HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-12-6, Page 4bi 5grntsstIo wait.
THURSDAY, DE O. 6, 1906.
The annual meeting of the East Huron
Liberal Aono'iotion, for both Dominion
and Legislative ridings, will be held ie
the Town Hall, Bruesole, on Toeeday,
Deoember 110h, 1906 at 1 o'oiook p. m.
Annual eleot'00 of officers, receiving of
reports„ cMo., will be on the program.
At the eame time and plane a Nomio•
ali0g Convention will be held to select a
standard bearer for the next Dominion
oonteet in Haat Huron. The municipal!.
tie8 particularly intereeled in this are
Howiok, Teruberry, Wroxeter, Grey,
Brueeeie, Morrie, Blyth, Beet Wawaooeh
and Wiugham. Five delegates are salted
from each polling sub -division. A large
representation asked for. R. N. Duff, of
Blnevale, is Preeideot of the Riding, and
W. H. Kerr, of Brussels, Seoretery.
Grey Council Meeting.
Oouooil met purenant to order ou
:Houday, Nov. 260h, at the Foresters'
Hall, Oranbrook. Reeve in the chair
and other membere present.
Minutes of 'eat meeting read and ap.
Alexander Barron, owner of lot No.
19 in the 16th son., applied to have the
Clark Muuimpal Dretu cleaned out auder
Seotiou 75 of the Manioipal Drainage
Act. On motion of J. Brown, eeoonded
by D. Johoeton, that John Roger, Town
ship Engineer be notified to examine
the said drain and report to the Council.
Moved by John Grant, eeoonded by
John 0081, that Bylaw, No. 258, known
ae the bowl Option By-law, be read a
a first time. Oerried. Said Bylaw
was then read a first time.
Moved by John 0011, seconded by John
Great, that Bylaw No. 258, known
as the Looal Option Bylaw, be read a
sewed time. Carried. Said By.law
wee then read a sewed time.
On motion of John Brown, eeoonded
by Danoen Johneron, the following ao.
aoaate were paid
L. L. Longeway, on oontraot
Silver Corners Drain im•
provement 5 450 00
J. M. Daviee, salary for epenial
audit. 5 00
Wm. Sobnook, digging Award
Drain and Zile, Feet half Lot
33, Cone• 15 and 16 5 85
Peter Tarr, cement pipe rail
way culvert, Love Drain43 75
Pater Tarr, cement pipes culvert
Lot 23, Con. 12 5 00
Ohne. Eveleigh, cutting brush,
Lots 28-29, Con. 6 . 5 00
John (Metal, railiog and spikes
at Dilworth bridge approach. 2 50
Robt. Blair, gravel 1 76
John Cuts, inspecting McFar-
lane bridge abatmente 1 75
Mre. Frauoie Miller, gravel 48
J. W. Mitobell, gravel 4 80
J. W, Mitchell, geese' 11 28
John Mitchell, tile culvert, S. 1i.
4, Con. 7 4 00
John Howard, repairing road
S. R. 8, 0ou.14 4 00
H. Atwood, otmmatation Sta-
tute Labor for 1904 2 00
H. Atwood, cutting brush S. R.
2, Con. 4 3 00
Wm. Michel, digging drain Lote
23 sod 24, Oon. 12 6 37
A. McDonald, nails and spikes.. 1 20
Joo. Sieiee, cleaning Award
Drain, S. R 2, Con, 9 3 00
Nelson Oardiff, cleaning Award
Drain, Lot 2, Oon. 7 13 50
Robe Oampbell, repairing road
at Lot 13, Oon. 14 4 00
Char. Rozell, repairing culvert,
Lot 3, poo. 9 4 60
Geo. Smalldou, cleaning Award
Drains, Lot 7, Oou, 9, and S.
