HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-12-13, Page 8LUNEASY1
y jolly seller man ; " violin selection by
xe:era s Mr, Fox with an Intermezzo ae hie re.
oall were performed capitally. He
took time in the former to atop long
enough to allow tome talkative auditor
to fin/eh a disagreeable stage wide.
por ho was carrying on. "Hae anybody
seen my br ther Obelrly" brought dawn
the bongo as the anxiety and auooneoll
able grief of Fax was depleted over the
great lose; "A lot 01 little pigs" was not
nearly eo gad ae encore, "My Rio folk"
wee presented by Mr. MoDonald with
taking effect and was seconded by "The
miner's dream," (by request) with equal
pleasure to the andieuoe, George Fux
gave "The last rose of Summer" ae a
sturdy reoall to hie last uumber, "A
Medlar's Diledlay" showed Mr. Fax's ao.
gaaintanoee with familiar mire and il•
luatrated the troablee outliers are euro to
tall into, The National Autbem, sung
in thorough British style, brought the
beet Douoer& the Tennis Olab tae given to
a oloee, Mies Jean MoLeuohlin bad
°o einioure as n000mpanlet presiding at
the piano for 28 or 80 cambers with little
breathing melte. In epite of it all ebe
did ber dilfroult part in goad style and
;ave another evideooe ae to why she
stands in ea muob favor at outside pointe.
The Tennis Olab ie to he congratulated
on the moat oatiefactory outcome to Ellie
annual pleaeurable evening afforded the
Ebony Brushes
Dressing Cases
Boxes of Stationery
New Books
Boys' Books
Fountain Pens
Fancy China
Burnt Leather Goods
Bibles and Hymn Books
Work Baskets
Boquet Holders
New Games
Gold Plated Ware
Christmas Cards
Calendars and Booklets
Padded Poets
Jewel Cam
Dolls' Carriages
Toys and Blocks
Picture Books
The above are only a few of the many epeoial Christmas lines we carry. The
list may be suggestive. We have now our new Souvenir Christmas Post Cards.
You get the beet choice at first.
ax�� n.etvs stents
A 0hie1'0 amang ye takir' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Tag sleighing has been good.
SoeooL Board Friday evening.
STATOToso Ooanoil meeting Saturday
of this week.
Woon, both dry and green, is being
hauled to town.
Tax Connell eboald stir up the 0. P.
ft, in reference to the proposed Eleotrioal
railway to Seafortb,
Rene. THOMSON begs leave to notify the
public that he has stopped buying
poultry ae the export Beason is oow over.
Two oars of heading were shipped by
P. Amens during the past week one going
to Stratford and the other to Kincardine.
Tax emotion gale last Saturday after
noon of grade thoro' bred brought here
from the West by J. B. MaLemohliu,
went off quite setiefaotory, fair prioea
befog realized,
6 % will be added to all unpaid taxes
on the Collector's Roll in Brussels after
Friday 14th inst. Don't kiok if you
have to pay it after the notification you
have received.
Preto Toanea.—Fred. A. Lewis, piano
tnuer for Mason, Boob Piano Oo., will
be here in a week or so and will be ready
to attend to all orders left at the farni•
tore store of WALESA & Beams.
A POWER generator hoe been added to
the Central Telephone Office here which
will be a great relief to Mies Bertha
Sharpe, the operator. The power comes
from W. F. Stewart's flour mill.
PHILIP Aerxwr Bold hie fast trotting
mare, "Carrie A.," to Mr. Andrews, a
well known Montreal horse dealer, at a
good long pride. She was bred from
Costumer and tan do her mile ander 2.30.
SATURDAY of next week McLai nhlin
Bros. hold an emotion Bale of baggies,
matters, implements, &o, at the Jno,
Wynn ehop, Flora etreet. They are
going out of business eo the sale will be
without reserve.
Mess J. J. ALLAN, optician, of Elora,
will be at the Amerioan Hotel, Braeeel,,
on Friday, Dee. 14th. A thorough ex.
amination given end glasses preeoribed,
only when required. The beet of refer.
emcee and *ammoniate.
Two or more open air striding rinks
are being arranged for, one near Victoria
Park and the other by the Qoeeu'e Hotel
stables. This week the skaters have been
taking advantage of ice an the mill darn
and having a very good time.
