The Brussels Post, 1906-11-15, Page 8�6ww�ra.WVw.mm±I:n'. ,19'190 Still to the Front the old Reliable Remedy sieessaesoaeszvssesse_issast-sse.sireaseaseers Blood Root Cough Cure Price 26o. per bottle We find this preparation of our own to give excellent satisfac- tion. Keep a bottle on hand and avoid having a cold that will probably stick to you for a long time. PROPER Standard Bank of Canada VISION is one of the greatest assets a person own possess and only those who have lost it can know how great their loss is. If you find your Eyesight failing or the strain great on your eyes come to us and have your Eyes ex- amined for Glasses. In a great many cases proper Glasses will be found to give wonderful benefit. Eyes Tested Scientifically. ® SMITH DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. Hai Ntivs rams A ohiel'e among ye fakir' noise, An' faith he'll prent i:. TENN1e Concert Deo, 7811. A 1 pro- gram, A SUMMING MING of the Tennis Club will be held at Foxe Drug store, Friday evert- ing et 8 o'elook. Honer. FA/R.—The firet monthly Horee Fair for thie eeee0u in Brunets will be held on Thar qday, Deo. 6111. Keep treats of the date. Wa10HE020 PouNno.-George Thomson grooer, has a mammoth sample of a turnip grown on the farm of Oben. Knight, 10th tam., Grey township, that weighs over 20 poande. 11 is of the Jumbo variety and the seed was pnrobaeed from lir. Thomeou. Tar. Young Men'e Club will meet in the 8813001 00003 of the Methodist choral on Friday evening of this week i0abead of Saturday au aonoonoed. A debate will be put on the eabjeot being "Re- solved that we profit more by our fail- ures than our 8uoaeas08." Meeting opens at 8 o'eloak. Da. Ovens, M. D., London, Eye and Ear Surgeon, will be at Smith's Drog Store, Broosele, on the first Tueeday in each month, Hours, 8 a. m. to 1.30 p. m. Oataraot, squint, failing eyesight, dealue88 and 008811 catarrh treated and glasses properly fitted. Next viett, Taee- day, December 4th. N. B. Dr. Oveue makee no oath. TENNIS CONCERT.The Went for the big Jennie 1)000ert to be held io Brueeele Town Hail, Deo. 7th, has been eeonred and their names have only to be mention ed to guarantee a crowded house. They are Geo. Fox, the expert violinist ; Ruthven McDonald, the famoue basso ; and Jas. Fax, who,e humoro0e songs are alwaye weloeme. Plan of Hall will be foams at Fox's Drog enure, on and after Tueeday, 27th, THE Guuerioh Signal of last week makee the following Editorial reference t The Liberate of East Huron on Tuesday December 1101, will hold their auunal meeting, and wilt also choose a candidate for the next election for the Noose of Commons. We do not know who the nominees before the Convention will be, bat the East Huron Liberate have some strong men in their ranks and a candidate will no doubt be chosen who will be a credit to the party. Among those whose names may be brought forward is W. H. Kerr, editor of Tan BRUSSELS POST, and it may not be out of plane for a fellow• journalist to commeud Mr. Kerr'e services to the party during many years to the ooneideration of hie fellow -Liberals of the riding of East Huron, Mr. Kerr has done hie part in helping to elect others to Parliameutary position, and it would be only fitting that when a suitable 00088100 offers he should be given an opportunity to lead the prooeseion him. self. LADIES' Am—The annual meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Meth. odie1 oburob woe held at the home of the 'President, Mrs. W. F.. Stewart, on Tries day afternoon of this week. The tollow- iug afil0ere were elected :—President, Mrs. W. F. Stewart ; Vioe•Preeident, Mai. J. J. Gilpin ; Treasurer, Mre, R. Paul ; Ant, Treasurer, Mrs: A. 7. Lowry ; Seoretary, Mre. W. Ainlay. Good work has been done during the year as the following will teelify. Total re001918 $190 93. In oonneotion with this amount $101 93 unread