HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-12-20, Page 4ebm�r,m,m."
Cr.. I to vogah for their pest history and eau
ff mr ls,� o Auax. give aeatneao8 of the proper object of
their visit, People in 8 riding who de.
THURSDAY, DEO. 20, 1006. i Dire purity in the election affairs bane a
{ right to Dee that the Wintery do nothing
TUE Pon wintiea all its readers a l that will bring the bleat to their cheek
Murry (Metal/ma and hopes that the or put them in for making apcleeles
where the olronmina mea look n(eplotogs
it pushing worse,
glad Beeson of the year will bring mock
joy end happrneoa to them,
MIXT eoeeion of the Proviuoial Legle-
latete will likely witoeee some lively
skirmishes over Met 888010n'e Soboot
Law, The oppoeitiod will not neoeeeari
ly come from the Opposition as some
real hot exceptions and objeotiono are
within Premier Whitney's own Damp,
TURN are lively ttmee In France and
Italy jnet now over the separation of
Oharoh and State and great anxiety
manifested by those anxious for a peaoe-
fut solution of the problem. It is hoped
that the eooleeiaetioe will favor the
government measure and thereby avert
the strife so easily possible in a gieetion
of thle kind.
Tore has been a mode trying mouth or
two on belated vessels on the great lakes
and the loss of life and terrible suffering
endured are harrowing ohaptere in rest
life. There should be more stringent
legislation forbidding the nailing of
veseele after the rigors of a Northerly
Winter have set ha. It is:nothing short of
attitude! to make some of the ventured
Savant, yoaug men from nue looality
are aontemplotiag going to the Outario
Agrioultnral College at Guelph, after
New Years, to take the short oouree of
study on the program. It is a good idea
and should be embraced by eoorse ee the
results cannot fait to prove benettoial.
All information on this line will be
supplied by eendiog a poet card to Prof.
Oreelman, Superintendent, at Guelph.
JAPAN, the Flower Eiugdom, while
wonderfully sncoeeefal in her reoeut
ware, is not disposed to rest on her
laurels but is evidently ot the opinion
thatio,time of peace they ehonld prepare
for war. This tae been exemplified in
the large inorsaeu to their navy whereby
they now stand on par with the Mined
States. The Jape are not baok nnmbere
by auy means and are ever on the aiert
tor the moat modern.
THE partieanetip exhibited In some of
the so called inveetigatioee concerning
government officials are little less than a
laughing snook to unbiassed lookers on.
A great deal more manly course would
be to say right ant "We want your job so
you had better skidoo." That Brantford
enquiry olearly shows that there are
more blind people in that locality thae
else eanciente. No fellow is so blind ae
the one who refuses to Dee. The country
ehonld demand a etaying of (melees and
sinful expenditure in these baselece
chargee to say nothing about the barge
sing of respectable and honorable people
whose only sin is their inability to do the
impossible, viz, to please people who ate
determined not to be pledged.
IN the ease of Dr. Crichton, of ' Castle•
ton, Ont., whose name was stricken off
the roll by the Medioal Commit, for what
they term noprofeoeional eonduet, the
opinion of Chancellor Boyd and Justices
Magee and Mabee ie that his name mast
he replaced, It looks quite a bit as if the
Council in their apparently arbitrary
deoieion may have their powers reduced
so that a repetition of a similar case will
not be possible. In the trend of the
times many a position that wae 000eider•
ed aridly according to Medical etiquette
hue disappeared and the epeolal privilegee
accorded are Blipping away from old
fashioned mooriage. It may not be the
worst thing that could happen either in
thiedemooratio age.
Those is a ueetre ou the part of the
leading lines of railway to push erten
eione and thereby gain business, The
benefit to the municipalities, in addition
t0 increased accommodation, ie the
oompetitioo in rates, both passenger
and freight. The old bonne hunting
days are pain. It looks a trifle ae if the.
lntrodaotion of e 2 Gent a mile passenger
rate might be inaugurated, While we
would not dare to eodoree all the planks
• in the platform of W. F. McLean, M.
