The Brussels Post, 1906-12-13, Page 5A.
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Standard Bank of Canada r7 METROPOLITAN BANK
r7^aTASi7.,=07:X�-79 1072
TOTAL ASSET6 OVER 10;000,000
A Citelt(trtel 13a.telLinW I3usiueMs Trantsa.eted
interest pall from ditto of deposit to Onto of wit11(1 Wal at blghoet ourrenl rates
and cumpouudoil balf•yuurly.
Joint 10opn814 &minute—A 8P1OOLAL OONYIONINNOR m use in our Saving De-
partmout l0 the "Joint Deposit" account. looney may bo deposited Or withdrawn
by either of the two 1000 110rs of the household, This system le a great oouven.
ionoo to many residing in town, but more partloularly so to farmers, an in the bitter
ease whether man or wife domes to town either can attend t0 the Booking, Au•
otbor feature of the eystow. to that in ensu of Jho death 01 either party the mouey
can be withdrawn by the survivor without east, Wo will toll you more about our
methods If you will kindly null or write.
married Women mitt 51100rs may make and withdraw deposits without the 1n.
terV011tiuu 01 any poreml,
only for which no charge is made.
YOUR BUSINESS will receive our aareful and ooarteoue attention.
A Photograph taken at
Is sure to be a success.
Something that will be pleasiug to your
friends foe Xmas Preeeut0 is quite it
How about a nice Photo. of yourself.
We have some styles of mounts suit-
able for thio season of the year.
Cone in and see samples,
Photos Framed 'heap.
Portraits of any Vila() made in Crayon
01 Water Color.
Family Groupe a speliolty.
All Work Guaranteed.
Kfrc t ` Cetus tints
Tun Pose nod Weekly Globe to the
clue of 1907 to new eubeuribere for $1.36.
Don't borrow any longer.
Do you want a bargain in news-
papere? TEE PORT end Weekly Globe
till January let; 1908 for $1.85.
BART Hutton Ooueerveotvee will hold a
Nomioattug Oooveotion for the Oomm-
one in Bruesele Towu Hall Thuraday
Deo. 27th.
ALL those differing from weak eyes or
a headache should not fail to 000801,
with Mies J. J. AIIan,-Friday Deo. 14th
at the Amerioan Hotel, Bruesele,
TEE Pun and Weekly Globe Iron now
uutil the cud of 1907 for the sum of $1.35
is the biggest offer we -have beeu able to
make for to long time. The Globe has
been wondertully improved the poet year
or two and ie to day the beet Oaaadiau
Weekly on the market. When you have
it and your own home paper you need
no other.
To have a beautiful, perfect, pink,
velvet-like laps, apply at bedtime a light
boating of Dr. Shoop'' Green Salve.
Teen next morning, notice carefully the
effect. Dry, oraoked, or oolorleee tips
mean leveriehneee, and are as well ill.
appearing. Dr, Shoop'' Green Salve
is a soft, creamy, heeling ointment, that
will quickly °erreat guy ekiu blemish or
ailment. Get a free triol box at our
store and be 000vtnoed. Large, Glace
jars, 25ote. F. R. Smith.
A Leaned Sou000.— The 000110)
Bl1Btnene Cottage, of Stratford, which is
the largeet school of its kind in Western
Ontario is worthy of the consideration of
any yo00g man or woman who desires to
obtain a oommeraial eduoation or short
baud traiuing.. TO is progressive, well
quipped, thoroughly eflioient training
doom whets excellent work ie being
done. Those interested in a prao6ical
•eduootia° ehonld vette the Oollege for a
free catalogue. Waiter term opens on
Jan. tad ae per bard in this toeue.
A WALLACE Froman Dine.—Tho fol
lowing referencia ie to an quote of Mre,
Geo. Edwards, of Braseele:—The death
0000(0ed at hie home, 3rd oon0eeaio0
Wallace, of noon on Sunday Deoember
2nd, of Thomas Reid, a pioneer and well
known resident of the township. Mr,
Bail wee in his 72nd year and' death re-
sulted from a stroke of paralysis, from
the effects of which he has been suffering
for about a year and re halt. The dense
edwas born in Gwillimbury, county
Simone, on the 1311i of February, 1835.
