HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-12-13, Page 4ososeuraratemnpusasomonvatarsci*.a.a...apowonsralgrIvi1=atareann 41,10 trussels 49x TEU.Ri`;DAIr, DEC. 18, 1906. Woo le going to be the Moeee to lead the way ter e boom in pur industries and • the introduotion of soma new ones ? A good deal of money hae gone oh6 of town in ebaree and stook° in other parte of the World and now should be en opportune time to laved In some paying institution locally. THE ahuoeeeion daliea coming into the possession of the Provincial Government of this Preview) are counting up very fast and during tbe past year over a million dollars bete been received througb this avenue. It is not as wicked to em oept the money when in power as in oppoeilioo evidently. Two week the Winter Fair and Fat Stook Show is on at Guelph end is being largely attended. There is no better place to reoeive the same knowledge at as low a mat. ' What with praotioal testa, pointed addressee and dieoneeione, a thud of invaluable information ie obtainable. We wonder hundreds more do not avail themselves of the opportunity. If a oommeooement were made there would be little need of urging as the meetings are proof enough to satisfy almost any- body who attends. HON. SYDNEY Flease introdaoed bis ()old Storage pian to the Dominion House on Friday and it was apparent. ly very heartily approved of, Dr. Chia - balm, M, P., for East Huron, supported it as ie evideooed by the toilowiog von deneed report of his epeeob :—Dr. Chia. holm (Enron) pointed out that a few scattered cold storage ware•bonsea were not of mnoh general value ; what ie Deed. ed is a, continuous chain of cold storage. Unless the warehouses were established at terminal pointe and at seaports, for which appareutly no provision bee been made, the chain would be incomplete. However, these might be provided tor, and no doubt would. The farmere of the country would resent any attempt to block the wheals. They were also grati fled that the Minister was undoubtedly doing hie beet to prevent the system be coming a mouoply by whioh they 000ld be squeezed. Dr. Chisholm spoke if terms of strong approbation of the pro poral of the Government, and aesnree the Premier that an old Scotch termer in hie coustitoeooy bad authorized him to eay elf Sir Wilfrid Leerier would onl} take up the goeetion, and provide cold storage warehooeee throughout the oonutry his politioal opponents would never get him out of office." (Laughter ) Mr, Fisher's plan is to have cold storage storehouses established and operated at leading points. A number of epeecbee. were made by members of the Opposition aooeoci.::a to a Targe degree the proposed measure. LOOKING AHEAD, To the Editor of Tse Poen: DEAR Bui,—Who is to be tbe neat Reeve and Conned ? There is a oom plaint about high taxes and nothing for it. We have tried several things but all seemed to bave failed, except the taxes, they never oeaee. The temporary foot bridge answered a good purpose this Bummer but a more permanent bridge would give a much bettor appearance to the town. That will be for the next Connoil to ooneider. It we cannot have manufactories, we ehouid now look for pleasure and we would engem that the Sporting Committee bay or lease a suitable piece of land and have it proper. ly fenced ea a recreation park where games aonld be held in a proper style and not have to waste time and oanvate 0o every game. There ie more gate reoeipte wasted each year than would pay the interest on a good fence. A part at the proceeds could be pot into a Mulling feud to pay instalments or rent on the grounds, With that arrangement w. would eek the coming Council to. torn Victoria park into a pleasure and prom• evade ground by planting it full of suit able shade and ornamental trees, planted in a proper order for driver] and walks. If thio were done is a very few year.. Brunelle womd have lovely parka tha' they would be proud of at a small poet ae with oare it would grow into useful nese and beauty. Yours, rRoaaase, Brussels Council, The monthly meeting of Bruseele Oounail was held Monday evening Ord inst. Present Reeve Heodersoo and Connell. lora Jones, Beaker and Ballengee. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. A000nnte were preeeoted as tollowe ;— Dump ground $ 10 00 Peter Tarr, rondo 26 00 Jno. Heffron, wood 5 60 W, Seliere, roads 62 40 Robt. Odver, salary 88 83 A,. B. McDonald, legal 2 00 F'. Soots, re eidewalke ...,. 43 12 lel. Om' message to Dr. Hodgette 31 Moved by. Jae. Jones, ae000ded by A Baehr, tbatthe above momenta be paid. Carried. The report of Weigh -wader Oliver fat the month of November Elbowed the 08081908 to be 319 16. Bylaw No. 4, 1906, was read tbree timed end paned relative to tbe sidewalk o0nstrnatioa during the peat Summer Debentures for 31441.78, (D 44 % to ems 16 years. $448.21 ul this ie oarried by the oorporettou for street crossings. J. E. Madadere and Joe Hunter ap. peered before the Oounoll aekidg for tree use of Donnell Chamber for the eake .of a Ypung Men'e Literary Society. It Wan granted on motion o£ A. Beaker and J. Ballantyne; Oonntii then adjourned to meet on Dec, Idth as per statute. John W. Stewart has been appointed General Manager of the Monarch Lite Aesuranoe Company of Winnipeg. train ocameying a number of the f' A of 13, at S. Shearwater from Van ...ver to Qnebee was run into by soother tram near Eemloope, B. 0. One man wee killed and several injured: Report of the Keeper of the House of Refuge Owing to Ube Aot refitting to Homes of Refuge the total amount trauetered to the Oounty daring the year on the order of the County Judge was about 333,000, Of tbie amoant only Smola part as has been earned during the year has been taken into oouelderation in preparing thio report. This amoant ie $409 00. 16 will be seed that the extra amount received from this source has materially red aced the expenditure, To Jubn Torrance, Inepeotor of Ioduetrial Farm and Hoose of Refuge for Chanty of Huron ; I beg to submit the following report of crop- grown and work done ou Iuouebrial Farm during the year, 1906. Hay 25 tone Oaee 290 bash Barley 196 Potatoes 310 " Ouiooe 60 " Garden carrots 25 " Garden beets 20 " Parsnips 15 " Turnip215 •' Marigolds 625 " Tomatoes 6 i' Uahbege 150 head Apples 15 bbl°. Red raspberries 1100 qts, 2 aoree Sugar beets 397.41 net aore Corn fodder. Huge live weight, 3181.33 We painted alt the outside woodwork on the out•boildiuge also on the older part of the houee. We erected 6312 rods of wire fence on South aide of etde•road. A11 of which is most respectfully sub- mitted, D, Flumes, Keeper. Report of the Inspector of the House of Refuge The following reports were submitted to the Co. Uuonail last week. To the Warden and Council of the County of Huron ; GENTLENESS :—The Inepeotor of the House of Industry and Refuge of the County of Huron reepeotlnlly presents the followingaside report f p or the year ending 30th Novemoer, 1906. Total onmber of iumatee admitted since opening of Hoare 827 Number of inmates on let of Deo, 1905 91 Number admitted for first time dor. mg year 20 Number re admitted after absence., 2 Number born in Homme during year 0 Number of deaths daring the year 14 Number absconded during the year 1 Number discharged during 1ue year 10 Number of iumatee ou 1st of Deoem• uer, 1906 90 Number of males 64 Number of females 36 Admitted during year from several muni• u,pelitiee ae follows :— Townships, MoKutop, 1 ; Goderiob town ship, 1 ; Howlett, 1 ; Uebourne, 1 ; Hallett, 1 ; Stephen, 2 ; West Wawa• nosh, 1; A.ebfield, 1 ; Tuokeremith, 2. Towne and villages, Olintoo, 51 Seaforth, 1 ; Wingbam, 1 ; Exeter. 