The Brussels Post, 1906-11-1, Page 1•-1�Pf2iA1=8, 4 =aidirref`gearizeY6A'lkrent ezlensrA"are,e raride•reae0£ rete vcmt � r,iyA® �uti FeY'y,9'APeiy 'A .. �.6� _ .e'_b�Y .b�cYA _6vablf. .A A ,. .ivvv vtvr ru:7Z5S9\eii9 acs/ Eye and Ear Surgeon VISITS BRUSSELS MONTHLY If you require Eye Glasses, Spectacles or treatment for Eye, Ear or Nose do not fail to see DR. OVENS. Office : Smith's Drug Store, Brussels Next Visit—Tuesday, November 6th, Hours :-8 a. m. to 1.80 p. M. Vol. 86. No. 17 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER -1, 1906 W. H. KERR, Prop New Advertisements. Coining -.Dr, Ovens, Brussels Horse Fairs. IYlouoy found• -THE Posv, Farm for sato-Oen. Wii on. Toucher the Tinkle• -Jae. Fox. Auction sale -W. G, Oootnbos, A Photo taken -FL R. Brower. Ohioitens andDuoks-Roht. Thomann. istrx.tt 403s. Lead b taws% James F, Haokwell, North halt Lot 10, Coo. 18, McKillop, has announced an auotion Bele of his 76 sore farm, farm stook, implements, &o., the date being TLturedey,15th inst., commencing at 1 o'clock.. Bele without reserve as the pro- prietor intends giving tip farming. F. B. Scott, of Brunets, will be the auctioneer, 13e1` rave. There will be [service as usual in Bel. Reeve Methodist ohuroh next Bentley evening. The Quarterly Sacramental eervioe for Belgrave Circuit will be held in the Bwnahine Methodieb church en Sunday . Nov. 4th at 10 30 a m. Quarterly Board meeting in the Belerave ohuroh on Mon. day Nov. 5th al 2.80 p. m. vale . Mre, Robert King, of Goderiob, is vielt• ing friends in the village. Mre. Rainton, of Bervie, is visiting her slater, Mrs. 3, D. King. Mr. Jemieeon and daughter, of Ford• wins, have become reeidente of our vii. Inge, also Albert and Mre. Tbomne. The annnal meeting of the Sleeve's branch of the Bible Sooiety took plane on Sabbath evening, On. 14th, in the Preebyterlan ohuroh, when Reverends Mesere. Baker and Weet gave excellent addressee. The Thank offering meetings of the Bluevale and Eadiee' congregations took plane on Sabbath, Oat. 21st. Mr. Weeb, the pastor, preached au excellent mie- eionery sermon from the worde "I have not concealed the words of the Holy One," The offering amoanted to about sixty dollare, tom-..,......, �1 til I WANTED 'Young ladies and gentlemen who are deeirone of making te reoord, are wanted 08 the v 111 nam 130130L EGE (Affiliated with Clinton Business Oolloge) to prepare for Bookkeepers, Sten- ographers and etelegraphero. During July and Auguetowe could only 1111 ONE-TENTH of the pota- tions offered our graduates. Catalogue tree. GEO. SPOTTON, Principal W. J. Duff attended a meeting ot Best Huron Liberal Executive at Brunie on Tuesday afternoon of this week. He ie the President, Union Thanksgiving eervioe.. wereheld in the Methodist ohuroh on the morning of Tbankegiving Day when Rev, W. J, West, M. A., of the Presbyterian ohuroh, P.M a very fnotruotive and helpful die. course. W roxef,81r. Mise Alma Ardell, of Gorrie, spent Monday in the village. Mre. W. Paulin, of Simooe, ie vieibing relatives in the village, Mrs. W. Rutherford and two children returned from Hamilton on Monday. R, and titre. Knoll have returned from Gerrie where they epeub eeveral weeks. Mre. W, 0. Huzelewood returned from a three weeks' visit in Bowmnuville last week. John Young, of Howiok, has been dangerously ill during the past week, Buffering from pleuriey, Muses Nelllia Bleck and Edith Hattie lett teat week for Wingbam to takea oouree in Beeinene college: Wm. Sandereon, of Ternherry, ie hav• ing a enleef farm- stook at the Goitre) Hones Saturday afternoon, Niro, W. Greer, of Wiarton, and Mre, J, Hupfer, of Sault ate. Panic), Mich., are visiting their mother, Sire, James Paulin, who it at present seriously ill, We hope to hear of a speedy recovery. Following a tea in the basement of the (thurab Rev. T. Wilson will give a lecture on "Thirty years among Cannibals," in the Preebyterian ehurab'Thursday even ing. The ohuroh choir will supply music. C'1' nubrootc. Rev, D. B. MaoRae was in Clinton for a few days this week. 0. and Mre. Switzer epent the Ant part of the week in Lietowel. t Dr. T. 2..MaoRae, of