Rio father, John Reid, came book into
the Queeu'o bueh, into the then almost
nntraoked wilderoeoe, in the early, fifties
when Thomas was a lad of 18. He
took up three 'hundred acres of land, and
it wee on part of the homestead that Mr,
Reid peened the baleuoe of hie life. Of
the three eons in tete family, the eldest
ie still living on one of the 100 sore !arms
Of the bomeebeed ; Thoma' being the
eeooud eon, and the youugeet, William
John, dyiug in the Wee: a few yeare ago,
oleo of paralysis. There were three
sinters in the homily, one of whom, Mre.
Wm, Ferguson, of the 3rd line Watteau,
IS damaged ; the others nee 0110, Donaln
Rose and Olrs. Wm. Brads. Though of
a quiet diepoeitiou and baking little part
in publio or municipal lite, the late
Mr. Reid was of a most kind hearted alio
hospitable diepoeitiou, and wile much
lilted and esteemed by a wide oirole
of friends. Re team a widow, whoee
faithlal mtuistrabloue helped to alleviate
hie long menthe suffering, and out
daughter, Mre. J. MaGiuuie, of Landon.
The funeral ou Tuesday to Fairview
eemetery, Lietowel, was largely attended.
13100 V at(0.
The annual report of the Blaevale
Choose and Butter Om has been iesuea
and above that the company has had a
very nowise 01 year, The total reoeipta
were $19 200 03 and the expeud,turt
518,797 50, leaving a bulauoe of $407 53
Tho loeveet preen at which butter was
sold, 18}o tend the bigheet 237y. The
total number of the of butter mane dor•
.ug . the mance) was 80,006 the. The
auntie! meeting will be hem ill the For
eater'' hall at Bauevale on Friday atter
000u, December 14th, at wino] a diet
dead et 50o par share will be paid and o
('nate of ;j• et a Deet per Ib on charge for
making butter will be paid to palroue.
LiTSRAnv• BDaunt. —A meeting wag
held to Victoria lieu Tuesday November
elth for the purpose Ot re•organlzlug the
Literary Society. With J. T. ettraohuu
.e Uhairmeu the following officers were
teemed :—Hou. prep. Rubs. M. Simpson ;
viers-pres., R. Moffatt ; 2ud vice reg.,
A. F. MaoDouaid ; see trete., D. A. Mao
Donald ; editor, J. T. Btraoban ; 008001ate
ditur, Mies Berm Stymie ; convener al
musical committee, Geo. Eukmter ;
00venere aeetetaul6, Misses Ian Ory408,
Rae Moses, Margory Strachan ; 0ouveu•
r of literary 00w101 tee, G. 1yloDenald ;
eu0veuer'e 0seletanle, Mieee' Maggie
Buell, Nellie Miller, Mary Peewee ;
oouvmer of debating committee, Jae.
Simpson: A good time its expected ant
,ng the warning Winter.
Let The Stomach Alone
You Can't Dore catarrh by dosing the
etomaoh. The disease to in the throat,
aMO end bronchial tubes. Iuhame
aterrhozoneto the spot where the dinette
amity ie,—it 0101010 away foul eeeretioue,
tope disehargee at ouoe, purifies and
Bale the paeeagee, literaly annihilates
110(3, truce of Catarrh. Nothing etoe to
o direct teed mania ea "Oatarrhezoue."
Results guaranteed. Two eines 25;i and
01.00 at til dealers.
.moo rdwJteh.
Mimi Lydia Harding hue been engaged
as teacher of the junior department of
Uorrio publio eobool for 1906 at a salary
f $360.
E. Pritchard, merobant of Newbridge,
as Bold hie otook of geode at a rate ell
he 5 to Rioh. Bowee, farmer of the 12111
eon„ who gets poe0es0ion et the New
Wm. Wilson, eon of J. L. Wilson, 8th
on., is regltinieg strength after a severe
attack at typhoid fever in Edmonton
Hospital and will be home before Christ•
mac to epeud the Winter in Ontario,
• Reeve McKee, of the Howiok and Grey
oundary, has diepooed of hie fine 100
ore farm to Wm. Doig, of the 2ud eon.,
Howiok, for $0,000. We uuderetaod Mr.
