HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-10-25, Page 5Apples
i ' •
yfrRt C tit IJ P 7 Med adjacent En their property have the
'111611 Grade" Training pays and t
that ie the hind the turnout
Paine rigllte of ownership as if the uvea
PC. were within their proptity,
i1 Olive to his students, Recant a1ud.
ante hove taken positions at solaria*
from Sec per mouth to 611000 nor an•
i nuts. 14 is a well lntoWe Oat that our
school In the bootee Ito ktud lo Can -
ads„ This mouth tea tploudid time
to enter: A II grad¢otot got pooittou0.
rbc domaud is Lead twenty times
the supply. Write today for moguls-
cent eat clove,"W, J, fit LTOTT, Prinotpal.
0011 Yonalt ANn 1100 Nnnit Boa.
• Successor to lir. J. A. floNaughion
strudels, Ontario
Graduate of Polyellulo Post Graduate
gu4nol of Medicine and Surgery, Now York.
Member of College of Physicians and 8ur•
aeons of Ontario.
Osloe and residence same as formerly oe-
uuplod by Dr. MoNaughtou,
Dien o Au women a epe0ialty.1.
'Guo atssuer of Marrlugo LSoanOes, 01.
•Griooery,Turnb0rry atreot, Br0Osels.
Office in the Poet Office, IOW.. 90.9
Ie prepared to give lessons op Piano
or Reed Organ, Terme on application.
Pootof0oe address—Brussels. Reed mule—
Lot 8, Coo, 10, Grey. Pupils may have their
lessons at their' own homes 11 preferred.
Pupils prepared for the Toronto
'Conservatory of Music.
Agent Howick Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
Once and Rooidenea—
d.• 11811, will eels for better prices, to
bettor mea in
loss time and lase °
than any ois r Auctioneer lulled Huron or
won't charge anything. Does and onion
oan alays be arranged at thisoffice ar by
personal applioation.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for
at the aloe of Tan PoeT, Brussels. 22t1
UNNINGHAM--G• Honor Graduate of filo Ontario Vet-
erinary College, le or spared to treat all dis-
eases of domesticated animate in a eompet-
outmauner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry and Milk Never, Calle
promptly attended to. Otnou and Infirmary
—Pour doors North of bridge, T'nrnberry et.,
• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, RM.
Snuoosoorto G. F. Blair. Office over Stan-
dard Sauk, Brunelle. 8olloltor for Atetro-
petitau Houk.
V1xx`I•• r• M. SINCLAIR—
Nut81gPublic, go. O00oo—lltewarta Block
1 door North of Central Hotel,
Solloitor for the Standard Bank.
$7ti0TJDF00T, HATS rk BLAIR—
W, PRonnsoo3,1( 0, BLAIn. 1(, 0.10AY6
Offices—Thane foormorleyt clao G led by Moms
Cameron,Gbbainon, ON'0AnI0.
Geaduate Of the Royal Collage of Dental
SurgeOul of Ontario and E'irot•olase Routs
Graduate of Toronto ',University. - Office
next to BriWor'a Photograph Gallery,
Tho Loading Samoa School 1
Thin 80BOo110 r000gnisad tobe one.
f„ of the boot Commercial 8*1*0030 1,1 8.01.
('1 0111011, Von eau 'lately judge a Sobool 1 t
by the applfoatlone it receives. This11
term we roeolved ap1lieatlone .from
drum in six large American 011100 and
of Gan.
and 'Aloe
more towue
k on the
t toou Beek., ids West
Ch Sotl a a
91 Woat and Charlottetown, P,10. L, ou
gy the /last, Our repntati(n =wane 13
much for our graduate)), Write tor our
data 1O 11G.
I have opened a Jewelry
Store iu the McKim
Building, and my stook
is Hew and well varie(l..
Spools,' attention paid
to Repairing.
You will find lay prices
flCii News Jima
Do you know to rnuebroom from a
toodotool ?
Wag POST le atter the news. Did you
ever eeud a newoy item ?
The broad leaved Canadian maple is
rivalling in dolor the Fall millinery.
Ir you like Tom Pon the editor would
be pleased to have you say eo to your
Oonouz' Tag POST talo register to keep
posted ou the dates of %notion sales iu
this dietri0t,
BYND Tag POST to your absent friends
or reitttvee, By sabeoribiug for it naw
you get it free to the end of the year.
