HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-12-6, Page 81 UNEASY 1
Christen 5 Pre :eats Standard Bank of Canada T E
Ebony Brushes New Games
Dressing Oases Gold Plated Ware
Perfume Christmas Cards
Boxes of Stationery Calendars and Booklets
New Books Padded Poets
Boys' Books Jewel Cases
Fountain Pens Dolls
Panay China Dolls' Carriages
Burnt Leather Goods Toys and Blocks
Bibles and Hymn Books Picture Books
Work Baskets Sleighs
Boquet Holders &o., &c,
The above are only a few of the many special Chrietmae lines we oarry. The
list may be suggestive, We have now our new Souvenir Christmas Post Cards,
You get the beat oh. ice at first.
Taal al ,tem$
A ohiel'e among ye takir' notes,
An' faith he'll prent is.
Have you paid your tales 7
Timers Concert Friday evening of this
A. 0. U. W. Friday evening of this
SoaooL Board Friday evening of neat
Tau eleotrio lights were nob in evidence
on Monday night owing to repairs to the
Mona=Y Horee Fair Thareday of this
weak. The neat Fair will be held an
Tboreday January 3rd.
OROwozn ODT.—Owing to rash Of
advte, several iutereeting matters are
arowded over to neat week.
PaULTIIY is au abundant "crop" thie
Boerne and as prices are balding op well
the owners 1103 profiting thereby.
0. 0. F. WILL meet teat Tueeday even•
ing. This will be the first night for re
oeiving nominatiaae for next year's
EAST HURON Conservatives will hold a
Nomluatng Couveution for the Comm-
une io Brusee16 Town Hall Thursday
Deo. 27th.
ALL chose suffering from weak eyes or
a headaohe should not fail to consult
with Nies J. J. Allan, Friday Deo. 14th
at the American Hotel, Brunets,
Mae, (DR.) Borates will play the intro
dootory piano eeiaotion at the Tennis
Concert oo Friday evening. Mies Jeau
MoLauoblie will be the a0oumpauist.
INSPEOTOf ROBE and Principal Cameron
will go so Ultucon uext week as Exam -
leers in °Dawe:tioo with the Moder
School Exemivahione. There is a large
Tammeee ExemniaTION.—T0e Third
Clare Pruteasionai Esammations will be
befd as the varioue Model sequels be -
glutting Toeeday, Deo. Ilth at 8.45 o. m,
and ending Tboreday, Deo. 18cu at 2.30
p. m.
BALE or DaaaAtr GRADES.—Saturday
afternoon of tuts week, at 2 o'etonk,
there wid he offered for sale, by publin
1100ti00, at the Debir111 Hotel 111110100,
Breesels, 9 Durham grade cows ; 4 grade
heifers of same breed and 6 wives.
They are the property of Jim. 1i. Mu.
1A1re.—Batnrday of thie week I will
be to inn (looted Chamber from 9 to 6
o'clock to receive taxes aid give re.
oeipte. Monday, Tuesday and Wedoee.
day from 1 to 5 p. m. and Thursday
and Emmy from 9 until 5 o'clock, for
the convenience of ratepayers,
ROBERT Chavez, lax Cotleotor.
LIBEBALO, A mt8ttug Of the Liberate
ot Bruattlo to paned for Monday evening
of next week at 7 80 o'olook, iu A. B.
MaoD.,natd'e of Moen, for the purpose of
eleotieg detegatee to the Nominating
Convention of the following afteruouu,
All intorealed era aeked to attend.
KILLED.—John R. LeWLS, about 24
years o1 age, a switchman, wee kilted m
the M, 0. R. yards, St. 'Phomas, Time
day morning. He was to the sot of
tempting acre, when he slipped and fell
beneath the wheels. •The unfortunate
man wee a brother to Alex. Lewis, who
recently removed from Brueeele.
jaet completed a Souvenir Booklet
10 oo8ne0ttuu with the soil] Ao-
niyersery Of Braesele Methodist ohuroh.
It oontaioe 25 pages, with 22 photo.
gravures of ofd and uew ohorahee and
pareonagee, former pastors, trustees,
officiate of varione organizations, &o., &0.,
with a abort h1etory of the ohurob. It
will be sold at 36e a copy. Get one.
