The Brussels Post, 1906-11-1, Page 8teretaRsaei- ,✓ :'A -Alit.°°' '» st tgtft8svie• t "r qt r :4aYteiefteite
Do 'Your Hands Chap
.7SrW.9,=7': S gramaa 4,87m
after washing (fishes or other household duties ? A few spRPLt8. OR RESERVE FUND
applications of our TOTAL AaelaTn OPER
Standard Bank of
will prevent this or cracking of the skin during cold weath-
er. We have Crean of Roses in bulk at Ge per ounce.
Try a small quantity of it and you will consider it a most
economical preparation.
No Need of being without plenty of Soap
We have a new lot of that Olive Oil and Glycerine Green
Soap of which we are selling 8 Oakes for 10c. Also almost
all the other Toilet Soaps of merit; including the Shell
Brand Castile Soap.
New Picture Poet Cards received.
Leather Cards with entirely New Wordiug and Coloring.
Cards with Pioturee of Birds with real Feathers ou.
eOeTUaBN axTRNBI9N W. e. & H,
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
Gotha Soames Gomel Romer,
A1sii 7:05 eau j Mixed 000 a.m
Mixed 11:25 a.m I Ma111.44 p.m
Nlxprees 8:02p.m Express~ 8:51 p.m
` A'.Ca1 gets Jtent
A ohiel's among ye teak' notes,
An' faith he'll prent
GET ready for Winter.
TOWN COUNCIL next Monday evening,
SCHOOL Board Friday evening of next
The rain and euow have made the
tomtits quite sloppy.
QUITE a quantity of grain is finding its
way to Bruseete market.
A can of table Batt wan shipped from
Brussels Salt Works to Windsor thio
THNNIa Olub Concert on the evening of
Deo. 7th. Of aoaree you are going to at.
tend. Program is excellent.
Tag returns front the Sabbath Bobool
Exotireion to Kineardine last August
have been received and were the beet on
THE Eokbardt masioal family have en-
gaged the Town Hall here for the even.
ing of Nov, 20th They pat up a varied
and well rendered bill of fare.
Pgna•,Ns baviug olaime against Gray
Branch Agricultural Society are asked to
hand their eneuuDte to W. H. Kerr,
Secretary. Treaeurer at an early date.
PR/DAY of next week will be the Ring's
birthday. Brussels L. 0. L. will bold a
eooial gathering in their Hall in the
evening of that day. Invitations have
been sent out,
NEST week the non -Jury aittinge will be
held at Goderiob h. :ore Judge Anglin.
Oue of the snits will be Wilkinson vs.
East Huron and•Grry Branch Agriaol.
turas Soaietiae. A number of witneneee
will attend from Brussels and looaqby.
well known horse dealers of Brussels,
purchased a fine three year old gelding
from Alfred Beaker this week white] ie
the malting of a very likely beast. Hie
eire is Kaplan 2.08i and his dam a Wild.
brine mare. A trotting record ie ex•
pooled from the animal the above deal.
ere paid Bo taaey a pries to poaaeee,
Ax the Methodist Sabbath School last
Sunday a resolution of sympathy was
paned to H. R. Brewer, who le is a teach•
er and a member of the Orchestra, in the
domiae of hie life partner. Referenoe
was made to the death of Mre. Sumuei
Walker er. (whose daughter, Mrs. Randa
ie a teacher, and several grandchildren
are papile) and also to the deoease of A,
Gormley, of Gladstone, Man., who Wall 11
teacher in the school for years. Motion
was pro/need by B. Gerry and carried by
it standing vote,
Tam Atwood Boe Says :—W. W. Harris
shipped four ante of cheese from town on
Tneeday for Ballantyne & Son. They
were laet half ut September cheese, 221
being from Trowbridge, 240 from
Walloon, 208 from Oartbage, 859 from
Elma & Mornington, and 235.from Moles.
woreb, 1820 boxes in all, and at the
prioee cheese are going at these days
they amount into mousy rather qumkly,
the money paid Ont for this ehipmaot
atone being 613,857 68, dietribnted among
the patrons of five iaotorieo for halt a
month's °binge. The pride of the sale
was 13 cents fiat.
