The Brussels Post, 1906-11-15, Page 1Vol. B6. No. 19
New Advertisements.
Local—Tne Pon,
Local—G. E. Ktng.
Looal—Dr. Graham.
Optioal parlors—W, F. Stretton,
Horse Dollar lost—Albert Whitfield.
Nova Bootie Wool—Ferguoun & Rom.
Notioe to oroditore—A. B. Macdonald.
Wingbam Brie, Oollege—Geo, Bpotbon.
The Banner Day—R. C. Dlwies & Co,
Speoialo for 10 daye—G. N. McLaren.
11 i5trirt 131.005.
&n.00 0) *0 I.
Townehip Council will meet here on
Monday, 26th in the Foresters' Hall,
Next Sabbath afternoon Rev, J. E.
Maunders will take the service in the
Methodistchurch in Oranbrook.
PTI A rrwv�L�,-
ii AR LO4 a S
in connection with my Jewellery -Store
nre now completed, befog fitted up iu the
must modern and scientific priooiples.
Wish to inform the public that I am thor-
onghly competent in the Optical profes-
sion, having obtained both Canadian and
American Diplomas.
Eyes Tested FREE and all work
(ally guaranteed.
My hours are any hour's that suit you
and pricee are not fancy prices,
Call and see my new Jewellery Store,
AI1"the latest designs in Jewellery :
—Ladies' Brooches—Lr0ies' Necklaces
—Ladies' Bracelets —Rings, &o.
After being engaged in bueiueee for
the past throe years my repairiug depart-
ment speaks for itself.
i ice. $TRETTON
Sign of the Golden Clock.
L-W'Comforbable house to rent.
A few from Oranbrook attended the
Brown—Molnnea wadding at Ethel on
Wednesday afternoon, Rev. D, B, Mo.
Rao, of this village, woo the offioiatieg
13e 1 grave.
Geo. and Mre, David, of Heneall, called
on old trioxide in Belgrave and Wiugbam
this week,
Rev. Mr, Smith, 13. D., of Aebdeld,
will oonduot Miseiourtry. eervinea in the
Methodist ahuroh on Sunday, next, Nov.
The Bell Telephone Co, have plaoed
'phone's in sevaral of the residences and
bueiueee pleases of Belgrave. It wili
prove a great oonvauienoe.
NoTtte,—Jae. and tire. Fox, of Braeeele,
spent last Thursday with friends iu the
village.—Gavin Davideon, of Galt, is
visiting at hie home bare.—Mies Cassie
Harris bee returned from Wiugbam,—B.
KalbOeieob, of Milverton, le learning the
milling with Raise & Black,—Mre. Scott
Blank returned from Loudon last week,—
N. J. Robinson left for Sodbury lest week
where he hae a position me manager of a
large store. Mrs. Robineon and children
left for a visit with relatives in Oakville
on Saturday,—Wm. Barrie, of Term
berry, Wm. Muir and John Gorton, of
the village, returned on Saturday from a
few daye' hunting in Mnakoka.—Mre.
Boehler, o! Ayton, ie the guest of her
Meter, Mre, A. H. Motlitt,—Mise Kate
Haziewood ie visiting relatives in Olifford.
—Rev, Mr. Jones, of Belgrave, will preach
Individual instruction
No venation
Gold Medalists as teaohere
Rightist Standard
MAsk for eata)ogue
oderm bueiueee praotioo
Book-keeping a specialty
Ugly towards sluggards
eoortbaud and Typewriting
Intoretbed in graduates ,
Newest Ore Systeme
meter any time
Stddenta' Literary Society
sympathetic Tenekero
Gonemero ial Oorreepoorlenoe
Urnatneutvl Peumanehlp
Learn Telegraphy
Luordttve Positions
Exaelleub Text nooks
Gradartee successful
Butes "NOW."
