The Brussels Post, 1906-11-1, Page 3'j1i'��, +I{polo ,y�1�g���j �t
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Tho greeles. physk'tan hi the werld
Go 1110 stat. 1tern nen at few esiunples
of his heeling powers.
Cuutunnplien et the lungs has boon
stenoesht1ly treated by means of a cnn-
ea,o ndNrnr (vrrktid with bine glass.
Di -figuring ]upu:a yield, to the chemi-
cat rays of the .,uu, )].].dough the elenli lr,
light is found uu;ru courclieut in prac-
l'vaummntn, dlphtheeia croup, !towel -
pea, rhronie rheinlalisnl, rlhelnllalie
geld, n. Boon, uun±mia, and 01110rns1e
have all Leen limited most successfully
by coneenirated sunlight.,
Even diseases of the kidneys, stomach,
brain, and spleen can be nv01oome by
:erring sunlight, although it ennnot pene-
trate lo these (Itslp parts. IL acts, In
these eases, by stinndaliug the sIII1a' e
emu drawing away the blond from the
congested organs.
The sun can -cure eleeplessness, tone
!ho nervous system, Improve the appe-
tite and the nutrition of 1110 body, 11n114e
red blood, slrenglhen oho heart, and
brace the whole system.
Besides curing disease, the sun pre-
vents 11, fur sunlight kills consumption
microbes In dust, cholera, and typhoid
microbes In drinking water, seaelet fe-
ver and measles microbes in infected
There is no remedy oo easily obtained
es water, and yet nine persons out of
len will pass It by in the emergency
In seek fur =nelhing of less efficacy.
There are but few eases of Illness where
wse!ter should not. occupy tine highest
place as a remedial agent.
A strip of flannel or a napkin folded
lengthwise and wrung out of hot water
and applied around the tier].( of a child
who has croup will usually bring re-
lief In (L fere minutes. A towel folded
several times, then quickly wrung out
of hot wnLer and immediately applied
over the seat of the pain In toothache
c 1• neuralgia will nffurd prompt relief.
This treatment In colic works like ma-
gic. Cases on record having resisted
other treatment for hours Have yielded
Lo this treatment In len minutes.
Pieces 'of Colton bolting dipped In hot
water, then applied to all sores and new
outs, bruises and sprains is the treat-
ment new generally adopted in hospi-
tals. Het water taken freely half an
hour before bedtime is an Pe:client ca-
thartic in the case of constipation, while
iL has a soothing effect on tee .stomach
and bowels. This treatment. continued
for a few months, together with proper
attention to diet, will alleviate mild cas-
es of dyspepsia.
A Remedy for indigestion. -Take the
white of an egg beaten to a s11ff broth
and stirred into a wineglass of cold
water. It should be taken atter each
Put a sprained ankle into hot water
far ten minutes as soon ns possible after
the accklent. 11 the pain is severe, op,
ply a bran beg dipped into bat vhhegar.
Nm-er neglect a daily bath it you want
a c:ear skin and fresh complexion, and
remember that a pleasant taco and
cheerful smile will go a long way lo-
wards improving the appearance. No
woman is really beautiful if her ex-
pression is not bright and cheerio).
Puffiness under tihe eyes can some-
times be helped by the following mils -
sage treatment, Use both hands, place
the fingertips directly beneath the
eyes, press gently around the outer cor-
ners and upward, following the eon.
tour of the oye. Try Ibis movement
fifty times a day.
A ,ten minutes nap is a wonderful aid
to health. The writer knows a .cleleate
woman, Mother of a large faintly, who
is enabled to do a groat amount el.
work by slipping away once or twice
daily for a ton minutes sleep. The
habit any be induced and it becomes
a veritable dip into tile fountain rf
Story of Stave Suppression on the High
In the days when slave -traders dealt
illegally in slaves, they often carried
thele from port to port 111 "slave
An English naval officer, Captain D.,
on the lookout for slave traders, sight-
ed one morning what he thought was
n slave dhow ,and gave chase. On coin-
ing up with iter he went on boned, and,
finding negroes there, demanded from
the captain his papers, showing that lie
deait in slaves. The captain declared
emphatically that he carried no such pa
poi's, therefore oho Englishman had to
Pile sante day 50n1e setters on the
English ship caught a shark, old on
cutting It open, found inside a small
•bundle of papa's, which prayed that the
olhcr ship had slaVes on lined.