MolCee will become a reeideut of Gerrie.
Mtee Mary Padfleid ie engaged ae
teacher et S. S. No 4, Howiok, for 1906
for $600 ; Mien Baruh Padfield, in No 3,
for 8500: end Mies Maggie ill Within''
school, Nieto, for 8450, Wm. Padfield
to in 81te11dan00 et ]mount Forest Model
school. Very few laminae have four
Sox and
• • •
No matter how
cold or slushy the
weather is, your feet
will be snug and
warm in a pair of socks and rubbers.
Thick, warm, fleece -lined socks and stout snag.
proof rubbers—that's a combination that can't be beat
for out -door winter work.
We h.'ive them in all styles and sizes. They are
3r4ced down to rock bottom, too.
Also Overshoes for Ladies or Gents Felt Boots
and Shoes for everybody and our prices are at all tinges
profitable for your purse.
A Mice range of Slippers and House Shoes to
choose from,
ljti PITA le—Altthe Heed
CAPITAL—fail, Itp
RBSBRVE and 5orplu8 Prufllo
Pr/patent, V10o-President,
5000,1100000140, RL.0, 0I0 110NOR tin, W. ti010001E11 00811x, x.0, 1se, nTam
Jowl 5intere ee
W. D, ROSS, Qouoral Mannger
THE DIRT R0POLITAN 13ANli le open to receive the accounts of
Farmers, Mefeh/ealts and Raeltlegd Community generally mud to give
caralul oonsidoratiou to till propagate submitted to it.
It m110611501 its past record for courteous treatment of Its One -
touters, and will exten.l every consideration consistent with e0u0d
bantling to 01060 wa0 0105 desire to traueaot bueluoed with it.
Nfa' ciwai'ffv°s
/'a'u x.11z'PaiN 'aybJlle"NT
Intereet at RICHEd'1' OURRENI! RATES allowed on ell gums of 51 and upwards
teachers within their mike. Their
Meter, Mise Jennie, is attending Wing.
ham High school and hopes to graduate
nest Sommer.
G0i'r rs.
A grand ',omen will be given by 81.
Stephen's Ohnroh choir in the Town
Holl on Wednesday evening, Deo. 19th.
At the re.•nlar monthly meeting of L
0. L. No 767, Gerrie, the following ot•
Mere were cleated for the ensuing year :
—W M„ W. H. Grego 1 D. M., W. 0.
Montgomery ; Chap., Wm Evane ; R. S.,
T. Nash ; F. S.. G. W. Walker ; Trees.,
R Metall ; D. of 0., W. N. Hays ; Loot„
H Harding 1 Oom , Messrs, L.eoh, Rath.
well, Hyndman, Relebon Bud Shier,
A very poorly attended meeting was
held in the Town Hatt on Monday even
log of last week to eee what could be
doue with the publio library which hue
been closed atone last June. Those
preemie passed a motion to eleot the
executive committee of the Women''
I„otitate tee a board of management for
the Library,
lit r.ver o0tit .
A number of the children of our viliage
ere enfferino from whooping oongh.
Rev. MoVioar ie meditating s Sunday
afternoon Bib.e Claes ie the basement of
the church.
Wo are glad to know that James
Donaldson, ar. is rapidly recovering from
a very severe atteek of inflammation of
the lunge.
The Methodiet Sunday Sahool will bold
a Christmas, Tree eutertaiument on
Thareday evening Deo. 20th, in the
Mueio Hall.
The matey Mende of Artie Harris will
be pleased to know that he ie balding
down an excellent position on the C. P.