from the 10•oeut•a mouth oontribation oolleoted by the ladies and the flue plane will be oontinued. In the expeoditure 577,80 went to the Pareonge : $36 00 for interest on Parsonage debt anti 6100.00 to church debt. There is no better in. 0ti0a0io0 in connection with the church for good hard work than the Ladies' Aid and they oer1af013 deserve credit for the failhfaf and energetic' work done In the peel yenta. W. 0.'1'. U. AT Woax,—A very exoel• Tent program was preeeuted at a public meeting held in, Melville 'skirmish Thum, day evening of last week, under the 8000pi088 of the local branol of the W. 0. 1'. U. Rev. Mr. Wishart, the pastor, presided in a most 0,tpable manner. After a few appropriate introdaotory words, whioh were preceded by alugiug and prayer, the following well rendered musical and literary bill of tare was pre- sented ;—Deet, Stella Gerry, and Vera Ainlay ;'Trio, by Mre. W. L. •Leather. dale, Miseeo Thanes Gerry and Pearl Leatherdale ; Half hour address, by Rev. E, G. Powell, in wbioh be pointedly ekeoehed past and prevent movements and proffered many praotioal hints for the 08038 to come; Solo, blies Kate M0. Kinlay; Duet, Mieeee MOArler and Eableirk•; Address by Rev. H. 51. Lang. Ford urging cousietent and oontin0al perinatal work ; Duet, M18800 Sharpe ; a few words by W. H. Kerr; Quartette, Misses MoArter, Habklrk, MaLauoblio and Walker ; Short remarke regarding Local Option in Grey Township by Thos, Strachan ; Anthem, by the Metbodiet ohuroh choir ; Collection and clo0i0g exeetnee8. If this ie 0 lair eamplo of the entortainmente the W. 0. T. U, are to furnleh then very fete will Whig them in the time to Dome, "Thie organilsation f8 to be oommended and we wish them enceeeei acenewerewooseserrwesses Howioa 8tfutual Fire Insurance Dir. eotore will meet at Gerrie ou Saturday of next week. Da. GnnaA.t has returned from the West end resumed his praotiue. Oflioes over Slraoban'e store. Mov1No.—Station Agent Henry has moved into the house on Prinoeee street, reontly purchased from the Moffatt estate. It will be very oonvenient for him owing to its proximity to the G. T. R. depot. Councillor Ballantyne took poeseeeiva of the reeideooe vaoated by Mr. Henry whiob he bought from Miss Campbell. The house vacated by him is now 000upied by J. 'D. Warwick, V. S., and family. "DAVID AND .JONATHAN".—A 03001 at- tritive and goody audience assembled .0 the Town Hall, Brussels, on Tueeday evniug, at the invftatiou of the Officers and members of Western Star Lodge, No. 149, L 0. 0. F., to bear, in mono. logos presentation, the beautiful and ever new story of David and Jottabile by the well known and olever impe0e0u ator, Newtou Beers, of Boston. For up- warde of 1 - hours Bro. Beers depioieu the eventful ecenee from the bistorio and thrilliug chapters of the Good Book. 1'o the members of the Order of 3 Iii ke the presentation was particularly pleas Lug and no one will forget the story of love and hatred and their consegaeneee. Mr. Beers is a fluent, graceful speaker whose words 8091 geetures are pleasiug to bear and ase. Before leaving the platform he pointedly and urgently set forth the claims of Odd Fellowship and gave reasons for i1e wonderful growth. A vote of thanks woe mored to the en. tertainer by W. H. MoOraoken, Reoord- ,ng Secretary of Western Star, seconded by J. K. Browu, Noble Greed. The National Anthem was nog and the au dieuoe dispersed. Western Star Lodge meant eaoh Thursday evening in their five Hall in THE POST bloak. There are over 160 members on the roll whiob number will be largely ivareaeed no doubt daring the aomiug Wioter. OErrneitr,—Blyth was surprised Fri• day morning last to learn of the sadden paining away of Mrs. David McGill in Haat Wawauoeb, Deceased bad been intik about a week with an atlaok of o0ngeetion of the lunge and had on Wednesday and Thereday become worse, and