HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-10-25, Page 8• leteea'aemtreete'''t.,-"rt Do Your Hands Chap Standard Bank of Canada after washing dishes or other household duties ? few applications of our CREAM OF ROSES will prevent this dr cracking of the skin during cold weath- er. We have Cream of Roses in bulk at 5c per ounce. Try a small quantity of it and you will consider it a most economical preparation. No Need of being without plenty of Soap We have a new lot of that Olive Oil and Glycerine Green Soap of which we are selling 8 cakes for 10c. Also almost all the other Toilet Soaps of merit, including the Shell Brand Castile Soap. New Pioture Post Cards received. Leather Cards with entirely New Wording and Coloring. Cards with Pickens of Birds with real Pothers ou. F e R,. SMITH DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. 0, & 0. Traine leave Brussels Station, North and Smith, as follows: Gouge Some Como NMITII. Hail 7:05 am Mixed 6,10 ami Mixed.........11:20 eau Mail........ -1:44 p,ni Dapress 8:02 p.m Express 8:51 p.m giamilltths gtems A ohiel'a among ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll prent z. READ the advertisements and save time and money. 10 wants gotta Teta POST for 0 trial trip to the end of the year. TENNIS Coneert on Friday evening, Deoember 7th. Mark this date on your calendar aa the program will be A. 1. EAST Hollow Executive of the Liberal Aseintiatirn is called to meet at Brussede, on Tuesday, 30th inst., at 1,30 p. m. AN itereetieg letter from Wm. Tuna. bull, who receutly arrived 130039 from the Old Country, ie to hand and will appear next week. Wm. Jawrra shipped a deck of boo from Brussels on Tuesday and a double deoir from Bluevale the game day. The price paid was 6 meta. A SUBSOBIBER in Manilla& says always look for The POST every week with ite interesting news and arn glad when it comes to hand for it helpe to keep me from being as lonely as I would be if it did not come." GONE TO PALMERSTOR.-Liot Monday Herbert Cunningham went to Palmer. ston where be has perabased the Hodgson barber shop. He is a oompetent hand and the people of Palmerston and locality will fiud him a decent fellow, We wish him moose. Da. Ovate:s, 11. D., London, Eye and Ear 80rgeon, will be et Smith's Drug Store, Brnesele, on the Mat Tuesday in each month. Hoare, 8 a. m. to 1.30 p. m. Clatentot, optics, failing eyesight, deafoeee and nasal eatarrte treated and glasses properly fitted. Next visit, Toe. day, November 6161. N, .B. -Dr. Ovens makes no calls. "Davie atm Joretegatc."-The dramatio oharawerizatiou of the beautiful story of David and Jonathan will be presented in the Town Hall Bru-sele'under the aaspion of Western Star, 1.0. 0, F., No. 149, Tuesday evening, Nov. 13111, by the gifted impersonator Newton Beers, 14 ohareatere are presented by the enter- tainer. The Boston Herald says :-Mr. Beers not 0833 reoitee hie playa from memory but also possesses the gift of titling able to eo change his voiee and action enact enable him to diffierentiate the various persoualities of earth oberaeter in the story of the play R8 he proteeeds, This faculty makes hie entertainment in- tensely interesting to all ages and Wanes, who do not find a dull moment during the hoar and a half in whioh be holds their °loot attention. MEP. EMMET, Filth PASSES AWAT.