The Brussels Post, 1906-11-29, Page 5179
Winter Terni Opens Jan. 2
Nero ere BODO of the Recent Roourdo
made by the
.,P Out of the that 910 calls from business
.6 firma we have Riled I8IFPI,19N of the
pu0itioue the luu8 no 0110 else ready i
so Alud. We have also matt ed odd1":s
t for n11411003 College teachers, 101 ex-
1,yyyyp l Mutants of othor husluoss O011sgee or 11
Bherthmid schools worn enrolled bore th
9 during e 111.4 two y0are. We believe
A we have b10 h0•b Uummorglal Huhool
In Oito,tda. We thor8ugWy watery our
students, Write oo.dayfor eatamgne. JJdJJI
W. J. llLbIUTT, Principal, n
0014 YONo8 AND AEE1AND1R tl'm
i1H tt...,;ie tit4�2E r.vPr--Ittt
DR, R. A. 13URNS—
tiuccossoV to ftr. J, A. MuNnuglllon
ltru0Nela, Ontario
graduate ul t'olyoliido Pout Graduate
Bohnol of efedieluo and Surgery, Now YIrk
Mem Ontario.
er ol la f Physicians and Sur.
()Mee and residence same as formerly 00.
copied by Dr. bloNaughlou.
Dlseaaee of women a specialty,
'Phone NO. 21.
Issuer of Marriage Liooneas. oi.
due u t Grocery, Turuborry street, Brussels.
111110e 1.0 the rest OIIIOe, E1he1, 00.4
is prepared t0 give 10480010 ou Pima
0, steed Org•,n. Toms on anplioumiou.
PoitoIOoe add, eae—Iruueele. lteoidonoo—
Lot 8,000.10, Grey, Poplin may hove their
lessens at their own homes It prefer, ed.
Pupils prepared for the Toronto
Conservatory of Music.
Agent Howick Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
ODloe and Residence—,
• man, w111 sell for butter prices, to
bettor men, In lose time and lobe ebmuoe
than any other Auctioneer in Bast Huron or
ho won't charge auythiug. Dates mod orders
eau always he arranged) at this o0B0e or by
,.ereoual application,
Auctioneer for Enron County.
Perms reasonable. Sales arranged for
at the 0113oo 01 TOE PoeT, Brussels, 2201
• Honor Graduate of the (Mario Vet-
erinary 0011oge, ie prepared to treat all dis-
eases of dome011oated animals in a 00mpet•
out manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry and Milk Nevar. - OaIie
promptly attended to, Ogles and Infirmary
—Pour doors North of bridge, Toroberry et.,
1-3-• Barrister, Bono/tor, Notary, Tito.
buccaneer to G. F. Blair. Oilimo over Stan-
dard Bank, Brussels, Solicitor for Alebro-
p ulltan dank,
• Barrister, Bolloitor, ,0ooveyeamer,
hMary l'ubllc, ko. uiDoe—Stewart's Block
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard (lank.
PUBLIC, .11T0,
W. PnoOD1o0T,II. 0. 11. 0. Bess
G. 1P. 130.1000.
OlD000—Those formerly occupied by Meeere
thoner08 et Holl. U
Gonnmon, NTdniO:
Oraduato of the Royal Oollege of Dental
Surg0000 of Ontario and Fene:lees Honor
graduate of Toronto University, 00DOe
next to Brower'%Photogeapl GahoOy,
Tho Loading Gon moroial School v
i'y '1'h(e School is reeoeni0ed to be one circ
1,1of the best&ommereial 0ouools in Am. J,i
mina• You eau vilely judge It 0.313001 ill
by the applibatloue ft nu:wives. This L1.1 '
lotto we metered up*lloabio0s froth
lime in vlx large A00riean 011100 mud
Iron] far more tons and (Aloe of Oen- yy
1, wedalueluthug Saskatoon, Bask., 011 the
Weetaud Ouaelottetotvn, p, lt. l., On ai
�1the meet, Our reputation moans
m0011 for our graduates, Write fur our
VT Oatalogue.