P., editor of the Toronto World, we are
diepoeed to believe that his head ie level
on the railway tioket business, This ie
eomethhlg that would materially help
thobmnde of people end in due coarse
would work out all tight for the railway!
as well. Other M. P.'s 'should speak
their mind freely on this matter and do
something tor then salary.
nut orookedoeee ul eleottona and the
maOipnlating of ballots' bee wised not a
few to think that the old fee bdoned angle
of 'open voting might be returned to with
good reeul18. Neither political partial do
thomeelvea °redia if they attempt to
condone political raenatity and we hope
she propelled elation law Will be of eaah
et ohareoter that ell who alma their
privileges will he taught Watery 188808.
Theee'a room for a big elevation in the
political Dude of a good manly aonekdtuen•
eta and one Way to bring it about is by
every elector doolandtug that all oateiders
be extended Irene elation campaigns,
itnl01e somebody in good Wending da able
The NOW Rei Aireeling Than tomes
lulu Force February let 1007.
Aa the data for the annual meeting of
Agriooitarel and Horttonitaral Sooietiee
are near at band, our readers will doubt
less be intereeted in learning something
ot the taws that will govern the prooedure
of these organizations.
The new taws come into force on Feb
rnary 1st 1907, but the next annual
meetings of these organizations will he
held ou the dates fixed ander the old Aot,
viz: Hortioultnral and towoehipe
eootetiee on Jan. 9th, end district etude
11080n Jan. 13th, -and the usual two
weeke' notice must he given 1n Moe
Oewepapere together with bills posted io
axon of common resort.
In future eocbetiee will no longer be
known as "dtatriot" and "tOtvnehip,'-
bat every society in the province will be
plaited on the same basis in regard to the
present reeeipt of ire Government grant,
and will receive snob grant in proportion
to its expenditure for agricultural par
poses during the past three years, a,.
shown by their sworn aenaat statement
to the Department of Agrioaltoral par
poen" id gives in the Aot.
Sooietiee will be known by the name
and place where they held their last
annual exhibition unless they prefer some
other : thee the new name must be de
termined by the members thereof anti
approved by the Minister of Agriculture.
Udder the new taw it will not be per
miscible for hortionitural suaiotise to
offer prizes for competition at exhibitions
held under the anepioee of agr,onhura
acoietiee. These loot named orgaoiza
,loos, however may nee their own funds
for the offering of prizes for horticulture.
Hereafter no prizes oan be offered for
grade male stook.
Spring stallion and cattle thews shall
recelve a epeoial grant equal to one•hal'
be sum expended, but snob sum ellal
nob exceed 950. Where Beed faire are
held the maximum grant shall be 928,
Sooieties investing in horses, cattle
.keep or swine, for the improvement of
.took, will rename a grant ranging from
$50 downward, for each regietered male
enamel is these olaeeee.
N.t eooiety shall be entitled to receive a
sraot exceeding 9800.
Under the new Aot restrictions le
regard to the oondaoting of games of
(Manua have been made more stringent.
The annual meetings to be bead it
January of district, township and her -
Mauna' societies, which for the last
iia will be oovened auger the old Aot,
will be the most important ones io the
history of these organizatione. Ali who
are intereeted in making of primal im
portents the eclatational featnree of theee
+ooieties, and in improving the goatity
and quantity of the prodaote of the farm,
eotory and garden,ehoutd attend therm
meetings on January 9th and 10t1).
Oopies of the new Aot governing
Agricultural Sooietiee may be had on
epplioation to Lookie Wiinort, Super
'iteudent of Agricultural and Hort
cultural Sooietiee, Parliament Buildings,
VV in_ ham.
Scottish corners on Taeedav evening,
January 8th.
