The Brussels Post, 1906-12-13, Page 6ii
Winter' Term Opens Jan, 2
Here are 80me of the Recent ltoaorde
made by the
ITOut of the Jot 250 nulls from beeineao
arms we have Ailed PINT I1±N of the
�y positions We bad its Otte Mee ready pp
1u You'. W v llavn aloe nue 84 culla al
/y for nuelue06 nolluge teachers, let ex•
yi studeuta of other buslune0 Oolingoe or
t,u Shorthand 60±100±8 were eur0lled here it during the lust two years. We believe al
we have the beet Oommorotal School W
6 iu Cuoada. We thorough,y Battery our If
students, Write to -day for 00talogo0. d➢
W. J. ELLID'1% Principal. rt
Scl,�—,. 'U 'i tis; 4et10
Successor to 1)r. J. A. MoNauglitou
Arsenate, Ontr.rlo
Graduate of rolyolluio Poet Graduate
School of Medicine and 6urgery, NOW York.
Member of College of Phyeiuiaus and Sur-
geons of Cuterio.
011lce and reeldenoe same as formerly oe•
cupiod by Dr. eloliauglaton,
Misuses of wouleu a epeoialty.
'Phone No. 2t.
,[`/U H. MoCRACaEN-
9 1 • Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Of.
nee at Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels.
Once to the Yost Office, Rihe'. 80.4
.1J ,le prepared to give 1oe0088 on Piano
or Reed Urgau. Terme on applioation•
Poetutn°e address—Brueeels. Boeiuonoe—
Lot 8,Uon. 10, Grey, Peelle may have their
lessens at their own homes it preferred.
Pupils prepared for the Toronto
Conservatory of Music.
Agent Howick Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
(Mee and Boeideuce—
• 188R, will Bell for better prices, to
better men, in lees time end lees charges
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or
be won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at this MMt00 or bl
personal application.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme renewable. Sales arranged for
at the o1Bee Of 'IRE P08T, Brussels, 2211
• Honor ., radua.o 01 the Ontario Vol•
°rinery College, is prepared to treat all die
eaten Of dOmeatlaated auimale 111 a oOmpot
eat manner. Particular attention paid w
Veterinary Douttetry and ALM Never. Calle
promptly attended to. Ulnae andlntlrmary
—Tour doors North of bridge, Turnberry et.
• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc.
Successor to G. F. Blair. 011loo over 814u.
nerd Bank, Rru00ele. Bolloi for for Aletro-
politan Beak.
• Barrister, 80110110 r, Conveyanoor,
Notary Public, &o, 011foo-8 tewart'a Blom.
1 door Norm of Ueutral Hotel.
8011oitor for the Standard Bank.
W. PRoonro0T, H. C. R, 0. Hese
Offices—Those iotwerly occupied by Meeers
Uamerou & Holt,
DR. R. P. FEiL.D,
Graduate of the Royal Oollege of Dental
Burgeons of Ontario and Flre/.019.80 Honor
4va,luate of Toronto University. Offioo
DOZE to Brower's Photograph Gallery,
* 51:: {til
''Q�i �t�`raI f `
�j Winter Term Opens Jan. 2 �b
Ve This boho,l 1s r000gnisod to be one
of rho leading Uominaroini behool0 1,n
t America. Our meditates aro in do- 13
mend 40 Buame,e College leaohoro,
11 The Moet rootlet appitoatlon we re-
calved for a teao11or oitem 1 81400.00 yy��
q per 02160) Wo believe Oo we 080lyO and i� Mug one of the most progressive and
np•to•date bee intim trate tug 00110010 hi
�JIthe Province.). 'rho demandtut u upon p.
( p
d v , gt
for oRla help ie eb oral llwu9 tiro sap
'i ply, Write for free &atalogue, 11
,t ELLLO1'1 & maiAOHL9 N, J9
Yrinalpals, r'
ti1i�,A:`if.�it.�l8iu-•bi".ti rt;,""-i��f
a_ and setsrgenal' acatbe r ion a 4V Ili bit
,��t� Ware general and marked on end topall•
Ing the'li)th nod 20th, but threatening to
. storming conditlone, on land and sea will
I have opened a• Jewelry
Story in the McKim
Bnild'ing, auti my stock
is new and well varied.