Fres.—We are Garry to hear that
Milton MaGnire, photographer, suffered
by fire, along with several others last
week at Oampbeblford bat will resume i
operations however we are pleased to
hear. He is a eon of A. and Mrs. Mo- I
Guire, Brunelle.m bl
ford & Son are now ulmely settled in theirIN THEIR NEW PREMISEG—E. 0. Dan. r
new premises, Grahaock. The enure
was enlarged by an addition of 20 feet
and ie now 22x80. The former counters
have been removed and tables substituted
new shelving arranged purposely for i
clothing, babe, gents furniohinge. A new I t
arrangement has been iotroduoth
ed in e t
show windows ; eleotria fights planed in I t
°meters in the store and a tidy bemusesw
tfflce fitted up. The work room whiob 11
ie well lighted, is at the rear of the store.
Manes. Danford, who are well known
busi°ese men do a large trade end are
better prepared than ever to wait on the
publio. e
Tax Fortnightly Assembly of the 12
O'olook Club se nailed off for Friday n
evening of this week owiug to the many
taboo) entertainments in the country and
the preaentation of the "Bonny Briar
Bash" in Wingham. 28th coat. will be
the date of the next Assembly,
N. S. MoLe0oaLre has accepted a pool.
lion astravelling salesman with the
National Mannfaoturing 00., of Pam.
Croke, and will oummenoe work next
week. His territory will oompaee a good
tbare of Huron (Jo. travelling with a
double horse outfit, We wish him
moms in his new field,
'PRIME are 83 Rural Sabool Boards
in the Ioepeotorote of Eaeb Huron.
The minimum eateries fixed by Act
et Parliament for the Prinoipale of these
toboole are ea follows; 24 boards
mast, pay n salary of $50000; 40 a
salary of $450; 16 a salary of $400 ;
end 3 a salary of $350. The average
minimum salary is $451.20. There will
On be 5 assistant teachers, The mini•
mum salary for an aseiotant is 6800.
Of otaree the average for these will be
$300. Some school boards will pay more
than the minimum [Werke.
Tan etore windows are assuming a
Santa Clone appearatos.
READ what the weather prophets say
on page 3 about December.
Loom, and dietriot news may also be
read ou other pages of this 10000.
GEORGE BROWN purobased a fanoy
roadster .3010 from Muldoon & Galbraith
It should make a dandy driver.
Don't mise seeing the "Bold Bank
Robbery" reprodnaed in lite motion
p mares. Town 13a I, Brussels, There.
may, Deo. 20th.
Tau Liberal Conservatives of Ess
Huron will bold their ounnal meeting
in Brussels, ou Thursday, Deo, 27 h
for the election of afarera and trawleobion
of other buotceee.
SOME kicking is being done over the
removal of a portion of the temporary
foot bridge to the asenmption that a wain
dangerous on account of rte toy condition
The water is eo low a few elo,fee have
been planed where the timbers were
taken away to carry the pedeetriao.
over. What ie wanted there ie a per
moment ebruotnre p Road above high
water mark eo as to be out of reach of
A Warentto Marion —John Goveniook,
of Ellerolie, Alberta, 6 mi es from En
mouton, a former resident of Grey town
ship, is reoewiug old aaqueiutaueee in
this locality. It ie 20 years since be wan•
here so notes, many champs.Mr Govan
look is a level headed man with the
powers of observation largely developed
and ie well able to demonstrate the ad-
vantages of Alberta without the braege-
dooia sometimes evidenced by the entbus-
iaetio Weeteroer. He has a half section
of land and eve the orope this year were
the beet on reoord. Wheat ran about 30
bashed' to the Gore and mete 70 bath. is
There is plenty of coal within 2r mites, 8
or 4 oars per day are being ebipped
Lump coal sells at $3 per ton a,.d net
that at 50o at the mime. Mr. Goveulook
has a neatly arranged specimen of Fal'
and Spring wheat, oats and barley. He
is a member of the Oanadian Mounted
Rifles, made up of 225 etnrdy yeomanry
iu the Edmonton District. They drill
for 2 weeke each year sod are nuder the
direotioo of the Government who supply
rifles, ammunition, saddle, &o. Edmon-
ton and Strathoona ace forging ahead
and promise to beoome a great centre.
Trams CoxcawT.—The annual concert
under the auspices 01 the Tennis Cinb
wart held on Friday evening when a
large and most appreoiative audience
assembled. No pahabad been spared,
as in other years, in the securing of the
best talent and although all bad been
heard in Brunets before, this very fact
sooenEnated the Interest ae everybody
knew the entertainment would be one of
high merit. It was late before the open•
ng number was called owing to the
ardfnese of a good portion of the
audience in aeeembling. The hour
annoanoed should be o-oeely adhered to
and those who oome very late asked to
emaio in waiting nntil the item on the
program was completed. The Ohairman
was the Hon. President of the Club, Joo.
