The Brussels Post, 1906-11-1, Page 5{ Pc (rel■ 1041. 1 "High Grade" Training pays and that in the mud the famous 4T16 ELLIOTT6 TORONTO, ONT. 113100 to 1119 olu,lonte, 800ellt Bind. 0018 have tikeu IIOglt)One at salaries from $00 pnr mouth to 81000 per au. tuna. It is 0 well !mown feet that our salmons the beet of lbs kind 8 oen- udA. This mouth I0 0 01leudld Elmo to outer All graduates got positions, The demand is nearly twouty (Oleos the supply. Write today for coagula. 1. Deet 006310guo, ' W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 0012 YONQI AND BIJOU/MBASTB. f tE $ ii .' •t eat ! MEDICAL CARDS. DR. R. A. BURNS— Socaoss0r to Ilr. J. A. AtcNilut;hton temente, Ontario Ora3uuto of Polyclinic Post Graduate school of Afodlcino and Surgery, Now York. Member of College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Ontario. Ofine Sud residence seine as formerly m- oulded by Dr. AtoNaughton. 10100800 of women a specialty. ',Phone No. 21. BUSINESS CARDS. UT H. MaCRAOKEN— 'f v • Isener of Marriage Limning. Of. nee at Grocery, '1'urnberry street, Brunets. WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES ON°c fn the Peet office, 13(33331. 80.4 BERTHA C. ARMSTRONG Is prepared to give tenons on Pismo on Item' OrgRuu. Toren 012 upphontlon. Postofiioo address-13ru0se10. Beeiden0e— Lot 8,00o.10, Grey, Peelle may Dave their lessens at their own homes it preferred. MISS MARGARET M'IAUCHLIN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conservatory of Music. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company 011oo and Iteeldonoo— WALTON, ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAMI IN00RANO3, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. i S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION. •i`4„ • fan, will eon for better prides, to better mon, 'i0 lose time and lees charges than any other Auotlouoor in Haat Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders 01m always be arraueed at tufa whoa or by p ore.lual application, ROBT. N. GARN!SS BLUEVALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County, Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for at the ofiloe of 'Pam Poem, Brussels. snit VETERINARY. GA. CUNN1NGEIAM— • Honor tiraduate of the coterie Vet• erluary College, is pr°pared to treat all die. eases of domes110ated animals in a compet- ent manner. Partioular attention pale to Veterinary lleutIOtry trod Milk leaver, Calls promptly attended to. Chloe and infirmary —Four doors North of bridge, 1'uruberry et., Bennetts. - LEGAL AND CONYEYANCINO. A•B. MACDONALD— Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, late, Suuooneer to G. F. Blair. OLDee over Stun- dard Sank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro- politan Bank. VAT M. SINCLAIR— • Barrister, Solicitor, IOeuveyauoer, Notary Public, 100. UIDoe-8tewart'e Blcak t door Nor th of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bauk, p[IOUDFOOT, HAYS 11 BLAIR— BAR1tfSTERS BOLIOITOl0B, NO'3A1ilE8 1iUBLIu, ETC. W. PltooDmoom, E. 0. R. 0. Hese G. F, 81.0130. °Moos—Those formerly 000upied by Miners (Monroe Jr Holt. G °Doo l oU, ON'1'.111I0. DENTISTRY DR: R. P. FE/LD. Itt1NI'18T Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Elret-olaes Dome Graduate of Toronto. University. Office next to Brower'° Photograph Gaiter', BRUSSELS, The Loading Commercial Sohool aCENTRAL i&IS . STRATFORD. ONT. 9Q Tide Sohool is re0oguleed to be one ill of the beet Commercial Sinews in Am• a yp erloa. You eau Barely judge it S011oo1 by the aeplleations It reindeers, Title it 9f term wo received appllontl eve tram Acne 112 six large Ame'feen dittos and Ltfrom far morn tomis and once of Oal- ldalneluttmg 8esicatcou,.Sea% on the WontandOnarluttotowgi P.lt. 1., on tato East, 0111 reputation means J' much for our gradt8Bto0. Write for our }j' i Cat 0.100110. ,,j LA LAN V.6 ELLIOTT 10 o 031 , Prinoipala. .i