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The Brussels Post, 1906-11-29, Page 3
,sstill.tyfl.0.90 kY-eater0 eilealTQ[T viten YOUNG FOLKS {la?OUescsoe croUODpOOtetp09 A NARROW ESCAPE. Sister Annie wa, sick, and Jolmnie and Ills I1Ule sister Marie did net knit whit to do with theineelves. The wunderod g omi'ily about the Souse an ud, denteulelnlal and lonely; tar Anni hal ruul the IY' of their party, Ill lea Ler of s'lu'r seeett, the very light 0 the household, and Amit, was so sic,/she could tint bear Item to make an unities To -bp 1 1 ly 00)053 the roan burl her hand dre,'d'ully, and to wigs L e, or sing, or theme -0 myi otathe said Mut would never, never do. You cern flrsagiee what 11 relief it was then. to be s.ni over to t;randmotber' on an armed, Ms was (tenant abou two elites, ant quite a little of tit weary lime w•oulrt 1.'e consumed 1n goin and eonl'ng, and when Mrs. 7itylo consented l0 the cl,'IIdr'on remaining un le after dieter with their grandmotltel their joy was complete. It nos . nildwlnies, and very severweenier, and Johnnie was anxious t take the sled and go down to the )1 lady's on the ice, the river being Irozer ever. Marie could ride on the sled, and tie would put en his skates and skim a„ ng ulih the tape in fids hand. I would just be fun to haul her that way BM Mrs. Taylor shook her bead dead edit', "Ilie ch e Big Walnut Is a most treader.- Oils stream," she said, in reply to the ofdldren's pleading. "You never know whether' it will bear you up or not. The Current is so swift and strong 11 does not freeze solid enough, and it is always so full of air -holes. I would be perfectly willing for you to go that way 11 it was sale, Johnnie boy, but, as 11 13 1 louse decidedly say nol ft is not so much farther by the road, and you 01113' take the sled and coast down all the hills anyway." Johnnie was not half pleased. He thought he knew best. Mother wos too silly for anything to be afraid of the Big Walnut. With the mercury almost down to zero, of course, there wouldn't be any clanger. If only boys and girls didn't have to mind mothers, he'd prove t Marie that Lho ice wus all right. However, Johnnie had been trained te obey mother pretty well, and ' e hudn't the least idea of doing anything else when he started to grandmother's. But he lanced regretfully all the way, and when et the dinner table the hired mut, Sam Phillips, assured him that the big Walnut would bear up a team with- out a doubt, his wish to venture 110010 upon the ice became so strong that it grew into a resolution to do so. Ile wus positive that mother would not care. She had said that she would be perfect- ly willing 1f It were only safe-Sam Phillips said so; and, o1 cameo; 'le knew all about it. But Johnnie had not reckoned on lit- tle Marie having objections. That was exactly, what the little girl revealed, however, as soon as he bl•oa0hed the suhject when they had started home quite early in the afternoon. "Mother said notl" exclaimed the tiny girl sturdily, "and it isn't good to dis- obey mothers, ever! "But site said she was willing 11 it was safe," persisted Johnnie, "and Sam says it is. 1'11 throw rocks on it first and try 1t, and go out with a great big club and pound on it, and let you see. It's so fine riding on the lee, Marie. I hav- en't got my skates; that's the only thing, But I can slide a long ways at a time and pull you right along." "Well," said Marie, wavering before the temptation, "If you're sure mother won't care-" -. 