The Brussels Post, 1906-11-29, Page 4117., ho
e ' P t1 IeD It almost oompnieory to pursue a differ-
V-1/4 ,741.olsA.d int smarm from thst.tbuught to be wise
five ysara ago, Who is going to oummen-
oe,a campaign of progreoe? Dont
'Moulder year responsibility on somebody
elite but join the Forward Brigade sud
blessed to we are with good ooautry ear
roaudings, peopled with an induetrioue
elan good remits should follow of linen -
gist advantage to all oonoerued. Theis
are many sides to this question under
dieouseiou and you may have a better
method than we have outlined. If eo
don't bide your light uuder a bushel but
let it shine.
THURSDAY, NOV. 29, 1906.
The anunal meeting ot the Eest Horan
Liberal Aseooieaiou, for both Dominion
and Legislative ridings, will be held in
the Town Hall, Brussels, on To aday,
December 11th, 1906 et 1 o'olook p. m.
Annnal eleotioa of Miners, receiving of
reports, &o„ will be,on Ibe program,
At the same time and plane a Nomin-
ating Oonveution will be held to eeleot e
standard bearer for the next Dominion
onion in Beet Huron. The mnuioipeJi-
ties .pertioularty interested in thie ore
Howiok, Teruberry, Wroxeter, Grey,
Brussels, Morrie, Blyth, Ent Wawa.
nosh end Wingham. Five delegates are
asked from each polling eab•division. A
large representation asked for. R. N.
Doff, of Blnevale, ie President of the
Riding, end W. H. Kerr, of Braeeele,
Sea retary. Treaeu rer,
DOMINION Parliament ie et it, hammer
and tongee. It looks a little as it some
M. P's went to Ottawa more to say
"you're another" than to advance the
material or moral well being of the
country. Sorely, ooaasionally at least,
there must be some oommon meeting
ground in whioh the oonetant snap and
snail will be absent sad members will
endeavor to put fate praoiioe the oily
promisee they made when running for
oiiloe. It coats too mach money to keep
a hone toll of M. P'8 and Senators at
the Capital to have them fritter
away days and sometimes weeks in
oontemione so called argomeut over hot
air. Hansard may be made a big vol.
ninon by these wordy oombate hat in
many inetaooes it would be cheaper to
leave the pages blank and it might not
be an unkiudoeee to some of the members
Wade is to be done to awaken a • fresh
interest in a forward movement in the
indatriee of Braeeele ? MGnioipal
Nomination is often an occasion when to
greet "boast" is to be given to our eon.
°erne bat the enthusiasm seems to
largely vaniah when eleotioa day is over.
Ocher towns and villages are stirring up
and so mast waor we will soon be the bail -
enders instead of iu the front of the van-
guard. Goderioh is booming a baby
boggy Money and a clothing manatee.
tory ; Blyth has a carriage factory on its
program ; Saaforrb has aided a
shoe factory and will boy one
of the salt wells t Wroxeter
eter inteude voting on a By-law to push
their woolen taatory and eo forth.
Brussels etande in a different position
today to what it did 5 years ago, The
outside maniotpalitita will not aid as and
whatever is done moat largely depend oo
ourselves. 'What ie required is a huatling
wide awake Business Men's Association
broadminded enough to be above selfish-
ness or personal advantage parliealarly
whioh will be a centre from which plane
and purposes could radiate and an or.
ganization whose beelines world be to
carefully and intelligently weigh prop).
rations, either at home or abroad, and
deal primarily with them, True there
wee a local Aeeooiation organized daring
the pest year bot its objects were not of
the scope desired and ooneegaently not
qualified to consider questions of a
general obaraoter in the broader sense.
What might be done? There's an eleotrf°
road to Beatorth that was provisionally
mapped oat; there's room for a livening
ot salt and flax interests ; a jelly
factory and cider mill could be easily
adopted in connection with the apple
evaporator; a email foundry and machine
shop ie an industry of prime importance ;
there's no good reason why a munufao-
tory of cement brlok, blooke, and tile
might not find a good market to say
nothing about a regular brickyard, ex.
potting of quarried lime stone and other
ventures that would be of important
value to Brussels and surroundings.
