth was held last week. Qtr. Donaldson, a member of Perth Coanoil was preeent, and made a few remarks showing the friendly relations existing between the two oountteo. Commitments of several abi:dren to the Care of the Children's Aid Society was reported, and an abowauoe of 00.25 per week made for mai:Beuanae, R. Hooter, 80001008er, asked for ex tension of time re hie license, having taken Out same on Sept. Ian 1 he wee greeted a rebate of 88. R. S. Hays, Ooonty Solicitor, gave hie opinion re traction engines being driven over bi,lhwaye as follows :—It is not law MI tor any person to run an engine of over 8 tone weight over any highway, be fore etrengtheuing at hie own expense al culverts and bridges to be 0roaeen by said engine. If the eugiue9 are of less than 8 tone weight It shall be the duty of per sone proposing to coo guy engine or machinery, to lay down ou the bridges aim oulverte to be crossed,planks enffi0ient to fully protect the flooring or aorfaoe o, the bridges, and in default the preen charged shall be liabe to the ultimo pa fly for all damages remitting to the floor. ing or surface of bridges. A petitiou of Manohoeter ratepayers, was read, asking for increase in area of polioe village, which was granted. Apetition from Dungaunon asking to be made into a police village was lett over for future consideration, Meters. Cameron, of Brothels, and Hartley, of Blyth, addressed the Conn oil in refereuoe to grants to Continuation omens in Public Soboole. The Exton Live Com., recommended that all schools doing this work get additional grants to make it equal to the amount received fn 1905, the extra grant given by the govern mens only going for equipment. A deputation from Wiugham, asked for a grant t0 aeeiet in building and equip ping a hospital. The executive Oom mittesreoommended a grant of $1,000. bat thin was etterwarde changed to $500 and passed by Connell. Phe Oonuoil holding the deed for lot No. 18, Hullett, it was derided, on motion of Mr. Ferris. to offer lbe same for sale by d emotion at Oliolon, at a date to be fix- eA petition, signed by seven ratepayers in Morrie and 6 in Eaet Wawanosb, ask- ed for the appointment of arbitrators to establish a school in Belgrave. Th.' petition was granted, and Judge Holt, Walter Wilson, Looknow, and Morgan Dalton, appointed arbitrators. A grant of $26 was made to the Heron Poultry and Pet Stook Aseooiation, to• wards the expense of its Show in Sea. forth, on Jan. 14, 15, 18, 17, 1907. D. Patterson„ Co. Engineer wag grant. ad $60 for extra expense 1hie year, On motion of Mr. Oantelou Rev. W. Wade was granted the sum of $50 tor at. tending to the burial of members of the House of Refuge and oonduotrng religious services thereiu, duties to oommenoe at 0000. It was moved by Mr. Ferris, and seoonded by Mr. MaQti.lan, and oarried, that in view of the fact that Warden Speakman had been the math mover in nearing to the orient), some $8,800 for the maintenance of the Hoose of Refuge, his services be reeoguized by a grout of $50. It was decided to build Port A'bert bridge as eoou as the Connell of Aohfleld comply with the motion panted at the meeting of the County Oounoil in Deoem• ber 1905, Mr. Earngery, field eeoretary for Map koka Hospital, addressed the Connell in reference to tbe work of the Hospital, and asked for Borne aeeiatauoe. The Gannett did nos see int way olear to recommend a grant but strongly urged the incoming ()outwit to give the matter earnest consideration, W. Mo0reath, caretaker of the Court House, wad granted an inoreaae of $75 in Wary, duties to include Dare of Regiebry Otfroe, making 11ie salary 9526. The members of the Conuoil were en. tertained at a complimentary supper on Thnrsday night, and also on Friday night, and in a very pleasant and order,y manner wound up the existence of the County Connell in ite,preeent form, ROAD AND 180100E 000211811EE, Tbie committee recommended the 810081on of a new steal bridge at Blue vale ; aleo that