1 know she won't," said Johnnie. "And you must pound it awful!" "Yes, 1 will," said ,Iolmnie, going out nn the, glittering surface and pounding ' hero and there with a heavy sleek, "IL cracked!" cried Marie, in alarm. '•1 heard it just as plain. It cracked aw- ful! Come back, right away, Johnnie Taylor!" But, Mast it was too late for Johnnie to return. With a loud, report the ice parted between Min and'the shore, and here and there it bent and yielded and broke, until Johnnte's refuge was only n little Island of ice at the mercy of the current. "0, 0, 01" wailed Merle, running up and down the bunk helplessly; "what shall we do, Johnnie Taylor? If you had just minded mutherl" "Yes, 1 wisht 1 had, Marts," said Johnnie, dolefully, "I guess I'm going in drown. I am a very_ little hay In drown, too, such a 11(11e boy to, die. Couldn't you do something?" Marta honked ell about and screamed as loud as she could, but the farmhouses were a long distance away, and there was no one in sight. Meantime there was Johnnie -her Johnnie -fn danger of drowning in the cold, icy water. Sud- denly her eyes fell an the long, stout rope attached to the sled. She sprang towerd it, and began to untie lbs knots 1rnnfaslly, Johnnie sate what she was about, and cheered iter on. "You're the 'smartest and phickiest little girl 1 ever Bawl" he declared, ""Fasten one end round that little tree, Marie, 0nc1 sling the other end to me; I guess y.ou can do it. Not quite, 'Try •I1. again; don't get discouraged. Nowt That's it, I've gob 11. Now I ane pun myself to the shore ail, right," And he did, not without a good deal of difficul- ty. but he managed IL "Ira a mighty good thing I didn't go very far out en t1)0 ice," said the bey,, When he lead retied the rope'to tate sled, and they Were on their way home. "If I had you couldn't have reached me with that rope." "Its a neater thing tit01 I didn't get On the lee," 501c1 Marie, eheking (ler wise little head, or there wouldn't Stave been any one to throw you the repo . and we'd both been drowned. And it's Ike goodost thing to inlet mother -tile geoclest ef all l!" "That's so," said Johnnte; "we'll el. 3vays do It .eller this, Marie." "What did papa say?" "Ile shaved me the door." "And what slid 'you say? 1 sold it was 0 01 10 1111y a very handsaws door, but.notwhat l had 06100 to talk about. Thlab Mad'e'(1111) laugh, Land a minute lake' yet were millet /w.w:-a.ivxaP.'pnwv-WWwvm�wsFmf': Pen -Angle Under -.Under -.wear is form -knit Ito it can't help 'eC oe fitting your figure, -it's Ina do e2 a xa+attnt.11.6: long -• (bred wool ay ;aqa lydrx so it won't ohmic y In a variety of styles, -and it's guarml. d "11"a and prices, for teed besides. The e' women. men and a children. Form -fitted, whole idea is to f Dealers ere authorized mance it so good (, to replace innately and you can't afford Y : at our cost any Pen- not to buy by the 1 Angle garment faulty trademark (in in material or making. red). 206 a nw. Pen 9 'b,h'- it 2 Cleaning 1 1' rortho very boat 00.4 your sock to the ' 001T1&Il Aid/RICAN 8v216tc too w w Lh for ,tont ao 00ur Sere, or nand ,hrON. NERWE 0 itret![aersal.Toront e, Ottavrhhp Qtesbc& Patents Secured Free 1 I prepare patent applications Tree of charge. If you have an invention send t sketch to -day for free opinion. 24 years' experience, F. U, Gibbs, 52 St. James St., MontreaL nota LIKe 6(600 661.w ua2610T5 �® etLLoroll SIXTY GILSON aeeot,2nt ENGINE For Pumping. Creme ¶gon, Chiron, Wad, Mg. ddon eta 1.022 '1'217X. Aaforcetnbe-elf ei7n GILSON mrec•, ea nal%$Oat Wi iallekla l2t a JL' 011 SALE -IF SOLD AT ONCE, hatcher shop, stable and slaughter house, free from mortgage, in the thriv- ing '('own of Milton; population about 1,800; within two miles of two large Meek works, the largest in Canada; one capitalized at 5250,600.00. the other at large amount; within 3 miles of A 11100 kilns- employing in 1111 about 200 hands or over; wages from $:1.50 to $3.50 per day; average daily sales between 40 and 00 dollars; a looney -maker; a chance in a lifetime; don't write, come and see for yourself. GEORGE PATTETISON, Box 3, Millon, OnL e AIJYSu"A p� oH0MR rer,ryccrtarny.n auldhrre booth, lot. in Denver ler 3100 • unveil cow send "•nawhith brine 313.. 