The Brussels Post, 1906-11-15, Page 5R-ciN-40-+:3'J-•-�Jtx^<gV^W CrVL Hb -VI^' "High Grade" Training pays and that is the kind the famous ELLIOTT 0a. TOI ONTO, ONT, ewes Go u students. Hermit 01.0 0- t U hlwas have t 0800 poelt{"uf at Haler toe ��I rorty $50 par Inonih 10 81000 1,er a0- sum• 14 1H n wall known 1001 11it our aohuol 10 the boot of ile 111 uu In' Ouu• ado. This Moot° It 4 splendid time �S to enter, All graduates got positions. me demand 1e nearlyweuty t(m00 the supply. Write today for magm0- oeuG cat aloW. J. 17LL10 T'P, Principal. 4l Con -Vogel& AND AL0XANDan lire. MEDICAL CARDS, DR, R. A. BURNS - Successor to Dr. J. A. 11o\aughtOn Matsuda, Ontario Graduate of 1'olyolluie Poet Graduate School of eledioine and Surgery, Now York Member of College of Physicians and Sur - goons of Ontario. 011(00 and residence same 00 formerly oo- oup,ed by Dr. MoNauehto0. Diseases of women 0 opeolalty, 'Phone No. 21, BUSINESS CARDS. ,/ H. MoORACKEN- V V 100000 ole Marriugo Li000eoo. Of• Il Oe u4 (lrooery, 2'urnberry Street, ilru0e0IB, WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER of MARRIAGE LICENSES 1111100 In 411e Fort OltIee, 1(41101. 00.4 BERTILA C. ARMSTRONG Is prepared to give anomie on Pi000 0r heed organ. Torras ou 0(1(001100. Poetolliee address-eru6a01e. Rook,once- Lot 8, 00u. 10, Grey. Pupils may have their 1080000 a0 their own 13003001/ preferred. MISS MARGARET M'LAUCHLIN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conservatory of Music. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company Oalee Rud Resideuce- WALTON, ONT. ROBERT CUNNING HAM- INSaRANOx, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS, i S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- + • Ran, will bell for better prices, to butter men, in lees time and leas chargee than any other Auctioneer in Beet Huron or he wuu't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at ibis Whoa or by personal applloatlon. ROBT. N. GARNISS BLUIIVALT - ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for at 1110 otace of THE Bon, llruoeels, 2211 VETERINARY, CZ. A. CUNNINGIiAM- • Honor uredua.e 01 the Ontario Vet- erinary College, 1s prepared to treat all dle• eases of d010080outed animals in a commit. but 1000001. Particular 011un1100 paid 10 Veterinary Deutretry and Milk e'uvsr. Galls promptly 011 ended to. Odice and Infirmary -Four doors North of bridge, 'T0rnbe•ry et., hrussele. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. A13. MACDONALD- • Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, 1lte. 4n000eeor to 1#• F. Blair, Olwoe over Stan- dard Sunk, Braaten'. Solicitor for Metro- politan Bad k. M. SINCLAIR- 1r • Burrietor, Solicitor,, Oonveyanoer, Notary Public, do. OlOoe-Stewart's shook 1 door Nor the of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank, pltOUDwOOT, HAYS & BLAIR- BARRISTERS, US3L1U I1 03 , NOTARIES W. PRounaooT, B. 0. 11, 0. Mae G. Pi, BLAIR. Olgass-'1'h000 fourmerlyfc 01G,ted by Rewire GoDnnr011, ONTARIO. DENTISTRY DR. R, P. FEiL.D0 ethelerleT Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeoue of Oatnri0 and Plret•oleas Honor (lradaate of Toronto University. Oillao next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS, 1113 The Treading Commercial School CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. �ro This gobool Le r000gnioed to be one Of 4,1, of the beet0ommoroial 80110010 in Am. urioa. 