HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-12-20, Page 5Standard Bank of Canada =S'r.,s.-x,=7-4 sa 1E872 8'ORPL178, Olt 10100108V10 FUND $ 1,000.000 TOTAL ABfiE.',L'5 vv010 10,0oo,000 4 General Belnlzftla Buatsinetetl Tra,anreactecl SAVINGS BANK'" 111(000.04 Bala from ,late of deposit to Weed withdrawal at highest current rates and uompoundett hu#byoarly. .101 00 Deposit ,trrnunls—A SPAGIAT. 00e1VI11vIANOI'1 in 1100 In our Savings De- partment 10 the "Joint Deposit" ae0oaut. ltifuuoy may bo deposited or withdrawn by 0011000 td the two members of the household, Tins eyntout is a great uonvon- iouoe to malty residing in .town, but more particularly so to farmers, as in the latter ease whotbtr num or wife emus t0 town either eau attend t0 the Vaulting. An- other feature 0f the system to that in 0ooe of 4110 death ul either party the mousy eau be wltbdl'awn by the survivor without cost. We will 6011 you mute about our Methods if you will kindly call or write, Married Women and 3110000 Indy make and withdraw deposits without the in- 1.0000111001.1 n - 000001110 00 in any person. SALE NOTES CASHED, COLLECTED or may he left for SAFE KEEPING only fur which no 'barge le made. YOUR BUSINESS will reoetve our careful and outtrteoue attention, G.1?, SOEIOLFLEI.,D, GEN, MANaaun. JEWELRY STORE Lave Opened a Jewelry Store iu tale McKim Building, and my stock is new and Well varied. Special attention paid to Repairing. You will find my prices moderate. a BLA E Komi ti tem Him Tuesday is Christmas day, SEoitETARIEo of 0ooleti60 will oblige by 00ndi0g 112 the lint of newly sleeted of- ficiate. A STRAD drill Ina been procured, by Brussels Oil 00. The machine will• be taken to the nit field aud wont beguu. Toon your neighbors and friends of our hargaiue to newspapers, 'Tom Pon the Weekly Globe till January let, 1908, for $1.85. SATURDAY of this week MoLeoohiin Bros. hold an au0tion Bale of buggies, mutters, implemeh!e, &e, at the Jno. Wynn ,bop, Flora street. They are going out of bueinoee go the ealo will be without reserve.' IT ie growing to be quite the thing to send THE Poem for a year to an absent relative or friend as a (Bahamas preeeut. More have already been sent that way this year, than in any previous year in the history of the paper. Piles get quick relief from Dr. Sboop'e Magic Oiotmeut, Remembec it's made alone for Puee—aud it works with oertelnty and eatiataotioll. Itching, painful, protruding, or blind piles dieap. pear like magic by its um. '1'ry it aud see. Sold by F. R. Smith" Tent "Huron Old Boye" of Toronto, have deaided to open club rooms for the use of the members and their friends who may happen to come to Toronto from the Old County. The rooms are lout. ed at 118 1 2 1£fug street Weet and ace lioing,fitted up. BUSINESS EDUcATIoN.—We direct the attention of our readers to the advertise- ment of the papular Elliott Bmetueee Uollege of Toronto,—a sobool toot ie growiag greater year by year and is well worthy Of patrOutige. Writeto the Prin. uipitl J. W. Elliott for a catalogue of Me school. Winter term opens Jail. 2nd. G. T. R.—The Grand Trunk will ie.. tee single" first ohms fared good going Deo. 24 and 25 and returning until Deo, 26th ; and going Deo. 9100 aud Jou, 10, leturufag until Jan. 2ud. A fare and one•third will be issued good going Deo, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25 also Deo. 28, 29, 90 81 Rud Jan, 1, returning nutil Jan.. 8rd. ALBERT Rivera and family moved from Teeawater to Owen Sound on Wednesday of last week. Mr: Rivera went to. Tees• water twenty one years ago and for the greater part of the time followed bleak emitting, That busiueee be was forced to give up owing to ill health, He hag singe been implement agent, farmer and grocer, Mr. Rtvere was a former Brum testae. TRIS is to oall your attention to the