pained away Thursday night. Mee. McGill was born in Huh lett Township, her maiden name beiug Isabella A. Riddell, and she was mar. ried to her now bereft husband 16 years ago. During their married lite they spent five years in Blytb and 11 years in East Wawanoeh. By their nuioo two ohidren were born—Walter and Olive —to whom abe was ever a tate and kind mother. She also leaves to mourn her lose, 4 eietere and 6 brothers :—Mrs. Wm. Onimette, of lied Deer, Alta.; Mrs. Wm. Btovan, Weekada, Man.; Mrs. Walter Ouuningbam, of Hallett ; Mica Agnea Riddell wbo has been liv- ing with deceased ; James, John and Howard, of Pearson, Man, ; Robert, in Pilot Mound, Man. ; Herbert in Ne. brseka, and Thomas in Auburn. The funeral look plane from 13er late resi- dence, Lot 40, Oon. 3, at two o'clock on Saturday afternoon and the 880810es at the hoaee and grave were oonduoted by her late pallor, Rev, Dr. McLean. She will indeed be mieeed by a large circle of friends. Mrs. M. Buchanan, of Brae eels, eieter•in•law to deceased, attended the funeral. KING'S BIRTHDAY PAaTY.—The Orange Hall, Braeeele, was crowded to its halloo, capacity last Friday evening in response to the invitnti one issued to attend the birthday party of the King. B. Gerry, Pant County Muster, 000upied the obair and did it well, He eald they were join - Ing the a00ivereary of the Gunpowder Piot Bud the King's birthday, although 802 yeare intervened between these im• portant erecta, but they were °loeely coo• neoted for if Guy Fawkes had euooeeded ,n blowing up the British Parliament, Edward VII would never have beau Ming, We therefore thank God for the aelivernnce from the enemy, and for the proeperoa0 reign of our noble King Edward, the peace maker. The program of the evening was then introduced whiob was as follows :—Instrumental duet, Jas. and Mise Bowman ; song, , Joe Hooter ; Orange eong, James ;,Fulton ; Rev. Mr. Wishart addreee, 1310 topic was "Our duty to onrsel808 and our oanotry," He regretted the errors made, often caus- ed,by not seeing eye,to eye !torn a national etaodpoint ; eolo, Mien Thurea Gerry r', intermission in which a tasty and abuodautluoob was served ; address by Dr. Chisholm, M, P., of Wiogbam, on "The Scriptural bearings of oho Orange Order in s,hioh many object leoeone were poiuled out Elbowing that all ehonid be good men ; instrumental renew, Mr, and Mies Bowman ; reading, Mies Minnie MaNaughtou ; song, Jae. Felton ; epeecb, Rev, Mr, Lang•Ford, in which oongratu• 1811000 were offered after which the rev. gentleman aontribnted a reading on the death of Bro. Soott, of Winnipeg ; tong, Mr. Workman ; Irish reading, Mies Josie Buobanan ; solo, Mies Hingeton ; 0peeoh, License Inepootor White, of Mitchell, a former Braeeelile ; ung, Mr. Workman. A most pleasant and profitable evening was brought to a close by the nudienco einging most heartily the National Athero, The Hall wa8 appropriately de00rated with flags, bunting, &o. =6TA,32$IdSS2 :1 1872 SURPLUS, OR RESERVE FUND $ 1,000,000 TOTAL, ASSETS OVER 10,000,000 A General I3 attlr,ing I3nslne5a4 Transacted '"e,\ZSAVINGS BANKP78'- Iuu+rest paid from date of deposit to date of withdrawalat bit/beatcurrent rates and eompouuded half -yearly. Joint Deposit Accounts• --A SPECIAL OONVENIENOE 1u use in our Savings De- partment Ie the "Joint Deposit'. aeoount, Money limy be deposited or withdrawn by either of the two members of the household, This eyetem is a greet eo0ven• tenet. to many residing in town, but more particularly t.0 to farmers, us in the latter ease whether man or wife comes to town either eau attend to the Banking, Au. other feature of the system is that in Ouse of the death of either party the money can be witudrawu by the survivor without east. We trill tell you mere about our methods If you will kindly pall or write. ,llavrled `Women and 31luore may make and withdraw deposits without the in. terveat9011 ot any pere°0, SALE NOTES GASHED, OOLLEOTED or may be lett for SAFEKEEPING only fur which no charge is made. YOUR BUSINESS will receive our careful and courteous attention. 