R. 1, Con. 0 5 00
Samuel Dunn, gravel 30
Wm. Riley, anlvert Grey and
Morrie bdy., Lot 1, Con, 711 15
Donoan MoSay, tile drain, Lot
26, Con. 16 8 68
Martie MoNair, cleaning drain
S. R. 4, Con. 13 5 00
James D. mantle, anlvert, S. R
4, Lot 20, Oen 14 1 00
Wm. MoNair, township's par•
-flan on lollioger Award
Drain, Lot 11, (Jon, 10 6 00
Geo. rlloFeriene, inspecting oil
vett Grey and Morrie bdy,
Lob 1, Coo. 7 1 50
Ohria Skimn, filling cave in at
McDonald bridge 1 50
Newton McAuley, gravelling ou
bdy. Grey aud Morrie 30 12
Wm. Riley, gravelling on lady
Grey and Morris 20 00
Wm. MaNeelande, bal. on eon•
tract, gntvelling on mill road,. 1 50
Gilbert Thibideen, tile culvert
Beet half Lot 23, Coo, 125 00
Edward Irving, farm bridge
Lamont Drain 18 00
John Curtin, ou oonbraot Hall
Drain. 75 00
John ()actin, on ooutraot Hall
Drain 25 00
D. Marsh, widening road at Lob
7, Con. 6 4 50
W. H. Kerr, printing North Hie•
lop Drain Bylaw 14 00
W. H. Kerr, prtnting 60 Drain-
agewade1 50
R. Bowes, gravelling on bdy
Grey and Eima 2 60
Connell then adjourned to meet at
Ethel on Deoember 16th.
Josh MolteroeH,
'8 Busy '80 Retain Health
Moet imeorteut of all ie proper e.tten-
tionto the bowele, Avoid oonetipation
it's the health•killer of today. Hersh
griping medioioe ie ruinous -beware of
it. Best results follow a truly vegetable
remedy like Dr. Hamilton's Pills of
Mandrake and Balternat whioh not only
relieve oo e
• e 9EIYenO a 1p'ak
0 night but come
the caner of the . trouble and prevents
ite return. N , dietreee or inOonvenie0oe
attends the nee of Dr. Hamilton's Pills
of Mandrake whioh ere world famous for
their mildoeee and effr0ienol0. Sold
everywhere, 260 per box,
LrOpaler Again on the ing to the estimate received It oat be
Reale. ereoted for 'boat 6800, the greater pert of
wbioh hae already beau aabaorloed,
John Einem'', who hae been 1118 Massey
Hartle Oompany'e popular agent as 8
partner with hie brother William, has
reeehtly withdrawn from 111e Impinge()
end will go bank to the farm. The
'Mange ie owing to Mr. E'I1'on, ar., beteg
no longer able to ermined the mauagement
of a large farm,
Wiutlr eailinge of the Allan Line just
Maned edvertiee the Balling of the "Parte
ion" from St. John, N. B., 011 Deoember
let, January 4113 aua February 15th tor
Liverpool, carrying only ape pears of
'ethic mistreegere, The splendid adopt,
,e000mmodation, mum -roma and amok
mg -rooms will therefore be available for
moderate rate of 642 60 and upw.rde,
affordiiug an exoelleut opportunity for per.
roue deairiug to make a Uhrietmae trip 10
the old ounutry at moderate rater, Thr
twin•eorew 8leamer8 "Tanieian" min
"Ionian" will pail regularly during tht
entire Winter season 1 prov,diug iu sou
junction with the turbine steamer'.
"Vtotoriau" end Virgimau" (railing from
Liverpool February 1611) and Marsh let
reepeotively, aud reguierly thereafter,) au
unsurpassed weekly eervloe, St. John of
Halifax to Liverpool,
A.r. •tw oocl.
Speoinl eervioee are being oonduoted
to the Baptist eburah,
George Gordon has a drilled well.
Water was attends at about 70 feet auo
there is en ebuunaut supply of it.
Sugar beets are slowly, but surely
moving on from tbeee parte and mem)
farmers are rejoicing et having the lase
COW pleted.
Mr. Orford formerly fireman at the
planing griet mill, bas resumed hie pori -
tion, atter retnrum4 from the Weat where
he spent the Bummer.
Dr. Jae. L. Wi roe, au old Atwood bot
and formerly of Pelmereton, bee bough
1118 praotiae of Dr. Buchanan, of Z :nob.
Dr, Wilson took a poat•graduate ouurer
iu the Ohioago hoepitele.
Mira Henrietta Miami, a miesionery
who has been laboring in Persia for fir
peat Bye years gave an eoeonnt of bel
work in St. Allan's oburoh ou Friday
The address was illuetreted with lime
tight vlewe.
Elmo Cheese Co. shipped last halt 01
Ootober oheeee (308 boxer) on Wedueeday
morning of Iset wash. elodgeou Bro.
were the purohaeera. November oll0eee
well hke,y move out m 0110 ehipmeue
about the middle of Deoember.