Onrr.—Tuesday of ttit6 week at Mount
Albert, Parsonage, Elizabeth Ateatboru,
beloved wife 01 Rev. Thoe, Edwerde,
°reseed over to the great majority, aged
42 years, 6 months and 20 days. Taber
aulosie was the cease. Deooaeed was a
daughter of Jim, and Mre. Leatborn, of
Wiagbam, from whose reaideuae the
funeral touk place Thursday afternoon
of thie week at 2 30 o'olook. Mrs. S. T.
Plum, of Brusoe:s, who was an old
soboolmate and a very warm friend of
deoeuoed, attended the funeral,
ELECTION OF Oesiosite.—The following
ofltoers were elected in connection with
L. O. le No. 774, Braeselo, for the coming
year :—Wm. Smith, Master ; W. B.
eiefJetQb00n, Deputy 6laeter ; M. H,
Moore, Booretary ; B. Gerry, Chaplaiu ;
S. T. Plum, Fivanoial Soareoary ; M. M.
Cardiff, Traaearar ; David Smith, D,rtot.
or of ceremonies ; W. Holt, Lecturer ;
John Bienmone,; Joseph Bunter, J.yleis,
Committee men, S. Crawford, R. Smith,
S. EL Jeakeou, F. MoOatobeou, W. Gray.
Degree meeting will be held Monday
evening 17th inst.
OP OAPT. MOLEon.—Mrs. Alex,
McLennan, late of Br080810, reoeived the
ead ueese of the death of her only brother
Captain MoLeod, of Boundary Falls, B.
0., formerly of Beaforth, The body is
beiug brought 0hete for Interment and ie
expected to attire oo Saturday. Fenetal
Will be ander the direction of the Masonic
Order. Dooeeeed wee a well known
captain ou the Uauadtaulakes and went
West 8 yaw ago. He was 46 year6 of
age and a widower Ole wile pre deoeaeing
him by 16 year6. They lett no family.
Mro. MoLenuan'e enemy Unlade here will
eymputhioe with her in her uncooked ter
REan the advertisemen0e for holiday
hareems it you wieh to save money.
Ton Scarlet Fever glarautlne was
lifted from the home of Juo. Hewitt
last Saturday.
Plano Tounia.—Fred, A. Lewis, piano
tuner for Maeue, Retch Piano UO., wit,
be here in a wean or 8o awl will be ready
co attend to eh "rdere left 06 the fern)•
cure store of WALKER & Buck.
NEST week the Wader Barr 18 On al
(100190. `Jingle fare deism on the ran•
way. All m inhere of the Fatmere'
Institute art admitted free, to the meet.
Inge at Guelph, Otherwise tee charge i.
26e eeoh time.
Mies J. J. ALLAN, optician of Elora,
wall be at the Amerman Hotel, Braeetlr,
on Friday Dec. 1410, A tboreogh ex
•amfuatiou g1v00 nod glaseee presuribro,
only when required. The beat of refer
tunes and teetlmoniale.
Tan looml brauob of the Women',
Obrietiao Temperance Union bav,
reared the rooms formerly ()templed by
T. A. Ilawkiuo, over tSir. Ruse' gruotry
store, as their bead quarters to be IMO
as a re0realiva room for the young in th,
Mlss FE90ENDE0 and Mies Rate Wil
MAI have 110udered their resignations as
teachers in the 13raeee,e Puslto 6000u.,
the same to take ,ffe0t at the muse of
the year. Batu are good teauhere aim
have reodereo fine ,swans. The Beat
hoe advereired ter app.e0"ate.
LAST Monday evening the town corium
granted nue tree use of the0"uu011 Chaos
bee for eomt•mourhiy meetings for b
Literary Bomety among the young mei•
et town and louaitty. We hope the young
men will take advantage of this 09pui•
trinity of 11860 0ptug their uterary
Eon BORON Fa1tr0110 INeroruro.—A
Direutore meet,0g O2 fleet Uar..0 Farmer,
Iunntace was beid iu the (Jocund' Chem
Der here on Saturday afteruouu, Vwe
Pose. Amos Smith In the chair to the
absence of Pree,deut 121081iiiau, who war
addreeeing meetings in the Ottawa die
mot. Membere present were Soorecary
0oArth0r, Jno. McTaggart, Jas. Wait,
Wm. Mieh1e, Jae. MuFadzs.o, J, Alu
511ughtou, A. Gardiner, W. H. SluUraak
en, S. Oamptiel11, Juo. Laweou, Jas.