aon, JEWELRY STORE I have opened a Jewelry Store in the McKim Building, and nay stock is new and well varied. Special attention paid to Repairing. You will find my prices moderate. D. BLAKE io.ca1 Retu5 t.errrs mentioned sum ; thou of the balance left, the minty of Huron pays sixty live per tient, to the Listowel High Sohool JOuord, i1?'o rclwtelr. J. D. Bout( hag purohaeed a farm 2Ji ' miles from Brunets, 1} mine 8outlt and ' 1} miles Went. John Wilson, who wag vleit)ng rela- ting and old friends in Ilowiek for satue tvooke returned to Vancouver, 13. O, The Wumeu's Auxiliary of Trinity ebnroh shipped a bale of clothing, valued at 805, too mission in 111unitouliu Ieland. Mee. John G. Wallaoo left for Von• nutter, B. 0., atter spending the Som• 0101 months with relatives in Fordwioh uud vioinity. She will bo joined in the Wont by her huebaud, who ban been homesteading In Manitoba, Nominee. Hove are down to 56.60 this weak. 10 0034Te pays for Too POST to the end of 1906. This ie certainly a bar. gain. A Rem has been put up along the sidewalk at the old oellar, corner of Turo• berry and Mill streets, as a protection to the public, Trona is ooneiderable typhoid fever in the outlets', said to be due to stagnant water in the tuella wbioh were low on a000unt of the drouth. MANS aohool board° would like to get a permit from the game warden to shout the round robin preeeuted by the school tetohers demanding iuoreased ealarise. NoT one muui0ilality have taken advantage of the Ontario Act to 0oiletr101 telephone linea. The Ant wire u piece of fireworks simply and never intended to be of any use. W. W. Ramie' Dement butter !eatery is well on toward completion and will be finished inside during the Winter. The root is on and doors and windows in their places. Outoido walls will be plastered next Spring and blocked off. Six new townships will be opened np on Nov. 15th under the Vetrauo' Land Grant An. The townehipo will be pix square miles each and are booted in the North• ern portion of Algoma and Carnegie, close to the Matagami river. The land is good play, suitable for farming. TONDLRo for the emotion of the three Normal aohool buildiuge at Stratford, Peterbor° and North Bay were opened by Hon. Dr, Rearms, Minister of Public Works, but no ewarda were given. The figures were ell considered too high and now tendon will be asked for. Doo'T fail to dee the presentation of "David and Jonathan" in the 'Town Hall on Tuesday evening, 13th Inst Plan of Hall at Fox's, Drug Ettore where Beate may be reserved tvithont additional coat. Mr. Beers comae under the cue• piooe of Brueeele Odd Fallows. Piles quickly and positively oared with Dr. Shoop's' Magio Ointment. It'e made for Piled alone—and it does the work surely and with eati0100t10,1 Lotting, painful, protruding or blind piles disappear like magic by its use. Large, Niokle Capped glass jars, 60 cents. Sold and raoommeuded by F. R. Smith. Tins G. T. R., the mean things, have detertuiued to put a atop to the throwing of rine at newly marled couples' when they are boarding their treble. Bridal couples ought to boyoott the G. T. R. No doubt the ride throwing feet ie what encourages many of the young things to get married, Tum calming foatory Lao completed the work of attuning this year's' crop of tomatoes, and are now working on apples. ''hey put op this year 400,000 Dune of tomatoes, and they expect to do up about ten oarloode of apples. The past 0e0aou hoe been a profitable one for tomato growers. H. Lavender received 8180 for his crop on 1 acres. Walter James, sou of Wm. J071100 reusived 5191 off 2} scree. Geo, Youug made $175 off 2 acres. Lewis Wigle grew $000 worth,—Leomiog• ton Poet, The new Pure Food and Deng Law will mark it on the label of every Cough Cure °ordaining Opium, Chloroform, or any otter etnpitying or po30ona00 drag. But it passes Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure a8 made for 20 years, entirely free. Dr. Shoop all nloug inn bitterly oppoeod the We of opiates or 0araotio, Dr. Shoop'° Cough Onre is absolutely sale eveu for the youngest babe—and it mime it doe° not eimp)y eappre00. Get a Bate and reliable Cough Ogre, by simply imitating on having Dr, Bhoop'e. Let tin Law be your venation. We cheerfully re0umentud and eels it, F. R. Smith. "DAVIn AND JONATHAN."