000 a year rent. Dont has n popubti•u of 200,000. sem In 6vr vetit ut•tt•n will moth ,h. h.u-nation dark. Ordinaer rrad.n,, Ione in taut,,, nlretdy repo- Wed brine aunt 3330 to 32.030 each. we Alta LAVING OUT A New A"DMON 'lashiligtan Heights Th, high.n and moat .iest/yedditi.n as n,,,.,, form.hintt • react view of Pik.. Penh end an Rocky hanntnius fur • catenate 73 ti.. OttrIonkineNtshineion Ark, And hi / Lots 25x 125 Feet for $100 SI CASH u PER D,ONtm ywis Mk OW how raw"uet:.7;.st .s.. :�aswnm ▪ :N;..3: !40 TEE CENTURY LOAN AN• D TRUST CO. the et...111011,110 a a oorer,eniocL /1 van snub. total 1a D..«r,,.,b.., Watches fora Half Century port over half a century -ever since 1854 -the reputation of this store has guaranteed the reliabil- ity of any Watch purchased from h. increased manufacturing and buy- ing facilities now enable us to give you the best Watch values in Canada, An instance is our 115.00 special. It consists of a guaranteed 15 -Jewel Ryrie Bros, Movement, in 141, gold. filled case warranted 10 wear twenty. five years, Drop as n rsa fol 21,14 nod tee will tendpmefrec of charge, oar 10,53, i1n.3` Oratedd catefopvw. 11 am .lift tegto,tdiit. "If there were twenty eiti0kens in a estop," said lho leacher, "and awn were missing one morning, how many would you have?" "Well,said the leading rattan of the class, "1f they worn my chickens to begin with I'd have eigh- teen, but if they were somebody else's Id have only two." HEROISM Of A CONVICT. Settles the Wail of a Clouse and Disarms 0 Lunatic, An exlrttordlnary ant at bravery per- forfeed by an escaped French convict has resulted h) his obtaining what Is practically a Leo pardon. The matt 18 Flan.lois levet, who, sev- en years ago, was sentenced to dept' for murder. The sentence was allerwnrd commuted to penal servitude for life. Pivot, however, succeeded In escaping, rind nothing more was heard of hint until a day of two ago,- when be reap. peered at Nantes wide1' extraordinary cliche slallrea. A lunatic barricaded himself in his Melee, and from an upstairs window ilred shots from a gun at the people 1n the street, Several 1301:50115 were In- jured, and great exeltemmlt prevailed. Suddenly a man sprang forward, and, settling the wall of the house, wrenched the gun out of the madman's hand. The Mayor of Nantes specially con- gratulated the stranger on his retnarik- able coolness and bravery, when sud- denly a policeman present recognized hint es the missing convict. He was arrested, and was taken before lite tribunal. Tim trial was short, but sensational. The crowd cheered and applauded Pivot, and clamored for him to bo sot free. In.siend of being sent back 10 penal servitude ler Ole he was sentenced to one manta's iluprisonment, atter whleh he will be free, "in consideration of his heroic deed," srArtvED BY ANAEMIA. Health Restored by the Rich Blood Dr. Wittiems' Pink Pills Actually Make. 7'housalds and thousands of young gtrla throughout Canada are literally Passing into hopeless decline for the want of the new rich red blood so abundantly supplied by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They are distressingly weak, pale or sallow,. appetite fickle, subject to headaches, dizziness, ane breathless and the heart palpitates v.in- lently at the least exertion. The doc- tors call this anaemia -which is the medical name for bloodlessness.. lir. Williams' Pink Pifis aetuatly make new blood -they cure anaemia just as sure- ly as load cures hunger. here is a bet of the strongest kind of evidence: "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and nothing else saved my two daughters when doctors had !ailed to help thein." This state- ment is made (1y Mrs. Joseph Martel, St. Oliver street, Quebec. She adds: "My daughters are ager) respectively twenty -Ivo and twenty-three years. For two years they suffered front the weak- ness and distress of anosmia, and had 1 learned of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills curlier, It would not Only have saved me money, but much worry and anxi- ety as well. Both girls were us pale as a sheet. They suffered from head- aches, poor appetite, and grew so feeble Mat Limy could hardly go about. They were under a doctor's care, but did not Improve a bit. I despaired of ever see- ing thein in good health again, when a friend called my attention to Dr. W11. hams' Pink Pills. Soon atter they Bo- gan the pills there was an improvement 111 their condition and in less than a couple of months they were again en- joying good health, active, robust girls. 