The Brussels Post, 1906-11-15, Page 4'CO Nra55eis Vast. THUS NOV. 16, 1906. KING Euwaap was 65 years of age last Friday. Ilia birthday was royally Dale• brated in many plane iu the Old Land, IT is rumored that Oaundian troopa from Halifax may be seat to Gibraltar I next year j0 exobaoge for a British regi. maatetatioued there. BON, Ma. REa0M8 n0derwent a 900. cesalul medical operation at Windier on Saturday, He has not been in the enjoy- ment of very rugged health but we hope he will anon be fully restored. TUEsna0 December llth ie the date of the annual meetiug of the East Huron Liberal Aseooietion and also the Nomivating Convention for the Com. moue. Meeting will be held in the Town Hall, Bruesele. TRE :Brunt daily rehearsal of shooting aooideote while on hunting tripe shows a greater necessity for °are on the part of sportsmen. It would be better to lose 100 deer than maim a man for lite, if nothing worse. LAST Sunday evening the first train from Parry Sound to Toronto made the trip on the Great Northern. It made the 149 miles in a trifle over 7 hours, Regular trafli.o will nom• m011o9 shortly it is stated. Doonotoo Parliament will aonvaco on Thursday of next week, One of the most interesting and biggest features of the session will no doubt be the queotioo of the tariff. A good many assume that very few radical changes will be made. Sous say Mr. Meerut wa8 not badly eat aeon by Mr. Engine for the New York Governorship, when he was defeated by 40,000 majority. Well maybe not but it is quite a load to Drawl from in under. Mr. Hearst is quite chirpy and though alightly diefigured is still in the ring -with the anent on the het word. We have oar doubts if the election pro- oedure in the U. S. i9 an improveme06 0n that in our Oauadian land. A GOOD many people wonder how it name to peas that the report concerning West Elgin, writing down Local Option and Mr. Hepburn, Liberal oaodidate, was mailed from the Provinolal Seoretary'a department, Toronto. The following un• signed letter accompanied it :-By direo- tion of the Honorable the Provincial Secretary I Bend yon, its a matter of public interest, the enclosed clipping and draw your special attention to the re. marks of the Polies Ma ietrate. Should you comment editorially on Ihie otter. auae the Department will be glad to have a marked copy of your paper. Local Option in Elma, The Atwood Bee of last week ways :- Thio good laid township of Dina late ice share ofexaminant uow. Last Thursday the ooancil held a epeoial meetiug ao the call of the Reeve at 5 p. m., for tun pur• pose of reaetvlug a petition from the rats. payers asking them to submit a Local Option By•Iaw to the people next J an nary. Tbie petition was presented, eigned by 393 duly qualified voters of the township. Toe law required 25% of all the voters and this would mean that 299 names were necessary, Oue petition containing 22 names was clot received in tiwe, se that 10 reality 412 persons eigued the petition. So ter 90 good, everything eaemed. (ileac etihog, but there was a reef in the municipal Goean. The liquor party had not been asleep. They bau 0800 in the o008a@ minutes that the moused were borrowing 52000 to be used tin the Hatters were aoileuted. Teo oouncil had propoeed borrowing the above named sum from the Bank of Hamilton, when Reba, Buchanan, sue of their number, offered the coattail the money at lower rate of intermit, Now, the Reeve and Uonooillore knew 91 was not legal for Me, Buobauau to lend hie money, to the towoebip, but as it meant a saving of some money in the towiehip iu the way of Intere81, they accepted it, thinking there would be o0 man 10 Elena mean enough to call their 8otioh in question. But that wag where they erred. The liquor pasty wauted a 0atob, and they mead it with avidity. Before the commit Bat for bueineea last Tbnreday, R. Buohenau WAS served with a notice by Mayer Waleou, of Listowel, on behalf of Vat