a quiet but pretty wedding, The bride
wore a most becoming costume of
white Bilk and parried a beautiful begun
of roves mud earnations. The prin-
rin.of ale were unattended. Only immediate
relatives of the eontraetiug parties were
present. The bride'e travelling dregs
was of brown oloth, with lain to mateb
and mink furs. Mr, and Mro. Dames
reoeivrd many handsome tokens of
esteem on their marriage day, Oongrat.
nlatione were presented from Ohioago,
Belleville, 'Toronto and oilier planes.
'Sir. Donee nod bride took their wedding
tour to Colorado and South Dakota where
they will spend several weeks, Rev,, H,
141. Lang Ford, 'teeter of St, John's
ohurob, tied the matrimonial bow,
Am the funeral of the late Mrs. H. R.
Brewer Thereday afternoon of last
Week Rev, 8, 3. AI1in, of Parkhill, gave
a moot apptopriate address taking as
hie topic "The visit of Jesus 10 Bethany t
and the eaeurreobion of Lazarus."
Beautiful .floral tributes Were plooed Ori
the casket, the Oddfellowe Lodge,
of which Mr, Brewer le a member, eon.
tributing a lovely pillow, A white dove
was oleo emblematic of the life of the a
demand, Pallbearers were Edmund
and Fred. Brewer, D. Bon nay, lir Wil. e
Jdo. Pugh and W. A. Grower, all g
relatives, We omitted to etate lRSb week
that Mrs, W. A;' Grower, of 'Brngeele, e
le the only servicing sister of the late 1
Mre. Brewer. Rich. Wilifame, wbo is in t
the Nerthw55t is the only brother, The b
pulpit and eintir8 in the altar in the
church were draped le blank, ]v
BAM01,1 DARTER has been appointed
looal agent for the Singer Sewing
SEVERAL oars of angor beets have been
ebipped from Brussels to Berlin factory
during the past week.
A. 0.1I. W. Friday evening of this
week. There is a epeoiai reason wby
every member should attend.
A atEETxNo of the Tennis Olnb (Aileen
is asked for Friday evading of this week
at 8 o'olook in J. Fox's drug store.
Pecan book loot between the Mieeeee
Habkirk and Robb. Dark's, ooubaiuing a
small amount of money. Finder will
please leave it at Tno Pore.
Tat Hallowe'en jokes (?) were rather
less numerous than uveal hat about an
slily. Wanton destruotion of property
should never be designated as fun.
AUCTION BALE of A FARM.-'-Batorday
at this week, at 12 o'eloak, noon, the
26 eoree, being West ball of Lot 94, Don.
5, Gray, will be offered for sale by Publio
Auction as the Central Hotel, Brussels,
to won tip en estate.
Tag W. 0, T. U. will hold an open
meeting in Melville ohurob Thursday
evening, November 8111. Addreeeee
will be given by the resident ministers.
Solos, dente, quartettes and other music
will be rendered by the different ohoire.
A Oolleobion will be taken to aid in the
Da, Ovens, M, D„ Loddon, Bye and
Dar Surgeon, will be at Smith's Dm
Store, Brueaele, on the first Tuesday in
slash month. Hours, 8 a. m. to 1.80 p.
m. Cataract, egaint, failing eyesight,
deafness and nasal catarrh treated add
glaeeea properly fitted. Next visit, Toes.
day, November 6th. N. B.—Dr, Ovens
makes no oalle,
House Famish—The let monthly Horee
Fair in 00nne0ti0n with the regular series
to be held in Brussels is dated for
Thursday Deo. 6th. These faire bays
been wonderfully suooeeetol in the past
years and they will no doubt be run with
old time rim WE season. Preserve the
list of Faire to be found iu this' issue,
Foes.—Last Tueaday morning fire was
discovered in the roof of R. Harkness'
house, Elizabeth street. The firs engine
was quickly taken to the river by Hugh
Romsay'e bus team bot considerable
damage was done letore the firs was so.
aiebed. The tnruiture and boneebold
effects were saved. Ib was rather an
nuaeremoniooe ousting on a disagreeable
forenoon. Constable Oliver twisted one
of his ankles while working about the
engine and was compelled to use a walk.
ing wane to get along after the excitement
was over, Fire is auppoeed to have
oaughtfrom the chimney. The property
was insured.
