HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-12-6, Page 311 ,e titsa0d�4rGceeleei(ep�7,�1a`szee�oote ao-cep TRC 11 DUNG FOLKS ootn•q o-aotJ oo aoo 0 0•o•+:raNsa TUE SONG SI'ARROW;S TOILET. A splash into a sllvcr brook, A dainty lithe dipping; A dart into it quiet noel(, With all his leathers dripping; .A little shake, a little tweak, To ser up every feather; A pretty preening with his beak To lay then all •together ; A stretch of wing, some fluffy shakes, A flash—he's (lawn away I That Is bow the aparl'Ow !'Rakes Ills joilet for the day, I10W LOVE FOUND OUT A WAY. "Poor, deer little mother I IL Is hard for thee to lie upon lids bed with those aching g limbs of thine, sostiff with rheu. malas ' nt.' '1'ba mattress is so hard and .so full of lumps. If 1 could but have a now one for than 1' Tho invalid mother smiled gratefully up in her daughter's face. Rellchen was her only child, and since her husband's death this girl had been (hit ]lreudtviunor and sole support of the helpless' woman. "Dear child," she said, "a now mat- tress would os and v cost money, this is not easy tolind. 13u1 drat not, my licttahen; I am used to the old bed, and mind 1t loss than thou tbinkest. 1etutnk thee,. dear, there be soma poor souls that have no bed at all, and so must needs Iia upon the floor. flow much better off an I than these!" Nevertheless Rellchen could not glue up the hope of somehow contriving a new soft bed for her mother, arab since to buy a Wool or horsehair mattress was not to he thought of, elle tried to think of something that would answer the pur- pose without expense. A.t last a bright thought struck her. "What a donkey I amt' she said to herself, "not to have re- niembered before that there is a staling that should answer quite well, and cost nothing but a Mlle time and trouble." For, eure enough, down by the river, just a mile or two away, close by the plaeo where she caught the little cray- fish in the season, was a marshy spot, which was thickly covered wills the sort of wild cotton plant What grows in the North of Europe. In the months of Au- gust. and September the pads were open, and the snowytufts were to be seal ready to scatter their minute seeds when the wind should blow them out of their envelope. "Why should I not make for mother a new bed out of this cotton ?" she said 13 herself; and,forthwith site set aboutL the carrying ot of herplan. Her couAllis, L a and Fritz, tz brought ht their bout t[z her aid, and the three young fniks loaded it with cotton, stems and pods, 'then Liza mid Fritz returner( in lite boat to their starting point, un- loaded their cargo into a shed by Reit- chen's kerne, and roved back for ano- ther load, Rellchen, mennwhlle, (tiling her creel with. crayfish and wet moss, and then setting to work to gather as much of the cotton as possible, For several days the young people made these expeditions, until Rebtchen at length felt sure she find enough ma- terial for her navel experiment. She and her cousins first picked out all the cotton fluff, and put It into a coarse canvas bag. This bag, after be- ing closely stitched up, was baked for hours in the great brick oven from which the huge loaves of brown bread had just been taken. This long -continued heat was to kill any insects or germs there might be in the cotton. After baking, the fluff was carefully looked through, and any pieces of stalk or 'sheaths of pod ware taken out. Rellchen had by her a piece of coarse unbleached calico; she took this for her mother's naw mattress, and stitched it strongly all round, save aL sue end. In at this opening"she put the cotton, and after filling the huge bag site sewed up this end too. "Why, what is this, my Rellchen?" said the mother, when, after sitting in the armchair to have her bed tnade, she was helped'tenderly bask by her daugb- ` ter, and found her poor crippled limbs resting easily and painlessly upon a soft and yielding mattress. "Whence luist thou Illis lovely soft bed'?" "Why, mother, God sent it, lie made the wild cotton to grow, and he put it into my heart to use it, So I baked and prepared 11, and stitched the covering, and put in the stuffing, and 10, this bed, with which my ibIlo another 10 so much pteawed ;' and yet more --1s it not so, mother? with the love which found out tho way to give thee comfort?" BUTTONS ACCORDING TO RANK, Buttonsin Important P Y en mp sant part In the• dress of the Chinese mencinrins. Those of the first and second .,class wear a button of coral red, suggested, perhaps, by a (Ode's comb, since the cock Is the bird thatadorns their breasts. The third class' are gorgeous with a robe On which a penoock is embinroned, while from Ihe centre of the red fringe of silk upon the ha,1 rises a sapphire button. 