loerger, proprietor of the Elma Hoose reetratuiog BOobanan from 80ting as a Oonuaillor ae he was disqualified by vir- tue of hie ouu)raot 00 lending money, The other oouuoillore were aleo nerved with an injunction, rentrainiog them from paytug any of the township's mousy to Buchanan, on the penalty of eaoh being held personally responsible for snob money, Mr, Buobauau did not take hie seat as eonnmllor but the remaining oouooillore received the petition. On Saturday the council met for regular boeiuees, but did nothing with the petition, further than to await developmente, ae they bed also beet served with a notice from 0, J. Wynn, of Atwood, to the effeot that all business done at the epeoial meeting of Thursday was illegal ou several grounds. The council had aleo reoeived a letter from the townohip'e solibitore, Morphy Jr Uarthew, stating thab they thought the township had good grounds for appeal to v higher mut, against the r0oent do01w 11 Of the Divisional Court q uashm the Sy. q g Y Law, In view of this the ooutsell de- ,ided to leave it to the temperance people to deoido whether they are Willie to pot up the emits of an appeal to the higher smart, The opened would thea appeal the mase and iu Daae of an adverse deuf8i0u the temperance people would be reepoueible for the meta of the appeal, To that end Local Option workers met letchurch u Mo da inl � 4 a the to hodMonday night. The attendance was large and the members entbutiaetiO. The object, of the meeting was explained by the Preeideat J. A. Turubull, and mou) die euneiou took plaoe ne to the expedien• oy of eppeahag. Many thought that the appeal WAS uncertain and the better way would be to appeal to the people in January acid let them settle the matte, 8008 and tor all. Tbie was flually decided, and BP organization for the whole towuehip wee completed for parrying on a vigorous campaign in favor of Looal Optiou. Thus the matter will be eft to the intelligent eleotore of Elam to decide on the Bret Monday in Jauuary, A CENTENARIAN. The St. Themes Journal speaks as follows of Arch. llsloTaggart, an uncle to John and Dongald MoTaggart sad Mre. J. McNair, of they township :- One of the 00081 remarkable men of Elgin County, if cat in Western Ontario, is Archibald MaToggart, ot the towoebip of ;iialahide. This old gentle• man is now in hie oue hundred and third year, and jadgiugfrom hie present hearty condition, he may yet live some years o0ger. His teoultiee are moat alert, with the exaeptioue of his eyes. Cater sets have Bo effected them that he is almost blind. He hearing i8 agate still, and hie mind fairly clear, and hie mem- ory good. Mr. M°Taggart was bora in Ayrshire, Scotland; July, 15th, 1804. When fifteen yeare of age he removed to the lowlands of Scotland, where he engaged in Hsiang for some time. While there be married stud came to Canada in 1842. Be mane directly to Elgin County and took up two hundred acres of lend where he at present resides. The homestead was •11 the heart of a pine region, and Mr. MuTaggart set up a saw min. He oun- cleoted this for many years, and with his tarmiog he amassed a ooneiderable 00005)810008. Some twelve year8 ago he retired - then being over ninety years of age. tae still took au active interest tai passing events, and wee always well iolormed. About five years ago hue eight began to rail, eines wh(oh time the old gentleman ban not taken 80 great an interest in events. One of the most unique celebrations ever held in EIg111 000nty wan the year 1904, when hie handreth birthday watt oelebrated by A monster Pio nim. Thous ands of friends and oeighbore gathered at the old homestead to pay a tribute to him, and offer their oongratoatioea. Over eighty members of hie (amity -they Dame from de tar West ae Oahforuia aim ae far Ent as tate Coast -were present aid it proved a remarkable 0008eion. The old gentlemen showed a keen interest iu the day's sport and was greatly pleased with it. Mr. MoTaggart 19 a mea who has made many friends. He has alwaye been be soul of honor and hie integrity has.. been proverbial. He has legions of frieode and they all seines a keen interest it, the old man. He has two sons and three daughters alive, all of whom live in Mnl8hide Township. Hie wife died some years ago. School Reports. 