the bridge koown tie the Thompson bridge, Nortel of Bayfield, be rebuilt, with oement abutments and steel enperetraoture. In referencia to account of W, B. Footer for work done on Hoimeevide Colborne bridge, the engineer was authorized to iospeot tbe Sema, and if oatiafied, that an order for payment be given. T e 0 1 ion of the County b p n Con Solicitor re traoti0n engines going over tiridgeo, wait reoommendod to be left for thee0n0Iderabion of the new Cmmoib, . NOVO or ammo 008013TTEE, The Committee reported that it wag well 081)0 led with the appearance of the house and eurroundinge, We most arty that the Inopeotor, Manager, Matron, and Physician deserve mobil bredit for the fhtereet they have Amon in the management 01 the boner, and farm In every reaped during the past year., We oonelder the management by t11eee of. 40)16)e has been effioient and ooun0rnfoai, and in the beat internale of theof ooh y Inont June report wo referred 00 e oma aeeopir10 against e0tate0 of inmates lately conveyed to the ()booty. 80m0 of which has boon settled; they amottut to $8,900, l ,JY,MMV,.,MvnhaLY,1eNexo W e�.,,,wxT, W M.W:aJ>, The December Sessions, The December Seeoiope of the Penile opened before Judge Doyle on Tueoday of Ine0 week with Otte criminal ones, and p0 0)0I) ot100, three wbiohwere entered having been nettled before the Court cpe0ed, and a °barge of .0on.eupport was Jett for trial io tbo County Judge's Court, The grand jury 8000 er70r0 in, H. W. Bali being oilmen as foremen, and in ad. dreading them his :Bonar oougralulated them on the light calender, which he said would ahveys be the rale where jodgep and grand joriee performed their duties faithfully and tearlessly. A true bill having been returned against David Davldaoo, of Windham, charged of iu• decent assault; he was tried, and the jury after 80 minutes obeenoo returned with a verdiot of guilty, with a reoom meudabion to mercy. Mr. Monotone, tie mensal, made a strong plea for the prisoner, and asked for his release under sespended eentenoe, but hie Honor de 018red coma punishment wag necessary 0e a public, example, and be imposed a penalty of three mouths in jell, with labor. Grown Attorney Seeger proeeout. ed. The grand jury's presentment wee merely a formal abatement of having visited the County jail, finding six prig. more and the pled° well kept, xieuetatll, Rev. Mr. Urquhart, of Rippon, is stumping Stanley for Looal Option, Geo. Joyut % tie up in Luokuow lee' week. He has been fortunate in handling Pia evaporator output this eeaeon. Rev. Mr. Thompeou, of Deux, preaoh. ed in the Methodist Oburoh on Sunday. He comae from a local Option centre. Mies Sturgeon, who has been ill for tome time, has closed her home and io now etoppiug with her uncle, S. Smillie, London Road. A half tone of oor townsman, David Wreu, who is attending Victoria College, Toronto, appeared in the Toronto News. He has been appointed President of the Oollege Literary Society. S. Rennie has returned from the West, where he hoe been spending the peat fon. mouths. Ea bought some land but din not go in 0e extensively us in the Spring. He intends to Winter at hie home in ZOrioh. The remains of William Blair, of Dauphin, Mon., arrived at Bippen m, Tuesday evening of !net week and war tuterre1 on Thursday afternoon in Hen call Union Cemetery. The deceased left here about font- years ago for the West. Several weeks ago he was taken down with typhoid fever, and had nearly re- oovered when a relapse set in and he e000umbed on the 4131. He was in hi. 44th year and svhile bare worked with R. Bell, jr., and others. He leaves one brother and a number of relatives in thio 0001800, Good Corn Sheller For 2550 A marvel of efioaay and prompbneee, a remedy that does onre corns and warts. Its name ie Patnam's Corn Extractor. Oontaine no acids, never pains, given lasting eatiefaation. Inatat 0c, ',Put. cam's" only. It'e the beet, Fordwleh. Glare Hutchison ie visiting ander the parental roof and