The Brussels Post, 1906-11-29, Page 81 UNEASY 1
..•.,.uwrt 0188Mmaa88.,+v.m,emur„
C1 -1.b tST CAS
Pretty China 0111 °took lope:tate, 80ver&1 very new Yeas, among them be-
ing Art ates, suitable for plata roils, at 500 :inure
Otto a great many nice pieties euoh as Cups and Saucers, Bon Bon Dishes, Cream
Pushers, Spoons, Trays, &o., at 25c, 350 and up.
Past Card Albums Do your Meads oolleot Picture Post Cade
Well the chances are a present of an Album
would be vary acceptable. We have them at 25c as well se the higher priced ones.
Christmas Calendars at 5c Wof thesebatld larei z:o he u
good demand. Secure your supply early as in all probability you will be dieappoiut-
od if you put off. See window display thio week.
Ralph Connor's Book 'The Doctor' now on sale
Teeing leave Brneeele Station, North
and South, as follows;
Mail 7:05 a.m I Mixed 5;10 5.51
Mixed 11:25 a.m Mail ....„......1:44 p,m
Express 5:029.5 I Express 8:51 p.m
'fatal 11.615 J .ez z
A ahiel's amang ye takir' notee,
An' faith he'll grant le.
Loma news 013 page 5.
SAToADAY 5911i be December 1st.
$0.00 paid for hogs this week on Brae.
eels market.
County Council opens next Tuesday
at Goderich.
Fenn weeks tram Taeeday of this week
will be Christmas.
Tan Pon has cue of the tidiest print-
ing ofiioes in Huron County.
Wawa did yon laugh Leat ? Hear Fax
on Deo. 7th and have one more 001;16 be.
fore Christmas.
Fox is a meater band with the violin.
He plays at the Tennis Concert Deo, 7th.
Dunt mise it,
DR. GRAHAM hae returned trona the
West and reoum'd his practice. Offices
over Straaben's store.
NEW telepbouee have been plaoed in
the oftiooeof Dr. Toole aid M, H. Moore,
V. S., in Brueeole, this week.
Direotore of East Hama Farmere'
'militate will meet on Saturday of this
week, Deo. lat, at 1.30 p. m., in the Town
Hall, Brussels,
Tau auuaal Fall moving campaign bas
been 01oah in evidence during the part
few weeks bat the majority of folks are
now settled down for the Winter.
MoDonald, Fax and Fax is a trio of
musical experts n0nody should mise
hearing. They will appear Friday even.
ing of next week at the Tennis Concert,
NEXT meeting of Caart Prinoeee Alex•
andria, O. 0. F., Nov. 24, Brueoele, 'Tame•
day Deo. 11th, will be the first night for
receiving nominations for the offisere for
next year.
DR. BUTLER, London, will be at the
American Hotel, on Friday, Nov. 30th
all day. Eye, ear, nose and throat Don.
imitations. Eyes tested and gleams sup -
GEORGE Fox, the genius of the violin,
Will play at the Tennis Oonoert, Broe.
8610, on Deo. 7th. St. Thomas Times
says :—He is an artist of whom Canada
may well be proud.
THE roads and weather have been good
tbie Fall and the Wintry season, which
Bowe predict is to be very severe will
arrive Boon enough to please the most
pronounced lover of Winter.
Tan Bananas Rosa and Weekly
Globe to January 1st, 1908, for the small
of $1.85 in advance. No better city
weekly ie tested than the„Globe. The il-
lustrated eoppement is worth more than
the price asked.
THE next regular meeting of the local
branch of the W. 0. T. U. will be held
et the home of Mrs. Robert Dark, Tarn•
berry etr00t South, Friday afternoon of
thio week at 8 o'olook, All who feel free
to attend will be made weloome.
TENNse Concert in the TOWN Hall,
Brussels, Friday evening of next week.
The best talent 'mown bee been engaged.
Mire Jean MoLaiohlin will be the ao•
convened. Get your seat early. The
plan of Hall ie at Fox's drag More.
Jammu boOIAL A House Bowel will
be held at the home of John Smith,
Lot 4, Con, 8, Grey, on Thareday evening
of the week, under the auspices of
St, John's A. Y. P. A. A good program
is being prepared. Refreshments served.