'l.'lto button of the fourth class is an opaque,. dark purple stone, and the bird depleted on the eobo Is lite pelicltn, A stIvet' pheasant on the robe and a door c'ystel button on the hal are the rank of the fifth Bless. The sixth Gloss are entitled to wear on embroidered store:- and tore:and a jadeslone bulling 1110 seventh ti ton. In the eighth the partridge is re- duced to a quail, and the gold' button becomes plain, 'white the ninth class mandarin has to be content with a common sparrow for his. emblem, wIih silver for his button. GLASS BRIDGE. Colaredo is about to astonish the world with a glass hr(dge. Across inc gorge of me wonderful Grand Carryon of the Arkansas River, noir. Canyon City, a suspension bridge has been built. mord than 2,660ft. above the surface of the river, Its (boor is at piate•gless, so that lou•isl8 May look down into the wonderful gorber the deepest In Ihr neckk'ti 1'110 110er of Ihe bridge is about a tittle end a hall above. sea -level,. An elcc'ric rabtwny from Canyon Clly Will eei:'y`traeoliers tel the vlgo of the gorge, (Nl e Mark hat ells .ks ' pc7 d9 ti- va�k AWNS r, „✓' rrddc Trade marked thus in a variety of atyles,fabricrand pricer for women. men and children. Form Fitted, Dealer are 011111.40d to rorfaco instantly and at aur cost, any Pen•Analo start moot faulty in material or makirue .200 Pen-Angletrade mark (in red) on every Pen -Angle garrnont, tells you (twill fltandwon'6 shrink,—your own dealer ea guaranteea it. Underwear thua trademarked is softer, warmer, more flexible, better wearing. �f� �g per" r� dip sy�"gm lSd' . .fE'.fl.M &'+S. W 'tr' E VSs. dti"a., FEATHER DYEING Oua4 badOtabo1dye4 glohe abThai MUSH a ARLIIIEAN MAO ca .....��..____. LteYT1r•.aAL. Patents Secured Free I prepare patent applications free of you charge. Ifhave an invention i; n send sketch today for free opinion. 24 years' experience. F. D. Gibbs, 52 St. James 81., Montreal, BRIDAL LORE. A January bride will be a prudent bouselteeper and very good-tempered. A February bride will bo a humane and affectionate wife and tender mouser. A March bride will be a frivolous chatterbox, 'somewhat given to quarrel- ling. An April bride will be Inconstant, not very intelligent, but fairly good-looking. A May bride will be handsome, ami- able, end likely to be happy. A lune bride will be hnpetuous and generous. A July bride will be handsome and smart, but a Mille quick-tempered. An August bride will be amtulile and practical. A September bride will be discreet, affable, and much liked, An. October bride will be pretty, co- quellislt, loving, but jealous. A Novenhber, bride will be liberal, kind, but of a wild disposition. A December bride will be well pro- portioned, fond of novelly, enterielning, but extravagant. AFTER TCN YEARS. Peterborough, tt Mr.G. L. SI henson of L elerboro h �P g , slys• "For over ten ycars suffered con- stantly with Piles, first itching, then Bleeding; pain almost unbearable; life a burden. Tried everything in vain tin I used Dr. Leonhardt's Heol-RoId. "C bad taken but a few doses when I began to notice an improvement. Now I am completely cured.' A $1,000 guarantee watt every box cf Hein -Reid. III. All dealers, or The Wilson -Pyle Co„ -Limited Niagara Falls, Ont. There is nothing that annoys a Iran more than for his wife to tell ham that he has bean talking In his sleep and re- fusing to tell him what he said. ALLEN'S LUNO BALSAM is espeeially intend. ed bo break tip neglected coughs and many hope- less cases have boon saved by its Oreo. Contains no opium 10 any form One of the things a conceited youth can't understand is how any girl can be so foolish as to turn hbm down for some other chap, Heart relief In half an hour.