LEGAL NOTo.—The following legal
item is clipped from the Daily Globe,
Toronto, of last Thursday and is of looal
interest t—Tait v. Tait.—W. Prondfoot,
K. 0. and W. tri. 8inolair ($rtteaelr), for
plaintiff, appealed from order of Judge of
County Court of Huron, setting aside his
order for the arrest of defendant, upon
his preparing to move to Brftigh Colum
bia, plefutiff baying recovered judgment
against him in 1807 as endorser of a
promissory note for 0137 87, and direct.
ing the discharge of the defendant and
the entry of an exoneratnr opon the
bond given for seouriby. W. E. Middle
ton, for plaintiff, opposed appeal. Ap•
peal diamiaeed with mete,
A RIVAL Fos THE Waimea FAIn,—
From the interest being manifested in
the approaebing Outario Horticultural
Exhibition, wbioh will be held in Tor.
onto, November 6111 to 10th, it would
appear that this exhibition is rapidly
becoming a formidable rival ill its way
to the Winter Fair at Guelph. Tbie
year the railways for the first time,
boVe agreedto run ball rate exoureiona
to the exhibition from all parts at the
Province and to advertise it along their
lines, Tbie, it i0 believed, will greatly
Noreen the n
e ellen a o. a
d e Ahad it
its evident that the exhibiba of fruit,
flowers and vegetables will far eclipse
those made et the two previous exhibi•
Mons. In tent it ie feared that Money
Hall willlnot begin to aoo0mmedate
properly the exhibits that will be made.
A feature of the exhibition this year
will be the presences of the Blaok Dike
Band /rota Yorkshire, England, wbioh
has been seonred at an expebse of $2,000,
to play each afternoon and evening
throughout the exhibition. Four dif
ferout conventions will be held In con•
jnnotton with the exhibition, inoleding
the annual convention of the Fruit
Growers' Aesooiabiop, the Ontario Vega
titbits Growers' Aeeooloabion, the Ontario
Bee Keepers' Abeosiation end the On
tario Hortioaltatal denotation. Among
be most notable exhibits will :be display's
that will be made by the Ontario Fruity
Experiment Stations, the ()antral . Er.
perimentai Farm at Ottawa, and the
Ontario Agrionitnral College at Guelph,
The latter institution i0 arranging a
penial nature study exhibit, which will
be inepeoted by the senior pupils of the
itysobools of Toronto, who have been
iven a part holiday for ibis purpose.
The exhibition i5 to he opened on the
toning of Teasday, Nov, Otb, by Prem.
er Whitney, There is reason t.I believe
hat in time this anodal exhibition will
5oame as noted in °nada se thh Royal
A. G•eioera L Baiokila ' . sUrsilaeintel
Transact red
interest paid from 'late of deposit to date of withdrawal at bigheet °errant rates
audsompouuded LW -yearly,
pJoint /Deposit Aeoouuts—A. 8980140 OONVjONININOE in use in our eavluge Do-
artmentSethe Joint .Deposit" unmet. Motley may be deposited or withdrawn
by either of the two membere of the bouseboid, This system is a great evnven-
ionee to many residing In town, but mare partloularly so to farmers, all in the latter
case whether man or wife comae to town either eau attend to tis Banking, an-
other -feature of the system is that in muse of the death of either party the money
can be wltudrawn by the eurvtvor without poet. We will ten you more about our
methods 1f you will kindly evil or write,
Married 'Women and :Moore may make and withdraw deposits without thein.
Contention 01 any person,
only for which no charge ie made.
Y0011 BUSINESS will reoeive oar oaretul and oourtsous attention.