1 am so grateful for what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done for my children that. I strongly recommend them to every Soother who has a weak, pale - faced boy or girl." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do only one thing, hut they do it well -they actu'tl- ly make new, rich blood. They don't ifidcer..with symptoms. They act a n the bowels. They simply change had blood Into good blood and thus strike straight at the root of such common aliments as headaches; sideaches and backaches, indigestion, anaemia, nerv- sus exhaustion, neuralgia, St. Vitas donne; partial paralysis, and the special painful secret ailments of growing girls and women. Sold' by all medicine deal- ers or by mall et 50 cents a box or -Ix boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ant. ETHICS OF DEMI. Extraordinary Defence of a Unitarian Minister, An extraordinary' defence, which did not s ,peal to Justice Willis, Ives Dia forward In the King's Lynn County Court reoenl13/ by the Rev. J. M. Barnes, a B.A, of Cambridge, England, who was formerly Unitarian minister In the lawn, and who now lives at Streatham. H0 was sued by a King's. Lynn fpm for d±2 les Id. for groceries supplied to him, and, while admitting that he owed the amamt legally, Mr, Barnes said his delenoo to the action was en- tirely an eternal one, HIe claimed that now, having no set- tled income, the debt nilould be Can- celled. Ethically speaking, he could not regard himself as a debtor until the Slate gu- aranteed him employment of a kInil 111 keeping with his education, and with sufficient retnnnet'otiOn on whichto support himself, his wife :and 'family; Until this was (lone for tiro thousands like himself, who through no fault of their own were before the abyss, he could Only regard the plaintiff as his debtor, h1 that, having more of this world's goods Ilan he needed, 110 Owed it to soetely to give of his surplus to those who in the struggle for existence had net been so fortunate as to obtain at economic advonlago 0001- others, Ile asked the judge to en1lub'0 of Sao plaintiff w'hel wus 1118 ethical title to the wealth ha possessed, and not what Iia 10801 claim was upon the debtor, Judice Willis said that ho should d0 no suit thing. 110 was surprised that Mr. 1101005 should have advanced such a defence, and he would get no sympa- th;; front Ile gave judgment for the amount Claimed, and said flat he would order Mr. Barium ethically, and with due tee gain to all interests, to pay 10s per. month, sho-•-'ii'1ow (did you knew I was going to wear my 101(1 curled Ellis evening?" Ian -0.1 saw it in the papers this morn- ing." CART. OF THE 0M3Y. A metiers wait and worry in car- ing fur her little ones is greatly light- ened 11 sho has on hand a sato remely for the tiro n! indigestion, (10110, 00030 Slot/Veil, Ilnnxllpntluio dirtrrhurlt,(*1ml,10 fevers and the other little ailments that aro apt 10 Colne to children suddenly. For these trembles Rally's Own 'lathes are brier then any other medicine. They are mildly laxative, prulnpl in 111010 tuition, and a few doses nslrnlly leaves the nlhlld In perloot health. They dr, not cenlatn nu elnm n! opiate 'r polsonolts sooting stet!. They always do good -they ea110at possibly do 1100701 and may be elven with equal safety .n 1111. new horn infant or well grown 01111d. MIs, Reginald James. Fennell - vale, tint., says: "I have used Rahy's Own Tablets and lind them unexcelled as a