foot that at this Irma of the year, near ly all egbeoriplione to Tem POST expire, and we wish you to renew your sub. e0riptmu at the 'earliest poeelble mo." ' wont, The date cm the address label of your paper lodioatee when your Bab. soription le paid to. If the dote shown i0 past, or only a little way off, you grumps IN JEWELLERY AT STR ETTON'S STORE Call and inspect my goods and atm. pare Prime, Quality and Design in all the latest Novelties. I am better prepared than ever before and Dan convince the ehtewdeele buyer that they oan getthe best value in my line ever offered. Any- titing sold is sold strictly on its'"Quality" or money refunded.., My OPTICAL PARLOR be complete ed and these requiring Gloesee will find that Suction's is the plane to get all the latest methods of proper testing. Cordial invitation to all, StrIEMUCTOZE Sign of the Golden Cloolt,. J. F. ROW LAND, MANAGER. would be doing Tem Poem a good turn t y sending in your renewal at once. Mumma, nominations will be held se late an possible this year, the'laet Monday of the month falling on kite leer day of the month end year, A great deal of in- terest will be taken in the elections this year, as by oheuge of Aot, the Reevee of the various maui0ipalitiea will form the Oonuty Council, Tao Pcoxaud Weekly Globe from nota until the end of 1907 for the sum of $185 la the biggest offer we have been able 0u' [Hake for a long time. The Globe bite been wonderfully improved the past year or two and is to day the beet Canadian Weekly on the menet. When yen have It aid your owe 110018 paper you need no other. 1t "taken at the sneeze etage" Preventiae—a toothsome manly tablet— will enrely and quickly ebeek au up proaolling oold or iegrippe. When you first earth a cold—or feel it coning on— eke Dr. Shoop's Prevention, aud the effect will certainly surprise and please yon, Prevenbioe, will surely supply the proverbial "oonee of prevention." Sold 1n 5 out "tad 25 oeut. boxee by F. 1i. Smith. NEW SHOE P00TORY,—Seaf0rth Newe of last week makes the following referent* to a gentleman who wee a one time a leetdent of Brussels:—On Saturday lust the W. H, Willie ehoefactory was throw! open for 100pect100, and during the day hundreds of people ieepeoted the varioge departments of the new factory. Members of the etuff were kept busy a• day aonductiug the visitors through the building, The maohinery being in uper ation, the wurkman in oharge of eaoh demonstrated the various etag00 of the manufacture of the different linea of ootwear pit out by the Oompaoy. Samploe of completed work . were also on xbibttion and we do feel safe in Baying that they are equal if not superior of any„ ou the market, AN ART GALLERY.—"The Expanei0n of Canada," by A. Blue, Chief ()ensue Officer of the Dominion, is the fitting inaugural article of the Obristreas Per mer', Advents and Home Magazine, a oupy of wbioh has reached us. The 1111Bbratione are particularly striking A. rich effect is produood by the eight colored pages executed in trioolor process. The beat artiste of Canada have °oatrib. cited of their °heloeet works to its pages. G. A. Reid, P. R. 0. A., gime a flue sketch in tbe Hume Magazine Depart. meat of the progreee of Oanadiau art, Iu addition thele are wash drawinge and photo engravings, blaok and white en- graVinge, including Rix whole -page and many half page pioturee. On almost every page 0110 'tomes upon some (raters, wbioh though true as the Gospel, reedit like a romance of Agricultural progress in Oanodn. The arbiolee on the Collie dog, the Milling induetry, the Harvest of the Woods, Rural England, The Sabi taut country, Hatable forme h1 Ontario, Quebec and the Maritime Provinces, nuc the Ontario Agrionitural College, are particularly valuable and entertaining The Ontario Agricultural College article ,e illustrated by on Imposing panoramic view, in oolore of the inetitotion, which etaude 00 deservedly high in the ee0eem of farmere and farmers' sone. Reader, your Ohristliae will not be complete union you eee a oopy of this great holt day 00mber. THE Nene COUNTY COuNOIL. Tbb fol. lowiug table ehowe the,wlnal number of electors in each municipality in the 000011y :— Ashfield 10520 McKillop 770 Bayfield 108 Morrie 791. Blyth ..........218 Seatorth 740 Brneeele 870 Stanley 821 Clinton 866 Stephen 11800 Colborne 881 Tuokorsmith.. 