Bimp0u0 and W. H. $err. Minute. of
ase meeting read acid 11009100. Tile
bueiueee of the meeting 1610 to arrange
triples for the regular meetmge to be
held at Broeeele on Thareday, Jaen/try,
10th, and Wruxeter, B'rid.9, 5110011,9,
11th. Speakers wit be H. Jones, ui
Alaittenu, and W. U. Shearer, of Brigid,.
"How to manage tee Fruit urehard" aim
"Bird Life and the littera world" wet be
kir. Jones' topica eau "The rutatiou of
Grope and aeleatiou of seed" mud "Poultry
raieing for the boys" win he the tbrmee
for Mr, Shearer. Wroxeter win have ibe
sane subjeote 6108ptlug in the evening
wheu "Butter making" will be 11ke0
instead of "Poultry." Supplementary
meetings are .laced for bowman ou
Feu. 4.0.. Blum/ale, Fob. 6th ; James
town, Feb. 6th ; Aloteeworth, Fob. 7811 ;
Ethel, Feb. 810 1 Watton, Feb. 9th ;
F.b. 1110 ; Winthrop, Feb.
12th ; St. Uulumbtau, Feb, 13th.
Speakers will be W. F. KWd, of S,muue,
and Boma other geutlomou to be mambo.
(Joneiderable 01800/80 o0 followed the
eoteuteo of mites. The question of or-
gantziug debating claw to farming
01mm0011tie0 was spoken of and the
directors urged to aid 80 the work as tar
ae p0eelbie.
=8Z'B24)2..,2623079 3.072
TOTAL essar0 UVEEIO FIIND .016,0 0,004
. General flanking* Xilewtinessi Trnnsaetecf
Interest paid from date of depoeit to date of withdrawal at highest current rates
ami compounded halt -yearly,
Joint laepoeit Accounts—A SPECIAL 008VEN9ENOE In neo in our 00ving0 De.
pertinent is the "Joint Deposit" 110oonut. Money may be deposited or withdrawn
by either of the two members of the household, This system 10 a great comma.
ienoe to 00800' residing in town, but more particularly so to farmers, as fu the latter
case whether man or wife comae to town either eau attend to the banking. An-
other feature of the system is that In ease of the death of Dither party the money
oau be witudrawn by the survivor without cost. Wo will tell you more about our
methods if you will Madly oast or write.
Married Women and 968188 s may make and withdraw deposits without the 1n.
110rven5100 01 any per0ou,
only ler which no charge ie made.
YOUR BUSINESS will name oar careful and oonrteoue attention.
G. P. $UHOLFIELD, GEN, Mamma. J. F. RO W LAND, 04110.00011,
People We Talk About.
Mrs. Jno, Bayoroft has gone to Tees.
water where she 16111 epees the Winter
with her daughter, Mrs. D. Fergusen.—
Mre, A. M. Mo$ay has been on the
sink list but we hope she will Bowl be
better.—Rev, J. 0. Reid, B. A., at the
Ede, balled on trieud0 in Brussels bele
week.—The old trieude here of Geo. B
Roe, of Wiugbam, are Barry tem beau of
bis severe human but hope a (Menge for
the better may Ewan eueae.—Juo. and
hire. Garter have gone to Auburn to vied
relative. for a few wesko.—R. J. Moe
Lanohlin was at Cheney lest week on a
21,1080010 trip.—Durng the pees week
Robt. J. Wynn, of Detroit, was a wet.
(tome 918itor for a few days in Brueeele,
He re the 9000geet eon of Mrs. Jac.
Wyun, a well known resident, and bee
ue0u in the employ of the firm of Messrs,
Wright, Kay & Go., Jewehere, tor the
peat 14 years. No better reoommehd ie
required and hie numerous old frlonde
here hope he may climb to the top of the
,adder,—ylies Este Menzies hae gone to
Chicago where she will spend Obrl,tmae
With her Meter, Mrs, Harry Coatte.—J,
B, MoLauobhn arrived trout halt Coate,
N. W. ''1., last week and may speed the
Whiter at hie 000111Br'O 111 IOwu, He is
eujoyiug good health sea fattening 0228
pocket book as wee.—Wager Birt, of
H1rrIOtob, Was visaing hie brother, Geo.
