HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-10-25, Page 4�..'•'nwwrrYeawYlY'4�.ly tea„-TMFI'�v�r�iw,N.nu"f3W, �+.•'. .—.�.. iit xxgstri Ya*, B$a1r,r1e0dmined - oder- eon by Adam Sielinge, Mre, B. Warren wag thrown out of a earring° at Sarnia and eut0ered a free. tured aIt11Il and other iujuriee, trot which it ie feared elle a nnot reoover, Post Masters' Convention. w_...-_ . pretenses preferred egatant 1i. L Ile i lIIURSDAY, QGl. 25, 1906. MR. RONALD WRITES ENTERTAININGLY, To the Editor of Tan Pon : Dan Stn,—Mr. Wellman, the Ohf- eago Blau who ban been prepariug to go to the North Pole via airship balloon, to now to Paris getting the machinery all rebuilt. It wee made there, but found altogether too light and unreliable for the work. A !nab start will be made early next Summer. Steueland, the Sweodieb trauduleut banker ot Ohiaage, wtta overtaken in hie flight at Tangier, Mortice°, brought book and an hie arrival indictments and proof,' of his large steal- inge in bad epeoultbioue were arraigned before the Court eo qutokly that within 4 houro he was hustled off to state prison. Feare of a0eaeinatiou from some of hie 22,000 depooitore was the armee of each prompt dispatch of Jaetioe. The oity of Obiaogo has 42 miles of underground railway for freight delivery only, seeing blockades on the already congested down town thoroferes. Great buildings 6 and 8 Btoriee—Bums very handsome—are being pulled down to give way for newer, modern 10 to 20 story etas' elrualares. All the debris ie sent to the water front dump grounds via tits underground tunnels. Most of the railways are reducing the fares to 2.e oento per mile trbm 8 oenbs as heretofore and Belling tiokate at 2 eente per mile when $20 ie parabaead. The Oentral telephoue girls were not allowed to enter their own premieee by front doors, manager demaudiug that they enter via rear alley where several saloons held forth, and menaced often by drunken men witb insulting remarks. The girls rightly retased and a strike re- sulted with whole telephone service de. ranged. The pity rejoined to hear of the girls winning their point. The manager of another lot of factory working girls de- manded that they ehoold cease singing at their work as they could not do so mole work and Bing too. Tbey oleo etrook, protesting against euoh a debas- ing order. Am glad to inform you they also won out. The grasping, greedy in humane element is being gradually re. hexed by the united, intelligent working element. Eight hours its now the legal standard day's work, a taw nine, very • few ten houre, always excepting the pour workmena' wives, raining a family, wboee work is never done, they indeed do the hardest hell of life's bnrdeue. Yet wonderfal to relate how a brand new bonnet or dread will obeer them np suet• ing to oblivion the darker aide ot their uphill life. What would we do without these dear better halves of oore 7 The Chicago Record -Herald oorreepoo- denh has left Rueeia sod is now e fu aria Paria, France, writing up the real gist and o,gse of the separation of ohuroh and State in Eliot country and being closely followed up by Spain. Io appears that duriug the reign ut the let Napoleon in order to have the goad will ot hie whole people he agreed to pay to the uomeroas priesthood, biebope, etc., eight milliou dollar./ yearly, and hae been kept up by the government ever efuoe. The church for name years back has not appreoiated the present farm of Demooratio regime urging all the students iu eoboole and universities to ignore it and talk up a monarchial reform. Becoming uubear able to those in power the government said they would etand it no longer, stopping forwith all salaries to church •oflmmle. The 001, io a nutebell of France's pre,ea0 dieturbaoaes, it in the beginning of it reform, religions freedom, that will away the Nations for goud. The Bunke of Chicago have over five hundred millions an deposit ehowiug Ito great finanolai prosperity. Its sooty at. moephere with the horrid smells a0 limes from the packing houses and cattle kill• ing yards ie most disagreeable yet withal there are the fiueet streets, bottle yards, parks and handsome residences ae could be found in any other oily, the wealth to produce which is simply fabu lou°. Many