—The dramatic oheraoterization of the beautiful story of David and Jonathan will be preeentod in the Town Hall Brunette, under the 00gpi000 of Western Star, 1. 0. 0, F., No. 140, Tuesday eve0i14, Nov, 18th, by the gifted impersonator Newton Beers, 14 ohareoter0 are presented by the enter. taiuer. The Boston herald Saye :-11.1.r. Beers not- only recites tie playa from memory but also pones/tee the gift of being able to so change hie volae and nation 120 to enable himto difliarenliate the various personalities of each ()bander in the story of the play as, he prooeede, This faculty melee hie entertainment ie. tamely interesting to all ages and °lessee, who do not lied a dull moment during the hour and n half in whittle- he holds their Mona attention. Tum case of Lielowel High Sohool Board ye. the County of Heron wee tried by Judge Barron nine Division Come at Listowel meetly, rind it is of general 1010reet, It was all notion to determine the eorr00t method of figuring the amount to be paid by a county for pupils ahigh from that county attending g -h oobool "h t in at adja0oot comity, 1 N o so was ar400d et length 0.8 a test case to inter• prat the Sainte Aot, no pato of the hind having been decided before, The method of a000untiug of the Listowel board wan en0teiued and jndgmeet given in full for the Maim The Way to fix the amount payable is given by the Judge a0 f0l10We 1 —let—Fled the average yearly ooet of the maintenance of Huron county paplle ; Rod—Pot down the amount of o the Government grant as, proportioned to 0120)1 pupils ; Ord --'''hen add to nob last mentioned slum the fees payable by stun pupil0 ; 4th-- 13810(1 deduct the emu tote) of these last two surae from the Etre( Ilenllh For Ittur.ltewn iVemet From the experieuoe of Mee. Juo. Panics, Saoltatoon, nothing compere') with Ferr000,le. "At times I was oon- tned to my hed and anuld'ot do any work. I (vee r00 down in flesh, lost strength my appetite failed. Weary and oaotdow0, it seemed I could'nb catch op. Ferrozoae started a now kind of life in my blood, vitalized Dud elren4thened my nerves, aud fleetly oared my heart and atomaoh paine." B'errozoue )e a rebuild, er that hue spooial virtue in female ail. meuts. B&Id everywhere in 60o. boxes. Eleitl-o-vu. Mise Jaakeou, ut Morrie, was the guest of Mise Nellie Gaynor, Archie Fogel spent 'Thanksgiving with his parents, Henry and Mrs, Fogel. James Gaynor spout Thanksgiving with his parents, Juo. and Mre. Guyette, Beo Brandt 1140 returned after a pleat• ant eojurn in the Wool. The land out there does not 0011 Ben so he hue decided to remain in Ontario. Mies Lavine Ranter, yotingeet thumb. ter of John and 41re. blunter, 8th line, Grey, ie ill with au atteok of typhoid fever, of which her many friends tvish her speedy recovery. Wm. and Mr0. Baker entertained a few young frieud0 at a eooiol gathering Tuesday evening, 0o1 10tb. All report having an 0ujcyable evening, Mr. and Mrs. Baker are a splendid host and beaten, The annual harvest thanksgiving Barmen of St. David's ohuroh, He0lryn, were held on Sunday and Monday, Oot, 14181 and 16th. The incumbent, Rev. H. P. Westgate, preeohed morning Sud tveuiug on Sunday. On Mouday evening Rev. N. A. F. Bourne, rentor of Christ ohuroh, Listowel, preached an able der• mon from Psalm 1251 18, dwelling particularly upon the thought of what great things the Lord hath done for 120 in Canada, 8peoial rnnei0 was rendered by the choir of 8t. Alban'° oheroh. The cherub wee meet tastefully decorated