1 ; Gale rich, 3. Nationality of inmates' admitted during , the year, Boutlaud, 2 ; Ireland, 3 ; Euglaud, 7 ; Canada, 8. Number of days' board of in mates 88454 Number of days' board Keeper's family and help 888 Average number of inmalea dor ing the year 91.6 Average number with Keeeper's family and help added 94 Totel expenditure on House and Farm 35997 49 Add value of provisions and fuel on head Deo., 1906 1640 27 To:alexpenditure........ 37637 76 Deduct permanent Improvement and capital aaoonote 3 408 91 Produce Bold during 1906 410 76 Proviaioue, produce, new o othiug and fuel cu baud let Deem ber,I906, as per inventory,.., 2094 90 Unexpired Insurance 125 00 Received from paying inmates528 00 Other receipts 49 00 33611 57 Amount expended for support of inmates 3 3926 11 Average expense per iumate per day ,.... 11 Average weekly expenditure per inmate 82a The expenditure on House and Farm aa00nnt to 68 loilowe ;— Capital aeoouot. ...........3 868 96 Permanent imptovemenle 34 95 Hired help, house and farm187 08 Stook and improvements 335 00 Salaries—Inepeotor, Keeper and Matron.. 718 76 Physician's salary and ap pliauoee 245 46 Repairs to building and furniture 146 99 Provieione and clothing 2549 21. Fuel and light . 1146 05 Books, postage and stationery20 80 Taking iumatee to Aeylotn.... 17 76 fumdeutal expaneee 96 69 Sundry ao0o0ute for farm -180 85 Total 36997 49 Joan TOanANort, Ioepe0t0r. Clinton. The apple evaporator closed last weep working mp nearly 20,000 bnehele of apples, Harvey Davis and Alex Mitchell have a lease of the Skating Riak, and are fitting it up for the Winter, 0. H. Car. ter will have charge of it. B. S. Cooper le building a neat out. gide porch et the Poet Office, whioh will make it more comfortable 112 the lobby, and also for the emp oyeee. The 18th of January next will be the 86th anniversary of the opening of the Oddfellowe' Lodge in Olinton, and it is iutended to observe the 000aeion by a pablle gatberiog of some sort, Carman Hall, Who is employed lo the Sovereign Sank, 'hurt a couple of One Engere rather eeverely. He wee helping to move an iron bet in the new building When he gat hie litigate nipped, torstionsmecotootavattoortata AZT 022667.19VOKis...C. ThApieai Is Ti ou THE HOSPITAL FOR or sr SICK CHILDREN Gar it Cares for lavary Sick t'hil loo 011(111'10 WI1080 Parents Oannot Afford to Pay for Treatment sir Sr Of The Hospital fur Siok Children, Collet, street, Toronto, appeals to fathom end mothers of Ontario for funds to maiutein ------ the thou.aud sick children that it nurses within its walls every year.. The Hoopita] i not a local Mediu tion—but i'rrvin Bial. The eiek child Ir un, any place in On tent who mat elated to pay bus the thine privileges as the S.—a:a.'--..—. child living in Tor "nAPPY eight MIN onto and is treated DOLT„ free. The Hospital hal last year is its bad. end cots 808 patients -391 of these were from 231 places outside of Toronto. The cost is 1.37 Sts. per pa- tient per day, and there were 133 sick lit- tle ones a day in tho Hos- pital.z Since — -•-- its then - Since Plernnit HOOKS, JL:ST d a ti On autumn.. the Beepital has treated 12,120 children. About 8,500 of these wero unable to pay and were treated free. Your money can put gol• den hinges on the door of the Hospital's moray. Every• body's dollar may bo the Friend i n Need to Somebody's child. Your dollar may bo a door of hope to somebody's child. The Hospital pays out dividends of health and happiness to suf. fe ing childhood on every dollar that is paid by friends of little children. If you know of any child in your neighborhood who is tack or crippled or has club feet send the parent's name to the Hos- Two CMOS 1OOT °neEe pital. na PLASTER See what oan be dons for olub•foot chil- dren. There were 36 like cases last year and hundreds in 31 years. SERVING nRoAKFda'r. rrrORE AFTER Please tend contributions to J. Rees Robertson, Chairman, or to Douglas David- son, Sec.