Special attention paid
to Repairing.
You will find my prices
We all revere the mother land,
From which onr fothere oome ;
Yet OOuada ie more to 00,
And we'll assert our oleim,
The orimeon rills from hearts akin,
Oloee shall run together,
And Loyal anthems more proolaim—
Thie, our .oast, forever.
Here's to bright Canadian boys,—
The girle we love forever,
While o'er the Maple L of shall riug
Oar mingling glee together.
We'll no'er be ruled against oar will,
Bat etrive•for what is right,
And to uplift oar native land,
We'll work with all our might ;
We'll chow we're masters of ourselves,
And walk in temperate ways,
For all eauessee soon Moline
To oat off happy days.
Here's to bright Canadian boye,—
The girls we love forever,
While o'er the Map e Leaf shall ring,
Our mingling glee together.
We'll scale the walla of narrow °reeds,
Whish have what's right ontr0n
And Suet exchange all isms for
The brotherhood of man :—
And make the beet of life and home,
So when we oome to die.
We'll stand a ohenoe for what le beet
Somewhere beyond the sky.
While earthly steps approaoh to huh,
The sounds of glee together,
Oar emblem leaf ehall wave or fall,
O'er kindred graves forever. ,.
J. Stumm
A regular etorm period is in progress
as we enter Deoember, ie central on lb.
4th. The moon is in apogee on the le
and at greatest declination North 00 the
3rd. The period will culminate in rain.
turning to snow, from the tat to the 3rd
While rains are in progress to the South
and East, by the 2nd rmtno will tarn to
snow to Western and Northern sections
followed oloaely by a high barometer an..
high, oold winds from the Northwest
Thie acid wave will spread southward
and Eastward, reaohiug moat parte of
the country from about the Ord to the
6th. Make your arrangements for
etorme, with more 0r leso rain—the rel•
taroiog to meow iu all Northern, centra
and part Sootheru 6eotio00, by Deoembe
lit to the 3rd. Figaro On the rain no,
00aw givtog plaoe to high barometer atm
driving oold winde and freezing from
Wont the 3rd to the 7th and you will
llod that you have not figured far out of
the way,
A reaotionary storm period ie oentrel
on the 8th, 96h and 101h. The moon to
at last quarter ou the 10th, This period
is also at the beginning of the December
ooletioe period and oo iuofdeut with the
withal maelctic Dud electrical crime that
falai from the 8111 to the 15th of Deoem
ber. Look for falling barometer, risme
temperature, growing olondineee nun
decided Winter stemma, reaching a Onl
miaalioo, with possibly Winter Iightnlne
end thunder about the 10th. About the
10th to 15th of Deoember the South pole
of the earth ie presented in ire ema1(001
angle to the equator of the eon, hence tie
prime mune of many phenomena at able
time. Our little planer takes on e
MAXIMUM of positive maguetiem Bud
810 0 10 10 11y at we pole, and this in tor,
ndaae8 a 0381003 CO of uega Iva torose
he opposite hemiophe,e. Heooe the
811, to about the 15th of D. oember—the
llth being the oentral day—la 00 a rale e.
period in which magnetic peronrbatione,
electrical earth currents, auroral lights,
-ieem1a shakes and etorme, are more
regnant, genera' end severe.
A regular storm period cover* the 12th
o the 1811,, having its oen,re on the 18th.
At bhie time the moon is in oo0juuoture
With earth mud ewe, or new 1 tt is in
perigee, or nearest the earth, en the same
day, and at greatest South deolinetieo on
be 16th. In all reason tine will prove
one of the moat settee storm periods for
December. By the 18±11 a general ohang,•
to warmer, with low end threatening
barometer, will be moving Eastward w
Western notions. The temperature will
marmite and the barometer OD6an0e to
fall aa these conditions progress East
ward. Cloadinese will inoreaee and by
the 14th to 15th general rain and -•wind
,torme will develop over all central to
Southern section., On the North and
WING extremes of these storm rewires,
blizzardoue storms of sleet and snow,
with high ga,ee, will Bet iu by the 15±1,.
As these storms move Eaotward towards
the Atlantic), high and d,tugerons North
easterly gain will form the Easterly
6angeots of the low barometric area, ROO
rash inland from the open Atlantic.