P. Fisher, Wingham'e respected Poet -
master, has been seriously Ili with inflam•
(nation of the bowels. Fa many days
aoneiderable anxiety was felt as to bie
recovery. The crisis is paeaed, and we
ere pleased to bear that there are pros.
pacts of his early recovery.
John 0, Smith, B. A.. honor graduate
'n Glenne, of Queen's University, and a
departmental epeotalist iu Olaeeioe of the
Normal College, tae been engaged as
Oleseioal Master of the Wingham High
School, and will aeeume hie position at
the beginning of the New year.
Orae. Bnrg•so, for a Ioug time an em.
ployee of the Union faotory pegged away
on Tuesday of last week, enooumbing to
an illness from consumption, The fin
eral took pplane on Thursday iron- the
home of S- Piper, Frances etreet. Hie
mother, three airfare and one brother
W. J. and Mrs. Currie, of East Wawa
nosh, have the sympathy of many friends
in the lose of their neeond daughter, Mies
Katie L. Currie in her 9th year. The
ehild bad a boll and blood poieoning set
in. Site had ooly been ill from Friday
eveniog and paeaed away on Sunday
The funeral took place to Wingham
cemetery in Tenthly y 0
d atteeuoon f last
W. H. Bele, formerly of Wingharo, re -
Untied home from the West on Monday
of last week and le on hie way to spend
the Chriebmae holidays with his eietere
in Ohio, Se reports Ehe West brisk, and
has been in the employ of Mackenzie dt
Matt, the great railway builders. This
firm baa recently purchased the line from
Regina to Prince Albert, and will make
it part of their Trane continental system.
Mre. Bele will perhaps spend the Winter
in Winnipeg.
At the laet reenter meeting of Wing.
ham L. O. L. 794, the following dilate
were elected :—W. M., A, H. Musgrove ;
D. M., D, M. Gordon ; Chap., Jeeee But.
ton ; Reo. Soo., Jos, Gneet; Fin, Sed.,
S. A. Maguire ; Treas., D. Bell ; D. of
O,, L. A. Ball ; Lete,, Jso. MoNevin 1
Committee men, T. Hall, A. Damage,
Jno. lEerr, Wm. Moore, A Young, Audi
tore, J. B. Fannon Bed W. J. Greer,
A committee was appointed to see about
having July 12th celebrated here next
The daily Globe of Monday of last
ween had the following news item.—
"Oscar W. Rinker, et traveller for at soak
firm, wee taken into onetody on Saturday
by eteotivee Wallace and Mackie on the
obarge of etealrng $87 from Thos. J.
McLean, of Wingham, who was in the
any a few days ago. Rinker returned
NMOLeen'e *atoll and $5 after the alleged
robbery. The pollee were following up
the male yeeterday, se It le alleged he
panned acme amen at Hamilton and
Brantford, Rinker le thirty eight years
eld and hue been living al a Front street I
The followingle et judgmept given in
Flatly 010 one at (Meade Bell, Toront'
J(dggle(t (.D ,fi, B,) on appeal by de
feodeut, from judgment of junior judge of
Canty Dart of Huron in en Roldan in
that 000rt ie favor of plaiptiff for 9153
demagee. Elizabeth Plenty, the plaintiff
a young girl Irving do Whtngham, wae kt
jured by a collision between a buggy, in
wbioh the was driving, end en onm,bne,
driven by one, Jamas Mullen, and owued
by defendant, Alexander Orr, the keeper
of the Brunewlok Hotel iu Wingbam,
who brought the anion to recover dam•
ages for her iejorlee, alleging that Miall-
. n was a servant of defendant and thet
he collision was due to bis negligence.
Mallen paid defendant for board of the
horses and keep of the vehicle, 70 Dente a
day ; he engaged to drive gaeete of de.
feudaut to and from the railway station
free of charge 1 and he carried other
paesengere and their luggage and the
luggage of defendant's gnats for hire,
and kept the money so earned. Defend.
intoontended that Mullen was not hie
servant nor under hie control, but wee a
bailee of the onmlbae and horses. Held,
Clete 1„ dieeentinb, ibat the proper in.
fereuoe hot the hose to evidence was
that the relationship between defendant
sad the driver Mullen was not that of
master and servaot, but that of bailor
end bailee, and that inference the Ooart
le boond to draw. Appeal allowed with
costs and action diemiseed with wets.