R. at Yorkton, Seek.
We are sorry to hear that Ed. Collie
has had a relapse from his recent attach
of typhoid fever. He was ill nearly two
months and seemed to have made a good
A petition has been circulated and
largely signed to be oreeenled to the
County Council at their next oeeeion
setting the Counotl to raise Atwood to
he etatne of a police Village,
1! "taken at the a0eeze stage"
Prevention—a toothsome oendy tablet—
will sorely end quickly cheek au ap-
proaching cold or tagrippe. When you
first oateh a cold—or feel it rooming on—
take Dr. Shoop's Preven1ioe, and the
effect will certainly surprise and please
you. Preventive, will enrely supply the
proverbial "onnoe of prevention," Sold
,0 5 cent end 25 Dent. home by F. R.
13elg grave.
Wm. Wks ey is, we are pleased to
etale, recovering from an attnek of
John Oonitea, of Morrie, shipped a
oarlond of sugar beets to Berlin, his own
The G. T. R. Belgrave 'motion men
are a1: working on the big grade down at
London, and have been all Summer.
Robt. Maguire, 3rd tine of Meer's,
delivered in Blyth a heavy draft team of
horse' to he ebipped to Port Arthur.
George Hanna, 3rd line of Morrie, is
laid op with a bad atta0k of inflammatory
rheumatism, being unable to leave the
Mre. Gray, daughter of Wm. MoOrea,
Belgrave, and her eon, Willie, left for
'heir home in California, Mrs. Gray has
been visiting here for some months.
Word has been received in Belereve of
the death of Mre. Robt. Riley, of Mani
soba. Mre. trod Mre. Riley will he
remembered by many of the older mei-
den:' of Beet Wawanoeh, eepeeially near
Brick Ohuroh.
%Prot= Milan.
Mies Mabel Orr has returned from her
visit to the Northwest.
Wm. Gurney, of Georgetown, has leas.
ed the glove department of WIngbom
tannery and will oommenoe work there
January 1st.
The committee of the Board of Trade,
who looking after the application to A.
Carnegie, hae reoeived the necessary
forme to be it led.
Wingbam Fire Brigade have moored
H. Wilmot Young and Company of
twenty persons to present "Tho Princess
of Patches" in the Opera House, Wing.
ham, on Deo, 2011i.
A deputation, consisting of Dr. P.
Kennedy, Dr. J. E. Tamlyn, Mayor Bell,
and Principal Musgrove, appeared be-
fore the ()minty Connell to advooate the
Moira of Wingliam Hospital.
Word wee reoetved on Tneedav of last
weep of the madden death in Montreal
of W. S. Brown, brother of Mre, T. S.
Boyle, Rev. and Mrs. Boyle went to
Montreal, The damaged had an eatenn
sive bueineee and wee well known in *hat
At the municipal eleotione in January
the property owners will be called- neon
t0 record their Votee. On an impnrthnt
by-law, providing for a loan of $6,000 to
o oompaoy to be known as the WInubam
Oarriege 00, and for the lsene of debon.
three oovoring a period of ten years to
raiee the amount. This will he repaid
to the teen in ten equal annual pay.
menta without iotereet.
A11 the arrangements in 0onneoli00
with the amnia' Scottish concert to he
hold on Tuesday evening, January 8th;
have been completed, A aptendid array
of talent has been armored, including
Donald 0. McGregor, the Soottiell born
ions, Mies Pearl O'Neil, reader and
and entertainer, Min' Mend Bu'ohlen,
violiniel, Kenney and Harvey, as well as
piping and dmnoing by Piper McDonald
and the Miriam MoDonald, and Mine
Diueloy Ito piaoiet,
MATR1tloNlAL.—Tbe Galt Reformer o
Thursday Nov. 20th quake as follo v-
emeerning the marriage of Rev. Mr
Curry, of Walton, to Mtee Baldwin, of
that towu :—A quiet though very pretty
wedding was solemnized thio after0000 a,
two o'olook at the residence of Geo. L
Baldwin, Oak 'treat, when hie only
daughter, Miee Lillie 0., wee united ill
marriage to Rev, 11. 3, Curry, B. A., of
Walton. Tho oeremony was performed
by Rev. H. E. Curry, of Londeaboro,
brother of the groom, maimed by Been
A.11. Birks, Seatorth, and Dr. Anliff,
of Galt. The principals were both mat
tended, the bride wearing a beantifnl
gown of grey silk trimmed with chiffon
and Mohnen lane, and her going away eel
was of green ladies' cloth, with bat to
match. After the ceremony a ',umpteen -
wedding dejeoner, served by Jttmieeou
Bros., was partaken of by the guest
present, alter whioh Mr. and Mre. Garry
left on the 6 10 train for a abort honey
moon trip. On their return they
reside in Walton where Mr, Carry ha
°barge of the Methodiet Church. The
bride was one of Gait's popular young
ladled, whioh was amply evidenced by
the many beautiful and mealy preeeut
received, and while ebe will be greatly
missed by a large oirole of friends, all
unite to seiohino her a long and happy
wedded life. Among the outside guest
present were :—G. A. and Mre. (Jerry,
Atwood ; Wm, and Mre. Curry, of Walk
erto0, parents of the groom ; Dr. Wnu
der, and mother, of Toronto ; Ohm. and
Ogre. Gilleepie, Toronto ; Horace ane
Mre. Baldwin, Niagara Fella ; Mine
Jennie and Addie Carry, of Toronto,
sisters to the groom ; T. J. and Mre
Heughen„ Toronto ; 0. H. Hob', of Tur-
1319 tai.