723 Exeter 688 Turnberry ....828 Goderi4h......12000 Ueborue 716 Wawanosh..540 Goderiah Tp.....'778 W.Wawanoell..602 Hay 919 Winghanl 709 Rowlett ........1216 Wroxeter 199 Mellott 871 Howell 282 The Reeves of oaeb of the above Flame, to be elected next January, will nom prise the ()aunty ponnoil, together wpb five deputy name, tobe elected also in the manioip0litiee having a population of 1000 or over, which are merited with a star, f0bie will give the munch 88 mem bene tn`eteud of 16 amttt preeen0, end there ie et:mealy a member of the now expired oouu'eil but betievee the change to be an unwise one. It ie' the old original County Connoil system, except that the number of deputy resveeis leee, While Wroxeter and Bayfield are both inoorporetod villages, ft le doubtful if they mould legally qualify as such, if the not wag strictly, interpreted, as they have not the requisite population, They will have the same voile, however, in County Council matters, as Hay, whist: has five times the population,. Lew len 0 vv R, D. Cameron attended the meet. 10g of the High Sounding Uumtni0tee of the I. O, F. held at Brentford. Wedneeday, Deo. 19002, Peter Cor - 004011 oompleted hie 43of year me Irene- urea of Kinloss townehip. At the last meeting,' of the Council, Mr, 13uit0n, of the firm` of Button and Prevost, pteoouted a request for a leen of 64090 for ten years without interest, the onetime being to erect a new brink maohtne shop, Beery Mallin, . of Lanea, bed the 0uiefortu120 to have a cow fall into a well, I0'ortnnately the water wee within "tiro feet of the top. A, Stein, a neighbor, being the first to notice it, hastily hailed the neighbors and .with their T H E . __ -______ . firrETRo OMAN ). abates gravelling, Matthew,ham82022 pipes, memd$7Mc2innuo li wtImp, gravelling Vl6 tghlrf Et 53.00 ; Paul Powell, refund tsxee, 43.91 ; — Panl Powell, salary and postage, 526.00 ; t John llloegrove, making otatement, 58.00; 1 464. Musgrove, Oom, Con00 0' fees, .00 ; A. Ifelly, Commissioner's bee, NEwspApER 650.00; Jalap Rutherford, Oommiseionar'oouR fees, $50,00 ; D. H, Moffatt, Commieoion- er'o fuse, 560,00 ; R. Mi ll7.lohael, Oomal1- 8eioner'8 fees, 548.00 ; Peter MOLaren, salary aud pootage, 067.00 ; Peter Mit Laron, waking otatement, 67401 John Bua•geeo,salary, 575.00; John Bnrgeoe, p086age, 416.00 ; John Burgeon, rent olhoe, $12,00. Meeting adjourned, eine die. Jowl Boileau), Clerk. UAPITAL—,Nlltorized $6,000,000 CAPLTAL•—Pall np 1,000,000 RESERVE and Surplus Profile 1,138,133 S, J, M000010, President, TH00. 100321011310, Directors 30, 10. THOMPSON 10.0. Vico-President, 1718 notion Trip. w. Mommidnn 01,002, E.0, J00, terms Join 10a110T1n1(i0x W.1). 30080, General Manager THP M10'i'ROPOf,ITAN 13M010 to open to receive the accounts of Farmers, llerolionte eel Nosiness 0010lnuul00'enerally and to give nt 0otel consideration to all proposals atlbwitted to it. 11 relies upon its past mord for oourtooue treatment of 1te Gus - tumors, and will extend every oousiderotlou 0000100000 with sound banking l0 those vino may desire to transmit business with it. waren Dams IlixfaitaMEW? Interest at HIP 13E1T OURRENP RAPES allowed on all sumo of $1 and upwards BRUSSELS BRANO H W. J. FAWCETT, Manager. combined etrengbh the animal was quick. ly removed from Its uncomfortable poei0iou. la