HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-12-13, Page 1Vol, 36. No. 23
New Advertisements.
Helpful hints—ha. Fox.
Xmas Goode --J, G. Jones,
Notice—R, (3. Davies & Oo,
Boar for service—Geo. Addy,
Notico—Township of McKillop,
.A. few suitgestiofe—A. ttrnohnn.
Removed—E. 0. Doeford & Sou.
About Ne'ikweer .-Forgueon d: Rolm
By -Law No. 258—Township of Grey.
3 stxzct : 1) ,
MoKrrror Council met et the Com
meroiei Rotel, Beefortb, on Dee. llbh
All the members present, Minutes of
previous meeting read and adopted
Aeconnts to the amount of $0120.19 were
passed and paid by ahequea on the
Treasurer. A By law appointing a plum
for Nomination meeting and in oath of
an Emotion, Polling etabione and
Deputy Returning Officers wee read and
Ladiesr Gold Watches and
Conte' Gold Watches and
14 kt. Gold Crescent Brooches
and Tie Pins, REAL Pearls,
very nice for a gift.
Bracelets of all deeociptione,
Cuff Buttons.
L•trge ebock of Silverware to
choose from—in foot every-
thing that is kept in an up-
to-date etock.
Gold Spectacles and Eye
Gleams, very anitable gift
• for Father or Mother,
Goods and Prince Guaranteed.
Give me a can and see for your-
finally petalled, ponnoil ndjonrned to
meal again 1et0brie, White's hones, on
Dao, 16th at 10 o'olaok a, m. M. Muttons
1aarn O0 CO 'Wit.
Next Sabbath evening Jac, MoA.11ieter
will 000dnet tate eerviee h the EMU here.
The auntie' Sabbath School entertaim.
mont will be held in Viotoria Hull 00
Thursday 20th. Good program.
roatot or.
J. R. Wendt epeut Sunday at hie home
in Mildmay.
0. Hick visited several days in Harris.
ton at hie home.
Several from hero Attended the Liberal
Nominating meeting in Bement on
Wm. Sanderson had a very snoaesefal
sale of stools at the Gorton House Mon
day afternoon,
Mies Sweeney who hes had oberge of
Niro. Lewis' millinery this Beason left for
her bome in Artbar last Thursday,
Ctrrt.nter(to kr.
Will. Ziegler has purchased 0. Alder.
eon'e high etepper.
Cottage Prayer meeting at the home
of John Dining on Tuesday next,
We are pleased to learn that Mies
Susan MaNeir boo secured a eobool at
Misses Emma IInether and Amelia
McInnes hive returned home after vleit•
Eng Mre, Jas. Brown, of Ethel.
Mre. Carrie, of Gait, who baa been
visiting here, went to Millbank beet week
a000mpanied by Mre. H. Bmatidon.
Mies Margaret Switzer, who has been
vieiting in Guelph for the pant two
months bite returned home, a000mpanied
by her aunt, Mre. Pollard,
Court Woodbine will bold its next
meeting on Saturday evening 29th inst.,
ioetoad of Friday, 28th, Members are
naked to take note of the (Abeige.
Notice to those
Indebted to
R. G. Davies 86 Uo., Ethel
We desire to' have all of
our accounts settled on
or before Deo. 20tb ae
our books must be bal-
anced on that date.
. Cn Davies ez Co.
The ennui aupper of Court Woodbine,
0 0. I'' , Oranbroak, will be held at J.
Loog'e hotel on Thnreday evening of next
week, Membora who have not yet re
Delved their bioltet may enure them
by oalling on A. Reymann, Finanoial
VB n t r.ono.
See Walton news on page 6
The Pnbtia Library ponoert program
wes very ohoioe but the attendanoenot ae
large as hoped for.
The railway oonetruotion gang have
passed Walton and we hope to Boon hear
the toot 0f trains retular•y.
A number from hero took in theTennie
Club Oouoert at Brueaele last Friday
evening and say it wee o. k,
John and Mise Rubel Barrows arrived
bare from Moosejaw last week and are
with their mother who has been danger.
oualy ill.
