The Brussels Post, 1906-11-15, Page 3S31)000004.7›.000470 -0-C340-0.00•041
All the shop windows in. town aro Lull
Of silk, and cotton, and giugham, and
But none of them shows a gown so goy
As his, Humming 13h'd wears to -tiny,
The very sane fulihiun her grandmother
11 has not a seam, or a pucker, or gore;
Tho sun will not fade it, the rain will
not spot,
It is just the thing, chilly weather or
A perfect Ili, and it will not wear out,
But will last as long as she lives, no
A law pale beams from- the morning
sun littered through the shutter of the
room where Tommy slept, and hovered
over his eyelids,
fie dimly heard Mary saying to his
little cousins In the next room, "Come,
children! Time to gel. upl Nobody
wants to be the 'cows tall' Lhis morn-
Than there was a rush end a scramble
to see who could get dressed ilrst, and
every once In a white some one would
call "Cow's tail! ahvays behind!" to a
little brother or sister who could not
"button up" quite so quickly.
I cannot tell you how much Tommy
heard of their merry chatter, for he had
been very tired from his long journey
to his unole's country hone the night
before, and fell as though he could sleep
So after the first can he muttered a
•drowsy "Ye -es," and—then turned over.
But the words he had heard kept run-
ning through his head in the oddest
way — "Cow's tall—cow—cow-that-jump-
ed-over-the-moon—" And behold 1
There she lay in front of him in the
middle of a large green meadow.
"Why, !tow big she isl" he said, as be
walked nether.
"Of coursel What else did you ex-
pect of a cow that can jump over the
He looked for the owner of the little
tinkling voice that said this; and there,
In the middle of a large red poppy that
was part of a garland round the cow's
neck, sat the daintiest little, flower fairy
"Does—docs she do it yet?" asked
Tom, astonished.
"Yes, indeed 1 11' her favorite pas-
time. I wouldn't be here it it weren't.
You see, it's this way," he went en—
"you've often heard of the little moon
fairies that come sliding down on the
moonbeams every night to pay us u
visit. Of course we're always glad to
see tlteni, and do our best to give them
just es good a time as we can in our
earth world.
'But you will acknowledge that it was
hardly fair for them' to visit us, and
then for us net to be able to return their
visits, But so it was, until Mistress Cow
here offered her services, providing wo
kept. her decorated with flowers, For—
just turn this way" and he actually lit
on Tom's shoulder and whispered into
his cur—"skim's very proud of her ap-
peeranCe—liistress Cow is.
The only trouble is," he said, as ho
nimbly Appal back again, "we can't
slay any time, for she won't stop, but
jilst sells right over; s0 it's 'flow -d0 -
you -do' and `Good -by' all at once. But
colpo along and sae for yourself. Just
jump right up here pear her neck. As
long as you're not afraid you can't fall.
That's the rule in Fairyland."
While Tom stood looking at hent,
with wide-open eyes of wonderment, the
cow suddenly gave a spring, and he
only had lime to grasp her tail before
she rose up, and up, into the blue sky.
"Cow's twill always behind!" a taunt-
ing voice came faintly back to him.
Henlemliering the fairy voice—not to
Die afraid—he just kept a tight grasp,
tend, with the end of the tail under him,
belt us comiorlablo as though he were
Silting in the easy chair at home.
The only trouble was that, though he
could hear the merry vetoes of the
tlOwer fairies laughing and chattering
somewhere in front of him, he could not
see them for 1110 cow's back, nor could
he see what it was they were malting
merry about. Everything seemed to
have just faded away by the time he
came up to it.
Now and then he caught a glimpse o1
a beautiful, bright slat' world as they
gilded whee they
came to past,and
m vmoon 11omtlia lovely,
shining, )isle green that was all about
them. He managed to see a moon fairy
flitting by, too, dressed In something
that shone liks the opals In his mo-
ther's ring.