-Mre. Jena J. Fear, relict of the late Samuel Fear. and mother of Rev. E. A. Fear, of Baster, passed away al the Main street parsonage, on Friday, October nth, at the age ot 79 years. Mrs. Fear has been ailing for eome months and death was not anexpeeted. The doomed was born in Scotland and wheu two years of age woe to this Onntry with her perente who settled in the North end of Waterloo oonuty. Her surly life was spent on the farm near Elmira. Some twenty•five yettra ago Mr. and Mre. Fear moved to Bruseele, where they lived fourteen years. From there they moved to Goderiob and einoe thtideath of her husband tha deceased lived moat ot the time with her son, Rev. Ewe A. Fear. The remaine were taken to Stratford on the following Monday and were interred in the Avondale eeme• toy. Five sons survive her, Rev. E. A., of Exeter •, Sohn W., of Reno'California ; W. J., of Aylmer ; 3, W., of fiesforth, and George, of Imperial, Oalifornia. Yonne MEWS Co. -Monday even- ing a meeting of those interested in the formation of a Young Motet Olnb wee held in the Methodiet ehuroh, the pastor In the chair and it owe or more presettt. After Mooning the question it was deolded to organize and the fol - inviting officers were chosen 1 -Hon, President, Bev. E. G. Powell ; Preeident, 3, Ernest Maunders ; Speaket, Ohae, Biohardeon ; Seoretary, Russell Zimmer 1 Treaeurer, David MoCell ; Chaplain, Joe Hunter 1 Illaeoutive Committee, W. 3, MoOratiken, Ohestet Armstrong, 3, Currie, Alvin Stemn and Jno, Wright. Meetings will be held the 2nd and lot Monday evenings of each month during the Fall and Winter and debates, ad - drone, nittele, ate., will be on the pro. Verne. 4. Owneeittee wen appointed to drat a Oottetitutiou. The first meeting will be held neat Monday evening at whioh a short program will be preeented. All yoring men are invited to boome trientibere of tbe new organization and amain the proposed opportunities of addieg to their privilegee foo mental and social ineproVement, Ne neemberehip fee ht ohiteged, 411110.01010•111211Maar=6811•111.11ataana THE cement eidewalk near the earner of Turuberry and Mill street has been new• ly banked and a new pieoe of walk put down to repair a broken epot, In epeakiug of the sewing maim exhibited at Brueeele Fall Fair by T. Moore Tug POST designated it as tbe "White" when it should have been the "Standard." Samna, oonstablee will be pat on for Hallowe'en and the keys of the look.up will be handy. This is given ae a bici so that if the bedroom accommodation in the "000ler" is orowded Wednesday night it will not be for want of warning. SIMDEN BEBELVIMENT.-The ead news of the sudden demise of Mrs, H. R. Brewer, whose maiden name was Naomi May Williams came with a great and off eurprise to the people of this own =mitt, last Tuesday morning. A baby eon bad been born two weeks previoae but the mother was making revocable progreee 018 110,1 been ap and looked forward to apeedyly regaining her naal healtb. Not feeling quite so well on Monday she bed kept her bed. Pars. R. Leatherdale called on her in the evening and °hatted for some time and on going downstairs was speaking to Brewee for a• few mientes when a noise as if some MTh had fallen was heard and on haeteniug upstairs the enbjeat of this notice was found lying ou the floor. She passed away in the afro of her husband very shortly after. Denased was the pumps; daughter of Hugh Williams, ot Egmoudville, former- ly of Bruseele, and was beloved by a wide oirele of friends. She was united in marriage to her now bereft partner 9 years ago and leaves two children. Mrs. Brewer was 81 years, 2 months and 26 de -ye old. Before her marriage she was a member of the Methodist church choir here and was a bright, at. tractive, Dotal lady whose decease will be greatly regretted, The toneral took place Thursday afternoon, funeral services being held in the Methodist ohuroh. The pastor, Rev, E. G. Powell, was assisted by Rev. B. J. Alli, of Parkhill, who bad married Mr, and Mrs. Brewer, The bereaved are sympathized with by tbe entire community. SOCIAL Eyinntii.