o'deriell . Thos, Elliott, 000retary of the Gode. Holt Organ 0o„ ie on the mend after an attaok of typhoid fever, The Sterling Bank intends having the premises on the corner of Hamilton street end the Square fitted op for their Goderiah them right away. Coun. W. F. Clark, who bee been laid up for some time with seiatiia but ie recovering now, melee the ennounoemeut that he will be a oondidatefor the mayor alty, Mise Skimmings, having forwarded to her Majesty Queen Alexandra a copy of her paean, reoeiv011 a kind letter of acknowledgment from her Majesty's aeoretury, Mise Knotlys, Ex•Mayor John Butler slipped on an toy we'll and eeverely injured one of hie imbe. Tho knee top has eiuoe mused nim uoosiderahlu pain and me a oonee quettoe be hue bean compelled to wally with orgtoheo. Many children Sita Get their feet wet, catch told or orampe and give motbere an anxious time. With the first shiver or tweeze rub the little oue'e sheet with Nerviline, gargle the throat, and give ton drops in int .00000 at bed time, Next morning all 1s well. No told, no time lost at eohool. If Poleou'e-Nerviline isn't in your home get it there at onto. Dealers sell it in large 26e bottles. iilvLla. R. B. (Darter, student at the Ontario College of Pharmaoy, Toronto, is vieiti0g at bis home bare. Merle 'Davidson, who formerly oon- dnoted a barber shop in this plane, died at Luoknow on Tueedsy of last week aged 28 years. Wm. Robertson hag had his bake oven remodelled and refitted with Marsh and Co., of Toronto, set of furnace castings, wbioh will be a great saving in fnel. The Board of management of 80.. Andrew's church have appointed Geo. Leith a8 caretaker Of the oburoh, as H, elnQosrrie, who bee beea earetaker for the past forty yearshas resigned,. Jae. MODodde will leave for Toronto in January where he has secured a Mora. Dive position with Gordon, Medley & 00. wholesale dry goods, Torun, Mr. Dodde is well known to the public, being 9 years with MoKiouon & Co. and one year with the new limn Popleetone & Gardiner. Trinity Sunday eohool Xmas enter. taicment will be held in Latency Halt Blyth, on Friday Deo. 2let. A good pro. ,ram omoaieting of carnia, reoltation9, solos and quartettes, the "Shepherdeee Drill" ie beautiful oostumee, also the two dialogue "Box and Cox" and "On Guard" will be given. h7xetea•. J. N. Perkins has purchased the milk bnoineee of William Rivera, Mre. John Satter, who a couple of weeks ago enetaineti a fracture of bee of her ribs by falling on the doorstep, ie getting well. The many friends of N. D. Harden, will be pained to learn that be is eoufiued to his bed from illness. A alight attack of blood poieuoing is the cause, Forrest Oreweo, who is working for W. Statham, wee severely injured on Wed needay of moon, of lust -weeks, While driving by the Manatee House, tie bores run away throwing him out of the bakery rig and remitting in a few bad -lamina and braises. 0. B, Snell rooeivod his new aro dyne• mo and.hae it now in position. It hoe been found that the new machine ie too heavy for the aro lights now in nee and Mr. Snell states that it will be necessary to oeoure other lamps before he oan pet the dyuomo fn operation, IMBEMMeliZEIBILIZEFASIMMEga Ladies' Gold Watohoe and Chains. Gouts' Gold Watches and Chains. 