..61.,..LiLAA ,„fit :1=st* kiM' cA ++ ;.t
I have opened a Jewelry
Storrs iu the McKim
Building, and Icy stook
is new and well varied.
Special attention paid
t0 Repairing.
Yon will find my prices
fond "Cetus jtems
HOnoio Co. O0nnotl will meet on Teem
day, Deo. 4th at 3 o'clock.
Mom= Horse Fair, the first for this
Beano, will be Held Thareday, Deo. 0611.
Do you want a bargain in news.
papers 7 'The POET sed Weekly Globe
mil January let, 1908 for 61.85,
Tag other day m London two boyo
charged with breaking electric light
globes, appeared before the m0giBtra4r
and were made to tidy for the globee
and warued that lu [mute they !Motile
be given a heavy tine, the penalty being
560. Some Braseele lade would do well
to lake thio warning to themeetvee.
Piles goiokly and positively ourod with
Dr, Shoop's Magio (Hutment. It'e made
for Piles alone—and it does the
work surely and with salinfa06fon.
Itching, painful, protruding or blind
pit. a disappear like magic by ire nee.
Large, Niokle Capped glees jars, 50
oeute. Sold and reuommendod by Jr. R.
Tile POST and the Weekly Globe and
Caned& Farmer for one year for 61 86,
ibo belaues of the year free to new cub
sentare. This ie a newspaper snap.
We pan only make thin great offer for a
limited time. Renew at onos and get the
benefit of tole remarkable bargain.
TiNNLi (201(081110—The talent for the
big Tennis Concert to be held in Brne0010
Town Hull, Deo, 7th, hoe been 00onre0
sud their n&mes have only to be mention
ed to guarantee a crowded house. They
are Geo. Fox, the export violinist ;
Ruthveu MuDuoald, the famous brow ;
and Jae. Fax, who -e humorous songs are
always weloome. Plano( Hall will be
(o0nn at Fox's Drug store, on and after
Tuesday, 27th.
Preveutfos, as the name implies, pre•
vent all 0olde aid Grippe when taken
at the sneeze stage. Provontioe are
toothsome °aody tablets. Prevention
dioeipate all gold° gniokly, avid taken
early when you fleet feel that a oold is
0omi0g, they o1eok and prevent them.
Prevention are thoroughly safe for obit.
dren, and as effeotgal tor adulto. Bold
and recommended in 5 cent and 26 oeht
boxes by F. R. Smith.
At the lest meeting of Wroxeter
Oouoo(I on motion of R. B. Harris and
W. B, MoKoroher, a Bylaw wee order•
ed to be prepared to loan Howe & 0o.
141,000 for 5 or 10 years and have the
same enbmitted to the ratepayers of the
village of Wroxeter, Howe & 00. to give
the corporation snob seourity as in their
p00eee0ion and to pay all intermit morn-
ing ou mold loOu, said company to employ
twelve extra hands over the number they
now employ, Mr. Howe is a well koowi
former Brnoeeiite.
Mae. M. Coulter, for twenty five ami.
Mutton years teacher in the primary of
the Seaforth publio school, and who,
owing to (II boatel, recently resigned
from the teaching staff, leaves for Inger•
soli, where she will iu future reside with
her eon, Anderson Ooalter, mayor of
that town. A farewell tea was given In
bar honor by the ladies of the Methodist
thumb, ao which she was presented with
a handsomely bound oopy of Tennyson's
poems, a pearl pin and an address. Mre.
0ootter was a former teacher in Brum
eels publio eobool.
The new Pure Food and Drug Law
will mark it on the label of every Cough
Cure oontaining Opium, Chloroform;
or any other etapitying or poi0onoae
drug• Bat it passes Dr. Shoop'! 0oagh
Oars ae made for 20 years, entirely
free. Dr. Shoop ell •along has bitterly
opposed the nee of opiates or narcotic'.