Clinton, is tak fug a epeeist amuse in Chicago, 111. Mise Ida Dining name from London ou Monday to care for her mother who had the miefortoue of breaking her wriet, Dr. Ovens, M. D , London, Eye end Ear Surgeon, will be at Smith's Drug Store, Brunets, on the liret Tuesday in each month. Hours, 8 a. m, to 1.30 p. m. Cateran, equint, failing eyeeight, deaf nese and nasal oatarrh treated and glasses properly fitted. Next viett, 4needay, Nov, 8th. A Photograph taken at Brewer's STUDIO Is sure to be a eucoeas. Something that will be pleasing to your friends for Xmas Presents ie quite a thought. How about a nice Photo, of yourself. We have some styles of monnt0 suit- able for this season of the year• Come in mud see samples. Photos Framed cheap. Portraits of any Photo made in Crayon or Water Color. Family Groupe a epeoialty. All Work Guaranteed H.R. BREWER 1 MOVED TO NEW PREMISEES JMoDONA.LD announces to the public that he has moved to the New Brick Store- Ethel 1. and opened up a choice stock and is ready to wait on customers better than ever. Call in and. flee Our new premises. Hearty thanks to all for .past 'pat- ronage. LINO. 114oD .../VALD essionastemassesuiSSINitirdemasinse � Mrs, Obas, Broadie, of Seafortb, paid a flying visit to Oranbrook thio week, We are pleased to hear that the Porter family are ahnoet couvaleeoent after a severe attnolt of typhoid fever, Bonne Rgiomri 'L'be following is Orenbrook wheel report for October, Names in order of merit, -.Luny Alder- son took the higbest 'standing for the month. Sr, IV -Emma Hueter, Jr, IV -Harold Smell/ion, Victor Sperling, David Perrie, GIBE, Dark, Mary Mo. Nichol, Sr. Ill-Beairioe MoQuarrie, Viola Loog, Muriel Sparling, Lillian Dark, Liele Sperling, R;ueoell Alderson, Julia Baker, Saoeie Menzies, Jr, III- Besefe Alderson, Lulu McDonald, Orme Stein, Arthur Fux, Willie Baker. Br. 1I-Leelie Petrie, Retia Fox, Nettie Reymann. Jr. II-Loog Alderson, Margaret McNabb, Addie Spading, Hazel MoDonald, Mamie Oameron, May Hunter, Gordon Cameron, Lola Stelae, Rune' Knight. Pt. II-8velyn Mo• Nichol, Fred, Fieoher, Br. I -Earl Raymena, Elsie Sperling, Charlie Mor row, Thelma SmalldonOmar Gorealitz, I Arnold Fieoher. Jr. -Maggie Petrie, Robbie Fax, Lily Raddate, Alvin Hunter. Primary, Milly Aldereon, Madeline Baker, L, A, MACKAE, Teacher, Ethel. A letter from Archie Clone written on Oot, 29th at Gillies Depot, Ont., eaye We hove about 8 mases of avow here and more miming, we are atilt in teem," John McDonald bag got nicely settled in the new store in the Dole block, The clerks have room to move aronnd now. The store he 000npfee is 20 x 60 ft, and is modern, oonvenlent and roomy. Mrs. Sherlock, wife of the Rev. Ben jamin Sherlook, of Toronto, formerly of Ethel, died at the centime) of her brother, in Wardeville, Out., on Bitter day morning, Oobober 20th. Our broth• er has the sympathy of very many friends in hie great Ion, Dui Ovens, M. D„ London Eye and Der Burgeon, will be at Smibh'e Drag Store, Brueeele, on the firab Tuesday in each month. lours, 8 a. m. to 1 80 p. m, Oataraot, squint, felling eyeeight, dealneee and nasal oatarrh treated and glasses properly fitted. Next visit, Tuesday, Nov, 6th, Stumm, REPORT Fon OCTOBER, -Br, Dept). of Ethel Public Sohool, Class V - Exam, fu Alg„ Bookkeeping, Gram., Oomp. and Lit, -B. Bateman, 88 ; M. vlso0allum, 88 ; E. Hemoworeb, 82 ; H. blamed, 78 IR. Love,71; Engler, , 70 ; "E. Dunbar, 55 ; L. Cooper, 55 ; *S, MaIutueb, 63 ; °E. McKee, 43, Claes IV -Bram. in Spell., Gram.. Lit., Comp. and Arith,-I Meath, 96; R. Fraser, 88 ; 0. Dane, 87 ; J. Bremner, 87 ; L McLeod, 85 ; A. Cooper, 84 ; E. Thompeon, 81 ; *R, Eokmier, 70 ; 0. Huoenld, 68 ; "H Bokmier, 43 ; "A. McKee, 86. Sr. III -Exam. in Spell., Gram., Lit. and Cernp,-A. Barr, 91 ; F. P, eewan, 86 ; F. McCallum, 86 ; I. Engler, 85 ; V. alaoOail, 69 ; L. Henry, 61 ; w, Eokmier, 53 1 *L. Molntoeh, 52, Jr. III -Exam. in Spell„ Gram., Lit. and Comp. -B. Hemsworth, 79 ; E. MoLeod, 61 ; *H. Smith, 57 ; 0. Dunbar, 57 ; *P. Pilo/Kee, 67 ; J. Cooper, 54 *E, Maybury, 60 ; 0R, Thompeon, 47 ; *R, Lucas, 28. *Absent from one or more examinati0n0. L. A. SHANNON, Prinnipai, Report of the Junior Dep't.