Everybody welcome. Admission 15o,
Da. Ovens, M. 1J„ Loudon, Nye and
Ear Surgeon, will be et Smith'e Drug
Store, Broeeele, on the first Tuesday in
each month• Hours, 8 a. n3. to 1,30 p.
m, Cataract, squint, falling eyeolght,
deofuees and oaeal catarrh treated and
glasses properly fitted, Next visit, Taeo•
day, December 4th, N. B.—Dr, Ovens
melee no calls,
Tame Concert Dec. lab, Speaking
of H. Retinae MaoDoneld, the favorite
baritone, the Toronto Globe ease
"lllr. MacDonald poetesses a voice of
Today ality and wonderful compass.
He is an artier fn the manner of hie ren-
dition," Don't fail to bear him. The
Detroit Free Press says t—Mr, Mao -
Donald hae one of the beet deep v0ioee
heard in Detroit for a long time,
TIME 10011 A OHANsE.—It benomeo a
matter of u'soeseity toeorob out the Town
Hall after almost every entertainment
owing to the increase of the tobacco
chewing praatioe among a large numberweepywho weepy the ;Anacleto. Thera'o a
poan0nt crowd who oleo litter the floor
with shale, Surely nu hour or two
might be spent indoors occasionally
without these things being aa they ate.
After notices are plaoed on the wale
ai1 effort will be made to pat a atop to the
teatime °pitting by seeming the names
of those who will not dean by being
asked in a friendly way to do so. Ifm
those who forget thaaelvee in the
matter complained of had to scrub the
floor neat day they would soon sea the ; a
propriety of mending their wage. 1
MUNICIPAL Nomination Day will be
Monday, Deo, 2403.
THE mow fturrlee this week is a remin
der of the days to mime iu the nee
Ovia 60 reserved seats are already
eeleoted fur the Tennis Corners Fade)
everting of next week.
JOHN OuNNINaaetl ie away on a buoine8
trip buying evaporated and dried apples
He should All the bill all right.
TELL your uaighbore and friends of oar
bargains in newepapers. THE POT and
Weekly Globe till January 1st, 1908, for
Tat old frame building, known as the
Somerset property Turobarry Street, is
being torn down. James Thnelt is the
The telephone gang is here this week
installing eoveral edditionai telephone,
in town and oompletiug the new line to
BRuessss Monthly Horse Fair Thum
day of next week, Deu, Otb, Dont forget
it, These Faire always attract a large
SOME parson borrowed wooden type
from TEE PobT to mark the name to
a 0em8ut walk and have failed to return
it. Pease do au to day.
Sans OF Lain Fos TAXES.—Tueeday of
next week, at 2 p, m., the armee' sale of
land for tuxes will take p1500 at the
Court Home, Goderich.
IT is rumored that Jae. W. Fox, form•
erly of Brussels, Poet hie life in the
wreck of the steamer Jones while 805001°
to Lion's Head. Hie home was at Whir.
DR. Caleaono, M. P., for East Huron,
asked iu the House aouoeiviug the ad,•p-
tion of Cole Storage faolllties. It was
stated the Goverumeut bad a plan on
their program.
Soot people are eo fidgety they want
to get their taxes paid tie 0oou e0 the rate
ie atrnok and others are determined to
dodge the 001180 or tie loug 50 poeecbie
even if 6% hae to be paid additional in
doing it,
Salem hae announced their monthly
Horse Pane, the first for the season being
held on Wedueeday, Deo. 5th. Reeve
Sloan ie the President of the 1006801651
Win. Jackson, Vtoe President ; and J.
Leslie Kerr, Secretary.
SNOW and polder weather are on the
Want Ilet of the business men. The
'arriage makers went to get rid of their
matters and ete,g110 and the merobente
desire to reduce their stock of heavy
goods, overshoes, eto.
Do 000 enjoy a good laugh ?—I1 eo
bear Jas. Fax, the well kuown humorous
vooaliet, at the Tennis Concert, Braseele,
Deo. 7511. He will Bing :—"A Meddler's
Medley," "Ifooligiu'o fenny dress ball,”
"Only a laboring man," and "Hae ooy.
body semi ma artier *bailie,"
Veno ILL.—Dertng the past week Mre.
W. E. Damian, (Niaholte) was danger-
ously ill but is making favorable progreee
now toward recovery we are pleaeed to
Mate. A baby daughter was born Seias•
day at 1 p. m., but We are terry to State
died shortly alter, and was buried Sun•
day atiernoon. Mre. Danoau's many
lrlende hope she tvitl aeon regain her
usual good health,
When the tip of a dog's nose is gold
and m0iet, that dog is not eiak. A fever
Leh dry nose means sickness with a dog.