—A lady. M New York State, writing of her mire by Dr, Agnew'a Cure for the heart, says: I feel • litre ono brought back from the dead, so -groat was my suffering from heart trouble and so almost miraculous lay recovery through the agency of this powerful treatment. I owe my life to tt,"-19 Somehow the baegatns a woman ac-, quires seldom look like bargains a few' days later, when she has occasion Io visit another store. You cannot be happy while you have corns. Then do not delay in getting a bottle of fiolloway's Corn Cine, It removes all kinds of corns without pain. Failure with it is unknown, "A jealous girl, that Elsie." "How be that " "I told hot' tour weeks ago In the sirtctest confidence that i was secretly engaged(, and up to now she hasn't fold a single person," TONS OF DION oo,t"ummod =oh year in meth. eine In • Ferrarim, the best tonic, it is so cleverly manipulated that the -weak and dolly get all possialo nourishment and benefit prom It, RED MAN'S SIGNATURE. Rre Indian chiefs treating with the American Government now have to ap- pend (heir thumb-prhils to the docu- ments, instead of orossmerks as hither- to. The reason is that chiefs have fre- quently 'repudiated the cross -marks and the oblignttons involved. The first document tuns just been signed by titutnb-prbnb. It was a Mealy between the Government alict the Umatilla. In- dliens of Washington to allow cattle to cross bite Indian reservation unharmed, Few men' are Rhin to keep within hail. log dislatee of their good intentions. CHANGES WEIGHED HER[: 3,000,000 TO ONE AGAINST YOUR BE- ING I[ANGIID, • The Three Most Deadly Diseases, Oren. chills, Consumption and Heart Dlsaasc, 11 you are a Scotsman, you stand a better chance of being [tilled by accident than 11 you are English, Welsh 01' Miele Thirty-one out of every 4,000 Scotch people who die are killed by accident; end 30 English out of every 1,000, French people a'e much rnore careful, for only 15 out of every 1,000 French deaths are attributable to accident. As might be supposed, the risks of death by accident are greater In America titan enywtlere else. No •fewer- than 30 per 1;000 of Americans die from accidental causes, says Loudon onAnswmrs. How many of us ever stop to consider the chances that play so great a part In our daily lives? Very few do so, unless,. perchance, they happen to be taking out ail insurance policy. Insurance com- panies have, of course, to use a slang Term, got risks of all kinds down to a fine point. Their statisticians have cal• oulated chances so carefully that they can quote a premium on anything from the insuranceof a house against flre to Unit of the disablement of a professional rlddber's forefinger. They will insure you against anything from catching measles to having twins, and this being so, they trust, of course, make I1 their business to know exactly the risks the insured rim. IIELIGiOUS WORK FOR LONG LIFE. Their life tables tell you alt sorts of curious things. For instance, that If yeu aro a clergyman you have a better chance orf living to man's full span of three scoro and ten than if your proles- sioet is that of a doctor. Yet, oddly enough, a doctor, in spite of the risks he runs from infection, has a. better chance of life titan an attorney, while the latter's life chalices are better then those of '0 coachman's; 184 coachmen out of 10 000 die for every 168 attorneys. The life chances are worst of all for innkeepers and cabdrivers, if the deathrate for 1(3,000 Englishmen is 180 per 10,000, that of cabdrivers IS 260, and 01 innkeppers 270. Between the ages of 25 and 65, a wo. man's chances of life arc distinctly bete ter than those of a man. Roughly speak- ing. 19 men die between those ages for every 16 women. While on the gloomy subject of death, it m bewhile 'l dance atthe a b worth oi Yb illness which is most likely to yeu. Statistics show that there are two dis- eases is- c s which are far more d edl' e se than c e y anytiters—at least to `lh inhabitants of o e these islands of ours. THE MOST DEADLY DISEASES. They are bronchitis and consumption. Out of every million English people nearly 3,000 succumb