Dudley Holmes for defendant, R, Van-
etone for plaintiff,
Li 51to'w el.
For the pooitiou of Reeve of this town
there are two aspiragbe in the field,
namely, J. A. Baking, who has been
00e of Ilse County Oounsillors for this
dietriot, under the former eyetem of elect -
Lion, and A, St. Geo. Hawkins, who has
been a member of the Town Domicil
for the past two years and chairman of
the Board of Works for the present year.
At the regular meeting of L. 0, L , No.
870, the following brethren were elected
rind inetalled offieere for ensuing year: --
A. F,ereh, W. M.; J. Ziokann, D. 111. ;
A Hermiston, Reaordiug Seo. ; Geo.
Maines, Financial deo. ; A. Weather.
head, Treas. ; Dr. 0. Burger, Chaplain ;
D. N. Wetaon, Director of Oeremouies ;
R. Tenant, Lecturer, J. H. Gunther, J.
P. Water, H, E. Jermyn, W. R. Jex and
W. R. Hamilton, Oommittee men.
A meeting of the Poblio Sobool Board
was held to appoint a teacher to fill the
vacancy oaeeed by the resignation of
Mies Mckenzie, who has taken a school
near Shakespeare at a salary of $900.
Noor appliaatione were in. The Board
appointed Miss Erie T. Hawkins to one
of the lower roome, to be arraugsd by
Principal Macdonald and a summattee of
be Board, who were appointed to alit in
•onjanolion with the Pt inoipal in placing
teachers in reepeotive rooms, and also to
oring in a report ae to grading of salaries.
A. H. Hewkine, D. L. S., baa returned
'o town after epeuding the past Sommer
n Southern Alberta, where he was tee-
naged in surveying for the Dominion
Government His field extended from
he fourth to the fifth meridian, in the
.tcioity of the international boundary,
beginning about 100 miles Smith .1
Medicine Hat. The country is priuoipal•
y gtazrng land South of Lethbridge, how•
ver, becoming rapidly settled by tarot -
o,=a,:1a4tnmxausvtllC�;:r+.n SJ^..n,:1 u+�c+mn•_.•.•—_.. ^.•...,.. •.,^.•.., ,•• yruaA.udu,ww+wwstin w.iaw'+,vw•-•+wnnxefirry
ere and txoelleet Winter wheat le grown. a X11' hSg
Additional railway Mathieu ere badly testy A yy No. r268 ? r aVata'a astMS
needed, and the advent of the Hill liege le
hopefully looked for. tib' THE r.x_
Notice to Creditors
In the Surrogate Court of the County Of
Huron, in the matter of the estate of
George Steam, late of the Village of
Brussels, in the County of Huron,
harness maker, deceased,
Notice is horebv giv0i , pursuant t0 Bevis.
tel Statutes of Outseln, 1897 !'hop 129, ,o d
amended Acts, that all creditors au! others
having any chyme neatest the erten, of the
said George Steams, who died on or
shout the IOtb ,'ay o1 A, ceul"er,1o00, are re-
quired ou 0r before the Met day of Jane.
ary, 1907, to send by poet, pre oaid, er deliver
to A, B. Mae,tonald, of the Village of Brea.
sele, Solioltor for Allred 0, bael or, Admin.
Militia. of said estate, their Christian and
sureamee and ad,irsaee with full partmiler.
in writing of (heir alarms. the ate teme,.b nr
their ..counts and the estate u( the eemur-
ltias (ti aul) hell by them.