Birt, last week.—Barrietor Blueish was
at Formosa on a baeineee Irtp.—A. B,
MoDouald, Barrister, hag been 0atNmg
euoueeetolly with the prevailing grippe
and to about o, k. ag15101, bdre, Robert
Haye, of Laokaow, is vietnng with Mre,
B. Pldm, ot town, acid 81re, O. Boneil, of
Grey. tier daughter, Aire. (Dr,) teltbtt,
of Laoknow, wilt eau for borne from the
01d Country on Saturday. Dr. Elliott is
hleo away..—Uoo)ge Thomoon, who hag
beau filling apoattion m the Metropolitan
Bauk.a1 Brlgdeu hoe been 95.110105 to 1
Battob Waft. lid to ►he eldest 900 of 1
George Thomson, awell known resident
ot Broeeele.—Mrs. Walter Ionia Rod
Mice Bourton, of Moorefield, were greats
at Mrs. George Tbomaou'e, Aberdeeu,
1Vihiam street, --Mrs, 0. Muldoon, of
Mu$tllop, is visiting at her eon's home,
Bru.eele.—AIeX. and Mrs. MoLennan, of
9eafortb, were in town for a few day.
thio week.—B. Gerry wee a vieitor to
Sealorth for a few days.—Mrs. John
Wynn a000mpopted Mre. F. J. B0heak to
'he latler'e borne in Toronto, on There
day of thin week, where she expecte to
epeud the Winter. Dire. Wyou's many
friends in this locality wish her a pleas'
ant May.
Rev. E. G. Powell 0000pied the pulpit
,d the 0ethodiet (Morph last Sabbath at
Ooth 800810ee. "The drag net" wee the
t0pio in the morning for which many
helpful lessons were given. Evening
abject wag "The people of that way,
Aute 19th chapter and 28rd verge,
Last Sunday morning the pastor Gen -
witted the eerie. of sermons to Melville
oharoh on John the Baptist, The teat
was "What mannerot child shall thio
be 7" trona which . a good Sermon was
4'veu. "Ho 1 every cue that thireteth,
&u" wag the eve0lig t• xt,
Last Sunday being Advent Sunday the
'ervloe8 to Bt. John's ohurob oonduoted
by Rev. H. M. Lang Ford, were both
uhara0terretio of the Advent ae11eon. In
hie morning sermon Mr. Lang -Ford
reminaed bie oongregattoo of the fact
rhes God the Sou was 1n 011Btel100 in Hie
lathers Kt„gdow before Ole birh at
Bethlehem, before the oovenaut and be.
tore the creation ot the world. The text
taken from the 58th verse of the eighth
chapter of Bt. John was "Before Abra•
Ilam wag I 0111." Ie the 0800ing a very
able dieoonree was preached from Haggai
and abapter, mud god verse, "The deeira
of all uatione shall come." Time subject
wag divided. into 3 parte namely
(I) The expectation determined by refer.
duos to ancient Jewish mud heathen liters.
ore ; (2) The 8 great waute which pro-
duced these expeotatio0e, (a) The want
"To learn about the true God," (b) The
want "To gain favor with that Deity" (o)
rhe want "To learn about the fuller
de." (3) How Jeans Ohriet Battened the
wants and met their expeotation0. The
m0ei0 of the day war euggeetive of the
coming of Christ. -
Business Locals.
AL16AY0 read 9'loLaren'e adv.
f./BANDY rabbi -re wear like iron. Buy
them et MaLaren's.
Fanny collate and ties for Xmas. Goon
aeeintm0nt at MuLareu'a.
Raw fare wanted. Prices guaranteed.
Maier & Selma
NEw shirts, tiee and collars for senile.
m0.•. G. N. MOLAREN.
Goon Dow for sale, will naive le April.
Apply t0 WALTER WILDEE, Broeeele.
MEN'e and hoye' suite. Big assort
merle. G. N. MOLAREN.
Toe wonder working washing mauhme.
See it, try it, bay it. Mo%AY & Snow.
DON'T fail to see our new overooate.
8p• mai at $10 00. G. N. M oLeeee.
BEATS: When skates are dull and are
not true take them to MoGreeor be will
renew. Years T. liloGuxooi, Brneeels.
BARGAINS ut Milhuery. Everything
Bold reg.rdleae of twat to Clear LOB Choy
e1aeo11'e stook. Call arid 820,119, MISSES
1'ANOY Slippers make useful Xmae
premium. We 100.110 them for (mites,
gentlemen and ohildren.
(1. N. MoLARRN.
WANTED.—Fresh roll butter, 25e.
Freak eggs, 25o. Dry picked poultry,
dried apples, feathers, raw fore, &o.