-On the evening of Thanksgiving Day the bechelore of the Epworth League of the Methodist charoh, Brueeels, gave a social entertain. ment which proved a great moos. The school room of the Weenie was ap• propriately decorated and for fear any member of the large audience should forget "vise la Baohelor'" with the re. presentation of a large key were plaoed upon the blackboard in very readable oharaotere. The pastor, Res. E. G. Powell, made a good ohairman. After the opening exeroises a debate was an• nonuced the topic being "Resolved that the young men of Stools have better opportunities of doing, good than the married men," For the affirmative short speeches were made by Joe Han. ter, Chester Armstrong and J. Ernest Me.anders, The negative, represented by 0, Rittherdson, D. MoOall and Eli Seattle, as strenuously defended the bane - diets. Deoision was giyen by the audience in favor of the latter, betimes and beans being utilized as ballots. Solos ware well sting by 0. Riabarderm, Eli Smith and Joe Hunter ; a suitable readiug was given by Rosen Zimmer, and a short speeah by W. J. Fawcett. A. Lady lunch of pumpkin pie and oof• tee was eerved by the young too. The National Anthem and Benecliotion brought to te close 0 very interesting progrem for whiab the bachelors were accorded hearty thanks and the hope expressed that they would try it again at no distant date. Ogg To MADISON. - The Preston Progress epeake as follows of a former rotor of St. John's Oltenia, Brussels 3 - On Sunday Rev. CI, J. Abey bade fare• well to the members and adherents of St. John's Anglioan dwelt, The ongrega- done et both diete of worebip were ex• oeptionally large and in the evening so great was tbe demand for admission that speoial seating a000mmodations had to he requistioned, At both services the rotor delivered eloquent yet touching sermone and many of the oongregatiou were deeply moved with bis words, For the past four yeare Mr. Abey bas earneably labored in Preston and daring that period has peeved himself to be a preaoher of the first water, a friend to the stranger, a guide to the young, a help to the eiok and a oomforter to the bereaved. To everything pretaining to the welfare of the °buret) he hoe taken a leading part and bee been ingtrOMell68,1 in forming a number of very Stuniessfnl and helpful branobee, Not only has be moiled in pipit but ont ot-doore be was highly respeoted by the young men of the town Loo the partioular intend be ahowed in manly games, The „rev. gootteroo,n along with eire. Abey and family left on Thursday per G. T. R. for Madison, Led„ where be recently poop- ed a (tall, In his larger ephere of labor we feel confident that he will, by hie manly centrum and zeal, soon gain a reputation for lainutelf, nob only by the oborob goes, bat by the community at large, lite many Preston 1038080 fee loath to pot with him and by way of reeognition /whim bean the recipient of Many tokens of dowers:1 for the exeellent services he has rendered both to yeang =GIT.G..7867..a133877:) 1072 swirling, OR RESERVE FUND $ 1,000.000 T0WAL 4:38D3?s OVER 10,000,0e0 oaenerall In g 73 Dtettirt ewe OC' r an WA ed SAVINGS BANKY'0 luterest paid from date of deposit to date of withdrawal at highest current ratite and oompounded hall-yoarly, Joint DePolilt Accounis-A SPECIAL CONVENIENCE in eao In our Savings De- partunint le to "knot IlepOsit" at:want, Money may be deposited or witbdrawu by either of the two members of the household. This system is a great eonven- ience to many residing 111 towo, but more particularly so to fanners, as in the latter ease whetber 30831 00 wife comes to town either OBn attend to the Banking. An- other feature of 010 system 14 that in case 01 1115 death el either party the inooey 000 be withdrawn by the survivor without cost, We will toll you 01010 180001 our methods,ethedei1 you will Madly call 00 100105, Married Women and Minors may make and withdraw deposits without the lu. torventien of any person, SALE NOTES OASHED, COLLECTED or may be left for SAFEKEEPING only for which no charge is made. YOUR BUSINESS will reoeive our ogreful and oonrteoue attention. G. P. SOHOLFIELD, Clint. hilexton. J. F. ROWLAND, MOWED. 