And eo with human lips. Dry, °reeked
and 001051eee Ifpe mean feverishness,
and are ae well 111 appearing, To hove
beautiful, pink, velvet like lip°, apply at
bedtime a coating of Dr. Shoop'° Salve,
it will soften and heal any skin ailment,
Get a free, trial 2100 at our attire and be
oonvieoed. Large uiokel Gapped glass
jars, 25 rents. F. R. Smith.
TEE Pouxs,—At the open meeting of
the Yoaug Mao's C,ub, held iu tbe bale -
mut of the Methodist church Monday
evening, a very pleasant time Was spent
in the study ot the works of the poets
Russell Lowell, Oliver Wendell .Holmes
aid Lord Alfred Tennyson. E. Maui•
dere gave a abort biography of Lowell,
wbiob was most iestruotive. Cheater
Armottoug introduced Driver Wendell
Holmes, giving a very clear and eon•
&fse a000uat of hie life and works. The
obairman of the evening, 0. F. Riobard•
arm, ORS very much at home in hie talk
on 'Tennyson. Selections of tn0trament•
al mneio were given by J, Carrie, A.
Taylor, C. Hingetou and W. J. Me.
Cracker, which was highly appreoieted.
The fair sex were strongly represented
and showed a kindly interest in the mem
ing'0 entertainment,
610M1515050 AND ANDERSON Ye TnooeeoN,
-Thfe was an 28608 tried 21e1Ure hie
Lordship Juetioe Anglin at the relent
non jury eittioge held at Goderiah, whittle
involved the question of the validity ot
certain assignments held by the plaintiffs
and the defendant. The defendant's
husband, one James Tbompeon, now
deceased, was entitled to a legacy at
some 9550 under his father's will and in
the year 1893 he toggled led hie to bis wife.
Three yeare afterwarde he borrowed from
the plaintiffs 9500, and gave to each of
111001011 aesignmeut of ,the game fund,
and the 9009ti00 to be determined WAS as
to whioh do8ament offeob should be glvet.
The learned judge unread his deoision
prineipally upon tbe ground of the form
of the 1808igument 11eid by the detendane,
Judgment woe however beaded ono on
Thursday last In which the aeeignmeut
in the delondant'e favor ie upheld and
be it therefore eutltled to the monlet ie,
queetlma Money hag beau paid luta
Standard Bank of Canada ";"E METROPOLITAN BANK
7s3T3t.T.i.9i37zi 11372 ;
OB RESERVE FUND a 1,000.000
TOTAL AB•l3ET8 OVER 16,000,00e
A vaeate ret, I lila fa una Eu>sineisis Tram Ata etod
Interest paid from state of deposit 20 date 01 withdrawal at tugboat current rates
and compounded half -yearly,
Iolbt Deposit Accounts—A BPE01AL CONVENIENCE in use in our Savings De-
partment ie the "Joint Depoeit" account, Money may be deposited or withdrawn
byeither of the two members of the household, The system le a great 000600-
iooae to many residing in town, but more particularly so to farmers, ee in the latter
0480 whether man or wife comes to town either can attend to the Banking. an-
other feature o1 the system le that in 0580 of the death of either party the money,
eau bo withdrawn by the survivor without meat, We will tell 5011 more about our
methods If you will kiedly mall or write.
Slurried Women and Maori' may make and withdraw deposits without the in-
tervention or any person,
only for wbioh no charge ie made.
YOUR BUSINESS will receive our careful and oourteoua attention.
Pouliry anted
Commencing on Monday, Nov, 26th,
I will start taking in all kinds of Poultry.
Will be huyiog continuously for the next
three weeks and want to again urge upon
you not to kill or deliver anything but
what is properly fatted. Keep bank your
thio birds until second week in December.
Will be at Bluevale Dec, 5th to take
delivery of the poultry aroued that sec-
Starve properly before killing and
pick dry. All feathers and heads mast
be off.
Bcbt. Thomson
Poultry pickers wanted. Apply at once
at the Emporium.
Court by the Exe0atore of the estate, to.
getter with the coats of the lotion and of
the application to Court under wbioh the
monies were paid in. Prondtoot, E. 0.,
&oted for the plaintiffs, Dickinson and
Sinclair appeared for the defendant,
Business Locals.