Dr, Sboop'e Cough Owe ie absolutely
safe even for the youngest babe—and
it cures it does lot simply oappreee.
Get a safe and reliable Cough Cure, by
simply insisting on having Dr. Stoop's.
Let the Law be your protection. We
oheerfully reoommend and sell it. F. R.
Flag,—The following refire to a broth.
sr of Geo. Walker, Brussels :—T. E.
Walker, living one mile North of Rivers.
dale, bad the misfortune to have hie
barn destroyed by lire. The fire
was started, it ie thought, by the ea•
plosion of a lantern. Mr, Walker
wee doing the night chorea and lett
the lantern hanging in the stable
while he went out to drive in some
stook. On returning he found that
lire had started about where the lea•
tern was hanging. The barn, wbiob
was a good Due, was totally destroyed,
together with the noon's Drop) and a
notnbor of liege, a binder, mower and
other implements. There wag 1800
bushels of grain and a largo gaant0ty
of hay and straw. The 108g i0 partly
(layered by legumes (said to be .14800.)
The Clinton New Era Iasi week earl :
The Liberate of East Huron announce
a nominating convention for the 11th
of Deoemeer, when a oandfdate will be
pmt in the field for the Dominion House.
The Liberule, we believe Dei win bank
the three Hnroue, but it Olin only be
done by having oondidatee in the field at
gi early tiny, and thus giving ample op.
portnnity for pereooal work. We havo
talked with a number of people from
Eget Huron, as to the probable nominee,
the general °oncoming of opinion being
that Dr, MaoDonld, who so ably repro
minted the riding for many year°, will
not again seek parhameit0ry honors, in
Which event the oholoe •would probably
r err, of Bru
esel0 nod
n H.S
abet between w W. ,
IZ, Vanetone, of VI/Ingham. Both' are
good men, both ore strong men, and
while we have net the olighteat hoolility
against Mr, Vanetu0e, we toupee our
jonrnolistio sympathies draw ue, towerde
Mr, Herr. Ho tae dons good 00rvioe for
oho Liberal party, and we believe he
,.rw •.v,,,. , A-.
tumid 110 eieoted by a oubetaltial maj'lr
ity. finny one deserves eon-ideriwun,
It le 31r, Herr,
Geo. Miller purchased Abe Strong's
100 aura farm on the 9.h con, for the
Bum of 56,000.
Mialluipal politics ie moaning 0p and
the following may be the slate :—W. T.
4olloo for Reeve ; Andrew Doig, Jobn
Gowdy and Wm, Finlay for Deputy
Never dill Year 8100(8
That doesn't ours the oorn, Juol
apply the old etaudby, Puloam'e Corn
Extruo1or, It We lite magi!), Salle
the pain, puree the oor0, dose it without
mire or sear, Cab the beet —We
WIext.; I7lArl1.
Geo, B. Roe bee been 0oullned to hie
bed for 008110 days.
Dr, T. Chisholm, tit, P. for Beet Huron
left last week for Ottawa t0 attend to
Parliamentary duties.
Mrs, John Fowler, er., of the Blnevalo
road has beau seriously ill. Mrs. Fowler
ie in her 85 year, and up to (hie illness
bad enjoyed excellent health.
It le expeoted that Rev, W. S. Crooked
of Sootland, who le now touring 0ahada
will deliver his !ware, "Septa and the
doott actuary" in Wingbom early in
Mrs H. 13. Elliott was palled to Btrat
ford to attend the funeral of little Jane
vtodutly, the only daughter of W. J. and
elre. McCully, who died soddenly on
Tuesday eveuiug of last week.
In the Presbyterian nburoh on Friday
-veiling, November 80th, under the
anepi0es of the Mttetou Baud, Dr, Mo.
Donald will deliver a teeters, "In and
obont London," illoolrated by views.