-Treas., of the Hospital for Siek Children, College Street, Toronto. The Pubiio School Trueteee who re• tire at the end of the year by expiring of term are John Shaw er., St. John's ward ; 0, B. Hale, St: George's ; F. R. Hodgene, Bt. Jamee. Mr, Shaw 'being away from town, some one will have to be elected in hie place. (A oderia lt. Rev. Joseph Elliott will be a candidate for the mayority at the ensiling election. Mise Tens Gundry has returned from La Oroeee, Wie„ where ehe was matron of the Lutheran hospital. Mies Viotorie Miners, who is attend. ing the Model Bebop' here, was called to her home at Exeter by the sudden death of ber mother. The choir of North street Methodist church, under the leadership of Roy Adams, are preparing the beautiful Uhriehmag cantata "The Holy Ohild," which will be produced about the 18th or 200. The members of the hospital hoard are :—President, Judge Doyle, and Judge Holt, Crown Attorney Seeger, D. McDonald, Rev. Joe. Ellett, 0. A. Nairn, James Molptoeh. and B. E. Bodeen°. The empioyeee of the elevator congre- gated at the Huron Hotel on Tuesday evening of iaet week and presented the proprietor, N. J. Morrieeey, with a heed some diamond tie pin ae s mark of their esteem ter him, The trees on the Holmes and the War. nook lots, now owned by the 0. T. R., are being out down, and as the two dwellings are shortly to be moved, a few 'nab will see the foundation for the G. T. R. freight abed being put There was a large attendenoe at the County Treaeurer'e gale of lands for WWI at bre office on Tuesday afternoon, of last week, All the lands were sold and very few, if any, of the lots were divided, showing Chet there wail not moots compo. ti bion. Another important etep in the in. dnetriel progress of 0oderioh is fore. ebadowed in the conditional gale of tbo plant of the Goderiob Engine & Bagels 0o., Ltd,, to the Rogers mann factoring 0o,, of Toronto. It ie pro. poeed to earry on, in addition to a general foundry and meettine business, • the mgoubaot-ure of a patent jeernel• box for railway .oare, for whioh there is eapeoted to be a very largo and inn mediate demand in Oanada. The housekeeper of the hospital, Mrs, Dias, had the misfortune to break her gem 00 Tuesday morning of leek weak by slipping ou the etepe. She ie tieing eseieted by Mrs, Williams, the wife of the injured man in the hospital, in her work until elm reoovers the use of her arm, The Goderioh Amateur Minstrel Com patty sleeted o6ioere as foliates t—Preei. dent, Walter Kelly ; Vioe•Preaident, Jos. Pigott; Manager, Lionel Pereoaa; Secretary treasurer, Harry Sturdy ; $xeentive Oommittee, Dr, Waiter Turnbull and Fred. Brophey. The in tendon of the company is to put ea a minetrel show about the 10th of Jen may. Doubled. Up With Cramps Stomach feels like an interum maohine and you want relief mighty quick Nothing does the work half eo soon au Poleon'e Narvili:e. Why it kills the pain inata0tly. If y oar bottle ie empty get another to day. Nervitine keepe the doctor bill smell beoauee it aures little ills before they grow big, Nothing for indigestion, heartburn and cramps like Poison's Nervihne. Large bottles for 25o, alio esrme. The pupils and teaoher of S. S. No. 6, will give an "At Home" to their parents and friends at their Sohool Friday after. noon, Deo. 21, at 2 o'olook, ScsooL REPonn.