The Brussels Post, 1906-12-6, Page 1Vo). 88, No. 22 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 6, 1906 W H, KERR, Prop 8z R_ OUR NEWSPAPER ANNOUNCEMENTS give you but little idea of the good things that are here for you. It is the people who know the store best who know how good a store it is. It is people who have tested our advertising who respond most promptly to our newspaper assertions If you have never put us to the test you don't know what yon are missing. We Want to Tura Tour Thoughts 1'ricerrard 10 pieces only Fine Pure Wool Oath- ; 10 pieces only Heavy Flannelette mere in all the newest in light and dark colors, shades, shades, worth regular 60o, a1�3 i real voloe 8a. Clearing price 6 Clearing at 4 only 2 I 15 only Dreae Lengths, Pure Wool 25 pieces Heavy Flannelette, Broadcloth, worth regular q inahee wide, read value 7c. $1,00 and $1.26. Oleariag 80 1 Cleaving at Price I 20 pieces Tweed Dees Goode, all good patterns and this sea. �® eon's goods which were cheap st 60o. Clearing at.. 28 6 piocee only Fine Saxony Flannel- ette, in White and Pink 1 Ionly, real value 10o. On sale at �2i --80 only Ladies' Mantles which we are going to clear out at al- most one-half Regular Prices. "' —Ladies' Ruffs, Caperinea and Fur Coats all on sale at Reducer Prices. PERGUSO & ROSS XMAS Fruits Dates, Figs, Raisins, Cur- rants, Prunes, Peels and all kinds of Pure Flavor- ing Extracts. All varie- ties of Nuts—fresh. Confectionery Stewart's and Perrin's Chocolates and Bon Bons. All kinds of Fancy Calces Special for Xmas — Cal. Navel Oranges and Lemons Our Grocery Departma,ent is full of the best that money can buy and the Prices Right. The home of GOOD CHEESE and lots of it, and 27e Tea. Fish and Oysterson hand— Hot Coffee and Cocoa served its the best style W. A. GREWAR and every person in want of -rpm-'-- Cutters or Sleighs Light or Heavy, Can be supplied by us, Our stock 1.14 large and First-class. Light Bob- sleighs with or without Platforms and Sleighs with two-inch runners. In the line of Cut- ters we have just what you want. Cali Early and Get Your Choice Prices and Terms to suit tilt Purchaser D. EWAN & Co Brussels Carriage .I'actoty. New Advertisements, Xmas—W, A, Grower, Bargaiue—W, F, Stratton, Winter is on—Ewan & Co, Judicial Sale—J. 3, A. Weir. Ovorcoate—Ferguson & Rose. Ready for Chrietmae—Joe. Fox, Piano Tuning—Walker & Bleak, ' Sox and Rnbbere—I, 0. Riobarde, Christina° presents—F. R. Smith, If yon want a Suit—Ferguson & Rose, Newspaper auaonnoemeute—Ferguson & Roes, iBzst1 ct 4keips. La nt d.tr w Ili- Fina.—Early Tuesday morning fire broke out is the Meek brook on Wallace street, owned by 3. Livingston, and in the ,tore 000upied by J. R. Grant, The bmtdieg le badly damaged, It is insured in the Liverpool, London and Globe. Mr. Grunt's stook i8 a total .one. The insurance will pay only about 90 per mut. of the lues. J. Livingston's. Bargains IN JEWELLERY AT STR ETTON'S STORE Call and inepeot my geode and com- pere Prime, Quality and Design in all the le test Novelties. I am better prepared than ever bef re and can convince the ;hrewdeot buyer that they can get the beet value in my lige ever offered, Any - thine sold 1s Fold etrictly on rte "Quality" or motley refunded. My OPTICAL PARLOR is complet- ed and those requu'lug Glasses will find chat Stretton's it; the place to get all the latest method% of proper testing. Cordial invitation to all. SIVIROMT TON Sign of the Golden Clock. BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS When we counsel early shopping we are mindful of your interest as well