- Sr, II -N, McKee, 0. Engler, 0. cooper, Bateman, ' It . P. B U. Do rotor Pollard v Addy, . Dobson Btruoh m,Jr. N v, , S a J II -R. Eokmier, E. Heath, G. Eokmier, W. Tbompeon, R. Hernewortb, R Coates, G. Uole, E lvergueon, A. Weed, W. Yeti, L. MoNaeland. Pt. II -R, Dan. bar, P. Dobson, D. McKee, M. goatee. Sr.I-H. Freeman. L. Loneewey, S. MoDonald, L. Dane, F. Saudsre, 0. Mo. Clgllum, B. GiII,•L. Thibldeau, Jr. I- G. Pollard, A, Lnugeway, L. Eemeworth, J. Heath, E, Eokmier, R. Yee, Lottie Ward, W. Cole, P. Love, S. Thibideeu, .Average attendance, 84. A. G. SWITZER, Teaoher. Jta,tatertrtotivaa. Geo, Coombe, jr„ ie home twin Molee• worth, Donald Idttee, of Moorefield, epent Bunday at Alex, Bryane'. Mies Molvlillau, of Hamilt on visited recently at Thos. BEraobsn'e, James Outt, jr., of Blyth, is here on a Vieit with relatives and friends, Wm. Hogg ie home from Washington Territory visiting hie wife and family. Mire Lizzie Bryane has been ou the sink list bub we hope she will soon be o. k, Demme MoDonald wee a visitor at Lietowel on Thanksgiving. He reports a Omelet time, p Last Saturday Vloe President Bryant) attended the meeting of Howiok Mutual Insartooe Company at Gortie, Mra, Pnngne and daughter of Detroit, are guests with L, and Mre. Buttes. The first mentioned lady ie Mr. Rattan's niece, Mre, Wm. Holt, who was taken to the Toronto General Hospital for an oper- ation, hi improving uioely and we hope ebe will Boon be able t0 return home. Albert McKelvey and James Hogg are book from the West where they were aiding in reaping the hereoet and the threshing. Good reports are brought baok by them of that golden land, Last Sabbath evening Rev. Mr. Dob. sou, of Fordwiob, waeexpeoted to preach in the Hall here but the inolement weather prevented. Rev, Mr, Perrin will take the eervioe next Bentley night, Dr. Ovens, M, D„ Lohdonl Ilya and Ear Surgeon, will bo at Smtth'e Drng Store, Braseel0, on the Bret Tuesday in each month, Rohrsi 8 a. en, 80 1,80 p. no, Cataraot, squint, faillag eyeeight, deafens mud nese] oatarrh tteRted and ;einem properly Atted, Next visit, Tuesday, Nee. 8th, 9.n notion sale of term nook, imple• metals, &o, will be held Thureday mftere0o0 of next week at the farm -of W. 0. Ooombes hare, The 81810 will be with• out ree0r08 SO Mr. Mambos has rented hie farm and 18 moving to Molesworth where he ie engaged at storekeeping, We ere very eotry to; lose this excellent letmily bat wieb thein the beet of saddens, Our genial friend R T. Miller will not require to Hee e0 early now freeing that the milk heeling to Moleeworth factory ended title week. LEFT Bobttt,-Last Saturday afternoon 'Manus 0. Wilson, a youth of nearly 16 year., lett the home of his aunt here and his wbereaboute are not knowu. Hie relatives ere anxfone to beer of him. Ho wore a peak nap, dark coat and moleskin knee pante. Any information will be thankfully reoeived by Mise Stokoe, JameetoWu, or if by wire or telephone to W. H. Kerr, of THE POST, Brheeele. 18'Iorr•l... Mire May Little spent Tbankegiving with Arthur Mende. Harvey Weteoo returned from the Weet. He (Teske in glowiegterme of the land. Bodmin Lime Works have burned another kiln of treeb lime, They are bustlers. WElemi Nioholeon our popular young lime king, spent Sunday with friends ou the 4611 inc.l Some of the young meta on the 4th line are like some of our ladiee painting there obeeke to make them look nice. Mier Eva blathers, of Brownetown, spent Saturday end Sunday with lady friends, the Misses Watson and Header - BCD. Some of the readers of Tan POST were euprieed when they rolled out on Sunday morning to see the ground white with snow. A goodly number of our 4th -line eporte took iu Guy Bros, show on Monday at Winghnm and all report having a jolly good time. Belgrave L. 0 L. are giving a fowl napper, on Nov.5th. Every one welcome yapper will be served in the Queee'e Hotel, Belgrave. Ieeao Nioholeon, of Iron Bridge, spent a few daye with hie brother of the Lime Kilns. It ie 28 yearn Boone he went to Algoma first, He enjoyed hie visit. Word has been reoeived