Conte on with your Spring Chickens
and Duette. The price will be 90 for
both Ducks and Oblokene—the high-
est prices goiug. Must be picked dry
and all feathers and heads taken off.
I positively will not take any but
what are fat as 1 will be buying con-
tinuously for the next six weeks and
thin ettiff eau be marketed later ou.
Turkeys, Geese and Fowl taken later.
a attobte Thomson
Qurru a unmber of people are taking
advantage of the 10 0505 offer of Tag
POST for belanoe of 1906.
AUCTION Sales are nnmerone. THE
POST bas excellent facilities for turning
out bills or advertising the sale, Dates
eau be arranged at our office.
W. 8'. BTEETzoN, Jeweller, and bfiaeeo
Habkirk, Milliners, are exchanging
bosiuees planes in the Stratton blook,
bile former will take up reeidenoe in the
apartmeate over the store, the Habkirk
family having moved to the heath recent.
ly vacated by Harry James, Turnberry
Roman Sauna DmOsABlel,—With sod
surprise came the annoaueeme0t of the
death of Robert Sample, of Frederick
street, Bresnan', which took place Wed.
ueeday afternoou quite unexpeobedly to
the family. He bad been in faili
health but able to be up. Mr. Sump
was in his 75th year. Funeral bas n
been arranged for yet as Mre. Sump
,s waiting to bear from her eons in t
West. •Faller notice will be given
next week's issue,
TUESDAY, Dioo. llmt.—At a well attend.
ed meeting of East Huron Liberal Amsooia.
tion Executive, held Tneeday afternoon,
Preeideut Duff in the chair, it wen agreed
to fix Tuesday, December lith, as the
date of the manual meeting of
the Association for both the
Dominion and Provincial ridings, meet-
ing to be held in the Towu Had, Brea.
sale. It was also decided to bold a
nominating Convention for the Oommoas
etanderd bearer at the same time end
Mama - The necessary credentials and
matruotione will be forwarded to the
proper parties in due oo0rae.
MR, HiELLIan doze To GUELPH—The
Guelph bletoary, of Oot, 26th., contains
the following note of interest to the
people of this locality ,—"A. G. Fletcher,
who hue been manager of the local branoh
of abs Metropolitan Bank since it was
established in the pity, has reoeived a
promotion and will take over the duties
of inspector of branabee of that bank,
A. E. Mellish, who was far three yeate
manager of the Metropolitan branoh at
Brueaele, Ont., and for the past four
mouths oouneoted with the bead oftloe
staff, will summed Mr. Fletoher an maua,
ger here. While a large circle of friends
in the airy will regret to learn that his
new duties will remove biro from the
business airoles and to o certain extent
from the eooial activities of Guelph, they
will be pleased to learn that he and
bis estimable wife will continue to make
their home here, and the connection of
Mr. and Mre. Fletoher with the Royal
City is not to be severed. Mr, Melliab
arrived last evening to take over bis new
duties here. M, W. Oliver will annum
bis duties as accountant on Nov, let."
Tag POST congratulates Mr, Mellish on
hie promotion and feels assured the
Guelph people will find him a courteous
and capable manager.
be took a position in the private Bank of
in Messrs. McIntosh & MoTaggort after
acquiring the telepraph and express
business with the late T. Pletoher.
Later Mr, Wesley went into the bioyale
business and isourance to which wee
added the 4th Division Court Clerkship
telegraph and taproots agenaiea, For
many years be eat on the Sobool Board
and was a useful and veined offloial
member of the Methodist ohurob, He
was married to Mies Lizzie Bamp'e in
1892 and elle and two children, Glyn and
Margoree, survive a good husband and
kind father. 10 the hope of bettering
his health the subject of this notice
wont West with hie family but
the change was of little value a0 to
restoration. Mre. John Conley, mother
of deceased, resides in B, oseels, end the
brothers and Dieters are :—W. D„ of
Medicine Hat, Man.; Ben., of Winnipeg ;
John, of Toronto ; Mre A, Flemming,
in Ireland ; and Mre. N. S, Mo.