yearly to diseases of the throat, and fully 2,000 to consump- tion. Third in point of deadliness comes heart disease, which carries off about 1,400 yearly out of each million of the British people. Cancer and apoplexy send each about 500 to their graves, while the danger of smallpox is so slight as to be less than one-hundredth of that of cortsumpilon. With all its fogs, London is not an unhealthy place to live In. Your chances of living to an. old age in London are better than in either of the next two largest British towns. Out of every 4,000 London babies no fewer that 124 lire to reach the good old age of seventy - nee, while o1 1,000 Glasgow children only 87 do so. In Manchester your chances of long life diminish still fur- ther. It Is 100 to 6 against ibo resident of Manchester reaching the ago of seventy -Five. 1f you live at 13r•igtlon your changes are much rnore rosy then in any of the three great, cities already mentioned- The betting is only 100 to 15 ogalnst the'Brighton baby becoming a septuagenarian. Tables giving expectation of life make interesting reading, for they exhibit most plainly the superiority •!n this re - sped orf crepe SO-CALLED WEAKER. SEX. For instance, a ten -year. -old boy can only expect to live just under 48 ,'ears, while a ten -year-old girl is justified in expect- ing to live another 51 year's 6 months. This superiority holds good all the way through life, and even at 65 a woman's expectation of'llfe is 11 years, against 0 years 0 months for a man of the sumo ago. to put the expecbntion of life in ano- liter, end perhaps clearer way it is 332 to 1 that an average boy between ten and fifteen will not die within the next twelve 'months. When you, are twenty, the cicences are 100 to 1 in your favor. At sevonly-five tL is still 8 to 1 that you survive foe another year. If you are between twenty and thirty, the chances are about 13 to 1 against your gelling married during the next twelve months. Married people live longer by about two years than widowers. 1f the wife dies fleet, the noon survives on ant nvernge [lee yea's. 13111. the average wi- dow hes 1, prospect of 11% years more of life atter herr husband's death. The lives of monarchs, aiways except- ing Ihnt of our own rulers, are bad risks, iiia 'T'sar's life, for instance, is only worth five years' purchase. In other words, Itis only 5 to 1 against his sur• viving for 1Welvo months. According to the census of 1001, the l,Oplilation of tho United Kingdon was then 41,454,578. The number of execu• Cons In lids country is, roughly, 15 a year, so that .your chances of being hanged within twelve months are about. 3,000,000 to 1, while your chances of be - trig hanged in a. Mistime 01 fifty years are 60,000 l0 1. d...w*in COAT AND VEST FOR HIM, A melt, ace0bioltsoled by ids wife, visf led a inci'chaltl= Jailer to Order: a shit of clothes. Tito dOuple.differed as to the material and manner Of making, end temper. II " ne vit0 lost her"011,We 11 tr shrsaid, turningitg away, PlenSayourself; 1 suppose you aro the one who will wear the elotbles," ' "Well," observed the husband, sneak. ly, "1 don't suppea: yeti'd want t0 wear the coat and waistcoat," A CRIPPLE .CURED.. Helpless and Heel with Rheumatism Cured by Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, "I was a helpless cripple, I was bre in form and could not straighten to Crutches were my'ante, .means of may Ing about. I tried' many medicine but they all failed until I :began ustn Dr. Williams' Pink Pills --•they cute me," George Settaw, of Short Bench N, S„ made the above almost starllln statement to a reporter a few days ago Mr. Schaw is now a wen built man strong arid broad shouldered. Lilt thousands of other Nova Seobians, he i a fisherman, and is consequently .lt posed to all kinds of weather, just '115 conditions to set the rheutnalism pots in the blood at work. Mr. Salim adds "it is tinposeible to overrate the sever sty or the attack. The troubie was !o cubed in my back and right hip. '1 het to quit work and was ntoslly indoors There was a time when I never expect e3 to stand erect again, but Dr. Wil Ikons [ink Pills straightened me u again, not only 1 that, int but they r Yh made do Y m he t strong, Hearty man you see me f; day. 1 can never describe the awfu pain I suffered betnro 1 used these pills I tried many medicines and had treat ment from sot era( doctors, but to r, avail. My legs became so stiff that i order to move at all I had to use crutch e Finally the doctors deckled that was incurable, and told me they court render no further assistance. 