Leokie, upon whose lawn the eeaaten's
amee are played. In a few well chosen
entenoee he gave a hearty welcome to
he people and spoke words of appreoia•
ion oonoerning the talent secured for
be occasion. Iotrodao ory pfaao solo
ae played by Mrs. (Dr.) Holmes with
er customary ability and Mated the
,arty applause 10 deserved. It was a
ood humored eudienoe that filled the
sate and one bent on exhibiting their
references so edoores were numerous
nd aerially responded to with a obeerlal•
see that was pleasing. There wee not
poor number on the program and the
renditioo was a oompliment to the well
known ability of the artiste. "The
mighty deep" wee H. Raibven MODon
eld'e initial gong, sang with an ease,
grace and soul characteristic, of him that
always wine favor. His e0oore was en-
titled "Philo.ophy," Next oame George
Fox, the violin genine. He may be a
trifle cranky sometimes but he wields the
bow with a master hand and one never
tires . of hie wonderful productions,
"Souvenir de Hayden" eiioted as a retell
"Believe me if a 1 those endearing
Cberms." Jamee Fax, who hoe appeared
on a Brunets stage many a time, and
always welcome, was never in better
fettle and hie Sootob thistle both in song
and ooetume was extra good. Of coarse
he was vo0iferoaely encored and gave
"The boarding house." Mr. McDonald
gave "What the obimney gang" in a
manner never to be forgotten, and show.
ed good tont in ohooeing "You'd better
ask me," for hie e000are which proved
him capable of presenting the bumorons
ae well as theeentimental. "Legends" by
Mr. Fox was well rendered followed
by a Mazurka when ibe audience made a
demand for more. James Fax's "Hooli-
gan'' Fancy dress Ball" gave him a good
opportunity of working off a lot of fon
and at the same time display a sample of
the dreeomaker'e and milliner's art in
the outfit, "Luoky Jim" kept up the
tide of fan. "Three for Jock" and "Day
and night" by 14ir. MoDonald concluded
the fleet part of the program in A 1 style,
Part II was not 3 whit behind but rather
crew in interest and quality and was as
folletwe :—Serenade, Goo. Fox, encore the
ser new "Annie Laurie," whfoh be playa
maggnifl0e0tly ; "Only a laboring man"
y Jae, Fax had mach of good sound
hangs. For encore he gave a abort skit
on "Deet hunting;" Mr, McDonald eang
"King of the Hlveo" and on encore "Yon
Movnat Plaxcniie.—A. high Mass mov.
ing picture mud song program will be
given in the Town Hall, Bruseele,
Thursday eaening, Doo. 20th. The
Hardet0n Tribute says of thio enter.
talnment :—"One of the beet moving pia•
tare shows thee bave ever visited Hoe.
riston exhibited here leer Tuesday,
and wee greeted with a large audience.
The /meter Brown thanes were capital
Rud created mach merriment. The
mating piotnres of the big San Fratioieho
fire were good, The greatest laugh of
the evening Was the "Deeming of a Aare.
bit Fiend," One of the mob enjoyable
parte of the program was the illueteated
image gang by Mabel Bernfeoe Spear°,
The cloak Rot was very pretty with its
illuminated effects."
noetic. The financial prooeedo were
$126 whish will leave a few dollars in
rhe treasury. Lorne Dautord, Stewart
Soott, R na d Sinolair and R. J. Mo.
Laaohrin were the geutlema,tly athero and
made a good lob of gettiug the people
properly seated. Not a few oomplimente
were paid the Tame °fhoiery at,d Tax
POST for the elegant program need on
Friday evening. A telegram of regret°
.ver a late train and oongratalatione
to the Olub was read by the chairman
from A. E Mellish, manager of the
Metropolitan Bank, Guelph, a former
Bene -elite and a most entbosiastio
racquet wielder. The offiaere of the Olub
are Hon. PresiJeot, J. Leckie ; Preeideot
Dr. R. P. Felld ; Secretary, J. W. Oral.
tie ; Teeaeater, R. G. Norman ; and
Captain Jae. Fox.