N. B. Gerry has put in a now furnace
in the Westfield abash,
John Denholm lett for the Weet where
he will look after hie shipment of apples
Jae. Ontt purchased a Heinlzmau
piano from R. Leatberdale t2 eon, o
Iama° Brown has abipped 11 pare of
evaporated app es and farmers' dried
apples to New Yor1t,
Lset Sabbath Rev. A. W. Craw, 13 A.
formerly of Iider:on, Ont., London
Presbytery, occupied the pulpit of St.
Audrew'e church.
The Methodiet Sunday School Xmas.
tea wilt be held on Wednesday evening
the 19th inst., in the church.
O,1 Wednesday of Iaet week J. G
Emig] disposed of the Oommeroia
Hotel to J. J. McCaughey, of Clinton
Tee pride paid watt 512,000, and the
transfer takes place ou Monday, 17th
inet, We are pleaeed to state that Mr.
Oall and inspect my goods and com-
pare Prime, Quality and Design io all the
latest Novelties. I ono better prepared
that, ever bef we and can convince the
shrewdest buyer that they oma get the
beet value ill my line ever offered. Any-
thing sold is Bold strictly on its "Quality"
or money refunded.
My OPTICAL PARLOR is complet-
ed anti thoee requiring Glossae will find
that Btrottou's is the plane to get all tho
tateot methods bl proper testing.
Cordial invitation to all.
Sign of the Golden Cloak.
Application Form
for Membership in Una Pined and
Hell, Matinees Training school 10
of Toronto, *rem Jao.2ud, next, to-
gether wttb detatlod int vitiation 0
Jho grant advantages to b0 onjnyed,
will be 'nut free by rotttrn mail on
rt land o1 friend or letter.
W the to -day to
W. 1'1. Slimy, Prh,olpat.
Yonne Ss Gerrard oto„ Toronto.
Emigh and family will not be leaving
town, as be will build a 400108nus on the
property he recently purohaeed on
Dineely street mud live retired. The new
proprietor is no 'granger to the people
of Blyth, having eome years ago 000daot-
0d the Queen's Hotel here,
Mra, Myles Young event a few pleasant
day' at Wieglmm at the Ilona of Mr,
nd Mre. Sperling hu oompaoy with
Robert end Mre. Yining, of California,
it le 21 years 'ince they Waited these
parte and tbongb lauding the balmy air
of their Southern home longed for a sniff
of the invigoarting frosty air of Ontario.