Captain D., On discovering this. gave
chase again, end came up with the
Other ship in a port, whereshe was un-
inading her cargo. 1lo demanded In sac
the captain, and, wasting few words,
produced the bundle o1- papas, When
•11)0 slave trader saw thein lie turned
+(tenthly 1)010, and, slinking with 1011111,
made a full confession, (low he had
been enrrying staves to soil at filo port,
and, on seeing the English 100i1.0f-hVar
•following him, he threw the p0pels over-
board, litho thinking that 11 would be
swallowed by one o, the sharps follow-
ing the 110ssel and Dome to light again.
This is confirmed by the fent that the
'original judgtnenl is In a frame, aril
it on view in the Royal 11.1useum, King.
sloe, Jemeice, and it photograph ol the
document is in ilio possession of a To.
tonics gentleman.
Thi only two great European cnpl-
tabs that have lineal• been occupied by e)
foreign be 'fealidon and Si. Pclers-
at 'Tells
Trade nuked thus in n
Variety of nylee,fabrire and
Meer (atym e -An, men and
children. 101 m Fitted,
o authorized to
rreplaec ing r ndy and at our
cod, any Pen -Angie ear•
merit faulty in material
or making. 200
Pen -Angie trade:
mark (in red) ori
every Pen -Angle
garment, tells you
it will fitandwoa't
shrink, --your
own dealer so
Underwear thus
trade marlced is
softer, warmer,
more flexible,
bettor wearing.
it n 'rtY
"r 1E7
rod all kinds of Irmo fleeciese, also
L100 It NAw.
Write to un about your.
BEM= (10.4501050 Dyalna aa,00o ISO. Montreal
LAD 1 ES !
Be our Agent In your locality, ea'n
money in your spare time selling our
Perfumes, Soaps, Toilet Requisites and
Flavoring Extracts, articles that are
used every day in every Home; 50 per
telt. profit In this for you. \Vette 11S,
Tho 7, D. Eager Company, Toronto.
Fruit Growers, Attention
flaying no eomtnimilon to pay, and selling for
cash, 'Iho Eastern Townships Nurseries aro thus
able to offer yo" Standard Apple Troog t to 0 foot
high growu here, Lardy And thrifty "took for gall
delivery, for 015.00 por hundred.
L aurancoviligriue
Fay ream.! Vo-. kaatd ha„
hen ht leu in Donner for 1(00
,n wit new eaad "area whish
al, 0 s.ks,o00 a y"a ora,,
Maw, ho • population of 200A00.
Ina,. ream sin 10,111,0(05 eta mob
,h. LJf-,nttaon ,nary.
Ordinary r"fd.nn late L,d,n,,n,hair Dery
and brant from 5717 to 52,)00 tub.
Washington Heights
The Maims and most eghtly addttienh Denver,
farni.hiny a perk. viva of Pike'. Peak end aha
Reeky Mountain. foe a d6vneo or 75 Nilo,
Ovolookinr,W+nhinften Park. An idol spot.
Lots 25 x 125 Feet for $100
mete I n D .d 1e Data- "rein
rear or
.:11:11 ••a2,7u ..1 .
ia'&, .nd ki111,a,?.tiw.wll. '•
T1.0..,,, Bolan. u .. „ D,,,,,.cal.,.5.
It,,, 1.. ,..aro" 00 in Lama. .ki ,.
Gold Cuff
Links, 5.50
Beginning at $4 Diamond
Hall has a vast array of solid
gold Cuff Links—made by
the store's own skilled gold-
Notable value is found in
our $5.50 pair of 14k. Gold,
dumb• bell shape, suitable
for monogram; and our Cat•
alogue pages show many
Articles are sent post free,
of course.
Amyl its a Aosta card and one 00'11
sendyan free of rdatgr our large illus.
Alp&� p yay��, raWtta
IK.Ir Yu'V
7 ti .•p I...