Anti nolfoe be further given that after the
said lust mentioned date the quirt Admiulr-
crater will proee, d to distr'rb.be the mutate
of the d, 01 ared am,wg0tbh o parties entitle('
thereto, having regard Duly to the claims of
we Dui h 1 Adrtni,,ietrator have
not be liable for
the'aeeet. , of aey part Unman to any 18,•80'
or poreoue of whose .,aims notlee shall nut
have beau received by him at the time or
•utile distribution,
Dated at ltruseela thio 1811 day of Dseem-
ber, A. 5,1000.
24-9 Solicitor for Administrator,
A meethte for nominating a none and
four oounaillor- for the NI uufeinality of the
Township of MoKrllop for the year 1907, wit
be held at Calder's Ba'. 1,AViutltrop, ou Dee.
81st, 1000, ail o'clock p m., and In the even
of n' ore pere018 being nomh•ated than are
required eleotioue w111 he held at -the fol-
lowing pinoee and by the following named
persons, viz. :—Polling Div. No 1, at Wm.
Belly's house. Lot 10.000.5, G 10. Pollan
Deg, lteturuieg OBteer; Pulling DlV,No. 2,
at Jae. Unrrauee'e house. Lot 26, Con. 5, Jae
Dorrause, Dep.Beturt.lug Officer ; Polling
Div. No 8, at Jae. Martin's bonne, Lot 11
Oen 11, Jab. Davidson, Dep Returning 0111.
cer; Polling Div. No.4 at Chris. Whrte'e
house, Lot 92,0 on. 10, Obrie White, Deputy
Returning Officer. Al, elliRD101,
20 9 Clerk.
Winter Term ,
(Affiliated with Clinton Business
This le the most modern, thorough
and successful ieetnutlos of its kind
in Ontario. Exaelleut staff of teaeh-
ere; nnexoelled equipment ; large
attendance; actual bnalueeq •ebish
During November we bad 20 times
as many calls from leading cone• rya
fur Bookkeepers, Stenographers
and Telegraphers as we bud gradu-
ates to Neon.
Enter any time.
Individual instruction
Our hau,lsowe Christmas Datta•
femme eeut free on app liaatruu,
�j GEO. SPOTTON, Principal
\\ • \\
For those who are lo Ikiug forward to Christmas
Eve, This is the season above all others that you wish to
buy something for somebody What to purchase is the
question and our present object is to assist you in coming
to a decision We are thoroughly prepared to supply you
with useful, sensible and acceptable gilts for your friends
The Ladies
Blush or Colored kid Gloves.
Fancy Collars.
Silk and Hid Bette.
Silk Ties, Lace Tin,
Dainty Lawn, Linen or Silk Hdkfs,
Pretty Baolt and Side Combe.
Fur Scarfs, Muffs and ('aperiuee.
Fine Lineu Table Cloths with Nap-
kins to match—iu eats,
Special Silk Umbrellas with Silver
and Gold Muffles.
Beautiful Ties.
Linen Initial Handkerchiefs.
Plain Linen and Hem Stitched
Wool or Fur -lined Gloves.
Fine Silk Umbrellas with Gold
ckc„ sttc.
For Little Girls
Pretty Handkerchiefs.
Gloves, Mitre.
Beads, Ribbons, Matins.
Shoes or Slippers.
For Boys
Ties, Oollare,
Braces, Mitts,
Handkerehiefa, Mufflers,
Suits or Overcoats.
We have a choice selection of the above and also many
other lines and with prices for all so reasonable you will
go away well pleased with your purchases and he Hire to
come helot again.
We hope to see you many tittles before and also after
Christmas, 1906, and assuring you that we appreciate your
patronage, remain
Faithfully Yours,
TAW11$ 'li d of U'x y
1 13y -Law to Prohibit the Sale
of Liquor in the Township
of Grey, in the County of
The `Municipal Council of the Towi-
ship of Grey hereby inmate as follows
1,—That the sale by retail of spirit-
nous,fermented• or other manufactured
liquors ie and shall be prohibited in every
tavern, inn or other plea of public enter -
',Moment in the Fuld Municipality, and
the aide thereof, except by wholesale, is
, ,,d shrill be prohibited in every -hop or
place in the anid Munioipaliby other thou
a house of public entertainment.