Some people say on bonuses did
not result very happily, possibly not
but if bbie ie even true it won't help the
matter to ory over the spilt milk but
rather let ae go atter another %apply and
take batter Dare or preoeution. Employ
ing agenoiee are a prime necessity where
adults and juniors dao find steady post.
tione at remunerative wages. It this le
not done we need not be see
odr population deoreaeeineteed ot grow
and ooneegoeotly every baeineee man
loses correspondingly. This le no idle
question that oan be spoken of and then
diamieeed but rather one of vital intereet
10 every property owner and ratepayer
in the plane. There must be a epirit of
unity and praotioal enthneieem in parry.
Me °G1, proper (deals and ides' and only
as rule mina and is maniteated will 1118
good nom that i8 desired, Some people
nearly always talk down every new
venture or propoeibion and thereby do
what they can to kill the bows—perilape
unthinkingly. A nrimber of people do
little or noticing to advertise their own
boeinsee or the town and thus minimize
the drawing power from outside while
they ohne in the protlte of toed more en•
beeprieing who keep the town before the
perohaeing public, The changed eataa-
dome in the neighboring towns, villagee
and hamlets in the past few year% makes
What Is Local Option Law.
There is a good deal of confusion
mind regarding thio
t nblict
law and we want to clear iawy. It
is not the Scott Act. The Scott
Act was a Dominion -measure and
there was uo meninery behind it
for its enforoemeut but the Local
Option law le part of the Liquor
Ltoenee laws of this Province. Here
is what it ie. Chap. 245 of the B.S.;0.,
Section 141 says—The council of every
township, oily, town and ioeorporated
village may pass a by:aw for probibitiug
the sale by retail of spirituous liquors
in nu), tavern, inn, or other hoaae
or plane of public entertaiument and
for prohibiting the sale thereof ex.
naps by wtlolnsale in shops and please,
other than bouvee of public' entertain.
meet. Provided that the bylaw be.
tore the lieal passing thereof has been
duly approved 01 by the Mouton.
Now we know that sub 8801i0u 5
of Section 24 of the New Liquor Bill
eaya;bat suoh a by-law is duly approved
when three.filthe of the patens
voting approve of eaoh a law.
What to the aaee then ? Three.
fifths of the person voting have a
right 80 say them no lioeoeea either
in tavern or shop shah be issued in
this township. Atter the first of May
next if Looal Option aerriee, any
one found selling itquore in Grey
township will be gauzy of eeilinn
without lioenee. What is the law
for mob it Daae ? Here it ie. R. S. 0.
Obap. 245, Seo. 72:—Any person who
sells or batters spirituous ferments or
manufactured tiquore of any kind with•
out the license therefor by law regaireo
shall for the fireb oieuoe on ounvwttoo
thereof forfeit and pay a penalty of not
lees that $50 00 beeidee ooete, and
not more One $100 besides nate.
And in default of payment than be
Imprisoned in the oonety jail for e
period of not Tess than three mouths,
and for the eeooud offence nolo person
shall be imprisoned iu atoll jail for four
menthe to be kept at hard labor at the
discretion of the oonvioting magistrate.
Yoa will notice that after the first of-
leooe it ie imprisonment without the
option of e. floe. Welt eaye Boma one
that law is good enough, bat bow are
yon going to enforce It ?
Firet, let it be kuown that a spec-
ial officer, whose daty fe is to took
after the euforoemoot of the Liquor
Law it Local Option dietriote was
appointed last Jun by the Ontario
Government. We shall have him and
hie staff to help us. Then it wilt
be the duty of the lioenee ioepeotor
of this riding to enforce the law under
Option just us it ie now. Then beeidee
all the machinery which the Provinoia,
Government pruvidet the magletratee
and constables of our munioipality are
,eeponelbie for the enforcement of the
taw. They will and it much easier
to do it ander Local Option. A Local
Option Law simply 'eye that no lioeneae
-hall be issued iu this mnuioipality and
anybody who keeps liquor for sale will
no guilty of keeping au ooliaeneed plate.
The fleet conviction for aoob an offence
to a fine of not lees than 050. And the
second oonviotion means impriaooment
without tba option of a fine. Experienoe
proves beyond a doubt that it is a good
deal easier to watch the liquor bovines
where there are no lioeneee issued,
Grey, Nov, 28th, 1003.