A somewhat unusual operation in
wreck: -raising has been 001,11d out In
Niel harbor. Some time since the tor-
pedo-botit ';S 120" sank In port after
collision with another war -vessel, and
notwithstanding the known condition of
Um sunken boat, the authorities decided
to !lave it brought to the airtime. Fur
this purpose two foaling Drams of tor.
midable dimensions were utilized, and
fhc broken and twisted hull NOS fished
Up froth the depths and strung through
the air like a bale .01 merchandise to n
lighter, onwhich it was Ietcl. The boat
was of steel, and It is proposed seri-
ously to essay and turn the amenity
Inextricable mass to some use.
A chill of three years old le half rho
height that it' will 01101' reach,
A Wealthy Alan of Scheurcindy, N. Y.,
Me the Most Complete Outfit
in ilk, House.
Time, 7 The eleetrinnl aw'alcen-
ing 111nr111 Deer linhu's Led hers rd[, 01(11
she r Yens het' 0, a., ]a)gnidly. But, with
n emiden realtzutien ILtIthe nlus.or'a
1:1' latosL foist be ready in half Int hour,
she becomes 1novo twain., and, reaching
cwt hand from the Led, she !ouches a
Litten embedded In the wall 11,1111.Y.
Tilts bitIbon is ma0ited "Tea Kettle.'
Then IMile touches in sureeseion ether
hul10ns, hihclled "Porridge," "Oven,'
nut! "Bath."
Leisurely chr arises, dare her r,141 h.
Mg, n11r1 goes downslnb',. in the Miele
en the len kettle le 1 rtihlg merrily, Tile
perrldge 10 steaming away in its recept-
oele, and es she opens the oven the blast
n1 heat bulicnles that all is ready for
plseing 1110 breakfast rolls, made the
slight before, In the oven for quick bak-
Upstairs tiro master can be heard
splashing in his morning bath, which
has been healed to just the right tem-
perature. Inni few minutes another
maid Comes downstairs, sets the table,
and promptly at 7.30, when the wester
appeers In the dining room, breakfast.
is set upon the table, prepared to per-
Who did it? Italie was the "first one
up" in all the Crouse. Then who started
the keine boiling? Who turned on the
fire under the porridge steamer? Who
gat the oven ready? One extra servant,
an unpaid, ur(ed servant., who never
sleeps, but is always at the ea]) of any-
nyono who will touch tho button. And
the servant's name is Electricity]
Tho house Is the Electric house. It
is no fancy dwelling, for with the ad-
vance in electricity is has become quite
possible. Indeed, one such residence al-
ready exists and is quite successful. A
Ah'. N. W. ilillman, a wealthy man of
Schenectady, N, Y., is lire inventor, and
owner, and occuppant of the (louse of
In Itticihen appliances the Hillman
house surpasses all others in rho per-
fection and up-to-dateness of its elec-
trical equipment. And if a eoolc can-
not be contented in this house, she can
be contented nowhere.
Titis is an age when the science of
man is bent on saving the precious mo-
ments, and in the Hillman home no time
I; lost. The electric kitchen equipment
Is simplieily itself, H consists of a
wooden table equipped with many regu-
toling switches for turning the current
on and off. Three heats can be given
-the maximum, medium and mini-
mum. In the morning the girl turns a
switch in her room when she gets up,
and by the time she 1.s dressed the tea
kettle is boiling, the electrical frying pan
and coffee pot are as soon ready, and
breakfast 0821 be cooked in Less than
half Iho lino usually consumed with
the gas or coal stove. Tho three heal,
switches are used, so that the cooked
fond can be kept warm until used.
Water eon be heated, and an egg
rooked en the stove in the wonderful
time of three and three-quarter minutes.
0111er cooking utensils rare equally as
fast, and prepare the food in a manner
to tickle the poialo of an epicure. The
oven can he heated ready for baking in
less than fifteen miuubs, 11105E interest-
ing about the kitchen utensils is the fact
that so ninny combinations have been ar-
, ranged. The hot-water healer Is later
used to cook the porridge, then to boil
the eggs, and later the potatoes are
steamed in it.