'Yon Can Irately judge a $ubOol • by the applioa(Aone 10 reooive0, This term we received appiloatioue from 11 Anus In six large Amo•loau oases end I rout ray more to13ne and aides of $� Oau- Ada h,oludulg Saskatoon, Bads., on Oho West and Oharlottot0wn, 1'.17. I., On bj Lb. hast, Our rep0tattou means lints mu0i1 for our graduates. Write for our a6 >ilLLIOT'r 1 ly LAOHLADf, �� Prinolpals, c Algzxpif Walto 'JEWELRY STORE I have opened a Jewelry Store in the McKim Building, and my stook is new and well varied, Special attention paid to Repairing. You will find my prices moderate. D. BLAKE tai Ittips )teems jnat before leaving I❑ditt, 0o he speaks of Dr. \ilkio'a work huts the standpoint of ono who knows, ' Wheu the Up of a dog's nese 14 cold and holes, that dog in not slob. A fever. fab dry noire m00110 slaloms with a dog. And eo with human lips, Dry, °reeked and Oolorl000 lips mesa fuvoriehneee, and ere as well fit appearing, To have benutilul, pink, velvet like lips, apply at bedtime a coating of Dr. Shoop's Baits, it wlil suttee and haul any akin ailtnent. Get a free trial box at our store and be convinced. Large nickel ospped glass jars, 25 Dents. F. R. Smith, A. 0. U. W. FRIDAY evening of thio week. Smith ns the Dewe, I1'8 olwaye wet- 00me. Fun coats have put in an appeorauoe 01100 more. AUCTION sales are numerous, just now 10 tide looality. New Subscribers will receive Tex Por to the close of 1907 for $100 1 1 advan00, Now ie the time to etburibe. Fowl; for table use ace very thane and high to price, and if ming obargee hold on till Obrietmae, a buyer will have to have a burglar's nerve to look a turkey iii the eye. IN the Toronto Newt of laid 9'ridey the portrait of G. A. Dead03ao, a well known reeideut of Brussels, appears in 000000• Oen with a group represeutiug the D,reo• core of the Bee Keepers' Aseo0iatiou of this Provinoe which was in oeeolon at Toronto last week, P11e0 quiokly and positively oured with Dr. Shoup's Biagio oiuhnent, It's ma0e for Piles alone -and It does the work timely and with eattotaotion. 110111ug, pa1nfu', protruding or Wino piles disappear like magic+ by its nee, Large, N,uk10 Cupped glitee jars, 50 cents. Sold and reoommeuded by F. R. Smith. Toe Larkey orop hes tome to be like the Mandl Drop. Stories are oiroolated ire to the 0e1r011y of the fowl and the high pricers they will 0u03mand about ChrietmOo. For many year0 111000 etudes have simply resulted in some people retuning a fair price for their hlyde Rud perhaps have them left on their hands, People will not pay above a warmth, price for a turkey, because they eau eat something 01&0, 1‘11111111 is more truth than poetry iu the following item Gilled from a city 0ontempporery :-"The farm help famine is still 5.oate. The farm boyo are in the aides oier1ing for $6 and $10 o week Red the farm girls are typewriting 0.00 teething for $5 a weak and both boys and gide are paying board 0111 of slender e lariee while their mot11er0 and fathers are paying etrangere 0.0 much its the boys and girls receive iu 13age0 mud boarding." The new Pure Food and Deng Law will mark it on the label of every Cough (lore 000tedui033 Opium, Outoroform, or any other etupnying or poi0ouou0 drug. But a paeeee Dr. Shoop'e Cough (Jure ire made for 20 years, eutirely free. Dr. Shoop all along has bitterly e. Dr.. Shoop's poeed the uGou se fh Oureo is tabeoluteli p' g y safe eveu for the youngest hobo -and it aurae it does not (imply suppre0e. Get a safe and reliable Uoogh Cure, by wimp)), insisting on hawing Dr. Shoop'o. Let the Law be your protection. We oheerlolly recommend and sell it. F. R. Smith. A PLvono LIMA MInnIon -Two yenta ago, Dr. and afro. Wilato were sent out to begin a Dow Mieeion in Gwalior. Their old friends, eepeoially those who have lust eight of them, will be glad to know how the work has progree00d. Gwalior shut its (Ieere against them, but a"wide door and effectual" woe opened at Jhenei, within a fete mike of LIM Gwalior iroutier, by the preening, moat brotherly invitation of Dr. Fleury Formmn of the American Presbyterian Mission, The work of these two, Omagh independent of mob other ire to ooutrol and support, interneiuglee harmoniously, for they are working toward the same end and along the tome Knee. In Oonneoli0n with Dr. Wilkie's work, there is now a newly