11611.111.1111WIASIOSMII. and old. At the winch:talon of hie re - aka on Sunday he expreseed the hope that St. John's (Thumb would oontione to prosper and that 1110 8010 pastor would be as hospitably treated by the congrega- tion as he had been daring bis rimy amongst them. Altantuorttar..-At high noon on Thurs. day of ibis week, A. 0. Dames, a popular drover ot BrniiSINS, and Mies Fannie, yuflugeet daughter of the late George Rogers, write united in marriege at the 61, 830 of the bride's mother, Frederiok d treat, Brussels, by Rev, Ur. Leugford. They left on the afternoon train on bridal tow in Colorado and other State& They will aontinue to reside in Bromine we are pleased to state and will begin married lite with the good wishes of many old friende, Tait POST in the num. bar. RTMENEAL.-Wedneaday afternoon of obis week, at 4 o'olook, the wedding ceremony was performed at Melville Meuse, by Rev. 4.0. Wishart, B. A. be- tween Andrew Douglas, a well•to do young farmer, of Tarnberry, and Miss Fannie youngest daughter of Robert and Mrs. Sample, well known residente of Brussele. Tbe principal° were unattend• al and the wedding private owing to typhoid fever in the bride's parental 'tome. The bride wore a very beooming travelling costume of Wee Venetian Moth, Mr. Douglas took hie bride to his home where they oommence married lite with good wiehee of a wide circle of triende. Tem Pose extends owegratuls. tione and oonoure in the wise ohoice of the groom. Business Locals. Woon 000k8t0y8 Inc sale. J. LEORIE. Box to learn the drug business. Jas. Fox. 12 STEERS 2 yeare old for Bale. Apply to P. AMENT, Brussel°. Taos, bloom, agent for sewing mob. ince and organs, ie ready to not only sell but attend to repairs of either. Residence William street, Brussels. 16-2 WANTED boy, to learn blaoksmithing. First.otaas encouragement, and highest wages paid. Apply at onoe to D. Ewan & Co. BOARD WANTED. -Lady and two obildreu Want comfortable rooms for Winter. Give full particulars and prima. Drawer 81, Brussele. To ANY ONE USING SAW8.=-A8 claim to have expert practice and have inveuted and am using the latest new end improved saw toote I can give fine advantage to our ooatntners both in priaes and quality of work. Call early and you will not need to rush. T. Mo. Gregor, Mill St., Brunets. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Dire. H. L. Seaman spent Thauka- giving Day in Toronto. Mrs. Jno. Hill was away to Brantford on a visit to her brother. Fred. Efeyoroft woe here from Galt for the Thanksgiving holiday. Miss Edna Pugh was a visitor with Wroxeter friends last week. J. T. and Mies May Wood visited in Berlin during the past week, Mies Downey visited at Chatham ing the Thanksgiving holiday. Mrs. J. D. Warwick was visiting in Wingham during the past week. Mrs. B. Gerry visited her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Willie, in Seaforth for a few day& Mies Struthers, of Blyth, wart vieiting with Mies °CM& Gerry for the Thanks. giving holiday. Mrs. W. A. Gower haa been quite ill during the pot week but is ooneiderably improved now. Geo. Denyer, of Wingbam, wart in town this week. He bas disposed of his lann. dry bueiness there. D. mad Mrs. MoLaren, of Alliston, agent Thanksgiving at their eon's home, St. N. McLaren, merobant. Mrs. Themes Sanford was on the Molt bat we are plotted to state that lihe ie now able to be out once more, Mies Eliza Roddick, a farmer resident of Brassele, was a weloome vieitor thin week. Sha is Dire, Robt, Sample's sister. airs. Keywortb, of Emily City, Mich., was vielting Mrs, J. Y. S. Kirk during the poet week. The ladies are relatives. Hugh R. Elliott ie book from a pro. longed visit to the west and will upend the Winter at bis home, Brunel° Booth. Hugh and Mrs. Williams, of Egmond. ville, are in town for a few days owing to the demise of the former's daughter, Mrs, H. R. Brewer. Jno, and Mo. Carter, who have been in Owen Sound for the past two months, arrived home thin week and will spend the Winter hoe, Mee Eva Degge, of Oleatham, was a holiday Waiter in Brusatals, She is a grand daughter of Clap. Stratton and is always welcome. Mrs. 1. Kingswood and Roy, of In. goon, enjoyed tt few holidaye under the parental roof of the former, Priri. Gees street, Breseele. Charlie Kerr, eon of Itev. W. 33. 