10,00. e9No. OA Sr. IV -Eva Bothwell. Jr. IV - Katie Denman, Pearl Oxtoby, Alma Spoken, Iva Speiran, George Evans, Blauoh Whitfield, Willie Speiran. Sr. III -Mary Meehan, Margarette Hatch ioson, Wilfrid Whitfield, Lily Evans, James Doull. Jr. III -Herman Piokrell, Della Whitfield, Percy Ward, Bart Speiran. Minnie Hanna, Fred Cox, Stan ley Maohan, Gorden Whitfield. Sr. II - Henrietta Deumen, Gerrie Speiran, Edith Piokrell, Milton Oxtoby, Freddie Holleubeok, Margaret Love, Millie Cox, Earl Ratliwell, Wee. Ballantyne. Jr. II -Ben fiolleubeok, Pt. II- Glydes Holleobeok, Erio Hutchinson, Stanley Speiran, John Hoagies, May Douglas,. I -Ruby Hanna, Leslie Lake, Eddie Ward. H. 0. MaoGILLIvnlr, Teaoher, 8 8 NO. 1, GREY, Sr. IV -Addie Grant, Lizzie Hoover, Bert Darter, Willie Hoover. Ir.IV- Harvey Hoover, Leslie Switmer, Joo. Mo• 081111m. Jr, III -Ida Rand, Jessie Al. cook, John Al000k. Sr. II-Rueeel Carter, Jamee Steveneon, Arohie Engle. Ir. II -Cora Al000k, Willie Groot, Willie Hollinger, Stewart Miller. Sr, Pt. I -Mervin Miller, Willie Alcoak. Jr, 08, I -Minerva Hollinger, Ella Rands, Voloey, Pandora, Harold Hollinger, Malcolm Engle, R. LANGDON, Teaoher, S. S. No, 4 Maims Jr. IV.—Exam, in Arith„ Lit., and Hist. -Roy T'huell, 407 ; Martha Mo. Oatoheou, 898. Jr. 1II, Exam, in Aritb., Lit„ and Hiat.,-Harry MaOotah• eon, 448 I Willie Thoeil, 482. Jr. II.- EXAM, I- Exam, in Arith„ Corn„ and writing, - Bessie Jordan, 602 ; Joseph Thoell, 471 ; Harvey Mo0utoheon, 442. Pt, II - Exam, in Spell„ Writ., and Com,- Jeuny Boott, 323 ; Fred, Thaell, 314. Sr. Pt. I. -Bertha Stevens, 108 ; Louie Stevene, 94, Jr. Pt. -Florence Boost, Ernest Smith, Ida Kernaghan, Roby Kernagban, I. MoNAA, Teacher, The following is the standing of the unpile of S. S. No. 10, for the month of October. Namee stand in order of merit. Those marked with a 95ar were abeent for pert of exam. Sr, IV. -Exam. in Arilb„ Gram., Geo„ Hist, Ferns Eck. eller, Arthur Shaw, *Frank Shaw, •Alio, Thornton, •H. Anderson, *Agues Miller, Willie King, Mary Forrest. Jr. SV, -Alma lung, Jennie Moffatt. Sr. III. --Annie Breokenrtdge, M. Mason. Jr. III, -*S. Coombe,, John Hodge, John Moses. Sr. IL -Walter Meager, *Harvey Cott, Int. II, --Geo, Moffatt, •T. Robb. Jr, IL -Mary Miller, H. Goombe9, M. Riobe.rdeon, Grace Curtis. Pt. IL -Bert Mason, Alex. Shaw, Maggie Breckenridge. Pt. I.-Selah Breolten• ridge, M. Johnston, J. T. SonoousN, Teacher. School Report of 0, S. No. 8 Morrie, for October, [Banding based on attend- ance and general prodolenoy. Be. IV.- Vina Bowman, 604 ; Frank Bryane, 400 ; Jr. 1V. -'gena Yule, 510 t Margie Ifuill, c e er 4 8 Jr. 1 E h Bellere, 3 496. S r.lI, S III, -••Mabel Bone, 504 ; Russel Carrie, 498; Harvey Hendereon, 96 ; Roy Sollars, 9, Jr. II tinned Bone, 447 ; 1 John Riley, 887. Part. II. --Sadie Riley, 694 ; Lila Wilkinson, 870. Sr. PL I, -- Harold Currie, 500 ; Ward Sellers, 289, Jr. Pt. I. -••John Yuul, 414 ; Irene 1Vilkiueon, 857 ; Charted pehere, 582, The majority of poor marks is due to aou•att90d&1108. Parente sbould see that their children attoltd pun to IIy and regularly. Chum/ 151 SLLf0AN, leacher, Report of B.13 No. 2 Grey for unset 1 of October. Namee are In order ot merit and the star iunioatnn abeeuue during some of the exams. Ocher V, -- Katie Cluik. Sr, 1V.