gatheted i0 Christian 0ommuuity of 167 baptized persona ahepherdedlby 23 Native or Eurasian workers, who are th0meelvee under 0arefwl training, praa1ioal, educational, and spiritual, There is a Middle School and also a High School, both iu full operation for more than a year, and wbroll have at last won Govern• tient re0og0ition. In the &thorns, the daily Bible mase oo0uplee a first plate. There are two centres among the out• lying villagers, each with a budding that ante the part of church and m00ne. Bath is meuiiedby a choice Native worker and two helpers and has a little company of baptized Ohrietiane around it. These young Ohrieliane know what pereeontiou meaue, it harts, it staggers oometimeo, but ie good. Mora than 125 preens have beet rearmed from famine, and 03aintain ed for nearly six mouths under 0Onetant Ohrietian instruction while doing ouch work se their weakened bodies were able for. Thio has been done by means of $428 contributed for the purpose. Dr. Wilkre i0 at present building, at a Dost of $4000, a B11 11/441041 on it ten more Minnow, ary hill, which is earrounded by 46 mores more of land belonging to the Mieoiou, A school Bite has also been obtained 0oneiet109 of 14 nares. Dr. Wilkie'e pertinacity and 0000000 in securing tide property, all within the Municipal limits, has surprised many. Bat there woe pertinacious prayer in Canada a0 well as pertinaoions efforts in India. The amount contributed for all p11rpose0 during the year by the few hundreds ofmen, women, and children who ere interested in this work has been $8652, and only a310lanes of 3370010 required to oonipleto the, Bungalow. But, by the blousing of God, the work le growing so tato that reiutoroemente of those who have "aimed to work" will be cordially weleomed. .Phe' second Anulvereary Meeting of this little. Mission was held fn Toronto, in Weeteninioier ahurob, on Wodueaday, Nov, 7th. Rove Dr. Luoae, a diotioguiehed Missionary of the F4>rtlyvfcla. H. W. Laird 11)00 returned from the West and apemen very highly of the preiri0 prov10000 ire a young mau'e coeutry, Steve Brown, U. P, It tie inepeotor received a free pass Go the Pacific; oott01 mud leaves Otte week. His graad•dangh• tor, Mios Barbara Batobert, will 000,03• patty him ire far as Manitoba. Ata recent meeting Howick Conned decided to submit a biennial townohip eleotiou By•Iaw or a Bylaw to hold township eleotioue every two years to the eleotore of this township for their approval or disapproval. There was a large representation of Oraugemeu from No. 612 at Orange Hill on Sunday and were highly delighted with the ethane sermon delivered by Rev. 0. P. Weise, The 00ll001ion; of $10 00 was given to the Siok ObIldren'e Iiuepttal in Toronto. There are 28 bridges spanning the Maitland on the aoneeraioue and sidelines of Howiok, seven of which are um iron atructoree-FOrdieloh, Berber's, Sander. oou'e, Earle, Maxwell's, and Ear0gey'e, This leaves 22'woo4eu elructoreo, which In time, will have to be replaced by mur0 eubetautial bridges. Helps Merl Te Work third Tbat'o what Ferrozone dopa; it eappliee the additional strength that enables a man to maintain health under diffioultieo. "Leat Spring I wee eo oomplelely fagged out I could not work" writes J. W. MoNiohol, of Turnbull, Man. "Ie the morning I was tired -limbs noised all over, lied no appetite tvae sleepless, nervous and unhappy. Ferrozone pat new life into me. Now I eat heartily, nerves are alr0ng, I sleep welt. I know the joy. of healtb." It's byeupplyiog nooriehment end good blood that Ferrozone builds op; try it -50e per box at all dealers. lf3t•vrlr. When will the Stevenson Carriage Werke set started ? The Eokbart Family in Industry Hall on Monday,, Nov. 19th. The °Molal Rewe of the G. lit G. now atateo that the rails will be in Blyth on the 15th. Jae. AlloMarollie ie away to Mobile, Alabama, II. B., attending