Lanohlin, of Broesels. 8 brothers died
in infancy. Hie lather died on Oot. 26th,
1905, in town. Andrew Coanley was an
exceptional young moo in the high regard
for honer and high ideals of life and
passed away leaving many reiabivee and
friends to mourn bis demise. Mre.
Coasley and other relatives will share
largely lo the sincere sympathy of all
who knew them. The intermeub wee
made at Gladstone. Deoeaeed was a
member of the Masonic Order and also of
the Ohoaen Friends. Andy woe a great
lover of clean eporb and interested him,
salt in orioket, base ball, bowling, eboot-
ing, &e., ill all of whiob be was denomin•
aced as very seooeeatal. Hie name will
not soon be forgotten bare.
DREssMAEiNG.—Mies Eoltman, wile
hue bean iu charge of the Dreeamnkiug
department in the shore of MBeere. Forge.
eon & Rose for the past year, leaves
next week to take a situation in Brnn•
don, Man, She will be emended by
Miss Poesia Mitchell who has been as.
enoiated with hen -in the department and
ie a most competent band.
YOUNG MEN'S 01,un.—Lash Monday
evening the drat of a series of meetiuge
under the anspioes of the newly organiz
ed Young Meo'e Club was held In the
'wheel room of the Methodist ohurob
.Che President, 0. E. Maendere, 0000ple
the ohair and goys a very apprupriat
,opening address. This was follows
by 5 minute 'Towhee by W. 0. Mc.
Oraokee, J. Wright, J. T. Wood, W. R.
Mooney, 0. Richardson, W, J. Faw•
nett and W. H. Kerr, touobiug on many
phases of various topics. Rev, E, G.
Powell recited one of Will. Oarletou's
poems in good style. Solos were well
rendered by 0. Riobardaoo, J. Hueter
and B. Gerry while 0. Hiugstou, Jno.
Currie and W. J. MoOraoken supplied
an instrumental trio. The meeting was
a genuine sooaeas interesting and in.
ebruotive. A debate will come next
on the god Monday evening of the
month. All young men weloome.
Laat Saturday evening THE POST received
the sad intimation by telegram that
Andrew Conley e0 well known iu Brua.
sale and neighborhood, had crossed that
bourns from wbioh no traveller returns,
He had been in failing health for the
past two years and• despite all that
could be dons be beds good bye to earth
ly friend° at the early age of 39 yeara, 9
months and 7 days. Andy, as he with
familiarly palled by almost everybody,
was born at Magherdfelt, Co. Derry,
Ireland and came to Canada with his
parents in 1880 and looated at Brussels.
Deoeaeed was iddosbrioae and economic.
al and made many a dollar by big will.
ingoese and the oompetsnt manner be
exeoated work intrusted to him. He
13.0, 000088.
President, Vico-Provident,
Jona eresve1100II
W. n. 18088,. General Manager
CAPITAL—Authorised 82,000,000
CAL'L'I'A4--Buhl up 1,000,000
RESERVE and Surplus Srullts 1,188,183
DireOtorn D, 0, THOMPSON, E. 0.
THE METROPOLITAN BANE Is open to receive the aeoouuts of
Farmers, Merchants and Bannon Community geuerally and to give
careful eoneidsratlou to an propitiate submitted to it.
It relies upon Us past record for courteous treatment of its One•
tomere, and will extend every consideration oousisteut with sound
banking to those who may desire to transact business with It.
&MAW AMR inileJ&ar°,1llENig`
Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all sums of 61 and upwards
SMALL sem Of money found on Queen
street. Owner may have it by proving
property and paying for this notice.
BOARD WANTED.—Lady and two
Ohildrea want oomforbable rooms tor
Winter, Give tall partienlats and pride,
Drawer 81, Brunets.
claim to have expert praotioe and have
invented and am using the latest new
and improved saw tools I can give fins
advantage to our ooebumers both in
primes and quality of work, Call early
d and you will not need to rush. T, Mc -
e Gregor, Mill St., Bruaeele,
biRB. Samar, WALRua 0ALLED Home.—
Nat unexpectedly oame the message to
Mre, Samuel Walker ar, who was Bent.
mooed to the Land Beyond last Sabbath
morning at 1.40 o'olook, at the home of
her son David Walker, Turnberry street,
Brunette, en her 87th year, Her maiden
name was Rachel M t b n
a vita o ell and she
was born in the Oo. of Fermanagh, Ire.
laud, doming to this country with her
parents when she was a young girl.