-Florenoe Clark, R. Cunningham, *L, Cololough, •J. Oololough. Jr. IV. -N. Turnbull, I, blame, •J. Oiled, •0, Stewart. Br. IIh -J. Oliver, °G. Oololougb, •M. Como. Jr. IL -E, Clark, A. Stewart, Pt. IL - I. Ounuingham, J. L Oliver, Sr. pt, L- I. Steiee, and U. Oulotongh. Jr, pt. I, - R. 0, Harris, J. S.ewart, J. Clark. R. Moline, Teacher, It Mime 111 Your Earn That same (tough i8 everywhere you go, deep end hollow becaeee consumptive. First it was catarrh which could have been oared by Catacrhozaue. Moral, slaver neglect a mold, never trifle with catarrh, go to your druggist and get Oaterrhozoue. It's in80a09 death to °olds, puree them in 8 few mioulee. throat trouble and oatarrh disappear ae by magic. Oatarrhozoue ie the great throat, 1109, and brouchial remedy to day. rhoueaude use it, dootore prescribe it. - why, because it does relieve quickly Bud sure thoroughly. Two Sizes, 25o. and 51 00 at ed dealers. Ethel. Are your glaesee right 7 Vision changes ae all things do, See Taube Son at Fox's Drag Store, Bramble, on Wedoeeday and Thoreday, Nov. 2lst and 22nd, P. S. ARMSTRONG DIEe.-Percival S, Armstrong, u prom(oeut citizen of St. tlarys, died there Nov. 5th. He had Deep ill fur some time, but the troobfe was not thought eeriociel Some mouths ago his heath began to tail, and he de• aided to take a trip out West. While out there he contracted pleurisy and wise .eid up in the boapilal for eom8 menthe. About a month ago he retnrued home, and it was thought was getting better. However, be had a relapse, and einoe 'hen had been gradually eiukiug. De oeaeed WAG a man about tortyfive years ,ld, and up t0 the time 0( hie reoent ill- ness hod never been wok a day in hie ate. Mr. Armstrong was deoidrdly a public man iu 50ei0888 and in p-,litioe. He was for years preaideot of the Man. hard Mutual Fire Iusoranoe Society, At the time of his death he was presi. deet of the Ontario Underwriters' As- -halation, and for years was preaideot of the South Perth Reform Aesooiatiou, Mr. Armstrong's death will be keenly tet St. Mary's. He leaves a wife and one eon. Mre. O. Reyeard, of Ethel, is a 0008,11 to deceased. The Oryetal Oity Oonrier, of There. lay, November let ,aye -"A gloom wise east over the whole community on Friday last when the end and unexpected news woe received of the death of Mre. R. 3, Sharpe, which took place at her home two miles South of town, atter an aline -e of but a few hours, On Thursday she had been engaged a8 aeaal fo looking •titer her household duties, when towards ,vetting she endoenly became ill, her eon- (ilio0 gradually growing worse, and on Friday afternoon at 5.20 death ended her nuffer(nge. Deceased who had attained the age of 33 years, 4 months and 12 days, wee born ab Mono Centre, near Orangeville, Ont„ and wait the eeoond raughter of Jae, and Mre. Robinson. While bet very young the family was her. saved of their mother, and ae the eldest daoghler wag an invalid, the hoaeehoid duties were assumed by Mrs. Sharpe, witch she faithfully and e0ergetioaIly uonduoted until the year 1893, when ebe mime to Crystal Oity, and io the year following wan married to R. J. Sharp, who, with three little daughter0, Mary Ethel a sit ears Leta Ma e , Nod Y Y, aged four yeare, and Ella Louise, aged two years and cis months, survive her. Other immediate relatives are her father, who reeidee In Orangeville, a stater in San Franoisoo, and two other brothers in the Mooee Monotain dietriot, Mre, Sharpe was a fond wife and loving mother, and although moat of her alteo. 41011 wag given to her family, ebe was widely known and moth beloved by her many friends all of whom extend deep and empire sympathy to the bereaved family, The funeral 8ervioe was 0(in. dilated by Rev. F. L. Locke on Sunday afternoon, at the family residence, and the remains were followed by a large cortege 01 friends to their Iasi resting plane in the Crystal City cemetery. Like A New Disease Now to the man who never had 0orn0 ie the pain relieved by Patoem'e Corn Extractor, Old corns and new ones cured quickly by "Putnam',." Sold everywhere. 