1 conlinu el to suffer day and night, and the came the turning point of my lite. friend from a distance came to see to and it was from him I learned that Dr Williams' Pink Pills were a great cur for rbaumattsm. At once I got a supply and began to use them. The first In creation that they were helping m was when the pain grew less severe fn a few weeks more the swelling in my legs and hips began to leave, then my joints seemed to loosen up, andihen 11 was not long until my crutches were thrown aside and I could straighten up. Then I began to go out doors and soon was able to resume my work as wen as ever. Since that time 1 have never been troubled with rheumatism or lame back. I can tell you my neighbors were all a-lonished at my cure; they had all thought I would nlvays be a cripple." Dr, Williams' Pink Pills cure rheu- matism by going straight t0 the root of the trouble in the blood. They make new rich blood that sweeps out the pois- onous acrd end soothes the jangled nerves. That is how they cure all trou- bles rooted in the blood, such as anae- mia, indigestion, neuralgia, St, Vitus dance, general weakness and the special aliments that only girls and women folk know. Sold by all medicine deal- ei:s or by mall at 50 cents a box or nix boxesfor ' 5,.50f 2 from the r e D . Williams'V Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. FALLING OUT OF THE HAIR. why Men Go Bald So Much Sooner Than Women, nt 1, s, g • d g 0 s O nn rf p 0 1 0 • n d n A e e e A quct.lion that often arises and is seldom answered twice in the same way is as to why iia hair falls out on the Lop of the head and not at the back or on the sides. T'ho old-fashioned theory is that baldness occurs within the lines marked by a man's flat, and as nobody has ever offered conclusive proof to the contrary, that explanation may be the correct one, The ease was stated not so very long ago to two very intelligent barbers. Ono of then thought that the reason why baldness occurred at the top of the head was that the brain camo closest to the surface there, and this being an age In. which many brains ere kept going at high_ tension, the abnormal amount of blood thus carried to the cranium pro- duced a kind of Paver in the upper scalp. Fevers, as is well known, often result in the failing out of the hair. The second beeber gave variety Le the discussion by enlarging upon the' no- tion that be bad formed from the obser- vation and reflection of many years. "You will notice," said he, "that, the first hair a baby has cones on the top of the heed, and falls out before the child is many woehs old. Tho hair that comes to stay grows thicker and stronger on [.lie sides and at the back, and I have an (den that the growth on the top of the head is always the weakest.froln infan- cy to old age." But how do you account for the fact that women do net grow bald as men do?" "Account for 1t I I don't have to ac- count 'for It"" replied the ready -witted barber, "It isn't so. Wily, I used to work in an establishment where they had nine ehoirs in the men's depart- ment and eleven in the women's, and, 1 want to dell you that I learnt some Things there that the average man—and the average barber, loo, for that tuat- ler--cboesrt't icnov, if you knew any women who have !else hair so .arranged that nobody can tell it from their own natural Tresses, you wouldn't ask why mete grow bald and women don't," BABY'S HEALTH. Every mother who uses Baby's Own Tablets for her little ones has a solemn guarantee that this medicine does not ccnlnin any of the poisonous opiates found in so-called "soothing" medicines and 1 0111,1 preparations. These 'Tablets always do good—they cannot possibly. do -harm. They cure indigestion, collo, censlipatlou, diarrhoea and simple fev- ers, break up oolds, prevent croup, ex- pel worms and make teething 