But "Cow's twill always behind!" ]rept
running through his head, and be
thought, "Oh, dear! why didn't 1 jump
on when the fairy first told me to, Then
I could see everything. 1 em sure that
must have been the place of the man in
the moon that we just passed; 11 T
could only see it plainer. I \vender if
he isn'I. the king of the m0011 fairies?
"Listen 1 Wltat was that the flower
fairy was saying? '\Von't the picnic be
just lovelyt Picnicl .Did fairies have
picnics? Why—he was to go to a pic-
nic! When was it? Where was he?
How fast the Dote was goingl Down---
"01" And there he woe in bed with
the 11111e cousins dancing around him
and crying, "Cow's taill 'Tommy's the
eow's hill'
"1 won't be the cow's (0111" Cried
Tommy! and out he jumped, and wash -
el and dressed so 1piickly he was ready
with the first of them.
After breakfast, ‘when they worn on
their way to the woods for their picnic;
they all had a good rough over his
Wonderful deem, And 'pommy, re.
menlbering flew vexing it was to miss
the best part of el/milling by being
"aiwgys 'behind," took good caro never
again to be the "cow's tall."
Young Mother; "Do you think, baby
looks most like me or lets papa?" •'Nurse;
"Lilco you, mum. Mr. Jenkins is
Mighty , handsome ., lean,"' Advertise-
merit : Wattled—k een)(,,etent and
well-mannered nurse."
Keeps. your body
warm, yet lets
your skin breathe
—knit, not
-it fits,
rude Floyd
Trade -mar kedin red. In a
variety of styles, fabrics and
prices, for women, men and
children, and guaranteed.
Toilet Ware
"'TOILET WAIeE in artistio
abundance is pictured in the
pages of our Catalogue. Whether
your taste turns to Silver, Ebony or
Ivory, it wilt find ample variety from
which to choose.
From our own factory comes the
richly chased Pompadour Pattern in
heavy Sterling Silver. A six.piece
set—consisting of Cloth, Velvet and
Hair Brushes, with Mirror and Comb
—is unprecedented value at $30.
Picot are sold singly if desired.
so that a set may bo added to, year
by year.
Droit us a posed card and sue will
sndyvuJree,a/ chap aur Ia,ge illus-
trated catalogue oiIJnoetry, Sila.rsvassr.
Leather Goods, etc.
The Mc-Mac—
Hockey Stack.
Est Stiffness and Lightness.
2nd. Goes not fray at bottom,
3rd. -steeps its correct serape.
4th. Weight and design correct.
6th. Etery stick carefully in-
epsotod before leaving factory.
Branch. 126 Wellington
St. W., Toronto.
Our Latest Pattern
MOTE—The longitudinal serrations .on
handle, ensuring arm grip and
preventing stick slipping from
player's hand.
The double -grooved blade, the
lower •ora also being serrated.
This enables the puck to be ac-
curately shot for goal and
strengthens the stick,
the material used le
straight grata selected
second growth pilaw
Annie S. Swan Bays it Is no Place for
Man of Small Means,
In the London Chronicle, Annie S.
Swan, writing of the Calladlwl North-
West, says:
"The lend here, being ono of the rich-
est groin -producing sections a1 Mani-
toba, is no longer cheap, es understood
In the old days, when land could be
heti fur the asking. There is no more
homesteading—viz„ free grants of land
—ft has to bo bought, at any price from
flftaen to forty dollars per acre, In Eng-
lish money from three to eight pounds,
welch price includes house and farm-
buildlhgs, which really constitute an
estate. For 32,000 m' £3,000 one of rho
very hest forme, with suitable dwelling
and buildings, can be bought, which,
with stalled management, will return
10 per cent, oI the investment, with the
added satisfaction that the place is In-
creaeing in value every day. 'rigs 'or
the moderate capitalist.
"But for the num of small means, or
no means, (here is another opening.