0. P. SOHOLFLELD, GEN. MANAoxn. J. F. ROW LAND, MANAGER. chickens and""'-`mellr Ducks Dame on with your Spring Chickens and Ducks. The price will be 90 for both Ducks and Oh,ckens—the high- est prices going. Must be picked dry and all feathers and heads taken off, or alae a reduotion will have to be nude on scalded birds. I positively will llot tape any but what are fat as I will be buying coutinuonely for the next six weeks and thin stuff eau be marketed later ou. Turkeys, Geese and Fowl taken later. 1obt. Thomson DON'T miss hearing 111e Eckhardt Mueioal family in the Town Hall, Brae. eels, next Tuesday evening. They are ex- pert mnoleiaae and give a firel.ola0e pro- gram full of interest. Oran of THANae.— W e desire to express our swear° thanks to those wbo so kindly a8.feled in caving oar property from the 080000 fire. It was kindueee not soon to be forgotten. R. HARKNESS AND FAItILY, Braeeele Nov., 13. "UNCLE DUDLEY FROM Mammal" was presented in the Town Hall here on Monday evening by a Comedy Co. wbo gave the audience a merry time. The visitors would not pad their bank amount very mnab on the net prooeede bow ever. LIVELY SKIRMISH WITH BOARD ON Ida o, u—Last Finlay evening a meeting of the local Board of Health was held in the Council Chamber. It was not meet. mg at whiob people were diepoeed to sleep bac rather of a most energetic type ,n which several had their say and some expressed themeelvee very emphatically. The Gail fon: the meeting seas at the in. 81an0e of Dr. Toole, the Health Officer, who bad quarantined the premieee of Juo. Hewitt, olaiming that the gentle. man's daughter had the natio fever. Dr. Holmes, wbo viae attending the patient, pr 910000ed it toueilitie, banes the ne0eseity of notion on the part of the Board. Dr. Berne euatained the oonten• tion of Dr. Holmes, and Dr. Toole called in Dr. McKelvey, who supported the Health Officer's diagooeia, When doctors differ it is hardly eats for a non• practitioner to attempt to decide so 1130 Board authorized the Secretary to wire Or. Hodgelt], Provincial Board of Health, Toronto, asking him to eeud Provincial Inspector Dr. Bell to deoide wbo was right. Dr. Holmes objecting to this o0uree being 900808d. Reply Dame that the latter was out of the oity but to hold ease under Role 4, which matte quarantine ander eoepioion. Here the matter rests at the present time. The means ofoommnnica• tio0 between Mr. Hewitt's ebop and reeidence woe oloeed however, the shop fumigated and Mr. Hewitt wee permitted I0 reeam8 hie otempution Saturday after. woe, the placard being planed alongside the hall door leading into the home. We are pleased to state that Mies Rhoda ie making favorable progress to recovery whether the ailment wag toneilitie, or scarlet fever. In dealing with intentions diseases of any ohara8ter THE Posx'e opinion i8 it ie better to be Bare than sorry, although it may sometimes appear to look like a hardship in enforcing the law. Publio safety demands that duty most be done nevertbeleee and it is the boeiueeo of the Board of Health to do their part even if it is of a dieugreeable character. PanuaNTATION oe ADDREOB.