It .the laundry, in the basement, the
nine -gallon water boiler keeps a steady
supply of het water, all the machinery
Is run by electricity and Ibe, clothes are
droned by a six -pound eleelric flat iron,
which is always ready for work.
is equippedwith a smali'toble wired for
the eliding dish and coffee percolator,
whore pleasant evening dishes can be
All lila rooms of
the house are heat-
ed with the luminous electric radiators.
Tile radiators are instantaneous, and
as soon as the switch is turned Ilse fire
glows and throws out a strong meal:
They give more heat than any gas heat-
er, do not use the oxygen In the room,
mid are far cheaper, costing less than
seven cents nn hour for heat.
The bathroom is replete 'With electri-
cal inventions and conveniences. Water
in the hath tub is heeled quickly with
an immense coil. In forty seconds we.
ter can he heated in the shaving mug.
The miscellaneous 01001.1003 contriv-
ances about this hoose aro almost with-
out 'number, and aro being added to
every day. The sewing is done on a
sewing machine run by a 0111ai1 motel',
and n little three -pound electrical flat-
iron hl 1.110 sewing -room Is 1)1010 (hal
useful; It is a necessity. An elech'ieel
massage motor is 0nether device, There
is also the eleelric (heating pad, which
takes the place of the old hot-water hot-
ottie. It is as light ns a blanket, and eon
be kept 10e hours nt the some tempera-
Moieties In 1110 house ere en unknown
quart fly. Cigar -lighters on the veran-
dah, 111 the rlen-the only places where
mnlehes would be used -)'mane every
excu-e for n match in 1111. Weise. There
elle also telephones upstairs and down,
A great maty of the devices men'
tinned can he 01801 111 almost any home
whore electric hlghle aro 11:(111, such cls
the shnving•nnlg, tea and coffee pots,
chnflng•dtsh, fiai•irmis, elgnr-lighter,
31L'Wbng Machine motor end laundry
The general prosperity of New Zee-
land is remarkable, Out of a popula-
tion. of a )ilio less than 1.000,000 one-
third have mm1Py in Iho mines banks.
The wealth per load is neatly £300,
1-110 is the florets!, of any 0Olmtr;y in
the world, :Relishes show lo' New Zea.
land the highest health and the lowest
death rate of any country.'•
A ttheumetir Sufferer Cured by Dr.
William' Pink Pills.
Rheumatism is Milled In llse blood--
tbet1 1+ n feedlot]. fact ev,.ry poor t'he1:-
nuhlic sutf,•Prt' ANA /I/ 101111W, 1.fuinN:111s
and aliw-nrd npplieulinns cannot pos-
sibly curt) 111 111)0liOnl. They are a
ornate of I4l3n.'y, and while the sufferer
is using Chet: the disease Is steudily
(;rowiltg worse -ds ',lowly but stool),
Ming u firmer grasp open the entire
s}rL;n. biheumntisnl 11111(41. be !reeled
llu•'algil the blood. That Is the wily
vr+y 111 w4ii:h the pnisnnous acid can
1,, driven nd. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
uclually matte new blued and thus El-
m fly's Cure rheumatism, Every dose of
these pills helps to make new richt red
blood w'llirh swoops 1(10 poisonous nctd
from the system, loosens the aching
Joints and muscles and gives the rheu-
matic new health free been pain.
Among lhoee who can bear witness e0
lou truth of these statements Is Miss
Docsina Langlois, of St. Jerome, Que.,
1,0 vecary months sire suffered 11A7n
rheunrntism and had begun to think
she was incurable. "1 could not sh'night-
en up," says Miss Langlois. "011y limbs
were almost useless, so stiff were they.
FOP many months I endured such pains
as only rbeutrmlle sufferers can under-
stand. Although only thirty yenrs of
age the suffering I endured actually
made me look like an old woman. 1
used ]ininlonts and tried several medi-
cines, but got not the slightest help un-
lit almost by chance my attention was
directed to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. i
began taking them and 1n the course of
a fere weeks I could see they were help -
Ing me. Little by little the pain began
1,0 go, and the stiffness to leave my
joints. I continued lulcing the pills for
several *nibs when every symptom
of the trouble had disappeared. I have
not felt a twinge of rheumatism since,
and I bless the day Dr. Williams' Pihk
Pills came to my notice."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills never fail to
Dore rheumatism because they go right
1» the root of the trouble in the blood.