George and Mre. Hamilton and
obildren are here from the West and
are weetome visitors. Tbay will likely
retire next Spring,
Owing to hba having sold hie farm Geo.
0. Barrows baa announced a clearing sale
of farm stook, implemoute, &a., for
Tbnr.day afternoon of next week. Mr,
Barrows may go West next Spring.
HAND Tam; Orr.—We are very
sorry to report that Charles pace, wbe
lives Emit of bare, met with a mosb on.
fortunate aaoident on Tuesday. While
cutting straw at hie barn his lett hand
got naogltt in the knives and was taken
off. Medical attention was palled when
it was deemed neaessery to amputate at
the wrtet. Mr. Case will be accorded
sincere sympathy in the sad ocoarrenoe.
Methodist B, S. entertainment next
Tuesday evening.
Ohm. Jackson, who hue been very ill
with pneamooia,to recovering, we are
pleased to Bay.
Nomination Day will be Monday,
Dea. Stet from 12 to 1 o'oiook in the
tawnehip Hall, Ethel,
Bice. Geo. Barnette, of North Dakote,
ie expeoted bome to spend %mare with
her mother, Mrs. 0. Baynard,
There was a large turn out of Liberate
from this tonality to the East Huron
Convention at Brussels last Toeaday.
Next Sabbath evening the peter will
pretteh to the young people in the Metbo
diet ohnroh. "The rope of deathly" will
be the topic.
Mies Olive Baynard smog a beautiful
solo Met Sunday evening •at Monorieff.
Rev. Mr. McRae preaohed. It was
temperanoe Sunday.
Mies Lyda MoAllom has gone to Palo
ley where she baa taken a position a0
saleslady in the store of W. Humphrey,
We are sorry 10 loge this estimable young
Indy from Ethel but wish her the very
beet of 8000000.
Li 11,3 0 I
Drop,i: and See use
his S ace _V e e
Watch for � � x L Week
e. Dunf.s:r
Exclusive Clothiers and
W. H, KERR, Prop
All Interested in the re•orgeuizetion of
the Debating Society in Ethel age asked
to assemble in the Gibson Hall on Sat-
urdey evening at 7.30 o'oloali.
Mre, Alex. D. Lamont is attending the
Wornen'a" Inetiinte Convention at
Guelph th10 week, Mr. Lemont am
oompanied her to the Fat Stook Show.
The oomfortabfe brick reeidenoe of
Aaron Heller, 17 ranee Went of here, be
now uooapied by Mr. Heller and family.
We wieb them many happy years in their
new home.
te, S. Campbell ban returned from hie
trip to the Old Country, looking bale and
bearty. Be is welcome bank after his
very enjoyable trip. Mr. Campbell may
arose the briny again next season.
The auction sale of W. H. Love on
Wednesday afternoon Was largely ahead -
ed end goad prices realized. A mere
sold for 6248 ; cows brought $60 ; sheep,
$26 per pair ; and bene went es high se
60 acute each.
This week R. 0. Davies wee at Toronto
on a bnedueee trip. Several deeirabie
options are before biro an to outdone
ter the future but will not decide math
after the holidays ae be well deserves a
abort vaoation, Everybody will be glad
to see Mr. Demi do well.
The Metbodiat Sunday School will bold
their annual Entertainment in the Town-
abip Hall next Tuesday evening, Deo.
18th. Lunch served from 7 to 8 follow.
ed by the showing of "The Family
Album" with all he aoeompanying eche,
dame, reoitatione, quartettes, &o.
Thos. Williamson is home from bis
trip to the West. He invested in some
property and may go Dot again:
A aeries of meetings in the intermits
of Local Option are announced to be
held in Grey. The Het appears io an.
other column in this beano.
A %wee Tree entertaiemont and soofal
will be held in Union ohnroh, oon, 12,
Xmas Eve, Monday, Deo, 24th. It
promisee to be a grand affair.
Tea Pon and Weekly Globe to Jan.
let 1907 for the email euro of 61.86 in
advance. The filaetrated pages of the
Globe are worth the money alone.
We weloome bank to Grey towuehip
Jno. McFadden and family. Mr. Mo.