Gno. E. %rme, Wangham.
WEDNESDAY, DEO. 12=1. --Form stook,
,mpleme0te, &o. Let 24, Oma. 9, Grey.
Bale unreserved at 1 u'otook. W. H
Lova, Prop. F. S. Scott, Au0.
EDwenns—Io Mount Albert, Ont., on
Dvo, 4x0, Elizabeth Leetborn, be
loved wife of Rev. Thoe. Edwards,
aged 42 years, 5 moolbe and 20 days,
MIILDoON.—Iu MO$illop, Ou November
30th, Obrietopber Muldoon, aged 78
years and 1 mouth,
WRoono —In Grey, on Nov 80th, Robs.
Henry, yonngeat eon ot Hugh H.
Wright, egad 27 years 8 menthe and
2 days.
If You
Want a Suit
to look right, to feel right, to BE right, it's
imperative that you have it made by a tailor
-for YOU.
If you would like to pick a suit from a really
new, stylish pile of materials come hero.
That's an invitation.
We will give you all the style there is going,
all the neat dressiness that distinguishes Tarn
WHAT .Y0'0 WI811 TO SEE.
l Do not forget the Special Price Sale for
two weeks. Call in and see what we
are offering.
CAPl't,tL—A ithorizoil
CAPITAL---t'aid 109
RESERVE sad Surplus Profits
8, V, MO0RL1,
0100, 008.0000116, 0.0,0.
ora 100NOR tart, w,100110110011 CLAIM, 6.0, 9110, 100RI0
90106 011001110001
W . D, ROSS, - General Manager
THE METROPOLITAN 13ANii fe open to receive the accounts of
Farmers, Merchants and 800iuesa Oommuolby generally and 10 give
careful ooneideration to all proposals submitted to it.
It rouse upon its part record for oourtcoue treatment of its Cue.
tamers, and will extend every oonelderatlou consistent with sound
beetling to 11100e woo may desire to trausaot liminess with 1t.
Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all sums of $1 and upwards
SODOM —In Miohigan, on Nov. 181h,
Joseph Hodgins, formerly of Grey
township, in hie 67th year.
Judicial Rale of Property
Situate in the Township of Grey, in the
Conn'y of Huron, at one time oc-
cupied by Donald MoNiohol, penn-
ant to the final order for sale made
In the action of Tux MUTUAL Lore
DONALD MoNloaor, et al.
There well he offered for solo with the an.
ProO' elOmort0an istion of ) Hotel 10 the Village e Local Mast r et Berlin,
of Bros.
a is at eleven n'oinak In the forenno'e, en
S4TURD 0Y,SSD 22v0 DAY O)' DA,r5M
'0ER,1000 :—All and singular th 00 certain
parcels or tra010 of land and prem•ae0 situ.
0te, 10100 and being lit the Tow000,9 -t
+ion, ld the o onuty of Hnrnu and Provdred
or Ontario, containing stogether one he Wrst
anile being Dom Posed of : Firstly, 0110 Wrot
Rolf of I,or No, 26 in the Oh CODoeoafon of
the Raid Township of Grey ooutalnlue 60
acres mote or loss, and Secondly, the N 0th
0,110' Ent No 25 ,u the 5th Uonee611o0 of
the said Township, ooutatuiug 50 aures more
.1 lose 1)n the West Ha'f of Lot Nn 96
there i8 a good bank bar] with same stabs
Hug 40x00 'eat, also it wooden house iu Mir
condition, gond Well, fairly well fenced; nu
this part there is ,bout 90 acres fit for onitt-
vation, the balance 18 partly cleared but
rough Oe the N 'rah B..11 of Lot G0,25
there aro on buildings ; abunt 35 acres are
at :or cultivation ane the bahtuee is partly
altered • it ie fairly well lanced- The prop-
erty is ornate io a good rurmlug dine riot and
is abou' S miles from Brussels and 3 Milts
from 1110101, where thereere are good 000.1110lee101
school within 19 101100 Tho soil 00 n light
Hay loom, Raab parcel 0'111 Bret be offered
for 0' 10 separately and th, n b,th parcels
will 00 offffeidered for eels together 1:1100 par -
Del '0111 bbal
o "600' d for bale subject ,t re-
00101 d bid and also the whole properer ty in
be y. 11010 006010ed elde have beau
fixedd bby y the the 0111,3 Master. The purchaser or
curcbaoers shall pay 'ren per oeut of the
purchase mousy at the t1/]e 01 the elan to
the Vendors or their Solicitors and the bal-
ance tnereof shall be paid at the expiration
of thirty days from the dote of eeoh sale,
together with interest thereon at the rate
of five per Dent per iceman,
'Fee Veodore will only be require d to fur -
Men a Registrar's abatraet ot title Dud to
peodooe loch deeds or eagles thereof or
evidence of t,tte OA are in their possession.