as our two. Our stock fe complete and larger thie season than ever. JEWELL&RY the very latest and best in Rings, Brace- lets, Pearl Set Brooches and Pins, Look- , eta and Necklets, Ladies' and Gents' I Chains, Cuff Linke, &o., &o. WATCHES CLOCKS DIA MON DS EBONY GOODS STIRLING SILVER OUT ©LASS 1 IPES, VIOLINS, &o. A. d everything that is found in an en- tree] to Jewelery Store. Yon can buy here at the Closest Prices. The quality of our goods ie unsurpassed, Our guar- antee fe of value to you• We invite your inspection. H. L. JACKSON JE WELLER. Meek of drnge, etatlonery and wall papers is oogetderebly damaged by water and smoke. Intoned. Ethel . Township Ooutwit will meet on Setur. day of next week here, Mise 3, J. Anita, optician of Elora, will be at the Royal Hotel—Thursday, Den, 18th, Mre L, A, Masan, who wee injured in it oollleiun some time ago while re, turning 100m church, is improving nicely ROBERT FL WRIGHT DEPARTS.—Leet Friday, at 8 p no. Robert Entry, young. eat eon of Hugh H. Wright, who lives Nast of Ethel, passed away, aged 27 years, 8 months and 2 dive. He had been ailing. 8! Summer although he was very resolute in etaying at work. Pneumonia bothered him and about Thenkagtviog time abecessee formed and he gradually failed despite all that mould be done for biro as typhoid fever end tubereuloats of lunge and bowels complet ed their work of destruction. Deceased wee barn in Grey township and wee highly esteemed. The feuorai took place Monday afternoon Rev. D. B. MoRae and Rev, E. F. Armstrong oondnotieg the service. Interment was made a, Enna cemetery, The pallbearere were No ocoa•ion for anyone to wear a shabby Overcoat with enoh hand- some, stylish garments se we're selling at extremely low prices. Thre store este the pace for Brueeele with OVERCOATS AT $9 75 that are worth half as much ngaio. 16 dozen Men's Extra Heavy Fleec- ed Shirts end Drawers, all sizes in stook, worth regular 60e Theee go on sale at - 3, 5 dozen Boys' Fleeted Shirts and Dr were, sizes 20, 22, 24, 26 and 28, all et one price, . alt) 8 dozen Boys' Fleeced Shirte and Drawers, sizes 30, 32 and t� 24, Clearingat a J el FERGUSON ce ROSS 101111111181111 Beadyffiaae Soils For the colder weather we have now in stock a large range of Ready- made Suits and Overcoats for Boys, Youths and Men. They are Neat, Sty, fish, well mads and good -.fitting Gar- ments. All going at PRICES THAT ABE BARGAINS. Do�r't Buy 'Uri ti l Yon see 'i'kern IF YOU WANT TO SAVE DOLLARS in the Clothing line pall at Stracha,n's amistextangsrasassiolleilsotimmigans Jae. Brown, W. a0d N. Lemont, T, Refferi B. Grimes, and R, Neal. The reletiveebave the sympathy of the Dorn mashy in their bereavement. +Grueekeroole. The present teacher Sae been re-engag. ed a1 a salary of $600,00. fere. Groff sad ,33rD, Chae, Raddatz, of Detroit, are visiting at b'. Raddatz. The new telephone line ie completed and we oae now elms with the carpet town, Wilfrid, the little son of Jae, Cameron, ie ill at peanut. Scarlet Lever 1a the trouble. Jae. Long, P. McDonald, Geo. Camp- bell and Mies Lottie Campbell bave re. turned tram the West, The Methodist oongregalion was pleas. ed to weloome Rev. Mr, Powell last Sus, day after his enforced absence of several weeks. • Jaeuoeettowet- We ere pleased to elate that Mrs. Wm, Holt le regaining her health quite nicely. Rev. W. J. Weet, el. A., ot Stemma, is expected to °endue' the earvioe in 6115 Hall here netts Sabbath. There le very little change in the con- dition of Mre. Joseph Coumbee and she ie et11i oon0ned to bed we are sorry to stale, DraD AT TARA.