That is wiry these pills cure all the com-
mon ailments' due to Poor and watery
blood, such es anaemia, headaches and
backaches, indigestion, neuralgia, St.
Vitus dancegeneral weakness, and the
irregularities rregularities that amici wo-
men and grooving girls. If you need a
medicine you will snve mnnoy by tak-
ing Dr. Williams' Pinic Pills at once.
See that the full name, Dr. Williams'
P11110 Pills for Palo People is printed
on the wrapper around every box. Sold
by all medicine dealers or by mail nt
510 cents a box or six boxes for $22.50
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, 01L
Cure tor Sleeping Sickness said to Have
Been Found.
Two Europeans aro reported to have
teen cured of sleeping sickness in the
\Vatermael Hospital.
The authorities decline to give details
at present, but it is understood that the
treatment consisted of the injection of
strychnine and atoyrl.
British, French old German investi-
gations'have been made In Africa to
combat this strange disease, which has
swept away hundreds of thousands of
natives- Ilither'to it has been regarded
as a.
itshhcurravagesblehave been described by
Livingstone, Selous and other pioneers
of exploration on the Daric Continent,
and Col. David Bruce discovered that it
\vas caused by the parasite "trypano-
soma," which is carried by the tsetse
fly. he disease is at first often put down
to laziness, but develops until the vic-
tim cannot keep , himself awake, and
nay fall asleep at any time, even while
eating. Ile wastes to a skeleton, and in
tight months at th0 outside is a dead
"I thank you with all my heart for
what Baby's Own Tablets have done
for oily little girl," says Mrs. Antoine
Charetle, Jr., of St. Boniface, Quo.
"When I began giving her the Tablets
she seemed to be pining away, but at -
lee using Jess than a box site was rap -
n w a no
alnin and she is .lin
e tat
healthy iilile one, and I write you this
as the acknowledgement of a mother
who will never forget what Baby's Own
Tablets have dbne for her child.". Let-
ters like this must bring hope and com-
fort to all mothers who have feeble ar
sickly children. Baby's Own Tablets
will cure all the minor ailments and
can bo given just as safely to a. new
born baby as to a well grown child.
If you cannot get these Tablets from
your dealer write The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., and get
them at 250 a box.
"Weil. Harry," said (ho hostess to
her small guest, "did you rest well last
'11 don't know," answered Derry.
'You don't know!" echoed the lady.
R'o, ma'am,' replied the little .chop,
1 was asleep all the 11010.
Made in Canada and Sold b1. all
This minium is good for ono ton
mint aria) Trial Bottle Of the celo-
brtttod p
• Dr. Leonhardt's Anti•Pill
a auto afro for Indignation ililiou6-
nasa, 3)yapops10, Conattpniion And
n11 aliments arising therefrom.
Matted mo, in a ,darn mango, on
ro0olpt• al namo and address. Trill
in your mann and post ofnoo names
on dottod linos end send to
'NNE WILSON-) Y15 CO,, Limited, t
Niagara Fats, n ,
Mai Is Going On In the 015111ands
and Lowlands ol Auld
Major E. W. Muni, the husband of
1110 Lnunlese of t:reina'lie, has assumed
Iho nam) of Biunt-Mackenzie. 11e1' sur -
mune, like that of her son, \'icount
Timbal., remains -Mckenzie.
The largest qurtnlily of fish that hes
ev0r been brought to Kirkwall during a
peruid of four tiny's, was there
recently, 13 large Grimsby trawlers
landing 200 tons of fish.