'easy. Baby's Own Tablets have done more to bring health, Wetness and content- ment to little ones than any outer medicine known. You can get Baby's Own Tablets from any deetfer i11 madi- e❑te, 01' by mall at 25 cetlis a box Ly writing am 1)r, Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. [-TOG'S HOLLOW. An old lady tieing not tar from To• rento 1'elit'od early ono Sunday even- ing, leaving her daughter to entertain two city men. From Limo to three she called down, "Aro they gono yete" The .r vas always 'No,"until en ally C \RR one of the visitors suggsted that they answer "Yes," and hear what site wand say. 11 was;-•' "Wasn't [hem boys liege en tho but- ter at aupper? IN COURT, An old sailor was beingexamined in an assault ease by a ante lawyer, who questioned its veracity regarding a mate ter of time. "You had. no watch, and yet you aro positive that the defendant was only teff minutes absent. I doubt if you are abbe to estimate ten rninutes of time oah,rectly," be said, "Try me," said the old tar, Tho lawyer drew his welch from his peeket, and said, "When 1 call out 'Now,' you allow ten minutes to pass, and when It is up earl out Male's up.'" The old salt nodded, and the lawyer called out "Now," Slowly the time passed, and the lawyer with watch en hand tried to wheedle him into an ad- misslon that limo was up. The sailor puid• no h<ed, and exactly at ibe end of the ten minutes ,shouted "Tune's up." 'The bewildered lawyer turned round confusrd at the Court's loud laughter, end his eyes lighted on the court-l'onf clock behind him, which had assisted the old sailor In bis tusk. Drill -Sergeant (to awkward squad) — "The bullet of our new rifle will go right through eighteen inches of solid wood!" Remember Lthal, you block. heads!" Trial Proves its Exeelience,—The best testimonial one can have of the virtue of Dr. ctrl Thoma ' 1 Thomas' Gc o a 011 in the treatment of bodily pains, soughs, colds and affections of the respiratory orgene, Lo a trial of it. If not found the 50ve1,- eign remedy it is reputed 10 be, then it may be rejected as useless, and all that has been said in its praise de- nounced as untruthful. China and Japan are pre-eminently the seaweed -eating nations of the world. Among no outer people are seaweeds so extensively eaten and relished as 'food substances. LAZY OLD BORES, painful and disfiguring' wilt not linger long after treatment with wearer n Comte has boon begun: .0140, cleanse the blood with Wearer's Syrup. A woman always believes a man when he declares he loves her, even though she doesn't believe anything else he says. Eyes and Nose ran Water. -0. 0. Archer, of Brewer, Maine, says: "I have had Catarrh for several years. }pater would run from my eyes and nose for days at a time. About four months ago I was induced to try Dr. Agnew's Ca- tarrhal Powder, and since using the wonderful remedy I have not had an at. tack. It relieves in ten minutes." 60 touts. -17. First Lawyer: "Ilow did you come out. in settling up old Gotrox's estate?" Second Lavyer . "It aha rdstnh strug- gle." First Lawyer; "Really?" Second Lawyer; "Yes, I n yhad to worlc hard to "b o heirs from getting part of t he eskeeAtaPte,CSuccessful Medicine. — Everyone wishes to be successful in any under - lalcing in which he may merge. iC Is therefore, extremely gratifying to the proprietors of Parmelee's Vegetable. Pills le know that their efforts to cem- pcund a medicine which would prove n blessing to mankind have been suc- cessful beyond their expectations. The endorsatioo of these Pills by the public is a guarantee that a pill has been pro. duced which will fulfil everything claimed for it, "For goodness' sake, what's that noise?" "The girl next door is having her voice cultivated:" "Apparently the process of cultivation 'has reached the harrowing season." nfi frtmies YOU CET THIS FIND YOU DAVE ALWAYS HAll, ,'"lite D ,C 0" Menthol Plaster. For rbomnatism, nonraigin, eto., nothing b bettor, Made only by Davis it Lawrence Co. Miss Antique—"And did he say he re- membered me when I was a girl?" Youngman—"No; he said he remembered you when he was a boy." WhenRheumatism doubles a man up physician and sufferer alike lose heart and often despair of a cure, but here's the exception. Wm, Pegg, of Norwood, Ont., says: I was nearly doubled up with rheumatism. . I got throe bottles'. of South .American Ours and they aurod me, It's Ibo getekeet acting medicine I ever saw." —18 "You poor man," said the idnd Indy. "Can't you find anything to do?" "No, mum," replied Frayed Franklin,. "But I got a promise of work yesterday." "I-Iow Ricci What, doing?" "Gatekeeper on a crossing Icr de first airship line What starts, mum " A Carefuliy Prepared Pill.