will remain here till after Christmas. The Forestere will bold an entertain- ment on New Year's night. Prof. Relay and daughter, of Guelph, have been se- oared for the 000aeion, Ohao. W. MoLaogblin, who hae nerved hie apprenticeship in the Record ofdce, left foe Obioago, where he will take a 0onroe fn the Machine• Oompoeition Branole of the Inland Printer Te0buioal Sdhoot. Mrs. Hollington, of Trowbridge, iii the guest of her daughter, Mre, F. Adams. After two years quant at various pointe with several of her family, she has de - aided to settle down in Fordwiob and hae rented W. A. Edwards' reeidenoe former- ly oaonpied by Thos. MoLaogblin. On Friday, Deoember 7th, 180 boxes of cheese were shipped from Fordwioh oheeee factory which was the October make. Although there watt a consider- able drop in the market the company had not the oligheet trouble of getting the high price 01180. per pound for their September and October oheeee. Ed. Lambkin, of the 2nd eon., sold a well matched span of uubroken two•year. old colts to John Wilkinson, of Minto, for the tguoy price of $425. These dolts took first and second prizes in the Heavy Draught oleos at Listowel, Emulsion and Howiok Fall Fairs this year. W. and Mre. Sotheron, er., have given 0p farming, moved to the village and are now comfortably eettled in the reeidenoe recently purohaeod from Mrs. Btrathy, Eifty'lour years ago March 4, 1907, Mr, Sotberan took possession of the farm, which he hae j0at given up, when it was all bush nud has undergone the hardships and endured the in000venieuoeo of pioneer life. Mr. and Mre. Sotboran are still hale and hearty and we hope may be long eporod to enjoy the fruits of their toil. Catarrh of the noes mod throat ehonid lead you to at learn ask ue for a trial box of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Cure. Nothing do sorely proves merit tie a real, aotual teat—and Dr. Shoop, to prove this, , arneatly desires that we let you make the teat. This creamy, now white, heal. ing bairn, soothes the throat and a n nostrils and quickly Y ' g y purifiesa tOtil or feverish breath. Oall and investigate, F, B. Smith. 83ea,lorth. Dr. Burrowo spent a few days in Tor- onto meting as Medical examiner, Fred. Beattie, of the Bank 01 Com. meroe staff, Halifax, has been here on a vioit with biorent a e Jae. and Mre, Beattie. p r John Daly, brother of Thos. Daly, morohant of Sealortb , died onW empasma e Sip lust. In the London Hos it ' p ai. The deaeaeed'e ho had been w i pone health for some time, was well known and higbiy respected, being a resident of Egmond. villa for many year•. Interment took plaoeat Lindon. A meeting of the L. O. L. No. 703, wan held for the purpose of eloating of loore for the noxi year, The following wore the 0 ° t Hider elected :—Jno, Montgomery, W. M.W.; Thompeou, D. M. ; J, S. We'eh, Chaplain , J. W. Wright, Ree,. Seo. • Thou. Stephene, Fln.. ec. H. ut M r in• Treat,Riley,r , W.R eDir. of oere. mon1ee l Joint Bowen, Lecturer,; Geo. Browniee,101 Com,Jae. Mershon, Ind Com, ; Geo, fifley, ilyd 0, m, ; i hos, Greenway, 4th Com. ; Geo. Brown, 6th Om, ribs remains of the late Captain Nor. man MoLe0d:reaobed here on Monday evening of Met week and were token to the Mesonio rooms where the funeral servleee were conducted .on Tuesday afternoon. Many of the membot•e of the Mesopic order were present end also many sympathizing friends who followed the remains to the Maitland cemetery where interment tock place, The clergy men present at the servi00 were Rev Neil f3haw, Egmoudvi)o ; llev, J. t4' Berry, St. '1'hotuao ohnech ; Rev. .0,. 18 Birks Methodist ohllr0ll ; and Rev. .10, Larklu, pastor of the Presbyterian ohuroh, At the anuual meeting of Oourt Siler. wood, Ancient Order of FOteohere, No, 6088, the following brethern were elected to fill onion for the term of 1907 ;—Wm, Patterson. 