from Mre. S. 13. Dobson stating that she arrived in Hamiote after visiting enroabe at Fort William and Winnipeg. The Sunday Soboul olase, of whioh Mre, Dobeon ie teacher, on her arrival preeented her with a pietnre of the elan accompanied by a flinty worded address. The 100 tore farm of James Turnbull, Ni Lot 19, Oon. 6, has been bought by George Brown, of Broseele. Mr. Turn. boll will be leaving toward the oloee of the month for Edmonton distriot. Hie au ti o 0 o Bale of farm stook implements, &a., took place on Tuesday afternoon of this week. Good prices were realized. Morrie boyo are not only great workers but they have some fine teams. One day recently, Bert. Wateon'e team drew at one haul, three wegoe loads of lime. The three wagons contained 150 bnehele of lime, and were drawn from Bodmin Lime Worke to Belgrave station, a die. Mon of n miles. As the lime weighs 70 Ibo to the boobs], this was a Load of five and a quarter tons, besides, drawn on three wagon, increased- the weight of the haul. The team is not what might be termed heavy draught, but weighing perbape 1100 lbs. each, the feat ie the more remarkable, HYAEENxAL,-A happy event took plane at the home of Peter and Mra. Oaotelon, 611) oon. Morrie, on Wednesday evening Oot. 24th at 5 O'olook, where their dare Miter, frliee Annie Marie, was united in marriage with Thomas Pierce, also of Morrie townshi Promptlyat t p be ap- pointed hour to the strains of the Wed• ding March, played by Mies Rose Olark, of Belgrave, the groom, eupported by hie brother Alfred, took hie plane ander a beautiful arch in the parlor, where be was jolued by the bride, who was given away by her father. Mise Sarah Russel sated as bridesmaid. The oeremony wee performed by Rev. G, W. Rivers, B. A., B. D., of Belgrave. The bride wag be- nomingly attired in a arose of white Persian lawn. At the oonolaoioo of the ceremony and oongretalatione, over 100 guests eat dowu bo a anmptao0e wedding dejenner splendidly served by young men and women waiters, friend's of the bride andr g nom, The many useful and valuable presents testified to the esteem in whioh the young oouple are held. All were united in wishing them many years of happy and prosperous wedded lite. CONDOLnwon. B ABVale L. 0. L. Bent the following letter of ooudolenoe to Mre. W. J, Johuetou and family DEAR Funor ne.-We, the °Moere and membere of L. 0, L, No. 760, Bluevale, desire to extend to you our miooer° sympathy in your and our late bereave. went. Yon have loet a loving bueband .and father, and we a true brother, Hie. death is an irreparable Ioee both to your familyResonation. and our e Th roan is not in our ranksho was more faithful w a in the dieobarge of his duty. Brother Johneton woe a good Obrietian, a faithful Orangeman, and to true patriot, It le bard for ns to understand why our be. laved brother was o sled away e0 sudden ly. We willingly submit to the will of the great Grand Master above, who has taken nim to B;imeelf. Knowing o0r departed brother as we do, we feel that hie life, words and actions will be en 10. oentive to ae to walk °loeerin the foot. nape of the Master, (bat we may r00eiv0 tout paseport to Heaven whioh we believe otic dear brother reoeived, whioh is the ell•oleaneing blood of our Lord Jeers Chriet, whioh obeli adroit no through the gates into that beautiful City, where the Captain of our Salvation shall be our great and glorious Grand Master to lead 0e on to happiness and glory "while the years of eternity roll." We also desire to lay that it ie oomtorting to know that tuns an evidenoe of deep sympathy tor you and greet reepeot for our beloved brother and youreelvee Wag expreeeed by the largo attendance at the fdnerel, whioh wee one of the largest ever seen in this vicinity, We,commeud you to the Dare and keeping of Him Who doetb all things well. May the God of all oonsol- anon and grace be your guide and stay in this your trying ordeal, 1e the einoere prayer of our departed brother's Orange brethern, who loved him, Signed on be. half of the fudge, Thos. Stewart, John Nethery, Henry Mathere, Geo, Batter, William Little, or, le away on a vieit to his brother be Minbigan. Hie neatly Mende here wieb bin a pieaeanb vteit and et eafe journey home. A PAterItr Pxoneen Droe.