the Ticket Agent's Convention. J. Ooombes and W. Logan, who have been in the West for the past few menthe, have returned home. Frank Metcalf was attending the aaoual meeting of the direotoro of the Aoaooiatioo of Pairs in Toronto. Mre. Will. Moser and baby left recent• ly for Trenton where they will visit et the former's borne before goiog to Sa0kaloou. Harold Jarvis concert hao been obang• ed from Nov. 28th to Deo, 3rd, owing to Harold Jarvis not beiug able to get to Blyth on the 28011. The oarpeoters on the water tank at the G. & G. finished their work and left for Colborne atat100, where they will work on the oonetruotion of the station. A. Bainton tae pare11010ed the home belonging tl Charles Hamilton, on Queen otreot, and intends rem.lving it to another Int sed building a good bowie on the property. Rno1(-NOLAN-A wedding was eels listed in St. Michael's ahurah, Monday morning of last week, when Mies Maggie Nolan bermme the bride of James Ryan, all of Morrie townehip. The bride wee dressed in a travelling tuft of red and a {tat to match. The happy oouple were supported by Mies Nellie Ryan and J. Ryan. They were united by Rev. Fr. Hanlon in the preeenoe of a large assembly, Mr. and Mre. Ryan will be American Preebyterioo thud% who onmo kern New Rork wee present on the i occasion. He vi83ted Jhanei last April aonorded many good wishes for a happy and pr00p000110 Mail over the mien of Iile. The following Item appeared in the paper0 fast week and refers 10 a young Indy well known to the people of Blytt,. Mine Edith E. Rigsby, slaughter of Rev. W. R,geby, a former pastor of the Metho- dist ohuroh here ;•-In the Methodist (March, Uolgary, Atte„ on Oct, 11111, M100 Edith Rigsby, daughter of Bev, W, Rigsby, was united in marriage to Albert J. Al000k, of Peniliotion, B, 0, Steel Knife In The Flesll That's the sensation experienced by Robert Price, of Bootee, Oot, He knew It wait 003011011 and of 00nrte need "Nor. villus." Ao neons it cured and be Bays : "No liniment Dan exoel Polbon's Not• vtliue. Severe pales made my Bide lame, 51 13ee like 4 meet knife running through the fleet]. I rubbed in lobe of Nerviliue and woe oomplelely cured," A regular snap for Nerviliue to sass Soiatioa and rheumatism, It oinks into the Dore of the pain, cures it in short order. Large 250. bottles sold at all dealers. Exeter", W. J. and Mre. Carling left Wednesday ot1 a trip to New Orleans. R. E,0Goo bee completed a oolonial cement veree& on the front of hie resi- dence 011 Audrey; street. Commencing last Sunday evening Rev. A, H. Going, B. A., will preach a aeries of Sabbath evening eermone on Sooial Problems and their relation to Christ. lenity ,n James Street Methodist church, Willie, the ,y'.nnge00 000 of Eli. and Mrs,. Snell, ban been 000flued to hie bed suffering from appeu(lioitia. It wee at drat thought advisable to perform an operation, but the patient recovering somewhat it wee decided 110 00n00eeeary. Oo Friday afternoon Sod Inst., the field epode of the Exeter High and Public School were put on under the novices of the H. 8, Scientific end Literary Souioty, Somme attended the affair in every particular. The day was one of the finest it was pooeible to expect% at this time of the year. The sun shone brightly and It was fairly warm although the grounds were somewhat wet and cold. The atte0401100 wee large -of leaohere, aobolare and intereoted townspeople, Greet enthusiasm wail manifested by all, and 003333ng transpired to even octet a slight mar over the proceedings. It was the original intention to bold the sports on the Agriouaural gronude, but the traok 03,110 heavy andwet and only the relay races were run there, after which all repaired to the epaoio0a school groaude which were found to be in a ,maob more -imitable oondition. Clinton. Carman Hall has taken a position with the Sovereign Bank. Mrs. David