They resided in West Gwillimbnry, Sim
doe Go., for a number of gene before
moving into Morrie township in I852.
On Ootober 25111 1854 demand joined
hand and heart with Samuel Walker of
the same township, Rev, Thee, 0. Aotkin
of the New Connexion °hutch, pattern).
lug the ceremony. After meeting with
no email 5005500 on the farm, 6th line,
on whiab they spent 88 ysare, Mr, and
Mre, Walker moved to Brueaele where
they purobased a comfortable home and
where her life partner departed this life
very suddenly on December 21st 1904,
Pour children survive, MMrs. Wm, Bander
of Grey ; Mrs. Jno, Walker, of Tees.
water ; Samuel, of Morrie ; and David, of
Brunelle. Mrs, Walker bad tot enjoyed
reheat health for a great many years and
seldom left her home or wag able to at.
tend church privileges. The funeral
tools pleas on Tuesday afternoon, ReV.
H. M. Lang Ford, toasted by Rev, Mr.
Wishart condnoting an appropriate ser.
viae, Pail bearers were John Cardiff,
A, Stewart, Geo, Thomson, P. Soots,
Jae. Leckie and 30.e, Sharpe, MM.
Walker had made her home with
her son David for the peat year, She
wee a kind and obliging neighbor, a love:
fug wife and Medlin and poeeeeeed many
Rortlnnitnral Exhibition in London, qualities of bead and heart that won her
ngland. . many true friends. list rad wee pesos
Business Locals.
12 smuts 2 years old for sale. Apply
to P. AM5NT, Brueaele.
Time. Moons, agent for sewing mash.
bees and organs, is ready to not only sell
but attend to rennin of either, Residence
William street, Bruesele. 18-2
Oonnexo.—In Arcola, Alberta, on cot. 7,
to Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Corbett, a
JoansxoN,—Iu Morris, on Oot. 7th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnston, a daugh-
Pnnpxoss,—In London, on Oot. 801b, to
Mr. and Mre, Riobard Perkins, a
RANmx.—In Wieghem, Oct. 200) to Mr.
and Mrs, Geo. Rankin a daughter,
WELSH,—.10 Grey, on cot. 8th, to Mr
and Mrs. J. T. Weleb, a daughter.
PRAnos—OANmEEeN.—Ab the resider oe of
the bride's parasite, on Oct. 240, by
Rev. G. W. Rivers, B. A., B. a, of
Belgrave, Mr. Thomas Pearoe to Miss
Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mre.
Peter Oantelon, all of Morris.
OoUsLsY,—At Gladstone, Man., on Oot.
27, Andrew Oooaley, formerly of
Bruesela, aged 89 years, 9 months
and 7 days.
FonaosT,—In Morrie, 041 Oot. 31st, Alex
ander Forteeb, aged 68 years, 5
months and 3 days.
LEnognwnon.—At Paisley, Ont„ on Oot,
20, Mre, Jae. Ledgerwood, mother of
Mre. T. Bernard, Morris, aged 85
years and 11 menthe,
SAMPLE —In Brussels, on Oot, 81, Robert
Sample, aged 75 years.
WALoEn.—Io Brussels, on Oot. 28th,
Rachel Mo0atobeon, reliot of the
late Samuel Walker, in her 87th
THURSDAY, NOV. 84h —Farm Steels, ins.
plemente, furniture, &a., at Lot 1, Con.
2. Grey. Sale, nnreaerved, at 1 o'olook.
W. G. Conmbas, prop.. F. S. Soots, ado.
FRIDAY, Nov. 9TH.—Farm, farm Stook,
implements &u., Lot 8, Con. 12, Grey.
Sale unreserved at 1 o'olook. JAo, S.