2.—That the v to .d the electors of the
said Township of Grey will be taken ou
tate By-law by the Deputy Returning
Officers hereinafter named on MONDAY,
One Thousand Niue Hundred and Sev u,
commencing at nine dolodk in the fore-
noou and cortivaing until five o'otook iu
the afternoon of the same day, ab the
undermentioned places ; that is to sty ;—
Polling stub -Division No. 1 a• School
Bona, S, S. No. 4, John McEwau, D.
Lt. 0.
Polling Sub -Division No. 2 at School
[louse, S. S. No. 1, William Work, D.
0. 0.
Polling Sub -Division No. Bat School
!louse, S. S. No. 2, Oliver Turnbull,
D. R. 0.
Polling Sub -Division No. 4 at School
House S. S. No. 9, Neil, McNair, D. R.
Polling Sub•Divisien No. 5, ab Town -
'hip Hall, Ethel, Oonrad Bernath, D. 11.
Poiliug Sob-Divi*ion No. 6 at Sahnol
(louse. S. S. No. 5, Amos Smith D. R.
P rug Sub -Division No. 7 at Forest-
ers' 1Iall, Oraub,00k, Allan Camera,, D.
R. 0.
8,—That on Saturday, the Twenty
Ninth clay of Deaembe A. D. 1900, at
she Clerk'- 011fre do the village of Ethel,
iu the said Township of Grey, at the
hoer of ten o'clock in the fore(' mu, the
Reeve of the said Township of Grey,
shall appoint in writing, signed by him-
self, two persons to attend at the final
simmiog op of the votes by the Clerk.
and one person to attend at each polling
place on behalf of the persons intereeted
iu and desirous of promoting the passing
,f this By-law, and a like number ou
behalf of the persons interested in and
desirous of opposing the passing of this
4.—That the Clerk of the said Muni-
cipal Council of the said 'Township of
Reay shall attend at the esid Clerk's
Office. in the Village of Ethel at the
hour of two o'clock in the afternoon of
Tuesday. the Eighth day of January,
A. D., 1907, to gum up the number of
votes given for and against this By
5—This By-law shall Dome into opera-
tion, and be of full force and effect ou and
after the first day of May next, after the
final pausing thereof.
Dated at the Oonnofl Chamber in the
Township of Grey, this day
of 190
[L. 5] Reeve,
Take notices that the above is a true
onpy of a proposed By-law which has
been taken into ooneideretion by the
ibinnicipal Council of the Township of
Grey and which Will be finally passed by
the said Oonnoil in the event of the
assent of abe eleotore being obnadned
bilet'eto, as provided by the Lignor
License Aotafter one month from the
publication thereof in Tns Balsams
PORT newspaper, the date of wbioh
publication was Thursday, the Thirteenth
day of December, A. D., 1900, and at the
hour, day and pinoee therein fixed for
tilting the votes of the electors, the polls
will be hotel,
[L. S,] JoHN Maureen, Clerk.
Judicial vale of Property
Situate in the Tnwnehip of Grey, in the
OOpn'y of Huron at one time oc-
cupied by Donald MaNiohol, pursu-
ant to the final order for sale mnde
in the motion of The MDTDAL Lira
DONALD MoNlona, et al,
Thar. will he offered tar mala with the ap-
paohntinn tit the Tical Mast'^r 0t nerlii, at
the Amorlean Hotel in the Village of Brue-
n. 1e et eleven n'eleolt in tbn foreneon,nn
RA TII211 tY, TAF 72v11 OAY 010 WIPER -
1311111,1906 :—All and file 8ulnr t11'oe oortaiu
pm'oele or treat' of land and pram sea situ.