He may rent a farm by the year, from
one who possesses several, paying slim
half the value of the crop. Ila has the
um of the stock and 'implements by,
this arrangement, and is spared the kil-
ling work of the pioneer, struggling to
haul in his farm acre by acre, often
handicapped through lack of money to
buy proper horses and implements to
work the land. This system prevails
very much hero, -and has excellent re-
sults, most then who rent the farm suc-
ceeding in buying it through course f I
time. Then life is pleasanter in a well-
settled cauntry. The pioneer struggles
are only for the young end buoyant sf
heart. Labor le scarce and dear; but
es the need is only pressing for a few
months in the year there should be dis-
crimination shown in urging inhering
men to come here. Certainly for four
oe five months in the year a skilled farm
laborer may earn ten or twelve shillings
a day, with board,
• "But in the winter he Is not required.
Then he drifts back to the cities, lo
help create the problems he had thought
perhaps to have left behind forever. I
do not see that anything can be done
to better such conditions meanwhile. A
thermometer registering from 20 to 40
degrees below zero forbids the idea et
much outdoor labor. Thus the present
system of bringing hundreds of men, at
cheap rates, from the Eastern Provinces,
to help through the press of the harvest
would seem to be the best. it is a One,
free, open life this, full of neighborly
kindness and simplicity. To the small
agriculturist, who, by reason of many
burdens, cannot wrest a living from
1110 meager acres at home; 11 offers not
only ample remuneration for his toil,
but that line feeling of Independence
which is the 1'ue zest of life. Here, be-
yond a doubt, it is possible for hien to
realize what ho has hitherto beheld only
in his dreams"
,._ 4
The Mnst Popular Pill.—Tho pill Is
the most popular of all forms of medi-
cine, and of pills the most popular are
Pcu'melee's Vegetable Pills, because they
do what. it is assorted they can do, and
are not put forward on any Odtltious
claims to excellence. They aro compact
and portable, they are easily taken,
they do not nauseate 1101' gripe. and
They give relief in the most stubborn
cases. - •
An Erdington (England) baker, Air.
Herbert Prosser, hes distinguished him-
self by racing against dale in the con-
verting of a field of wheat into loaves.
The entire fieid eves purchased by Mr.
Prosser, and cut, thrashed, winnowed,
and inked by machinery. ' From the
time that the last of the wheat was
gathered lo the moment of ifs withdraw-
al from the oven in the shape oI loaves,
only throe and a half hours elapsed.
This, Mr. Presser claims, is a world's
record. Five years ago a similar feat
was performed, but subsequent seasons
have not been dry enough to allow of
its repolitfon..
You eat doubliess name a number
of people who tack too much --including
It's a fortunate thing fm' .501110 office-
holders that killing time isn't punish-
able by hanging.
SCALD HEAD Is a disgusting and obstinate'
disease, :regnant In children. %roaament : Per-
fect oloanlinbre and a genernua application of
\Vaulter' Comte. Mutters will be glad to learn
A judge and a barrister being upon
indifferent terms, a client of the coun-
'sel's snaking his appearance at the bar
with leis jaw terribly swelled, the judge
remarked:—"Mr. — this client of
yours would make an excellent barris-
ter; he's all jaw,' which set, rho court in
a roar of laughter against the barrister.
On silence being restored, the counsel
then remarked _"My lord, I Chink he
would mala a better judge, for his jaw
is nil on one side." The retort turned
the lough against the judge, and from
that day they were good friend.
ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches ant
every form of contagious Itch on human
for rd'e 1 SanitaryrLd otion.0 Itnneverbfml15.