arose streets, the old Nichol eon pavement kind, are in a deplorable eoodition and it will take years to replace to good order with aephalt and broken atone upon which they are now bard at work relaying. You nen live in Chicago ten years and never know your next door neighbor, eooial epberea seemingly totally ignored, each so busy with his or her own affairs no time. nor interest in their neighbors. Eveu in ohuroh circles this appears to hold good to a regretful extent. We have lately removed to Detroit, many relatives and trieuda near ne, and preeent lovely weather is most enjoyable. A 5 oent street oar ride ie a great attraction for the working people ou afternoons or evenings in warm weather. The people are now demanding 2e to 3 Dent fares. Tile railway monopoly re a gold mine to owner's. It has bean proven that the coat is only 2 ciente in oittee of over 100,000. A mate meeting hae been held pra0eetiog against the 6 Dent over• charge, The State of Michigan hae just leaned an eetimate of having steed 12 million bushels of wheat averaging 12 baebele per Rote, 60% loss than last year and quality inferior. Oats 40 million baebela, 29 boebele per acre ; beets 1 million tone, 10 tone per oore. Our Oanadian taxmen my thank their stare that they are domiciled en a far more prosperous agricultural country, and feet assured for happiness iu life there's no balm like oonteotmeot• Yuan, eto., J. D. RONALD. Detroit, Mich., Oot. 19, 1906. A Convention of the Huron County poet lefeetere aseembled iu the Town Hall Oliutou, ou ''Tuesday the 10th Whilst the meeting was not largely at- tended the dreouesioue were pwlitable, the interest well eueteined sed many items of interest diepoewd of. D. B. MoKiunon, of Blyth, 000npied the chair and W. T. England, of Oredi tan, East noted as Secretary, Atter full dieoueeiou and 10 being con• ceded that the beet system or orgaufza• tion would be the formation of o0auty aeeooiations, with repreoeutitivee from these to attend the proviuotal meetings it was deoided to proceed to organize under the name of the 0ouoty of Huron Poet Mestere' Aeaociatiou, The following officers were elected : D. B. McKiuoon, Blyth, President ; P. Hanlon, Centralia, Viee-President ; W. T. England, Crediton Eaet, Seo.-Treae-; Thos. Farrow, Brunets s, P. Fisher, Winghaw, E. Christie, Exeter, and A. D, Sutherland, Seaborth, with the above named °tiieere constitute the Exeoutive Oomnithee. It was decided that the payment ,of the 6lemberehip fee of the Provincial Association should entitle to member- ship in the county association, it being expected that a small percentage of these fees should go to the County to meet oeoeesary local expense. The President and D. Sproat were named as delegate, to the next meetiug of the Proviaoial sesooiatiou. H. E. Proctor, of Aurora, secretary of the Provincial oseooiatiou, wee present and gave and instructive address, making specie' reference to the advantages o! organization lied dispensing the 9000000 prospects of the P. m's anti possibilities of improvement by the intelligent oo- operation. The following resolution war unanimously adopted ; "That we, the members of Baron C000ty P. M's Aeeooiation, desire to express oar ed• miratiou of and oaufidenoe in Ira Strut. ton and in hia advocaoy of oar oauae, and heartily commend the Foetal Current to to all our influence to Marlette' its Dir• oulatiou. It was resolved that the next meeting be bald at Cliuton spine time in January next. Prevention, ne the name implies, pre- vent alt ()oldo and Grippe when taken at the eueeze stage. Preventioe ale toothsome Dandy tablete. Preventive dieP q Yr of ate all colds uiokl and. taken sorry wheal you Scat foal tial a void is coming, they obeok and prevent them. Prevoitios are thoroughly sate for chil- dren, and ae effectual for adalte. Sold add recommended in 5 tient and 26 oent boxes by F. zi. Smith, Jahn Sweet was streak by a train at Kingston and killed. The Hebrew congregation of Kingston Will build a small synagogue at a coat of $10,000. Detective Warner, who' was wounded in the labor riot at Baokiugham, Que., died. of hfe injurfeo Monday. The body of W. E. Stewart, of Ottawa, who disappeared on 001, 6, was found in the bay at Brookville. SPLENDID NEW DEPARTURE