1 ------110171-1V1-13E117, bringe scores of Young people every year from the Farwe and Villages of n o load t ae, mouths u e r t B iar urn tn our eplepdid 3�bcol--Tlu CIERAL BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO, ONT. From oomwuu108t1oae-at hand, this m0atb Eb,e year w111 bring as many es ever. If you have mot th0ug115 of it. nog had our Catalogue, :wine for ft sconce and you will likely plan to join ue. Addre98- W. H. &saw, Prinoipal. Yong, & Gerrard eta„ Toronto. You Cannot Get Another Pair of Eyes A good 13/t8ou why you should take the best oars of the pair you have. Hav- ing secured the Bermes of a reliable doc- tor of Optics in the person of DR. A. E. H. GRU PPE THE EYE SPECIALIST nod a gentleman of high standing in his prufesaiou, with 15 years practical exper- ience, I can recommend his work to give perfect ee.tiefaatiou. Those who suffer from defective vision or eye strain iu any form, kindly call at my store and reserve an appointment for examination. H. L. JACKSON JEWELLER. Testing and Examination Free. Montreal will have a new million dollar hotel on Dominion equate, (4)The wrecked steamer Turret Bell hie been condemned by the eorveyore. Mre. 3, D, Cinder, a W,.odstook lady, was attacked and badly injured by two borglare. Conditions have changed bat alightly in the Hamilton etreet car strike, The company have brought in a number of etrike•breakere, and may attempt to ran the oars io a day or two. On aaeo006 of the Quebec Oity Ootrnoil refusing to endoree the request of the Rose Rifle Company for an additional piece of land the oompaoy will move their plant for the manufacture of sporting rifles, shotguns and entomalio pundit to some other plane. Thompson, a Donald from Stony Monulain Penitentiary told a remark. able story at the Doyle murder trial at Morden, Mao. He said Doyle arranged with otbere to pat the priuoipal Crown wltne8e out of the way, and the regis5ra Sion of Wei see' name after hie murder at the Battleford Hotel 0086 aleo the work of Day e's accomplices, SICK WOMEN MADE WELL. Thousands Find the Way Back to Health Through Ferrozone. No need for oo many sick girls and w0. men. Their ills are curable if they give them proper treatment. Nutrition must be supplied, blood meet be enriched, oervee 'strengthened, Hod additional power given to digestion. Ferrozone does tbie and more ; it earn 8809 oases as Ere. N. E. Peabody, of Trenton. She tree a wreak, savor thought medicine wag made that mould restore her, yet Per. rezone was eaooeseful. Among her troubles were :- Headaobee, Weariness, Nervooeneee, Weakueee, Palpitation, Loge of fleeh, Dizzy spelle, Poor);8ppetite. iH. "I was etriokeuerIStateulentwith narvoneldisease of hart n et mach. Ment the a and o Violent head aches made lite a torture. I was so nervous and weak I mould scarcely walk, Work was impoeeible, I couldn't eat or digest anything, When completely wreoked Ferroz me restored me. To day I am vigorous and strong and well." If yon lank power. of either mind or body its an evidence yon need Ferrozoue. If you have nervone spells, feeling of weakness in the limbo, tiredness in the morn. ink, you are Bare of mire with Ferrozone, i Think of it, Ferrozone gives back the energy of youth, restores vital otomitsa and 0088180 a earplug of vigor simply be- cause it 00ppliee the concentrated uoariebment your eyetem ueede. 50a, per box or 6 for 82.50at dealers, 1 MOVED TO NEW PREMISES -(`� 14ICDONALD announces to the t� • public that he has moved to the New Brick Store, - Ethel and opened up a choice stock and is ready to wait on customers better than ever. Call in and see our new premises. Hearty thanks to all for past pat- ronage. JNOC M0DONALD 1 1 h T4�elA.MYwM, �r AUCTION SALES. ,tUOTION SALE Ole FARM 300000, Iat0Lnatnwre, Fon11t'runit, dm - P. 8, Scott, attethu ter, bn8 been iuetrlotod by the undersigned to Boll by pnb4e anetion at Lot 1, COD. 10, Grey, on Wednesday, Noy, 'Met, at 1 o'olook, the follow!; g property 2 aged 11.111.080, 1 general purpose antro 4 y08 old, 5 cows supposed