—We are sorry lo hear that Thee. Robertson, the 11 year old nephew of Mre. Jno. mutt, of this locality died at Tara on Saturday, atter an tllneea of about a week. Dleeaee of the bone was the cause. An operation was per. formed without avail us the trouble wee too deeply seated. The funeral took plum on Mondey at Fordwiob, the te. mains being brought share by train, and interred along side his mother. Rev. Mr. Hoeeer conducted an appropriate earvioe, The present Mre. Roberteon is a daughter of Thos. Smith, of Wroxeter. Mr. and Mrs. Outt attended the funeral. Deeper/0d wan a bright lad whose decease ie deeply regretted. VV *kit On. We are sorry to hear that Mre, J. Barrows, of Watton, bee been quite ill but we hope a change for the better will BIM ansne. A number from this locality attended the fauteuil ot the late Obrietcpher Mu!- doou last Sunday afternoon, 'I'be nasal service in 8t. George'e aharob was with, arawn es Rev. Mr, Lang ford conducted the tuueral earvioe, Traeklayiog has been making some headway thie week on the G. & G. rail. way with the result that the mile are uew down end the first locomotive, in eonneetion with the construction Mein, made rte appearance at Welton on Wed- .esday, . It may be some weeks before traiue will be running regolerly. Boomtown GONvaNxION.—Friday after. noon aloe eveuing the anewal local Sab- bath School Ooaveution was held i0 Dutra °heron and was one of She best yes held. President Smillie °coupled the chair at the &ret eesaion and spoke worde of. wisdom out of a wide experience. Mre. Berry taught the Sabbath School leasee and demonstrated her well known oepebiiity to the work. A paper was read by Alm, Robert Blair on Religion which was suggestive. Rev. A. MaoNeb, Al. A., gave an interesting and instructive paper on Temperance, a subjeot be handles with ability. In the abaeuoe of Rev. Mr, Curry, who wee to epeak ou Syetematio Benelleesce, the topic wee dteoneeed by the 0ouveuteou after au in troduetion by Rev. Mr. MacNab. Iu addition to mneic by the choir severe) little girls gave a chorea in good style. Despite oafavere.bie .weetber conditions there was a good atteodanoe in the even- ing. President Smillie introduced the Preaideut elect, Rev. Mr. LangFord, in kind words atter the devotional exereisee ware over. Short addreeeae were given by W. H. Herr, o! Brunets! Rev. Mr. Oterewee, of Mo$illop ; and Rev. Lang. Ford which received atone attention and elicited worde of eommendaliou. Good mune was rendered by the union choir with Miee Fergaeon as organist. A few remerke were offered by Jae. Smile, A. Gardiner and itev. Mr. MeuNab. The ooUactmo, $7.24, was donated to the 135011 Children's Hospital, Toronto. Of. &sere are :—Rev. Mr. LangFord, Preei• dent ; W. Neal, Saorelary, and George Grigg, Treasurer. Tbie looel Aeeieia- tiou bite done and ie doing good work in stimulating effort mud encouraging and developing she toilers in the vineyard. VW irsteeteter. NRwez NoTHe.—R. T. Miller, of Tor• onto, ' visited over SOuday with his mother, Mre, T. F. Miller.—The month. ly meeting of the W. F. M. S. will be held ou Thursday afbernoen at the home of Mrs. 11, Blaok.—Mre. T. G. Hemp, hill visited in Wingham last week.—W. Greer returned to Whitton on Monday.— Hilton Paulin, accompanied by hie mother, Mre, W. Paean, returned to Somme on Friday having attended the fuuerel of hie graudmother, Mre. Jae. Peullu;-Reid Broe, abipped a oar of evaporated apples on Friday.