medicine for children, They pro- mote sleep end general peed health." Voll Dan get the 7'ableis from your drug- gist or by mail at. 25 cents a box by writing The Dr. Williams' Medic:lna Co„ Drockviilo, Ont. TALLEST 01 WOMEN. The tallest woman In the world 1s sold to be a naltve of the Tyrol, who has just arrived in Vienna, Twenty- seven years old, sho is 7 feet 5 inches high, and weighs 374 lbs. Sbe Is spars rather than stout, hare! of features and voice, and somewhat of oho me. cultne type. Her father and mother are not above ordinary stature. The efficacy of Blekle's Alt-Consemp- tivo Syrup in curing coughs and colds and arrestf'g inflammation of the lungs, can be eslabl;sbed by hundreds of testi- monials from all sorts and conditions of men. It Is a standard remedy in these ailments and all affections of the throat and lungs. 11 Is highly reco.e- rnended by medicine vendors, because they know and appreciate its value as a curative. Try it. Parson Timmins -"Well, John, how d;d you like my sermon? John -"Very well indeed, sir. I always did like that sermon," WHAT DO PEOPLE NEED who are run do amends, nolo, nattersr Ferrovira," the best tonin. Itl,u.l'ls, wakes strong, it !raves new lien. There 620 006100 Comex but onny 0110 "Freradm," "Intelligence has just reached me began Mr. Blotlger, es he sat dawn nt the . dinner -table, 'thank goodness If it has at last," exclaimed lairs. Blodgrr, and the food was partaken of In silence. Dr. Agnert's cure for the Heart tete directly and quirskii. -stimulates the heart's action, slop, most acute pain. dispels all signs of weakness, fluttering, sinking, smothering, or palpitation, 'this wonderful cure is the sturdy ship which carries the heart-afch patient Into the haven of radiant and perfect health. Gives relief in most acute forms of heart aeons° in 30 minutes. -11 "Thal man may seem to be sommvhn Uneducated, and yet he makes a fine living by tits pen." "Why, I would never take hint for a writer." "lle isn't he breeds pigs." Give Holloway's Corn Cure a trial. 1 removed ten corns from one pair dine without any pain. What it has done once it win do again. Mistress -"Why, Bridget, what on earl are you doing wilh ail the broken dishes on the shell?" Bridget -"Cure mum, you towld 010 01 war to replace every One Oi broke.`' ITCH. Mange, L•roArfa Borate/ on arae every form or contagious Itch on human or animals eared to 01 minutes- by Wel turd', Sanitary Lotion, It no(er folic. Rinks -"You're putting your boy early to wort(. " Jinks -"Yes, he's a clever lad, for ho'e learnt everything the mas- ter knows." "lie has?" "He has that That master said: 'I can't hammer any thing more into that head of his." Thee* Worrying Pltee 1 --One a pliea- tlation of I)r. Agnew's Ointment will gITO Yen comfort. Applied every night for three to sin nights and at cure le effected in the most stubborn eases of Blind, Bleeding, or Itolling Mile,. Dr. Agnew's Ointment cures Si;oerea and ail itching and burning skin diseases. It acts like magic. 66 cont,, -16 "So she was led to the altar at 1,0121 remarked the girl in blue. "Led!" re- peated the bride's dearest friend; "led! 1 fancy you didn't see her. She didn't have to be led. When elle started down the aisle you couldn't have driven her aft with a regiment of cavalry!" ITaa EAST TO LET a cold hang oh, Each night and day w0.800 sato tit )1011 be gone, bet it stays with ua L71en'o 32005 Balsam -rill- cheek Os ad - ranee and seaters Aoalih. MODERN BULLET WOUNDS. A most interesting and far-reaching oxperhnent 011 a terga settle wos per- tained at the battlefield a! Mukden. Several sanitary °Meet's with good sur- gical training being present, out of 100 soldiers wounded in the abdomen 50 were operated upon by laparotomy, the 50 others left alone, the only treatment consisting of absolute rest and in keep - Mg the external wound opening clean. Of the 50 soldiers operated upon 40 dried, of the non -operated 40 eurvived. 