Fadden bought the 100 *tore farm of
Emote Oriob, 2j miles South of Brueeele,
and ie now in poeeeesion,
Rev, W. A, Smith, of Aehfleld, form,
arty of Grey township, has been invited
to become pastor of Dungannon oiroait
after next Oooferenoe and hag aooepted
eubjeot to the Stationing Committee
next June.
A certain gentleman of the 14th con. ie
taking in 0110 Fat Stook Show while
vieiting with partiooier Mende near
Guelph. This is not Neil's first trip to
that eeotion of the country, but first the
Daae and then the bird ie an old addage.
Last week Alex. McDonald, 4th Doo.
arrived homo from hie visit to British
Columbia where be went to see hie
brother who has been ill and in still poor.
poorly. Mr. McDonald called ou rel
tivee and old friends in Manitoba on hie
way home.
The 100 aarse known as the MoNiabol
property, 4th and 6th oonoeaeione of
Grey, will be offered for sale on Saturday
Deo. 22nd, at the American Hotel Brno
Bele, at 11 o'aloak. Farther particulars
may be ascertained by reference to ad
verbisoment in this ism.
The Galt Reporter eaye ;—Joehaa H.
Attwood, who ema000101 Charley Hart a.
driver of the breeder 'hue and mai
carrier between the stations, has reeigued
hie position and goes to Pt. Rowan, to
embark in a butcher business in partner
ship with T. Elmo. Mr. Attwood has
The real teat of a l000'0 good haste
lies in the eeleotion of his Neck-
wear. It 1e nob so much the shape
of your toad as the discriminate he
of colors. Your oomplexi0u, the
tone of your olotbee, the color of
yowl shirts are all points to be oon-
eideretl in the selection of neolr-
We epeoialive ou the cermet color
minimal and designs in Neckwear,
with every bit of extravaganoo taken
out of pteimee. The beet le none too
good for the trade we're actor,
All we ask be a change to show you
what we ball etyle and value,
been two years on the job and hag die..
charged the diose.welt, being aogrteoue
and obliging as well ae etrlotly attentive
to hie oWo work. Ha hoe it clean record
as carrier, having never missed a mail.
The annual pabiio eobool examination
and entertainment of S. B, No. 4 is in
Progress and will be held on the 21et loot, 1
Teacher F, F Bryaae, mita and Oom•
mitten are putting forth every effort to
make the entertalnmeob the beet of the
season, Exoellont talent has been gm
oared from Brunie and other planes.
Don't forget the date.
HYMENAAI,,—Aa will be Beat by actin
eleewbere Min Sadie MoTaggart,
daughter of Dongeld iloTaggart, nth
Doo., was united in marriage to J. N.
Foster, morobant tailor of Port Albert,
Sask., on Nov. 18th, The oeremony
wag performed at Lnmeden, by Rev.
Mr, Patterson, at the tesidonse of Mr,
Kerr. May their joys be many. The
bride has been in the West for the past
1} years.
113e Izra've.
There panned away at his late residence
in Botgrave, on Friday of last week at
I2 40 o'olook an old and reepeoted 0001.
dent of Morrie township, in the person of
Daniel Barkley, He was born 79 years
ago in the township of Matilda, in the
Ottawa dietriot, where be was also mar.
Tied to Mies Lucy Parker, whose father
wee one of the first Councillors for the
township of Morrie. In 1861 Mr. and
Mra. Barkley moved to Morrie, where
they took op a farm on the 6th aonaee•
Mon, at Snuebiue, end at that plane their
daughter was the Hest white girl born in
the towuehip. They were then seven
miles from thole nearest neighbor.
About 34 years ago Mr. Barkley moved
to Belgrave, where he resided up to the
time of hie demise. He bad been poorly
all Summer, kidney trouble being the
Dames. He bad been a very vigorous man
hardly knowing a day's illness. He was
a member of the Methodist oburoh ; in
polities a Conservative of a liberal type.
He loaves to mourn has demise, a wife,
three sone and tour daughters. The
Bone are ;—Oharlee, of McCauley, Mani.
toba ; Ira, of Climax, Mich., and George,
of Brutish. Daughters are, Mre. W. H.