—A 'meeting to appoint delegates t0 the Liberal Nominating Oonveubion, to be held in Brussels on Tueeday, Deo. llth, will be' held a1 John Douglas' store on Friday evening at 7 o'oiook,—Maeere. Jaokeou and Griffith, of Brnosels, assisted the orchestra at the Oon ert here en Thurs• day evening, Goon CONCERT,—Tiro 00neeet given by the Commit last week was a decided anomie eu every r88peote The attend. twee from the 000580y was very large as 0d doubt one 0o0ntryMende ap- preolate the comfort of one new Hall. The Oonnolt have shown commendable euberpriee in everything they have nutter. taken and in the matter ot an evening's entertaiu.meot they are not behind a8 they spared no expellee in engaging splendid talOut. Jee. Fax was never In better form and is still ss great a favorite here es ever, Mien Laay Lillie, vooaliet, of Toronto, made bet first Bp. pentium° here and omitted it most favorable impreseien befog re moat oharming Minor, ,Sir, Graney, of Wing Sem, has not foot any of hie vim and Tennis Concert TOWN HALL, BRUSSELS Friday Dv'g, Dm 7th Program PART I Chairmen/4 ads Iutrumeetal Solo The Mighty Deege Jude Oomia Sou Ru Divan McDonald ¢,,.A Meddler's Medley.,....... ......... James Far Violin So le—Souvenir De Haydn,...,.Leooard Bolo what the Chimney Sang... Griswold Oomle Bo Bulbven McDonald ng.,.Hooligau'e Fanny Dress kali.., Joiner Fax Violin Solo Legend° Wienlaeekl eorox Solo Three for Je uk Squires Rttthven McDonald PART II Comic Song Only a Laboring Man James Fax Violin Solo serenade 'Drilla George Fox Bolo Dins of the Dives Davies Rutbvan McDonald Comic Song,..Bas Onybouy Seen ma Britber Gnarlier James Fax Violin Solo Selected George Fox Solo My Asn Folk Lemon Ruthven McDonald Comte Bong Selected James Fax Violin Solo Robm Adair (Merge Fox GOD SAVE TER IIING Doors open at 7.80 Concert at 8 Plan of Reserved Seats at Fox's Drug Store earl hold an eudieuoe down with his humorous reoitatione and readings. Dr. Fowler, of Teeewater, gave a short but very intereellug and inetrootive ad ttreee on "The pradnots and resources of Canada." Our locai orchestra added mach to the enjoyment of the evening and, judging by the applause given them, their music was highly appreciate°. They are indeed a credit to themeelvee se well se to the village. Tbe net pro - made of ebe O000ert emoabted to about $40,00 which will be applied m ebe ex. pauses of turniebing the Hall, PASSED AweT. Atter en illness extend- ing over five weeks, Mre. Jamie Penile passed away at her borne bare on Tues. day afternoon, Nov. 27eb, aged 73 years. Mre. Panliu'e maiden name was Mary Jane Powell. She oame from Burtiug- ton, formerly Wellington Square, with her parenta when eeven years old to Woodesoak where sloe spent a number of years and where the wee married to her now bereft partner, Jae. Paiute. They came to this vicinity in 1870 where they have sicca reetded. Mre, Paulin was most highly respected by al! who knew her. Of it geiet disposition, she was a good friend to those in trouble, u kind motber and faithful wife, ane kindly remembranoe of her will linger in the memuriee et those who knew bar BO many years. A family of five thee, Wm., of Souris, Mao. ; Wesley, of Tre. borne, Man.; Albert, Jemee and George, of thit place, and two dangbtert, Mre. J. Ropier, of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., and Mrs. W. Greer, of Wiener), as well ae o numberof slaters and brothers ear. vivo her. The funeral took plane on Tunraday afternoon to the Wroxeter cemetery, earvioe being oondnoted by Rev. T, H, Farr. Morrie,. Council meeting on the 1616 inst. The funeral of Mies Aggie Swindle. buret was largely attended, Jobe Preebon, of Toronto, attended the Nueva' of Mien Swindleburst, Miss