"Yee. People down here seem to think
it is jaet up one side of the mountain and
down the other," said Cha doctor, .The
Menne le onueiderably abort of 2,000
miles iu a etraight line, but by tits only
path you tau travel it 18 a two thousand
mile joaroey. Alaska le a bigger ooautry
than it looke on the melt. From Toronto
to None is a journey of 5,800 mine.
There are many Toronto matt to Nome.
The popotatiou of the town ie about
8,500 iu Bummer and halt as many in
Wxeeer. Lots of workers mune up from
Seattle for 100 days et 05 a day, It
poets them $35 steerage 10 (tome and as
moan to go beck, They return to Seattle
with about $400 saved up."
"How is law and order ap there ?"
"Very good. There's been a lot of
diseatiefaouoe about titles, and a great
many ehargee about orooked litigation
over valuable oleime. A man fettle that
hie property rights are tater iu Dawson
than iu Nome."
" u n aredown here to eee
I eupp es yo
whet there is in all this talk about
Cabal t,"
"I'm going to Cobalt this week, Yee,
i• l! u
naturally, I want o sea far m ee But
Nome has a big future. There fano end
of mineral there. Beck of the town they
are mining tin in rioh quantities."
"Yea," Dr, Sloan added, "I return to
Nome in the Spring. After nice years'
alumnae I notioe great abangee in Canada,
all the way along—great improvements—
mud in Toronto as mach ea anywhere
When Women Suffer
Look out for weakness or disease. See
if there is not a side ache, headaobe,
reetleseueee and the "blase.' These
aymptous indioabe that yon need the
gentle assistance of Dr. Hamtltou'e Pills.
Lbey are woman's greatest relief, prevent
functional dieorue, rerenew the life of the
blood purify and clean the system theeagh•
oat. No foals eo potent, no results eo
marked as follow the nee of Dr. Hamil-
ton's Pills. Pride 25e per box at all
la oderio te.
Arraugemaute have been made for the
extension of the Bell telephone Co'e
Berries to Benmlller.
Monday the new elevator was reedy to
receive grain by boat, and uoatinee to
receive it until the bine are full.
The brink work of the front of the
Baptist ohurab is finished, and shows
that the new Luitdiug will be a credit to
the town and the deuotnination le repro -
M. A. Pigott, the contraotor on Lite
Guelph & Goderioh Railway, has entered
suit at Oegoode Hall to recover «5,000
damaged for alleged slander treat P. A.
Peterson, of Goderiob, Wet engineer of
bbe G, & G Railway.
Tile ladies iu charge of the new Alex-
andra Hospital have nearly completed
arrangements for the formal opening on
Saturday afternoon and evening Deaero•
ber lat. The building will be inepeobed
throughout by a Government inspector
and when everything has been passed
npou the ceremony of banding over the
building to the orn0tee board will take
peace. Ten will be eerved from 4.30 to
8 30 p. m. in the dining hall, and a
reoeption committee will welcome all
The last span of the Maitland River
1). P. R. bridge that joins Colborne and
Goderiob was placed in poeitiou, and now
,t outs/ needs the raiding ot tba track to
the level of the bridge to enable the
ballast trans to raise to its proper height
Dr, William Sloan, eon of Reeve Sloan,
of Blyth, who recently returned home
after a reeidenoe of nine years in
Daweon and Nome, wag interviewed in
Toronto the other day by a repreeeutative
of Saturday Night. He said
"Nine years ago, when I made the
journey from Edmootou to Dawson, I
wee eighteen menthe making the trip.
Now I have oome bank from Nome to
Toronto in eleven days. That ebowe
whet gold oan do to overcome dietanoe."
"Toa were one of those unlucky fellowe
who went in by the Edmonton trail,"
said the reporter,
"I waen't nnlneky, The Edmonton
trail was all right, but faint hearted (sl-
ows who turned bank libelled it end news•
papers gave 11 bad name. There was
game to be had nearly all the way, and
only o0 one or two 000esione did we
strike a diebriot where we oouidu't shoot
all the food we needed."
"Well good or bad, the quality of the
Edmonton trail doesn't matter now."
"No, it doesn't matter now. There
are swifter ways of getting in. There's a
and y
there a
naafi n
great o , nobody
y P
nows yet what mineral wealth it non
tains. Alt than country le worth proe-
peoting. across numerous out
(trappings of coal in the far North.
Wham robe Undone] Bay Company Bret
entered that country they found a ooal
mine on Are, and it le burning yet—ie
has been burning these two hundred
years, ab leaet, and nobody knows how
m000 longer. I saw the smoke ot it in
the dietaooe."