Thie in a time when travel and shipping
on and along the A►lautio will be in
danger. Resolve that you will watob the
report° from ooete and mid•oaean about
tine t' i until i t
tine. Wait u t l be a ed bellied i e
laden Dud wave•beaten ships come gin
from the open eea, before you make up
your verdict. Be prepared for severe
Winter atom and weather, and for a
fierce gold wave throughout the country
generally daring and immediately fol•
lowing this period. The oold will spread
far in the South from about the lOth to
the 191h.
A reaotionary etorm I
o m er od ie onntr l
y a
,.d the 19th, 20th and 2190, A° We its
et the center of the Deoember, or Winter
'oietfoe period, and also at the
of a meronry period, it will bo safe to
stint 0n a period of prolonged 0iormy
continue over the 21e1 atld 22nd into the
storm period ,following.
A regular etorm period Is tumbrel on
Ohrietmae day. This period ie also near
the center of the Mercury period. On
the 27th. the earth pewee between the
ria"t planet, Jupiter and tbe Sun.
This ie en important Not to remember,
In all estimating on storm and weather
ler at least ten days before and after the
27th. This opposition of Jupiter will be
felt in rapid and intense variations in
barometric preeeare, • It will help to
bring on and intensify abnormally in
magnetic and eleotrkool potentialitiee,
not on y in our atmosphere, but through
the interior of the solid globe. Het to
seismic and volcanic notion are liable to
remob a general meximum. From about
the 240, to 27,1, look ler the lowest fall
of the barometer in Deoember. Violent
rein and sem storms will gather rapidly
io Western parte, and move Eastern
with wldouilig areae and inor0OeiOg
energy. This is a period in which many
ports of the country will be visited by
seetraotive sleet. Figure on snob a
visitation at your hnnee, (tutees you live
in the breath of the Southern gulf,
Thie to also a period in which a furlong
b izzerd ie opt to sweep out of the North•
west end through the central parts of the
ouuntry, Canada and the New England
States wil come In for a "lion's ebare" of
these general, mid•Winter perturbations.
'1'he oold wave following thio period will
end the Mercury to one of Be lowest
readings donne this month, or poeeibly
for the whole Winter.
A reaotionary etorm period le central
on the 80th and 81x1. The moon is full
on the same day the planet Uranus is in
conjunction with the earth and sun.
The opposition of Jupiter being on the
27th, or only two days from the eon.
lunation of Uranus and the full moon,
n the 30'h, bring. Jupiter, earth, moon,
an and Urinous all on a line at that time,
Added to ail of thew, the moat keep in
mind the foot that we hove entered fully
unto the combined egoluoaw of the great
planets, Jopiter and Smarm, As the
,ear goes Ont more storms of sleet and
now will be passing aaroee the
,•gantry, with the probabilities good for
great soonmalatfons of snow and foe,
'rum previous etorme 0od gold in most
parte of tine country.
Smoot, REr/WT.—Following is the re•
poet. of 8. 8 No. 9, Grey, for the month
.1 November, the marke being based on
.several proficiency and regularity in at
•errdapoe :—Olaee IV—A. Speiran, 685 ;
F MoNoogo', 532 ; P. Harrison, 481 ;
\I, Bray, 409 ; A MvSav, 536 ; A. Mann,
294 ; F. Tarr, 257 ; W. Hislop, 211 i M,
• 'imam/nee 118 Sr. III—G. Schnook,
717 ; D, 'Parr, 448 ; J. Mann, 429. Jr,
f I1—B Manan. 437 ; H. Noble, 421 ;
R. '4rQoarrie, 330 ; L. Harrison, 321 1
L. Bpeiran, 321 ; B. MoNaaght, 313 ;
E Smith, 198 ; 0. Hood, 198 ; 0. Brown,
183 ; H. Livingetoue, 121 ; F. Hodeee, 74
Man II—elf Livingstone, 895 ; N.
g alumph, 358 ; L. Mo1ay, 323 ; G.
Bnelline, 273 ; G. Crawford, 209. Pt.