R. H. Orowdor received a oublegram
eunonuoing the death of his father,
Anderson Crowder, et Oharltoo Oum-
hardy, near Manchester, Huglsnd. Mr.
Crowder was over seventy years of age
end had for many years been oonneeted
with a whol00018 dry geode noose in
t.ouoheoter, bet of late years had been
living retired. Onr townsman had not
mien his father iu eighleeu years and in.
tended going home during the past
Sommer but was prevented.
1311 s' 1.1 t .
Harold Jarvis Goebert 011 Deo. Brd,
There to a rumor that another furni-
ture store will siert in Blyth.
Two windows were put in the Weet
aide of the Orange Hall last week.
Monday night the Eokbart Family
gave a good concert in industry Hell.
The animal meeting of St. Andrew's
charob was held Tuesday, Nov. 27th.
Rev. bar. Hamilton, of Goderioh, 00
oopied the pulpit for both servioee last
Sabbath h St. Andrew's church.
R. M. f0Io)&y has been appointed lead-
er of the oheir in St, Andrew'» church,
eyeing to the removal of Wm. Moser to
The young mon of Blyth bald an n8-
eembly in Industry Hall on Wedneeday
evening of last week. The London
Harpero !applied the meet°.
BLYT0 01000010,—A special meeting
of Blyth Oonnoil was held ou Thursday
evening, Nov. 15th, The Reeve was in
the obair and 0oune. Milne, Potter 0ud
Johnston were present. Moved by Conn.
Johnston, oeo:mded by Oona. Potter that
part of the Dement Loofa be rented to the
'tepheuson Carriage Co. for use of foo•
tory foundation in Blytb, rent to be $5.—
Carried, Moved by Oogn. Johoeton,
000011ded by Oono. Potter, that the of
fee of Mro, Helen Milne for oidowalk
debentured at par be stumped, that the
Reeve and Treaeuror algn the eume in
behalf of this municipality and attaoh
the oorporate seal thereto.—Oarried. 1
Moved by Conn, Milne, seconded by .
Goan. JOdneton, that we advertise the
Stephenson Carriage (Jo, debentare0 In
the Mail & Empire and Globe news
paper0 0o Saturday, Wedneeday and
Saturday, the 17th, 21st and 24th Ines.,
reepootivoly. Pandora for *old deben.
three to be in the Clerk's /made on the
29th loot•—Oarried. Commit then ad
When Long Breathe smelt
You know that troubles exist wbiob
need gniok attention. Prop',r maim
oonelete in a vigorous robbing of the
chest and aide with Nerviline whioh
eines into the them where the pain le
masted, and gives relief in a few minutes.
No liniment 00 Mean, eo 0(roug, so
powerful. Results guaranteed with
every 25o bottle of Poleou'0 Nerviline.
Get it to day.
13 eeni*oal 1,
J. W. Ortwein left last week fora boli•
naso trip to Moutreol.
James Troyer, of Seaforth, formerly
of town, was kioked on the abdomen by
a horoe a taw ['eye ego and injured.
Rippon Methodist Sunday School will
give an entertainment on Chrletmas eve,
Mies Gertrude Hart will be present and
mite part.
The young people of St. Audrew's
Cherub, Rippe!), are taking 0p a system•
atio study of the bible every Sunday
evening after cervine.
Mee Reid, of London, who has been
nursing Mrs. J. MoMartin for the last
month, lett for her home. Mies Lovett,
of Exeter, takes her p'aoe,
Mr. Gilpin has rented his farm on the
4th eon. to Mr. Sohoote for a term of
live years.
Alex. and Blake Young, who spent a
few months ab Morden, Man., have re-
turned home.
Rev. Mr. Homer was presented with a
fine for coat and gauntlets by his people
of the Fordwioh circuit.
David MaLoaoblin boa been on the
Moir Hotter a few days, bat we are pleased
to report that be i0 oonealeaoeot,
While working at hie new house, Thos.