—Laat Fri- day evening at St. Johu'e Rectory R. L,' Taylor was presented with the following 8441808, read by Dr. R. P. Fetid, on the eve of his departure to London I— To R. L. Taylor, Superintendent of St. John's S. S. "We, the Teaobere of So. Jobn'e cherish B00day School, of which you have been o0r Houored Leader, wie11 to place on record our sense of appreoiation of the faithful eervioee rendered by you for out advancement end the Glory of God. We are deeply grieved that we are at thio time called bison to part with you ; none better than ourselves know the deep debt of gratitude we owe to you for all you have been to ae ae our Superinten- dent and our sincere and oonelant friend, You took hold of our Sunday School at a most dieoouraging time, but the i0. numerable difonitiea which confronted did not°heolt your devotion or lessen your efforts on our behalf, which were to ue a real inspiration. To your untiring eflorte is almost entirely due the prosper. one and happy oondition whioh has made our Sunday School a praise in the pariah. In oommnn with others, all that is beet In 08 nae been stirred by your constant desire to know the Troth and bring it in. to lite, and we are poroaaded that long after you have left us the memory of our devotion and re5luaeilalde to a sense of o 413. will we ere proud of the feet that you have made oar Sunday School what it la to. day, we are still prouder ot the feet that you are reoognieed On all eider ae the evangelic and outspoken leader of all good work. We rejoice that the Divine Master hag permitted ae to reap from your edncatioo end energy, and we trust that you may long be spared to give the ohnroh the ben. fit, of your 80980889108 and the edifying devotion of yonr life. Kindly accept these weak expr00eion0 of our 0900008 foliage and as you look upon them in years to come let them remind you of three who are following you in the spirit of beat wiebes. Be attained that the love and kindly feelings of all will follow you and your eebeemed family to your new home," AI brief hot ap• propriate reply was made by the recipient. Mr. and Mrs, Taylor and daogbtere took their departure on Satur- day for the Forest city where we hope they will be prospered. GOLDEN WaDDING.—OOe Of thOce rare and iutereeting events which time brings to few—their golden wedding—was bap• pily celebrated by Wm, and Mrs. Howlett at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Bella Yemen. Keldon, ou the evening of the 12th when relatives and friends to the number of 36 met to congratulate and wish them "Bon voyage" through their remaining years of lite, The finger of time had toaohed lightly the bride and groom of 60 years ago and ex opting that Mrs. Howlett is still a little weak from her recent serious Moose their health is good and boldo promise for many years to come. Mr. Howlett Who is a native of Suffolk, England, and Dame to this 000ntry in 1884 when bat a obtld of two year# of age, so that be ie in all reepeote a Canadian. Mrs. Howlett, whose maiden name was Roughen, wee born in 1838, at Annan, Scotland, her parents moving to Canada and set - Mug at Laobine when abe was a girl of eight. They were married at Pentland, uear Elora, in 1886 by Roy. Mr. Bee, and commenced their married life in Water- loo 0o„ near Bridgeport, from whence they moved to Woolwich township, later removed to Lot 38, Oon. 1, Proton, where they still reside. Of a family of three, two live in the neighborhood, James, on the old homestead, and Bella at Keldon, while Manoah, who was enable to be present, lives in Manitoba. They have eighteen grand•ohildren, a Dumber of whom were present. Coming to this country 28 years ago when it was nearly all hush, there being but two Battlers in the neighborhood, obey have lived to see many changes and needless to say a chat with this couple brings forth many reminiscences of pioneer life, Besides the relatives who live in the neighbor- hood there were present Ohae. and Albert Howlett, of Brownie, and George and Mies Mary Howlett, of Elora, other NNW Ill THE METROPOLITAN BANK CAPITAL—Authorized 62,000.000 CAPITAL—Pald up 1,000.000 iRESEIIVE mid Surplus Profits 1,183,138 Directors 8. J, MOORE, D, E. THOMPSON, E. 0. President, Vloo•Preeldout, 0008, ERADS0AW, 0.0,0. nI8 1901909 MR, W. 110100111018 CLAIMS, r..0 300. RYarn JOHN rl00Ta9008 W U, ROSH, • General Manager THE METROPOLITAN BANK la