The lop stairs In a house in \Valuer
Crescent, Ibrox, a fashionable Glasgow
suburb, collapsed the other day, and
brought down the Inver staircase. The
tenants were rescued by means of a the -
The corning of age of Mr. John Peter
Grant, Jr., of Rothienmrehus, son of
511001i! Grant of 11olhiemurchus, was
celebrated by several functions held al
the Douno house, ilothIuuhurolhus, near
The death has occurred at Berwick
of hir. Thomas George Turner, a well-
known 1o,nsmnn. Air. Turner was 74
years of age. Ile had been for the past
quarter of a century secretary of the
Berwick and Tweedmouth Gas Com-
• Win. While is a believer in the
turbine for maritime propulsion pur-
poses. In a lecture on the 26th ult. in
London, on "Modern Warships" he re-
fered to the turbine machinery of the
Clydebank -built 'Cunarder Carmanta as
a marvel of modern engineering. He
expressed satisfaction that the turbine '8
lo be adopted in all new British war
Alter six years' wafting, the Victoria
cross and donation, together with the
usual annuity, has been received by John
Ross, who was a trooper in the High-
land Mounted Infantry at Paardeberg,
and at great personal risk run to a
wounded officer's aid and carried lien
out of the zone of fire. The incident
was seen by General LyLtellon. Ross is
now a gardener in the employment of an
Elgin nurseryman, He is 33 years of
age and a native of Aberdeen.
Information has been received at
Stornoway of the death at Lucerne of.
Mr. William Lees, an old and w'elI-
lcnown citizen of Stornoway. The de-
ceased, who was 84 years of oge, sous
In his early life a shipmaster, having
served his apprenticeship with his 'a-
ther, who was a well-known master
mariner, sailing out of Stornoway in
his own vessel, in which he visited
nearly all parts of the world. After his
retiring from the sea, Mr. Lees was ap
pointed harbormaster and collector atl
Air. George Ferguson, the oldest mas-.
ter joiner in Glasgow, has died at 111s'
residence In Lenzie. Born eighty-four
years ago at Carstairs, deceased became
a joiner on his own account as tar back
as 1846, and among his contracts were
Coats' Spinning Mills, Paisley; Kelvin-
grove Art Galleries, and the Technical
College. He was a widely travelled man,
and was a keen curler and bowler.
The Docks and Pilotage Committee of
the Aberdeen Harbor Board reported
that they had under consideration the
subject of providing an additional pon-
toon dock. They recommended that, as
suggested by the harbor engineer, rho
dock should be 150 feet long, 42 feet
wide, with draft on keel blocks 16 feet,
and a lifting capacity (deadweight) of
600 tens, to cost 117,850.
There has passed away 1n her hun-
dredth year Miss Aiacrae, who resided
with her nephew, Bailin Macrae, Beech-
wood, Nairn. She retained all her
faculties up to the last, and could tel
many stories relating to stirring times
of last century. Miss Macrae was pre-
sent in Ferintosh Church when the joy-
ful news of Wellington's victory at
Waterloo was enn0unoed, and she could
recall the rejoicings in Aberdeen on the
coronation of Queen Victoria.
Mother -•Now, Ishtar, go and give the
new governess a kiss.
].side].' -No, thank you, not me. I
know her. She will give me a slap on
the face like site did papa.
DO NOT ALLOW yourself to become alamled
bootee/ you have lost your 01055tit0 and are losing
D,eteon tokiog Forrorim" dhe best
Softie. It will build you Up gnfskly.
Eth01: "I rather like that young
Doubleday. He hes a good firm mouth
and chin: Myrtle: "Goodness! Mas he
been kissing you, too?"
There can be difference of opinion
.on most subjects, but there is only one
'opinion as to the reliability of A•iather
Graves' Worm Exterminator. It is sate,
sure and effectual.
A gentleman who was on a visit 1.0
Niagara. (when the ear raised and low-
end 11' steal" -power WO in use) went
into the starting -house 10 W9111ess 1110
descent, being too timid to go down him-
self. After the car started, fully im-
pressed with the danger; he turned to
the marl 1n charge, and said, "Suppose
the rope should break?" "0h," replied
tiro tnan, (vile hast no eye for anything
but business, "they all paid before they
Dear Metier
Four little onesare a combos este it
Fall and Winter weather. They will
catch coli. Do you know about Shiloh',
Consumption Cure, too Lung Tonic, And
what it has dons for so Many ? It is said
to lye the only reliable remedy for ell
distales Of the air passages in etlidren.