F. W. Tanner, wife and family, for.
merly of Blyth, left Toronto on Nov,
26th for Regina. Mr. Tanner who has
been in the Maesey•Harrie Oo's, office in
Toronto for nearly lour years, has been
promoted to the roeponeible position in
Regina ea office manager for this room
puny. Before 'melee the Toronto offioe
Mr. Tanner was presented with a val
uable gold watoh by the management
and office staff of the Ontario Branch of
which he wag able[ of the oolleotlon
Are You Loetug looks or Strength'
Noe you were reboot, brigbt and
happy. To day you are dull, worried,
fading in vitality and appearanoe.
duet when you should be at your beat
you're played ant and need a oleaneing,
braoing tooth. Your blood will Boon
redden, your vivacious spirit will goon
return, you'll be yoareelt again if yon
regalate the eyetem with Dr. Hamilton's,
Pille. A truly wonderful medicine. It
seerohes opt dteenee, poeitively drives
away headache, weariae'e, and laok of
vital force. Sive yourself a ohanoe,
Use Dr, Hamiltou'e Pills and watoh the
result. Sold everywhere in 26o boxes.
SCHOOL REPORT —The following is the
report of 3. S. No. 1 Grey, for the month
of November. Sr, IV.—Exam. in Gram.
Spell., Com., Hist., and Arith.,—Addie
Grant, Lizzie Hoover, Bert. Carter,
Maggie Stevenson, Willie Hoover, Joe.
Armetrooe, Harvey Hoover. Jr. IV.—
Exam, in Hiet., Aritb., Spell„ and Lit.—
Leslie Switzer, John Mo0allnm. Sr.
III.—•Exam. Lit„ Aritb„ Hid., and
Geo.—Jeeeie Al000k, Ida Ronde, John
Al000k. Jr, IIL—Exam, in Lit., Aritb.,
Hist., and Geo.—Rotted Carter, James
Steveueon, Arobie Engle. Sr. II.—Dora
Alooak, Willie Grant. Jr. IL—Willie
Hollinger, Stewart Miller. Pt, II.—
Wililo A•000k, Mervin Miller. Sr, Pt. I.
—Minerva Hollinger, Volney Poeemore,
Ella Rands, Harold Hollinger. Jr. Pt. I.
—Malcolm Engle. 11. LAN000N,Teaaber.
SCHOOL REPORT or S. 8. No. 10 Grey
for the month of November. Nsmee in
order of merit. Claes IV.—Alma Sple-
en, Katie Denman, Pearl Oxtoby, Bea
Ratbwe,1, Ivab Speiran, Geo. Evane,
Willie Speiran, Blanch Whitfield. Br.
III.—Margnarette Hatohineon, Myrtle
Speiran, Mary Machan, Wilfrid Whit
field, Lily Evane, James Doull, Percy
Ward. Jr. III.—Della Whitfield, Her.
man Piokrell, Hart Speiran, Minnie
Hanna, Stanley Meehan, Gordon Whit.
field, Fred. Oex, Sr. II.—Margaret
Love, Henrietta Denman, Millie Cox,
Edith Piokrell, Gerrie Speiran, Milton
Oxtoby, Earl Rothwell,Fred, Hollenbeok,
Wee. Ballaotyoe. Jr. 1I,—Bennie
Hollenbeok, Lorne Pratt. Pt. II.—Erio
Hutchinson, Stanley Bpeiran, Glydne
Hollenbeok, John Inglis, Mary Ioglie,
Carrie Ward, Jennie Ward. Iel Olaee.—
Leslie Lake, Ruby Hanna.
H. 0. MooGonarvAns, Teaoher.
Catarrh of the nose and throat should
lead you to at least ask ae for a trial box
of Dr. Shoop'' Catarrh Cure. Nothing
so sorely proveemerit es a real, actual
teat—and Dr. Shoop, to prove this,
earnestly desires that we let you make
the teat. This creamy, snow white, Beal•
ing balm, soothes the throat and nostrils
and quickly purities a foul or feverish
breath. Oall and investigate, F. R.
Miee Clayton of town has entered
upon bar duties as 1ea0her in the Olintnn
Collegiate Institute, at a salary of 51,000
per annum.
Rev. Mr. MoOnllooh will give an I1-
Itetrated le°tnre entitled "080ade from
Ocean to Ocean," in Knox church on
Thursday evening, Deo, 1811).
A oonfrmation °lass has been or-
ganized in the Lutheran obnrob in
town by the pastorRev. Maseuhr.