'Phis striking result. Indicnlcd the man- ner of treatment of abdominal wounds throeghollt the whole war. Laparotomy on or in the rear of the battlefield was af- terward hardly ever performed, but stria care was token that all soldiers wounded in the abdomen ked absolute rest for the first three days. Sondy end his master were tvaling aL o, wayside station. As a train np pu'oah ted Sandy said: "(Here's yrs hall, s)1,'1 Mester-"T1afg not my •tt'Itin, but rattler the train I'm going by." But it happened to h0 a special train, and didn't stop at 1110 station, wh0,'otg1a+n Sandy exelnhncdt "We're baith written, tor it's neither ,your train nor the one Vero gain by; but It's the one that's gain by 30111" reply. Wooderie-"Mildred, t offer yon my seer(, my hand, lay love, my devo- tion, my whole life," No reply, Wooden I thy 1113' proudest ilmbillons, my brightest Clones et y'nnr feat, Will ,yen not speck, 'Mildred?'" Mildred -Mho owns the grocery Moro nt the Corner„ you nr y0tle brother?" Wooden• --"Ido. Mildred ---"Well? why didn't you say 1ha1; at, drat?". CLERKS AS HUSBANDS. Pen Users Said to be Immure Prom Struggles of the World. "By vh"uo of his calling u clerk must perceive the value 11 money; that it is easier to gel Into debt then ani of it that by taking rare of the pence the pounds lake care of themselves; 81 (1 that 6001100ny is a great revenee," says a writer in ['Person's Weekly In the 0'''11100 of anallele on "Do Clerks Meet) Good lIust.ands?" "Furthermore, n cleric 006 a regular Income," he enntlnnes, "His wife knte s to a nentl)' what sir v"tfl receive far hete.15 ening, ter stress. for this. hint,. and the o"her, And ran melte (arrange. meats accordingly. "Possessed nt an assured. nrtvel;ylng lereme, n clerk is Pre "rent the rare wldoh besets the man whose Dicke, full of money one n!rn'h is lartole tba i next. The strugg ee with the wnr'd. s1;e r"erieeties puce with me letey enml'r"- ta0n of Irate warn hen t"rt' " ;r ))nir 0f file employer 110 1101 0(1(0(1 Ilse Clerk:" Not a Naeseati'ig P(11. -'floe exrgl'ent el a pill is the sub::iante w11,:01 circlets the ingredients and mutes up the p111 111055. That. of Parn;elee's Vegetalle Pile Is AO compounded us to preaery their mots urs, end they eau be cerise ir:fo r.uy latitude watiout hnpairhu their etren;ith. Many phis, in eider t Jeep them from adhering, ere roils in powders, which prove nauseating I the taste, Pnrmelees Vegetable Pate err: so prepared that they are agret:ub;ei to Me most delicate: The Doctor -"1 ou have a had cold, Mr. Jena.). I11 give you some pills for fit" Jigpn;-"Olt, never 01114, doelrl'. You can have It fur nettling." e That hounds Good, sioen01'0 0? Dever a cold or a cough but always )ertaatly Wan and hearty. You could be like that with a little cape and COLTSFOOTE EXPECTORANT Keep it in the house and use it at the esllglbeteal alga of an approaching cold or cough. It po, leively cures tCo4dws COODOtg, Croup, Whoopinx4l Cough, i1.4111 tt3 and all Throat and Luang troubles. A pure vegetable syrup, Your druggist keeps it and retatpmlmeactis'lf8. Edon. 25 octets. E Lf C T O RA.t c1 4' s WANTED FIREMEN ANA BRAKEMEN' a 'tom for aft Railroads, Experience unneaeea ""`""°`" bacon., sary- Firearren 8100, become onglneerd and oar, Ssno ,nw2Liy, (,»k*man 4'yx hoourap 0 e4u,tord and oar, 8.Ao, Poakl. UwotOln7f err alt, competent young even. ante ape, height and weight -{Important.) Waste posltiop preferred. RAILWAY ASSOCIATION. Room u1'L, 227 Metro, 55, funektyn, N.Y. ffLADJES (I MARK THIS nesesenn•lnv t• A pnrelr lee52 di"ears of the shin lIka harbor'. itch. la mire( Weaver's !Germs abuse. (tut where the hl.«,i io leaded with hnpur,ty, 1et•h 113 atilt Rheum, Weaver's Syrup ;los should be .1,0d "de sae. I've ford you egl.in (ld agent not to speak witm+ older per- )OS are talking; but wail unlit they slop," "re, tried that already, mamma. They never d, stop: Kidney Outy.