31016, of Clinton, spent his Thenkegiving holi. days with relativee in Brussele, Be made the trip on hie Wheel. Mrs. Hattie, of Petrolle, was renewing Old triendehipe in Brns6ele and 10201116'during the past week. She ie a Meter to Mre. P. Walla= and a former resident 01 Oita platie. abort Sample an8 001 15 will remove frem Bruesele to the Weet. 1118. 0314 Mfg. Sabegle are old end well knoven tesiclents and we will be sorry to gee them moving wog from town. Mrs. Samuel Walker's condition oon• tins motm the Hama, $be Hee 111 a eemi.eousolous state but is gradually toiling. The old lady bas had a very vigorous oonstittetion. Robert Anderson and eon, former Brusselitee, were here for a few days. Andersou'e home is et Shakeepeare, Out., now. Be kith as if Perth 00. air was agreeing with him. Norman McGuire has been aaaleting W. J. Good, both former members of Tim Poem staff, in managing,the Emerson Journal while Editor Ballantyne wOl ou• joyieg a vacation in the East, R. N. Barrett, Wingham, formerly of Monte, 'has been ooropelled, through 111 health, to dispose of his barbering business. Ohara. Swanson is the per. chow. We hope Mr. Barrett will Boon be better. Wm. Kneohtel, of Fergus, an old and well known former Brueselite, was io town for a few days last weak. He re. tains hie vigor wonderfully well and is always welcome here. Mn. Kneoletel lives with his daughter, Mrs. W. A. Rose. Barrister M. A. MacDonald, brother to Lawyer MacDonald, of Brut:eels, is now O partner in the legal firm of Eiarvey, DoArter & MoDouald at Oranbrook, B. 0. Mr. Harvey was a former Atwood boy being a sou of the late Moos Hervey. Asyut MANY YEARS. -James Bigger, of Galt, was bene for e few days visiting hie cousin, David ROSS ar. The gentlemen bad not Been one another for 52 yeare when Dir. Roes came from &Wend. The reader may judge the pleasure of °mei a reunion. Mines Mina and Clara Hunter have gone to Clinton where they have taken positione in the Jaoksore Clothing Mann faotory. We wish them a pleasant stay, The former was a teitober in the Macho diet Sabbath sohool and a member of the chorale choir. Prinoipal R. J. Hill, of Hamilton, made a brief visit to hie father, Juo. Hill, Queen street, lot week. Mr. Hill taught in Dundee for si years and has been in Hemilton for the past 5 years. He spent his boyhood days on the home• stead, 10th oon., Grey. 3. D. Warwick, V. S., is here from hio sleep raneh in Idaho and will vend the Winter with his wife and family. He leo had a very enconeful eeaeon and is going into the bodiless larger than ever next year. Doo. looks as if sheep ranch• ing agreed with him all right. elm D. L. White, Mrs. James Leth• bridge, Mies Lily White and Min Marie Morrow, all of Midlend, were welcome vieitors et the home of G. N. and hire. MoLaren, Alexander street. The ladies were members of the Bay View Reading Club, of Midland, se was Mrs. MoLareu so the visit was partientarly pleaeing to all concerned. Chas. B. Wilbee and wife, of Chicago, were weloome viaitors 31 twee Ian week. 16 10 19 years since Mr. Wilbert left Brno eels and time bas dolt very kindly with him. He heti been 14 years travelling for a Furniture Bonn and usually spends hie Winters in the South or an the Pacific Coast. The visitor learned the bosinese with R. Leatberdale, Brussels. Be is a brother to Walter, Jaen and Jno. Wilbee and Mrs, P. Ament, of thie looality. The ratepayers of Ropier (tarried tbe by law to loan 05,000 to the Elespeler Machine & Tool Company. A lineman neared Kelly grasped a live wire at Montreal to save himself from falling and wee instantly killed. asomma- Baiswen.