Carrie Senate was visiting friends in Goderioh daring the past week. Reginald Wateon ie epending a few days in Obetham with a particular friend, Ghee. And Mre. Proctor, of Durbem, attended the funeral of Mre, Proctor's sister. Mr, and Mies Bessie Watson, of the 4th line spent a tew days with Walton trieede. William Little's attrition Bele en Toes - day Nov, 27th ou Lot 12, Con 4, Morrie, was Jeremy attended. Cam. Rubinson now wears a proud ,mile that won't rub off. It le aver the arrival ot a young eon wile hes [tome to stay. Go. Councillor Iebiater is attending the eeeeion of the Go. Council at Goderioh this week. He attends to hie donee well, JameeBeans left last Saturday for a vielt 10 Oxford Co. He will reeama tanning operativae in Morrie next ,March en the letters to his Bone expires then. A. enooeesluiand enjoyable eobool en- tertainment was held in the Townehip Hall on Monday evening, There wee a large audience and a good program. M. Book, of Bruesete, performed the dodos of chairman. Last week Richard Mitchell and family who have resided on the 8rd line for a number of years, removed to the 12th Doe of Grey, to ,las. S. Shaw's (lathe Which they bave rented for a time: We aro sorry to see them go bat wish them welt, Ciro. Caswell, of Cold Water, Ont., le the ;Meat of Mre, Jno. Mooney, of Morrie, Mrs, L, Frain in Grey and Mre. J, Sharpe, of Brueeele. She 6e related to them. Mre. ()smell waif never here before and Mr. Mobilo, hart only beta hie aunt once In 62 years. The $0 a0r8 term belonging to Geo. OardlS, Brnasble, located on the 6th line, bas been purchased by Geo., eon of James Davis, Prime is said to lee 11200. Property ie wore the road from the farm of the father and pun be worked oonvenisntly with the home place. Some of Brussels , people got a enrprtee lately, by enbaortbing for the Nell and Empire from a faker wbo wary taking erdere for that paper, He got the money but eobseribere have not got their papers, ( rte,v, Statutory Connui' meeting Saturday of next week. Go. Coo eillor Bryn ie et Goderioh this week attending the Go Council. Peter MoDoneld, who woe in the West for some time, is home looking gang weal. School Entertainment in Barker's eohoot bowie Friday, Deo, 21a1, Ciood program, Iuuoh, etre All the members of the township Council will likely be candioatee again. It is said Councillor Grant will aspire to the Deputy Reeveebip and should fill the bill. Joseph Shaw and family have moved to their newly purobaaed term, 3rd line of Mortis, and are getting uiesey settled. The Morrie people will Sud them amenities people. The total amount ot;taxes to be Dol. tented in Grey townibip for 1906 le $24,408 78, This ie a large gam and shows Ilia volume of baeineee that hoe to be trans/toted by the members of the Connell. Entertainment iu school house in S. S. No. 3 Friday evening of next week, 14th suet. Maeioal and literary program, Obrietmee Tree, inuab, &a., wilt .000011- t1te the program. There's always a crowded boom. OA$D oa Lama—The undersigned desire to express their very 5100518 thanks to the many kiud friends wbo its word mod deed did so moob daring the illneee and enbsequentdemiee of Robert H, Wright. It will sever be forgotten. Bea H. WRIGHT AND FAMILY, The trueteea of S. S. Nu. 9, bave en• gaged the serviose of Mise Agues Bellen- tyne, of Atwood, ae teeoher for next year. Salary will be $460. In Baying good-bye to Miss Alberta nluNangbt, the present teacher, it is with great relnetanae on the part of the people. She goes to Toronto after the holidays to lake a poei. tion as teacher. We are Imre she will do well ae ehe is an A I. teacher both by precept and example, A FORMED GREYISH PAssns AwaY.