II—J. McKay, 82 ; C. Bray, 82 1 J.
vfaohan. 73 ; E. MoKay, 71 ; S. Mo•
Querrie 71 ; L Hislop, 44 ; W. Smith,
40 L. N ilea 89 ; M. Smith, 32 ; W.
1'loNeuebt, 29 ; M, Onmminge, 24. Sr:
I—P. Pride, 20 ; A. Tarr, 19 ; M. Hodges,
19 ; R MoQoarrie, 18 1 M. Brown, I8 ;
G Crawford, 15, Jr. I—H. Meehan, 19;
F Machan, 8 ; H. MoNeaeht, 6 ; W.
Neable, 4 ; 8 Snelling, 2 ; V. Schnook,
1 Avereee attendance for the mouth,
43. ALBERTA MoNAUo,T, Teaober.
Craw brook.
There is talk of a new oharoh in tbe
CRANRROOR S0000r. RBPOBT,—The fol.
nwhlg fe Oraubrook Scholl Report for
N ,vember, namee are, in order of
merit. These papile in the third
and fourth Wanes took honors
(an average of 75% or over) V.
R nl'
r m E HunterLoo
e V.B. Mo.
Quarrie, M. Sperling, L Dark, L. Spare.
•ne, J. Baker, J. Meoziee, B. Alderson,
L McDonald. Sr. Fourth.— Victor
gnarling, Emma Hunter, Mary Mo
Nohol, Garold Smalldon, David Perris,
Alex Dark. Jr. IV,—Viola Long,
Beatrice MoQaarrie, Muriel Sparling,
Lillian Dark, Leila Sperling, Julia Baker,
.1e99le Menzies, Russel Aldereon. Br,
III.—Bessie A dereoo, Lula McDonald,
Arthu• Fox, Orma Steies. Jr. I1I.—
Ltecta Fox, Nettie Reymann, Christian
Feather, Willie Baker, George Bmalldoe.
Sr II —Russel Kuight, Loay Alderoon,
'immie Cameron, Meggie McNabb, Addie
efparling, Hazel McDonald, May Hunter,
Lola Stein. Jr. IL -Evelyn MoNiohol,
Gunton Cameron, Edward Smalldou.
Part II —Fred Fleober, Elgin Porter,
Sr. I.—Gordon Height, Earl Reymann,
()bailie Dining, Elsie Sparling, Arnold
Fischer, Thelma Smalidon, Oaoar Gor•
ea i1z. Jr. I.—Maggie Perrie, Robbie
Fox, Alvin Bunter, Lily Raddatz.
Primary.— Milly Anderson, Madeline
Baker, BarbaraFiooher, Wilfrid Owner.
on. L. A. MteEss, Teaober.
A number of good oalverte have been
pat in, cement tile dieplaoing bhe old
wooden etrootares.
Tun Pon and Weekly Globe to the end
f 1907 for the small cam of 61.35 in
advouoe. Now le your obaoo°.
Many an &ore of land to Morrie has
been turned over by the plow this Fall,
This will greatly facilitate work next
Well Mr. correspondent, I am no writer
In any paper and never took the pride in
offending any one through any paper
nut when a young mag takes the joke
that a little eohool boy gm about getting
hie faceaioted for bi e
tin eft and then
'mown two of the pretty giria of the 4111
ine for the item he moat be guilty of
daubing his pretty (toe with paint.
Bottom RgrotoT.—Tho following is the
report of S. 8. No. 18 Buwick and Grey
for the month ofov mbu
N a r mea
N& of
mile who missed exama aro marked
with an eetert0k t. V elaoe,—°N. Ball.
Br. IV•—U. McKee, 71. Jr.
MoTavleh, 70, Sr. II1 —A. Armstrong,
69 ; 0. Robertson, 02 ; *J. Ball. Jr. III.
—0. Goninger, 78 ; A. Robertson, 72.
8r. IL-10. MoKercher, 78 ; P. King, 78 ;
*T. MoKerober. Nemec in order of
merit. Jr, It,—A. (Helot), J. D. Mo.
Pavfeh, B. Roberteon, W. Grainger, W.
laoklin. 8r, Pt. II,—S. Molise, 0. King.
Ir, Pt, I —R. McDonald, L. Bielop.
Sr Pt. I.-0. Grainger, W. Armstrong.
Jr. Pt, I,—V, McDonald, L Armstrong,
IoAN CAIB.1N,, 'Nadler,
a'td'i'd INlvr�s$1r5zt ret ?• •)! ttsl:;ls'.. 4:fe ...1.' '.r1
A Touching Story as Told in a Letts!'
to The Toronto Globo.