14100. Gold Crescent Brooches and Tie Pins, neat. Pearls, very nice for a gift. Braeelots of all desm'iptiono, duff Buttons, Large stock of Silverware bo choose front --in feet every- thing that is kept i0 nu up- to.c1at0 stook. Gold Spectamies and Eye Gleams, very_ suitable gift for'Tather or Mother. Goods a11dP1'ices Guaraniecil.. Give me'a oall.and see for your. Self. J G JONES JE'4VEL15R, The new bell for the fire hall at the North end of the town, does not evidently come up to requirements. Tha boll, it is c aimed, bee It poor eonnd and oan hardly be beard, eveu by any person inside the building. The Connell will investigate the matter, and it found as claimed it will be returned. G orris. R H. Canon who baa been at the sulphur springs near Detroit hag return- ed home. He Peale ooueiderable better eines his trip to the epringa. The high isolate quarterly sittings were bold at Goderich !mat week. On the jury from thie dietriot were Amus Willis, Geo. Robertson, liobt. MoLaughllu jr. and Lorne Laird. The Methodist S. 8, anniversary will be held on Sunday and Tuesday Dao. 23rd and 25th wbeu Rev. R. J. Garbutt, of Mitabel, a former peter, will preach morning and evening. On Tuesday evening, 26th a grand entertainment will be given in town the hall. Orange Hi IL. 0. L. held their regular meeting on the 7th inst. There wee a good turn out of members. After the reg. nlar bueineee wee finished the Motion of officers were elected :—W. M.—John Montgomery ID. M.—R. Harding ; Chap, W. J. Strong ; R. 3.—G. A. Dane ; F. S. ---R Graham ; Treas.—M. Dane ; D. of 0.—J. Dane ; Leat.—W. H. Dane ; Tylers—A, Cowan, 1). Dane I Committee —A. A. Graham, J" J. Greig, D. L. Weir, G. R. Dane, G. Hubbard. It Ae0mrlly DeelrhyoThe Valise That's why catarrh ie invariably cured by inhaling "Oatarrhuzone." The heal Ing vapor spreads to every part of the breathing 0050110. Germs infecting the tissue of the nose, throat and lenge are killed. Nothing is left to casae inflamm ation. Spoto that are sore are healed. Discharge ie oleared away and oatarrh becomes something of the past. Use "0atarrhozon0" and your recovery is guaranteed. Two eizee,25o and $1.00 at deulere. Clinton. Cooper de 00. have rented Jaokeon'e store for the balanoe of the month, and are running their toy department therein. On Wednesday night of test week, Ino" and Aire. Hardy, of town, celebrated their golden wedding, Fifty years ago they were married in the township of Whitby. The wife of W, H. Watts met with a painful accident. on Sunday of 'ant week. She went out to feed some ohiokens, and stepped on the edge of a wheelbarrow, which tipped, the opposite aide striking her violently on the. bath, breaking a rumple of ribs. Mr. Lough, in his report of the school says :—"There are four or five boyo in sobool who will have to be very eeverely dieoiplined, or ,lee one or two expelled, which le the last resort." The Board hoe given inotro0tione that it they do not improve in their oonduot, theywill be expeller!. Mr. Holmes, druggist, received word of the death Pot his grandfather, Wm. T. Holmes, whish occurred at Edmond, Oklahoma" Deceased formerly lived on tbe 161.13 eon. of Goderiah township, and came into town to go into partnership with Mr. Leslie, in the carriage basinee0. Ae afterwards erected a factory where We•ley church now Mande, and with hie eon, the late W. J. Holmes, as partner, earried on a oarrrage and bent stuff tao tory. About 27 years ago be lett here, first going to Kansas, end later settling in 0ltlahoma. For yaare he has been troubled with rheumatism, and nom pelted to use crotches He was o devout Obriftian worker, and often walked three miles on Sunday, on matches, to preset' a 0000100. ' iC3leeevale. TUR1BERRY Coezots.— Minutes of Council meeting hold Deo. 15th, Mem• berg of Council ail preeent. The Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last meet ing read and adopted on motion of Mean 1'doMiohaei and Rutherford. Oommnuioatione were read from the Inopeetor of Prisons and Asylums re patiente trotn this municipality, filed, also from Ule,lt Cnlroee, re enquiring as to 12th con Mnnieipal drain. Clerk in- otrnoted to reply. The annual statement of the Reeve and Treaenrer was Paid before the oognoil which shows s balance of cash on hand .of 66117 85. Moved by Mr. Moffatt, sec by Mr. Helly that the annual MI 0801800 be adopted and that the Clerk get 100 oopiee printed for dietri• bution alna0get ratopayer0 at Nomina• tion mooting, Carried. Moved by Mr. Rutherford, eco. by Mr. MoNioheal tbot By law No. 15, 1906, be passed for the holding of Nomination meeting on the 810t deyof Deo. in the Foments Hall Bluovale at 1 o'clock p. m. and ebonld a poll be required euoh poll will be open. ed en Monday, January 7th at 9 o'olook a, m. and remain open until 6 p. m, and no longer in the following polling cub. divisions. Namely No.1 school bonne W. T. Plot. Thee, L7etterfleld D. R 0. and Wm. S. Ring. Poll Clerk, N0. 