Oonduotor Ireland has bought the
brink reeideuoe ou Broadway belonging
to the Robert Gallery estate, Kincardine.
ON and alter Jea. lar next, ,letters
weighing one onnoe may be mailed to
out, point in the British Empire for two
assts.' •The maximum weight now al
lowed is one halt mum,
Tan Grand Trunk railway will increase
the pay, of yardmen on all Canadian
lines ten edits per day. The men sow
reouive from $L 60 to $2.00 per day, and
the yard foremen $2.25 to $2.50.
ADAM lifting, of Mitchell, formerly of
Brussels, hag sold hie house and tot to
John Rankin, possession -to be given
Deermber let. Mr. Kosing has bought a
hardware business at Brantford.
Sitvanuo photogravures appear in the
annual Government report of the Ag
dandled Souiotieo of Ontario for 1900
of the Jamey drill presented at Brussels,
Fall Fair in 1906 by Ethel Public
COUNTRY boys report the annual fell of
harvest of 'Goons quite up to that of for-
mer seae0ne. The ahimale are fat and
saooy ae venal and quite to number of
recently removod skins adorn the gran.
cry doors.
IT is now compulsory on the part of
muuieipal commits to see that the toady -
ere' salaries are paid quarterly, instead
of hall•yearly and yearly act has been the
custom in many sections of the 000ntry
in the past.
Brussels muskroom hunters almost
ora do Chrietopber Oulumbne on their
voyages, of discovery. TDB Poem has
heard of people who left their downy
(mutates DA early ao 9 D. m, to search for
the toothsome delicacy.
FAauunein the neighborhood of Icing.
n Ottawa ate c
barged with selling
oto mud 01 w g
stale eggs to the people. One Kingetou
tommieeion me 0110101 says that the term.
ere keep their eggs for a rise in the mar-
ket, and keep them until they are unfit
for nee. Tate is a serious charge.
Piles quickly end p00i I/01y oared with
Dr, Shoop's Magio Ointment, Io'a made
for Piles alone—arid it does the
work surely and with eaciotaotion.
Rotting, painful, protruding or blind
ptlue disappear like magio by ire use.
Large, nettle Gapped glass jars, 50
cents. Bold and reoommeuded by F. R.
AN Ottawa deepatob announces that
the Pootmaeter•Geueral will bring in a
rosolutioh next season to inereaae the
ea/arias of oouutry poetma0tere. This
proposal is oommeodable in every
reapeot. For many years the remnnere-
tfoe of those important Governmout
omoialo has been eoaudalouely smell, and
its time fora change.
Taft drinking of an abuudanee of
water will prevent eppondioitis, bedtime
appendicitis is the result of ouuetipatioo
and oonetipati0n is the result of inecftfo-
lent'supply of liquids. That's what an
exohantle soya anyway. If anybody
wants further mama they will have to go
elsewhere for the are not here to run the
doctors out et bedtime'.
Carole 1,1ved Theorist, H.
A terrible exporienos had eldw. J.
O'Connor of Seals Ste Marie, "Prom
boyhood" he writes, "I hnvo Well a COD.
attuht sufferer iruln uethrna anti oaterrh.
My noes and throat Wee always stopped
up and I had droppings to the throat,
When attache came on 1 thonght I
couldn't live through the night, I would
sit up, gun/ for my breath and endure
great dlotroou Caturnct•zano made nre
entirely well." No atrougar proof ie
rrquirod. Asthma is curable, eo ie
natural, Dee "puterrhozone" aid your
recovery le guaranteed. Two sled, 25*.
and $1.00 at till dealers,
C tor rIse.
L. Orbit our new burned maker baa
moved to town.
Knowloon Elliot, of Winnipeg, arrived
home to opeud a month here.
Sunday there wee a meeting in the
Orange Bill Methodist ohurob hn the in.
teroet0 of the Bible Society. Wm,
Watters and otbero addressed the meet-
The many friends of Mies L. L. Wig
gine will be sorry to hear that elm la
about to take her departure from town,
She has smeared the serviette of Mioo
Maud Skilling, late of the Toronto
Ooosevat0ry of Mueio,00 take nor olaoe
and oleo the organ in St. Stophon'o.
W rctx Ht.H R•.
Mrs. Leckie, er., lett for a oouple of
menthe' visit with her daughter iu Lon.