Jackson, who tae beau in poor health for months, is 0013 in oddest condition. There are Dearly a dozen oases of typhoid in town, but all those 00fferi030 therefrom are on the road to recovery. Rev. Dr. Briggs, of Toronto, has con- noted to oo❑duot the 000300reay 00rvieee of the Wesley church, at a future date. Dr. Shaw and F. R. Hodgene and W. Jackson left to join the exonroion of the tiolfet sellers ae000ialioo to Mobile, Alabama. James Stevens spent a few days with hie son-iu•law Israel Taylor, of London, who ie jest reooveri1133 from au attack of typhoid fever. At the meeting of the official board of Outerio street church, John Gibbinge, Lorne' Tyndall, Albert Hooper, Jacob Taylor and Henry Livermore were elect. ed otewarde. Tba fleet named gentleman was elected reoording etoward. Some boys who upset the Bummer house of James Hearn on Hallowe'en were oompellod to go and replace the same, and where other injury was done to property the aatboritiee intend to make the perpetrator) thereof repair it. The 0. 0, I. football Seam spin above• ed their strength and ability to hold the Bough Cup by defeating the Goderioh tenni by three genie to a goose egg. This is the same more 0a in the matoh with the changeling Seaforthe a month ago. feet warm and snug and snow. Keep the feet dry in sloppy weather. They are made to wear and our prices are made to make it easy to buy them. Here are a few 1— nizll'y Flenvy Shoes Boys' Heavy Shoes Women's Heavy Shoes Misses' Shoes Wear i e 'vg shoes now. ® 1p m When your feet are cold you feel, cold all over—"shivery." Cold feet are good for the doctor's busi- ness. The man whose work is more or less out of doors must keep his feet warm. It is important. Don't take chances with light shoes when you ought to wear good heavy ones. Some we have here will keep the and protect them from the wet $1 00 to $3 00 80 to 1 60 90 to l 65 'g � 11�'� ,� 'y� ��''��yy ,,�yy�,y�70©©to�o 1 25 1,0 '04 'm r�Yn�l. lc 'Rit/u v�lta4a 4kAN. Rros A Photograph taken at Brewer's STUDIO Is sure to be a suooeoe, Something that will be pleasing to yolk !deeds fur Xmas Proseuto is gmto a thought. How about a nine Photo, of yourself, We have some styles of mounts suit- able for tithe e0a0ot of the year. Come 1n and see samples. Photos Framed cheap, Portraits of any Photo made in Crayon or Water Color, Family Groups a specialty. All Work Guaranteed, H.R. BREWER Fair Bros have neared a new and complete wagon for the banliag of wheat in bulk trim the Dare to the mill. It eaves bagging eutirely, and greatly Oi03plffiee the work of handling. Wine= taa rra. Mrs,. S. Greer, mother of W. J. Greer, of town tae sold her farm near Gerrie to Thos. Dobbs, of Monkton, for the Ham of $7,225. Roland Beattie Sae p0rohaeed a that, wood, etc., boaiueae in Alliston, and ie iu obarge there naw. Mrs. Beattie expeote to follow him shortly, The name of Bev. T. Boyle, M. A., B. D„ Ratner of St. Paul's (horob, hes been menti000d In oonueetion with the v0o000y in Trinity Church, St. Jobe, New Brunswick, a0 snooee0or to Canoe Riobardeou, On Wednesday morning of last week, Mies Caroline, daughter of Wm. and Mrs. Wellwood, of town, lett home and friends to commence her journey to the mission fields of China, ad representative of the W. M. S. Society of the Methodist Charoh. The j ,uroey is a long one, and it will probably be the let of March before Mies Wellwood reaches the 00ene of her lettere work. On Tuesday afternoon of !set week the large uamber of ladies that assembled in the Town Ha11 to form an Auxiliary to easiest the Wi0gbem Hoepiiml indicated a loyal interest in the enterprise. The following were elected officer') :-Hon. Free., Mrs. (Dr.) Macdonald ; Pres„ Dire. O. M, Walker • Viae Pree., Mre. F, Spading, Mre. A.. Rose ; Mre. J. B. Ferg0Oon ; Rea. Sec., thee Brook ; Oar. - See., Mies Macdonald; Treas., Mre, R. Vanatone. Au