ate, lyine and being in the Township of
Grey, ib the Comity . f Enrrn, and P'ovinee
or fis•tnrio, eontalnine together one hundred
harry beinganmposwt n : Flratl,. the West
Half of 7,0 No.20 in the 41,11 Ooneeeefon M
too gall Towteb(> tit Gray a.taining 00
acres more or lees, end Secondly, the North
Hallo( Let No 25 in the Otto Oeeseesiou of
the said Tnwnehip, eon tat nim g Memo more
or less nu the West Half of Lot No 26
there is n good bank barn with atone stab.
ling 40x00 'eat, nine 'Wooden bona() le fah'
condition, good well, fairly well fenced; on
ilia part there 10 about 90 mores fit for mini.
vation, the balaeee is pertly cleared but
rough On the North Halt of Lot No,95.
there are nn buildings ' abnub 05 SOMOB are
lit for cultivation and the balance is partly
cleared - is ie 'sixty well fenced The Prot..
erty in sl'nata fn a anon terming dfatrlet and
is about 9 ill a from Brus-ale and 8 miles
from 1011101, whore there are good markets'
school within 19 miles 'Pim soil fe n light
slay loam, Saab pared will first bo offered
for sale separately and thsu both pafe015
will be offered for gale together boob par.
eel will be offered ter sale suldeot to ere
9088rd bid and alsothe whole property in
the ennui way. The reserved bide beve been
fixed by 11r0 said Master The purdhaeer or
mutineers thrill poly ern per omit of the
pu"•haae money at the time of the sale to
the Vendors or their Solirltore aid the hal.
untie thnrpef shall be paid at the expiration
of illlety days from the data of stub sale,
together with interest thereon at the rate
01 five lest emit per aminnl.
The Veneers win only bo required to fur.
bleb a ftegistrar'0 abatraat oftitleand to
produce Duch Ikeda 01 ooplon thereat Or
ovitioube tit titin as aro in their poeeeesion,
In alt other reepeots the tdrmo end condi,
tion• of MI6 Will be theetauding conditions
of the nigh Court of Jbttioe, 'Further par.
18081010 may 1,e lead by alrply109 to MILLAn
At Nims, Veudern' Solieltnrs, Barin,, Out„
er 10.10 'g, k00T11',du0ttoneer,Brnoeele, 0r
J. J.A.WI510,
2109 - ;.Deal Vanier ,at nettle.
T4 frt is ',-'+'
p� if Y ou
Want a Suit
t:4 t;1 look right; to. right, n feel right to BE right, it's
F – I
ilnpprntive that you hove it made by a tailor
0 r
hi4 —for YOU.
If'�'t a,A1
U3 TS)
MEN. . . NEVEB '1`00 BUSY TO S110W YOU
If ,you mould like to rick a suit from a really
now, Itylisil pilo of materials come Merit.
That's au invitation.
We will give your all the style there is going,
all the neat dresbiness that distinguishes THE
i "Do Dot forget the Special Price Salo for
two tteeke. Call in and see what we
are offering.
Genuine Rubber Trim-
mings are the correct thing
now and with us you wilt
find a choice assortment, also
Solid Nickle and Niekle on
composition, all of which are
a good trimming.
In. Team Harness wenhave also something good to show
You will now need some new Blankets
'dee our great Value.
We are eels for
Agents in Bros. Galt Saskatchewan Robes
the best Robe made. We also have the Goat Robes and Black
Cow Robes at lowest prices.
Repairs in Harness and Collars promptly done.
Agents for Columbian Stook Foods, Poultry Foorlle,.&e.
- m Y a
Winter i
t s
arid every person
in want of'—" of--=spnt,e,---
Cutters or
Light or Heavy, .can be supplied by us. Our
stock is large and First-class, Light Bob.
sleighs with or without Platforms and Sleighs
with two-inch runners. In the lime of Cut-
ters we have just what you want
Call Early acid Got Your Choice
Prices and !fermis to snit the Purchaser
D. EMT N dr;' °0.
Brussels carriage lune ort'.