ALwAYe read MoLaren'e adv.
GRANBY robbers wear like iron. Buy
them at MoLaren'e.
FANCY oallere and flee for Xmas. Good
assortment at McLareo'6,
Raw furs wanted. Priam guaranteed.
NEW shirts, ties and oallere for gentle.
mem. G. N. MCLAREN,
GOOD sow for Bale, will Wye in April.
Apply to WALTER WumoE, Brussels.
Mutt's and hoye' suite. Big aeeort-
ment. G. N. MCLAREN.
Tau wonder working waebino machine.
See it, try it, buy it. MORAY & SHAw,
D050 5 tail to see our new overcoats.
Sp-ola• at $10 00. G. N. Manama.
Raman in Millinery. Everything
sold regardless of coat to Clear out this
season'° stook, Call and see ns. Mresee
FANCY slippers make useful Xmee
presents. We have them for ladies,
gentlemen and children.
G. N. MOLA000e.
WONTED.—Fresh roll butter, 25o.
Fresh eggs, 25o. Dry pinked poultry,
dried apples, feathers, raw tore, &c.
Guo. E. Kiwi, Wingham,
Sdwe.—If your saws do not work to
please you take them to MoGregor and be
will make them work and oan tell you
bow to make them work, Yours,
T. MoGregor, Mill St., Brneeele.
People We Talk About.
Abraham Bishop ie home from an ex
tended stay in Algoma.
Mrs. Habkirk is visiting relatives and
old friend° at Blyth.
Chas, Hingetoe will learn the tonsorial
art at W E, Dono&n'e shop.
J. T. Wood wee in Toronto on a baei•
nese trip during the paet week.
$, Matohett, formerly a mero11ant in
Brueeole, wee in town this week.
Joeeph and Mre. Pagb, of Bluevale,
were visitors in Bruesele this week.
Misses Eva MoOraoken and Bessie
Bone visited at A. J, Lawiok's, Ford.
Inspector Boa, of the Standard
Bank, paid hie official visit to Brunetti
tbie week.
Jno. F. M0Orae is here on a variation
having returned treat a business trip to
Winnipeg and the Weet,
Alfred Finn ie filling the poet of mea.
stinger boy at Jae. Fox's drug More and
tbe telephone and telegraph offiaee.
Russell Brown f0 to be found behind.
the counter in Jae. Fox's drug store. He
goe0 at the work like au old head.
Frank Miller, who 0peot several
months in Portage.s•Preirie, Manitoba
looalt15, arrived home last week and
is visiting at the parental home in town.
Peter MoQoarrie arrived back to town
lam week after an absence of Seven
months in the Weet. He did not put on
Meeh like some but ie enjoying good
Dr..). A. Robertson, of Stratford, has
been Bleated by aaalamation to represent
the profession in district No. 4 on the
Medloal Counoil for next term. The die.
triat oomprieee the uoanties ot Huron
and Perth.
Miami Kay and Grant have returned
to their home in Winnipeg, Man., after
an extended visit witb their brother, A.
M, Kay, Nile street, Stratford, and other
pointe, They returned via Detroit, Chi
augo and St. Pant.
H L. Jackson and Will. Griffith will go
to Wroxeter Thursday evening to aeeiet
the Oroheetra of that place at 8 too -
cert, Our Northern neighbors possess a
good deal of 51082001 talent and Dr.
Brawn and family have been among the
moat active as the yeare have Come and
Tneeday of title week 11458, Robert
Sample, who hae reeided in Olio locality
for many yeare, aommpenied her eon,
'Tony, to Wolseley, Man., where she will
make her home. Stanley Sample, her
grandson who hae been living with Mrs.
Semple, was else one of the party, hav•
ing recovered nicely hom hie resent at-
taok of typhoid fever. We wish ell eon,,
earned prosperity in the West, By their
removal the last of several Sample
Initilfee who lived here have Rote,
A, Miller, of Toronto, has taken a
1 908ition in the store of Mesere. Ferguson
':ROM Roes. We welcome him to town,
Mi90 Lou. Roes ie oleo behind the manlier
in the same store,
A. 0. Dames and bride are home from
their Weetern wedding tour and have
eettled down to hoose keeping in Mr.
Dames' home, corner of William and
Albert etreete, where we trust be and
Mre, Dames will enjoy moray happy,
prosperous years. Mre, Zimmer, Mr.