O. . 'PO120N Principal 1
G 0 S a
the anniversary sermons lin the Iklethodiet
&»rob next Sunday, The following
Wedneeday the well known Eokardt
Family will give an entertainment In the
ahuroh.—Mre. 11. Rea spent a few daye
of last week in Brunelle—Mee Dobeoo,
of Fordwioh, visited over Sunday with
lilies Edith laarrie,—The following talent
hae been enured for the 0000030 to be
given in the Town Hall on the evening of
Nov. 2001r :—Jim Fax ; Blies Luny Miller,
vooaliet, of Toronto; S. Graoey, of Wing -
ham ; Dr, Fowler, of Teeswater ; mud
the looal oroheetra,—Dr. W, M. B. Steele
lett for Chicago on Monday where he will
oommenoe praotieiug his proteseiou,—
Maun & Ewing, of Teeswater, have put.
chased the stook of N. 1, Robinson.—A
meeting for the purpose of organizing a
Literary Society in t(te village was he'd
last week. A. taw oommibtees were ap•
pointed bot as the attendauoe was not
large another meeting is oalled for ibis
Mre. Thos. McEwen woe 'way to St,
George, Ontario, on a visit to her eon.
The condition of Mre. Jdeeph Coombee
but not Whinged very materially eluce
last week.
Next Sabbath evening B. F. Carr, of
Wroxeter, will be the preacher in the
Hall here.
No word has been received as to the
whereabouts or Thomas Wileop who
went away from home n couple of weeks
REttovED 're Montswowra,—Last Mon•
day the 'amity of W. G. Coombos moved
away from here where they have resided
for a long period. They will be greatly
mieeed BR Mre. Ooombee wee a faithful
eaoher in the Sabbath School and Mr.
Coombee and the young people were
ever ready to aid in every enterprise that
helped advance any and every
good work in the oomtnnnity
Their many friends ttboat
Jamestown while sincerely regretting
their departure with them the beet of
encases in their new home.
.1 J. MoEwxg MARsrxn.—The Goderioh
Signal soya :—"3. J. tlloEweu, one of our
popular young business men, returned
to town lest week bringingwith him u
lite partner, in the person of Sate M.,
daughter of the late hums) Martin, of
Teeswater, and is now receiving the
oougratulatione of hie friends. The in-
teresting eveut took piece at Teeswater,
at the hride'e home, Wedneeday, 000.,
17th, Rev, air. Tait,- the Presbyterial'
clergyman no Teeswater, conducing the
ceremony. The event took pleas at 11
o'olookin the morning, and after the
usual festivities the happy couple lett on
a trip to London, Hamilton, Brantford,
8t. George, Galt, Berlin and Stratford.
At Bt. George they vieited the groom'e
G. N. McLaren
'11011.Noiivio, ,Ili Ili a r 01 '40101 111' r 11 rlli Ili 11010 '411,101040,1, »111' 111tNtelo4'4,111r'4111 ,10.100.1,i'lar.101 .RogiA01,,,1" ti,4,,%, II'lli Ili Ili 11''IU 1,,,b,1'lir ro.1,01,1%,111411L411'le40,1,14
1 Ili I alto'
Brussels Daylight Store
For Ten Days we will offer the following Special Bargains
Naturally the Best will go First—so come Early
35e, 30c and 25c Dress Goods, your
Choice for 19c
—Good quality Tweeds, Taney Meltons
and Plaids, new goods and well worth the
regular prices at 25c, 80c and 85c. Your
choice of the lot for ten days 19 (�
only v
14, 12 and $10 Ladies Coats. for
only $6 75
—Ladies' Odd Ooats and Samples, mostly
in black and dark colored Tweeds ; long
length, loose fitting, this season's newest
styles ; worth regular $14, $1'2 and $10. We
will give you the choice ofthe lot A. 5
for 10 days only ...