Hartford, of Toledo ; Mre. McComas' and
Mea. Little, of Detroit, and Biro. Sheerer,
of Loudon. The funeral took plane on
Sunday afternoon, the servieee being
ooaduated in the Metbodiat thumb, Bel-
; grave, by Rev. G. W. Rivere, who preach
ed a most appropriate dieoonre from the
90111 Psalm and 20th veree. Interment
in Snosbioe cemetery. The pallbearers
were (Mae. McClelland, Jno. end W.
Hopper, Joe. Stewart and W. Watson.
• Mre. Mo0onnell, Mre. Little, Ira and
George were in attendance at the faner•
al. The many years of Qbrietian ex.
perienoe served Mr. Barkley well to the
last and be died in pekoe. Mts. Barkley
will reside with Mre, Little in Detroit.
She and the members of her family ebare
largely in the sympathy of the commun-
Edward Bryant§ is home from the
Towoabip Council meeting will be held
on Saturday of this week as per Statute,
8anebine Sabbath School entertain-
ment will take place on Tuesday evening
of next week.
The aonetrnation train of the Guelph
and Goderieb ratiway got into Morrie
last Monday and the work is being push-
ed along.
Frank Bell, a former well known
Morrieite, baa been eerionely ill with
typhoid fever. Be ie living in Tornberry
and is still quite poorly.
Geo. Davidson, of Vanoouver, B. O.,
and hie brother Samuel, of Fullerton,
called on their friend Duke Jordan on
Monday laet on their way to visit their
sister, Mrs. Samuel Jordan.
An a00tinn sale of farm stook, imple•
menta, &a., ban been annoanoed for Fri-
day, 28th inot„ by Evans Broe., 71h line.
Sale will be unreserved as their leans ie
out. Thos. Brown will be the emotion.
ear. The farm will be taken charge of by
Jaa, Beane.
A welcome visitor to this locality ie
Joseph Hanna, of Keys, Manitoba, son
of J. W. Hanna, a former resident of
the 6th line, who went Met 10 years
ago. He will epend a few months here,
Mre, Alex. Nichol jr„ le a sister to Mr.
Hanna. He save last year's orope were
fair. They have 3 elevators at Keys.
Gladetooe ie 8 intim away. The visit.
or says there was 2 feet of now
when he left home, He Dame via
Obioago, Before he returns he may
piok out a housekeeper rem the many
obarming young ladies of this. locality.
Bnonsaercn Scapa. ENTAATAoNMRNx—
Monday [venin/ of last week, Brd Chet„
the Morrie Townebip Hall was poked bo.
overflowing on the 000aoion of the
Annual Entortabnmeot in oonneotion
with S. S. No. 8, of which Min Minnie
Har, Is the popular teacher. The chair
wee 000apied by M, Bleck, of Braesele,
'ormerly a well known and enooeaefnl
leather in the eeotion. Prooeade et the
entertainment was628,16 which will be
applied for eobool purposes. The pro
gram, woo long, (nearly 60 nnmbere)
varied and full of good things and the
interest was well maintained until' the
aloes, It was ae follows 1 --Opening,
singing of Lord's Prayer by the tohool ;
epeeobi, chairman ; instrumental, Mestre
Mercer, Hingeton, Taylor and Carrie;
reoitation, Florence Kerney, WTlmdr Rer.