Building operetioue promise to be quite
break here next Sammer. W. Pride wtl
ergot a fine new reeub•uee on Me lot pa.
chased from J. W. Boyd, per South of
the Metboniet ohuroh, Robert Kurtz
bas purchased the Nunn amnia lot true,
Fred. Switzer just Soath of the Heinle
oburoh and will Mulct a oowtortabte
home, and Time. Diokeon will erect e
comfortable honer on hie 101 just doutb
of Dan. Barton'e property.
C 11ntooe .
Rev. Mr. Kerney bee rented the Knox
pottage on Ratteubary street lately uo-
eapied by Dr. MOAeb,
A number of the section men on the
L. H. ,tr B. have been laid off, and may
not be put on again truth Sprint".
Tha,eday evening, Deo. 611, Hin
Honor Judge Barron, Judge of the
Oouuty of Perth, will lecture in the
Town Hell, Oilman on, "Tuber
oulue,e," ire Hietory, Preveutiou ann
Daring the Sommer, Mrs. L. Tbrow•
er happened to have her watch etoreu
during her temporary abeenoe bum
home. It was returned to bur a few
days alcor, being left on the front door-
Harry Hunt has nonelected hie engage
mem ae head miller with J. & N. Fen.
It will be fortyeeven yeere next Aprt,
aaoe he first entered the mill as an ap
preotice and he has ever since continual
Edward Dioaley passed hie ninety
fleet birthday on Friday Nov. 23rd. lie
le the oldest person In the town, as well
ae the oldest reeident in ibis vicinity,
110v,bg lived at "Bridgewater,' now
Holmeeville, befure Oltu100 had any ex.
Quite recently J. W. and R. Moore, of
town, through their brother A. bent in
Winnipeg, 10veeted 93000 is a piece of
property ie that city. Ou Friday the)
cad u telegram aunonneing its tate to the
Canada Northern Railway for the hand.
some figure of 65,500.
Regulned•Nerve And Vllal Energy
From Waltou P. U. Que., comae the
following from Mr. Nezeire Begin -"If
anyone had told me any remedy 'Dula
build up my nervous eyatem so well, I
could cot have believed them. Before
aeiug Ferrozone 1 wae ran down in nerve
and vital energy, and iu very weak health,
I did'nt get entangle sleep at night, felt
poorly iu the day time. Ferrozone hae
filled me with energy and elm, increased
my weight and mane a new mem of
Hundreds tell the same story -weak
and dispirited, everything going wrong,
unable to eatoh up. They took Ferro.
roue and all wae changed to health and
serenity. Prise 50a per box at ell
L.trrto wet) .
Mre. J. 0. Kidd was taken ill while on
a visit to Stratford and wee detained
there three weeks,
Jacob Seburger bee aompleled the re•
fitting of a'lumber of hoagies which be
moved from the U.P. R. right of way.
0. E. Yoaam to Son, furniture deelere
and andertakera, have opened their new
store in the Shinbeiu block, Mein street.
S. T. Willoughby, a "graduate" of the
Standard here, hae purchased the Enter•
prise newspaper in Roelhern, Sask., with
whish he hen beeu ounoeated for Dome
Dr. and Mre. Rutherford were in town,
having recently returned from their
sojourn in Europe. The Dr. evoke se if
the old laud and sea breezes agreed with
him. The Dr. will likely locate in Steer.
On Monday night of last week in the
Metbodiet Oharoh, Mrs. Hent deaoo0eee,
vise preeented by the oongregation with a
fur lined octet, in recognition of her ser'
vices in the work of the church. A
mueioal program was given daring the
The local aarlere had arranged to push
forward the building of the curling rink
without deley and have a Kang of mao
bueily at work. A lot hae been percher'
ed from Mr. Hacking in the rink
park property and the new rink will be
ereoted running Weet of the present rink
and parallel with it and ton feet distant
from it. This will give plenty of light
to both buildinge and avoid trouble from
Gee snow banks. The new rick building
will have floor epee enough for two mike
of ice withanteroom in front. It will be
156 feet long by 88 feet wide and a000rd-
The Original Corn Cure
No sabeiitnte hae ever beau devierd
that giver) the quick, painleee reeulte of
Putaam'e Ooru Extractor, For fifty
'rare its' mneme bee been aneaqualled.
For emfety and thorough oure nae Put-
nam'8 only.
Mot eMye, 0rtie
Mre. Geo. Gibson hae been very 111
but ie recovering we are pleased to state.