To the Fdltor of Tho Globe : Sir, -1
ask for space in your columna to quote
front a leiter received at this oliiee
For obvious reaauns I do not give the
name. The leltet' reacts :--"1 have a
sad 011.00 to present to yon, Twelve
years ago 0 mother died, leaving six
small children, the eldest eight years
old and the youngest an infant. My
mother took the eldest and kept her
until my another's death. Then the
young girl went clerking on small
wages. Last year site contracted a
gold of which she has never been free,
and she has been unable to work since
last January. She is just nineteen
years old. Kindly tell me how to
proceed to get her into the Muskoka
Free Hospital for Consumptives."
The sad part of it is this letter is only
one of many—alike pathetic and ap-
peltling—that are being received daily
by the writer,
Fifty-five patients are in residence
in the Muskoka Free Hospital to -day.
Seven hundred and thirty-eight bare
been cared fol' singe the hospital Was
opened in April, 1002,
In place of fifty we could care for
one hundred if the needed money for
maintenance was at the disposal of the
Perhaps some of your readers have
seers the following earnest statement
in Dr. Lawrence F. Flick's valuable
book, "Consumption, a Preventable
and Curable Disease" ;—" Could the
consumptives of any given community
be seen at ono time or pass in pano-
rama before the people, public consci-
ousness of the magnitude of the afflic-
tion might be aroused. ate physical
disaster shocks the world and lets loose
the sympathy of millions. A few
thousand deaths are nothing as com-
pared with the deaths front consump-
The appeal of the trustees of the Na-
tional Sanitarium Association is on
behalf of the consnmptives of the Do-
minion, 500 of whom die in Toronto
annually, 3,000 in Ontario, 8,000 in the
This poor, motherless girl is one of
the many sufferers of to -clay.
Thanking you in anticipation for in-
sertion of letter, believe ale, very truly
yours, J. S. Robertson, Secretary Na-
tional Sanitarium Association.
28 Adelaide street west, Toronto.
Contributions may be sent to Sir
Wm. R Meredith, Kt, Osgood° Hall,
Toronto, or to W. J. Gage, Esq., 54
Front street west, Toronto.
No, 2
BOnom. RoPORT.—The following is the
report of B. 8. No. 2, Grey, for November
the names being in order of merit ;—
Class V—Katie Olark. Sr. IV—R Oan•
ningbam, F Olark, M Stewart, J Col.
olough, L Oololoagh, Jr, IV—W Tulin•
ball, I Harris, 0 Stewart, J Ca*i0,
Sr. II1-3 Oliver, M Onefo, G Col.
olourh, Jr, II—E Claris, A Stewart.
Sr. Pt. II—I Cunningham, J L Oliver.
Pb. I—R 0 Harris, J Stewart, I Stelae.
R. MCNAIR, Teacher,
000000 REPORT.—Following le the
eohool report for 8 S. No. 6, Grey, for
month of November ;-8r, TV—Ella
Peareon, Will. Jaoltltn, Peroy Stephen.
eon, Gerson Jaoklin, Goorge Humble.
eon. Jr. IV—Lena Mitohell, Ada
Bateman, Fred. Snlellzer, Sr, III—
Gertie 8tephe00on, Wesley Brewer, ,toe
Jaokiio. Jr, III—Eva Mitchell, Roy
Hall. Sr. II—Luetta Jaoklin, Sarah
Hatohinson, Minnie Rose, Jr. II—
eart Strength
Heart Strength, or Heart Weakness, manna Nerve
Strength, or Nerve Weaknoss—nothing mole. Pos-
itively. not one weak heart in a hundred is, 1,n it.
self, actually diseased. It is almost always a
hidden tiny little nerve that really is all at fault.
'ibis obscure nerve—the Cordioc, or Heart Nerve
—otmply needs, and must have, more power. more
stability, more controlling, more governing
strength. Without tbnt the Heart most continue
to fail, and the stomach and kidneys also have
these same controlling nerves.
This clearly explains why. ns a medicine, Dr.
Shoop's Restorative has in the past done so mach
for weak and ailing Hearts Dr. Shoop firsteought
the cause of all this painful. Palpitating, Rffiocat.