Wm. Perrin has re•engaged with
Cuion S. 6. for another year ; his eatery
will be $450.
H. Brawn and T. G. Hemphill are go
log into the plgoou busloads, They
have erected 0. large pigeon house in
Mr. Hampbill's lot.
The Anniversary Anniversary services of the
Wroxeter Methodist oharoh will be held
ou Sunday and Monday, Nov, 4th end
6th. The Harrieton Quartette will
tumid) rondo at the tea meeting on Man -
day night.
The regular quarterly oommu1110n
service In oonneottou with the Wroxeter
oirouit will be held in the Wroxeter
(Murat on Sunday, Oot. 28111, at 10 45,
Quarterly Official Board will meet on
Monday aftoruouu, Oot. 290h, at 2.90 in
Salem church.
She anniversary ear vied of the
Presbyterian ohurob will be held on Sun.
day, Oat. 28th, Rev. Mr. Wished, of
Brussels, will be the presoher for the
day. On the following Thursday even,
iug the annual tea will be served to be
followed by a lecture by Rev. Dr. Roes,
of Wa*kertou.
A aeon feature introduced in ooauea-
tion with the teaebing of Botany in
Braeeele school is a oolleotion of apples
by which the pupils are made aoquaiuted
with the name° and obttraoterietioe of
the fruit. A number of the eoholare are
already experts mud no doubt the
information derived will be both helpful
and of great intend. Nothing like being
praotiaal in the edboatiou of today.
Next Pall Fair will afford opportunity of
testing the fruit question with a few
ooine ee an additional ahlreetlon to the
prize winnero.
The new Pure Food and Drng Law
will mark it on the label of every Cough
Cure oontaining Opium, Celoroform,
or any other elupltyiog or poisonous
drug. Bnt it pease Dr. Shoop's Cough
Cure ea made for 20 yearn, entirely
free. Dr. Shoop all &long has bitterly
opposed the nee of opiates or 'media,
Dr. Shoop'e Oougb Onre ie abeolutely
safe even for the youngest baba—and
it ouree it does not simply suppress,
Get a ode odd reliable Dough Cure, by
simply insisting cu having Dr. Shoop's.
Let the Law be your proteotion. We
cheerfully recommend and sell it. F. R.
Diann hate been eonaiderable dime.
°ion lately about one right(' of compel'•
lee, runuing wires on the eereet0, to out
shade trees. Aet 248, R. S. 0, provides
that a person owning lend adjacentto
any highway, street, lane, allay, pittoe
or equate in this Province may plant
true on the portion oentiguoue to hie
land, mud every tree eo planted obeli be
deemed tribe the property of the owner
of the lands adjacent 00 such highway,
street, lane, allay, plane or square, and
noarest to auob tree. It ie oleo provided
that any per0ou injuring end) tree0,
Without having obtained permi00iou by
special resolution of rho Oonnoil, i0
'labia to 08 dna of $25 or thirty dale in
jail. The person laying the complaint
to entitled to one half of the fine imposed.
The rooidente of Bruonele who have
reolery, at 0 &cloak. The bride wee
haudeomoly attired ie blue ladies' clout
with 1,01 to matnh, and woo emended by
her sitter, !Miss Ada, of L 111(1011, while
Air Ryon, of the Bank of Memhiton
eteff, aeoieted the groom. Atter the oere-
rnony end oungratulati0u0, Mr. and Mrs.
Orondall lett by early train 00 their
wedding lour.
%,Vint: haze.
Rev. E. R. Fitch, attended the Bap.
List convention at Peterboro.
New traosmittere have beau furnished
the operator's' at the Central telephone
oflioe here.
Mro. H. 13, Elliott was visiting for
a few days at the home of her brother in
Lawrence Station.
All the windows have been pat in the
new High Gohool boildiug and the work
on the exterior is pretty well oompleted,
J. B. Smith, junior clerk in the Oa.
uadian Bank of Commerce, Wiugbam, to
transferred to Windsor. Mr. Turnbull,
of Goderiob, takes his plaoe here.
Rev. T. 8. Boyle, M. A., B. D. wait
taken seriously ill on •Hunday night of
last week, tend it was feared that an aper.
ation for appendioitie might be neocooary
but we are pleased to retort that the
popular Rector of St. Paul's is recover.
B. Ferguson, Town Clerk, has re.
turned from Elle Wed, where he went
to spend a few mouths for hie beeltb.