SHAW, Prop„ F. S. Soott, ono.
TUESDAY, NOV. 18x0.—Farm Steak,
implements, eta, Lot. 10, Oon. 14, Grey.
Sale unreserved at 1 p. m, Jas, Col.
climb, prop. F. 8. Soott, ane.
THURSDAY, NOV. 15x0,—Farm, farm
stook, implements, oto. North belt
Lot 10, Oen. 18, MoKilIop. Sale nnre.
served at 1 p. m. sharp. Jas. F. Heck.
well, prop. F. S, Sootb, ane.
The regular Monthly Horse Fairs will be
held for the season as follows ;
THURSDAY DEO. 6th, 1906
JAN, Ord, 1907
JAN. 81st, "
PUB. 2803, "
APR. 4th, '!
Leading Local and Outside
Buyers will be Present
I. C. Ridliards'
Is the Old Reliable
place for
After 21 years of business in Brussels we are better pre-
pared than ever to supply alt your needs in the Harness Iine,
Robes, Blankets, Wool and Plush Rugs, Rubber Rugs, Trunk
and Satchels, Whips, &e.
Collars and, Fine n:less a Spooialty
We Repair Robes and Line and Trim them,
Repairs in Collars or Harness promptly attended to,
Agents for Columbian Stock Foods, Poultry Floods, slvc.
$142tTSm}70 1 96ARSGbTm,
Pall Wbeot 68 60
Barley 40 48
Peas 72 73
Oats 82 83
Batter, tubs and rolls19 20
Eggs per dozen 17 18
Hay per ton 8 00 9 00
Flour, per bbl 4 50 5 20
Hoke,' Live 5 50 6 60
Wool 24 25
Potatoes per bus 40
Apples (per bbl.) 1 00 1 50
1. 8015y100 —Tile undersigoed will keep
foreervioe on Lot 7, Con. 9, Grey, the shoot
nom Bull, Scottish Pri000,,,08829= bred by
T. A, Orarer, Sbalrespeare ; ant by Scottish
Nero, imp,
(70921,1 Dam, Gem of
BCrap,.130102=,Took prises at
Toronto, London, Tavistock and Brueaele,
Terms, 81.00 for grade cows and 88,00 for
thoro'-brads, with privilege of returning it
ueoessary. 301314 ORERAR.
10.4 Proprietor,
Onlvee ; aloe a good working mare
suppoerd in foal and a Spring colt, wM,
SHEDDER, Lot 15, Con. 4, Morris or Brus-
sels P. 0. 10.01
dairy farm of 190 sores, more or Ieea
being Lotal and 2 in the 18Ib Oonoeeelon of
the Township of Elmo, ie offered for sale.
Land in good state of oultivatien with good
frame house and large bank burn. 150 eoree
cleared -70 :cored gtasa—seeded this year.
Large orobard ; well watered by windmill ;
11 miles from sebool, church, store post-
ai/10e and railway station. At the corner is
a No. 1 cheese factory. This farm is known
as one of the best in the Townabip of Mor-
rie. Por further patrionlars apply to. GEO.
WILSON, Atwood. 17-4
DEReIONzD onere for sale his flue 102
more farm, being Lot 15, Oon, 8, Grey town-
ship ; about 87 acres 015 t05d, balance good
hardwood bush. There is a comlortable
house, good bank barn, flue orchard, &e, 1f
ranee trona Ethel Village and lose than 5
miles to Brussels. Place well feuoed and in
good heart. Poeseseiou eau be given next
Marob. For further pertieulors ae topries,
forma,&a, apply to the proprietor, MA 1,-
(l0LM LAAMONT, on the farm, or Ethel
P. O: 10.0t1
The Tickle
When you need it Cough Cure it
is a satisfaobiou to have one that
05em8 to go to the spot, We
have a remedy that nob only
seems bo do this but does do it.
Our well known
White Pine & Tar
gives relief from the iiret dose.
Pleasant to tells.