The Zulu war cry, used whenever they
take the Oeld by the South African foot-
ballers now in London,has puzzled our
newspapers, not one of which seems
able to spell it correctly. The Daily
Express gives It as "Igamilzhn," end the
Daily Mall as "Guinmillo." The cry real-
ly consists of two words, and should
he written "Igana iayo." "Iemma" is
Zulu for "name," and "lays" is a pos-
sessive pronoun, meaning either "111s"
or their. Thais the Daily Mail, al-
though quite wrong In its artlography
of the cry, is right in saying that it
merely means "'That is his name." The
explanation Is that ZnIu etiquette does
not allow worriers, when they rush in-
to battle, to mention the names of their
anemias, but Iho leaders shout 0111, "'.That
1s his name," pointing to the victims
with their spears,
Mr. Spr'oggins: "And 11 I decline to
i01 yml have 'my daughter, what do you
propose in ctilI'
Mr. Wibblesen: "1 warn 'you that in
that case we are prepared to act. Even
now, beloved Aurelia has her best
clothes. on, and awaits me near a rail-
way Mahon. 11 yeti decide against us,
we will flop together and neve!' sane
Afr. Sproggins (without a moment's
hesitation); "hen I refuse."
FIneneey: "What rint do they charge
fm' 0 house like yeprs?"
Fiunegat: "Twelve dealers." '
Flannery: "Aly, Ilte.l's high, Don't ye
have thrauble gotta n' ib together?"
Phnneganl "Faith, 01 don't, hat the
agent does."
Mellor: "Velo' boy, 1 hoer, es a deer
student. Popley: I-Tas always at the
bottom of his class, If that's what you
Saved Just in Tittle by Dr, Wi8h11U$'
Pink Pills.
"Before my daughter Lena began tak-
ing Dr. Williams' Pink Pith; she looked
more litre a corpse than a live girl,'
says Mrs, Gen. A, hlyles, o! SoulhWood-
slee, Ont. "filer blood seemed as though
It bed all turned to water, 'Then she
began to have bad spells with her boort.
At the least excitement her heart would
beaL so rapidly es to atilt 4 smother
bor. She grew very thin, had no ap'
petite, and whet lit tele food she, did eat
did not scene to nourish het. She was
treated ley ono of the best doctors in
this part of t110 country, yet. she wars.
dully growing worse and her !beam got
.;c had that. we 1WM'e afraid Ihat she
would die. She slept hut very little,
and would frequently awake with a
start and sometimes would jump right
up in bed. '!'hese starts would always
bring on a bad spell and leave tier weak
and exhausted. We !incl ainlast given
up all (lope of her ever being well agnin,
when we decided to try Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. After taking a couple of
boxes she began to sleep better at night,
and color began to return to her Lips.
From that on she kept right on gaining
end after tnktng eight boxes of the pills
she was again in good health. She is
now 011cen years of age, the picture :,f
health, end since beginning the pills
has gained about forty pounds in weight
Only those who saw her when 111 can
appreciate the marvellous change Dr..
Williams' P111k Pills 11aI'e brought about
11 her condition. I believe that had it
not been for the pills she would be In
her grave to -day, and it is with feel-
ings of great gratitude that 1 write you
in the hope that it may benefit some
outer sufferer."
And Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can do
just as much for every weak, ailing,
pale -faced young women who Is sltp-
ping adly de-
cline. f rDorr.. Williams' Pink Pillsanaemia into a nclually
make new blood. In that way they
strike straight at the root of all com-
mon diseases. like anaemia, headaches
and backaches, heart palpitation, indi-
gestion, neuralgia, rheumatism and the
secret ailments and irregularities el
girls and women. Sold by all dealers
in medicine or by mall at 50 cents a box
n • six hoxe.s for 4122.50 from The Dr,
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
-4-- --
Napoleon Bird Establishes a New Re-
cord 'Thumping "Dominoes."
Napoleon Birch, of Stockport, Eng-
land, has established a record for a
non-stop run on the piano. For 48
hours he hammered away at the keys
without a stop.
But this forty-eight hours' flow of
melody was nob achieved without phy-
steel discomfort. her. Napoleon Bird
Ls oily -One years old, and his muscles
aro not so limber as they used to be.
but Mrs. Nnpnleon Bird sat by his side
for all the folly -eight hours, and.. her
presence revived hire in moments when
his task appeared monotonous.