McLaughlin, of Charlton, had the mis•
(attune to injure tie wrist, breaking
several leonine.
Ab, Young hoe returned from hie an•
nnal trip to New Ontario. He spent the
Summer in New Liskeard and through
Nipisoiog District.
The young ladies of the village organ.
izod a literary club. The meeting was
held at Mr, Cook's and the following
°fiioers were elected ; prep., Mies Caebell ;
vine pees., Mies Norma Cook ; seo.•trees.,
lilts' Jaen MoOordy,
On Tuesday, Nev., 201th, Nanny Jagaee
beloved wife, of Charles H. Harris, de
parted this lite, aged 85 years and 9
months. Deemed took sink on Saturday
previews with pleuro pneumonia wbiob
gradually became wares, and passed away
after intense suffering on Taeeday morn-
ing at 10 o'olook. Mrs. Harris woe the
4111 daughter of the late John Jaquee,
and was married to her now bereft hus-
band 12 yore ago last Jnne. These few
short years were epeut ou the farm two
have formed a co -partnership, to be
known as Walker & Black, and will carry
On a
Their stock of Furniture, Undertaking
Goods and Musical Instruments ie new from
the Factories ; has been bought for cash and
will be sold at Reasonable Prices.
MR. CHAS FORSTER, all experienced
Undertaker and Upholsterer, will assist in the
Picture Framing s, Specialty.
They hope by strict attention to business,
square and honorable dealing with their Cus-
tomers to merit a share of the public patron-
Night and Sunday calls will be promptly
attended at David Walker's s North of
bridge, 'I'uraberpy street.
in connection with my Jewellery Blore
are now completed, being fitted up in the
most modern and soleut)floriuoiploe.
Wish to inform Lhnpublfo that I om tbnr-
oughly oompetent lu the Optimal profes-
sion, having obtained both Oaeadioo and
Ainel•i1all Diploma».
Eyes Tested FREE and ell work
fully guerantoed.
My Imre are nny 11001111 that suit you
and prices are out fumy prices.
Call and see my new Jewellery Store.
All the latest de0ign4 in Jewellery :
—Ladies' l3r000hee —Ladies' Necklaces
—Ladies' Bracelets —Rings, &u.
After beiug engaged in bt,Oin000 for
the pate three years my repeiriug depart-
ment epe&ke for itself.
Sign of the Golden Clook.
la -Comfortable !rouse to rent,
miles South of Fordwioh. By their
u0ion three obildron were born—three
boys, the youngest a babe of two weeks
and three days—to whom she wee ever a
true end kind motber, lithe slam leaves
to mourn her foes, her mother, 7 Moberg
and three brothers.
V Tinton.
The old Royal Hotel property has been
aonvorted into an impiemout storehouse
for the use of lame A, Ford.
Mrs. Bean happened to ellp on one of
the registers in the Town Hall, wbiob
slipped and allowed her to tali partly
through. Though not badly injured, the
'hook laid bar up for a few days.
Mies Pearl Oontelon, daughter of D.
Oaoteloo, who Mae been one of the very
effioient and obliging members of the
telephone staff here, has aooepted a
poeitiou ee book-keeper in the Telephone
Ofiloe at Orilla.
Taeedoy evening a traveller at the
Normandie walked to the relit end of the
ball, unlocked the bath door, went out
on the trunk platform, and walked off in
the darkness, falling a distance of about
12 feet. He wee pretty badly shaken up,
The people of this vicinity will be glad
to learn Rev. Mr. Herr has eeonred Rev.
Dr. Sutherland, secretary of the Mieeion•
cry Society of the Methodist nharoh
for the Ontario Street Mieeionary
Anniversary services, Dr. Sutherland
wee a resident of Clinton about halt a
wintery ago, this being bis first circuit
in the Methodist ministry.