-On Satnr. (My, Oat. 20th, airs. Jame') Ledgerwood, died at her home at Paieloy, Out , at the venerable age of 85 years end 11 menthe, after a short illueea, old age being the aaoee. Deemed was the mother of Mre, T. B. Bernard, 6th line, The funeral took plan to Paisley cemetery, Rev. Mr. Johuetou, Preebyterian minieter, oouduotiug the service, Mr. Ledgerwood died 8 yeace ago aged 81 years. The 8nrvivt044 children are, Alex„ of Eden Grove ; Mre. Bennett, of Owen Sound ; Mre, Bernard, of Borrie ; Robert, of Alaska ; Mra. Watson, of Eden Grove Mre, Foster, of W elkerton ; Mrs. 3. G. Clark, of PaielPy. T and Mrs. Bernard attended the funeral, Deoeaeed wee doe of the pioneers of that notion and was a moat estimable woman who passed home like a ripe sheaf of wheat to the garner. PAID NATURE'S DEBT.-Qmiotly and peaoetally oame the close of life to Alex. Forrest, a well known and highly esteem. ed resident of the let line, on Wednesday of this week, at the age of 68 years, 5 menthe and 3 days', He had been in poor health for over a year, hie stomach and lunge being affeoted and hie demote was not an unexpected event. Mr, For. reek was born in Lanarkshire, parish of Blantyre, Sootland and came to Canada in 1853. A year later he moved into Morrie and took up land where by indus- try and economy he made for himself and family a comfortable home. On Feb, 14th 1877 be woe united in marriage to Mine Arun() Bell, daughter of Robert Bell, of Grey, who with 5 children un- itive him. There are 3 daughters, Mre. Geo, Wheeler, of Turuberry ; Mre. Silas Johneton and Mite Mary, of Morrie ; and 2 sone, Robert, attending the Model School at Olioton ; and Charles au home. The funeral will take plane on Friday afternoon at 2 o'olgok, horn hie late regi• dance to Brunets cemetery. Servide at 1.30. Rev. George Baker, of Bluevale, will ooudnot the rervloe. Mr. Forrest was a moat honorable and .upright man who in a quiet way did hie beet to make the word better. Hie family will be deep ly sympathised with in their bereave. mane. Cie a-e.W. Sugar beet shipping is engaging the attention of a number of the farmers. The farmers are anxious for good weather er 9 h 0 as t0 get their root orop safely buuued. Tan Sabbath School Mee -fug in the school house of B. S No. 8 closed for the Winter mouths Net Sunday. This week Wen. Work and family moved into their fine new brink retidenoe ted will soon be comfortably set- tled, Their many friends wieb them happy and praeperoue years ender its roof. Rumor has it that with good weather the first engine to reach Monorieff should make ile appearance in a few daye. The station is going to be in an uuoommooly unhandy plane many people think. George Zimmer, formerly of this local- ity,ie visiting at Stratton, Hitah000k, Oo., Nebraska, with hie brother-in-law. 11 is over 19 years since they met. The visitor surprised them and represented himeell as a cattle buyer. Walter McKay, formerly of the 9111 con., now owns a livery and feed stable in Eer' Grey, Saekatohewau, and ie doing a good business. Mies Marion MoKay, who went Weet some two menthe ago, ie keeping horse for her brother. The people of that locality are enjoying a beautiful Fall. Harvest was bonntital and prospects are good. Friday afternoon of next week Jae. 8 Shaw will bold an amnion sale on hie farm, Lot 8, Oon, 12, aommeaoing at 1 o'olock, whoahe will diepoee of his farm stook, 30,, ae be ie giving up farming betting entered into partuerehip with A. M. McKay, Brnesele, in the hardware bueioess, Hie fine 100 more farm will also be offered for Bale on Friday. HruENaAL.