entertainment committee wlte 0100 appuiuted, and other prelim• {nary beefless traneaoted. lit w Ou41. John Robbie returned from the Weet where he Sae been working etuee early in the Spring at hie trade of mason. Glen Andras and Jake Rueeoh, ohemiet and ohief burner reepeotively, of the Cement Co., lett for their home in the States. The Elma Beef Ring of the 8th and loth sou., held their annual me0110g on Oot. 25th at Andrew Sleveuson'e. After all the boeineee was traneaoted Mr. Sleveneon gave the members an oyster supper. Lemuel Pelton Sae returned from a abort jaunt to Cobalt where be visited hta eon in•law and daughter, 0. H. and Mee. Fullerton. lie enjoyed the trip im• meoeely,found the country sold enough, but fall of ale and aotivity. Everything pro03ie00 a lively mining boom next year. The annual meeting of 'the Executive of the Atwood Braooh Bible Soeiety was held in the Methodist ohnroh, The president. Rev. A. MaoVioar, presiding, and John A. Turnbull es Seoret0ry. Minutes of last annual meeting wars read mud approved. The treasurer read hie report whiob showed $114 as the amount raised by dila branch during the past year. Election of oecert re - salted as follows :-Preoideot, Rev. A. MltoVieeir ; int V,oe President, Rev. H. P. Westgate ; 2ud Vice-Preeideul, Rev, S. Bond ; 3rd Vioo•Preeidenl, the Bap. Om Minister ; Secretary, John A. Tarn bull ; Treasurer, D. G. Anderson ; De. poeiter, Mre• John Roger ; Exeoutive, game ire Zest year. A storehouse For Poisons Yon may not think eo, but that's what you become wheu the kidney's are affected. These organs cleaume the body : they are the littera that remove from the blood the waste matter that note like deadly poieun on the vitality and health of the system, Dr. Hamilton's Pi11e etimulate the kidney'e,expel fermenting matter from the bowels, 0001010 the Aver and stimulate all excretory and secretory organs, Thi8 enables the blood to quiokly replenie11 itself and eelabliehee period health, No medicine dose such senting good es Dr. Hamilton's Mandrake and Butternut Pills, 25e at all dealers. L,trrtowel. Postmaster and Mrs. Bay are spending a fortnight at the "Soo." The grounds around the larnitnre Mowry have been enoloeed with a Diose board fence. &R. C. Bamford had one of hie fingers badly lacerated while operating ama0hine in the planing taotory. 8, S. Jennings ie adding another glace 0trnotore to hie green houses, whiob le intended for plant propagation, Local Option petition was turned down by the town Cloonoil 110 the 25 % of names wee not on the petition, Robb. Thompeon will move hie More back to the old stand in a day or two. The store has been fitted op It moat up. to date style. An protium% has been 0rg0nf304 to play in Xoox ottani, B. 8. every Bnnday afternoon. The oro11oatra 0oneiete of eight pi0000 at present. P. S. Oonnolley is expboted fn town in a few days. to assume his old position 0s, Seoy.•Treas. of the Morrie Piano tlo„ and at the same time toaot a0 local for the Company's piano. The chairman of the School Board was enlbor101011 to confer with She lb3edioal Health Mose of the town sad ,0rrauge with biro if poaaiblo, to make en ludivid- nal examination of the children in Oho i publio sobool and report upon ail defeats in sight, hearing, oto., and on receipt of krr'w.•.e..".!'