The death took place at the House of
Refuge on Sunday Nov. 18th of a former
well known resident of Seltortb, in the
person of James MoGonnigle, aged 65
years. Deoeoeed has been an inmate of
the Hones Mace 1902. He was a Presby-
resbyterian. The body was taken to Seaforth
for interment,
D. Oan(efoa tae fOniehed another
season's peaking of apples and has also
oompleted the shipping. He bought
35,000 barrels of which he retains only
7,000 wbiob are in storage at Toronto,
4,000 barrels of obese were golden roseate.
Only ene•flftb of his total porebaee woe
Fall stook. He shipped 5,000 barrels to
Winnipeg, 1,000 eaob to Onlgary, Bram.
don and Montreal, and smaller quantities
to other please.
The Deur Slade TO bear
De&foeee because venally due to
(lateral ie quite Durable. In a thousand
casae thio ie proved absolutely true.
Buenas invariably attends the nee of
Cltt&rrhozoie which has cured oatarrbal
(lesbian of twenty five years standing,
Penetrating tbroegb the passages of the
ear, the soothing vapor of Catorrhozone
relieves the inflammation. destroys the
seeds of catarrh and thereby allows
nature to re.ttesist herself. Try Catarrh.
ozone yourself, 25o and .51.00 sizes sold
by all deniers.
.L.trtto ve 01.
A. L. McIntyre, of the Lietowel Bluth
nate College, has removed hie family to
town from Owen Bound.
Tho ladies of Christ Ohuroh are at,
ranging tor a concert, to be held in Mo'
Donald's hall on Monday evening, Deo.
Ord. •
The 00rnegie library ie nearing oom-
pletioa. The grounds are being levelled,
wbiob adds to the appearance of the
building by giving it a better elevation,
which to the eye is its !thief defeat.
The bniidiug is expeoted to be ready for
occupying in a few weeks.
Au n0000npied house on Met. Say's
farm, West of the G. T. R. station, wee
bathed about midnight Tuesday eight
of last week, The flee being out of renoh
of the water works, the brigade did not go
000 to it, The building, an old frame
otrnotare, was burned 10 the ground,
There was no (neurones, The plane must
have been get on fire, but by whom i0 not
A meeting of antlers was held on Tues.
dug night of last week at wbiob eeti-
matoe for the building of a fink to be
need for mating alone were submitted.
The rink ae propelled (s to be 166 feet
long and 38 feet wide, large enough to
accommodate two riuke or 16 0nrler0 at a
time. Flgeree ogbmitted !bowed that
such a building mould be oonetruoted for
between elven and eight hundred dollars,
and that lot and all mould be obtained
end pot into ohapo for .41,000. Shares
have already been subscribed for this
purpose to the mono* of 14600, and it
was decided to make an effort to premed
at o00e with the work of building, A
committee aoneieti.g of G. Metros!, J.
0. Hay, H. B. Morphy and J. M.
Campbell, was appointed to look after
obtaining material 0nd bellatea0dOo
work. Mr, Melrose and J. N. Ha
i ware direotod to 0eonre a sortable and
' 000000ient lot, and Messrs Morphy, Hay,
Olimie and Melrose appointed to draft 54
haat* of organization and operation.
The intention is to path the work for.
ward without delay,
'1 Oouid the consumptives « r any
givers of/immunity be seen at one ..=-lme,
or pass in panorama before the people,
public consciousness of the magnitude
of the affliction might be aroused. A
physical disaster shocks the world and
lets Loose the sympathy of millions. A
few 'thousand deaths are nothing as
compared ritt'ith the deaths from con-
sumption." LAWRENCE F. FLICK, M.D.,
Medical -Director of Henry Phipps institute for tho Study, Treatment
and Prevention of Tub.rcul0s1M
Many reasons surely must influence men and
wornen to help in the great work being carried on by the
Other hospitals refuse the consumptive. This
institution cares for them.