$1.50 and 1.75 Men's Tweed Pants
tor $1.25
-89 pairs Men's Heavy Tweed and Frieze
Pants ; odd lots in .a number of different
lines that we sold regularly at $1.50 and
$1.75. Not all sizes in any one sort but ail
sizes in the lot. For 10 days 1.25
only your choice for .., ..,
$2 50 and 2.75 Men's Tweed
Pants going at $1.75
—22 pairs of Men's Pants in odd line
that we sold regularly at $2.50 and $2.25 ;
good assortment of patterns and perfect
fitting goods. For 10 days only 1.175
take your choice for „.
Men's and Boys' Caps
—10 dozen Sample Oaps—Bfaeks, Blues
and Fancy Tweeds—all babe fur bands and
are good shapes. They ru'e worth regular
from 50c to 90 each, We are making two
prices of the entire lot for ten days. You
take your choice 35 & '50
at ... .,.
The Best Hose we ever Sold
for 26c
—85 doz. Winter Hose suitable for Ladies,
Girls and Boys. This lot is made up of
Worsted Wools, Heavy Canadian Wools and
Heavy Ribbed Cashmere ; sizes 7 to 10. Por
10 days they all go at one price. •05
Your choice for
DON'T Fail to see our stoelt of Ladies' )i'ur Coats, Ruffs, Stoles and Muffs. Wo have the
correct Styles and our prices are the Lowest.
Complete assortment of the Granby Rubbers, Overshoes and Cardigans—light and heavy—for
Ladies, Girls and Children, Men and Boys.
• Highest Prices for Produce
Goods. Right or your Morley back
W. H. KERR, Prop
brother and hie parent» and other rel.
ativee at Jameetown" Mr, MOEwen is
au old Jame»town boy who will have the
good wishoe of many Wanda in this
Iooablty, Tea POST in the unmber, for a
happy and prosperous life iu his new
Hiete Vale.
NLwox Nootta,—,•Nies Hegel Molntoah,
of Moleewortb, is visiting her grandpar.
elite, Thee. and Mre. Ooulbeo. —Miea
Mabel Snell hae completed her coarse at
Wioghum Bardeen Oollege and lett this
week for Calgary.—Ohae. and Mre. Her•
bert lett Bluevale last week for Winnipeg
where they will make their future home.
—Joint Heist, who name here from
B'uaeele, Lee removed to McKillop town•
ship where he hae engaged at farming.
He is an iuduatrioue man who ebould do
well and we hope be will,—Mre. Fred.
MaOruoken and daughter, of Brunie,
were visitors here this week.--Miee Wye
Scott is coffering from a very bad eold.—
Mise Eva Patereon, of Wtegham, visited
Mies Nellie Burgess recently,—Mre, H,
Drment visited Goderiob friends this
week.—Miee Mabel Thomas, of Boisee•
vain, Man,, and Mies Ina Tttomae, of
Lomeden, Sank., are visiting at their
home here. — Malcolm Aikenbead was
visited by his two brothere, of Brimfield,
last week.—Mre. Will. Gardiner and eon,
Harold, of Goderioh, were visitors with
relatives here tbie week.—Mise Fannie
Lindsay, of Emerson, Manitoba, and her
anile, Wm. Weir, of Howiok, vieited ut
R. N. Duff's on Saturday.—Geo, and Mre.
BleDooabd and King and Cameron vieited
relatives in Goderioh over Sunday,—The
choir of the Preebyteriae oharoh will hold
a eooial gathering in the Foresters' Hall
on Wedneeday evening, Nov. 21st.—Mrs.
John MoDouald, of Goderioh, vieited her
mother, Mre, John Gardiner, thie week.
tall o rrtre.
Townehip Council meets Monday, 1961]
Mimi Annie Henderson has arrived
home from the West where she hae 'pent
the past two mouths.
Robert Armstrong hae arrived home
tram Willow oily, North Dakota, where
be bee spent the past Summer.
Wm, Kearney, 4th line, hae been laid
ap with inflammation of the ankle, but is
getting better we are pleased to state.