"Sara it wasn't a volcano ?"
"It wee not a volcano," replied Dr.
Sloan. "There is a voloano up there, I
believe, but there is aleo thie coal mme,
burning away century after oenbnry.
Some day those coal beds will faet West.
ern Canada. There meet be other
minerals, too, and already there i8 muob
talk in Alaska of moving around and ex•
pining the Mackenzie River. It is
known tint some of the native trine
have weapons and utensils of purely
hammered copper. llig finds will be
made in that o0antry "
„ t' f
"Did you leave Dawson a
t the time 0
the rush le Nome 7"
"Yee in 1809."
"How far is it ?"
"From Dawson to Nome, the dish/meet
is two thonaaed miles."
"Two—thousand—Mike 1"
,he freak over Squaw Island, The next
bridge work of the Gentle Foaadry Co.
will be the span over the 0, T, R, Creak,
below Meodermete'e, sud rbose on either
side of it. When these are in position, l ie,
with the Squaw Island trsok raised, the 111
0, P. R. will be able to rue Mein to
Widder's 'tape, at which point a temper.
cry station might be made, and the IMO
opened al au early date.
The new brick smakesteek for the
Harvey Suur mill has beau completed.
The oomplete recovery of Wiltle Snell
who recently underwent an operation for
appertdieitie, is now assured.
Exeter is without a Division Oonrt
Clerk with apparent poor prospects of a
oapabla man aaaepling under the present
The Trivibt Memorial church has put.
ehaeed from Mre. Tbomae Sweet two
lots South of B. Faoeon'e reeidenoe on
Andrew street.
J, D. Speakman who has been studying
maelo in Germany ie now on hie way
home. He in bringing with him a floe
pianobiohbe bad built for his own
i o t
During the oonoert at the opera house
last Mouday night eeverel boyo and young
men loo, made e0 much noise that the
Int number on the program 0on!d hardly
be heard.
The annivereary eervioee of the Main
street Mebbodiet ohoreh will be held on
Sunday, Deo. god. Sermons will be
preaohed at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. by Bev.
G. N. Hazen, of Goderiob.
At a meeting of the Literary Booiety
at the Exeter High Subool Nov. 16th the
following 'nowhere were selected t
Jonrnallet, Miss Ohidley ; critic, L.
Hagan ; leader of Glee Mob ; Mr. Flem-
iug ; g0eeticn drawer, 0. Danetord t
program committee, Vera Rowe, Harvey
Aobeeon, L, Hagan, W. Heston, T. Out-
ing, M, Murray.
Mothers Must Have
Abundant Strength,
No Mother Can Roar a Healthy Child
Unlese She is Strong Hersolf.
A semen's anxieties multiply ten fold
about the time the new baby is expected.
It her strength ie exhausted and her
blood weak, it goes border in the hoar of
trial. Ferrozone eboald be need bemuse
it maker, the blood nntritio0a and rioh.
By inetilting new owned) into every
part of the body, it optifte your epirite at
once. Childbirth ie certainly made
eaeiet by Ferrozone. The following
ebelemeut expresses the earoeeb gratitude
of Mrs. M. E. Dookworth, of Durham.
It is a woman's story,—ot her own oath—
told that other women may profit by her
experience :—"Before baby was born I
was in a weak, miserable state. I had no
reserve strength. I tried to build op,
bat ootbieg helped me. I looked upon
the Doming day with dread, knowing I
was unequal to the aooaeion. Ferrozone
braced me up at one. It gave me
strength and spirits, brought beak my
nerve and obeerfulnee. From my exper.
ienoe with Ferrozone I recommend it to
all expectant mothers." There is more
aonoentrated nourishment in Ferrozone
tbao you can get from anything else, It
supplies what weak systems need
Simply take one tablet at insole and
you'll feel benedbted in a thousand ways.
Ferrozone makes healthy, virile, vigorone
women ; try it, 60e. per box of Shy
tablets, or six for $2 50, at all dealers.
WI id o ER
r; :.