0. R. ; N. Jeffrey, V. O. Jul). Finch, Sao. ; Alex. Stobie; Treas. ; Ed. Daly, S. W. ; N, Bowen, J. W. ; Jno. McLennan, S. B, ; Leo. Bristow, J. B. : dietriot delegates, John MaLemlan, Wm. Bristow ; alternate delegates, Jno, Daly, Wm. Patterson ; auditors, H. Jeffrey, Ed, Daley, A. Barton ; Truoteoe, Dr, J. G. Scott 113. Town, W. D. Hogg ; oorreepondent to anolent Fooeeter, W. D, Hoag. It Does Cure NYonumly Ills "I feel it my duty" writes Mre. S. Mead, of Fraserville, Out., "to let you know that Beneatimm8 previo00 to the ohauge of life I Coffered more than I could tell. Neighbors told me Ferrozone wag the only remedy and their ndvioe was good. Ferrozone put a atop to my pain and eiek0eee, had a direct action on my troubles that relieved from the inert. I safely paused the torn, and now enjoy perfect health and reef. No womanly medicine eau be better than Ferrozone." Ioetaot relief ie found in Ferrozone for female weakness of every kind, 50o per box at all dealers, George Weller, who was injured in tit street oar ooblieion at Montreal, died from bis injuries. The plant of the Canadian Folding Paper Box Company at Brantford was damaged by fire, and oeveral of the young lady employees had to be token out ou ladders, The Grand Trunk Railway Oompany are applying for au amendment to their °barter, to eliminate the clause requiring them to carry third Masa passengore at two oente a mile. Mrs. Blanchette was found dead in 0 burning house by Ottawa firemen, Th - woman's head was badly bruised, and George Ladouoeao, who lived in the same house, le under arrest on suspicion 01 murder. How Children Are quickly Strengthened. Develop Them With Ferrozone, Which Makes Rich Blood. Hardy Muscle, Steady neryes. Children brought up on Ferrozone are known by their strong rugged frames, their chubby cheeks and healthful ap• pearanoe. Mothers find it an indispensable tonic and body builder, and in thousands of homes no other remedy lensed, Mre. E. Montgomery, of Pittsburg, writes little niece cisme to visit me, and notioing her pale and haggard looks, I started her on a o0aree of Ferrozone. The ohauge that girl underwent woo marvellous. Her appetite ohirped op, she had more strength, and a rosy oolor dame into her oheeke (bot I never saw there before. I weighed my niece about the time ohm started to piok op, and in seven weeks she bad gained almost eight pounds, and Piet looked the picture of health. I think this should be. an example to many mothers, and I hope that others will try Ferrozouo for their little boyo and girls. I am thoroughly convinced that its the most etre0g111ening tooth. It hae my strongest endorsement." The reason Ferrozone works so heoefioially to that it acts directly on the blood, treeing it of all unhealthy matter°, at the same time giving it additional supply of iron. This at o0oe result a in more strength, new spirit and renewed vitality. Jost one tablet at meal time works wonders. Ro. fns° to accept any artiote the druggist may say is just as good. Get Ferrozone and the result we guarantee will be earls• factory. Pride 60o. per box or six boxes for 92.50 at, all dealore. IMPORTANT NOTICES YOUNG SHORT HORN BULLS Leicester Ram Lambe and Bronze Turkey Gobblers for sale. Prices reason- able. N. A, MILNE, Ethel. 10-E1 �HORT HORN BULLS FOR BADE,—One was a year old in January, 1000, and the other 10 motile old. Prize indurate end in good condition. Terme to suit purchaser. JAMES 8PEI8, Lot 80, Con, 0, Morrie, or 131080010?, 0, 16-01 ROUND CEDAR FOR SALE - 30 pieces 11 feat long and '0 pie000 24 Net in length. Also a' number of ceder fenoe posts. For further pltrtioulare see or write THOS. NI'IWSOM, Brussels. 10•tf Pon SALE OR TO RENT.