" It is absolutely harmless and pleasant to
taker Itis guaranteed to 0070 00 your money
is roma. The pea is 25c. pet bottle,
cad all dealers en mcdieiae tell 1,4
`.'iris tomo ly should beta every hausohald..
of the highest medical authority in the land you are earnestly advised to use
for Colds. Coughs, Croup, Whooping Conggie, Asthma, and all Throre2
and Loom Troubles.
This famous remedy is a pen -e vegetable syrup and should be in
every home. Yoslr druggist not only keeps it but reeoh:ytllnel'dds l0.
Pelee, 25 cents.
" ,HAWA ,y Steel
Shh igIes.
Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from 22.85 to 85.10
per hundred square feet covering measure. This is the most durable cov-
ering on the market, and is an idea] covering for Houses, Barns, Stores, Ele-
vators, Churches, etc. Any handy man can lay the "OSHAWA" shingles. A
hammer and snips aro the only fools required.
We are the largest and oldest ceempeny of the kind under the British
flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada.
mailing tbom
Wo also manufacture Corrugated iron in long sheets, Conductor Pipe and
METAL SIDING, 1n imitation of brick or stone.
METAL CEILINGS, In 2,000 designs.
Write for Catalogue No. 1411 and free samples of "OSHAWA" Shingles.
Write today.
01i'31211aEa 3E67E17051..o. 2E . 7E3`7.,DMI,
Moalreal, Oue. Ione, Owl 0111. ioadoa, Om. WIllIC 1111, ].dao. VfHCOIVer,E,G.
615 Ponder et.
e Dundee s Lombard s1. n
SUS W Craig St. AM Sussex. t. 1X Colborne s1. 69 A 7
J 110[0010,
Write your Nearest Ottiae.-HEAD 0131100 AND WORKS-OSHAWA, Out
Sonne people may not know that col-
ors are now taken into action. Before
a regiment proceeds on service, the col-
ors are placed in safe custody as suits
such honorable insignia, and "when
Tommy comes marching home again"
they will be all the fresher for nut be-
ing carried through dusty lands end
trying rivers. The men whose duty it
would have been to early them and
stand by them to the last aro nowadays
employed in less sentimental, if more
useful, duties.
It Needs no Testimonial.-lt Is a gu-
arantee in itself. If testimonials were
required they could be furnished in
thousands from all sorts and condi-
tions of men in widely different places.
Many medicines are put 101411 every
year which have but an ephemeral ex-
istence and then are heard of no more.
Dr. Thomas' Ecieclric Oil has grown In
reputation every day since 1L first made
its appearance.
Harry: "Blanche says she has in-
superable reasons 'far remaining
single." Horace: "Yes, I know what
they are." Ilarry: "Then she has told
you?" Horace: "No; but I have seen
MONTIi Arran MON-TE a cold sticks, ane
aeras to tear bolos in your throat, Are you aware
bat even a stubborn and leng•noglocted Cold is
orad with Anion's Lung salaam f Gough and
rGary lw longer.
Ferdinand: "And do you really love
ale?" Penelope: "Love you, Ferdinand?
Why, only yesterday papa asked nye if
1 wouldn't sooner have a pug dog, and
I refused!"
Aro you a sufferer with corns? If
you are, get a bottle of Holloway's Corn
Cure. It has never been known to fail.
"Madam," sail the master of the
house, authoritatively, "when 1 put my
foot down 11 stays there:" But the little
tacit on which he brought. it clown took
011 the point out of his illustration.
THE JAYS 010 11. 7710) supplied the Menthol
�ieteslin1Eu,1 "1)
j �aohsthea4*l s1,,r'which
ah.umatlem and sctailca.
hors. (bastymatcli: "1 had a dozen
proposals beforeyours. And from
smarter men than you, too" Air. Hasty -
match: "They must have been. flow
did they manage to crawl out of it?"