—Report of S. S. No, 6, Morrie for Novemuer.—Br. IV—Viva Bowman, 653 ; Frank Bryaos, 219. Jr, IV—Tape Yotll, 645 ; Margie Yule, 500. Sr. III—Ethel Sellers, 487. Jr, IlI— Mabel Bone, 522 ; Russel Currie, 440 ;. Harvey B°odereou, 215 ; Roy Sellars. Sr. II—Russel Bone, 467 ; John Riley, 431. Jr. II—Bedie Riley, 675 ; Lila Wilkinson, 382. Jr, Pt. II—Harold Cur - tie, 680 ; Ward Sel•ars, 177. Jr. Et. I.— John Yuill, 889 ; Oharlie Seller°, 305 ; Irene Wilkinson, 295. 0. Mumma, Teaoh Or. BABY'S BIRTH A TRYING ME: Rade Easy if the Mother Prepares Her System with a Bracing Treatment of b'errozone. Women immediately experience a real gain in power and strength from using Ferrozone. It ie a true nerve and blood tonin and effeote permanent aures no. paralleled in the history of medicine. Ferrozone eupplee thei essentials of life that are exhausted by over work, worry indigeetiou or high living. It contains joet what every run down woman and girl requires. By instilling new strength Into the blood, Ferrozone benefits the whole body. Digestion improves, the eye sparkles, the oheeke glow with girlish beauty. Normal powers are restored to the generative organa, the nerves are re•oharged with energy, proving that direct benefit is resulting from Ferrozoue. There is no greater boon to 'offering women than Ferrozone. It Ells the system with the snap and fire of youth, Wilda op firm tissue, rouuds out the form until perfeot womanhood and vigorous health is attained. Ferrozone ie the one safe tooio for ladies to use, be - canoe it'oontaine no eloohol or dangerous drugs. Growing girls, young women, expectant mothere— every female will derive unquestionable benefit from this grand restorative. Prepared only in tablet form, 60o. for a box of fifty tablets, or six boxes for 32.60, at all dealers, UY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS Whet' we roundel early shopping we aremindlul of your interest as well as our own. Our stock is complete and larger this season than ever. JEWELLERY - the very latest and beet in Rings, Brace - late, Pearl Set Brooches and Pins, Lock- ets and Necklets, Ladies' and Gents' Chains, Cuff Linke, &c., &o. WATCHES. CLOCKS DIAMONDS EBONY GOODS •STIRLING SILVER bur GLASS PIPES, VIOLINS, &o. And everything that is found in 'an up - to -dote Jewelery Stare. Yon •oan buy here at the Closest Prides. The quality of our goods ie uueurpaseed. Our guar- antee is of value to yeti. We invite your inspection, H. L, . JACKSON •-JEWELLER. ' Il,. Winter 'rum xm ON.THE Bi7SIN] 1SS �lli, ham COLTJLiq'E (affiliated with Gunton Business College, OPENS JANIZARY 2ND This is the mret modern, thnto'iab andsuooeneful hint intlnn of lin kind In Ontario. Remnant waif of leach- ers; unexcelled egtipmeut ; large atteudanee ; actual 000leees eb•fni• .During November are bad 2o -dioses as mnuy onus from 10atiing oone.•11)0 for Itookltoepore, etenographore and Telegraphere an we bud ,gruda- atet to egad. Enter any, rima.• IndhV1dualto0trletIon. • Our baudeomo Christmas Dates Memo embleoa on app lteuttou. r .BO. SPOTTO� i �, Principal • By -Alae No. 258 OF PHA' Trow ship of Gay ,9 By -Law to Prohibit the Sale of Liquor in the Tozvnship of Grey, in the County of Huron. The Municipal Council of the Town- ship of Grey hereby enacts an follows 1. --That the s•tle by retail of spirit - noes, fermented. 00 other manufaotured liquors is end shall be prohibited in Ivory tavern, inn or other place of public enter_ taint -tient in the said Municipality, and the sale thereof, except by wholesale, is and shall be prohibited in every . hop or place i0 the said Muoioipality other than w '0000 of public entertainment. 