nay; dialogue, Photograph gallery 1
vocal, onto, llire, Meek ; solo, M. Work
man, ; dialogno,Heppy faintly; recitation,
Annie Little ; inetrumental, Mica Selena
Wheeler ; parasol drill, by eight girls 1
inetrumental, Meaere. Mercer, HTngetan,
Taylor and Currie ; re0itktion, Thine
Mary Stewart ; Reoonstrnoted man,
dialogue ,net mm nb Ir month organ,
Mae Lawson , Little dlecontonted oeade,
five girls instrumental, Mr. Shaw;
reottatioti little Mies Irwin ; dialogue,
The model elaeo I song, Sing of men who
were brats ( reaitati0n, Elsie Cannon ;
tnetrurnrnte', Maestri. Mettler, Hingoton,
Taylor and Currin ; dialogue, Indian
Raid I rebitation, Mae Beatriot Barrie ,
pantomime, John Brawn, ts11 boys ;
vsoal solo, Mre, Watson : inetrumental,
mouth organ, Ohae. Laweon ; dialogue,
Marrying; a poetee0; reoitatton, Wilii
Denman ; infor m: mutat, Wee M00raok
en ; tong, The jam pots ;eoio, Mr. Work
MAD ; dialogue, Pereonatiog oldere ; in
strumental, month organ, Mr. Lawson ;
dialogue, Bridget's investment ; gong, The
Mee 0brlstmae Dox ; instrumental
Meilen. Mercer, Corry,' BBingotou
Taylor ; Jack o' Lantern Drill I dialogue,
The expected Vieitore ; recitation, Ernest
Miabbe ; dialrgue, A dootor by proxy t
reoitatlon, Janie Al000k ; dialogue,
Snarl's ohiidrea 1 God Save the King,
DIED AT GaAVANR0ROT.---On No,ember
27th James Watt Martin, eldoee SOD of
.James M. and Bin. Martin, of Clinton,
ormerly of Morris tomnebip, paid
Nature's debt passing away at the early
ge of 21 years, 1 month and 12 days,
be ailment being boberoulosie of the
hinge. He bail a stroke of paralysis
about 6 yeare ago from which he never
tally recovered and was often a great
offerer. Deoeaeed was horn in Morrie
owns/lip and was a grand eon of Joe.
Mason, Srd fine. He was of a millet die
oeition and a general favorite witb old
and young. Be bore hie eufferioge with
Marietian fortitude, end was quite re
signed to the will of the Almighty. A
Wee from the Sanitarium says be was
the most patient boy they ever had,
Last August be went to Gravenhnret
aping the change would prove benefialal
o. despite all that could be done be
awed away as above elated. Jamee
ad written to letter bome the day be.
ore hie demiee and it and a telegram
announcing bis sodden death arrived
bout the same time. The remains were
',rongbt to Clinton for interment, Rev.
Dr. Stewart, Presbyterian minister,
000duatiog an appropriate service. The
bereeved are deeply sympathized with
in their sorrow.
A. Mato, 31. 0'. 1', The Nominee,
The canna' meeting of the East Huron
Liberate was held in the Town Hall
entente, on Toeedey afternoon, eau
was very largely attended. President
Dal was in the chair and made a neat
peeing addreee. The following officers
were elected for the current year: -
1 resident, W. M. Sinclair, Brussels ;
ioe•preeidente, M. Mnrdie, MoKi,lop;
A. MoLaaghlin, Howiok ; Secretary.
treasurer, W. II. Kerr, Brussels. Maui
o ipal abairman were chosen ae follows :—
Rowiok, Jobo Henneberg; Wroxeter,
John Douglas; Grey, John McTaggart;
rarnberry, Alex. Kelly ; Morrie, George
Taylor ; Brossele, F. B. Soots; wfngham,
10. Clegg ; East Wawaooeb, J. T, Currie ;
Blyth, Wm. Campbell ; Hallett, Thos.
McMillan ; McKillop, Jno. McDowell.
Interest centred around the nomin-
ation of a candidate for the Oommone.
One hundred and eixty-eight certified
elegatee were present to oast their hal
ole. Dr. MaoDooald ex -M, P„ who has
e o often valiantly fought political battles
in Heron, declined to be a candidate
wing to increasing yearn, and the fee..
ng that he bad already attained a goodly
-bare of honor from the Liberals.
The first ballot brought out eight
names, but all withdrew excepting A.
Hie.ap, M, P. P., and W. H. Kerr, of
The POST. The second ballot gave the
nomination to Mr. Hislop, the vote beteg
98 to 73.