We are pleased to hear that he tae re.
oovered. He louke wall, and feels quite
able to take up the dutieo el Oierkohip
again. A. Dolmage noted during Mr.
Fergueoo'o absentia as Clerk.
Iu the oompetitiou at Teamster Fall
Fair, Mies MAbel MaDorald wou five out
of ten prizes for claiming. Mise Flora
MODOneld won first for beet dress, end
Mise Mabel MoDuoald second. Piper
MODoneld won first for piping and deo.
and for dreae.
Many in Wingbam will regret to hear
of the death of Mrs. John Diokeon, retial
01 a gentleman who for many years waif
Trea0nrer of Winghom. Her death o0•
mead at her nephew's in Hartney, Man-
itoba, on October 10th. Mrs. Dickson
was a reeldeut of Wlugbam foe over
thirty years, and wee most highly es.
teemed, Burial took pious in Hartney
cemetery. She wee in her 70111 year and
death wits caused by general breaking up
of the system.
At an early hoer on Wednesday morn.
ing of last week, the reeidonoe of Mr. and
Mrs. Rodents wad astir with au event of
littered, the marriage of their eldest
daughter, Mies Sophia, to John Crandall,
elect of Wingham. The ceremony wee
performed by Rev. T. S, Boyle, in the
The Public eohool Meddle holding a
0ohu01 exhibition at the end of tale
A• L. McIntyre, of the Ruined
College went lo Owen Sopud to bring
hie family to Lietowel.
The fnkoreotl, S. B. Stone Co, have
completed their 0ontraot for laying ad•
ditional grauollthlo walks in town,
The Salvation Army on Thanksgiving
Day commenced a eerier+ of opeoial meet•
ing0, oalled a "Hulibesa Oempeign."
J. A, Kelly, of thio town, has sold his
high clime trotter, "Baroness," to 0, A.
Brown, of Leamington, for the handsome
eum of 92,000,
Mies Evelyne M. Parker, of Toronto,
the soprano member of the Walmer
St, Baptist Ohuroh Quartette, sang in
the Methodist ohurob here Sunday morn•
iug and evening,
113e1 'R•ave.
Mrs, Thos. Wilkineou le el present
vielting friends in Ripley,
Ohm, MoOlellaod, sr., attended the
funeral of a friend in Hamilton.
Rev, A. L. Badge, of Hanover, spent a
oouple-ot days with hie father here.
John Oampbell shipped a carload of
apples to Manitoba, This ie the eeoond
oar Mr. Campbell hat shipped Ohio Fall.
Word reached Belgrave of the death
of R. J.:Tntls on Oot. 18th, at hie
daughters in Albany, N. Y. Mr. 'Tufts
owns one of the finest reaidenoee in Bel•
grave, but has not resided here for some
time. -
Iaaao .Nioholeoo, of Basswood Lake,
Day's Mill, Algoma, visited friends in
Belgrave and Day Mills, Algoma,, visited
friends in Belgrave and vicinity. It is
about 26 years since Mr. Niobolson left
Morrie for that pietnresgae country, and
be would prefer hie owu home on the
shores of Baeowood Lake to auy home io
Morrie, thnagh he thinks Morrie boa
made great strides of advancement einoe
be lett the township. 0aroer and
Archie • Ni000leon, of Mortis, are hie
When the tip of a dog's nose is cold
and moist, that dog is not sick. A fever.
lab dry nose marine sickness with a dog.
And eo with 1012)a0 lips. Dry, cracked
and colorless lips mean feverishness,
and are as well i11 appearing. To have
beautiful, pink, velvet like lips, apply at
bedtime a coating of Dr. Shoop's Solve.
it will soften and heal any skin ailment.
Get a free trial box at our store end be
convinced. Large niokel capped glaco
jars, 26 Dente. F. R. Smith.
Thee. E. Shearer, of the 4111 000.,
het Completed hie season of filling eiloe.
lot all be filled 21 and moat of the farm
ere had porn left over,
W. D. MLtoboli has arrived home from
New Denver, B. 0., after an Abilene(' of
ten years, Mr. Mitchell has aged some-
what in appearance and is none too
robust in health.