Cu all other respects the terms and condi-
1iCIE , of sale will be the etaoding 000dittons
of the High GoOrt of Justice. Further par-
tiOulara may be had by applying to Airman
a: 81tte, Veodoro' Solimtore, Carlin, Ont„
ur t0 15' 9. 00009, Auctioneer,Brussels, Or
J. J. A. W l':IR,
22.8 Local Master at Berlin.
Feting men over 17 years to learn
either IIuilor Making or Mouldino; goodpay
end large �en•
ooehp. Write E LE0NARU& 0088,
20.8 Loudon, Out.
,ERyroE —Tire underalgned will keep
for service ou Lot 17, Con. 0, Gray, 11 o abort
Horn hull, "Myth titer," bred from lmpnrt-
ed sire aid ave imp Dried 0000000 ha dam.
Be is a choloe untmal. Tere.e. e1 50 for
grade ['owe with privilege of returning 1f
nacre,ury. Also have a thoro-br.ed 08011-
ahlreRoar with registered pedigree. 'Perms
8t 00 to be paid at time of service 161111
privilege of returning if necessary.
70-9 ROR'r. MoDONALD, Proprietor.
Get Toady
For Christmas
Before you puzzle yourself in
regard to your holiday purchases
we want you to come any 800 our
splendid line of holiday gifte.
Ton will get idea0 that will
make choice 0109 and probably
save eume money. It will be to
your advantage to come soon for
our entire lino of holiday goode is
Dow on dioplay and its a stook of
practical gift goods - things that
will please the recipients both for
their beauty and utility. Wo
want you to come and see our
goods whether you wish to buy
Or not. It's always a pleasure to
tallow our stook,. especially when
it'" so eatiafaotory as this year's
8hawiug at
Drug Store
J young amble for sale. Apply st Lots
4 and 0, Con. 15, Grey.
Sox and
• • •
No matter how
cold or slushy the
weather is, your feet
will be snug and
.varm in a pair of socks and rubbers.
Thick, warm, fleece -lined socks and stout snag-
oroof rubbers—that's a combination that can't be beat
for out–door winter work.
We have them in all styles and sizes. They are
priced down to rock bottom, too.
Also Overshoes for Ladies or Gents Felt Boots
and Shoes for everybody and our priced are at all tunes
profitable for your purse.
A nice range of Slippers and House Shoes to
choose from
Brussels Daylight Store
G. N. McLaren
'1,0vp'llp,,lll,ni"t',Ini„IOt1,l e1vh,9,P1,1'1J,Ii kiBl'tl9a'hphM,diJ'h�W,hAb'h,hu'IaWNdh,'U, Iii �'4, 4PIa'Id't'4s,A,'A,'hJhr'NWNdysWVAi,'U,'h,'p,'A� A1hAAPIJV'4,nu'hih✓'1,"t'4'4�'hrAPAAh,'tsi
The continued fine weather of this Fall has naturally made us feel uneasy for we
find our stocks particularly heavy in all sorts of Winter Goods.
These Must . be Reduced
and we are going to put the Prices Right Down to the Lowest Notch
just now when you need the Goods
Ton May Code I3ero Expecting Bargains in :
Ladies' Fur Coats
Ladies' .Fur Buffs and Muffs
,Men's and Boys' Overcoats Men's and Boys' Suits
Ladies' and Girls' Tweed Coats and Shirts
Lyr'ess Goods and 7 rim,min.s
Ladies' and Children's Heavy Hosiery
411 Sorts of Winter Underclothing
.Men's and Boys', Caps
Wool' and Cotton Blu nIzets and Sheeting
.Men's Mitts and Gloves
Top ,'hints— Wool and Cotton
T.ct(hes' ertdz,+rnode Waists and Underskirts
Boots, Shoes} fiubbers and Overshoes for Ladies, Men, Boys
and Children
Highrast Prices for Produce
Yours for
Mutual Benefit •
Goods Right or your Money back
1' yiic�irrei� AtY eNexar nrCouse