Ing heart distress. Dr Shoop s Restorative—this
Popular presorlption—ie ilono directed to these
weak and wasting nerve centers It builds:
it strengthens: it offers real, genuine heart help.
If you would have strong Hearts, strong d!.
gentian, strengthen these agrees •— taeetabliab
them ail -needed, with
'tlt,eee,eaeseetli totieuWMe,M,e,OreAetieleeenselttPld
"Ask for tho Purples Package,"
Makes Food lioalthful,
coots Loss to Use.
Gives Bettor Rosutte,
Insist on the Gonuino.
To anyone writing us answering the fol-
lowing questions we will gladly send ab-
solutely frog, postage prepaid, aeon
of four of our latest edition of beautiful
pleturo poet garde lithographed'4n brillant
164. NameyOItM grocer, rOC6P,
2nd. Namo this paper.
neteebedeieelsedteW'WW'WWevW'ttee JWWNNdWtrW
Wilde 2Flitohblli ltoulleu ilttwo@, Ptt
HaeBortle Vodden, Lela doddep, (loos
Row, George Hall, Berl Lowe, Pat, I --
Beset Rose, Gertrude Ameo, Bernice
Flood, Lily Jaoklfn, Mary Row, The
110mme 01 11,006 who did not Mktg a day
during the month are ;—Lena Mitohell,
Joseph Jaoklin, Roy Hull, Eva Mitoboll,
LOetta Jaoklin, Willie Mitchell, George
Ball, Average atteedeuce 22.
FLOReN00 AaresTe080,
Men Rule By force 'Women By Charm,
And yet beetwee they live lege etren•
'lonely, women uegleot the early evidence
of failing vigor. The wise woman will
not permit her oharme to be robbed by
111.118,lth. When she feels appetite fail.
lug, nerves getting on edge, color fading,
elle tithe F erroz no. How it sharpens
the appetite 1 Bow quickly rich blood
ie available to 08010±8 Dolor to the obeeke,
baoyauoy to the step. Better try Ferro•
zone. You'll feel like a new being, with
' new vigor Bud ability to confront life's
diflionities. You are sure to blase the.
day you oommenoed Ferrezone. Sold
everywhere iu 50a boxes.
Ft,reer tviLl (0.
[Intended for last week,]
Geo. Hislop had a pumping mill,
Brautford make ereoted by D, D. Sander.
eon last week.
W. 10, Belden purposea purobasing
a doe herd of dairy oowe and ie going
more thoroughly into dairy buebaudry,
Russel Grainger acme home froru the
Weet mach changed by the addition of
11,rente adornment.
Win. Grainger 1188 away attending the
fnueral of the late Joe, MoOreokeu the
other day as Listowel.
Time, and Elijah Jaoklin attended the
sale of railway horses in Lietowel last
week and euoh purobased one.
Mise Anuie Belden has returned to
Portland, Oregon, after spending a few
menthe coder the parental root.
Mica Osrling, our eohool teaoher, had
her arm injnred in a runaway aooidene
last week and was forced to olow the
wheel for a day or so,
John MoLenuan heti the miefortnne to
lose one of hie horses a weak ago. It
died during the night after been driven
all right on 111e previous day.
Severe' from here attended S e o ended the concert
in Wroxeter on Thursday night of last
week to hear Fex. They were well
pleased with the evening's entertainment.
Jae. Grainger returned from the West
on Friday night last to spend the Winter
at home. He will go out again in the
Spring having taken up a farm there.
Joo, remains there.
.8 ijall Jaoklin bas the exterior work
of hie residence completed and, ie now
engaged with the interior. When owe
pleted be will have a very line two story
residenoa with modern improvements,
Thee. R. Bennett hod a London litter
sorrier installed iu his 0611 stables last
week, and aleoa Brantford wind mill
erected and water supply put in the
stables two weeks ago. Be is determined
to b,. up to -date,
The regular Monthly Horse Faire will be
held for the season ea follows t
JAN. 8rd, 1907
JAN. Stet, "
FEB. 28111, " i
......APR. 4th, "
Leading Local and Outside
Buyers will be Present
RALE, -0110 wan a year old in January,
1000, nod the other 10 menthe old. Prize
estimate and in good condition. Terme to
ult purchaser. JAMES SPEIR, Lot 80,
Con. e, lllorrie, or-Brueeels P. 0. 10-t1
Butte foe sale, Two were prize win-
ners a1 Brussels Fall Fair, They are dan-
dies, lied and roan in Dolor. Lot 8, Con. 0,
14-tf Brussels P.O.