In the latter stages of this struggle
between melody and time Mr. Napoleon
ilird showed signs of excusable exhaus-
tion and pardonable drowsiness, lie
was rescued from both by gentle show-
ers of eau de cologne, which were spray-
ed on him. In the course of the last
flay also a barber shaved him to slow
As the hands of the clock approached
the hour of ten 111e enthusiasm of the
ember= knew no bounds, and when
the clock struck and Mr. Napoleon Bird
lifted his hands from the keyboard he
was seized and carried in triumph
through 110 st'ecte to Ills borne.
During the forty-eight hours he per-
formed 1,500 separate compositions, ac-
companied. Thee conccrls, and played
twice for dancing. A slight swelling of
the fingers and cramp in the legs were
the only ill-effects of his strenuous ex-
ert tons.
A ehango of piano became necessary
owing to the stiffness of the keys, but
a skillful mnnceuvre enabled Mr. Bird
to change instruments without losing
a note of the song he was playing.
Happiness is a sign of health in 'ea.
Mos. Nearly all their troubles mist)
when they digest food well and are free
from loathing pains. Baby's Own Tab-
lets brings happiness to babies by cur•
ing stomach troubles. constipation, fev-
erishness. diarrhoea and teething trou-
bles. There's a smile in every dnsc and
the mother has a solemn guarantee
that this medicine contains no opiate
0' harmful drug. Mrs. James Jewers,
Beaver Herber, N.S., says: "1 have giv
en my baby Baby's Own 'Tablets as (m-
ansion required since she was a day
ell. They have always helped her, and
now at a year and n half old she Is a'
fine healthy child. I think every mo-
ther should always keep these 'Tablets
on hand" You can get Baby's Own
Tablets from any medicine dealer or by
mail al 25 renis a box by writing Ti10
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
German Mutrt on the fiend June 20,
11101, Has Been Slumbering Ever Since,
Prof. Eulenherg reports in the Medi-
cal Weekly the 0050 of a patient who
line been asleep steadily since June 20,
'Hie man. who Is 45 years old and
WAS town clerk of a suburb of Berlin
Germany, fell from n street um at the
time mentioned and struck on tihe back
of 111s head. When ire Was taken
home it was found that ho was 81.11•
tering from concussion of the brain, but
he was seu"lhlc of his surroundings.
While the doctors were examining him
its fell asleep and has been in that con-
dition ever since.
fie lies in bed, frowning hraVily nil
Ilia tinge. His limbs are flexible but his
elfin has lest fes rotor. Ile shows sen-
,IbilUy when food 1s pieced to his lips
and *chews It mechanically.
Caber: "De yen 11011010 to child tiller.
VP. . Tvfoddest: "Well, my little boy malas
Its the mental qualities ,of his parents?"
;0100 very brilliant remarks some•
John Camden Nlald, whose magnifi-
cent bequest to Quern Victoria supplied
the lands out o1 which the Prince Con-
sort built the pecan». Balmoral Castle,
deserves a pence among the great 11(10-
01'1( and w08 e.5 1'llllal'kable a roan as
any of (hem. He was educated at Eton
and Trinity College, Cambridge, and
was a ba'risler el Lincoln's bin. At
the ago n1 34 his follicles death placed
Min En possession of a fortune of ,S250,-
:250;000, and from that moment he bourne
a confirmed miser. Neild lived at 5
Cheyne walk, l:helsen. ills big house
was so meanly furnished that it did not
even bofts1 of a kW. Two old woolen,
who did hes stoves, and a black eat
were his sole companions. When ha
visited his large estates in the Mid-
lands, which lie chid frequently, be gen-
erally walked, unless ho could get a lift
for nothing, and he was not even above
Inlceing u gratuitous seat on a dung
cart, Sometimes Ile was compelled by
the wreathe!' to take a seat on the stage
conch. And there he would sit outside,
shivering and dripping—dor he never
wore a greatcoat—an object of commis-
eration to his fellow passengers.