with grain, fruit and flowers. The at. condemn at all sec./io00 wag (urge and the contributions liberal, When the tip of a dog's nose is oold and moist, that dog is not sick. A fever - (eh dry eon means sickness with a dog. And so with human lips. Dry, °reeked and oolor10e0 lips mean foverisbneae, sed are as well ill appearing. To have beautiful, pink, velvet, like lips, apply at bedtime a ooatiug of Dr. Shoop's Salve. it will mitten and heel any akin ailment. Get a free trial box at our store and be uouvinoed. Large niokel cupped gime jure, 25 conte. F. R. Smith. r9tVW0 tt. Willie RobL, Sort of Wm. Robb, 10th eon. is i11 with typhoid fever. W. D. and Mrs, An4tle will shortly take up their residen00 in Stratford, where Mr. Angne will be nearer hie work. Rev. Mr, Tiffin, 01 Trowbridge, preaoh• ed iu Atwood Methodist ohuroh 011 28th met. Rev. Mr. Bond preached anni- versary setvicee at Willow Grove. Mies M. Bond, of the parsonage, bee 8000 00 en xended visit to her slater, tare. Canoe leu, of Red Deer, Alta. She expecte to be away till next Bummer. Lemuel Pelton and Fred. Davie lett for Cobalt. Air. Pelton will visit hfe daughter, Mre. 0, H. Follarton and Fred. will upend a few weeks with his brother. Robert Anderson, manager of Hay Brae. elevator, had the misfortune to step on a rusty nail while et work help mg to dismantle the old elevator on Thanhegiving morning. Leonard and Mrs. SO utdo, of lvfonkton, injured in the Aziida railway catastrophe have settled with the rai)tv0$' Oompaoy for 51,1300 for the loss of their dougbtere Bud the injnrie0 to thomeelves, A BUTBAOR Fon .plt.816—'The looal option bylaw of Elena 'Townehip, Perth County, was egnuehed last week by the Divisional Court at Osgood° Hall. The by•low was emend last January by a 0Ojorily of 201 in a total vote of 811. The court found that the by-law omitted n clause provided for in 000)1 oases by the mguloipal toot, for the Bumming up Oranbrook Cider Mill Tho Cider Mill hero has commenced operations and Cider and Apple Butter will be made any day in the week (barring Sunday) while the season lasts, CAMERON BROS. 14-4 Proprietors. of the Totes, aud oleo that there were numerous irregularities in the °toeing of the poll books. It t0 said that in only nue 330113124 plans wee thin done properly. '''he'''owuebip therefore loses, and pays the ooet0 in both courts, John Struthers hue purchased from the Forrest Estate the lune running along Hide hie property to the old flax mile property, 00 well as the old weigh etude building, which he will convert into It comfortable stable. Stomach Medicine In Useless Impoeonblo 10 mire catarrh in the noes by doaiog tho'etomaoh. Send the heal 3114 vap.,r of Outer, hozone after the germs and yu0 at once aouompfioh good. Aoy mage of catarrh is ourable,—ell that's 1000eusary is to inhale Oatarrbozone— every vlet04e of the trouble i9 forever driven trout the system. It you mutt permanent mire for oalarrh, throat trouble or branohitlo, Oatarrhozoue ie o etaud•by. Two Bien, 25o and 51.00 at all dealers. G:urrirt. J. R. Williams was at Mitchell at- tending 81.0 funeral of bis brother. Mrs. Pyke is confined t0 the bowie at prevent with au a1aok of paralysis. The quarterly meeting of the Metho- dist Ohuroh here will be held Sabbath, Nov. 4:13. J. B. Atkiue, of Orange Hill, hail gone to Harneton, where he has obtained a poeti01) ao book keeper i0 the furniture factory. Au Orange eerm00 on the annivor- eery of the Gunpowder Plot will be preached to the brethren of L. 0. L No. 575, in the Orange Hill Methodist church on Bonday, Nov. 4111, by Rev. O. P. Wells, B. A. We are artery to record the death of Margaret Eden, eldest daughter of Wm. and Mrs. Strong, 10th mon., wbioh took plane on Thursday morning, Oot. 18th, after bat a few hours' illuese, The funeral took plaoe on Friday to Gorrie cemetery. LIMLU va el. Mise Ida Zillax, of Toronto, was the guest