in mal', 2 butters 2 yeare (117 1 steer 9 'minion], 1ether 1 year old, 2 betters 1 year 01(1,4 Spring eslyo8, 1 4tussey binder, 1 Deering mower, 1 Ata•seynarrie u111vator, 1 Noxan sued drill, 1 Sharp rake, 9 walling plows, 2 two -furrow gang plows, 1 +et Tinton baarowe, 1 fanning (8111.1 ollio- der root yelper, 1 pea bat voter, 1 boring Wa0Wu0 and bite, 1 °lrouler saw shaft, 1 wagon, 1 truck wagon, 1 set bob•8l015110, 1 utter.! boggy, I sot 2,000 Ib Platt rm settles, I00 ft4 ply 013w rope, oar amid allege ppm• pieta, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 hay rack, 1 double ,segos hoz, 1 Loudon 18,108 maehlue, 1 wire stretcher and reel ,1 poet bole auger, l Spoon and erowbar, 1 glludetone, 1 set log book,, 1 wooden pump, 1 set double harness, 1 set single harness, 2 robes, 1 large oak lank, 1 Water box a quantity of cedar pposts, 1 bag truck, 2 bedsteads, 1 cupboard, 1 Daisy eburn,18 kitchen ohmire, t table, 1 82-20 Mar. Ile repeating rifle, a number of milk pane end uiooks nod uumerou8 other articles. Sete unreserved ae proprietor has sold hie term. Teres -.S5 and under 0,181, over that amount 12 mouths credit will be given on furnishing approved joi01 notes • 6 per cent oaf fur oath on credit amounts, ENEAS UR11113.,Proprietor; F, 8, 30000, alto, STOCK FOR SERVICE. CIHORT HORN BULL .VOR 1;EnyIOE. 'Phe uudereigued will keep for service ou Lot 7, 00u. 0, Grey, sue Short Ruts Bull, Soot ish Prmoe,=63320.• bred by J. A. ()rarer, Sbakeepeare ; got by Scottish Dom iwu, =90102= (70931.) Dam, Gem of Rnlle0bi0, lm ...3410,-. Took prizes at Toronto, Loudon, 'laviatook and 1Bru68ele. VAermo, 91,00 for grade cows and 85,00 for tboro'-bred e, with privilege of returning it ueoestary. JOHN 011ERAR, 10.4 Proprietor. IMPORTANT NOTICES FOR SALE -TWO NICE LEI CURTER Ram Lambe sired by Imported ram, and a number of ewes any ase • 81,0 some good young steers. 0. TIIRNIOALL, Lot 10,000.10, Grey, Walton P.O. 18.50 rlifREE YOUNG SHORT HORN Bullefor sale. 'Pwo were prize win. nen at BruseeleFall Fair. They are dan- dies, Red and roam in Dolor. Lot 8, Con, 9, Grey.. U. ROBERTSON, 14.91 Brussels P.O. YOUNG SHORT HORN BULLS Leicester Ram Lambe and Bronze Turkey Gobblers for Sale. Prices reason- able. N. A, MILNE, Ethel. 18.51 ROUND CEDAR FOR SALE - 15 pleoe6 11 feet long and •9 pieces 24 loot fu length. Also c number of owlet feuee poets. For 'archer particulars see or write 'THUS. NLW90M, Br08sels. 10-tf WARM TO RENT -THE UN• n3081017Rn will rout for a term of Hue years North Bali Lot 24,Qo0eeeeio05, Town. obis' of Morrie. containing 100 aeras. Parties wanting this kindly call at once so they man do Fall work. F. S. BOOT'', C. 0. F. Court Princess Alexandria, No, 24, O. O. F„ Brussels, meets in their Lodge Room, Blas. hill Block, on the 'dud and last Tueedaye of oaob mouth, at8 o'clock. Visiting brethren alwaye weloome. (0140R0E &ERR, O. R. W, L. LEATHERDALE, R, 8. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. - The uuderelgoed offers her 100 aore farm, being 10320, Oon. 7, dray, for sale or to rent. Oom100189lo house, hank barn, orchard, wolfs, 90. Farm is only 1 of a mile from the stirring village of Ethel. For nor- ther articulare apply to F. S. , 70 Erns - eels, p pp y or MRS. A S HULL ND 79 'Shifter r Stret, Toronto. ' 87•5rn PROPERTY FOR SALE -THE undersigned offers for aisle ate acre of land upon which is 0 comfortable dwelling house, iamb le, frust trees, good over -flowing well, &a. Property le located 9 of a tu11e Emit of Oranbrook and convenient to sohool, °hmoh, postoHioe, &a, Paeeoeeiou at any time. For ries tortes &o. apply On the p pp y premises to b1.. price, 9•tt or Cranbrook P.O. i)0NIFORTABLE RESIDENCE \) told 2 aoroe of land for sale on Wauut street, Bruseele. Brick house, good arable, hard and soft water, small orchard, 90, Property 1u good shape. Immediate posses• olou can bo given. Also a cement brick makleg nmeniue for sale. For further par- ticulars apply ou the promisee, TURN MoKENZ(E, Proprietor, Brussels, PROPERTY FOR SALE -THE uudereigued offers his bowie and lot, situate on Mill street, Brussels, for sale. It is well located, a couvenieut and &meter. table borne. Possession cam be given at once, 'Will also Bell the va880t lot, corner of Mill and Elizabeth streets, 9011091 would make a flue bui,dlug site. For further par. Looters as to price. terms, &o., apply to FRED, AUAM8, Hhrdware Dealer, Ford - W eb, 90-4 L'ARM FOR SALE.