Signals of Danger. --Have -you lost
your appetite? Have you a coaled
kngue? Have you an unpleasant taste
In the mouth? Does your head ache,
end have you dizziness? If so, 'your
stomach Is out of order and you need
medicine. But you do not like medlolne.
He that prefers sickness lg medicine
must suffer, but under the circumstances
the wisp man would procure a box 01'
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills and speedily
get himself in health, and strive to keep
Often on the green leaves or trees
there are little black spots which do not
seem to arise from any disease, as the
plant looks otherwise healthy enough.
As a matter of fact, these are caused by
burning, through the rays of the sun
getting focussed by the drops of morn-
ing dew.
Two Years Abed. "Pon eight years I
suffered as no one ever did with rheuma-
tism; for two years I lay in bed; could
not so mush as feed myself. A friend
recommended Couth American Rheuma-
tic Cure. After three doses I could sit
up. Today I am as strong as ever I
was."—Mrs. John Cook, 287 Clinton street,
Toronto. -2
Perambulating barbers, shaving sus-
Joincrs in the street, are no unusual
sight in the side streets of Manila.
Dear Mother
Your little ones are a constant care is
Fall and Winter weather. They will
catch cold. Do you know about Shiloh's
Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic, and
what it has clone for so many? It is said
to be the bnly reliable ready for all
diseases of the air passages in children.
Itis absolutely harmless and pleasant to
take. his guaranteed to cure or your money
is returned. The price is 25c. per bottle,
and all dealers in medicine sell ;,,I
This remedy should be in every household.
Newlywed: "Why, I never thought of
saving until I got married." Bachelor:
"And do you now? Newlywed: "Oh,
yes, indeed! I ain continually thinking
how much I might save if I wasn't
Catarrh for twenty yearn and cured In
a few days.—lion. George Tames, of
Scranton, Pa., says; "I have been a
martyr to Catarrh for twenty years, con-
stant hawking, dropping in the throat
end pain In the head, 5017 offensive
breath. I triad Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal
Powder. The list application gave in-
stant relief. After using a few bottles
I was cared. 50 cents. -1
"Why on earth are They encoring Ibis
woman?" "Perhaps they see that she
wants practice."
'"thought It meant death sure."—Mrs.
denies McKim, of Dunnville, Ont., says
of her almost miraculous euro from heart
disease by Dr. Agnow's Cure for the
Heart: "Until I began taking this reme-
dy I despaired at my life. I had heart
failure and' extreme prostration. One
dose gave me quick relief and one bottle
oured me. The sufferings of years were
dispelled like magic." -3
"Bridget, did you melee that chicken
broth?" "01 did, mum." "I can't find it
anywhere about; whet did you do wit)
Irl" "Sure an plm'at ilse would I do
wid ib but fade the chickens wid it,
Blekle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup is
agreeable to the taste, and is a certain
relicf for irrllntion of the throat that
causes hacking coughs. 11 used accord-
ing to directions IL will break the most
persistent cold, and restore the air pas-
sages to their normal condition. There
is no need to recommend it to those fa-
amniller with it, but to those who seek a
sure remedy and are in doubt what to
use, the advice is—try Sickle's Syrup.
Wailer; "1-I'ml So you object to the
butter? Why didn't you ask oho to re-
"I supposed it was strong
enough to get away without assistance.'
Made in Canada end Sotd by all
Druce ate
This coupon is good for one ton
cent (10o.) Trial Bottle of rho mile.
Dr. Leonhardt's Anti -Pili
a sure euro for 211415 stlou Winne -
noes, Dyspepsia, Coonnt1paiaon and
all ailments arising therefrom,
Mailed free, in a plain package,on
receipt of name and 08,116 it 'Ell
in your name and poet althea address
on dotted linos and kindle
T182 WIISOII-EV CN,a UIi edOnt.
The aig'n that drives away Colda, Colagba, WhooPin4
Condit, Asthma, Throat troubles. Croup, etc,, etc.