4 in Soott'o school' llonee. Geo. 43. Soots, D, R 0, and R. S. Muir poll Clerk. Carried. ) The following alae were., passed and cheque leaned 1—Do..Agnety, M. 11, O, I fees, 66 00 ; A. Hislop, brushing B. line, 156.00 ; Jos. Breokonridge, demagog, $1.00 J, A. MoLean, timber, $1.92 ; Wm. Holmes, arrears taxes lot 861 W. T. P , 60 09 i R 'Panetone, sneers tame lot 24 eon, 6, $12 26 ; Wm. 1. Oampboll, clean ;176 drain, loth oan„ $8 60' W. nnd W, H.111111010, 0110 par Jno, Baird, $1 87 ; Thos, Vi air, rep, eniverb, 41.00; A;adrevy ,t Cordial invitation to D1ae0011 Title le au apt deoaription of ooneli• patlou, It's an unnatural condition to begin with, and .it's more, because it brings about blood deterioration lntertereo with digestion, rendere you eneoeptlble to ,nfeotioue dieeaseo and ceases anaemia. Not so mut) a purgative as a natural etimulaut to the bowels is what you need, You get it in Dr, Hamilton's Pills wbioh Inoreaue liver activity, restore the bowels to perfeot action and positively caro eon. elipatiou aad its attendant evils, Inafat on having only Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, 2613 per box at all dealers, Brussels Council. The Statutory meeting of Brneeele Connell was held on Saturday evening, the Reeve and Connoillore Jonee, Ballon. tyne and Banker present. Miuubee of last meeting read and pees. ed. Accounts were presented se follow, Robb, Oliver on salary $83 88 Geo. Barkley„ roads 87 R, Leatherdale, burying Mrs. Lind say . 18 00 R. Henderson, eatery 4 00 F. S. Scott, salary &o 88 20 Mrs. Howard, Town Hall 1 25 Wilton & Gilliepie, misoellaneoue 8 14 J. T. Rose atteudanoe at hay scales 16 86 Gerry & Walker, miseellaneone7 89 0. A. Toole, Medioal Health ORuer 10 00 Fletcher Sparing, dog tax off1 00 THE POST, printing 31 00 Moved by A. Baker, emended by J. G. Jaime, that the above 'temente be paid excepting R, Leatherdale & Bon. Oorried. Polling planes for Munioipal election were fixed for R. Thomson's offioe, Connell Chamber, and Geo. Birt', reei• donne, with J. T. Roes, N. F. Gerry and P. Soott for depntiee Nomination on December 31st at 7.80 p. m• and if election ie necessary the .ame be held on Monday Jan. 7113 from 9a.tn. to5p. m. The Co. rate this year for Brneeele ie 6677.80. Connoil then adjourned. To have a beautiful, perfeot, pink, velvetlike lips, apply at bedtime a light sating of Dr. Shoop's Green Stive. Then next morning, notice carefully the effeot. Dry, °ranked, or colorless lips mean feveriehneee, and are ea well i11. appearing. Dr. Shoop's Green Salve e a soft, oreomy, healing ointment, that will quickly correct any skin blemieb or ailment. Get a free trial box at our store and be oonviuoed. Large, Glass jars, 26000. F. R. Smith. Rev. Canon Low died suddenly at Ole 0wa. P. A. Msoolmson has been appointed deputy Judge for Brace eo0nty. Col, A. A. Farley, a well known Cana. dian officer died at London, England. Fire in the wholesale dietriot of Mont• sal did damage amonn0i0g to $400,000, Tett thousand dollars in notes were tolen from F. A. Healey, a Winnipeg reveller, at Fort William, The crew of the wrecked steamer, Goa. le arrived at Sault Ste. Marie, several t the men eniierIng from Croat bite. "Woolly Bear," an Indian, will be anged at Regina on the 