Cold Weather calls for warmer Clothing and as we
have made special preparation for the Winter trade we
beg to draw your attention particularly to our Underwear
Department We are agents for
"P uit'I e"
n erw ar
for Infants, Children, Misses and Ladies, and carry a complete
range of these goods. ``Puritan" is a guarantee of excellence and
every garment bearing this Brand is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We have them in the Union for Children and Misses nt 12}c
25to 5c.
to 250 each, and also in better grades and All Wool atc 7
Ladies' sizes at 25c, 85o, 50c, 75o, $1.00 and $115 for the
Best Quality.
Our 25c, 85o and C10c lines in pure White and Gray are very
special value—Ask to see them.
3 we are showing Fleece Lined Shirts and
oys Drawers at 25c to 50e according to Bize
and also all sires in Union and Wool at 80c to 75o.
F e 1. /fen we have a large range of various brands
or 1111 including Fleece Lined, Light and Heavy
Wool Knit unci Union at 50c, 750, 850 and $1.00. Also "Ellis"
Spring Needle brand ; "Penman's" Fine Natural Wool, and "Stan.
field's" Heavy Best Unshrinkable at lowest prides.
No Fancy Prices Everything Cheap
,h.mre,n dt I I V e 4Adtt,4„ 9, e. %Ado'I PM't'4,'Ie'tlrld4,,Ihn ,,
y: ,.... ';.--'7:77..:
'7 -- ..X'A i3: ,iASAI iK,W.s,:t1dIT t Ft: _.. Bit= r..T '°t.+.9'9:",.aFIF.'rj
nlllgilalu 006Exc E
individual lr etrttot lots
Nu vaoat•Joe
Gold Medaliato as teacher,
IWieboet Standard
Ask for oatalo^,ue
0eoderm buelueas praotlae
Conk -keeping a eperialty
4:111Vtowent. e:uggards
ri ,nrlbtut4 ea 'typewriting
tuterottod lu eraddnatea
dowe't Otlioe SyetOma
Eater any tim
Studante' Litereary Soolety
Sympathetic 1'eaobere
Commercial fiorreepondee e
Uroamcnbol POnmausllp
learn Telegraphy
Lucrative Positions
Expellent Text Itnnita
4,aduatos enuucaful
Muter "NOW.
GEO. SPOTTON, Principal
BRUss JI s
The regular Monthly Horse Faire will be
held for the season as follows :
61b, 1006
3rd, 1907
Leading Localand Outside
Buyers will be Present
SOM.--Ono was a year old in January,
1906, sad the other 10 month, old. Prize
animals and in good condition. Terms to
suit purobaser. JAMES SPEIR, Let 80,
Con. 6, Morrie, or Brussels P. 0, 16-tf
The undersigned has 8 or 4 good
mtlob Bowe for sale, due to salve la Novem-
ber. Prins to suit the times. Al -to a young
cow and two nivel at foot. .i P. Mo117-
ToBH,Lot 2t, Oon,12, Grey, or Oraubrook
L. 0. 18-tt
OEOtan Nam Lambe aired by imported
ram, and a number of owns any the ; also
tome good young ethers. 0, TURNBULL,
Lot 10,Oon.15, Grey, Walton P.O. 18-tt
Bulla for sale. Two ware prize Win -
Dere ab Bruseela Fall Fair. They are dan-
dies. Bed and roan to color. Lot 8, Oon. 9,
Grey. 1). ROBERTSON,
14-tt Bromide P.O.
Leicester Ram Lambe and Bronze
Turkey Gobblers for Bale. Priam' reason-
able. N. A. b&ILNa, Ethel. 10.11
10 piens 11 foot long and '9 plena 24
Leet in length. Also a number of cedar
fence poste, For further partionlare see or
write d'H08. NJtWBOM, Brussels. Mkt
C. O. ]S`.
(Mort Prince's Alexandria, No.24, 0. 0. F.,
Brussels, meets iu their Lodge Room, Bias -
hill Blatt, un the Sud and last Tuesdays of
et,eb month, at o'clock. Visiting brethren
alw eye welcome.
The uuderelgued offers her 100 aore
farm, being Lot 20, Oou. 7, Grey, for Bale or
to rent. Oomtortable bougie, bank barn,
orobard, wells, dm. Farm is only 0 of a mile
from the diving village of Ethel. For fur-
ther particulars appply to F, 8, (nett, Brus-
sels, or WAS. EATS HOLLAND, 70 Bhuter
Street, Toronto. 57-80)
undersigned offers for sale an are of
land upon widen is it comfortable dwelling
Louse, stable, fruit treee, good over -!Sowing
well, &a. Property is ]coated $ of a mile
Emit of Oranbrook and oonventeut to eahool,
aburoh, poetoaloe, &o. Possession at any
time. For price, terms, &eo apply on the
premises to M, BAYMANN,
9.11 or Oraubrook P.O.