— There died iu Michigan on November 18th Joseph Hodgins in or abacus hie 67sh year. Hs Wes formerly of the 16th eon or Grey. His death acme after about two months' elokuema. Fiat he cook peritiuitoe which afterwards turned to dropsy. He wee born in the county of Tipperary Ireloud, near Castle Otway, and Mame 80 this aonntry wben quite a boy. About 16 years ago be sold hie term in Grey aid moved with bis family to Michigan where he bought farm prop. arty. He leaves a widow, three none and two daaghtere all in good 0iroum. stances wbu will abere in the sympathy of old lriende In obis .community. House So0IAI. The bouee eooial held at the home of John Smith, 815 eon„ Thursday evening of last week under the aoepwes of the A. Y. P. A. of St. Johu'e entomb, Brueeele, wee a enooe08. A well rendered program was preeeuted as foilowe ; Opaurug °borne, by evory body, "Aaoie Laurie" ; reading, Mies Joele Buahanau ; nolo, Mise Carrie Hiugeton ; dam, blies Virile Cardiff and Janne Jones ; recitation, Mese Susie Meaning ; solo, Miee Vinic Oardsff. Tbe premeds amounted to .about $16. Rev. Mr. Lang Ford was chairman. Air. and Mrs, Smith made admirable host . and hasten. Everybody had a good time. .1L.eeedbear v. Rev. A. Maleibbin'e B. A., latest book named "The Pancake Preacher" by death Cloie, may be bought at the Lead - bury store. Price $1.26. The 0, P. R. whistle is now heard with a great degree of weloome by the farmers in the North end et MoKillop ae they have had a tong svay to draw their pro. dm and the railway wili be a great eon. venienoe when it is in operation, Loeb Sunday Mre. Wm. Stott had a stroke of peralyeia while getting ready to attend the funeral of the late G. Muldoon. Her one Bide is completely paralyzed and she ie in a very preoarions ooudiliou. We hope ehe will soon be as well ae usual. A number Of fartnere ate complaining of losing fowl this Fall, one man having loot his entire Souk of ohiokena. Now this le not very clever nor uredltable to any person and those who are guilty of them emelt ante should rise above any thing that lowers themselves in the estimation of their own minds a8 well at the mtnde of the penile. AN OLD RaemENT VAY8 NATORH'S DIMS —Theoall, met Fndey morulug, at 9 80 o'clock, to Christopher Mafdoon, Lot 82, Gou. 18, MoRsitop, wee Dot an 00expeat• ed one as he wee w poor health tor the poet year and a belf from repeated strokes etperelyeis. Deceased was born in Ireland 78 years ago and he wen also married there to M1ae Ramie Magee, who survives him, Shortly after their marriage they 081310 10 ()anode and lived for a time at Egmondvule and thea on Con, 9, MoRilop, beton Ideating on the homestead on Con. 18, then Largely bush, 84ysareago. Deceased was au Indus. triune, healthy men ; a good husband, kind father and Moet obliging neighbor, enjoying the good fellowebip of te wide 018010 of lriende, In politica he was se 00neervative mud in religion held to the English church, Two sone (John, of Lauder, Mail., and George, of Brueeele,} end three daughteee, (.eir8. Robert Hewitt, of Mer,ett5, Miele ; Mre. Adam Sholdioe, of Dauphin, Men, ; and Mrs. Jno, Watt, of ktithott,) eurvivd. The funeral took place to Bruesale osmetery, Sunday afternoon, Rev. H. M. Langford cabdoobiseg the 8orvtoe, Paitbearere were Jno, Shannon, fns. Barron, Obris, Barrows, Jno. S8arlett, Wm. MaGavin and Jno. Campbell. The sympathy of the oommuety will be extended Parkhill. lerly to Mr,. Muldoon l0 the departnr* of her life partner.,