2—'That the v to f the electors of the said Townehip of Grey will be taken on the By-law by the Deputy Returning Officers hereinafter named on MONDAY, THE SEVENTH DAY OF JANUARY, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Sev n, oommenoing at nine o'olook in the fore- noon and continuing until five o'clock - in the afternoon of the same clay, at the nudermentioned places ; that is to say :— Polling Hub -Division No. 1 a. School House, S. S. No, 4, John MoEwao, D. 10. O. - Polling Sub -Division Nn, 2 at School House, S. S. No. 1, William Work, D. R. 0. Polling Sub -Division No, 8 at School House, S. S. No, 2, Oliver Turnbull, D.It. 0. Polling Sob -Division No. 4 at Sohool House S. S. No. 9, Neil, McNair, D. R. O. Polling Sob -Division No. 5, at Town- ship Hall, Ethel, Conrad Bernath, D. R. Polling Soh -Dive -ion No. 6 at Salmi House, S. S. No. 5, Amos Smith. D. 10. 0. - Polling Sub -Division No. 7 at Forest- ers' Hall, Oraub,00h, Allan Cameron, D. R. 0. 3,—That on Saturday, the Twenty Ninth day of December A. D. 1903, at the Clerk':. OR.•e fu the Village of Ethel, in the said Township of Grey, at the hour of ten o'clock in the foren on, the Reeve of the said Township of Grey, shall appoint in writing, signed by him- self, two persona to attend at the filial summing up of the votes by the Clerk. and one person to attend at each polling plane ou behalf of the persona interested in and desirous of promoting the passing of this By-law, and a like number on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of opposing the passing of this By-law. 4.—That the Clerk of the said Muui- oipal Council of tbe said Township of Grey shall attend at the said Cleric's Office, in the Village of Ethel at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, the Eighth day of January, A. D., 1907, to cum up the number of votes given for and against this By- law. 6—Thio By-law shall Dome into opera- tion, and be of full force and effect on and after the first day of May next, after the final passing thereof. Dated at the Connoil Chamber in the Township(Sigof Grey, this 190 day of ned) [L. S] Reeve.. NOTICE. Take notice that the above is a true copy of a proposed By-law whioh has been taken into consideration by the Municipal Council of the Tewnehip of Gray and which will be finally passed by the said Council in the event of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto, as provided by the Elector Lioonse Actafter one month from the publication thereof in Tae Bnuesni,s Porn newspaper, the date of which publication was Thursday, the Thirteenth day of December, A. D., 1906 and at the hour, day and pintas therein fixed for inking the votes,of the electors, the polls will be held, (Signed) [L. S.] Join 1tloINTosa, Clerk. Judicial wale of Property Situate in the Township of Grey. lb the • Connie, nf- Heron at one time oo- cupied liy Donald McNichol, cem- ent to the final order for sale 'merle in' the notion of TEE MUTUAL LIFn AaeURANOE f mMPANY OF CANADA vs. DoxitrD 110Nronon eb al, There Will he Offered •'for sale with the ap- prohntinn 01000 Pleat' Master nt (001110, n.t the American Hotel in the.Village of'B'ru-, nein nt eleven o'clock in the f"rennoe, on RATilart)Y,'L'ITFI 22v U DAYOF Dlef'7tM•• RAM ,1808 :—Alt and there eertaln parcels or tracts of land and prem•000 situ- ate, lvlue and being in the Townshipof Grey, in the Ominty of Hu,ron'and P•ovuie 0101tnrto, eon tainin a• tngetber•ono hnn,lro 1 nnrea beh,geomponwl of: Plretly_ the Wait 'Half of Ln N0,26 in ,,the 4th Coueeeainn of the said Tow' elfip