A Canadian Pictorial Publication Started at Montreal. time. at Carlsbad Sp[,lhgo, In .9aelrie, and three weeks a0 Dralorden'e Sant• tertum at 8ranittort. Mr. iyylitoI.ereu, fe muob improved iu health and will oou. tinea the treatment under a trained nurse who a000mpanied him tram Oaria bad, STOOK LOADING MACHINE. The Neepawa paper ,°aye:—A perleetly enooeeetul stook loading maabine that will do the work of mouy pitchers iu the field was exhibited on the term of P. M. Stewart West of Neepawa last week. The maohiue is the iuventlon of Mr, Stewart's brothers, of Molesworth Ont„ and be patented in Canada and the United States. The teat bare was the first tree of 11 in the Wset and farmers deolare It hoe solved the harvest help problem for the Weal. The machine is built eomewbal like a hay ]order and eau be used for that put. pose also. It is shaped like a bibelot and drawn by three boreee;the sheaves are pinked up iu front of the platform carried across it, elevated over the big drive wheel and deposited at a height that drops them into the basket reek of the wagon 10 be loaded whioh meet be driven along side at the same speed. The elevating apparatus oonobets of slate armed with iron epikee alightly carved ; these work ou endless 'Mafia at 4aob end and piok up the sheaves ae the (refit of the platform reaches eaoh stook ; earner elate convey them aorose the platform and a similar set of hooke un elate raise the sheaves to the height required. The "elate" are really hollow iron piping but they treed like the elate on a binder oeavae or the old fashioned straw merrier°, Imagine a short eeotion of snob carriere attached to a binder iuetead of the knot• ter and a set of Beoh slate picking up +heaves in place of the knivee in front .and you have it fairly aoonrately. An ingeoiou0 device folds the hooka out of play, for the return, 0e Boon as they have deposited the sheaves. The. loads _ were eat ou laet week in about three mino0ee apiece ; the maohiue will easily keep six. teame or more going ; it will keep s thresher fully eapplied. Lnagiue. the saving to a farmer or thresher io help alone, while the loin of orop avoided In eeaeone when the weath- er ie anoertain will be a huge gain to the province If these be generally adopted ae they Barely will. Stewart Bros., figure that these maohinee oan be profitably put on tbe market at from $200 to 9250. They are willing to consider a proposition to give a share of stook to parties investing with intention to manufacture in the West and to open negotiations as 00 establish ing the manufactory at Neepawa. Now its the °banes for Neepawa to aeonre an institution that will grow to huge dimeoeiono in a short time. Let the Board of Trede and coanoil make a definite and generous offer and the re -i dents take stook enough h to insure the g immediate establishment of the business. The plant would be simple and wonld in. elude a foundry equipment, a thing that is badly needed here anyway and would pay good dividends in itself. As for the stook of the proposed machine factory 0 would be one of the beet investments possible. This is a chance other towers will bot be Blow to appreciate it Neepawa is too slow. b' " The names of the "qraP im And the "Illustrated Loudon Newe" are hoaee• hold words wherever the Euglieh tongue is spoken. But in this oouutry they cost six dollars a year each, a cum that placer' them among the luxuriee in which only a few oan indosge. Now, however, Canada has eomethiug that, for a mere fraction of the oat, will take the plane of these high grade illustrated period- icals. The first number of the "Canad- ian Piotoriai" baa jut been issued and is a remarkably flue publication. Everybody litres pioturee—specially pioturee of live interest. And it bee been unfortunate that for smell pioturee Cauadiauo have np till now bad to depend on the high prioed publioatione from Britain and the United Steters, which commie a Large proportiou of pictures and other matter of little or no interest to Canadians. But We are glad to see that Canada's need in this reepeot is to be moat worthily tilled by the "Oanadian Piotoriol" which is evidently going to exoell, if possible, the bigb etaudard, set by euoh pablicatioue as the "Illuetrated Loudon