J end 2 some of land for sale on Walnut
street, Brunets. Brick Mouse, good stable,
hard and soft water, small oroitard, 40,
Property in good shape, Immediate poeeee-
eton can be given. Also a °ardent brink
making machine Tor sthe ale. Tor further par-
ticulars apply u 30HN D6aY17NZIil,
Proprietor, Bruaeele.
=waived offers his house and lot,
actuate on Milt street, Breaseta, for sale,
It to welllooated,a convenient and coat fur.
table home. Posasetion oau be given e1,
once. Will also veli the vacant tot, corner
of Mill and Elizabeth streets, which would
make a fine building alto. For further par.
Wailers ae to price, terms, &o., apply to
FRED, ADAMS, Hardware Dealer, Ford.
rvlth. 90.4
dairy farm of 190 aurae, more or lees,
being Lots 1 and 2 in the 1811. O000eaelon of
the Township of Elms, ie offered for Bale.
Lund 111 good state of cultivation with good
tram ban and largo back burn 1 aorta
e W
' d-70 sorsa path—seeded burn,
La go orchard ; well watered by windmill
11 whoa ,rpm aohoot, church, store poet-
°aloe and railway etatlon. At the ember is
a No. 0 oheeee fsotOry. This farm is known
ae oneof the beet in the Township of El-
mo. For further patrloulare apply to GEO.
WILSON, Atwood. 11-4
A. DIMWIT= offers his 100 are farm,
being Si ',et i6, Oott. 4, Morrie, for sale, 75
acres cleared and ell under grana excepting
U scree. Farm well adapted tor pasture, a
never failing eptlug areok rune through it.
There le a comfortable frame house, Due
bang barn 00 feetmittero, pig pen and hon
house 20x00, and abed 20x401 email orchard,
Possession given any time, For further
partiality' apply on the premises qqr ad-
men Brueeote P, 0. NUT, $IIIIDDIIN,
Proprietor. 18-11
Notice ie hereby eivon that a list of the
lands townie for arrears of taxon has been
prepared and that copies thereef may be
nod et this aloe, and that the net 11 being
Ppnbliehod in the Ontario Gazette, in the
flames of August nth and 2915, and Boom -
tier let and 80,1000. And that in default or
payment of boo taxes and ousts the !undo
Will bo sold at the Cart Boneybd the 'Poen
of Goderidh ole 'Pinney. the 4ttt day of Do -
comber, at 2 b'uloek 10 the afternoon.
8.8of WM.
County e1, Boron, T0101111reasu008,rer,
'Premium's 010nu, 0odorioh,tAug,10,1900.
I)un't forget that WO 00111 help yon
do this by supplying you with good
Soots ilialobers
Shoes t n, ,erwear
and other seasonable goods. Give
us a call and WG shrill endeavor,
as always, by fair dealing and
courteous treatment, to give you
Bash Brands of Pure hian-
itvbtl 41ufi iided it7our
Highest market prime for Eggo, Butter,
Potttooa, Dried Apples end Poultry.
13ring your Fowl on Tuesday and
' of each elnesdayweek.
'®ON iLD
Notice to Creditors
Io the Surrogate Court of the County of
Huron, in the matter of the eeoete of
Alexander Forrest, late of the Town
ship of Morrie, in the ()minty of
Huron, farmer, deoeeeetl.
Notioe is hereby given, In tradant to Revis-
ed Statutes of Outsrto, 1897. Chap 129, and
amended Aot•e, that all creditorrs an 1 others
baying any claims 'Ignited the estate of the
said Alexander Forrest, who died on or
about the 81st dot of Mustier, 1000, are re-
quired oa or before the 8th day of Deaem•
her, 1008, to amid by poet, pro aid, or deliver
to A. 11. Macdonald, of the Village of Brae.
eels, Bolioit,' r for Annie Forrest and abodes
Format, Exeoetrix and Executor of said en.
tate, their Christian and no/ time.' and ad -
tmeg with full part calare in writing of
heir claims, the etatemeut of their ea.
counts and the mature Of the securities (tf
ant] Noll by them.