Robert Anderson, Wm. Wherry and
Daniel Barton were i11 Stratford tfor
d actio
100 jurors at the Fall Assizes. Mr. Ander.
sou was foreman of the jury that des
aided two criminal haeme,
Phaokogiving servioee ware held in
the Presbyterian church on Thnreday
of last week at 11 a, m. Rev. S. Bond,
pastor of the Methodist ohurob, preaoh.
ed. The offering was in aid of the 0M1.
dreu'o Hospital in Toronto. •
Mre. Andrew Donaldeon hem disposed
of her property on John street to John
Longmire, section man, end parohased
Robert Snox's cosy little cottage on
Malo street. Mr. Knox purposes build.
ing next Bummer, Meautime, Mr. and
61 re. Knox will reside in rooms over the
pootoffioe. Mrs. Donaldeon gives np
pooeeesion on December 1st,
The annual meeting of the share.
huldere of the 4th line beef ring woe
held et the home of Win. H. Jolly o0
Wednesday evening, Oct. l0ib. The
shareholders were well pleased with the
year's traneaotione. Their butcher,
W. B. Jolly, gave good satiofaotion.
The oompauy built their own slaughter.
house and have it paid for. The year's
transaotione were ;—Cost of building,
966 90 ; oott each shareholder, $1,88 ;
uumber of oattle 'killed, 20 ; weight of
meat delivered, 8894 pou0de ; average
per beef, 444 ponnde ; Weight of hides
eold,110B panda ; value- of hides sold
9106.20. The officers sleeted for next
year are :—Ales. Simpson, president ;
Wm, H. Jolly, botcher ; Thee. E. Shear.
er, eeo.'treaearer ; RobI. M. Cowing,
beef inepeotor ; Geo. Adams, auditor.
Sixteen (hares were taken up for next
year by those present. After the meet.
a Goi•li al OL'-'et.t1"t7.1'r'to.b"NfJll• fb'U•Eltt[f"N•GGGoicLaa
A Large, Fashionable and well assorted stock of
Fall Millinery is now on display at my Show Boom
and the Ladies of Brussels and vicinity are cordially
invited to oa]1 and examine the same.
MISS MASON, who has had a wide experience in
Oily Millinery, has been engaged for the Season.
The undersigned is grateful for past patronage and
asks for a continuance.
Prices moderate and Satisfaction assured.
A tried will convince every housewife
in Canada that "Reliance flaking
Powder" in far aupporlor to any other
she has over used. It Is prepared from
the best end pureot materials that
money tan buy, under the direction
of an export manufacturing chemist,
therefore we are able to eon it on a
Cash Guarantee of Satisfaction. In
order to inteoduco "Reliance BakIn B
Powder" we are making wonderfully
attraotivepremium offers to Boys and
Girls, 11 interested drop use. Posta
To any neer of bakingpowder we will
gladly send absolutey froe, postage
prepaid, Asel:Wear ofourlatestoditloa
of pictnre post dards lithographed in
brilliant colors. Simply write us, aa.
sworiagR the following questions:
laG. Name Tour Grocer.
2nd. Name this paper.
Toronto, Canada 1
Here's Just the Right
Bowel Laxative
Gentle, Sure—Pleasant to Take—
Tried and True, Genuine,
Nature's Remedy.
II you do not have free, easy and regular
onovemente of the bowels you luole the prime and
first essential of good health. There's more
harm done than mere uncomfortableness, slug-
globnoss and biliousnuns—retention of food
wastes in the bowels t' i; pollutes, rrl totes and
poisons. You make; 'fat, the circulatory sys-
tem—the blood—a ;; er'1:, scavenger Instead
of a fountain of•:, purest Miami un•
tainted vitality. -. Tho 111s of con-
etipation are ^r' . eN -. not trifling but
r= are franct
with vital " signet in
Seek your \o. d'-, rcllet 10
Nature l 'tf. "- 'rAcceut the
surenotnatural y , ; aid tit Lax-etB1
BeBo sure not to 't force a n d
crowd the dell ` . , .en t0 organs of
Rei sot potieiful and unknown med-
loiOesI Your safety. k^' and your health are
al ways secured—Ifyou F take Lox -els. The
formula is on every box —show it to your fam-
ily physician. Lax•ets are put up in a fiat metal
case in handy tablet form—one tablet taken be-
fore meals or on retiring always brings relief.