Albert Howlett, 7th line, was away
teat week to Proton attending the Golden
Wedding ut his uncle, A fine time was
'lbs orrie correspondent meat have
made a mistake when be thought the
4th line young ladies and gentlemen
painted, as they are noted for their good
Tooke and dont need paint.
Remember the date of Tenths & Bon's
visit to Braeeele and 11 your eyes bother
you in any way do not fail to consult
them at Foxe Drug Store, Wedneeday
auO Thursday, Nov, 21st and 22ud,
The Frobisher (Bask,) Times, of Friday
Nov. 2, ,eye:—"J, B. Mo0otobeon, maD.
ager for the Crown Lumber Company at
Frobieber, and Min Gertrude A, Wood,
daughter of Richard Wood, of Listowel,
Out„ were suited len the holy bonde of
matrimony by the Rev. MoKeen Reid, at
the reeidenae of the bride's brother,
J. T. Wood,.ol the firm of McKnight &
Wood, of this town. The bride was
gowned in a beautiful robe of pompadour
glace taffeta silk, yoke and halt sleeve)] of
white shirred chiffon, covered with oream
lace medallions, and bertha of wine
colored velvet'overlaid with narrow
white eontaohe braid. The wedding
presents were very handsome end
numerous owing to the popularity of the
bride and groom end great esteem in
is famous for its softness and
strength. The Ocean air—the
climate—the rich grazing land—
gives an elasticity and silkiness
and strength to the wool, that is
missing in wool from other
The only Underwear in the
world, made of Nova Scotia
Wool, 18
That is one reason why
"Stanfield's Unshrinkable" is
soft and comfortable—wears so
well—holds its shapeliness—and
is absolutely unshrinkable. Wear
"Stanfield's" this Winter—if you
want health, and strength and
duri bility.
Yours forNext Dour to
Mutual Benefit G..r 0L aa,t.terns Ainerican House
wit oh they are held." Mr. MaOototeau
was u former Morrielte and will be ao.
oordad many good wiebee in entering the
benedlotine army,
The traet000 of S. S. No. 1, known as
Gooman's, have engaged the eerviae of
Mise Mary McArter, who be teaching
near Exeter, for next year. Slee ie a
daughter of James MoArter, of Brussels.
Harry D, Alulay hae been re.engaged
rte teacher of B. S. No. 5, on the 5th line
for 1907 at a salary or $500. He is doing
good work in the aobool and section and
will, we hope, meet with better mama
next year.
Owing to Mores/ling years and the
approach of Winter, Wm. Little, a well
known reeideut of the 4th hue, has deoid•
ed to rodeo hie farm stook so hue an•
nouneed an anotion sale for Tueeday,
Nov. 27th, at 1 o'olook. His lot ie No,
'IV sal tom.
Last Monday evening Rev. Mr, Currie
was one of the speakers et the Mebhodiet
obaroh anniversary at Brneoole.
A few of oar villagers attended the
Jonathan and David Eutertaiumeut in
Braeeele on Tuesday eveuitrg of this
Trooklaying ie being done in the big
swamp 4 or 5 milee East of here and as
the gang lay trona $ to a mite in a day
the engine should exon ,bow lip at
Loss of eyesight is worse than lose of
fortune. No matter how small your eye
trouble may be, have it oorreoted, See
Tenho & Son at Fox'e Drug Store, Brae.
soba, on Wedneeday and Thnreday, Nov.
21st and 22od.
Last Sabbath afler000u Rev. A. K.
Birks, B. D. of Seaforth, chairman of the
Goderioh Diotriot, oondnoted the regular
quarterly Oommnnoon eervioe in the
Methodist oburoh here, preaching a moat
appropriate dieoouree. Rev. Mr, Corrie,
the pastor, assisted.
Ou Friday, Nov. 80th the annual union
Sabbath School Convention will be held
in the Presbyterian ohnrob bare when a
good program will be presented in the
afternoon and evening. At the latter
addressee are expected from Rev. Mr,
Lang Ford, of Broseele ; Rev, Carswell,
of Winthrop; and W. H. Kerr, of Tax
Poem. The fall program will beann000ed
next week,
Albert Carter, 11th cone is home from
the Wast.
