HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-12-6, Page 5iPi6/4=zali':=1 4 s E Winter Term Opens. Jan. 2 Here me some of the lawns Uouorde made by Dm ta-aMedfdi ,Yfr TORONTO, ONT. 118 046 of the lust 250 eche from buelneea Tt 76 Mine wo have titled Kir PEEN or the LI, miasma we had no ono ileo rea,ly le simile We. have aloe bad 82 gads �� tor re of othePolreimmushiest Coa. 101 ex. ,� enrolled here 0 Bhorthaud Hohoule wore enrolled here I:1 during the la•t two years. We believe g I b We have the host 0u 00li'y al Halloo] e r iu moods, We thoroagu•y satiety oar 1i is atudopta, Write to day for oataluggue, if W. J. L4LIUT:1', Prmoipul. B MB YONUE AND ALEXANDEtt t1T0. NMEUICAL CARDS, 1)R. R. A. BURNS- __ 1'3d0eeeeee to Dr. J. A. iU e:intiglltoll Brussels, Ontario ra l tool of A of I. l o l l Post 4 ,unto 1 and a NowYork School of o leges! Surgery, a u Member of College of Physicians and Sur- geons lee C Y 000oef of maria. g Utnce'sad resldeuoe same as formally oa- aapied by Dr, MoNaugbtoa, Diseases of women a apoolalty. Whose Ne. 01. BUSINESS CARDS. VT H. MoORACKEN- 7 m Issuer of Marriage Licenses. 0f floe at Grocery, Tnrnberry'street, Brussels. WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER Ain ISSUER of MARRIAGE LICENSES Millie in the rest Mee, Ethel. 80.0 BERTHA C. ARMSTRONG L) IS prepared to give loosens on Pion. or !teed Organ. Terms on appiwatron• roaloniao add ress-B ruosels. Basidenea- Lot 8, Oon.10, Gray. Puplla may have their lessens as their own homes it profaned. • ISS MARGARET NI'LAUCHLIN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conservatory of Mesio. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howiok Mutual Fire Insurance Company 01Boe and Residenoe- WALTON. ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM. metnie000, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. . SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- . Sa BER, will sen for better prices, to butter men in leas time and lees' chargee than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or be won't obatrge anything. Dates and orders oan always be arranged at' this office or by p arsenal application. ROBT. H. GARNISS BLULVALE - ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for at the office of THE Poem, Brussels. 2211 VETERINARY. ('r A. CUNNINGHAM- (...A m Honor uroduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary college, is prepared to treat all die - oases of domestleated animals in a coroner, out manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry and Milk buyer. Oaths promptly attended. to. Of loo and Infirmary -Four doors North of bridge, Tornberry.et., Bruseele• LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. B. MACDONALD- SucceBarrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta. ssor to Lt. R. Blair. O18o0 over Stan- dard Bank, Brussels. Solicitor tor Metro- politan Bank. NVDIn. SINULAIR- • arrle&er, Sullottoq,Uonveyanoer, Notary Public, &a, Oihee-Stewarfe Block 1 door North of neutral Hotel. Solicitor tore the Standard Sauk, pitOUDFfOOT, RAYS & BLAIR- IA1i tISTEl6B SOLIOITORB, NOTARIES 7?OBLIU, 18800. W. Paovno DoT, K. 0. 11. O. Hare D. F. Shan. OPBoee-'Ulhoso formerly occupied by Meain% 0amerml 1 18016, Go0E18100, ONTARIO. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, IENTlgtr Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Burgeoning Ontario and First -aloes Honor Graduate of Toronto Utaiveralty. Office next to Brewer's Photograph Balling, BRUBBALB. f').=i1 i=b- P - §`d tI=Ii tiI F S NIInter�tTee@rim Opens Jan, 219 ji)5 /11115. STRATFORD, ONT. 11 'Mils salami fe rooeguized'to be one iZ. of the loading (Minus Soloole in 11 nwurlaa. Our graduates are in 1e- fwand as Buelhees ooliogo teacher%, The most rcoeut appboatigu we re. 11 oeived for a EOnoher offered 01/00,08 per aaunm, Wo bo110ve we aro nu- ll 1'p e uing me .t the moat progro89lye and f,t Eup -to -data business training 0uheels in E,( 10eProt: 08, The demand neon ua 1 for (glide help is 9overal thrum 1.1.161 sup.. t lily. WNW Poi Use Catalogue, 1ry0y liLLl0I'0 ei MOLAOHLAN, 11 al erineleal8, alt (J EWEL.R Y STORE I !lave opened a Jewelry Store iu the MoKins Building, and my stook 18 new and well varied. Special