Short epeeohee were made by a number
of leading Liberate, after which the fob
owing resolatioos were pasted :—
Moved by Jno. R. Miller, eeoonded by
Jae, Edgar, that we the Liberate of East
Huron in Convention aeeemblod have
ploxeore in expressing our continued and
ull oonfldenoe in the administration of
Sir Wilfrid Laurier, and we heartily
approve of the advanced legislation in.
eugarated and carried out, reeuiting
,argeiy in the marvelous expansion and
prosperity of, this Dominion. We ciao
heartily 500000 in and approve of the
new Tariff introduoed by the Finance
Minister, and which we believe will
materially aid in ooutioning to the
people of title country the prosperity they
have enjoyed, under Liberal adminietra•
tion. We also desire to express our
approval and appreoiation of the advano-
ed moral legislation for which we are so
mush indebted to this Goverment,
notably the measure providing for the
bettor observance of the Sabbath.
Moved by H. Johnston, ee000ded by
W. Nioboloon, that talkie expreeeing
approval of the oondnot of the Libera
petty in the Ontario Legislature, under
the leadership of Ran, G. W. Roes, we
deaire to express oar entire disapprove
of the extravagant andaobooratio oondoo
of the Whitney Government. We dis-
approve of the system of Goverment by
Oommieelon inaugurated by this Govern
meat receiving from the repreeentativee
of the people, reeponeibilities that 'Mould
rest onthem and them alone, and en-
tailing large and needless expense ou th
people. We further express our dfe
approval of the %t eoretic legielatian im
peed on the Peovinoe as exetnpbfled by
recent School legislation and appolnt-
Convention was brought to a oboe
With the usual Mere, The olainis o
Dr. MaoDenald for one 01 the vaoan
seats in the eenate was beaked np by tit
Oonveution and all hope that the desired
reaoguitioo will be given,
It woe decided to call a Nominating
Convention et an early date to select 111.•.
Legislature standard bearer. Tile ex.
hot date was left bit the bands of theEx.
The Conservatives of Hatt Huron will
convene here on the 27th suet, Dr.
Chisholm. the present M. P. of Wingbam
vein likely be the standard bearer
rohde oon Gilmore
A a wet knocked
down and run over by a hue at Parry
Sound and narrowly eedaped serious in.
The steamer Eleanor ran on a shoat tut
Patioake islands, and the ore* bud 1,
past the night in the open with 1h:
tbebmomettr below rler4,
Fire paused a heavy loge at MacLeod.
Employees in the M. (7. R. Shops at
St Thomas will roosive a substantial
inareeoa of pay,
The working bailee Of the 0. P, R.
elevator Dat ,Fort William was burned,
entailing a heavy Mee,
The Dominion Steel And Dominion
Opal Companies have reached a tompor-
ary settlement of their differeoees,
A canal from Lake Superior to Mut,
eou'e Bay is the objeob of A oampeny
now applying to Parliament for a Ober.
The Canadian Granby and Maple Leaf
Rubber Gompaniee have bees taken over
by the Canadian Rubber Company of
.People We Know,
J. R. Stubbs and H.R. Elliott are batik
from their railroading job,
Mies Tookey, who was visiting here,
returned bo her home Said. week.
Norman McGuire left last week to take
a poelt1on on the Milverton Sun.
Mr. Daley, of Seaforeb, was visiting
John Hill last week for a day or so.
D. 0. Ross made a short visit to Zip•
arditle lash week to visit big brother,
Mre. Biake Elliott, of Wlogbatn, spent
Tuseday with Mre, Joe, Long, Flora
Mise Mary Karim, a former resident, ie
onewiog old friendships in Brnesole and
Eddie sod Herb. Lowry arrived home
eat week for a holiday visit. They have
lean at Winnipeg and Toronto.
Reseed McDonald arrived helve last
week from Moosejaw, where be was em-
ployed. Elie father is expected bome
trona the West by Ohrietmas.
We are ems, to report the illness of
ISr. M. Cavanagh, of Owen Sound, a
turner Brueselite, bat we hope a ohmage
or the bolter will soon set in.
11 H. and Mre. Green, of Deynga, were.
vieiting Mrs, Green's mother, Mrs. Bar-
rie, daring the pee week. They will
likely spend the Winter at Sbratbroy.