Mise Sara Buttrey vieited Moakton
friends feet week.
Arob. McLean, 16t3 eon., woe visiting
Sn'Perth Go. this werk.
TowoeblP will Uounall v Il m MO set on o•
day, 2601a Inst„ at the Foreetera' Hall
Next Sabbath Missionary aermo00 will
be proaohed by the pastor at Roe's and
Union churches.
Chas, Eaket and wife, who have been
living at Wroxeter will spend the Winter
at A. R. MoDonald'e, 8rd Oon.
Mr, 0artie and Isaac Rothwell have
gone to Oollingwood to work. Mr, Ourtie
has left sorrowful lady triende.
Arthur Spillet and Charlie Hibioe left
for Parry Sound last Wedneeday, where
they will likely [pend the Winter.
Mrs. Bawtinheimer, wbo has been
eerionely ill for the past six weeks, is on
the mend we are pleased to state.
We notice that D. SfoOallum,10 Oon.,
has arrived home from a trip to the
Great West. He enjoyed it very much.
Mies Mabel Menzies), who lase been
visiting at Burke Falls, Muskoka, re.
turned to her home 11th eon. Leat Salon
day evening.
Mies Florence Armotrong, daughter of
Wm. Armetrong, 9th eon., bee been re.
engaged at B. S. No. 6 for the following
year at a saiary of $450.
WRIT. Berko, los Oon., has gone to
Brussels where he has taken a position
in the grocery and bakery of Jae, Ballon•
tyne, He is a level beaded young mac
who ebould do well.
Thoe. Lott, 9th eon., bee been partially
laid aeide from aotive work by a disabled
hand.. There be 110 apparent oanse for
the trouble as tar as be knows. We hope
be will aeon be better.
Tuesday evening of this week a fare.
well party was given in the . honor of a
young gentleman, South of Brunets, by
Miss Bertha Randle. A good time was
enjoyed so Hugh says.
A aobool entertainment will be held in
B, S. No, 8 on the evening of Friday
Nov, 14th. Good program ie in course of
preparation. Mies Zimmer ie the Jewell.
er. Tba entertainmeute in No. 8 are
nlwoye good.
85% of headaches are the result of eye,
strain, Proper fitting gleeeoe will give
permanent relief. It you are trobbled
that way consult Tanbe & Son et Foxe
Drug Store, Brussels, on Wedneeday and
Thursday, Nov. 21st and 2200.
Last week Alex, MoDlnald, 4th tone
lett for Venoonver, B. 0,, to visit his
brother, Donald, who line been in poor
health for some time. The latter was a
farmer resident of Grey township bot
went Weet a good many years ago. We
hope be Will soon be restored 00
good health.
Loot Friday Mre, W. J. Sharpe, 11th
eon., arrived home from a visit to Jumee.
town, N, Y., where she spent nearly a
month wai►log on her slater, Mre.
Traoey, who has been ill for the peat two
or three months. While away elm met
two other sisters, Mro. Saingle, of West.
Moore, Peon., and Mrs, Sdbell, of Jo.mee•
town. Mre. Treoey ie stili very poorly.
Dos» IN Tooaowro.—On Saturday,
November Bed, Lizzie, beloved wife of H.
E. (Harry, departed this lite, She bad
been poorly all Summer and typhoid en -
ening proved tatol. Deemed was tee
eldest daughter of the late William
Smith, formerly of the 1601] eon. of Grey,
And wee &serried to bar now bereft bee -
band 18 years) ago, Li addition to Mr.