—Much time and attention were expended In the ex- perimenting with tho ingredients that enter into the composition of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills before they wero brought to the stale in which they were [first of- fered 'to the public. Whatever other pills may be, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are the result of much expert study, and ah persons suffering from dyspepsia cr disordered liver and kidneys may con - intently accept them as being what they are represented to be, "If Nature had made me an ostrich said old Grouch, "I suppose 1 could" vat your (coding,." "That 'would be very nice," answered itis imperlureble spouse; "IhctIa id could got some plumes for. my inaL" tTCN, Manse, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch on 'human er ahtmale mored in 50 minutes by Viol. ford's Sanitary Lotion. it never fails. PLUCKED BY MACHINERY, Chickens aro now plucked in a whole - Sale manner by 111e use of pneumatic machinery, There is a receptacle in which the fowl is placed after bring killed, and into this are turned several cress Out rents of air from eloclricai fans rivolei ng at the rate of 5,000 steams per minute. In the twinkling of en eye. the bird is stripped of Its feathers, even to the tiniest partfolos of down, 0nd the machine is t'eady for another. WA N'T0 Ladies to do plain and 14011 sowing at home, whela or spare tune; good pay ; send stamp for full particulars, National Manufaettn'ing Company, Mon teal.' rgir, icy 1,. C olds, Whooping 0 f every description X40 L ung troubles, Throats, etc., afe and permanent F p or sale by 0 111y 25 cents 0 n all sides estimonials E xpressing 'w° + `Yi F, Cough, Croup, .tion and p Asthma, Sore are all cured remedy, all dealers. R• Bottle. we receive thousands from grateful their appreciation character, y people ' - + Coughs r by this of of — 313 �n v"ti' ,sr r } Y t` "r t ,�., f yn ,. Y' ® { J� r+ate t y M • ECAL C$pr.^. i't` ,3 � ., ,It hf F •. .f �- ''L s lit:+: 't.�la'"�t:�e-_C Is used in the championship league in Canada and United Slates, Costs a tittle more than the cheap kinds but isu•orlh MUCH l oRE, ST RR UAL ITY■ T R UHOUT. NOTE the Box Centre Bracket andCombinatton Heel, the re -enforcement of which Is not shown In the cut. STARK IVITOCOLimited 'WRITE 7 FOR bA1O MOUTFI, E3. S., and 3tLW8:1, cs}o" TORONTO. CATALOGUE as OS AWA, yt St el Shingles., ralfd, 11 lit Water, P Mir- Locked Step 7 iyf.,`r'i�ItrO' ar..r le t Y:b:A""'gr2 +ya__ 4� °r!'., en "3,,,,,,,,,d,° and i'p 3 # `� � "' iii' eIpta n oa vis 1` air \ All I `, Flro Y i6 y ,, Y N l' 'Y� R OM G '• iS�Qtl� V f .ru 'tri p. r '$ Oti '�i + O o +rrlSU 0 0 p, M1 0 0 E as i.r■4 cru.,.. 1� \+ad � rob ' �'1'' 'i`"-� sue _ .�I :r _ ,b ",. •x Four 'Fou e. Proof ® o' — wu`� Mo10 s •ao■. Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from per hundred square feet covering measure. This is the most ering on the market, and 1s an Ideal covering for Houses, Barns, vetoes, Churches, etc, Any bandy man can lay the "OSHAWA" hammer and snips are the only tools required, We aro the largest and oldest cc0unpany of the kind under flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout making them FIRE. WATER AND LIGHTNING -PROOF. We also manufacture Corrugated iron in long sheets, Conductor EAVEs•TrfouGfi, Rte. METAL Sib1NG, in imitation of brlcic or stone. METAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 designs. Write for Catalogue No. 14B and tree samples of "OSHAWA" Write to -day, 01•MIC 101 3L-2'3aDED 11'a -.e ,3EZ 3E03E3Co3E07f'.a1, 52.85 durable to $5,10 cov- Stores, Rte. shingles. A the British Canada Pipe and 'Shingles. Montreal, au. *21-3 W Crab St. CraigS Ottawa, Oil. 425 Sussex st. l Torooto, Oat. ,Ioaaoo, Oaf, OMNI Mao. 11 Colborne Dunt las 8a 1 rat Drn a 76 Lambe I Lombard at •1 Ooncouuer,0.O. 1 a 8 8 Pander Write your Nearest Offlca,.