-lt is the, particular neer tion of the kidneys to 0hir-r out poisons: which pass through then) 0003 the blond. When the kidneys are disossetl they ce ,- not do their whole duty. mod eh. old ha 11 the help and strength that South Auu'r- can Kidney Cure will ,fiord Jr art-- ard all tome of kidney disorder. It relieves in 6 hom•a.-14 "I'll give you a ptlslii011 as clerk 'o s'nrl with." said the nnnrehent, "and' any 700 what 701 arc worth, is 'hat eatishtcloryl" Oh. perirelly," 1 : tied the college graduate: "toll-er-do yon tank Lhe firm can affied it?" 1•Iow to Cleanse the System.-Pnrree- lee's Vogel""l.fe Pills ere the repel( ,1 scienttIc study of the effects of czholcts nr certain roots and herbs upon the ,!i- gestive organs. Their use has demon- strated in many inslenees that the regulate the action of the liver and the kidneys, purify the blond, and carryon a1' morbid accumulations from the sys- tem. They are easy to lake, arid their action is mild and beneficial. As a steamer 1'115 leaving the harbor of Athens a well'dressed young passen- ger approached the captain and, point, Ing to the distant hills, blquired; "What is that white stuff on the hills. cap- tain?" "That Is snow, madam," answer- ed the captain. "Is it really?" remarked the lady. "I thought so myself, but n gentleman has just told me it was Greece." PLACED AT THE RACE of THE SPINE, The D k L " Menthol Plaster allays nervous ex W m wont, They are equally ail 010661000 to eon ralgim, backache and mueeu7ar pules. "Ah, me!" exclaimed Mrs. Nogpett: "My slopping was most unsatisfactory to.dayl" "lndeedr grunted Nagpett, "Trying to get somcttling for nothing, 1 suppose?" "Yes, dear; I wos sitar n birthday 6.111 far you,' Nerxelrs0ooe, Dyepepsla, Ittdigostlon, and kindred ailments, take wings before the hoo1ine qualities of South American Nervine. names Deakins, of Durham, Ont., took his preacher's advice, followed directions, and was eared permanently of the worst form of Nervous Prostration. and Dyspepsia, Ile has recommended it to others with gratifying results. It's a great nerve builder, -12 "Wel, doctor, do you think it is any- thing serious?" "No, no -just a sore place of your neck. But you must keep an eye on 1!." Cheapest of all Medicines, -Consider - ung Cho euoative qualities of Dr, Tho- mas' Codectrio 011 it Ls the cheapest medicine now offered to the public. The dose required in any ailment 1s small and a bottle contains many Qoses, 1f it were valued at the benefit 11 confers' it could net be purchased for many tines the price asked for 1t, but 'n creased consmnpLion 1101, simplilled and cheapened Its manufacture. Husband -"You'll have to disclierge Jane and do the conking yourself." Wife "Good gracious! \Vie? Are you los- ing your money?" flusband-"No; but I'm losing toy health," Wife --"011, I see." Husband -"Yes. The doctor says 3 eat loo muds," MRS, HUNTER'S STORY. Says Results aro "Truly Wonderful," Mrs, 1, Minter, of 11t Raglan Bond, Kingston, Ont, says: - "1 have snifered with kidney and liver trouble and chronic constipa- tion for some time, i was subject to dizziness, bilious headache, nets, aimless, drowsiness, Mrs, 1 111 ntor.pains In the back and side, and tied, Weary feeling nearly all ting limo, "I iriecl elmest every Medialnc, was treated by dnctnrs and druggists (villi 1111 00401. '"f10 tiledD0ri0 Ili, L10eonhardt's Antl-Pill, and Lino results 'have been truly Wonderful. 1 am so teach bother. Anti -Pill is a Wiest ohd0Iflrl,relnedy. All wdealers, ar Cho Wilson-l+yie :Co„ United, . Nlagara balls, Ont. • Skaters (0410 (reeky a point of good appearance flke the Ladies' Oeov. r, which Is al60 to be recommended for the comfort ft affords the wearer. it's the skate for rr06< use. .'20010. SALO nY ALL UP.rO.DATLO DLAL1r17S, MADE nY The STARR MANUFACTURING CO., Limited, DARTik'8OU 1-1, N. S., CANADA. 