Olarry three daughter[ and two sone ear.
viva. The fanersl took plead Taosday
to Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Dooeeeed
was a fine opirited woman, who wilt not
only be greatly missed in het bonle but
wheat demise is the oases of slnoere
regret by many friends. Jno. Smith,
10th sato., 10 a brother of the late. Mre,
Clarry. He attended the funeral,
Wm. Davidson, who has await the past
Summer near Atwood, returned to the
parental borne last week, Tlto Elmo. air
agreed well with him,
During the past weak Wm, Obapmon,
• of Oapao, Michigan, was renewing old
segnaintanoee in the township. Re was
a former resident of the 6th can. and
moved to Michigan 20 years ago. This
le his fleet visit, Mr, Chapman hae
changed very little in personal appear.
tame end lane done very well in Uncle
Sam'a territory. He 0001000 many things
different in the old neighborhood in
Grey bat found not a few of the old
The fire which destroyed the residence
of Juo. K. Baker, Vote con., reoeotly,
clanged considerable loes over and above
the insurance, which was $1,000 on the
boos, and $600 on the oontente, Fire
wee caused by sparks from the chimney
which Boon spread ander the roof. Mr.
Baker hes moved to the home where Mr.
Santimore lived on the tormer's farm and
will likely go to the Geo. Oxloby house
BR BOOR se the latter goes West. Mr.
Baker bought Mr. Oxtoby's farm last
Sommer. A new residence will likely be
built next season to replace the one de•
Ethe] .
Who comes next on the matrimonial
program le the query.
Tut Pose for the balance of 1906 tree
to new sebsoribera for 1907.
An acetylene lighting plant hae been
installed in the new Cole block,
Mrs, J. M. Davies, wbo bee been visit.
Ing relatives at Brantford for some
weeks, arrived borne this week.
Alex. D. Lemont ba home trona an en.
joyable trip to the West. He had a good
WEB and added 25 poonds to bis weight.
The revival eervioes which have been
in progress for the past 4 weeks, oloeed
last Sabbath evening. A good time was
Missionary sermons will be preached
next Babbitt)] he connection with Ibe
blabbed's! oharoh. The pastor wili take
The obeese factory le winding ap a
e000eseiolseaeon tbie week. We con-
gratulate Mr. Brown on hie eaooeeetul
Mr, MoDonald, of Wiarton, has been
engaged as Prinoipal of our school at a
eatery of $500. Mies Eleie Pomeroy, of
Fullerton Corners, will be assistant at
Mies Emily Mason has returned to
Toronto to oontinne her moeioal stadies.
She ie studying with a view to teaohiog
and we wish her every 0000000 in her
Mies Ida Cole left tor St Thomaa on
Wedneeday where she will take a 000rse
at Alma College. She is a bright young
lady and will no doubt make good nee of
her advantages.
Several from Ethel and locality attend-
ed the I. 0. O. F. entertainment in Brae.
eels on Tuesday evening and heard
Newton Beare in the great Scriptural
drama "David and Jonathan."
Monday,evening Rev. Mr. Armetroog,
R. C, Devise, Dick Davies and Will
Spence were at Brussels singing at the
Metbodiot Church Concert. They were
heartily thanked for a well rendered pro.
gram, Min Alice Davies woe the nom•
patent accompanist. Rev. Mr. Arm-
strong gave an addreoe oleo and Mr.
Davies sang two solos, Ethel is well
supplied with musical talent,
BOLD OUT.—Tho people of this locality
were quite surprised to hear that R. 0.
Davies & Co. had (Reposed of their men
oantile btteinees here to R. A. Thompson
& Go. who will take poeseeeiou on Decem-
ber let. The new man wan in business
at Britton and on selling oat moved to
Listowel, Mies Agnea M. Walker, wbo
holds a position in the More of Mesa's.
Ferguson & Roee, of Broseele, will be
associated with Mr. Thompeon, her uncle,
iu the store. Davide Bros, will oontinne
with the new firm for a time at least.
The people of Ethel would be sorry to
see them leave Otte village where they
are so well and favorably known. A
large and profitable trade hes been done
in the Davie° & Co's. store,
Miss Bessie Bone visited for a day at
W. J. MoOraoken yeas in Clinton,
Sunday Last.