Ann notioe to fuelhereven that alter the
said last mentioned date the end Executors
proceed to dietribute the ante 01 the
deaeaeed amongst the parties entitled there-
to, having regard only to the claim, of
Which they ,Lail then have notice and that
the Bald Bxeouters will not be liable for the
mint', or any part thereof, to any pereau Or
Vereone of wuoae maims notice shalt not
have been received by them at the time of
nook distribution.
Dated et Brussels this 14th day of Novem-
ber, A. D,1900.
19.8 So loiter for Ex 'touters
1Ban&of Hamilton
Cnpitll. Patel lip, 82,000,000
ttetorve Fund, 1310.50 000
Total Asset', 829,000,000
Preeideut, . - HON. WM. 01B80N
Yin President & General Manager,
Sayings Department—Ample eeourity
for Depositors;
Deposita of $1.00 and upwards received
Interest allowed at current rates and
compounded half yoarly.
ADVANCES made to Farman for
feeding stook.
collected and Sale Notes e n avenue,
made thereon.
Drafts bought and sold,
W. N. MORAY, etn.AemNT,
t ls t fr3 $Or r FersC 3rsa-
Toronto Ra g and
Metal Co'y
For Rags, Iron, Rubbers,
Wool Pickings, Horse Hair,
Aides, &c,, &e.
Highest Prices for Ali
Mill st. West, Brussels
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
ANY even numbered 'action of Dominion
Donde to Manitoba, 8aeketobewati and
Alberta, exooptlug 8 and 26, not loeerVed,
may be homesteaded by oily pelenn who Is
Ilio sole bear) of a family, or any male ovor
18 years of age, to the uxteut of one-qu trtor
sect Jou of 150 Mil OR I11OTO or leas.
Entry tnav be mode nominally at the
legal hid oinso fur Elie district in width
Cho land 10 eitnato.
Tho homes Je reclaim) to porfurm
111,0 aotnl(ttoueadni animated therewith sudor
ono of tate following plops :
(I) Ab least BIS months' res"teuae spun
and cultivation of the la id in earth year for
(2ee) If Cure,e fathor lar mother, if ,the Sather
is deoeuaell of the homesteader reshlea
upon afarm in the vicinity of the land
entered for the requirements as to rod -
dance may he ea,ia0od by such person re-
siding with the father or mother.
(8) If the settler has his permanent reel-
donae upon farming land uwued by ltlm
in the vtalufty of his, homestead, the re-
gniremeoba as to 1•eeidouao may be satin.
lied by reeideaee upon the said land.
8lxmouthe' Intima in writing 'Mould be
given to tho Coninda touer of Dumiuimt
Lands at Ottawa of intention to apply for
W, W.00RY,
Deputy of the e M inister of Interior.
N. B. Unauthorized pablivatiou of this atl-
vertisemout will nut bo paid for,
To Liverpool
From St John From B alitax
Parietau Sat, Deo. 1
Tunisian Frl, Dea. 7 .Sat, Deo. 8
Laurentian Sat,Deo 15
Ionian Fri, Doo. 21 Sat, Deo 21
(ROWS of Passage,
First Oabiu-865 and upwards, acom'dittg
to steamer. Second Cabin -842,60 and up.
wards. Third Ohms— 527 00.
Boston to Glasgow
Pretortau Friday, Noy. 80
Numidtan Friday, Deo. 14
Second One $39 and upward,, ; Third class
—Eastbound, 52090; Weebbouod, 017.00.
For further particulars, rates and tickets
apply to
W. ff. KERB.
Agent Allan Line, Brants.
Farmers or Storekeepers
by coming to the
Brussels Salt Works
can get any kind of Salt]
they require.
Gordon Mooney,
Foreman, - Brussels.
,tY"Iffi xr'WaagbICZ•lfr9ali"13 .IU 1R:GCf-'tL1'Yu.,20S1krY7J'Y"13y
A Large, Fashionable and well assorted stock of
Fall Millinery is now on display at my Show Room
and the Ladies of Brussels and vicinity are cordially
invited to call and examine the sane.
MISS MASON, who has had a wide experience in
City Millinery, has been engaged for the Season.
The undersigned is grateful for past patronage and
ash for a eontinitance.
Cxp Prises moderate and Satisfaction assured.