-IISAD OFFIOE AND WORKS—OSHAWA, Oat WIDOWS NOT SO POPULAR. The 13ritish Registrar -General's relurn shows 11101 in every 1,000 women led to the altar the proportion of widows has been decreasing during the past thirty years. The actual decrease has been from 21.1 in 1870 to '12.5 at the date of the last return, That Cutting Acid that arises from the stomach and almost atkangles, is aausea by fermentation of the food in the sto. mach.* It is a foretaste of Indigestion and dyspepsia. Take one of Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets immediately after eating and it will prevent this dia- tress and aid digestion. 60 in a box, 38 pouts. -16. METALLIC AFFECTION. Gladys-"Wliat type of men do you prefer?" Edith --"Tin types; if ho hasn't got the lin 1 have no use for hit." Help your children grow strong and robust by counteracting anything [het causes ill -health. •One great cause rf disease in children is worms. Bemeve then( with blether Craves' Worm Ex- terininalor. 11 never fails. THE "UPPER TEN" OF SERVANTS. There is nothing at all to be ashamed of in being a domestic servant of any grade, awhile certain of the domestic servants in the most palatial houses hold positions which the average bank man- ager and his wife would envy, In many groat households the (head servants have servants of their own, and their quar- ters are as well arranged, and almost as handsomely furnished as those of their roaster and mistress. It is quite common, for instance, for the house. keeper in a millionaire's establishment to Novo a complete suite of rooms of her own, comprising reception -room, drawing -room, dining -room, three bed- rooms, beautiful bath -room flied in marble, and kilalten-soulbery, and She can entertain friends, even for weeps together, just as though she were living hi her own suburban villa. There i8. oven a good stretch of well -kept gordon reserved for her use, 'To alt the upper servants in such establishments the baro suggestion of preparing their etvn meals or doing any of the donestio work attaching to their nen apartments would be quite horrifying, They take expensive sOals at theatres, dreas lavishly, and' rarely condescend to walk he tho streets 0r oven to ride in a cheap ptlbiie conveyenoo, . Whatever is saved by selfishness is'i Mat to the true eeelf, fle had lent her his'slylographlc pen and she commenced to write a letter. Slle—"Oh, it writes beautifully. 1 de- clare I'm in love with this pen." lie —"len in love with the holder." She saw the point, Often whet appear to he the most trivial occurrences of life prove to be the 'most momentous. Maly are dis- posed to regard a cold ns a slight thing, deserving of little considerution, and this neglect often results in most sari. cus ailments entailing years of suffering. Drive out colds and coughs with Biekle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup, the recognized remedy for all affections of the throat and lungs. "Have you any children, Jones?" "Oh, yes( You know llobinson?" " \'1ffah Robinson? "Whide Robinson — Wil. liam?" "Yes." "Know him very well, What's that got to do with it?" "I'm going to tell you. Iie and I had fifbY- one between us.' What are you lanc- ing about? You must be crazy! \\'[tat do you tncnn?" les crn•rect. He lives on one side of the orphan asylum at'ld I on the other!" _` 1 123 .1 ✓ tris 5 Can cure your Cough or Cold, no question about that, but— why go to all the trouble and inconvenience of looking him rip, and then of havingJlisprescription filled, when you can step into any drug store in. Canada and obtain a bottle of SIlILOH'S CURE for a quarter. Why pay two to five dollars when a twenty-five Cent bottle of SHILOH Will cure you asquickly' y not: do as hundreds of: thousands of (Canadians have done for the past thirty-four torrwhenever a OCoull ghyour o Cold appears. S1111,0 11 will cu se you, and all druggists beek npth1s statement: with aositi p ve gdtuatitee, no next tune yeti,' have a Cough or Cold eure It With Alp SHILO 0SSUE Na. 48—oe,