Demme' eieter, and family beve moved to
the Robb terrace where they are comfort
ably loomed.
Mre. W. L. Leatberdale was called to
Brantford last week owing to the illness
of her mother, Mrs. Bonetoo, formerly of
Broeeele. The latter's mother, Mre.
Grimmett, hae had a second stroke of
paralysis and is confined to bed without
mach 950098ot of the return of former
activity. The invalid ie a fine old lady
whose illoeee will be a source of regret to
old friends here,
Jobe Graham and J. W. MOBaie oan•
vaeaed the villegein the iutereate ot ibe
Bible Sooiety and se00red 943,
H. T. Switzer, foreman of the each and
door !eatery, is on the eiak list those
days and is under the doctor's oars,
Fire destroyed the 'Amble to the rear of
the old Cranston property, on Wednes
day Dight of last week about 10,30 p. in.
W. Prioe hae parobased a lot from J.
W. Boyd, just Bootb of the Methodist
church. He purposes ereoting a flue new
reeideuoe on it next year.
Mies Mina Dark, who for some yeare
has been the faithful and effioient tele.
phone operator in 0. H. Holmes' office,
has resigned her position and will take a
well earned real, Mise Mina was a very
obliging and 0onrteone official. Mise
Ethel Holmes takes her place and ie a
very 0Ompetent operator.
Chairman Read, of the North Perth
License Oommieeion hae received a letter
f r0m the Ontario Government Lioenee
Department, in6100011ng the Commission
t0 issue nO Itemises thie year in the town
0hip of Elms. The reason for this action
no doubt is that although the local option
bylaw was quashed, it was upon a
technicality, and the public sentiment in
the towuebip is believed to remain in
favor of local option.
Damara—In Brneeele. on Nov. 24th, to
Mr. and Mre. W. E. Duncan, a dam
PEPPER.—At Oliver, Seek., on Nov. 5th,
to Mr. and Mre. L. J. Pepper, torm-
erly of Morris townehip, a son.
Salm m.
DUNOAN,—In Brussels, «0 Nov- 24th,
the infant daughter of W. E. and
Mrs. Danoan.
SATURDAY, Dec. let at 1 o'clock p. m.
at Winthrop, tour miles North of Sea
forth. 31 Moak titeere and revers' miloh
mows, baiter° and horses, 0ovENLoeg
BROS , Prop. Jae. Smith, 0uetioneer.
WEDNESDAY, DED. 12111.—Farm stook,
implements, &a. Lot 24, Con. 9, Grey.
Sale unreserved at 1 o'clock, W. H.
Lova, Prop. F, S. Scott, Aao.
"Stanfield's Unehrinkable" is
made right here in Canada.
Made by Canadians who know
the climate—know what people
need to protect them from Cana-
dian Winters. Imported Under-
wear is all right for England—
but it is made for the English
climate—not for 20 to 50 below
Unshrin kable
is the finest Nova Scotia wool, in
all weights to suit all temper-
atures from Halifax to the Klon-
dike. In all sizes, too, to fit
every figure.
Every Stanfield garment is
guaranteed unshrinkable,
CAPITAL—Authorized 02,000,000
CAPITAL—Putd up 1,000.000
RESERVE and Surplus Profits 1,183,1113
B. S, MOORE, D. le, THOMPBON, H. 0,
PresldonE, Vloo•Prestdent,
TH08, 11134D005W, 5,L,A, RIB 100N016 5514, w. MORT'IMER CLARY, X.O. 548, EYRIE
00011 5unimaR0015
W. D, 12088, - General Manager
THE METROPOLITAN BANE le open to receive the a000unts of
Farmers, Merchants and Business Oominuulty generally and to give
careful ooneiderariou to all proposals eobm load to it.
It relies upon its poet reoord for courteous treatment of its Ouo-
5053050. a,,4 will extend every consideration consistent with nand
banking to Moms who may desire to transact business with It,
Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all mime of $1 and upwards
SR T.YSBFw2.,S J3.41.4..1.21C13C11E3,
Fall Wheat 68 69
Barley 40 43
Pere 78 74
Date 83 84
Butter, tube and rolle19 20
Egge per dozen 18 20
Hay per ton 8 00 9 00
Flour, per bbl 4 60 5 20
Hoge, Live - 6 00 6 00
Wool 24 25
Potatoes per bus40
Apples (per bbl.) 1 00 1 60
Selo, per bbl., retail 3. 00 70
V young cattle for sale. Apply at Lots
4 and 5, Con, 18, Grey.