SAD OCOnnRENOE —The death of our
iownemon, George Stem°, has oast a
gloom over this oommooity and evoked
widespread sympaehy for the bereaved
family. The real cense of hie death is
somewhat mysterious. He appeared to
ee in hie weal health until a few weeks
ago when it was noticed by hie family
.hat be was somewhat melancholy and
more quiet than usual and be also tom•
plained of severe headaohe at times.
Loot Monday m' rniug he rose about 5 30
•nd soon after left the house, but since
e was on the habit of going to his place
of baerneea now and then before tekiug
hie breakfast, o" account of urgent work
or getting mail off on the early train,
hie family did not ea•peot anything
eerione bat exploded he would return at
he urinal time. This was not the Daae
however and on Tneeday morning hie
body was found in the Maitland river
.everai rode Weet of the footbridge oroee
ing. The opinion of those whu know him
that his death was due either to
ooaident or temporary insanity, Mr.
Stemn was born at Elmira, Ont., on
Jan. 9th 1863, and died on Monday Deo.
10th 1906, aged 43 years 11 months. He
woo but a lad of 7 or 8 years of ago when
hie father died in 0oneegh0000 of which
he wee brought op in the home of Ohm'
Kook, North Eaethope, Perth Ote,
uu whtoh neighborhood ha resided
until he went to learn the trade of
harness making with John Diohert at
Sebringville, Ont.. Atter he had served
hie epprentiehip he worked at different
Mame cunt about 18 years ago he bought
a harness business at Sebrtngville
where he continued until January last
when he sold out and purohaoed bneiaeee
of the same hind at Brunetti, from Jno.
Donaldson. December 22nd, 1887, he
wag married to Mice Bethune Otto, of
Sebringville, who eurvivee him. This
union WWI bleeoad with two ohildr u, e
eon and a daughter, and was psaoeabb-
and happy, Deceased wee an effe'tiou•
ate and kind husband sad father, queer
and unaesumiug in hie ways ; a highly
respected citizen, and loved by everybody
who learned to know him, A funeral
service was oouduoted at the home Wed
ueeday afternoon by Rev. E. G. Pewee
the pastor of the deceased, and Tharfney
by the early train the remoius wer
takeu to Bebringvilie for i°termeut, the
burial taking plane that after°uoe
Among relatives who were here win-
Meeare. Otto and Stemn and Rev. Mr
Business Locals.
FANCY oollare and ties for %mart. Goon
assortment at MuLareu's.
BAw fare wanted. Prima guare0teuu.
MORAY & Sinew.
Now shirts, ties and cullers for Fends.
men, G. N. MaLtoxN.
GOOD oow for Bale, will salve iu Aprt..
Apply 10 WALTER WILBER, Brothels.
Mat's and boyo' Butts. B,g assort.
melte. G. N. MCLAREN.
THE wonder working washing machine,
See it, try it, buy it. McKee & Snow,
DON'T fail to see oar new oven omits.
Sp 010. at $10 00. G. N. MoLARRN,
SEATS.—Wheel skates are dull sou art
not true take ,hem to MoGregor he wit:
renew. Yours T. MoGREoon, Brenda.
Breeden in Millinery. Everything
eold regerdtete of out to clear out tine
eeaeon's stook. ONII and ate uo. MISSES
FANCY slippere make useful %ma•
presence. We have them for Indica.,
gentlemen and ohildreu.
WANTED.—Freah roll butter, 26e.
Freab eggs, 25o. Dry pieked poultry,.
dried apples, feathers, raw fere, &o.
GED. E. KING, W Ingham.
FOSTER—MOTAGGART.—At the home of
Mr. Kerr, Lumedou, ou Nov. 13111,
by Rev. Mr. Pattereoa, Mr. J. N
Foster to blies Sadie MoTaggart,
daughter of Mr. D. MoTaggart, of
Grey township.
BARELEY.—In Belgrave, on Deo. 7th,
Daniel Barkley, in his 79th year.
BARROwe.—In Walton, on Deo. 18th,
Sarah Bentley, re,iot of the late S
J. Barrows, in her 72nd year. Fun
eras on Saturday at 130, earvioe a-
1 p. m. Interment in Brame].
STxaIN.—In Bruseele, on Monday, Deo
ember 10th, 1906, George Sterne,
aged 43 years and 11 menthe, -
For those who are looking forward to Christmas
Eve, This is the season above all others that you wish to
buy something for somebody. What to purchase is the
question and our present object is to assist you in coming
to a decision. We are thoroughly prepared to supply you
with useful, sensible and acceptable gilts for your friends
The Ladies
Blank or Colored Kid Gloves.