13o There a W111 Wisdom Points the
Way. -The sick man pines for relief,
but 11e =likes sending for the doctor,
which means bottles of drugs never
consumed. foo has not the resolution
to loud his stomach with compounds
whibh smell villainously and taste
worse. But if he hnvo the will to deal
h111180lf \villi his ailment, wisdom will
direct his attention to Parmelee's Vege-
table. Pills, which, as a specific for hill-
gestion and disorders of the ingestive
organs, have no 2u01.
At Sprimont,in 13rlgium.on June 71h,
on hour
hetero 1000, p0oplc at w•nrlc In
offices '0'01'0 surpri"t d by a sudden
do'kncse which ()levered their rooms.
Going outdoors, they saw above the
centre 01 the town a dense demi, like a
gent mgl(ress, which ihid iho • sun.
llero and utero the exh'oordinnry cloud
was gathered into thick flocctsent
Messes, (ronl which filaments were seen
felling to the earth, These filaments
turned out to bo sprays of hey, end in
a short Bine .they lay 1Uicic in the ma'.
ket-plane. The Cloud was composed of
n greet quaniily of hey, which (lad been
carried up intothe s'ay by a Whirlwind,
end filen transporteu 10 it (treat distance
by the wind. The c(Oced drove basin
Mirth le se11111y and ocenpled nearly 10
minutes in passing over tllo lawn,
1,000 acres of Clean unbroken prairie,
the finest wheat land on earth, on the
banks of the Red River, 45 miles from
W innipeg, few' miles !1'0111 two railway
stations. $15 an acre takes it, 85,000
cash, balance easy. No better farm, no
better investment.
12 Merchants Bank Building,
'iVinnipe0, Man,
"Ills wife is very accomplished. She
can cools or play a piano with equal
facility." "That is an accomplishment.
I have never before heard 01 anyone
cooking a piano."
A Clear Healthy Skin. -Eruptions of
the skin and the blotches, which blem-
ish beauty are the result of impure
blood caused by unhealthy action rt
Ilse liver and kidneys, In correcting
this unhealthy action and restoring the
organs to their normal condition, Par.
melee's Vegetable Pills will at the
scone time cleanse the blood, and the
blotches and eruptions will disappear
without leaving any trace.
Passer-by : "I thought you were
blind?" Mendicant: 'Well, "lister,
times is so hard and competition is so
great, that even a blind man has to
keep his eyes open if the wants to do any,
business at all."
A SKIN TylAT BURNS with miasma, and 11
,0000,oel with eruptions that dinebatrge a thin made
'may be aro smooth and sightly 'frith Vieaver'1
Omits, But fila external remedy oborld bo 11:,61
an oonynnctle5 with Weaver`o Syrup.
Mistress: "Bridget, 1 don't suppose
you mind having dear little lido in elle
kitchen with you when we go out?"
Bridget: "No, mum; OI loik0 t' have
him here. race, whin 411(13gs go wrong
an' 01 gets ma dander up it's a weighty
big relief to have something to kick
Some persons have periodical °Hacks
of Canadian cholera, dysentery or diar-
rheea, and have to use great prem.
tions to avoid the disease. Change of
water, cooking, and green fruit, is sure
to bring on the attacks. To such per-
sons we would recommend Dr. ,1, 1).
Kelloggs Dysentery Cordial as being
the best mediehhe in the market for all
snnlnrtie complaints. It a low ,drops
ore taken in water when the symptoms
aro noticed no further h•oubie will be
"Life," mornlized the doctor, "is not
What it areata "
"Perhaps," suggested the professor,
"you hero never looked on the scanty,
side of it."
Mother --"t henr that \t•, Jones toad
Iho] inlpurlenee to kiss you at the eta -
whet dirt you do?" DAUghler•-•,
"01,. 1 lrl•i0d hila loo, sn AS to 1101(0 the
people Ihlnlc WO wla'd relatives."
CAMERON'S Lcae netb5tthatnn
oaaoring train
Asthma Cure
chronta nr)no:sit
It ti U tlydsabma,
If 0101(0ted
woii- It 0011 Rice SAMPLE,
and loE ns 0onrin76 you that wo 11501 a
mire --ono that curet to stay on rod,
Iownit weenie sent to Any ad,il'Oet,
00014 sn0n,, 31ot
mai; I"s Nit, aa—os,