15 pieces 11 feet long end '0 nieces 24
feet in length. Also a n0mner of cedar
fence posse. For further partiottlare see or
Write TH08, elaWSOM, Brussels, 16.1f
TeeRndereigned. offers her 100 pore
farm, being Lot 26, 0011, 7, Grey, for sale or
to rent, pons fortablo home, band bare,
m•ohard, wells, &o, Farm in only 3 of a mile
frau the etir•iug village of Ethel. For fur-
ther particulars apply to F. 8, 80011, Brum.
eels, or 111118. NATE HOLLAND, 70 Bunter
Rtreet, Toronto, 87.3m
ore for 0110 an nom of
bond , eta which io t comtmod ov dwelling
hon, 4.0, stable, frusttreee, good 031 of
well, &o. Property is touted 1 of a mile
East of Orenbrook mud convenient to sohooi,
church, postol9oo, &o. Posee*e;ou at any
lime, Fur prion tents, &o„ apply on the
pt./ilia/108 to 211 11AYA0ANN,
041 or Cranbrook P, 0.
and 2 acres of land for Palo on Walnut
street, Brussels, Brlolc house, good stable,
hoard and sort water, smell orchard, &o
Property in good shape. Iwwodiete poonoe•
silos ecu bo glees], Aleo n 08,001,0 brick
making cnsoulue for solo. For further par -
deniers apply on thepremises,
JOHN mamma,
Proprietor, Amnia,
r� J nal" RES belu0 N4 of s4 Lote 50 nod 60
Uuu.l,lanceMonte. 60 ogres buildings,
nod balance both; no Luildulge, Poseos•
611111 given 1111 minipletiotl of Inlrobnan. 14
Mune from Jamestown nue 22 from Wrox•
ol.e• For Wither particulars apply to
DELI%A MULLIGAN, Proprietress,
—01-1�..•-_ or Jamestown P.0`
D 0I
ItR LNit3 O61,. e his tills 100 0080
fern',00,b011 Lot eCou, 7, Groytowtv,eti for
pond All cleared unit under 0, d driving ;
npd brink lis butt 1 n.
k turn a dri WO1
H .G
.hcd • tlret•ohas or 1 •d o
a o ue ; sto. Farm is well
it o0 aunt well feinted ; rip undid 1ilocality ;
1 .
e mil 1, 111, Breese le, Poanoealouoan u'1
givou uoxt 81 mob, Far hnthe particulars
11 s 10 prim, tonne, &o, apply 011' the prom•
lees t0 PO B'1', 1600,19, et brile0ole 5, (l.
20 3
Don't forget that We eau help you
do this by supplying you with good
00'� UnderwearIl bboxs
blood Underwear
TREPAI1Eand other seasonable goods. Give
us a call and we shall endeavor,
as always, by fair dealing and
courteous treatment, to give you
FOR Satisfaction.
Best Brands of Pure Man-
ito4ja and Mixed Flour
H;gheat market prices for Eggs, Butter,
Potatoes, Dried Apples and Poultry.
Bring your Fowl on Tuesday and
Wednesday of each week.
Leicester Bane Lambe and Broome
Turkey Gobblers for 0010. Prlcoa rensou•
ublo. . N. A. M1LNE, Ethel. 10.1,2
C. 0. F.
Court Prin000s Alexandria, No, 24, 0.0. le.,
Brussels, meets in their Lodge Room, Blase
hill.Hiock, ou the 2nd and last Tueodav0 of
taco month, at8 o'clock. Visiting bretbreu
always welcome.
GB'0R010 HERR. 0. R.
W, L. LEAT11E1tDALE, B, S.
vuderelguod offers hie been awl lot,
6it,tnte on Mill street, Brussels', for Rale.