Jobn 81aTavieh, who reuently bad a
sale of Moak, hue Bold hie farm and in
etude going to Miabigau.
Mre. Campbell hae rented her farm so
lar. McGaffitl and inteude having a eele
about the 1241.1 of Deoember.
John Elliott hart erected a windmill
and got the waterworks in hie citable and
George Armetroug has done likewise.
Jamee Menzies received a severe ehak•
tug up and got some ribs broken as a re•
cult oI hie teem ru0miog away with the
wagon while drawing wood from the
A Doig, jr., who hae had a very Baa
'medal year to the cattle boeineee, pret
tv marl) cleaned out his stook of eteere
when be Bold two bunohae to Sharpie
cud Maguire.
Alex. Oampbell reports lwenty•five
bnebele of grain 'stolen out of his berg on
Wedueeday night. The thieves did not
try to bide it ea they left the gate and
two barn doors open.
A largely attended meeting was held
Molesworth recently to discuss tele
phone wetter'', ea 8 reealt we expect to
organize an iudependeut company, a
great many eubeoribere being secured el.
John Robertson and wife of Kansas
Oily, who are spending ■ couple of
mouths vieitiug Irfeode in thie vloiuity,
11,d a lively experience while drivlup
1, Listowel aawwed by tbeir horse get.
ting frightened at a pig on the road
rod bolting Into the ditch upsetting the
Doggy and emaehing it badly, bet Mr.
Robertson pluckily held on to the horse
and did not let it away.
1f "taken at the sneeze stage"
PreventiOe-a tootheome sandy tablet -
will enrely and gniokly check an ap
pioaahing cold or lagrippe. When you
first catch a cold -or feel it oomtug lip-
like Dr. Shoop's Prevention, and the
ffeot will certainly surprise and please
ton, Preventiae, will surely supply the
proverbial "manta of prevention." Sold
In 5 oent and 25 cent. boxes by F. R.
Hoo. Adam Beek laid the oorner•stone
.f All Saints' ohuroh at London.
Jamee Vance was drowned at James
Bay Juootion by falling into hie mill-
Albert Buchner, aged 21 was drowned
in Parry Sound harbor by the upsetting
of a canoe.
R. M. Thompson, Town Clerk, of
Blenheim, perished from exposure at the
EMI, where he went to 'boot Books.
J. J. Scott, Cooeervalive and Allan
4tadb,lme, Labor were nominated in
East HemilIou for the Legielatnre.
wellaoe Goodall 886 streak by it train
at Illdgetown and killed,
The new Provincial loan of 93,000,000
hae been entirely enbeuribed.
All the Wilting enact oar employees
tenoned for duty el Hamilton Saturday.
Wm. J. Le Roy, a Grand Truck brake.
mao, oonfeeeed to robbing the mail
The Government have decided to i8e0e
another loan for the uompletiun of the
Temiekaming railway.
George Stephen has been appointed
aeslet8nt emend freight agent of the
Oaoadian Northern Railway.
The 'meting steamer J. H. Jonee hoe
been wreaked near the Ohrietian Islands
and over a 80006 of lives have been loot.
John Sowden wan arreeted at Brant-
ford on a charge of setting fire to the
hoose of an Indian woman on the Brant
Gas exploding on the farm of J. V.
Tremblay, treat. Tilbury, ret fire to a
quantity of oil, end a disastrous blaze re.
u nited.
Joseph Miller, a C. P. R. brakeman,
was thrown from a train by two tromps
near Piapot, Alberta, and nearly dies
before he was found.
Robert Walker, a young criminal, wae
eenteuoed at Montreal to twenty years
Imprieoument for 'booting Detective Le
bnquet, who enrprieed him while robbing
a ewe.
Ic the hearing of a case against Ohae.
McGill, dormer manager of the Ontario
Bank, the Police Magistrate expreeoed
the opinion that the seeding of mousy
to New York without the authority of the
board was theft.
Because a Cure was Found for
Inflammatory Rheumatism.
There are many types of rheumauem
but none worse than inflammatory. It
woe thie kind that nearly killed Mre.
Edw. Warman, of Kent Jot., N. B
Every known remedy elle tried, differ
ant dootore gave their advice, but the
dieeaee iuoreased. Weak and deopeirieg,
she was at her wits' end when the re
markable cure of Thoe Oollel, was pub.