Pleasing to take—the most potent yet gentle of
all remedies—a genuine help of Nature's—a
bowel laxative which cures constipation. Roo-
omme0ded and for sale by
'og was over the company was treated
to a delioione lonob Of coffee, sandwich
and cake by Mee, Jolly whioh wan
relished by all preeeot. A vote of thanks
was tendered to the officers of the past
year and to Mr. and Mrs. Jolly for their
hospitality by a hearty clap of hands be-
fore going home.
She Was wild With Pain,
From Willow Greek, Ont„ Mid E.
Diegel writes ;—"A few years ago I was
dreuohed with rain and got lumbago
it wee like a steel rod pieroiug my beak.
1 Mao had an earoahe and was just wild
with pain. I applied batting soaked
wlth Nervilioe to my ear and rubbed on
Nervilioe for the lumbago. That rob-
bing relieved and in a few hours I was
well. No other liniment could do this."
It's the penetrating power of ' Neviline
that make it superior to all other -lini.
matte. Nothing beats it, 26o, at all
Gi oderioth.
M. P. Lane, of the Baok of Commerce
Goderioh, left lost week for Chatham on
The dredge is working almost in the
centre of the harbor, hod is lifting eon.
Biderable material.
The Harbor Lumber Co's. mill was
oompleted last week, and will be miming
on full time tide week.
J. W. Weatherald, who le temporarily
mentally effiioted, was found on East
street and ou advice of a Dr. wee put
into este keeping.
The G. T. R. Co., is improving the
electric lightning of their property by
putting in new machinery that will give
better facilities for regulating it and in-
areaee ire power.
Manager Porter announces that the
Sovereign Bank will hereafter be open
for bueinees every Saturday afternoon
until 4 o'clock, and every Saturday even•
ing from 7 to 9.
The latest rumor ie that the Grand
Trunk will double track their line from
Stratford to the Goderiob dook with oak
ties and 80 lb retie, that ie 80 pounds to
every three feet. Larger engines ere to
be put in eervioe and there will be an
average of 45 tiers to a train.
Our well known oitzen, Jame( Clark,
on returning from a drive on Tuesday of
loot week, was taken with a severe faint-
ing spell, but after a good night was
much better Wednesday, The whole town
eympalhizee with the man who hue done
eo moth in teetering its iudoetriea, and
every resident will ardently hope that
the President of the Organ Co. and the
.Engine Works will Goon be around town
Fete 91901 Esottpe
The torturing 4013138 of porno. Be pre.
pared—the only painleoo (ore le Put.
Ham's Corn Extractor. Fifty yearo in
bee 18116 absolutely gneranteod,-
Mre, D. Moriarty, of St. Marys, who
was etriokon of paralysis tome weeks ago
and bas boon very in, 1s able to leave her
De. J, L, Robinson ie spending a few
days et hie old home in St. Marys prior
to hie leaving for Vancouver where he
has been appointed medical euperiuten•
dent of the new Vanoonver General
Hospital. Graduating from McGill in
1904, Dr. Roblueon entered the Montreal
Hoe etai where he
(meldent (w
years ae Senior
Besidoot Surgeon, sub -
eminently be was appointed Aeeletent
Suporiutendent'of Montreal's new Oen.
0000000 Hospital, whieh position be
reaentiy resigned to aooept the eup0riu'
tendency 10 Vancouver.
New Firm
have formed a co -partnership, to be -
known as Walker & Black, and will carry
on ate`— -
and ---""mir
Their stock of Furniture,
Goods and Musical Instruments
the Factories ; has been Bought
will be sold at Reasonable Prices.
MR. CHAS. FORSTER, an experienced
Undertaker and Upholsterer, will assist in the
Picture Framing a Specialty. -
They hope by strict, attention to business,
square and honorable dealing with their Cue-
tomero to merit a share o the public patron-
is new from
for cash, and
Night and Sunday calls will be promptly
attended at David Walker's residence, North of
bridge, Tnrnberry street.
On and after the 6th of Septem-
ber 20 cents per bag will be paid
for all good paring Apples deliv-
ered at the Factory. No -Shall
or Soft Apples will be taken.
J. CUNNINGHAM, Proprietor
Pattern Hats and Millinery Novelties
THE invitation is yours to come
and see everything that is tor.
rect and new in Fall Millinery.
Nothing that has been accepted by
the Fashionable of New York and Paris
has been neglected, in. our Styles.
No formal opening .this Season--: .
just drop in any time.
Girls wanted to learn the Millinery,
Misses Habkirk