Lt 10 well located, a convenient nod conifer.
table home. Poeseesioa eau 0D gives' at
woo. Will also sell the variant lot, corner
,1 Mill and F,lizebetll streets, wbioh would
make n line building site. For farther par.
oculars AO to price, terms, &e., 0,1,1y t0
SUED. ADAMS, Hardware Dealer, Ford-
trioh. 00.0
11211e10NEn offers hie 100 nett farm,
tieing 84 Lot 16, Con. 4, Morrie, for Palo. 75
scree cleared mud all under ernes excepting
6 a01•e9. Farm well adapted for pa6ture, a
ever falling amine creels rune terong 1 it.
Users is a °omfoi table frame house, hue
bank barn 60 feet equare, pig pen oust bon
hone' 20x60, and shod 20040 ; small oreliant.
L'oesessiou given nay time. For farther
particulars apply ou the protuleeo or ad -
rase Brussels It, 0. ROBT, SHUDDER,
Proprietor. 13•tt
Bank, of Hamilton ,1
p Capital, 1•nld up, $2,000,000
Reserve Fond, $2.000,1100
Total ,assets, $20,000,080
President, . • HON, WM. GIBSON f)�
Vice President ROouerel Manager,
Sa iu a Do artuaeot—Am to
v R P p security
for DeP ositore,
Deposits of 81.00 and upwards received.
Interest allowed al Durrant rates and E/
lllN compounded half yearly. (�
1 ADVANCES made to Farmers for
feeding stock.
14) Salo Notes collected and advances',
made thereon,
Drafts bought and sold,
W. N. b1OHAY, Son-AdENT.
tiveraSittlE'Sts%3 #SztsfacileOiag
Toronto Rai and
Meta, Co'7
For Rags, Iron, Rubbers,
Wool Pickings, Horse Hair,
Hides, &c , &c.
Highest Prices for All
Mill st. West, Brussels
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
ANY oven numbered section of Dominion
Lands in Manitoba, Snokatcllewan amt
Alberta, exoepUug 8 nod 20, not reserved,
may be homesteaded by any parent who fa
the mile head of a /wally, or any male over
id yearn of ago, to.the extent of one -smarter
section of 100 no roe more or leas.
Entry may bo made personally at the
local laud oihee for the dietrio1 Flu which
the laud is situate.
The llomeetender la required to perforin
the ooedltiona connected therewith ender
0110 of the following Maus
(1) At least els: naphtha' residence upon
unit cultivation of the laud iu each year for
throe years,
(2) If the tether (or mother, if the father
is simulated) of the homesteader resides
upon u farm in tie vioiufty of the land
entered for the requirements as to reit-
donee may bo Battened by 0uo11 pere011 re•
tiding with the father or mother.
(3) If the settlor has hie permanent rota -
dance upon ftarmiug land mwued by him
in the vicinity o1 1,18 homestead, the re-
quirements lie to r•eoldouoo may bo sales -
lied by residence upon the seed land.
Six mouths' nottoo in writing should be
given to rho Commissioner of Domiulou
Laude at Ottawa of intention to apply for
1V, W. CORY.
Deputy of lb o Minister o1 futorior.
N. B. Unauthorized publication of Rile ad-
vertieewout will not bo paid for,
To Liverpool
From St John From Halifax
Parielan ' Rist, Deo. 1
Tunisian Fri, Doe. 7 Bat, Dea, 8
Laurentian Bat, Deo. 10
Ionian Frl, Deo. 21 6at, Deo, 2a
lliLLts of Passage
First Cabin -500 and upwards, according
eo steamer. Second Onbtn-542,00 and up.
wards. Third Class— 827 00.
Boston to Glasgow
Protorian , Friday,NOv.31
Numidian Friday,Doo,14
Second Masa 885 and upwards ; Third elaee
—Eastbound, 82080; Weetbouud, 527.50,
Foe further partleulare, rates and Wolcott'
apply to
W. 11. IREltll,
Agent Alla,, Lino, Brassie.
Farmers or Storekeepers
by coming to the
Brussels Salt Works
eau get any kind of Salt
they require.
Gordon Mooney,
Foreman, Brussels.
A Large, Fashionable and well assorted stock of
Fall Millinery is now on display at my Show Room
' and the Ladies of Brussels and vicinity are cordially
invited to call and examine the same.
MISS MASON, who lies had a wide experience in
City Millinery, has been engaged for the Season.
The undersigned i8 grateful fol' past patronage and
asks for a continuance.
Prices moderate and Satitftatiou assured.
MRS� c