.'shed. This gentiemao was cured of
rheumatism by "Ferrozone." Cuuae
gaeutly Mre. Warren need the earns
remedy, Here ie her statement :-"For
years I have been rhnemetio, I Triad
various forme of relief without 000088e.
The dieeaee iooreaeed, settled in my
joi0t0 and morulae ; these swelled, cats•
ed excruciating pain and kept me from
Bleeping. My limbo and arms etiffenod,
my shoulders were lame and prevented
me from working. Week by week I wae
Ioeiag etreugth and deepaired of finding a
oure. It eves it happy day wh, u I heard
of Ferrozone. Every dayltook Ferrozone
I felt better. ; it eased Elle painful joiner,
rave me energy and a feeling of easy life,
Ferrozone cured my rbeamatiem, cored
it so that not au eche has ever returned.
Even damp weather no longer Orate
me." Ferrozone hae power to destroy
Urio Acid, neutralize and enrich the
blood, and therefore does aura the worst
aures. Mre. Warren'e statement provee
this. By removing the pause of the die -
ease and building op a reeerve of energy
Ferrozone in certain to onre. Sufferer,
isn't it about time to stop experiment-
ing 7 Ferrozone ie a eons. We neaten•
tee thie. Sold by all dealers, 50e per
box or 81x boxes for 92.50. Remember
the name-"Ferrozone."
Cold Weather calls for warmer Clothing .and as we
hove made special preparation for the Winter trade we
'ter to draw your attention particularly to our Underwear
Department We are agents for
Underwe ar
for Infants, Children, Misses and Ladies, and carry a complete
range of these goods. "Puritan" is a guarantee of excellence and
every garment bearing this Brand is guaranteed to give satihfaction.
We have them in the Union for Children and Misses at 12'c
to 25c each, and also in better grades and Ml Wool at 25e to' 75c.
Ladies' sizes at 25c, 85c, 50e, 75e, $1.00 and $1.15 for the
Best Quality.
Our 25e, 85e and 50c lines in pure White and Gray are very
special value -Ask to see them.
Boys S we are showing Fleece Lined Shirts and
L .ea Drawers at 25c to 50c according to size
and also all sizes in Union and Wool at 800 to 75c.
For Men
we have a Large range of various brands
including Fleece Lined, Light and Heavy
Wool Bait and Union at 500, 75e, 85e and $1.00, Also "Ellis"
Spring Needle brand ; "Penman's" Fine Natural Wool, and "Stan -
field's" Heavy Best Unshrinkabte at lowest prices.
No Fancy Prices Everything Cheap
end„ I
.r rn„ nn,,, ,,,
I n„ I, bill • I 1 1
t, t. t I, a 1, a t, 'hr'tr'i„h,14 I I I 6 1, 1) L la L t 1, Ian,
A Photograph taken at
SI VL//®
Is sure to be It Burmese,
Something that will bo pleasing to your
(Heeds fur Sines Preseute is quite a
lluty aMuut a Moe Photo. of yourself.
We have some styles of mounts suit-
able for this season of the year.
Conic in and see samples.
Photos Framed oheap.
Portraits of any Photo made in Crayon
or Water Color.
Family Groups a specialty,
All Work Guaranteed.
Application Form
for Membership in the Finest and
Beet 90810686 Training School in
(Juanita -Phe
arc--• i 5 a3
of Toronto, from Jan. 2nd, next, to-
gether with detailed inL,rmatlon o
the gl eat 0108ntage6 to be en),yed,
will be sent free by return mall on
request of friend or letter.
\Vtlte trolley to
W. El.80ew, Principal.
Youge & Gerrard rte., Toronto.
YY iii llam BUSINESS
Individual inelruotlon
No vacation
Cold Medalists as teachers
Iligheat 8toudnrd
,tel, for ontulo4ue
Maclean be0lnese praotlee
Rook -keeping a apeoialty
Ilgly towards eluggarde
Soorthaud and Typewriting
Iutere,ted iu graduates
Neweet Office By,Bteme
Enter any time
Sfudeute' Literary Boolety
Sympathetic Teaohera
Commercial norreepondenoe
Ornamental Penmanship
Lem 10 Telegraphy
Luorntive P08lttou8
Exuellout Tat Books
Cl adaateo successful
Enter "NOW."