— The undersigned offers her 100 acre farm, being Lot20, Om 7 Grey, for sale or to rent Comfortable lie on bank earn oroh rA wells, velli dco. Farm is only o1 a mile' Y from the stirring apply logo of Ethel. For lux, tgeerls, or HES, 'e./p5 to P.8, scout, BiLer Stle, or Toronto, ICA91,I HOLLAND, 7 BhUber Street, Toronto, )�.gpl PBOEER,T! FOR SALE—THE Undersigned offers for 8810 au nose of Mud npoe name is a comfortable dwelling house, et,b le, fruit trees, good over -flowing well, d;o. Property is located if of amile East ofn Ora brook and at e OOI time.,p�oepriet, deo, Possession appy at any lime, Per price forme, dam, apply to the premises to M, 11AYA[ANN, 0.01 or Chaffin -00k 9, 0, ,i OMPUR`IABLII RESIl3);NCG ) and 2 agree of land for eat* ou Wipe et street, Brussels. Briok booed, gond tauten, bard nud Bolt water, small orchard, ,flu. 1+3opet•ty to good S11ape. immediate /108000- 8i010 can be given. Also 0 ua intu brick t o, fuithar par- llOOlar',apply on the promisee. Joni4 M0 •10 ' h til,Ilil, mm(8%04 lira Raul a, to ACRES OP LAND FOR xato bein N1 of Si Lots 00 and 00 Oon,1,MorrlO. acmes Under cultivation aid baobab, bus ; no bU1]1in a P g. dneON• slopgiven on oo � 1 mp etfon of 04 100 ann. x miles from ,tUmatltowi and of trOm .tvrOx• sten, I'or 10161100 p&rtl0blaro apply to EL138,) MULh108133,Ptoprlotro,o, 21-4 or Jamestown 1, 0 ,.,:'Tr"e.N:.m.><N,,,,i..a ti lx:may::. ":MA'V".�.• weelsonsesessTeeteg_wgyn4 eveaueteaet aerie e:uiseese wsmiYa„uA,,atesseerwNsteetestrerras tr .+•.:.Jrn't�t"a te. ,-^. tkiii'.Yw..1il_'NYilfw'ilYtkfs: > '?r4kt'+._%titkl ' ''Lrtai..ii' � t l` t 'I.IC.A:NT HAS EVER BEEN REFUSED ADMISSION 'T0 THE MUSKOKA f :;I 10.t:'1JAL FOR CONSUMPTIVES BECAUSE OF HIS OR HER POVERTY 1ti .n L i iY A rH IN THIS NUMBER Articles on the Open Air Treatment of Tuberculosis of. the Lungs Attractively Illustrated. TORONTO, CAN, NOV., 1008 ° 100. Dopy 91.00 year Facsimile Cover Page (reduced in size) new Monthly Magazine of The National Sanitar- ium Aesoctation. Full size of page lox 7. FOR'WAR f STE IN THE INTERESTS OF Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives The National Sanitarium Association of Canada has undertaken to publish a monthly magazine devoted to the Outdoor Treatment of Tuber- culosis, and the inculcation of Hygienic Methods of Living for the people generally. The first number was issued in November, 1906. All profits from this magazine — from subscriptions and advertising—will go to the maintenance of patients at the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consump- tives. Any one contributing one dollar a year, or more, to the funds of the Hospital will become a subscriber to CANADIAN OOT -DOOR LIFE for one year. 1) F „S r. tcr,n Sr'ECIALLY PLEASED WITH THE ATTENTION PAID TO CONDUCT THE INSTITUTIOAT CARE - VV ui Lr AIvD ECONOMICALLY."—Dr. R. W. Bruce -Smith, Government Inspector Hospitals and Charities. No Father, No Mother, No Home— Worse Than a Prisoner GA19:81.1) BRACEY, BERLIN, ONT.: Enclosed please find doctor's certificate and examination papers. Hope you will secure me a place in your Sanatorium. You will notice that my circumstances is a hard one; no father, no :col h r, no home—worse than a prisoner. Nobody wants nu' on account of my disease, hoping you will have the charily and consider my position, and give mea position ;a once in your Sanatorium, I ever pray, An Orphan„ without Home or Means D. A. E. HANNA, PERTH: I have a patient here, a young fellow in whom I am greatly interested. I'fe has tuberculosis. He is a poor young fellow, an orphan, out of home, without any means. If we sent him tip would you take him in and do the best you can for him? I know bow difficult it is to accommodate all who require treatment, but this is a special case. • It Is nlwal s eneruraiing to have a letter from friends who kindly contribute. For the canyon it nee of those who have not time to write, the following blank may be used : SUBSCRIPTION BLANK. Dear Sir, I have pleasure in enclosing Me sum of ($ ), as a contribution to the maintenance of the MUSKOKA FREE HOSPITa4L FOR CONSUMPTIVES, Name Address "DO IT NOW' Is a business motto of this strenuous age that applies with tremendous force when it is a good act you should do. "A child's kiss set on thy sighing lips shall make thee glad. "A sick man helped by thee shall make thee strong. "Thou shalt be served thyself in CONTRIBUTIONS MAY BE SENT TO every sense of service which thou IROfl. Sln V!. R. MEREDITH. Kt.. Chief Justice, Vice -President Nat. San. Assoelation, Tenderest." Toronto, er W. J. GAGE, Esq., Chairman Executive Committee, Toronto. 