1t,0a1 0800 T• 00500 1 W natummeacernmexecusaucars 6& manufacturer. else of the famous xfiumae " and "tier " hooker stick. (Clop/righted.) OSHAWA' Steel Shingles. Water, OttFal and Fir® Proof Locked on Ali F©uIr SiGSS Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from 52.85 to 55.10 per Madel square fest covering measure. This is the most durable cov- ering on the market, and is an ideal covering for Houses, 'Barns, Stores, E10- vetors, Churches, eae. Any handy ratan can lay the "OSHAWA" shingles. A hammer and snips are the only took, required. We are the largest and oldest ecumpany of the Idnd Studer the British flag, and have covered tbousands of tato best buildings throughout Canada. slaking them FIRE, WATER AND LIGHTNING -PROOF. We also manufacture Corrugated lieu in long sheets, Condootor Pipe and EA %%S7Tttlf Ifni, Etc. METAL 51D1145, In imitation of brick or stone. METAL CEILINGS, In 2,000 designs. Write for Catalogue No. 1411 and free samples of "OSHAWA" Shingles. Write to -day. Or. 'WM Dfax.72i4cit3EtnXeZili, rireai1 one. i M MO, out .1 iareat0, oar, io Io , 901. I nil ], Hao Iltimeaver,B.O. BZIa W Crate St. 429 g111.100 et. n Catbo.aese w Dundee et.I 75 Lombard et. 011 Pander et. Write year Nearest Qflio,.-111tAD OPFICE AND WORKS-OSHAWA, int The ' 3 ue Grass " Event will be the 7th Annual Kentucky Thoroughbred Sale m6122.13Ettclana. .a COMPRISING 1127 HEAD OF T110110d3Gff5RED STALLIONS, 5,ARES, WEANLINGS, YEARLINGS and IIORSf3S IN TRAINING. Salo will be held at WILSON'S HORSI~nitEN'S HEADQUARTERS LEXINGTON, KY., 'rIIANKSGSVlNG WEEK, itEt §NNJNG Monday, November 26, 1906 AND WILL 'CONTAIN A QUANTITY OF QUALM,/ in the 07 Stallions, 3711 Chodte,Jltares (Dams of Winners). 50 Wranlinga Orem Winning Fanlike), and 390 Yearlings and Racehorses in training. Dispersal of Capt, a. 8, Dr0wn'a Senor- 300080)3. Consignments from Jahn E. ata Stud, Ulnas. P. 110)0eekie Onglawn RLadsn' de lem abnrg Placa aloin, ),niton 1201, R, R. Abdomen's Ten's 0verStml, Ycorq; :, 0tef0reileatait stud and °thew Dave lihdonn's ReLealel /Had, f3. w promkuent breeders, Deadly's .ltaoaaneade stud, Er' it. 4, E. CATAL(1e1t1E NOW HEAVY. Write tor copy to FAS1G v TIPT 'a1 R.6 008, AAD►dot v veRfc.aARDerd "Yon 11,11(ed all through my solo, said the musician a little resentfully. "Oh, that's all right," said the cattier- -in/4 person; "h wasn't saying anything you would care about bearing,' Pleasant as syrup; 1)0151ng equals 11 ON a worm medicine; the name is. Mother Graeae' Worm Ex!ernlinalor. The greatest worm destroyer of the age, ACCORDING TO CONTRACT. A man who was very miserly hnnrded up his sleeps of hay year altar y.enr ht the hope 0f making double the price he WAS offered for them, A well-known hay and straw Neter in tht district one day asked the price r1 a stack, An enormousrice was asked, which the bnyer acaopted. "How about the terms of settlement?" asked the Old miser. "Wall, you see," 6160 1110 buyer, "my terms are Io settle when 1 fele)) the last load away.,' "Tint's n. bargain," said the miser, slopping the other's hand. '11m old chap walahcd every load' go away except the last, and that the buyer never did fetch &way. POMPEI1i8 PATHETIC 14N. Lady (at book starel--"1 'wont le get a good novel to rend en the train -.- soeolliteg ranter pathetic." Salesanan-"i.et me see .flow.. weaned 'The Last Days of Pompeii do "' Lat1y--"Pompeii? 1 never heard of him. What (lid he die rift" ' Selesmen--"I9u not quite suit, ln0'am --some Kind of an eruption, I've heard." Dema Mother Your little encs are a constant care las Fall mrd Winter weather, They will catch cola. De yon know about Shiloh's Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic, and what it has done for so n1any? It 5 said to he the only rotiable remedy for all emotes of the air passages in children. Itis absolutely harmless and pleasant to take, hisgueranlxdtocute oryourreoa,y is returned, The price 1s 25,. per bottle, earl e11 dealers In mediate sell y,d iia r n1e Ir,oultl he in every ha seliola. ISSUE NO. 41--0Q.