News," the "Graphic," "Frank Leslie's" or "Oo, tier's." And yet it will be very muob cheaper than any of these, for it has its name and fame yet to make. Aud though cheaper, an tootle of the Canadiau Pictorial will Contain about a thoneand ,uuhes of pioturee, eome of them fele page pioturee, fit for learning, many of them of international intermit, and none of them but win be ot iuteteet to Oauadiaoe. It is indeed being edited entirely from tbe ()mediae pmol of. view, but with a wide horizon, embraaiog the greet world wide interests, the management having secured oouoeotione with the leading photographers in all foreign 000ntriee, the telegraph and cable bong used to aeonre the pbotographs at the earliest poeeible moment. Ae int name suggeete the "Canadian Pictorial" will cornier largely of pioturee, pitmans of the lead• lug features of the world's newt ; 91010000 of world famous people, in which Cana- dian men and women will talte their righ0fal places ; 910000es of Oaaadiao events and scenes ; pictures of Canadian enterprise ; pictures of fashions and patterns ; pioturee of ohildren, of beauti• lul thioga, onriona things and inventions ouap shote of ammale and photo aonteete of "Soppy Oowioal oituatioua" or news eveute, with money prizes for the beet. Verily a twelve month of the "Caned• iao Pianoral" will be worth binding. He shape to similar to the pablloatbone LLI• ready named above, or about 10 by 15 Mabee the page, The price is Ten oeote a oopy. One dollar a year including the remainder of 1906 free. Fria Year Case Exactly. You know how you feel,—blue, sickly and heavy, Bach morning you wakon in a dell "dopy" oonditlon and wioh it were night again, Your liver ie wrong and neede fixing with Dr. Hamilton's Pills ; they do core all liver ills, At ouoe the system ie relieved of poisone, blood is eeriohed and purified, appetite IpOreaBee and digestion ion Ptake oP Health e ante Dr. Hamilton'sI return b a and vigor Pelle make the body proof against weak• nese and dieeaeo. For your liver, your kidneys, your etomaob, for the Bake of your looks and teelinge, try Dr. Muni'. ton's Pille, 250. per box at any dealers. Potatoes in the vicinity of Mitobell are a splendid orop, and there are no ocm. plaints about the grab nnieanoe. Farm- ers who have taken up a hundred base or more nay that they have never had a better Sample and that tubers are tree trom rot. A. F, MaoLaron, M, P„ and Mrs, MaoLaren and sot Kenneth, have re. turned home from Europe. They left Canada last May;and spent meat of the W. P, Near, B. A. hue returned from Chllliwaok, B. 0., to take a poet graduate course in the Bohool of Praotioal Svienoe, ,Xorouto. The libel suit entered some time ago againet Ald. Gordon, Stratford, by men -Mere of the board al worke, hue been withdrawn, John Wilson, employed en oorp0ration wont, Blipped ou a plank walk in the Oentral hotel yard, 6t. Marys, nod fraotured a boas in hie leg. W. R. Riddell, Ii 0, Toronto, at one LIMO a leacher 10 St. Marys Collegiate Institute, wart appointed to the vacant Judgeship in the Ontario High Court. Stratford'° population is thirteen trimmed and some odd,aud wliat'e more, these figures do not include the famous Old Boys' Re union, Saye the Toronto Daily Star. At the emotion sale ot Ralph Stevens, of Blanshard,etook brought exceptionally good priori. Borne of the cows brought 867. One dolt sold for $101,60, other stook accordingly. In the death of William V. Hatton, St, Marys lodes one of her grand old men. Itis death oauurred Taeeday morning, Oot, 16, at hie borne, "Westover Park." Several years since he met with an aooideut, austaiuing a fracture of hie thigh, ane Mime that lima he had been unable to leave his bouee without aeeietanoe. J. A. Chesterfield, plumber, St. Marye, was eeriouely injured in a runaway ao• oident. He was thrown from hie rig and had hie Lice badly out and hie ankle dielooated. He was driving down the hill in front of the Latter Day Saint's ohura l when a bolt holding the whiffle• tree broke allowing the rig to run into the horse's heele. The animal beoame unmanageable and in turning a corner Mr. Chesterfield was thrown out. A serious aoeident marred at Stuart Bros.' mill, Mitchell. The orank strop on the eugine broke, and this