-The Toronto Evening Telegram of Ont. 22nd, epeake as followe of a former resident of this townebip in the pereon of Chas. Pepper •- The Cbriebiau Workers' ohuroh, Olintoo street, wee the Beene Of a pretty wedding last Wednesday evening, when Mies illieL robe G meoame the he wife of Charles 11. Pepper, Rev. H. McKenzie, of London, offiuiabing. The bride, who was given away by her father, was prettily gowned in whole Bilk, with net veil and orange bloesome, and oarried a baguet of white roses mud lily of the valley. Mies Mar E. Jona att n e e dad ae brid maid Y 1 es' R. D. Jones as best man. and Mr. Patbiean and J. Jones ae ushers, Mies Florenoe G, Outran, presided at the organ. A reception and wedding break. fast Was held afterwards et the home ot the bride's parents, No. 1, Reid street. Mr. end Mre. Pepper left on Thursday for a short stay at the borne of the groom's pronto, near Loudon." The many old Mende of the groom here wish him and hie bride many happy, proeperone years. GEMS DENMAN PASSED AWAY. -On Oot 8rd Geo. Denman a former resident of eon. 11, panned that bourne from Munn no traveller retnrne, dying in Banda at the home of bis daughter, Mra. Oroeby, aged 78 yeare,4 moutbe and 21 daye. He heti been oil tot two years of Dancer tromwbiob he endured great sufferings at times. Deceased came to (levy over 50 years ago living on iot 85 con 11y Mtg. Denman died 22 yeace ago on the old homestead. The surviving children ate Jno., of Wisconsin ; Jamee, of Grey ;. George, Tacoma, Washington, U. S.; Mrs. Thos. Bosman, of Grand Rtpide, Mich, ; Dan, of Morrie Township and Mre. Oroeby, of Bernie. Mr. Den. man wait buried el Elma Centre came. tory on Oat, 5th, The deoeased was an ioduetrione, honorable man Who will be kindly remembered by the older people in the township for hie neighborly tote and generous qualities. Mre, Bosman, who waited on her lather for tome lima, was gaits ill bot is improving nicely Dow vvo are glad to learn. Smoot, RaroWo.-Following is the report of S. B, No, 8, Grey, for month of October. Names arranged in order of merit, -Jr, IV-Roeeel Wilbee, Hugh Smith, Sr, III-Earole Cardiff, Juneve Taylor, Ceoil MoKiunon, Barnet Smith, Annie Lowe, Merton Abbey", Tom Ma - Donald". Jr, III --Jean Smith, Oliver Doll, Milton Lowe, Minnie Edwardes, Ray Smith*. Jr, II -Jim Oliver, Fred Cele, Edna Lattimore, Katie MoDonald*. Br, pt, I1 -Bessie Smith, Edgar Latti• more, Joe Smith, Millie McFarlane, Marion Smith, Genie Shaw. Br, pt. I - Stuart Grant, Eliza Bishop*. Jr, pt, 1 - babel Shaw, Jim McFarlane.. "Absent for part of month. M. Menne, Teacher. Won, BAEEIOi Dies. -A former well known resident of the 96b con., of Grey in the person of Wm. Habkirk, paid Nature's debt Met Sunday at the home of hie daughter, Mre. Tindall, of Neepawa. Canner of the stomach was the ailment with which be had been bothered for Mame months. Mre. Habkirk predeosae- ed by 6 or 8 years. He was 73 years of age, The surviving members of the family are Robert, of Neepawa, Man., 1 Will., of Teeewater ; Mre. Tindall, of Neepawa ; and Mre. Hackbarn, Toronto. Mre. Hopkins, another (deter died in Winnipeg. Mr. Habkirk was highly es. teemed by a wide oirole of friends. De. oeoeed was a brotber•in•law to Mrs. Habkirk, of Brunets, and an nnole to Reeve, Henderson lot the earns plane. He moved from Grey to the Weet 13 years ago. CHURCH (11ILMlltl. Mise Goodtollow, Missionary fro India, will give an address in Melvill ohuroh next Sabbath evening niter th regular service. Rev, Mr. Hagen, of Fordwiob, preach ed two good sermons in the Methodi ohuroh here last Sabbath and will b welcome back again. Monthly Missionary Day in the Math diet Sabbath Sohool next Sunday afte own. A abort program will be given i addition to the Meson. The Women's Mioeionary Society o the Methodieb Church, Brussels, hay sent a bale of quilte, clothing & to the IIitammaat, B. 0. (Home fo Indian girls. The Junior League of the Methodie ohurab here tae reeumed their meeting atter the Summer vacation. Mie Thema Garry and Mrs, W. L. Leather dole are in (Marge of this very importan work. The sermons of Rev, L. Perrin, B. A of Wroxeter, in Melville ohuroh las Sabbath were of an interesting an helpful ahe.raoter. Rev. Mr. Wiebert the pastor, will occupy hie own palpi next Sabbath. Next Sabbath will be the regale Qoarertly communion in the Metbodie chetah here. The sacrament will b diepeneedat the close of the morniu service and the usual testimony mania will be held after the sermon in th evening. Next Sabbath