Produced by the highest medical knowledge and
it pure vegetable oaudle syrup.
Your druggist not only keeps it, but recommends it.
Price, 25 centaa
I Fire
Steel Shingles.
Made from Painted or Galvanized Stec!, at prices varying from 82.85 to $5.10
per hundred square feet covering measure. This Is the most. durable coy
ering on the market, and is an Ideal covering for Houses, Barns, Stores, Ele-
vators; Churches, etc. Any handy man can lay the "OSHAWA" shingles. A
hammer and snips are the only tools required.
We are the largest and oldest ecompany of the kind under the British
flag, and have covered thousands of the best bufldinga throughout Canada.
making them
We also manufacture Corrugated Iron in long sheat,, Conductor Pipe and'
METAL SIDING, in imitation of brick or stone.
METAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 designs.
Write for Catalogue No. 140 and free samples of "OSHAWA" Shingles.
Write to -day.
WISE gS UE TdD7CS X-e..&tors 3E15 3 ®7EP TOEI,
Moaifeai, Otte. ! 011awa, Ont iToronto, OM. I loadon,ON. 1'111113u, MK Vaacoaver,B.C.
9£1-6 W Craig St. 425 Sussex st. 11 Colborne at 09 Dundee st. 76 Lombard et. 615 Ponder st.
Write your Nearest Otnua.—HEAD OFFICB AND Oa t
Eternal vigilance is the price of suc-
cess, and it is In this way that the
succeses oI the Starr Mfg. Co.'s
hockey skates and slicks has been
bought. The mnlcers are ever
on the alert to know what the hockey -
isle' requirements aro and in this way
incorporate these 'features which snake
their line the most popular in the mar-
ket. They are also alert In see that
their goods cannot be excelled in qua-
lity of materials and wnrkmenslip, This
policy, which will always be maintained,
has made the Oro and its gands finn-
ouselhousands of miles away from the
little Nova Scotian town where the fac-
tory is situated.
The license of the Castle "Intel, Pres-
ton, which has been in exislenee since
1613, has now elapsed. The properly
has been purchased by a local news-
paper firm for business purposes.
A modern weapon In the battle for
health.—If disease has taken your cite,
del of health, the stomach, and is tortur-
ing you with indigestion, dyspepsia and
nervous prostration, South American
Nervine is the weapon to drive the enemy
from his stronghold "at the point of the
bayonet," trench by trench, but swift and
sure, it always wins. -4
"Isabel says she will never marry a
man who isn't a hero." "But she can
easily convert any man into a hero."
"Mow?" 1113y getting him to marry
Aro your corns harder to remove than
those that others have had? !lave they
net had the 301110 !find? flare they not
been cured by using Holloway's Corn
Cure- Try a bottle.
Dawkins: "I got a good square meal
last night, the first in several weeks,
and I here you to thank for 1L" Friend:
"Me to thank? Well, that's news to
Ole." Dawkins: "Yes, I know, I wired
to my wife yesterday morning that you
were coming home to dinner with me."
WEAK WATERY BLOOD causes much trouble.'
That tired feeling and malty more sympptoms
follow in its wake. Try porrovim. • It is the
o is l ib ake you strong and well. An
Rich Heiress( scornfully): "So you're
still on earth? I understood you to say,
When i rejected you last season, that
you could, not possibly live without
me." lack Ardupp (eheerfuliy): "I'm
not living. Merely =ringing to exist
by means of the most rigid economy,
that's all."
DY n0Im;NO THE 111:0.0116 with opium yen
may stop a dough bet the in8ammatian goes from
barn to worse. Allen's Lung Balsam, oontalntng
no opium, goes to the mot of the trouble end
cures deep-seated affections of throat and lungs,
Sire: "You said you Ware going to
marry an artist, and now you're en-
gaged to a clenii01." Flo: "Weil, isn't
Ila me artist? He draws from real life."