21st of Deoem• er for the murder of another Indian. The steamer Themis was wrecked off Scarlet Point, up the coast from Vanoo0. .er. The crew and passengers escaped. The body of Robert Livsey waa found n the Radial Railway near Hamilton, nd tilers are grave enepioions that he was murdered, Owing to the breaking of a valve at be Cataract Power Company's plant t Deoew F a.1lo, Hamilton end St. Oath• rinse were in darkness on Friday eight and mot1 of Saturday night. ear A BLANK Application Form for Membership in the Finest and Best Nuttiness Training School in Canada—Tho CEng BUSINESS COMB it iP.elri >'J' illefccl' ri $ tea of Toronto, from Jan Sind, next, 10, gather with detailed information 01 tie great advantages to be enjoyed, will be Beet free by return mail on request of friend or letter, Write to -day to W, H. Snow, Principal, " Yongo dt Gerrard at0., Toronto. ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL. STEAMERS To Liverpool From Stlobn FromHelilax Ionian Fri, Doo, 21 Sat, Deo, 28 Parisian Fri, Jan. 4 Sat, Jan, 5 Pretorian Fri,;fan,18 Sat, Jan. 18 Tunisian Fol, Jan. 25 Sat, Jail, 20 Dates or 'Passage First Cabin—$55 and upwards, a000r'ding to steamer, Second Cabin—$42.00' and up- wards, Parisian aud Piotorian one chase cabin steamers (second) $40 upwards, :Third Olasa—$24.50 all steamers. Boston to Glasgow 9lail au1{a!1 Friday, rl —.1cold class $85 and upwards; '.bird braes 1oetbu11ud, 510,60; Westbound, $27.50. For further par0ieulara, rates and Moffett apply to W. IS, J0Fltlt, Agent Allan lino, Anemia ANOUOEIVIENTS give you but little idea of the good things that are here for you. It is the people who kuow the store best who know how good a store it 18. It is people who have tested our advertising who respond most promptly to our newspaper assertions If you have never put us to the test you don't know what you are missing, We Want to Tura, Tour ThougI' .ts Prioewalyd 10 pieces only Fine Pare Wool Cash -10 mere in all the newest shades, worth regular 00o, 43colon, Clearing at pieces only Heavy Flannelette in light and dark colo, ' reel yahoo So. Clearing pl'ioe only 2 15 only Drees Lengths, Pure Wool Broadoloth, worth regular 41,00 and 91.20. Clearing �® Price 25 pieces Heavy Flannelette, 28 inches wide, real value 7o Clearing et , 20 pieces Tweed D ase Goode, all good patterns and this Bee- eon's goods which were 40 cheap at 60o. Clearing at., 6 pieces only Fine Saxony Flannel - elle, in White and Pink 1 only, real valve 10o. On sale at 2 —•80 only Ladies' Mantles which we are going to clear out at al- most one-half Regular Prices. —Ladies' Ruffs, Caperines and Pur Coats all on sale at Reduced Prices. FERGLSO & FESS Fruits Dates, Figs, Raisins, Cur- rants, Prunes, Peels and all kinds of Pure Flavor- ing Extracts. All varie- ties of Nuts—fresh. Confectionery Stewart's aud Perrin's Chocolates and Bon Bons. All kinds of Fancy Cakes. Special for Xmas — Cal. Navel Oranges and Lemons Fish Our Grocery Department is full of the best that money can buy and the Prices Right. The home of GOOD CHEESE and lots of it, and 27c Toa. and Oysters on hand. Hot Coffee and Cocoa served in the best style W. A. GREWAR Cr I irlitt 9 ..-,- *-CirHO(Q /NO flimol't!'41' othNrs,soloviowt .ii This problem now confronts you. In attempting to solve it remem- ber we are prepared to render assistance. We can do it by showing you the following goods IN FINE OHINA AND GLASSWARE Cream and Sugar Sets Oups and Saucers Water Sets Salad Dishes Berry Sets Oake Plates Jardineres Oocoa Sets, etc. We have also a nice display of Silk and Li'oen Halidkerchiefs, Ties, . etc •, to suit all ages, as well as a good supply ofToys. PR'ESW' GROCERIES AT RIGH" PRICES During the Holiday Season we will `give 6 pounds of any of our regular 216o Tea for 1.00. 1 g � MacDonald r o A� V Alii 1rST 0 W LV