attention paid to Repairing. You will find my prints moderate, D. BLAKE sad Nan !tent e a mh the Fox le ter ae hand w(ti violin I He playa at the Teethe concert Deo. 7011. Don't miss it, WENN did you laugh last �Hear Fax on Deo. 7th and have ono more smile b • e fore Christmas. Do you want a bargain fn news. papers 7 THE POST and Weakly Globe till January let, 1908 for $1-85. THE fat gobbler is overcast with gloom ae he notes the ehorbeuing days and the early appraaoh of the merry Ohrietmae tide. Too poetmaptere of Renfrew and Carleton minutiae have formed aeennia. Hone for mutual improvemeut iu their work, THE latest Le an umbrella that looks with a key. The man who steely it from you Bode his theft does him Lo good, for he Ruda he amino open what he has etol8,,. WE Hee to remark that Chrietmae shoppers will find exceptionally goon opportunities for making their purohoee, right bare in Bruseele. Read the ad verlieemente of our merahants in Tun POST. TEEM 0000081 iu the Town Hall, Brudeels, Friday evening of this we. k. The beet talent known has been 000age0, 3,lien Jean MaLeuuh u, will be the au uumpaulet. Get your Boat early, Thi plant of Hall ie at Fox's drug were. Plied get quick relief from Dr Sboop'a Magic Ointment, Remember it's mad, alone for Plies -tied it works wi.h uertawty and eatiefaotiou. Itob(nk, painful, protruding, or blind piles d,eap pear like magio by ice 00e. Try it and see. Sold by F. R Smith. Tun Poor and the Weekly Globe nun Canada Farmer for nue year for 9185, ,he balance of the year free to new sun eoribero, This is a newepaper euap We oan only make this great offer for a limited time. Renew at once and get the benefit of tufa remarkable bargain. Do son enjoy a good laugh 7 -It so hear Jas. Fax, the well known bamoroue vooaliet, at the Taunts Couoert, Brussel., Deo. 7th. Be will sing :-"A Meddler's Medley," "Hooligiu'e fanny dress bat," "Only a laboring man," and "Hae ouy body seen ma bri,ber Charlie." BEIM THE Pon to your friends for a Obristmae preeent, It will go to them every week in the year, and will 000eta0t- iy be a reminder of the folks at home. 1* will be oue ot the most acoeptuble gifts yon could poeeibly send. Make a note of it on your 1150. Rev. A. Molimnto, of Wyoming, form erly of Walton, taw just issued from the press smother book, the product of hie own pen, eutitled "The Eauoake Preach er." Mr. MuKibbiu, uuder the nom de plume o MaoClote, published an interest. ng work a oouple of yeare ago. Yuu ehoold read "The Panoake Preacher." Catarrh of the nose and throat should lead you t0 at Iciest ask ae for a. trial box of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Care. Nothing so surely proves merit ea a real, moths. tent -and Dr. Shoop, to prove this, earnestly deeiree that we let you make the teat. This dreamy, mow white, bosh mg beim, soothes the throat and nostrils and quickly purifies a foul or feverish breath. Gall and i0veeligate. F. R. Smith, TEE Wroxeter Star remarks :-The Godorioh Signal is of the opinion that the time has come Jor W. H. ,Kerr, editor ot THE Simms POET, to be ohoeen ae the Liberal Ueudidate for East Huron. Mr. Kerr will make an excellent member for tbe Dominion Roues.We o not o d o wish to say anything detrimental to our preeent member, but it ie our opinion that which ever oandidate wine either will make an exoellent member and will look well atter the affairs ot East Huron. WHEN you have read thie.*0800 of THE POST you will likely Bend it to your daughter, eon or tome friend living tar away, eo they may the what ie happening, in the old neighborhood. That wi l omit you ole oath for ouch issue 08 62 ciente for the year, Why not drop us $1 00 and have it mailed every week iromitbie oOioe until brat of January, 1908, It 00011 then reach your friend at the very earleet date and regularly, and will be eppreoiat ed. It will be a weekly letter from name. We will do our part. You do youth, To have a beautiful, perfect, pink, velvet like lips, apply at bedtime a light floating of Dr. Shoup'' Green Salve. Then next morning, notice oarsfully the effect. Dry, cranked, or colorless lire mean feveriehuooe, andStea8 well ill appearing. Dr, Shoop''. Green Salve ie a soft, creamy, heating olutment, that will qulokly oorreot any skin blemish or nilmunt. Get a tree trial box 'et. our store and be aonvinoed. Large, Glens jets, 25oto. F. R. Smith. INSPECTOR RoBn.