. ,soul New Firm D. WALKER AND M. i3LACK have formed a co -partnership, to be known as Walker & Black, and will carry on 11, Furniture and' New Undertaking Business IN THE LECKIE BLOCK Their stock of Furniture, Undertaking Goods and Musical Instruments is new 'from the Factories ; has been bought for cash and will be sold at Reasonable Prices. MR. CHAS. FORSTER, an experienced Undertaker and Upholsterer, will assist in the business. Picture Framing a Specialty. They hope by strict attention to business, square and honorable dealing with their Cus- tomers to merit a share of the public patron- age. Night and Sunday calls will be promptly attended at David Walker's residence, North of bridge, Turnberry street. \VALKER & BLACK MONTHLY NORSE FAIRS EERUSSE LS The regular Monthly Horse Fairs will be held for the eeasou as follows : THURSDAY DEO. 6th, 1906 JAN. 3rd, 1907 JAN. 31st, " FEB. 28th, " APR, 4th, " 41 Leading Local and Outside Buyers will be Present such report the Board strange to make snob report to the parents or guardians as the oiroametenoee warrent. Liberate of St. Anne's division of Mon- treal nominated J. O. Walsh for the 0ommone. 1'be Hamilton Street Railway 0om• pony have asked Mayor Biggar for militia protection. Three Italian laborere were killed and 0even others badly hurt by au explosion of dy0amile at La Toque, Quebec. 51 is feared that all the crew., of the bark Adoona on Riohibuoto Bar., N. B., twelve or fourteen men, have perished. The lite insurance underwriters pre. eenled a ti7emariat to the oOrmiaiOn asking for stringent laws &gaine) rebate. The Montreal Street Railway Company decided to 10Ore000 the capital °took by two millions at a premium of $75 a share. The conference at Ferule between the coal company and the °Morals of the trotted aline Workers ended its adisagree. mono, At Summerbury, Sask., Mr, Barbour was robbed by a sneak thief of $31,000, which was so be need in paying for wheat, Hamilton striking street railway 003• ployees attended oburob service ou Sun• day and heard sermons that encourag- ed them, The eeven'year•old eon of David Rutherford, of Newooetle, was killed by a spear Lalling from 110apple tree and piercing his brain, Joseph H, Grenier, charged with rob- bing hie employers at Montreal, i0 alleged to have lost large throe of money in Tor• onto bucket 'shop°. Premier Roblin and Attorney•Ge11eral Campbell while iu Ottawa will both ap. pear before the Insurance Commission to explain their oonneotiml with the Mani- toba land salmi. Prevoutioo, se the name implies, pre. vent all Ooide and Grippe when taken at the eneez0 stage, Prevontioo are t0ollteome candy tablets. Prevention dissipate ell colds quiokly, and taken early wbeu you flret feel that a cold is coming, they oheok and prevent them. Pre58htfo0 are thoroughly safe for obit] drop, and ire effootnal for adults. Sold and r000mmended in 5 cent and 25 tient boxes by P. R. Smith, Twenty Minutes Time Enough? To Cure the Worst Headache From Any Cause—New Reduction Method. Most headaches and pains yield instantly to the new Reduction Method -Dr. Shoop's Twenty Minute Headache Cure. The cause for these pains is congestion- a rushing of blood to the nerve centers -which distends the veins to nearly the bursting point. Swollen and enlarged„ these veins and capillaries exert an Irritating. tlbres rThen thore'enlds ofnerve and branches that exaruelating, cease-,, ,' pain, ache. Tile new Reduction Method � '�'sy_ disperses the blood distributes the/ _ \overflow, and d1+ recta ft to thepro• �.y�,`��: n.:,:.,`Per obannele, Di frees the nerve ^-:. oll'� centers from an' pressure and y :: \ irritation -chs pains and r \ aches amp. 0000be0a000 ..., , 111011 00000 a .:, mored. You maytrhas been ho '.J,-.1 dies -you ❑thou '{�' yh " sand dBmW dies -you may ha� es J drug and Btu+ pity the nerves -. a intosubmlesloa -but the rfand f whiob brfnrs prompt relief andpermanent ours will be successful w•7'�. bectvee it reduces the congestion -it ` must embody the Reduction ation Method. Med,olne 1100 thus found n way -pimple and sure, yet the only wa. -0000000411y overcome these attacks of Head. Toho and Neuralgia. The Curet of Dr. S-Oop'$ Twenty Minute Headache Cure is he and featly suited a all forma of erament. and sale lately coslafve in every temperament. For ossa and recommended by , F. R. SMITH. 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