GEO. SPOTTON, Principal
The regular Monthly Horse Faire will be
held for the season as follows :
THURSDAY DEC. 6111, 1906
JAN. 8rd, 1907
JAN. 810,
FEB. 28111, "
APR. 4113, "
Leading Local and Outside
Buyers will be Present
L) HALE One was a year old 10 January,
1006, and the other 10 mouths old. Prize
nnimale cud in good condition. Terme to
suet pnroliaeor, JA111138 BPEIR, Lot 80,
01n. 6, Morrie, or Bresnan; P. 0. 16.11
▪ Bulla for 8016, Two were prize win.
Mors at Brussels Fail Fair. They are dan-
dies. Red and roau iu color. Lot 8, Con. 0,
14-10 Brueeeie P.0.
11 16 pieces 11 feet long and '9 pieces 24
foot in length. Also a number of cedar
fence polite. For further particulate see or
write 'THOS. NI✓WBOM, Brueeele. 16-t1
i` The undersigned offers her 100 tare
farm, being Lot 00, Con. 7, Grey, for sale or
to rent. Comlortable house, bank baro,
orchard, wells, &o. Farm le 0015 1 of a mile
from the stir-ing village of Ethel. For fur-
ther purtioulare apply to F. 8, good, Bale.
eels, or M1t8, BATl6 HOLLAND, 78 fibular
81, ee6, Torouto. 17.3m
undersigned offers for sale an horn of
land upon whiob ie a comfortable dwelling
house, stable, fruit trees, good over -flowing
well, &a. Property is located f of a mile
East of 0ranbrook mud oouvonimit to 0°11001,
church, pontoleee, &e. Poseoeelon at any
time, For price, tome, &o., apply on the
premises to M. ItAYMANN.
0.11 or Oranbrook P. O.
N.) and 2 acres of land for Bala on Wanat
street, B, Motels. Break house, good stable,
hard and Bolt water, email orchard. &e.
Property iu good ehupo. Immediate peewee -
Moe oan be given, Also a cement break
making mue1100 for sale, For further par-
ticulars apply on the premises.
1031N Mo89NZIE,
Proprietor, Bruoeele.
50 &01U'S OF LANI) -FOR
sale bolug Nl of 81 Lotti 69 and 60
000,1,Morrla, 40 aorta under cultivation
and balance bosh; no builuinge. Pima -
Mon glVau uu oompletiou of pPurebaen. it
miles from Jameetown mot SL from Wrox
(ter, Fur further Particulars imply to
ELIZA MULLIGAN, Proprietress,
21-4 or Jame0towu P, 0.
CC Diee1oNND offers 11ie flue 100 acre
farm, being Lot 7, Con. 7, Grey lownshlp, for
aaee. All cleared and Wider cultivation
sod brink Mae bank Lar and dei l
snchad I Oret•oluee o, ohnrn, &o. FatalFatalto wal
wutored and wen fooled8 'an
min or) from Bream l0. l eestou Oau un
given 116318 Minch, F'or aaiLor cartloulaeo
08 to pr,ae, forma, ,ko apply ou the prom•
lege to RCBT, 1NGL10, or Bru00ule P. 0.
fali"ttM'8•V'1l,V'kclit4 m aS i71r71• 6ZSrYJfair t4 irl-PoCr6"Rnt
Don't forget that we can help yon
do this by supplying you with good
Boots Rubbers
Shoes Underwear
and other seasonable goods. Give
11s It call and we shall endeavor,
as always, by fair dealing and
courteous treatment, to give you
Best, Brands of Pure Man-
itoba and .hied Flour
Highest merltet prices for Eggs, Butter,
Fami oe, Dried Apples end Poultry,
Bring your Fowl on Tuesday and
Wednesday of each week.
,gEseettgalelleggIelliele 811184811181
Leicester Ram Lambs and Hr1010 t
Turkey Gobblers for sale Prices realm -if'!.
able. N. A M1LNE, Ethel, 10.11
C. 0. F.
Court PrincipalAlexandria No.24, 0.0.E.,
limeade, meets littheir Ledge Room, Chia -
hill Block, ou the 2nd and last Tuoedays of
each m"ntb, at O'olook. Visiting brethren
1lwuye welcome
use uderatgued offers his lama and lot,
situate ou Milla.reet, Hrueeele, for aide.