-The following ape peered in some of the 00. pa ere and will be of local ielereet :-Mr. Robb wee born iu Ireland in 1847. His family mune to Carbide iu 1854 and settled in Kingston, where hie brother and e(eter reside. He began toaohing m Pnblio b of 000100 6 (then Uommi u) e0 o No. ,, Amherst Island, in 1894, end immune there for three years. During the Fenian excitement in 18111 he joined the v,lun teens, and et the close of the year attend. ed Military School at Kingston, taking le eeaood and afterwards tiro olaee certi0- atte.in Wilitery Drill and E0000my. la 1867 he took eharg0 of the Birmingham Pnblio Soheol, where he .taught . for thirteen yoaro, After attending the Toronto Hernial School for otle year 416 oaro'010'Clinton an Mathematical Master of the MO School ih that piaoe, sober°. ho romaitted nine yoare and until he wee appointed to hie preeent poeitiou in dune I 1890. Mr, Robb ie now a rseident 01 B ousels, He iia member of the A.. F. apo A. M and ado of the Chapter. Biter HonoreeOANDIwATL.^-The Wing. 1"•m Times says; -The newxpapere of Heron County have been guessing who is likafy to be the Liborel oandidate for 1S ,lib Huron for the House of Commons •t+ul the general opinion eeemo to be that, W H. Kerr, of Brnecelo, will be the man. elle Times oan heartily endorse Mr, Kerr. Il.+ La a man wbo hoe taken an active iederest in Liberalism for many years end ou the platform and through' hie paper has :teethed a number of oandidate' 10 win parliamentary bemire and now that the epportouity mains here, be ahoeld he given tbe nomination. With ;Y1 r, Kerr, a men honored in all parte of the riding, the Liberals should be able to win eaaily. The mane of R limestone of Windham, has been mentioned ae a candidate. Be would make en exoellent man for the position, but at thepresent lime hue no desire for parliamentary honors, The annual meeting end nominating oonvention will be held in Brneeele ou December 11th. Lorne Shier was called 60 Port Elgin where his uncle hod died. Mise Wilbie M8Gre11 1 is laid up with attack at, e sok of rheum iia a m. Knowleun Elliott, ' D 0 lett far -Winnipeg to qi resume 'e t' a duties with the P R Mise Lottie Ardell is home teem Bolton where she spent the past md'inery sea eon. Geo. Howse, the new proprietor of the Albion Hotel took poeeeesiou on Monday of last week. Will. Holmes of the Sao, was in tows visiting hie brother, H. V. Holmes, manager of the Bank of Hamilton, The funeral of the lets Wm. Bell who wee -killed at Reveiatook B. 0., took plane on Friday at 1.30 to the *orris oometery. A. Doan disposed of his property on Viotoria'treat to Altx. Hamilton, who will have the building nn it moved back and made iu o a reridenoe, which will snake a big improvement ou that corner, lace I grave. William Hopper sold four ordieary .tzod rook elm trees for $48. The Methodists will bold their annual Christmas Tree on Christmas night. R J. Olegg has parohased the 75 acre farm from the executors of the lair James Grigg. The farm i8 half mile West of Belgrave. Who might have proved a more e0rione eooident happeurd recently when Geo. Uonitee and Arthur Croups were bring. 'ng a horse from the station. From thine armee uirknawn the beast became frao61000 and kinked Mr. Crouyn in the face, rutting it badly. The friends of the Rev. E. A. Shaw, formerly of the Belgrave circuit, will he pleased to learn that ee a mark of esteem And appreciation he was recently present ed with a handsome gold opsin and 'ooket, and Mre. Shaw with a handsome hand beg by the people of Lyons Circuit. The affair was a complete and pleasant dvrpriee. Dr. MoAeh, of Clinton, formerly of Belgrave, left for Sarnia where he will praobtoe his profession. He ie well up 'n medicine, bat being ot a very retiring nature his light is eometimes so toepeak hid under a bushel. He met with mush theme in the past and hie recent taper. +,role in the Cid Uonutry hospitals will •moo enable him to be even fools omoosefnl in the (otnre. vitae, Dr, Willi Blom le book to town again. Horee Fair was held on December' 6th, James Cntt placed