Mies Lily Sharpe, of Ingersoll, ie bome .
wing to the indiepoeition of her mother
•rom an attack of piendey. We hope
Mrs.. Sharpe will soon be as well se ever.
Oonooillor Ballantyne, who was laid
ell last week with an injured knee, aaae.
ad by a nail in aboard he was breaking
penetrating it, ie able to be about again
•0 ash'.
THA POST welcomes Enema and Mre.
Oriah to Bioesele an residents, they hay.
ng taken up their bome in the oomfort-
•,ble reeideuoe recently prebend from
John McFadden, John street.
Jno. Ritchie left on Thursday morning
'or Welland where he has aooepted a
position in a tonsorial parlor, The
Wellandere will find him a worthy young
men. We wish him well in hie new
Meg. Thos. Watson, of Kirkwall, and
three children have been vieiting in
Braesele, Grey and McKillop, for the
poet two weeks. Mre, Watson ie re
daughter-in.law of P. W ateon, Queen eb.,
Frank Stretton jr., who has recently
returned from a Oullege coarse fo watob-
making,.has taken a situation in the
Gabel jewelry &tore, Listowel, and went
to it an ,Thnreday. TEA POST wishes
him 0000ees,
J. H. Cameron, principai of Brussels
Publio School, was at Goderiob Thnre•
day of last week, interviewing the 0o.
Council ae to Wormed grant%Continua.
tion Maas work. The request was grant-
ed we are pleased to bear.
Mies Lizzie MoLaaoblin, teaoher, ar-
rived bome from Salt Coate, .Rask,, Tues-
day night for a two months' holiday,.
She has been in the West 5 years and
has met with tip-top enooeee, spending
the past 4 years at Bali Coate.
CHURCH (if11ii1ES.
Maitland Presbytery will meet in
Wiogham on Tuesday of next week.
The Epworth League forwarded a bele
of goods, ooneietiog of clothing, quilts,
to the Deaconess Home, Toronto.
The Christubae oofteottao in Broaeols
Metbodiat Sabbath School this year wilt
be forwarded to the Hospital for Biok
Children, Toronto,
Little Star Minion Band of Melville
()Minh, will hold their annual entertain•
meat on Thnreday evening of this week.
Refreehmeabe served.
The Annual entertainment will be held
in St. Johne ohnroh Thursday evening
Deo. 20th. A sleigh ride wilt be given
for the children at 8 p. m. attar which
refreshments will b`.•erved. A good
program aooeisting of oborueee, roadrnge,
reoiatione and dialogues will ootnmeoee
at B o'clock,
San AtitaviiaiRY.—The third Anaf.
vereary in oouueatiou with Braude
Methodist church will be held on Sunday
aid Monday Deo. 80811 and 819t. Rev.
T. W. Omens, a former pastor, new of
Wallaoebnrg, will preach on the Sabbath,
Monday evening a platform meeting will
be held at which addresses, readings and
ntu.io will be preeented. 1'he mortgage,
which has been cleared off, will be
enjoyable (1030 wee spent at it snow
gathering held in Melville ohnrelt an the
29th nit„ under the anopioae of the Weet•
mineter Guild. Chair was eceeptably
oaaupied by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Wieliart
and the mesioal and literary bill of fare
wet presented` se follows —;Duet, Potted'
of ocean, Mime J. MoArthur and J.
Habkitk ; reading, Beesio Davidson
male quartette, Tba land o' the Leal,
Meesra, Dongail Strachan, Alex. attach
'an, J. H. Cameron and J, Habkirk ;
reeding, Roth. Strachan ; eoio, Guide me
Thou Great Jehovah, Mioe Mo$iolay ;
Think • .
addreee, Mr. Wishart oanti got" ,
mixed quartette, Choosing the Bet, Mines
MoKintay and Meters. Habkirk stud
Stra' hen and Habkirk ; solo, Highland
tomb, D. Strachan ; Ladies quartette,
Home again, Misuse MoI rtor, Habkiek,
McKinley and MnLaoohlin ; eoio, True
as the eompasc, J. Htbkirk. Proceeds