-In Brussela, on Oat. Mh, to Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Brewer, 9, sow Dicalseteen.-In Grey, on Oot. 16, to Mr. and Mrs. J. P. bloIntosh it daughter. bloseam-In Brussels, on Oot. 28, to Mr. end Mre. Wm. Moffatt a Ban. litute,-In Grey, on Oot, 21, to Mn, and Mrs. Robt. Munn a ton. Mean/tr.-In Grey, on Oot. 15, to Mr, and hire. Jae. Ritchie, a eon. T H E METROPOLITAN BANK ere~wativelelatte4.4,,otoe You won't (JAPITAL-Authorized 92,000.900 CA P ['PA L-Pald np 1,000,000 ltESIIIITE and Surplus Protlts 1.133,138 urtrortorri 8,3, 10100021,1), 10, T000106800, 10.0. President, Vloe.Prestdont, 'PLIO(1.31RADSRAW, nis MINOR San, W. MORTIMER Obeinc, it 0, JAR ItYRIE 5017N lanwrImoolt 0,11088, - General Manager THE METROPOLITAN 8.8.8410 le open to receive the mounts of Parmers, Merehants and Business Community gouorally and to give oareful consideration to all proposals submitted to it. 11 relleo upon its peat record for oourteous treatment of ite 000- tomers, and will extend every oonsideratiou con sietent with sound blunting to those who may desire to transact business with it, SWIPING& BoweJ.1 a,J3retrawr Interest at HIGHEST (TORRENT RATES allowed on all sumo of $1 and upwards BRUSSELS BRANCH W. J. FAWCETT, Manager. VOMMEEVRONPIV.LIMF anANDALL-RODE008.-At the rectory, Wiughane, on Wedneeday, Ootober 17th, by Rev. T. S. Boyle,Mr. John Franklin Crandall, to im Sophia M., daughter of Dir. and Mrs. 9'. H, Roderus, of Wingham, DOPOLAS-SAMPLE.-At Melville Manse, Brussele, ou Oot. 24th by Rev. A. 0. Wishart, B. A., Mr, Andrew Doug. lae, of Turnberry township, to Mies Fannie, yonngeet daughter of Mr, and Dos, Robert Semple, of Bro. sele. Boeawnu,-To Brussels, on Cot. 22nd, Naomi May Williams, beloved wife of B. R. Brewer, artist, aged 81. yore, 5 menthe end 26 dept. Droxeou.-At Hartney, Dian., on Ootober 100, Jean Stewart, relict of the late John Diokson, formerlyl Teem'. carer of Wingham, aged 78 yeare earl 10 months. FO. -In New York, on Sept. 14, Gather- ine, eldest daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Foy, and ludo of Mrs. D. Mouth, Grey twp. (Clinton papers pinto oopy.) FlIAlt.-Io Exeter, on Ool. 12th, Jane J. Fear, formerly of Brussels, aged 79 years, 2 months and five days. Kurentr.-At Quebeo, on Anent 10th, James W. Knight, formerly of Ortin• brook, aged 85 years and 11 month°. T.7O0130 TUESDAY, 092, BOTA.-F&TM etoolt, plemente, &o., Ni Lot 19, oon. 6 Morrie. Bale without reserve, at 1.30 o'olook. JANES TURNBULL, prop. F. B. Soott, ono, WEDNESDAY, OOT. 81-Peim stook, im- plementa &e, W Lot 29 .Oon. 4, Morrie, Sale unreserved at 1 p. m. ebarp. Riele. Mitobell, prop. F. S. Soot atm 35R ITSZI-aail 3.6.11.Ma==•2'30. Fall Wheat 68 69 Barley 40 42 Peas 72 73 Oats 32 82 Butter, tube and rolle.... 17 18 Eggs per dozen 17 18 Hay per ton 6 00 7 00 Flour, per bbl 4 50 5 20 Hoge, Live 8 40 6 60 Wool' .... ........... 24 26 Potatoes per bus 85 Apples (per bbl.) 1 00 1 50 Salt, per bbl., retail 1 00 70 STOCK FOR SERVICE. Q.1:10RT HORN BULL .NDR linumon.-The underpinned will keep for settles, on Lot 7, 000. 9, Grey, the Short Moro Bull, Soottish Prinee, =588204 bred by J. A, Oremr, Shakespeare ; got by Soottish Here, imp, o.001004 (79921.1 Dam, Gam of Balleohin,iimp, 100011 prizea 01 Toronto, London, Tavistook and /Irene's. Terms, 01.60 for grade cows and 05,00 for thoroqueds, with privilege of returning If necessary. JOHN ORERAR, 10.3 Proprietor, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. VOR SALE. -4 GOOD SPRING Claims ; also a good working mare euppoard in foal and. a Spring colt, WM. SHEDDER, 301 10, Oon. 4, Morrie. or Bras - Bele P. 0. , 10 -'ti L'AM FOR SALE.