a new combination sato in hie eters. The children of Trinity Church ere praotioing for their Christi -me ootertaln• went lo be held on Deo. 21st. There was no nervine in tbel Methodist cherub en Sunday morning on a000n0t of the anniversary eervioee of 7eokeon'e eburob, The oar of oattle shipped to the Old Country by Reeve Sinn some weeks ago, netted him bank $200 more than hie beet Oanadien offer. Joe. Soolt and Jno, Weymouth left town Nredneeday morning of last week. for Toronto where they will follow their trade ae carpenters. Complaint was made to some of the membere of Hallett Uoonoil respecting dumping of old tinware and other rub bieh on the boundary line of Hallett aid Blyth, ,maul; borne to be frightened and being dangerone to the travelling public., The clerk area asked to notify the BI r o Blyth oo p ration to have the same removed. Is Your Cold Better No ibe ae bad ea ever. Nothing seems 6o help. Why not nee the ap•to date epeciefe "Catarrhozone" whioh drives out oold in one day. Inhale oetarrhozone and you will be relieved iu two minutes. Connects the treatment and ogre is assured. Healing germ deetroying and pleasant, nothing for oolde, throat truoble aaad Catarrh oompares with Catarrhozone. Sold everywhere, 25o and $1.00. (�r oderie la. Last Sunday morning Inverneee Camp Sone of Scotland, attended divine 00rviee at Knox (thumb. 0. H, Pennetabher has been appointed to the pnbiio library board an one of the repreeentelivee of the separate school board, in 0000000i000 to J. D. O'Connell. J. T. Goldthorpe has porobaeed from the Ro.s estate, Toronto, the prop. arty on Gloucester Wrath from the road leadiug to the old Platt mill to the bridge over the G. T. R. traok. A few days eiooe a resident of town who had for many weeke oornpleined of stomach trouble, had an attack of vomit. mg during which a 'Dake was ejected. The viper was measured by a perms who was preeent, it was twelve inohee long and was alive, and ie supposed to have been owal.owed by the moo while it was either very email or in egg form, The anneal meotieg 9f the Toronto Huron county 01 Hoye, held at the King Edward Hotel, drew a large and enthusiastic attendance of members. The treasurer's report showed a surplus of 9135, the largest in the hiatoty of the summation, and it wee decided to deli rate $50 as a gift to the new public hoepi- al ensued at Goderiob on the first of December. James Clark whose illness bee been noted for some weeke in these columns, passed away Thursday of last week, having taken a tura for the worse early the previonr morning. Mr.Olark'e death will be a great luso to the business of Goderioli, and all over Ontario there are warm friends who will regret hie Dell, while yet in the height of lite'' &Oneidas. e .: Firm D. WALKER AND M. BLACK have formed a co -partnership, -to be known as Walker & Black, and will carry on a Furniture anci'qaair Undertaking Business IN THE LE'CKIE BLOCK Their stock of Furniture, Undertaking Goode and Musical Instruments is new from the Factories ; has been bought for cash and will be sold at Reasonable Prices. MR. onA.S FORSTER, an experienced Undertaker and Upholsterer, will assist in the business. Picture Framing a Specialty. They hope by strict attention to business, square and honorable dealing with their Cus- tomers. to merit !t share of the public patron- age. Night and Sundayoda ca lis will be proMptly attended at 'David Walker's residence, North of bridge, Turnbetry street. ALKER &BLACK H OPTICAL PARLORS in oonneotlon with my Jewellery Store ere now oomplebed, being 81ted tip in the most modern and eoionti8a ppriaoiplee. Wish to inform the public that I atn thor- oughly competent in the Optical profes- sion, having obtained both Canadian and American Dlplomes. Eyes Tested FREE and all work fully guaranteed, My hours are any hours that suit you and prices are not fanoy prices. JEWELLERY Call Red see my new Jewellery Store All the !Meet deei ,e in Jewellery : -L , N dtee Branched -Ladies' o ee a klaoee -Lnciie 0 Brac I e emu e -ltiu t3, Mo. After being engaged in heathen for the peat three years my repairing depart- ment speaks for itself. W.F. STRETTON Sign of the Golden (lock. r3'Comfor6able house to rent. It le understood that