—THE UN - L 0,04,1008D malate 100 Bale 1118 188 102 acre i arm, befog Lot 16, Oon, 8, Grey town. 8111p ; about 97 acres cleared, balance good hardwood bulb, There ie a oomlortable house, good bank barn, flue orchard, &o. 1:4 MHOS from lethel Village and less than 6 miles to Bru08818. Plume well touted and In iven next good heart. oor furtherrther 510051snla08 an be ae toprioe, term e, &c,, apply to the proprietor, MA t.- UULM LAMONT, on the farm, or Ethel P, 01 10•4*tt 1.11AI3M FOR SALE, -A GOOD dairy farm of 100 cores, more or lees, being Leta 1 and 218 the 1S113 Concession of the '1'owuehip of Elora, 1s offered for 88(0. Lauri in good state of cultivation with good frame house and large bank barn, 150 aere0 0leured-70 agree gratia -seeded this year, La,go orchard ; well watered by wiudmlll ; 19 Miles drum school, thumb, store poet - 011100 and railway station, At the corner 1s a No. 1 eh8880 factory, 'Alia farm! 18 kuown ae one of the beet in the Township of E1 - me, For further patrieulore apply to GEO. WILSON Atwood. 17.4 !ARM FOR SALE.—THE UN- naR8I0Nan Mime his 100 acre term, being 81 Lot 10, Om1, 4, Morrie, for, Hale. 75 mares cleared mud all under erase exoopting 0 acres, Farm well adapted ler pasture, it ((ever fmilleg spring creel( run8 through It. There is a comfortable frame house, Hue bank barn 60 foet square, pig pee and Lou home 20850, and shed 200401 Small orchard. Poaeoeeion 9(080 any time. For further partiuulers apply on the premien or ad• dress deeaOale P. 0. ROBP, 31314DDEN, Proprietor, 18-98 LANDS FOR SALE FOR 'FAXES. Notice to hereby given that a 11,E of the lands for lade fur arrears of texas 1108 been May be had nt Chid eft e,tandp thles at theoof ll99 0 being pnb110hed in the Ontario Gazette, lo the (88004 of Angn8t 1801 and 25th, and Soptem, bar let and 8th, 1906. Aod tusk 1u default of payment cf the taxes and 0o0te tba lands bo Town ofI oda,loL oil 'Tuesday, at tileHtbee4111 daya tB Gof De member, at 2 o'olook la the afteruoofl. 0.3m WM, 1103491108, County of Huron, Treueuron i' -i Troaeu000'8OIBoo, GodorIob, Aag, 18, 18b5. 13toebtree,e 4 met 8 74le t,d1•artiv4.(a•Ip,ift.ttSLT'! FALL MILLINERY READY Pattern Hats and Millinery Novelties THE invitation is yours to come and see g n ever thithat is cor- rect r'ect and new in Fall Millinery. Nothing that has been accepted by the Fashionable of New Yolk and Paris has been neglected in our Styles. No formal opening this- Season— just drop in any time. Girls wanted to learn the Millinery. Misses abkirk Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Abi Mof- lrwi u+tum+ ie i fatt, late of the Village of Bruise , n the County of Huron, wid.w, deceae- ed. Notice ie hereby given, pursuant to Reels- od statutes of Ontario,1897, Cbap, 129, and amended Acte. that all creditors nod others having any claims against the estate ot the said Abi Moff,t1. wh tiled on or about tin Gth day of October,1900. aro required On or before the 24th day of November, 3046, t0 eeed-by past. prepaid, or deliver to A. N, Macdonald, of the Village of Brussels, Wile. (tor for Joseph Robb and Alexander Fm•syth, M the 'Township of Morrie, in the C.ru8ty of Huron, Exeeutare of said estate, their Christian and suruamee and• addleeeee with full partioulare le writing of their claims, the statement of their 000000(0 and the nature of the 08000818, (It any) held by them,verified by eatiefaetory declaration. AAnotice