of (irey:enfitnlning 00 acres more or lees, uud 800ond10'. theanrtb Nall of Lot No 26 In the Pb Onneeeeion of the Raid Town slllb, enu tai nip g Nacre,' elm,. nr leas hu tbe Went Baty or Lot No 28 there is a gond bank barn with Moue stab. line 401(60 'eel), also e wooden bowie, 1;' fah' oendit'no,gond well, fairly well 'feno011 n1r t1ie hart there is about 40 acres • at for aelti vation, the balance is artly. e10' red •1,111 'mall On the North Half of tot No, 50 thele are 0d buildings ;about 10' Roren aro at or. cultivation and the balance be partly cleared ; 1. ie 'atrly well folioed The peep. may in'ai'nato in a gond farming dietriot end, e about 6 mil a from Brun'ele end 8 ratios from Ethel, whore there are good markets• school within 1A miles The Neil in a light' clay loam, Nash parcel will drat bo offered for nolo esparately and then both parcels will be offered for sale together neon par- tial will he offered for tale' subject to.a re• served bid and also the whole property in the o.me way, 'I'lle reserved bide hove been fixerl by the nnid Master The purchaser or '1'urebneern shell pity Ten per • Dent, of the t'u'rban money at the time of the sale to the Vendors or their Solieitor0 and the bal- tame thereof shall be paid at the expiration of thirty dayn-lydm the date 61 snob sale, together with interest thereon at the rate of five per Dont per annum The The Vendorswin only be required totar- nish a ilepletrar's abotraot of title atul 1.0 predu0e iamb deeds or Older; thereof or. I flail evidence title as ere berme n 1 condi, tinea of ogle 001131 be the standing conditions 01 the 'Deb ('ourb of Juatlee, Norther par. Caldera nay be bad 0 applying to Makkah le Brite, 'oilcloth' eoiloitere, Trod» ', Out,,, or to 1, 8. Om en, Anetlonser. Ornemmia, or J, 3, A. WEIR, 22-8 L'ooal Ma0ter et Marlin, • • 1 f You Want a Suit to look right, to feel right, to BE right, it's imperative that you have it made by a tailor —for YOU. If you would like to pick a suit from a really new, stylish pile of materials come here. That's an invitation. We will give yon all the style thele is going, all the neat dressiness that distinguishes THE IVORY. ON .THE TAYLOR }PILO KNOWS. WELL 101AD13 (.'LOTHINS FOR WELL DRESSED LIEN. . . NEVER Too BUSY TO snow YOU WHAT YOU WISH TO SEE. t'Do not forget the Special Price Sale for two weeks. Call in and see what we are offering. FEUSO &RO3S MSE in the Interests of ti will be held in the Municipality of Grey as Follows : Polling Sub -division No; 1—Monday, Dec. 17th, at Bry- an's School House, Speakers, Rev. Messrs. Burnett and McRae, - —At Smith's School House, Thursday, Dec. 2oth. - Speakers, Reeds. Messrs. MacNab and Powell, Division No.•2—Wednesday, Dec. 19th, at Shine's School House. Speakers; Mr. Thos. Strachan and Rev, 'Mr. Arnistron.,o'. •Division No. 3—Thursday,, Dec. 2oth, at Turnbull's School' House. Speakers, Revds, Messrs. Wishart • and Arnistrolig. • . • Division No. 4—;•SundaY 3 , Dec. 2 3rd1 -at .Bethel Church. Speakers;, Rev. Mk. ,McRae and others. —Thursday, Dec.` 27th,, at Union Church. Speakers, . Revels, Messrs. Bond and Powell, • .Division No. 5—Wednesday, Jan: 2nd, at Township Hall,' Ethel,' ' Sp'eakers, Rev, Mi-., Wishart and others. • Division 'No. '6 -Monday ` • House. S }., Dec. 31st, at Duke's Scliool Speakers, Rev: Mr, Burnett and others. Division No. ' 7—Thursday, Jan,rel, at Presbyterian Church, C;ranbrook, Speakers, Y s, Rev. 1VIr. MacNab and others. Meeti>ro will g Commence at 7.30 p. sail. . Silver Collection will be taken at Each Defray Ex-Jtfeeting to • e f y Expenses of Campaign. (Vote f r O. the Local _. l O: tLt�/Z p ByoLauy tinCr/xLl Ia air �. y � By Order of committee.