Fancy Collars.
Silk and Kid Belts.
Silk Ties, Lace Ties.
Dainty Lawn, Linen or Silk Hdltfs.
Pretty Back and Side Combs.
Fur Scarfs, Muffs and ('aperinoo,
Fine Linen Table Clothe with Nap-
kiue to match—in settee
Special Silk Umbrellas with Silver
and Gold Handles.
Beautiful Ties.
Linen Initial Handkerchiefs.
Plain Linen and Hem Stitched
Wool or Fur -lined Gloves.
Ping Silk Umbrellae with Gold
&o., &c.
For Little Girls
Pretty Handkerchiefs,
Gloves, Mitts.
Beads, Ribbons, Muslin,,
Shoos or Slippers,
For Boys
Tics, Dollars.
Braces, Mitts.
Handkerchiefs, Mufflers.
Suits or Overcoats.
We have a choice selection of the above and also marry
other lines and with prices for all so reasonable you will
go away well pleased with your purchases and be sure to
come b ick again.
We hope to see you many times before and also afier
Christmas, 1906, and assuring you that we appreciate ,your
patronage, remain
Faithfully Yours,
MARTIN —At Gravenhorot, on Nov. 27111,
James Watt, eldest eon of James M.
and Mkt. Martin, of Clinton, aged 21
years, 1 month and 12 days,
BIDm,-In Wellaoe, on Sunday, December
2nd, Thomas Reid, aged 71 yeare, 9
menthe and 11 daye.
.A.VC¢xo7..7' S.A,1.743.
FRIDAY, DEO. 28th.—Farm stook, im.
plemente, &o. North half lot 21, con. 7
Norrie. Sale oureeerved al 1 p, m,
Evans Bros. proprietors. Thee. Brown,
SATURDAY Deo. 22ND,—Buggies, out.
'era, agricultural implements, &o.,
Wynn's old mind, Brunel . Sale an.
reserved at 2 p. m. MoLaaohli° Brea,
Propte. F, S. Soots, Ano,
THURSDAY, DEO. 27TH.—Farm stook,
implements, etc., South half Lot 15,
Owl. 4, Morrie., Sale at 1 p. m. Jane
Miller and F. S. Boot , Oommittee for
he aerate of Thine. Miller,
TacnsnAY, Doe 202a.—Farm stook,
mplemuuta, &a. part Loo 84, Con. 14,
k1uBd,op,(4 miles Ween of Walton.)
Sale anreeerved at 1 O'olook, Geo. 0.
Barrowo, Prop. F. S. Scott Auo.
Hxo VS 8£i,e Ja¢AR$m:E:m
Pall Wheat 68
Bar ey 42
Pete 73
Date 38
Butter, robe and rolls20
Eggs per dozen 20
Hay per ton 8 00
Flour, per bbl 4 60
,loge, Live 6 00
Wont 24
Potatoes per nue 46
Apploe (per bbl.) 1 00
Salt, per bbl., retail 1 00
9 00
6 20
6 00
ui dordene-, wl l keep for service on
nt 24, 0ca 7, Grey, a pure bred lierkebire
5810. AHOY, Proprietor,
23.9m Ethel.
'-Nnyrax —'rhe undersigned will keep
' earvioe m, Lot 17, come 0, Grev, tl a Short
Horn Null,"Rlybh Otrte bred from import.
ed etre Rud Ove in:ported oe"oeee to lam.
Ho is ,e choice animal. Ter,, a• 81 60 for
rode cowe with privilege of returning it
000, s. Dry. Also have a thoro'-bred nark.
-b ire Boar with registered pedigree. Terme
81 00 to be I•ahll at time of service with
privilege of returning if ,eoes+try.
90.4 ROBT, laoDONALD, Proprietor.
A meeting for nominating a Reeve and
Dur Councillor- for toe uufclpallre of ills
I owne111p of alegill p for the year 1907, tett
ire held at Calder's Ha 1, Wfutbrop ou Dee.