le farther given that otter the said lest mentioned date the said laxsnn- tore will proceed to dietrlbote the emote of the deceased amongst the panics outft- led thereto, having regard ouly to the Maims of which they ,hull then have 0otlee and that the said Executors will not be liable for the assets, or any part thereof, to any permit or pereone at whose Maims notices shall not have been received el them at the time of 8110[1 distributieu. Dated at Brussels this 8rd day of Novem- ber A.D., 1900. A. B. MACDONALD, 18.3 Solicitor for Executors. lf'f�78t4 r1E:Ks10460rAtSii z1:5? Banit of Hamilton Oapltal, Paid op, $0,500,000 ' S vp Reserve Fuad. $7.50.,000 I1 Total Assets, $29,900,000 A'' 80 BRANOHE8 IN CANADA 80 Preaideut, . . RON. WM. GIB80N Vice Preeident & General Manager, e TURRNBULL JAMS t@' ETHEL AGENCY Savings Department -Ample security Y for Depositors. Deposits of 81 00 and upwards received. Intereet allowed at Durrant ro9eo and eompounded half yearly. t ADVAN0E8 made to Farm era for feeding stook. Sale Notes eolleeted and advanoee made thereon, Draft bought Drafts 8 and Bold, W. N. MaHAY, sora -AGENT. Tzta5,t s:7tf3 $�.sa9te1Gi2gar Toronto It az and Metal Oo'y PAYS CASH For Rags, Iron, Rubbers, Wool Pickings, Horse Hair, Elides, Ste., Ste. Highest Prices for All K. LABEL Mill st. West, Brussels ,BmmSTsc,.e..mea,.o, Synapsis o f Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS ANY even uumberod 0005(00 of Dominion Lands in Manitoba, 8aekntobow,w and Alberta, exoeptiug 8 and 20, not reserved, may bo homesteaded by any person who fa he sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years of ago, to the extent of Duo -quarter section of 100 aoroe more or less. Entry mus be made personally at the local laud ufllee fur the dletrlo5 in whioh the laud fe situate, T[1a bomeaEaedor is required to perttrm the cooditiooe connected therewith under Cue of the following plane : (1) At least elx months' roettleeee upon and oultivatiou of the laud 10 ouch year for three years, (2) If the father (or mother, if the father is deceased) of the homeeteador resides upon m farm in the vloielty of tate laud entered for the reguiremeute as to rest - dimwit maybe 8atl8Had by Buell person re- siding with the father or mother. (3) If the settler hue hie (10rmana01 reel- de0oe upon farming land (tweed by hint iu the vicinity of hie homestead, the re- quirements as to reit/deuce may be weft• ked by reeideuee 0900 11'18 num! loud. bixmoutbe entitle in writing Should be Londe at Ottawa of inteutiou to apply for given to the Commissioner of Dominion N. W. 0035Y, Deputy of 111p ublieter of futerior. N. B. Unauthorizedwill a paid.• tiro of this ad- vertisement (sill mut be pawl for, ALLAN LINE • WO, ROYAL. MAIL. STEAMERS rti>• Montreal to Liverpool Victorian Nov 8 Ionf a0 Nov. 10 Halifax to Liverpool Virginian Saturday, Nov. 24 !sates Of Passage Ffret Cabin -$00 and upwards, o0oord(09 to steamer. Second (Tobin -842 00 mud up- wards. Third 01108- 527.55 mad 428 70 atonire11 to Glasgow Rlongoliem Nov, 8 Coriutbt an .... Nov. 15 Sicilian Nov. 2.1 Second elate 585 And up Wards : '1'11ird Blase SUM, For further partfenlare, rates and tloltets apply to 80, t1, REEK, Agent Al1au Lino, Brnae018 SALT Farmers or. Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Salt Works can get any kiud of Salt1 they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, - Brussels. agY'U•6f'Ytaa:B'0.tf"t0a•D"WLy'N.ofiJ"TJ,rosECYtGG67"tllIalp.t a 2 BEAUTIFUL MILLINERY A Large, Fashionable .and well assorted stock of Fall Millinery is now on display at my Show Room and the Ladies of Brussels and vicinity are cordially invited to 01611 and examine the saute. MISS MASON, who has had a wide experience in City Millinery, has been engaged for the Season. The undersigned is grateful for past patronage and asks for a continuance. Prises moderate and Satisfaction assured. MRS. MCK1NLAY ,M