There are nine oandidatee, Confirma-
tion will be held at Exeter.
Fred. Taylor, Lietowel'° champion
bookey player, left for Houghton, Mich•
igen, where he will Bettie play with the
Houghton team, winner' of the in.
ternational championship in profession.
al hookey.
Ed. Ohamney ie home from Cobalt,
where he hail been engaged for the past
year and a half as mining engineer. Mr.
Chmmney hae great faith in the future
of the Damp, ae being the richest silver
mining disttiot in the world.
The Town Council hae decided to
make application to the Hydro.Efeobrio
Power (Jommieeon for 400 horse power,
which it is eetimated oan be delivered
in Lietowel at from $20 to 524 per
horse power. Pending further inter.
mation, the Council hae not taken any
notion as yet towerde submitting a by-
aw which will eoaroely be ready in
ime to be voted on at the January oleo.
Rev, N. A, F. Bourne, rentor of Ohriet
Obnrob, received a handsome present
n few days ago from the clergy of
Montreal. It ie a brass travelling
Hook Ito a moroem oast, and is a beautl.
and much appreciated gift. Mr,
Bourne wag Beetetory of the Alumni
Aeeooiation of Anglican clergy of
Montreal, and the presentation ie in.
,ended es a parting souvenir Be well as
a tangible expression of good Mabee.
Mr. Bourne having left Montrealin the
holiday season the presentation was
deferred until now.
Itorlr Patting Corn
What ie the soothing attention of Pub.
ante's Corn Extractor, wkioh title ont
the very root and branch in abort order,
No pain, no after effect, just olein whole.
Some ours—tbat'e "Pnlnam'e,
Mre, John M, Upham was found dead
at Brookville.
Piles net gniolt relief front Dr. Shoop's
Magi6 Ointment, Remember it's made
alone for Plloe-wand it wake with
certainty and eatietaotion. Itching,
velem*, protruding, 00 blind pile' dloep.
pear Iilta mesio by its 1190, Try it and
OM Bold by F, R. Smith.
give you but little idea of the good things
that are here for you. It is the people who know the
store best who know how good a store it is, It is people
who have tested our advertising who respond most
promptly to our newspaper assertions If you have
never put us to the test you don't know what you are
We Want to Turn Your
Thoughts Priceward
10 pieces only Fine Pnre Wool Cash -10
mere in all the newest
Blondes, worth regular 60o43
Clearing at
pieces only Heavy Flannelette
in light and dark oolore, 1
real value So. Clearing pride
only 2
15 only Drees Lengths, Pnre Wool
Broadcloth, worth regular
$1.00 and $1.25, Clearing �o
25 pieces Heavy Flannelette,
inches wide, real value 7o
Oleating at
20 pieces Tweed Drees Goode, all0
good patterns and this sea-
eon's goods which were 4®
cheap at 000. Clearing at„
pieces' only Fine Saxony Flannel -
Otte, in White and Pink 1
only, real value 10e. On
sale at 2
--30 only Ladies' Mant]es which we are going to clear out at al-
most one-half Regular Prices.
—Ladies' Ruffs, Caperines and Fur Coats all on sale at Reduced
Dates, Figs, Raisins, Cur-
rants, Prunes, Peels and
all kinds of Pure Flavor-
ing Extracts. All varie-
ties of Nuts—fresh.
Stewart's and Perrin's
Chocolates and Bon Bone.
All kinds of Fancy Cakes.
Special for Xlnae — Cal.
Navel Oranges and Lemons
Our Grocery Department
is full of the beet that money can buy and the
Prices Right. The home of GOOD CHEESE and
lots of it, and 27c Tea.
Fish and Oysters on hand
Hot Coffee and Cocoa served in the beat style
Winter is on
and every person
in want of -
Cutters or Sleighs
Light or Heavy, can be supplied by us. Our
stock is large and First-class. Light Bob-
sleighs with or withoutPlatforms and Sleighs
with two-inch runners. In the line of Cut-
ters we have just what you want,
Mill Early atnd Get Your Choice
Prices and Terms to suit the Purchaser
Brussels Carriage Factory.