at the next meet ng of the tows council a propoeitiou will be eubmitted in connection with a proposed extension of the Kensington Inrnitare tottery, 11 ie proposed prao ioolly to doable, the not put of the eatery, inoreaeing the 'teff of employees ram the present number, about forty five, to one hundred. The aid of the town will be Raked in the shape of a ,ono of $25,000 to be repaid in twenty years in equal yearly instalments, wish interest at 4 per mut. Is Your Trouble Indigestion? Theo probably you know the evils of dietentiou fermentation and irritation that a000mpaoy digee►ive troubles. Next important is to know bow promptly Nerviline cores. Quick as wink it re. ,levee bloating and feeling of fnlneea, pate the entire digestive apparatus in perfect order, makee you feel fit and fine all over. For internal pain Poleon'e Nerviline impasses every known remedy. Keep it in the booee always, its a source of oomfor► in the hour of emergency. Large bottles for 25o et all dealers. Wier: hax00 Mies Tait, wbo woe ohoeen by Wing. ham High School Board as fourth teach- er, has decided not to come. The I. 0. 0. F. have removed their furniture from the Mason block, 6o their quarters over T. A. Mille' seed store. The anuivereary eervioee of Wiugbam 61e,hodiet ohoroh will be beld on Sunday Deoember 9th. Rev. J, E, Starr, of Toronto, will preaoh. County Connell:ore J. T. Carrie and W. McQuillan were in Wingbam on Tuesday of last week. They made a personal inepeotion of the High School and Hospital buildings, so they might be able to vote intelligently when the gaee- lion of grants came up at the County Council. Regarding the Hospital they found the building tar superior to any thing of the kind in the county, and they consider the location admirable. The Committee appointed by,Wingham Board of Trade to ascertain the probabili• ties of among a Carnegie building for Wingbam ie continuing their efforts. A letter has been written to Mr. Carnegie, ander seal of the Board of Trade, aeking hie oonaideration of en applioation for a grant of 915,000. The membere of the committee are hopeful of nearing the gift, bat possibly ooneiderable earres• poodenae will be necessary before it le secured. The annual meeting of Wingham branch Bible Society was held in the Presbyterian ohoroh, The officers elect for the year are Preeident, Robb. Lookhart ; vioe•pres., Robb, Carrie ; secretary, Joe. Eave ; treasurer -Rev, N. Bnrwaoh. The following representatives of the different oharohes were appoioted directors :-Wm. Foment, F. Buchanan, D. M. Gordon, J. A. Taylor, H. Davie, T. L. Jobb, A. Come, Peter Fisher, John MaNevin, Robb. Mooney. The addreee of Rev. W. G. Hanna, of Monet Forrest, dietriot agent of the Sooiety, Me perhaps the beet ever delivered on such a topic in Winghem. Fo r d'wlohe J. W. Edgar has rented R. W. Mo. Laughlin's farm on the 4th son. for a term of years. Etnesb Andrew .left to attend the Commeroial department of the Wingbam Bnaineee College. Dr. W. B. Cook, who spent the Sam. mem months and hautiug moon in AI. goma, is visiting at the parental home here. Rev. R. Minlyard, of Luoknow, Chair. man of the Wingbam District of the Methodist church, will oondnot the ser• time on the Fordwiah 0110011 on Sunday' Deo. 9811 Jeans Month went to Elmira to take charge of a section of the G. & G. rail way, and decided to stay here after es amining the notion offered him on the new railway. Same lighb•dngered persons etole several bags of grain from Wm. Fleet after be tbreahed this Fall, About 2 melte ago they returned the bags minds the grain. There is a report Mutt other Uremises have been visited byrain i levee. • In 1905 the erente to wire fences ambhnted to 9707.10. The Connell amended the By Law this year, regnir. nig all applicants for the grunt to level the aides of the road and to remove all obetraotions, We have been informed , that the greet for the present year will net be meal] more than $400. At ripe old ago nesting the four snore, John Soar!, of Newbridge, passed away on T000tles, morninu, 27111 alt, The de ceased same from Dttmttiee to Howlett over 50 years ago and ostler, on the tarn now owned by Mr. Docket at Belgrave. I He was married to Vito /ionise Stockton,. 