Ira Parker, of Wingbam, was in town
for a few days.
Mies Fannie Mason, of Blyth, was e
visitor in town,
Mims Laura Leatberdale is visiting her
oouein at Gerrie.
Mies Eva MoOraoken was visiting
friends at Clinton.
Hurry Bartlbff, of Clinton, was a visitor
in town over Sunday.
Mre, Emigh, of Tborndale, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. F. S, Scott.
Mies Mary Rose is visiting Mi00
Norma Lowiok at Fordwioh,
A. 3, and Mre. Lowick, of Fordwioh,
were in town telling on old Mende lain
Miee Mabel Tuohy, of London, le visit.
ing her sister, MCS, (Rev.) Powell, Brut].
Muir Thomson has been on the sick
list with pleurisy but we hope he will
anon be o. k.
Mre, Angus Oampbell and Mies Mare
5ery are away to London on a visit with
relatives and friends,
Mre. Ohne, watts and Miss Alva, of
Brantford, are visiting relatives and old
friends in Braeeele and iooality,
Mre. John Thomson wag under the
dootor'e caro last week but ie ooneiderably
improved now we are glad to state,
H. and Mre, Ball, of Wingbant, were
renewing old triendehbpe in Brusoolo and
locality during the past week. They
were termor reetdentg.
Mre. Allis and Master Bhnrwyn no.
oompeeied Rev. Mr, Auto 00 Bene'ole
last Saturday from Parkhill and enjoyed
a Visit for e. few days with old friends.
Lionel] Iuepootor Wm, White of
Booth Perth, and Mre. White, were web.
come vititoro 00 Brussels last Week. The
former spent his youthful days in town
and remembore many or the 015 reeidente
Very well,
Jumse'Tbomeon ie visiting in Brum-
Mre. Gordon McDowell and baby eon
are visiting friends in Boaforib We week.
Mine May Kerr, of Toronto, ie home
on a vieit with her mother and other
Tbos. Nicholls, wbo hae been at$epoull
a good share of the Summer engaged is
painting, is home boot will busy himself
to wleldteg the brush ou some of the new
stations on the Guelph and Godorio4
J, D. and Mre, Ronald haus bait Detroit'
and Dome to Brnsosbe where they will
visit with the tawny of W. Al. Btnolair,
their son-in-law, for a time: They wilt
aleo epeud part of the Winter at the
home of Rev. W. T. Cluff, of Stratford.
The thirteen Newo-Record says :—Mre.
Alex, Lewis and her daughter Ketbleen,
lately of Braeeele, atter upending a couple
of weeks with her parents, A. and Mrs.
Twitohell, have gime to St, Thomas
where they purpose making their home,
Rev. E. G. Powell ie off duty this week
owing to u severe mid and sure throat
IMO 60 will be all right iu a short time
we traeb. Owing to bis indieposieion the
evangelistic eervioes announced to torn•
mance lust Wedneeday evening were
withdrawn in the meantime,
Mre. Harvey Ham, of Laoknow, was
salted to Whitby, On Saturday atter000u
3rd fMet., and Sunday her mother passed
away. The funeral took place on Wed.
nesday afternoon at Whitby. Mre. Ham
hue buried her sister, father and now
her mother einem Xmas, and has the
sympathy of her old frteude here.
Mise Agnes M. Walker, who hae been
Riling a position in the dry goods depart-
ment of Maseru. Fergaeon & Rosa' store,
end, with her mother, remove 'hortly
to Ethel where Vim Walker, aee0mated
with her uncle, Mr. Thorpeon, leave
parohaeed the R. 0. Davies & Goa, general
more booiueso. They take poeeeesion
Deo, let., we understand, Tru Poem will
be sorry to see Mrs. and Mise Walker
remove from Braeeele bat wishes them
the beet loud of 0000000.