amused the arose head to give way. Then the piste; broke and knocked the end out of . the oylinder, smashing the valves. The eon• Deeding rod, of the engine was driven through aha wall of the mill. Mr. Blook• wilt and Mr. Dalton were in the engine r0003 at the time, and had very narrow escapee. Mr. Dalton's leg was alightly injured by the flying cylinder bead. Phe mill was running night and day, ae this 1B the buoy eeason with millers, bat it will have to be shut down forabout a week to make repairs. Health Depends Oa Geed Blond. Everyone who flees Ferrozone baa good oolor and great vitality, Reason tor this is Ferrozoue'e power to ore0te nourish• Mg blood. eI was broken down, had uo etrengtb and couldn't eat" writes Mre. Chas. Benny of Oloyne, Ont. "My nerves were irritable, I was thin•blooded and continually unhappy. I tried Fer- rozone. It gave me new anergy, force, vim. It brought me strength—made me well." Greatest tonio and re -builder ever known is Ferrozone. Sold every where in 50o. boxes. Perth County. Stratford votes on the Kemp bylaw Nov. 6. The exoavation for the new poet offioe is well ander way. at 6t. Marys. H. E. Switzer, of Kirkton, will open a butcher shop in the market hall, St, Marys. The ladies of the First Presbyterian ohurob, St. Marys, are arranging to have a fowl supper about Nev. let. In the treasnrer'e statement presented et the Stratford council is an flan for police court floes of 9882 50. The annual convention of the Stratford District Epworth League was held in Mitchell on Oat, 9th and 10th. A large crowd took in the Fall Fair at Kirktoo, and '0 is estimated that nearly. 8,000 people were on the grounds. The vital etatietioe of the town of St. Marys for the month of September were, births 4, marriages 5, doatbe 7. Mitchell rink promoters have within a few hundred dollars of the needed capital to go ahead with the building. The annual meeting of the Stratford Presbyterial Booiety Wail held at Kr,ox ohuroh, Listowel, on October 16 and 17. Another o d settler of Mitchell has gone to hie reward, in the person at -Wm, R. Williams, aged 80 years and 10 months. St. Marys waterworks pumped daring the month of September 8,678.488 gallons of water, a daily average of 12,218 gal Iona. Mise May E. Thomson, of St. Marys, left for Syracuse, N, Y., where eke hae been appointed soprano soloist of the First Methodist chetah. 6. Banton, who bas been oonneoted for some time with the Stratford Herald, has accepted the position at editor of the Lindeay Watobmau Warder. The oldest rea(dent of editeholl pained away at the age of 99 yearn, in the person of Mre• John Levy. She had been a centiuuoas resident of the town for fifty-seven yearn. A report that oil 'I has been strived: in the Niaeoari well torus out to be n 'wild oat" story. Drillers are at work rimming out the first well put down and are yet only about half ihtongh that work. The opera home at St, Marys le under- going extensive repairs, A vestibule ie being erected on the main floor to ensure freedom from noise anddrafto and some other neoeseary improvemeute are else being made. S. N. Danaey, formerly an employee at the St. Maryo Argue office, and who for the past three years bag 0000pied the pooition of oity editor of the Guelph Herald, leaves in a few days for Wood• stook to hike editorial elrargo of the Expreao in that city, YOU NEED STENGTH. Vitality is Lacking and You Must Hare a Bracing Tonic at Once. You're eiok and need medioiue. Not an emulsion to sicken the stomach, not a "dope" care, nor bitters,—but a nourishing tonic that will increase weight, strength and spirits, Try Ferrozone and watob the remit. Because it gives instant effect end new flesh it ie used builds n e aEeadil , by y P thousands in iR•hea( Eh. No other medicine contains more uutri. went, supplies better building material. makes you feel well aid strong lie quickly es it did tura. Charles Benny, of (Moyne, Ont. 0~~~"ININA10~11"~"AkONAAAW1k1.61,040,04 1/446410~1044"001400 G. N. McLaren HER STATMENT. "I was eiok. "I was broken down, had no strength, 000ldn't eat, I wee eleeplese, "My nerves were irritable. I was thin - blooded and continually unhappy. "I tried Ferrozone, "It gave me new energy, force, vim. It brought me comfort, etrengtb-0 