—THE UN - 1' DRUMMED otters for sale Me fine 102 acre farm, being Lot 15, 000, 9, Grey town- ship ; shoat 97 aores cleared, balance good hardwood bush. There is a comfortable house, good bank barn, Sze orohard, deo. 14 miles from Ethel Village and less than miles to Brussels. Pluoe well fenced and in good beart, Posseseion on be given neat March. For further partioulare as toprioe, terms, ito., apply to the propriotor, MA COLS& LAfdONT, on the farin, or Ethel 2, 0: 10.4*ti 11111=011111 1 11.11111111MINII MOVED TO NEW PREMISES JMoDONALD announces to the • public that he has moved to the New Brick Hare, - Ethel ,and opened up a, choice stock and is ready to wait. on customembetter than ever. Call in and see our new premises. Hearty thanks to all for past pat- ronage. M.DONAL.D JNOC QT0011 FOR SALE—THE UN- DERBIGNED offers for sale a Roadster Yearling Oolt and a Roadster Pool; 8 2.year old Heavy .Draught Golding and several 2 - year old Heifers. 008 15, Con, 9, Grey, 1041 JOHN MENABY, Oraubrook 2.0, SZHORT IIORN BULLS FOR kJ SALE. -One was a year old in January, 19(51, and the other 10 months old. Prize a0101875and in good. condition. Terms to suit purehaser. JAMES 50E111, Lot 50, Come, Morrie, or Brussels P. 0. 10.11 MILOH COWS FOR SALE.— The undersigned has B or 4 good milah cows for pale, due to calve in Novem- ber. Prices to suit Dm Mums, AlPo a young cow and two calves at foot. J. P. MoIN- TOSEI, Lot 21, Con, 12, Grey, or Oranbrook P. 0. 10-tf 11•••••••• oough long lf you use Fox's White Pine and Tar. 11 °twee Colcle, Coughs and all irritationo ol the air pas- tiegee, You won't lose any- thing beettnee we refund your money it not satiefaotory, but You Will agree that it its the boeb mod - Wine for Coughs and Colds you have ever tried, 25c per Bottle at IF X' Drug Store Gaettottoewareoteet ee.tert"ta.etotteasareJele yam, SHORT HORN BULLS Leicester Ram Lambe and, Broils Turkey Gobblers for sale. Prices reason- able. N. A, MILNE, Htlial, 10-11 OUND CEDAR FOR SALE - 10 pleoes 11 foot long and '9 pieces 84 feet in length. also a number of inular Penes posts. For further partioulare see or write 11008, NaWSOM, Brussels. 18.10 I. E. ilichri TEI the Old Reliable place for (1' FINE HA NESS ,-ImunamluveamaMINIMIIMIND. After 21 years of business in Brussels we are better pre- pare.d than ever to supply all your needs in the Harness line. Robes, Blankets, Wool and Plush Rugs, Rubber Rugs, Trunks and Satchels, Whips, &c. Collars and Fine Ilarness a Specialty We Repair Robes and Line and Trim them. Repairs in Collars or Harness promptly attended tn. Agents for Columbian Stock Foods, Poultry Foods, &c. C. Richards esseeetteteresesPereefeate BRUSSELS DAYLIGHT STORE G. N. Mo LAREN Read! Pon 8 Investigate 7, On Tuesday morning 53 COA TS we closed a deal for Traveller's Samples — Black, Dark and Light Tweeds These are all long length, loose fitting garments; man tailored, and are made by one of the best makers in the business. This is pos- itively the best Bargain ever offered in Brussels for new, fashionable garments. Every one this season's best styles ; and we will self them at from $1 to $2 less than regular wholesale prices. We invite you to come and investigate this offer. See the lovely styles and get the prices. You may wonder why we sell them at such a low figure when we could get more for the asking. Well these are our reasons: We bought them right and we always hand over to our customers what extra we make by good buying. We are al- ways satisfied with a legitimate profit. .Another reason : We have already had a good season for Coats and know that good prices will be necessary to clear out the entire lot quickly. Our prices race from $3,75 to 11,00 Regular prices are from 6.60 to 17,00 Yours for Mutual Benefit N. Me aren Next door to American House. •