Dr. Graham arrived home last Satan.
dee. evening from u two months' baemeea
trip to the West. He 'netted Winnipeg,
Portage la Prairie, Brandon, Maple
Greek, Calgary, Edmoutoa and other
pointe of intorest, and Sound everything
bustling, parbtoularly real estate. He.
says in Edmonton, a plane 0118000 popula.
tion, $40,000 was reoeutly pats for a more.
Typhoid fever was prevalent in u number
of please, The Dr. is interested in
property near Maple Creek Where they
have 800 mares largely used for math°
ranching parpoeee and now coming under
the irrigating pto0e00 which i0 so hm-
porteet to Borne parte of the West.
Among people formerly residents in this
tuoality Dr. Graham met Mrs, and 1010
Misses Sage, Geo. Crooke, jr., Thee.
Euglieh, J. R. and Mre. Grunt and other
old friends. As a ratio of the terrible
railway aooident the Dr. went through
he brought home a pieoe of an iron
coupling pin wlttah had been strapped in
twain in the ootlision 99 it were u carrot.
While the West hold oat many advantug•
es, to young men parti0alarly, the Dr.
has uo intention of removing from Brae.
sebe and has already settled down to
practice atter his holiday.
OIWIait' (alums -
There will be High Masa and sermon
in the Catholic lhutob Brueselo next
Sunday at 10.30 a, no.
Thie week Dr. R. P. Foild was at Galt
attending an A. Y. P. A. Convention of
Toronto and Enron diocese,
Thnreday everting, Nov. 290h, is the
date set apart for a social in Melville
oharoh under the auspioee of the West.
minister Guild.
Next Sabbath Rev. Mr. Currie, B. A.,
of Walton, will ofiiuiate in the Methodist
church, Brueeelo. Rev. J. E. Meander»
will take Rev. Mr. Ourrie'e work ort
Walton mrooit.
The following congregational repreaon•
tatives to the Otlimul Board of the
Methodist ahuroh lot the coming year
were sleeted :—Tboe, Moore, Thee,
Curry, H. Beam, Mute. Rozsll, L. Wheel.
er, and W. J. Fawcett,
Rev. Mr. Wishart, B. A., took as hie
text last Sabbath morning in Melville
ahuroh the familiar words in let Psalm,
"He »bull be like a tree planted by the
rivers of water, eta." The tree as em,
blematio of Mae religion stood for
strength, vitality, aeetuluese and prosper.
ity, The evening topic waa "The
horrible pit."
The anniversary eervioes held Sunday
and Monday in the Metuodiet oharoh
were were splendidly successful. Rev.
S. J. Alien, of Farkuill, preached thought.
nal sermons and the filianaial reeponee
by the congregation resulted in nearly
$800 being plaoed on the plates. Mon•
day eve0ing'e entertainment woos one of
merit and profit. Waist of apaoe orowded
oat a taller report emit uext i0eno,
granola Schaaf board,
The regular meeting of Brussels Public,
School Beard was held in the Boatd
room Friday evening. Members present
were D, 0. Rose, Jae. Elliott, Thos. Fan
row and 3, G. Skene.
Miuntee Of last meeting read and
Moved by D. 0. Rose, ascended by Jas.
Elliott, that the following a000nute be
paid ; F. R. Smith, supplies, 59.45;; 3,
G. Bktne, express, $1.25. Carried.
Moved by D. 0. Rose, seconded by Jae,
Elliott that J, H. Cameron be emelt to the
County Oounoll to interview them
about the oboe' grout and that aha
seoretary write Blyth and Exeter. Oar.
Moved by Jae, Elliott, eeooaded by D.
O. Roe tbut J. H. Camaro» 00 tedowod
time to go to Clinton Model Sohool Ex.
amination. Carried,
Buued then adjourned,
3, G. Smotta, Seo.
Joseph Bowdon, batrister, of Kingston,
0004 drowned.
4.0. Wood, ol,Ingerson, died suddenly
at Goldeu, 13, C,
The Ontario W. 0. T. U. 0ooventioa
was in Beaton Ibis week lit Loudon,