1st, 1000, at 1 o'eloot p m , and in the event
.t a ore pereot0 being nnmi,-afod than are
, citified eteetioos will be 0eld at the fol-
. wing places nod by the following named
:•er.oue, viz.: Polling Div. No. 1, at Wm,
Nei Ore house Lot 10, (Ion 5, t3 H. Pollan,,
Dep, Returning Oaioer; Polling Dtv.No. 2,
7.1 Jae. Dorrauce'e house, Lot 26, Ikon. 6, .Tae.
i)orrauoo. Cop, Returning OOleer ; Polling
Div, No 9, at Jas. Martin's bou.0, Lot 11
Don 11, Jae Duvideon, Dep Returning OIR.
cur; Polling Div No 4 at Chris, White's
coxa, Lot 26,Oon.10, Chris White, Deputy
Retarding °Moor. al 1107001)110,
23 2 Clerk.
4 .tall yOou 10, fihay r bale, Amply et Lots
No noes ion for anyone to wear a
shabby Overcoat with such hand-
some, stylish garments ae we're
Belling at extremely low prices,
This store seta the pace for Brussels
that are worth half as much ing rim,
15 dozen Men's Extra Heavy Fleec-
ed ehirto •nd Drawers, all sizes in
stook, worth regular 50u. . c) (,
These go on sale at t) e7
5 dozen Boye' Fleeced Shirts and
Dr were, sizes 20, 22, 24, `l
26 and 28, all et cue price, •
6 dozen Boys' Fleeced Shirts and
Drawers, gzee 30, 32 and , 9
34, Olearin at e3
ierLpf ur� Xints
IXoliday Buyers
The following list will help you
What woman would not be pleased to
receive a stylish new Hand Bag?
If he doesn't shave himself make it
an object for him to do so by buying
him a good ontfib.
A large variety and in every desir-
able combination.
You will want to give Perfumes no
matter what else you give. Our
stock is very complete.
Something very nice in Tobacco
Jars, Pipes, &o,
Au extremely fine assortment—"The
Doctor,"'•Dmrcao Polite," "Tho Sil-
ver Maple" and something very fine
iu the Poets,
Many items in this line matte splen-
did Oldish/las tokens. Stationery in
special buten beautifully d000rated.
Let the little folks the the Toys bo -
fore the final rush begiue. We have
a foe assortment.
You can always give thie with oar-
taiuty that it will bo prized, You
will find some attractive pieces here.
This line ix becoming more popular
each year. Hondeome Military, Hair
and Cloth Brushes and Mirrors, Man-
icure Setts, Cuff and Collar Combin-
eo very popular at present. Wo hove
an entirely new stock, See our
oomiu line.
Our assortment in title line was never
better. We have some handsome
copies of The Book of Praise and
Methodist Hymns.
We cannot however give you an ade-
gtlate idea of the extent or beauty of our
line until you come to the store so conte
along and see whet we have. You will
be made welcome at
Fox's Druz Store
Brusse's Daylight Store ' G. N. McLaren
'rlril'e,'Iletllaali Ilr'u, II , a ,l ' E l l l i 1,
, II 114 L Ir 11,'h14llV,ryi Ili Ili 11,4e't, tl b11d9,11 ,,Ibx1 9b'I I i I ,Ill Ie I ,1 4�'I 'I 9 14 14 1111 11 ,I r, , , 1 n , rl ' (}(`)r)
I 1 1 4 II a a t Ir 1 r , , a t Ir III'ill I,I t Ir 4, I, Ui Ili Ili II'Ia�la'II,'ll„t,ll,nl,'9,'le'I,a4lll,'Ili II,III,'In'tl'ill'k14 `
The continued fine weather of this Fall has naturally made us feel uneasy for we
find our stocks particularly heavy in all sorts of Winter Goods.
These Must be Reduced
and we are going to put the Prices Right Down to the Lowest Notch
just now when you need the Goods
You May. Come - Zero Expecting Bargains in :
Ladies' Far Coats
Ladies' •F16r'Rufs and Muffs
Jl(en's and Bnys' Ovelcou.ts .Men's aid Boys' Suits
Ladies' and Girls' % weed Coats and Skirts
Dress Goods and 7 r'iniIn.in6s
Ladies' and Children's.I3eavy ffmiery
.,ill Sorts of W in t. r Underclothing
Men's and goys' raps
Wool and Cotton Blaniiets and Sheelins
.Men's .Mitts and Gloves
?op • hints— Wool and Cotton
Ladies' /'eadyru•de Waists and Underskirts
Boots, Shoes, 1•tubbers and Overshoes for Ladies, .Men, Boys
and Children.
Highest Prices for Produce
Yours for
nl Benefit.
Goods Right or your Money back
cLaren to
American rHo>1ge