401'All Subscriptions received willbe acknowledged in the Toronto "Globe" and "News." " DO 11' NOW" Anyone subscribing one dollar or more becomes a subscriber to the Canadian Outdoor Life. for one year. 4 EBBE YOUNG SHORT HORN Bulls for sale, Two wore prize win. were at Brussels Pall Fair. They are dan- dles, 1104 8104101811 *11 0010,'. Lot8, Con.0, Grey. D. 38013E8TSON, 14.11 Brussels t-.0 PROPERTY FOR SALE—THE underelgoed offers hie house and lot, situate on Mill street, Brussels, for sale. 1 t fe well located, a convenient and comfor- table home. Poeoe8B1on eau be given ab once. Will also sell the vaoaut lot, Darner of Mill and Elizabeth streets, which would make a fine building site. For further par- ticulars as to pride, terms, &o., apply to FIRED, ADAMS, Hardware Dealer, Ford- wich. 30.1 SALT Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Salt forks can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, Brussels. eak Women To weak and ailing women, there is at least ono Way to help. But with that way. two treatment a must be combined, One is local, one is constitu. tient, but both aro important, both essential. Dr. Shoop's Night Cure le the Local. Dr. Shoop's Restorative, the Constitutional. The former—Dr. Shoop's Night Cure—isa topical mucous membrane suppository remedy, while Dr, Shoop's Restorative is wholly en internal treat, meat. The Restorative reaches throughout the entire system, seeking the repair of all nerve, all tissue, s o d an all blood ailments. The "Night Cure", as its name implies, doeo lie Work while you sleep, It soothes sorb and intim- ad mucous surfaces heals local weaknesses and 11 r discharges, wl 10 tl O Restoxatly°, eases nOrvOUr excitement, gives ronewod vigor and ambition. bade tip wasted tissues, bringing about renewed aroma, vigor, and energy, Take Dr. Shoop's ktoetarative—Tahlote orLinuid—as a general tonin to the system, For positive font! help, use ea well hoop's ure r R' ISMITM: C. 0. F. Court Princess Alexandria, No. 24, 0. 0. F., Bruooele, meets in their Lodge Boum, Blas - hill Blook, on the 2nd and last Tuoedayo of each month, a18 o'clock. Violtiug brethren always welcome, GEOBGE HERR, 0. R. W, L. LEATHEBDA,L10, B. 8. MONTHLY HWSE FAfflS 1=3 V SSJ.JIjS The regular Monthly Horse Fairs will be held for the season as follows : THURSDAY JAN. 8rd, 1907 " JAN. Bleu, 28111, " " APR. 4011, " • Leading Local and Outside Buyers will be Preseint Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS ANY even numbered section of Dominion Lando in Manitoba, 8aekatohewan and Alberta, excepting 8 and 20, not rceerved, may bo hamoeteaded by any pereon who IR the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter eoetion 00 100 acres more or lose. Entry may be made personally at the local land olnoo for the district in which the land ie oituate, The homesteader 1e required to perform the 0311df110M oo0ne00ed therewith under one of the following plane : (1)At tenet six 0,00018' Y and cultivation of the laud in oaoh oath upon three yams,Year for (2) 20 the other (or mother, if Etbe father is declassed) of the homesteader resides upon a farm in the vicinity of the land entered for the requirements as to mei- dance may be satioaed by each person with the father or mother. (8) If the settler has hie permanent reel. dense upod farming land owned by him 10 the vicinity of hie homestead, the re- quirements au to residence may be aatts- fied by residence upon the said land. Slxmoutho' notice in writing should be given to the Oommieeiooer of Dominion Lando at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent, W. W. CORP, Deputy of the Minister of Interior. N. B. Unauthorized publication of this ad. vertteemone will not be vitiator.