Not a single applicant has ever been
refused admission to the Muskoka Free
Hospital for Consumptives because of
his or her poverty.
Seven hundred and thirty-eight patients have
been cared for since the Free Hospital was opened
in 1902. Take a week's record :
63 patients in residence; 37 absolutely
free, not paying a copper toward their
maintenance; 15 paying 50 cents a day
or less; 5 paying 84.00 a week ; 4 paying
65.00; one paying 87.00.
These figures tell plainly of a large deficit on maintenance
account each month. To cover
this the trustees are dependent
upon the contributions that
come to them from friends in all
parts of Canada. hr,yosVI
Not since the days of - fi
George Muller has so great a •
work of faith been carried on. ADMINIS'T'RATION WILDING, MUs0ow, FFEa
Contributions may be sent to SIR WM. R MEREDITH. Kt., Chief
Justice, Osgoode Hall, Toronto, or W. J. Gage, Esq.,
54 Front Street, W., Toronto.
Applications for admission and all information from
J. S. ROBERTSON, Secretary National Sanitarium Association,
(Saturday Night Building), 28 Adelaide Street, W., Toronto, Canada.
Ho. 3
brings scores of Young People every
year from the Farms and Villages of
our Connery to spend a few months
in our eplondid School—The
From oommnnl011tlon0 at band, this
month this year will bring as many
as ever. If you have not thought of
ib, not bad our Catalogue. write for it
at come and you will likely plan to
join us. Address—
W. H. Sway, Principal.
Yongo & Gerrard ate., Toronto.
A Photograph taken at
Is sure to be a eucceee.
Sometbing that will be pleasing to your
friends for Xmas Primate is quite a
How about a nice Photo, of yourself.
We have some styles of mounts suit-
able for this season of the year.
Come in and see samples,
?hates Framed cheap.
Portraits of any Photo made in Crayon
or Water Color.
Family Groupe a specialty.
All Work Guaranteed.
Another Croat Alacovery
A well known gentleman in Bleak Bay,
Out., Mr, John Gowan, hes discovered an
absolute epeoofo for rheumatism, and
writes ; "I was offeoted with sciatica.
,nd bromic rbenmatiem which 1 coo.
traded years ago. The disease had a
great bold in my blood, end it was bard
t0 make any impression on it. Rending
of Ferroaone I wae000vinoed of its merit
and it is 6e0a101y the beet I have ever
tried. Why it just drove away the
rhenmatiem. ]Even stiffened old enfferere
will experience quick reeulte. The
reason i0 that Fermium) note through
the blood end thereby doetroye the ranee
of the disease. Prise 500 per box at
The Windsor Hotel 01 Begin% waif
burned and at tenet three lives were lost
in the fire.
Balvadore Maori, the Italian murderer
wn0 eentenoed at Winnipeg to be hanged
on 3annary 16th.
•tSolicitor,D BO 9 n
.Cha 0! of Londe
9 Y
bond he prepared toe the Warren Paving
Oompany hes been bampored with,
Henry H. finll, bookkeeper for the
Cambridge Sooleby of Montreal, bee die•
appeared with abont52000 of the000lety'e
money, and there ere °barges of perjury
made agaitiot him.
Weak Kidneys, surely point to weak kldnoy
;gems. The Kidneys, like the Heart. and the
b:nm:Leh, and their weakness, not in the organ
Itself, but in the nerves that control and guide
and :t:rngtle n them, Dr. Snoop's Restorative ie
a medicine eneri3cally prepared to reach these
controlling nerves. To doctor the Ridneze alone,
is futile. It is a waste of time, and of money as
w 11.
Ii your bark aches or is weak, if the urine
sui'.ds, oris darkand strong.if youh&vesymptoma
of Bri411rs or other distressing or dangerous kid-
ney disease, try Dr. Shoop's Restorative a month—
Tablets or Linnid—and see what it can and will
do for you Druggist recommend 110d sen
Yr. hoop's.
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