open to resolve the ao,oaute of Farmers, Merobante and Business Community geuorally and to give earetul consideration to all propoeale submitted to R. It relies upon i1e past record for courteous treatment of its Cue - towers, and will extend every consideration consistent with sound Invoking to those who may desire to transact business with it. Sam, /3amr Maw r° ,aa+swr Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all soma of $1 and upwards BRUSSELS BRANOR W. J. FAWCETT, Manager. relatives from a distauoe being prevented by sickness and bad roads. Rev. Mr. Walker, Presbyterian minister was also present. The bride and groom were the recipients of a couple of handsome chairs, a tea service, two five dollar gold pieces and other gifts. After a sumptuous repast, a short program oon• Meting 0f speeches and ma010 was given, the reef of the evening being spent in games and eoaial ohat, oomiag to a close with a renewal of good wiehee to the bride and groom. Mr. Howlett ie a brother to our towneman, Ohm]. Howlett, Queen street, who enjoyed the occasion very much, PASSED AWAY IN HI] YODTH,—Thnre• day morning Finlay Stewart, second eon of F. S. and Mrs. Scott, William street, Brueeele, died very aoddeoly. He had been in failing health for the past eleven menthe but viae not 000flned to bed in Not had just dreeeed himself before the vital spark fled. He had complained of shortness of breath and was sitting on the Bide of his bed pre. para1ory to going to the door when the call Dame. Tuberoalosie of the bowels was the oause of his demise. Last Summer the deceased went West with hie brother D. M;, and spent 3 months but the trip was of little benefit. Finlay was boru in Brussels and grew to Manhood's (nature by great etritles and appeared to be the picture of health. He woe 19 years and 3 mouths old and was a general favorite. The funeral will take place on Saturday afternoon from the parental reeidenoe, at 2,80 p. m. service at 2 O'olook. Interment will be made in Braeeele oemetery, Mr. and Mrs. Scott and family will be deeply sympathized with in their bereavement. Business Locals. Fog SALE.—A good toned eyy0ere piano. May be seen ab Inepeotor ,Robbie reel. denoe. Mast be Bold within a week. For prices apply at THE PoeT. WANTED.—Fresh roll butter, 26o. Fresh eggs, 26o. Dry picked poultry, dried apples, feaibere, raw fore, &o. Guo, E. Erne, Wingham. BAwe,-1t your sews do not work to please yon take them to MoGregor and he will make them work and can tell you bow to make them work. Yours, T. MoGregor, Mill St., Braeeele. MORN. HAMPDELL. In Morris, on Ootober 24113, to Mr. and Mrs, D. W. Campbell a daughter. 26-8.1.2RI3E1UU, RYAN—NOLAN— Iu Bt. Michael's thumb, Blyth, ou Nov. 6th, by Rev, Fr. Halon, Mr. James Ryan to Mies Maggie Nolan, all of Morrie. • axEa. MoG1LL.—I0 East Waweuoeh, on Nov. 8th, Isabella A. Riddell, beloved LL, wile of David McGill, aged 47 yearn, 7 mouths and 11 days. ScooT.-1n Brussels, ou Nov. 16th, Fin• lay Stewart Scott, sewed eon of F. S. and Mrs. Soott, aged 19 years and 8 months. A.VCTION' FRIDAY Nov. 16Tn.—Form stook, N Lot 13, eon. 4, Morrie. Sale unreserved at 1 p. m. Martin Garnier prop., R. E. Gamble aaa. TUESDAY, Nov. 2029,—Farm stools, implements, etc. Lot 15, Oen. 9, Grey Bale, nnreeerved at 1 o'clock. John Meoary, prop. F. 8. Scott, a0o. WEDNESDAY, Nov. 2102. Farm stook, implemeute, etc. Lot 1, Coo. 18, Grey. Bale unreserved 80 1 o'oloak, Eneae Oriob, prop. F. B, Soots, enc. TUESDAY, Nov. 27Ta,—Form stook, South } Lot 12, Oou, 4, Morrie. Bale unreserved at 1 D'olouk. WM. LITTLE, Prop., F. S. Scott, atm. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. NEW HORSE COLLAR LOST on Wedne,day, Nov. '1th, between Ethel and the 14th Con. of Grey, The finder wI11 much oblige by leaving It at Geo. Mit- chell's, Ethel, or ALBERT WBLTFIELD'8, Lot 27, con, 14, Grey, 19-tt c1TRAYEI> ON THE PREM– tans of the undersigned, Ll Lot 10, Oon. 12, Ores about Oot.10111, a Leioe,ter ewe. Owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take her away. 18.9 OT'PO 8030100010. QHORT IIORN BULLS FOR BALE.