It is well loouted,a eouve0utnt and uoutlor.
table Lome. Poeeeoeluu eau be given at
Duce. w,ll oleo sell the vacant lot, corner
01 Mill and Dia dant stream, widen would
make a flue building site. For further par-
ticulars ea to primo, terms, &o., ..uply to
FRED. ADAMS. Hardware Dealer, Furd•
wadi. 30-4
DaneIONEn offers his 100 acre liana,
bring 61 nut 16, Coo. 4, Morrie, for Bale. 75
acres cleared unit all under groat excepting
0 uoree. Farm well adapted for pa.et0ru, a
never tailing spring creek 101,0 threugu it.
Titer'. is a oowfo.tuble Lame house, floe
bank bare 60 feet ultimo, pig pea and hen
Moot 20160, and d 203E40 ; amu11 oteharu.
Pueeoeeluu given auy time. Fur further
partiuulare mirky on the yretuites ur au•
rose Brussel,' P. 0. 11013T, SHEDD EN,Proprietor. 13.61
Baia Of Hamilton l
y Capital, Paid up, 4{0,000,009
n Reserve Feud. 412.00 .000
Teta'.Asada, 1129,8410,000 XW
President, • - HON. WM. 31880N it.
Viae President & General Maea0er, it.
Savings Department -Ample eeouray
for Dopoeitore.
Deposits ol$100 and upwards received 1
Interest allowed at currant rates and
compounded half yearly,
ADVANCES made to Farmers for
lending etnok.
8,36 Notes collected and mammiesmade thereon.
Drafts bought and sold,
W. N. MORAY, HII8400010.
1:35kfQ9lItff St> 5
>la >C•
Toronto Bag and.
Metal Co'y
For Rags, Iron, Rubbers,
Wool Pickings, Horse Hair,
Hides, &c , &c.
Highest Prices for All
Mill st. West, Brussels
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
ANY even uumbarDd saurian of Doowamin
Lauds iu Nhtaitoba, Baekn tob,
Alberta. oxoapt lug 8 and 20, not reserved,
may be homesteaded by any portion who Is
.118 enlu hoad of u family, or any 'nolo over
18 yearn of nee, to the extent of one-quortor
Booboo of 100 tiros more or lona
Entry may ha mads personally at Gm
local land olm••o fur the diatriet in whish
tbo laud in oitunbe.
Tbo Lotti °etouder lo
required to perform
the uouditione emulated therewith under
sue of the Inlet w1Ug plu00 ;
(1) At least rix menthereiodeooe upon
rod oultivetwu of the lead iu each year 10r
three years,
12) If tu0 father (or mother, it (the furter
is decease") of the homostealor reoidoa
upon a farm iu the vloi.,ity 01 the land
entered fur the requirements as to rest -
deuce may be ea wand by enol person re-
siding with the father or mother.
(3) If the tattler has his permanent rest.
denim upuo farmiao land owuud by ban
iu the vicinity of hie homestead, the re-
quiremeute ae to reoidenoo may be sane.
tied by residence upon tho aid Iaad.
rix months' n"tion hl writing should b°
given 10 Ike Comrulo,loner of Domiuie,
Lauda at Ottawa of lutau toot to apply for
Deputy of the Mloiotor. of otorinr,
N. B, Uuuulhuri0ad publiw,l,on off Ole ad-
vert19em0ut will act he paid for.
To Liverpool
From 6tJohn From Halifax
Parisian gat, Deo. 1
Tunisian Fri, Deo. 7 iSat,Dea. 0
Laureutiau Hat, Da. 15
Fri Dec.Dea 21 t Deo, 22
Rates of Passage:
First Cabin -$50 and ut,wurda, a000rdtog
to vteanier, 8eoond 0abin-542,00 and up-
wards. 'third Clad- 027 60.
Boston to Glasgow
Pretoriun Friday,Nov, 30
Nnmidian Friday, Dne. 14
Second elan 056 and upwards; 'Third olaee
-Eastbound, 0110.50; Westbound, 027.50.
For further particulars, rates and tioketo
apply to
W. 11. IKERR,
Agent Allem Llue, Brunetti.
Farmers or Storekeepers
by coming to the
Brussels Salt Works
can get any kind of Salt
they require.
Gordon Mooney,
Foreman, - Brussels.
A Large, Fashionable and well assorted stock of
Fall Millinery is now on display at my Show Room
and the Ladies of Brussels and vicinity are cordially
invited to call and examine the same.
MISS MASON, who has had a wide experieuce in
City Millinery, has been engaged for the Season.
The undersigned is grateful tor past patronage and
asks for a continuance.
Prices moderate and Satisfaction assured.