Rev. Dr. McLean, o Blyth, preaohea hie farewell eormooe i the Preebyterian obnrob in that place He has been pastor for 40 years• farewell 'knob social will be held th following Monday evening, Rev. D MoLeen will make hie home in Goderia where be has erected a new reeidente He bat) been a worthy expounder of the Truth. "The battle for the Sabbath at Ottawa and its results," will be the topic of Be,. J. G. Shearer's addreee at the union ser• vino of Brunelle Lord's Day • Alliance on Tbnreday evening of this week at 8 o'olook in the Methodist aharoh. Be,. Mn. Shearer ie the Secretary ot the Provincial Alliance and is well posted. There' should be a large attendance. Collection taken in aid of the Alliance. The reeident minieterewillt oke garb in the eervioe, Last Sunday W. H. Kerr, of THE Poem took the anniversary rarvioes iu ()natio Street ohuroh ClintonU i of which iris broth- er is pastor. Despite the Inolement day 8615 were plated on the oolleotion plebes whioh clears off the church debt and eaves $15 of a surplus. This will be in. creased by over $150 from people who could not be resent on Sunday. da P Y They nava a very comfortable church and a most excellent choir, lead by B. Gibbing') with Mies Sybil Courtin as pipe organ - et. Mannar; BAg�n.-The Little Stare Mission Band et Melville obnrob held hide Annual Thank offering meeting on Saturday afternoon, Oct, 20th, Mies Lizzie Rose, President, in the ohair. A hort bot interesting program was pre• anted one epeeist item on it being , P a g rehearsal of how the 5 cent Went lent was multiplied in the bands of the various membere. Jean Elliott made 88.25 from here, Cora Spoor $2.00, the others grading down teem these very worthy amounte. The total contribution amounted to about 21.00. The Little Stare are doing good work and their monies go into the treae- ry of the W, F. M. S. m e et 8 0. n e 0. r d g g n A C. b DIOCESAN Juntlnn.-Sunday the Angli. oon Ohutches 10 the Diocese of Huron held epeoial service° to mark the inaug- ural 01 the year of Jubilee, whioh the Diocese is entering upon. The Dienes of Huron was formed in 1857, in whioh year Bishop 0ronyn, who wee the fir°( Bishop elected by theCenadian Ohurob, kook °barge. It was deoided to Bele• brats the jubilee year, and a epeeist form of eervioe ham been leaned by Bishop Williams, the present Bishop of the Dio. nee which was peed in St. John's ohuroh on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Lang.rord'e die• entrees were appropriate to the jubilee. In the Diooeee of Huron at the prem. ent time there are 284 000gregationa and 180 clergymen. It taker, in this teen large counties. Biebop Oronyn wag sbooeedod by Bishop Hellmaib, Who he'd the inoumbeney until he we88 to England, and then the late Bishop Bald. win took 'merge of the diocese. At hie death Bishop Williams was appointed to the vaoaney. A thank offering will be takoo up all over the diocese, and it to expected that twenty thodoand dollars will he obtained, whioh will be devoted to Lloe endowment of the 'Episcopal Fund. Bishop Williams hoe compiled and sent out pamphlets entitled, "what the March Stands tor," and they are being distributed. The pamphlet gives a meriee history of the Epglieb Church portioalarly wi th referexoe to the Cana. diad Chetah, ANNIVERSARY. -On Sabbath 1,1tb moat, the second of Brussels Methodieb ohuroh anniversaries will be held. Former pastors in the person of Rev. B. J. Alliu, of Parkhill, and possibly Rev, D. Rog- ers, President of the Landon Oonfereooe, will preach morning and evening. Special music by the oboir, Monday evening a free mooleol tied literary entertainment will be given, oommeooirg et 8 u'olook when addresses are' expected from the Boodey preacher and Rev. Mr. Armstrong, of Ethel. The male quartette, of Ethel, who were unable to be present at the Ootober gathering owing to bad weather, le expeoted. They wing well. 81200 is to be contributed by the congregation to wipe out the ohuroh debt mod as far ate poseible it is desired to • make the offering on that Bunday if not already paid. The Treasurer, W. B. Kerr, has already reoeived abont $800, - Nov. 15th is given ae the date that all. oo0tribotioae ere to be paid, People We 'Talk About. Mre. A. Hunter waa visiting her eon Hilton at Allietou, Dr. Graham is expeoted home from the Weat next week. Fred. Wilson, lata of Chicago, was visiting hie mother. J. Leslie Kerr, of the Blyth Standard, wits home for Sunday, Mre. Farrow is visiting her eieter, Mre. Frauk MuCraoken, Morris. Kies Eva Duff, of Bluevale, visited Mre. (Dr.) Toole on Tuesday. Harry Querin has taken a position in Jno. Hewitt's tonsorial parlor. G. A, Deadman made a business trip to London and Methane last week. Mre, Thoe. Watson, of Windeor wag in town visiting Mre. Geo. Oardiff on Tues. day. David 11o0a11 was laid up for a few daye owing to as injury he reoeived by a tall. Jae. MoOraokeo, whose family recently removed to Goderioh, wag in town Met weak. Charlie Haist, of /teemed, baa been visiting at hie graudmotber'e, Albert 080081, Mire Doramith B ,teaohar, was on the sick len but wee able to teatime her work on Wednesday we are pleased to state. Mra, Wm. Florence, of Brantford, baa been yieitiog her sister, Mre. Jennie Walker. She returned home this week. Herbert Wilton is laid aside from work owing to a disabled right hand from blood poisoning. We hope be will soon be ok. Mice Nora Holmes arrived home this week from an extended and moot enjoy- able visit to St, Paul awl other points of interest. E. J. McGuire, and D. Robinson, of Wanghom, were 10 town on Thursday ot last week abteeding the Dames -Rogers wadding. Wilton Moarter bar) returned to Brea. gale from Brampton and hes resumed hie old position in A. Straohau'e store. He's welcome baok. Mise Ntna Rogers, Mies Nellie Kilgonr and W. G.Soott, B00 OC Mount Foreet, e were in last town I P & week atE Audios the marriage of the former's sister. W. Copp, of Toronto, visited Mrs. Copp end other friends in town over Sunday previaoe to leaving for the 014 Country on Wednesday, Dr. MoNaaghton end family, have moved from Loudon to Fordwiob. The Dr, was a former resident of that beet- ling burg and is aogoainted with a good many. We are sorry to state that Garman, eldest son of Rev. E. G. Powell, is laid up with soarlet fever bat we hope he will aeon ba convalescent. The parsonage is quarrintined. Mise Luella Rose #e home from the Buoineee College, Ta0Onto, having nom. plated bar conrse and enured her dip - tome. We oongratulate Mies Roes and Wish her Burmese. coo e. Mire Eastman, dreeemaker, leaves next weak for Brandou where she has tomepted a poeition. Miea Poaeie Mitobell will snowed her at Masers. Ferguson t@ ROBS'. Edward Spoken and family remove to Goderiah this week where they pur- pone making their home. The people 01 Brussel') regret their deoieion to leave town but hope they will prosper in the 00. town odario G hill w And themo a exoelleut family. Tuesday afternoon of this week Mre. Jno, Wilbee and sone removed to Strut. ford where Mr. WVillie° Lae been employ- ed in the Carriage Factory for acme time. We are sorry t0 e80 than remove from town but we wish them 0000008 in the Massie city. They have been reeidente of Brueeele, for a gibed many goers. R. L. Taylor and family, who hem reoided in Brueeele for te number of years, purpose removing to London in the near future. They will carry with them mauy good wiehee. They will be mieeed in St. Johne obbrob in whioh they were valued workers, Mt. Taylor being Bunday School Superintendent. Cornwall oitizeue baugnetted James Lettob, li. 0. Fourteen Grand Trunk conduoborerun. Ding between Toronto, Montreal and Portland have been dieoharged by the company, 11M1eo Lnoy Lemoire diad in the hospital at Peterboro'. She eat Are to her dress any her sister in the excitement threw a pail of boiling water over her.. (lire. Motley, of Toronto Junotfon, was given a verdiot for $10,000 damages Against the Wabash Railway at 131. Thomas for the death of her husband. Tbe trade between ()anode and Japan wee ratified on July, 12, and lnitrbotinnt have beau sent to oaetom0 ootleotore that the rate of dirty on Japeooae goods im. ported mast not ebtoned that on Fr811oh goods of similar glass,