—.One was a yea* old in January, 1000, and the other 10 menthe old. Prize animals and In good condition. Terme to snit purella8er. JAMES BPEIR, Lot 10, Con, e, Morrie, or Brueeele P. 0, 10.11 EYESIGHT .. TAUBE& SON Manufaoturing Op1ioia110 and Eyesight Sp001a11ete, of Toronto, will be at 183y 8t0re on WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY November 2Ist & 22nd and will bo glad to have all those troub- led with defective Eyesight call and con- sult them, They have been established in Toronto eines 1871 nod during that time over 100,000 w.see have beets ooeoesefnlly fitted by them. The advantage they have over others is the foot that they grind their own Lenses and by so doing prevent any error in the process of Lens making, If your Eyes bother you in any way or the Glasses you now wear are not com- fortable, do not neglect this opportunity of having your Eyoe properly attended to. The new EIeotrio Opthelmo-Mitroecope used in malting all examinatioue. For references see booklets. All work guaranteed. JAS. FOX DRUGGIST .BRUSSELS ('TRAYEU Oil THE PREM– t cane of the undersigned Lot 17, Oon, I0, Croy, a steer and heifer, {loth year olds. One ie a dark red and the other red and whits, The owner to requested to prove property, pay expenses and take them away, WM. STRATH.,Oraubroolr P.O. 184 A/FILCH COWS FOR SALE.— iv,. The undersigned has 8 or 4 good milob °owe for sale, due to calve 1u Novem- ber. Prloes to suit the times. Ado a young cow and two ea1Vos at foot. J. P. Mo1N- TO88, Lot 21, Oon, 12, Grey, or Oranbrook P. 0, 30.11 Notice to Creditors In the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, in the matter of the rebate of Alexander Forrest, late of the Town• ehip ot Morrie, in the County of Huron, farmer, deoensed. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Revis- ed Btatutee of Ontario, 1807. Chap. 120, and amended Acts, that all creditors an 1 others having any olaima ngal net the estate of the said Alexander Forrest, who lied on or about the filet day of October, 1906, are re- quired on or before the 8th day of Doom - her, 1900, to Bend by poet, prepaid, or deliver to A. i.1.Mnedonald, of the Village of Rims - eels, Solicitor for Annie Forrest and Obarlee Forrest, Executrix and Executor of 0aid es- tate, their Christian and suruamea and ad- •resoa with full Dart callers in writing of their claims, the statement of their no - counts and the nature of the securities (if mil) held by them. And notioe to further given that after the said last mentioned date the said Exedutm'e will proceed to distribute the assets of the doer aced #mon get the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to the Metals of which they ehallthen have notioe and that the said Executors will not be liable for the asset., or any part thereof. to any person or parsons 01 whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated 01 etruseels this 14tH day of Novem- ber, A. D.1900. ; A, B. MAODONALD, 10.3 So 'loiter for Executors. THE BANNER DAY We want to make S7-\TtJ RD1aY the Banner Day of the Year WE have disposed of our business and before commencing to take stock we want to see all of our Customers and Friends and we think that Saturday of this week will be the day on which we can give you our Very Best Service. Stock -taking will commence next week and of course you all know what that means—it simply means that we get so busy that we cannot give you just such good attention as we will be able to do Saturday, We will expect to see you on Saturday and • will be pleased to show you the good values that every department of this store can offer you. R.C.DAVIES & CO.