6 rmamPoirr" rt7 t°611t. maam:f it "mt"ltior Y'ff.` 'r* fdm9'. it " 1.;,.i ,,an.w- any Free It P11nnot be too clearly stated., for thud statement is beyond qqualltht tit'l1 or eontradlction, that never since the .Muskoka Bonito! tot' consumptives was openedin1902, bas a singlet ippilcant bean refused ailmisslon, because of his or her poverty. .,. r kF w d 4 is dependent AIS ADMINISTRATION More, perhaps, OKOKA FOR -q- I � 11 - 1 I .ar fife ll�d(. ,�,, upon ..,r ."3' A..L mtZu• than the for 11� r >g t 1- r rr�, y tr< any F contributions its maintenance. Gam( �.' •r t r_ .cit f11 1N'I lik other charity F O.1 of '4 le • It yw S� Yu1.5 .a- ate. OeMjdJ dlll'aI� 1 ... FREE HOSPITAL p1 the 0.l in Canada Canadian M IIAa F. . P I i. I♦la Jl r:;'; .Y .' t. CONSUMPTIVES the 4. public u a k wr ! ' 9 - `,,- .' 0 _ r.- ��II� ''t1�1t111 �f \ 1, 1 illi {I I �f,, FOR .irr .; BUILDING-MUS1tOit0 accommodation are incipient tions, of ent to ,§ ' Private philanthropy has erected the buildings, providing to -day for 75 patients, and which the trustees prepared to extend, if circumstances warrant it, to 100 beds. These beds are for those in any part of Canada, without means, who are suffering from this terrible disease in the stage. There is no large endowment, as in some public institu- the interest of which will go a long way to pay the running expenses. The monthly bilis, covering cost of administration, salaries medical men, nursing, clerical and domestic staff, besides the heavy expenditure for maintenance of each patient, are depend- for payment almost entirely on the contributions that come the treasurer from kind friends•throughout the Dominion. .. p' Could Not Pay -Has Young Wife and Child•'. Da. G. F. CAMPBELL, GRAND VALLEY :-Ihave'tient ONT. a patient, 26 years of age, withtuberculosis... Hie circumstances are not such that he could pay, as he has a young wife and child to support. Could you make room for him at the Sanitar- ium? I think he might improve. Let me know what you would advise. Destitute. J. AUSTIN, Kat/MOUNT, ONT. :- We have a man, unmarried and destitute, afflicted with lung trouble whom we wish fo send to the Mus - koka Free Hospital for Consump- tives. Please let me know what we have to do to gain admission for him. Where Will Your Money Do Mere Good'` Contributions may be sent to SIR WM. R. MEREDITH, Kt., Chief Justice, Osgoode Hall, Toronto, or W. J. GABE, Esq., 54 Front Street, W., Toronto.'. Applications for admission J. S. ROBERTSON, Secretary (Saturday kaffilaSiaiii 9gNight Building), and National 28 Adelaide any other information from Sanitarium Aysoeiaiiart, Stree: W., Toronto, Cani iia. oda ,t of Dumfries, 45 yeare 890 thio coming Christmas. About 25 yeote ego he re tired from farming, thing in Redgrave till about a year ego when be moved t, Newbridge. His widow, one sou and two daughters, Mre (Rev.) W. S. Prlt- obard, of St. John, N. B., and Moe. E. Pritchard, of Newbridge, survive him. The funeral took ph oe Thursday after- noon to Redgrave cemetery. eto ;ri1-3 y l ria u ;gF f3 g ga� riv 5c mawdr yv"34.0 wo Q a p �e1ldgr�r.'egNo E12, ama 8ce pdHgmaE"rgda-0 e8�"+. a°lrtio�o '4,Fr'1 "a• T Go wo r, >6•.p N l - G ea, bg y l g m l a'e� ,s, R "" S Q E101; d o 0 C pi�wo�,1op8tlC'1e604 ""et flan -0.E mwmrlo Km&2. om.noi failloPt prao • Catn liestd,., Oriat Kill oonrinco awry honaewite in Oanada that rt Ro lance 6aktnI� Powrdot" is far sapfor to any otboe elan line over usod, It ie prepnrad front mho boot wd puree0 tnaterlalb that money �n buy, under 1100 dirootion of an'okport manui'aatnring 0homi0t, therefore we are able to 801111 nit a each CWr rant0tm of eatieftkctlon. In order to latrodno0 "NNiinco BakinPowder" we are making irondorfuny attrectivpremium ofibre to Soya and Girls, If interested drop 180 a poatsl. FREE BEAUTIFUL PICTURE POST o i nsFREE TO a�0�' neer of baking powder we will gladly wild, aluaaiutcty' Trost, postage pprogaid 10 sot o! four of our te681 editionwere of picture Y011 poet garde, ttthograpltcd In bMiliasnl cotorYi. Simply wino 5881, answering t Thtlawinl questions: 1*16 NnMOvo your Orocar dud. Nano this Papbr. International rood Company, Toronto, Canada. 'Ank 300 ttto Purple Packdtg'o." S ,. �r.ZAT`.r �'1!'^►'t''�"�'�.''' w.,.A,a.w.: Ykti