25c. per Bottle at
Drug Store
DERsIGNED offers for sale a Roadster
'Pearling (Jolt and a Roadster Pont; a 2•year
old Heayy Drautht Gelding and several 2 -
year old Heifers. Lot/5. non, 0,41-roy,
15-61 Jon N MENARY, Oranbrook P.O.
0A1E.-00o was a year old 1n January,
1000, and the other 10 .months old. Prise
animals and In good condition, Terms to
s111 purchaser. JAMES SPEIR, Lot 80,
Con. 6, Morris, or Brunt:46P, 0. 1e -to
The undersigned has 8 or 4 good
milohoowe for sale, due to calye in Novem-
ber. Prlees to mit the times, Also a young
cow and two oalvee at foot. J. P. MIN-
TOS/I, Lot 21, Com 12, Grey, or Oranbrook
P. 0. 10-tf
o4tctnrnhren#%t&EF. S. S$uioeeasberueed
by the undersigned to sell by public auction
at Lot 1, non. 2. Grey,on Thursday, Novem-
ber 8th, ab 1 o'elooll, he following valuable
property • 1 aged mare, 1 mare rising; 7
puma, 1 driving mare 8 years old, 1 general
purpose bores 0 years old,1 gelding rising 2
years• lolly riolag 2 years, 1 sucking colt, D
cows supposed to be in caf, 2 farrow cows,
17 yearhnge, 8 steers 2 years old 8 heifers 2
Years old, 8 Salves; 1 thoro'.bred bull 8 years
old, 1 Yorkshire cow with litter at foot, 1
Massey -Harris binder, 1 Massey -Harris
mower, 1 Massey -Harris 10•hoe seed drill, 1
died harrow, 2 sets iron harrowe,1 0ookahut
plow, 1 Verity gang plow, 1 Wilkinson Plow,
1 Prost & Wood plow, 1 laud roller, 1 hay
rake, 2tatm wagons, 2 wagon boxes, shay
rank, 2 buggies, 1 Satter, 1 grass seeder, 1
'rulper,1 fanning mt11, 1 wheelbarrow, l fur.
alp sower, 1 set 1,000111 aoaloa, 1 Delaval
Dream separator, 2 este team harness nearly
hit\y, i eat oh ate harness, 1 set uiugle har-
nose, 2 este sleighs, 1 haq fork and slings, 1
grain orad le, 2e seta whiflotreeo, 1 bieyele, a
number of hens, 8 thmv'-trod Buff nrping-
tons,1 sugar kettle, 1 intik eau, 180 ft lad-
der, a quantity of tl, atitnr-
n,pe iu row, Li:nut okf baraqutelon, 1ty of parlor
suite, 1 bedroom suite, 2 bedeteads,1 exten-
sion table, 1 uoutre talle, 1 Walton table, a
number of grain bugs, 10erk0, rakes, boos,
eboveta and uamaroue other arOobo. Sate
without reserve. Terme—e5 aid under oven,
over that amount 12 months credit wIl bo
given ou furnishing approved joint notes;
per dent off for cashon credit amounts,
W. O.000M 1ES, Pro p,; E', S. SCOTT, alto.
Reath !_
On 'Tuesday morning
we closed a deal for 53 OA TSimimummieirm
Traveller's Samples -- Black, Dark and
Light Tweeds. These are all long length, loose
fitting garments; man tailored, and are made by one
of the best makers in the business. This is pos-
itively the best Bargain ever offered in
Brussels for new, fashionable garments. every
one this season's best styles ; and we will sell them
at from $1 to $2 less than regular wholesale prices.
We invith you to come and investigate this offer.
See the lovely styles and get the prices. You
may wonder why we sell them at such a low
figure when we could get more for the asking,
Well these are our reasons : We bought thein
right and we always hand over to our customers
what extra we make by good buying We etre al-
ways satisfied with a legitimate profit. Another
reason : We have already had a good season for
Coats and know that good prices will be necessary
to clear out the entire lot quickly.
Oar prices range from $3,75 to $11,00
Regular ular ri
CeS are from
5,50 to 17,00
Yours for Mutual Benefit
N. Mc are
Next door to ''American House.