A .—
men over 17 years to learn
either Boiler Making or Moulding ; good pay
and large premium at Oxpiretloi of appreu-
tionehip, Write E. LEONARD & BONS,
20-9 London, Ont.
Huron County Council.—
The Council of the Onunty of Enron will
meet in the Council Chamber 11t the Town
of Goderich at 3 o'clock p.m.,
on the first
Tumidity in December neat. 011 a000unts to
0ome before the meeting must be plaoed
with the Clerk before the day o meeting,
W. LANE, Clerk,
Dated November 20011, 1200,
sale being Na of 88 Lots 60 and 00
Oon, I, Morrle. 4a scree under cultivation
and balance hush ; no buildings. 50800e-
eiOn ghVen an completion of par013088. 1}
miles from Jamestown and 3t from %Vroa-
eter, For further particulars apply to
ELIZA MULLIGAN ,Proprietress,
21-4 or Jamestown P.O.
DER8IONED offers his fine 100 00re
farm, being Lot 7, Con. 7, Grey township, for
sale. All cleared and under cultivation ;
good brink house, bank barn and driving
shed ; drat -Masa orchard, &o. Farm is well
watered and well fenced ; splendid locality ;
3 roil ell from l;rnesele. Possession can 08
given next Mandl. For further particulars
as to price, terms, &o, apply on the prem-
ises to ROBT. INGLIS, or Brussels P. 0.
i. SERVICE.—The undoreipuod will Ireop
for eervioo on Lot 17, Don. fl, Grey, the Elbert
Horn Bull,"Blyth Star,"brerl from lmport-
ed sire and Ove imported 0000008 in dam.
Ho is a choice animal. Terme, 01 00 for
grade cows with privilege of relurniog if
0e00090ry. Also have a tboro'•bred Berk-
shire Boar with registered pedigree, Terme
SI 00 to be paid at time of service with
privilege of returning if necessary.
50.4 ROBT. MODONaLD, Proprietor.
r®. Non Secret
Tbero'o no secret whatever
about our Balling Powder. It
ie made of Cream of Tartar and
Soda—the purest that the mar-
ket affnrde. Thee two ingred-
ients are scientifically proportion-
ed so ae to, produce the right
leavening power. It is the leav-
ener to use if you would always
have delicious light bieooite,
sakes, deo. It never fails and
never varies,
255c, Per Lb at
Drug Store
You can do it at small cost
if you come to ns for a Blanket
--think of it, shaped and strap-
ped, only 65c each, and heavier
ones as cheap accordingly.
both Heavy and Light, will pay you to examine, as the material
and workmanship cannot be surpassed, and as they are all our owl]
make we know they cannot fail to be durable,
Robes, Whips, Trunks and Satchels at Bottom
Set good Second Hand Team Harness at bargain also 2 Sete Single
Sole agents for Columbian Stock Food8 and Remedies.
Repairs in Collars and Harness. Robes Lined aucl Repaired.
C. R I C H A R D S
.Brass r
Brussels Daylight Store
. e
G. N. McLaren
, 11
11 gib41 tr111Y'4 ,I 1 115 'II I-'1' I' I, ,Ir
Irl ,b I I 1 I , II Ie ITU I 1 1 1 Irt11 IV 11, 1'14'1' 'A ae' 1,1 e'
bl Ila
The continued fine weather of this Fall has naturally made us feel uneasy for we
find our stocks particularly heavy in all sorts of Winter Goods.
These Must be Reduced
and we are going to put the Prices Right Down to the Lowest Notch
just now when you need the Goods.
You May Come Zero Expecting Bargains in :
Ladies' Fur' Coats
Ladies' Fur Duffs and ,Muffs
Men's and Boys' Overcoats Men's and Boys' Suits
Ladies' and Girls' Tweed Coats and Skirts
Dress Goods and 1 r•irnrnin4s
Ladies' and Children's 8eavy Hosiery
✓Ill Sorts of Winter Underclothing
Men's and Boys' Caps
Wool and Cotton Blankets and Sheeting
tMen's ,Mitts and Gloves
,Iola ,shirts— Wool, and Cotton
Ladies' Bea dz ,nade Waists and Underskirts
Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes for Ladies, Men, Boys
and Children
W1/4 io ,fit ItICI3117CE trim=STOCKS
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