of Mayor and Mre. Weteon. Mies Minnie Hay and Merviu Hay have returned from Wiunipeg. Mervin is speedily regaining his health after hie atteok of typhoid, The Arliugt011 Hotel Iioense was trans• (erred by the Oommioeiouere to Harry Branlm, the new proprietor, who took possession. Robt. Ferguson, of Ohioago, hoe deoid• ed to remain in Listowel for the Winter, and he hue had taken the local egenoy of the North American Lite Ins. Go. 11..a. Chalmers', operator at Listowel, has been appointed G. T. R. station agent at Milverton, in the 0,eed of 0. A. 1ot3ou, who reeigoed to take the management of a restaurant in Toronto. A 0.P. R. 000011004800 gang ie at work at the rear of H. Karen' term, adjoining the corporation, where a ooneiderable out is beiug made, the earth being need in grading a little further East, The work i0 beiug pushed ahead ea rapidly a0 pod• eible. Rev. A. Fanjoy returned home on Tuesday of net week from Peterboro, whore he was attending the fifly•firet annual Coovsation of the Bapliot Churches of Ontario and Qeebeo. Mr. Fanjoy ie leaving Listowel and 000310oted his fiutd services' bare and in Atwood on Sunday. A lire °Mailing a heavy lose 000nrred in town on Tuesday morning of taut week when a large frame stable on Bie- mar0lt street, owned by J. W. Buell and leased by W. C. Kidd, was destroyed by fire, together with its 00utente, including three of Mr. Kidd'e line 'tellials. The stable, which in close to the residence of Ed. Gabel and only a short distance from Ivir. Kidd'° sale stables, was dieoovered to be on fire by Mee. Gebel, who was aroused by the noise made by the horded, and upon going to the window saw Hamed i8euine from the stable door, Mr, Gabel being out of town, Mrs. Gabei ran out and gave an alarm, and shortly after- warde the fire bell palled oat the brigade, --- FALL LLB El3Y READY Pattern Hats and Millinery Novelties HE invitation is yours to come and see everything that is cor- rect and new in Fall Millinery. Nothing that has been accepted by h 't n le Now York and Paris the Pa,. talo ab of 110 has been neglected in our Styles. No formal opening this Season— just drop in any time. Girls wanted to learn the Millinery. Misses abk irk 1., 13owever, by the time they got to the tire, the Minium wee u (nese of Hamed and beyond 0avnn4. By elrenaoug work the home (moulded by Mr. Gabel woe paved, ibe woudou ,hod at the rear being on firs repeatedly, The powsrflrl etreame of water thrown emu drowned out the fire entirely, but only a mere skeleton of the stable wan loft, and its °entente were totally destroyed. Mr. Kidd had ouly reoently planed three of his stallions, u Belgiau and two Olydee, in the stable, aud the poor brutes fell a prey 60 the Homes. The night was a particularly calm ono, wbioh wee a fortunate thing for the eurramltting buddmge. What earned lbs Me appears to be a mystery. The last person in the Stehle, SO far a0 known, was night (constable, Adam Stewart, who visited it on hie rounds be. Iween 12 and 1 o'clock, and who found 0V0rytltin) all right, and looked the door before leaving, returning with his lantern to the sale barns, which he left in the olnoe. Both building aud oontenla were Mewed, 00 that the toes will not fall so heavily upon the owners. Mr, Scott had an insurance of 5300 and Mr. Kidd had the stallions Insured with Lloyde to something over 55,000. Leacibux-v- MaKfLLor VOONOIL.—The Township Conned met at the 00mmeroial Hotel, Beatortb, Oot. 16th, All the members, present. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. A0000ute to the amount of 52,081.80 were passed and ordered to be paid by cheques on the treasurer, The boucle of Charlie Dodds, Collector of taxed, were aooepted. F. W. Earn• comb, Eogioeer hoe taken the Winthrop Drain off the aonlraotor'e hands and P. Pigeon, ooutraotor, hoe been paid $841,60. The Barron Drain hat] also been comm Meted and aeoepted by the Engineer. A levy of 5340.00 hoe been made on those entitled to pay the same for completing payment ou the Barron Drain and le 0020 in the bands of the Treasurer. All tboee who paid on the 5500.00 levy ere entitled to a refond. Oounoil adjourned to meet at the Oommeroiol Rotel, Sea. forth, on Tuesday, Nov. 13111. at 10 a'elook a• m. M. MDRDIe, Preventioe, as, the name implies, pre. vent ell Golds and Grippe when taken at the sneeze stage. Preventioe are toothsome dandy tablets. Preventioe dissipate all colds quickly, and taken early when you drat feel that a cold is coming, they aback and prevent them. Preventioe are thoronghly safe for chil- dren, and eo affection' tor adults. Bold and reoommeeded in 5 dent and 25 cent boxee by F. R. Smith. BIv tat. Harold Jarvis at Blyth on Wednesday, Nov. 28.h. The steam shovel on the C. P. R. will fiuieh work this week, The painters are in town and are busy at the new 0. P. R. station. Reeve Sloan shipped a oar of export cattle to the Old Country, Mies Jool(son, of the Mimioo Sohool, was visiting ter brother, Wm. Jaokeo0, for a few days. Will. Moser left on Monday of last week for Saskatoon. His many Meade will wish him 0000008, The Blyth Branob;of the UpperCsoada Bible Society will hold their meeting in the Methodist ohuroh on Nov, 718,, at 8 o'clock. W. Davie, Jno. Hirone and Wm. Philips, lett town and are now employed on the oonotraotioo work of the 0. P. R. at Durham. Blyth Connell is asking the Stephenson Carriage Works to say whether they mean bueioeee or not, in their proposal to establish here. At the tournament of the Huron Rite League, held iu Wingbam on Thankegivieg Day, Dixon Stalker, of the Blytb Club, won the medal for the high. est individual snore, making 47 pointe out of a poeeible 50. Luciano w. Dr. A. M. Spine hes removed his handeomo new more In the Beaver blook. Mrs. G, P. Ten0yeon, formerly of Lookeow, who was earnestly wounded to the 100001 wreak near Sudbury, is re. ooveriug. The 241)1 a0niveraany of Lookoow Lodge, No. 137, A. 0. U. W. was held on Ootober 28th. Membere marched in a body to the Methodist ohuroh, The annual Tbank.offering meeting of the Women's Fureigu Missionary Auxiliary woe held in the Luoknow Preebylerioa ohuroh on Weduesday, Mrs. MoLennan, of Owen Sound, and Mise Goodfellow, miseonary to India, now at home for a few menthe, resting from her work, addressed the meeting. At a meeting of the members of the Luoknow Curling Club the following officers were elected for the onrreut year; President, Walter Mnrdook ; vice prep., G. A. 8idda11 ; Secretary, Robt. Johne• ton ; tread., Thos. S. Reid i managing oommittee, J. Hildred, 3, lllnGarry sod Wm. Errl9. The olub Okip8 will be elected at the meeting on Tneeday, Nov Oth. James Bryan has Bold the Luoknow Sentinel to J. A. McGregor, who for some time had been in charge of the Thameeford Star. ?dr. MoGregor is a sou of the late Duncan MoGregor, of thio town. He is a practiced printer and should make a success in hie new buei• 0(100. Mr. Bryan has heti °barge of the Sentinel for tweniy eight yearn and will oonllnoo to reside i0 Luoknow where he still hoe bueineee interests. - A epeoial pnblio meeting of the share. holders and all other well wi0her0 of the Lnakuow Elevator Company, Limited i0 called for Saturday next at 2.30 p. m at the Town Hall, to take into ooneidera, tion the beet ways and mane of reducing the indebtedness upon the plant of the 0001pany, and thereby preventing any pooeibilily of the property parades out of the po00000im1 and control of the tarmer0 and °there interested in maintaining e good market for grain in Luoknow. 