The healthy glow disappearing from
the chute and nee -ming and restlessness
at night are ALIVE syiaptt1l is of wetens
in ehtldeen. Do lint fail to get a bottle.
of Mother Graves' Worm lexteilninater;
11 is au effectual medicine
The meson wily ono can !tear sounds
like the roaring of the sea when certain
.shells picked up nn the bench are plooed
It the ear is quite sbnple, The hollow
form of the 511e11 end its perished surface
enable IL to receive and return the beat-
ings of all sounds then chrome to he
trembling in the air around the shelf.
"Your moi0y or your life?" said the
robber, "T0kc me Hie," responded the
•vtefhn. "I'm saving the money for me
oTd' ago!"
Dyeing 4 Cieaidng I
Tor tb. Toro hoot vend /our work to tt.
Loot for a;ect In tour town, or alr.N.
Mdontresl,Toroato, Ottawa, Quebec.
for Pumping,
Crenmeenarato ,
Churn, \VunhingB Unable,
Ice Cream h'reoser, etc.
Send for catalogue.
010805 MFG. CO.
No. 170 Para at `' ^ Peet Washinaton,Wic
Three hundred Stock, Grain, Fruit,
Garden and Canning Factory Produce
Farms In the Niagara District. Write
for free list. Ontario Real Estate Corn-
pany,Smiltville, Ont.
Forty cense roueoeldh..e
6ruppht leu io Donvec for $100
on whi hnand nonowhich
briar 515.000 a year amt.
D,n,•er has a papal tion of 100.000.
In fire year. the pop lotion will re"h
eh. half -million mark.
Ordinary raids,,, lots in di.trieu .beady roP.-
laad lariat horn 5750 t. 22.000 .,,2
WE ARE 1.001N0 our A NEW ADO1ON
Washington Heights
Tim tshat .ndme,tiirhuy addition in De„v,r.
Raley M Mountains or • t view ddP nee of ee 25 mil«.
Orerl.akinr,W..hiaseen Park. As ideal .pot.
Lots 25x 125 Feet for $100
10 CASH L 1200 MONTH
,a9rr•Ta.ii.9L„."t .d. qarr FRES ee nit.,
t«a hi to Yn Irr al r.11, wt.ta
i' t11:1 :11:1 «Johne .fir. na,«
q n.iu ut„a. rb"1«ni.a. L.. «iv f..a
ff rw.1,«,ar.a a.H is O...r. -.N. us.
Stet "I wonder why a woman always •
Ina •ries the mat who rescues her from
drowning?" He: "That's what the man
wonders later on."
A Time for Everything.—Tho time for
Dr. Thomas' Eoleetrlo 011 is When crou-
py symptoms appear in the children;
when rlleumellc pains beset the old;
when lumbago, asthma, cm,ghs, colds,
catarrh or earache attack either young
o • old; when burns, scalds, abrasions,
contusions or sprains conte 4o any mem-
ber of the family., In any of those ail-
ments it will give relief and wont a
A small boy's idea of a good tine in -
eludes all the things his parents forbid
hint to do.
WR MAIM that "Tho n ,b L" Menthol Plastort
will onto i,utnbego, Backauho, Sciatica or Neural
gin Pauls quicker than any other plaster. 1Z�i
commended by everybody, ,
"Do you think that music is of any
penclicnl hencfll?". "\Voll," replied 1114
cynic, "jiRl tall rho photngrnphs
of entmcnt vinllni,is, 11 must keep iho
hair from falling out!"
'"lIA1!`fnoN'1J has never failed tg
All`fllUlY IJ afro 15500 all cl 1
lfnlironio Bronobitis
Asthma Cure rAstinnaa
If nniloted
and lot 110 ninvinee you that ws have a
cure -ono that mires to stay oared.
F1211)1 1450)1110 sent to any address.
D. A. OAMESON R: 00,,
Owen Senna, Onb
I5fi,'JE NO. 40-. 411.