00 Tbnraday, Oot, 18111 the veuorable Edward Switzer oelobrated his 100th birthday, an 031008 which few have the privilege. Relatives to the bomber of about thirty 80sembled at the home of hie eon, F. D. Kirkton, with whom rho aged gentleman ie living to extend don• gratnlations on hie reaching the century mark. Tables were dot at 0)x o'olook end the hospitality of F. D. and Mrs. Switzer woe enjoyed, while Edward Switzer entertained those pr000nt with remtneoeno00 of the early part of last century. Doling the afternoon Mr. Switzer wrote on oarde the following I New Firm D. WALKER ANP M. BLACK have formed a co -partnership, to be known as Walker & Black, and will carry on air Furniture and "'li Undertaking Business IN THE LECKIE BLOCK Their stock of Furniture, Undertaking Goods and Musical Instruments is new from the Factories ; has been bought for cash and will be sold at Reasonable Prices'. MR. CHAS. FORSTER, an experienced Uudertaker and Upholsterer, will assist iu the business. Picture Framing a Specialty. They hope by strict attention to business, square and honorable dealing with their Cus- tomers to merit a share of the public patron- age. Night and Sunday calls will be promptly attended at David Walker's residence, North of bridge, Turnberry street. WALKER & BLACK "Edward Switzer is 100 years old to day, s Oot. 18th 1906" wbioh be banded to those InWo nN3 t Y Bi s preee0t as so0ve0ira of the 00000108. 6®GQA Nutwitbetondiog his extreme old age rheld1 with a firm Mr. Switzer he en 1 hand, A photographer present and took tie photo. Among those present, were sone and daughters graodohildreu and great grandchildren and great great grandchildren. The old gentleman, who still retains hie hearing, eyesight and speech, was greatly pleased to have so mooy of hie family around him and to reoeive their oongralulolione on his long period of life. The 000asion was joy - entity spent by all, who hoped that hie years would be prolonged for some time to come. Mr. Switzer was born in Ireland and came to Canada when 24 years of age. The Gelatin Of Gail Stones They are simply dried bile, made np of oryetelline coneeitwenle of that field. Very common is this disease among merchants, nlergymen, Atop girls, and sedentary habits. Prevention oonsiete of maintaining oorreot action of the liver and bowels, whi011 is best accomplished by Dr. Hamilton's Pills. No person tieing thio medioine need fear gall 010nee nor will they ever be billiooa. Sound digestion, good appetite, a olear oolor will evidence the health giving propsrtree of Dr. Hamiltons pills, which are the safest and beet for general family 1200. Immist On having only Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, 25o per box at all dealers. and Wea nsssas Dr. Shoop's Night Cure Soothes, Heals and Cures while the Patient Sleeps. The best remedy which phy0101000 (mow for Femelo Weaknesses 1s composed of parts of a certain wbite lily. To this are added other remedies which draw out the poisons and heal the inflamed membranes. This soothing anti- septic local application is known by druggists and physicians everywhere as DR. Sa00P's NIGHT O11am—because it cures while the pa - morning ands the Won, the discharges, many women are dom. They suffer. they never know all this suffering is unnecessary. ,omanmaybe —may be ('0110008 rho tality of ro- ily beulthy wo- iblsever-to- ot nu germs 1volncn his 02800031g0111000 cheer. 1t is. to I1ese that U6i. ST1001,3 as a Balm of Gilead. tient sleeps and the earabatn,ed. theThe lnlivdamma- es of records of martyr 0)10)10310 eke o well 110)1-108el add 0 0 0110 0 0 9 Every ((1001 made strong endo to ex• vigor and bustand p8110rfe 0 ood. It Is 10b creasing ant and life and good etolrand ailing women NIGnT CURB 331)1 deme Yea maynetgive a it, your trouble by the Hama physicians give ft, but remember Dn. SUMP'S of NIGHT uC1111.0lceration, may be relied upon In all cases of whew nlserution, Lalling of the Wom11, Pains in the womb or ovaries, louoorrhma, (winces). innnmmation. congestion, Sr31000(r or Painful 0010.ruRecommended and sold by for Dr. DP's NIGHT F. R. SMITH. 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