made me well. It's by making the appetite good, by instilling iron and ozone in the blood, by fortifying the system with reserve etregth that Ferrozone a000mpliehes so much. You'll have new life in a week, in a month you'll be like a naw being, Try Ferrozone, it elw aye justifies itself, 50o, per box or six boxes for $2.50 at all dealere. IMPORTANT NOTICES YOUNG PIGS FOR SALE ALSO sura bred Letoes0er Ram Lambe, 8-tf N. A, MILNE, Ethel. THREE YOUNG SHORT HORN Bulls for sale. Two Were prise win - oars at Brussels Fall Fair. They are dan- dies. Red and roan in ealor. Lot 8, Con. 0, Grey D. ROBERTSON, 14.01 Brussels P.O. AUOTION SALE OF FARM BT001, 1ttPL8tt0NTe, tea.—F. 8. Scott, auctioneer, hae been 1notruoted by the un- dersigned to sell by publio auction at lel Lot 10, Con, 6, Morrie, en Tuesday, Oct, 80th, at 1 o'clock, the following property, viz 1 heavy draught mare euppoeed in foal to 'Hawarden," 1 heavy draught horse 5 years old 1 driving mare 72 years old supposed in foal to Kaplan with Kaplan Omit 8 mouths old at fade, 1 Cootumer 10113 rising 2 years, 1 mare 6 yours old supposed in foal to "Master of Art;" 1 roadster 2 years old. 4 cows sup• posed in calf, 1 farrow now, 1 steer rieiug 3 years, 8 heifers tieing 8 years, 1 ttoer rising 2 years, B heifers rielug 2 rears, 8 Spring calves, 1 klaeeey-Harris binder, 1 Wiener seed drill, 1 Nair bob-elebghe, 1 set iron har- rows, 1 gong plow, 1 root pnlper, 1 fanning mill, 1 wheelbarrow, about BO bene, A10 to be sold without reserve as the proprietor ie going West. 'Terme—All fume of 56 and un- der each, over that amount 12 mouths' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes; 6 per stn t allowed off for cash on credit areollnt8. F. B. 8001T, a0Otl0neer; JAMES TURNBULL, Proprietor. AUCTION SALE —010— Valuable 0P Valuable Farm Properl y IN THE TOWNSHIP OP GREY Under and by yfrtue of tbo Powers of Sale in a pertain Mortgage made by one Alfred Ward, to. the Vendor, now iu default and to be produced at 0110 time of sale, there: will be offered for Bale by Public Anctiol) tot the Central Hotel in the Town of Bruetele, on Saturday. rda . the Third Dayof November 1000, at the hour of 12o'clocknoon Alt and singular mat pertain panel or brant of ]and and ship of rey, i o, l e and belhg 10 Otte Township o! Grey, in 0010 0000- ty of Huron, being oompeled or the west Half of Lot Number Thirty -Tour in the Fifth Concession of the said Townobip of Grey, ao0tal plug twenty-0Ve acres, more Or 1088, TERMS 01' BALE,—Tbe property will be of• tired !or sale oabjeot to a reserve bid, Tan per Dont et the purchase mommy to b0 paid to the Vendor or her Solicitors at tbo time of Bale, and thebalanae within Thirty days tbereaftor without interest, If Bemired an arrangement W111 be made by wniob part of the purohaeo pride will be tenured by First Mortgage with ihieroet at Live and 000.3alf per cent. Per further partlonlary apply to 11E1GHING TON & LONG, Bome life Build, ing, Toronto, eolieiteee 100 the Vendor ' er t0 A.B. MACDON ALll, SoIbellor,iirOOoels, 18 Dated at Toronto this 80i day of O 0 bbor, 1 Brussels Daylight Store U,'ereee,'Ip'e"b'ie' ndoNea'4,",t4Na'b'h,'4� \,� Idhau'i,'Ir't'4,"li 4,"I,,IIi Itilu'h,'Ir4d,6",i,u'iu'It'O,'In'h,'6„Ib'Ui'il,',u',u'eAh^e'4i'i,,'RAlit� at"b'li'lu'Ir'h''I,''I, 4i'4,'la'I,' I, I, llry,'i,1h,'Ir,tut,n Ladies' Fur Coats We have without a doubt the very boat values to bo bad in Ladies' Fur Jackets—Trim- mod and Plain. There are none better ootid few to equal our Jackets at the prices. We start them at $25.00 up to $50 00, with all the between prices as well. We have something "Spec- ial" in our Fur Coats. In the first place they are "interlined," that is there is a heavy fitted lining between the skins and lining proper—this relieves the strain on the pelts. This "costs extra" but we have learned from experience that it pays iu the end. Then our Coats are all lined with extra heavy Skinners Satin, and in places whore there is extra strain on them they are hand sewn with linen thread. They are made from choice soft Skins, good curl and beau- tiful bright doss. They are perfect fitting garments and are guaranteed by the makers and by us. We cordially invite yon to call and examine this stock and compare them with others. Fur Ruffs, Stoles, Caperines, Caps and Muffs In all the newest designs—Natural Sable, Dyed Coon, Grey Lamb and numerous dyed Furs called by different names, and the prices are the lowest, at from $2.00 to $18.00. Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats ready for your Inspection Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes—complete assortment Winter Underclothing for Ladies 4. Children, Men dr Boys Here's a Good Thing in Flannelettes Just now when you can make good use of some wide Flannelettes we offer you a snap worth investigating. 17 pieces good quality, fine, even weave, 35 and 36 inches wide, 8c in a choice range. of patterns ; take them while they last at per yard • ' $1.35 Black Sateen Underskirts for 98c 5 dozen Women's extra heavy quality Black Sateen Skirts, extra full sizes, beautifully made, all double stitched, lengths 88 to 42, aro good value at $1.85 ; take them 9QC while they last at each Cloth Coats for Ladies and Children We have had wonderful success for this, our first season in Brussels, in this depart- ment, and have still some choice garments left. We have also some splendid lines in the Children'8 Sample Coats. We are in a position to save.you money on these. Dress Goods and Trimmings Ladies' and Men's Furnishings Always the Highest Prices for Produce Goods Right or Your Money Back Yours forNest Door 0 G1 McLaren Mutual Benefit G. N. j�American House ARM TO RENT—THE UN. DERelex0D will rent for a term of ave ships et Morriss. aootaiuiot ng 100 acres.Coneerialon Parties wautiag this kindly nail at Once otohey' eau do Fall work. C. O. F. Court Prinoees Alexandria No 24 O 0 F , Brussels, meets in their Lodge Room, Bine. hill Block, on the 2nd and last Tuesdays o1 each month, 018 O'olook. Visiting brethren always welcome. GEORGE KERR, C. R. W. L. LEATHERDALE, R. 8. PROPERTY FOR SALE—THE uuderelgned offers for sale an sere of land upon which is 0 comfortable dwelling house, stable, fruit trees, good over -flowing well, &e. Property ie located 1 of a mile East of Oranbrook and convenient to school, churob, poetoQ0oe, &e. Possession at any time. For prlee, tormo, &o•, apply on the promisee to M.101YMANN, 0.01 or Oraobrook P.O. 1'ARM FOR SALE—TAF, UN— DERBIONED often for Bale a good 100 nate farm, being NI Lot 21, Con. 3, Morrie. All in grass or under orop. Brick veneered house, bauk barn with atone wall, sheep house, deo, Good orchard ; well lowed ; near school and church. Possession oan be given next March. Mor further particulate apply to G. W. 'PURVEY, proprietor, or Bluevale P, 0. 8-t! COMFORTABLE RESIDENCE and 2 mores 01 laud for Rale on Walnut street, Brussels. Mole house, good etabte, hard and soft water, small orchard, eke. Property in good stupe. Immediate poesee- sMon can bo given. Also a cement brink making maonlue for sale. For further par- ticulars apply on the premises. JOHN Mali:19NZIE, Proprietor, 130000010. DROPERTY FOR SALE—THE undersigned afore his house and lot, situate on Mill street, Brunie, for sale. It le well located, a convenient and comfor- table home. P000eeelou eau be given at once. W111 also nen the vacant lot, corner of 111111 and Elizabeth streets, which would make a fine bnildieg site. For further par. ticulars as to price, terms, &o., apply to PRIM, ADAMS, Hardware Dealer, Ford- wioh. 80.4 11ARM FOR SALE.—THE UN— DERBIeNnn often hie 100 acre farm, being e0 Lot 10, Oen. 4, Morrie, for sale. 76 aoreo cleared toad all under arae° exooptiug c aures, Farm well adapted ter pasture, a never failing spring creek rune through it. There is a oomfo,tablo Prame house nue bank barn 80 fent square, pig pen end hon hoose 00160, and abed 20x40 ; small orchard. 1'0eoe0e10t1 givenany time. For further particulars apply on the premises or ad. droee Braeaole P,'0.-R0B'T, 8HEDD0N, Proprietor, 28.04 Li'ARM FOR SALE.—BEING Lot 02, Cou.0, Grey, containing 90 norma all cleared exoopt'3 a0ree of hardwood bush, and is in a good state of cultivation. There in a good brick bouee and eitobou ; bank barn 40x80 with atone stabling • straw house, drive house and other out buhdings; good uroleard, good drilled well with windiest. od adjoining the vil- lage elere a "h Soria fete]] j 8 v 1 of logo n Ethel, whore there is all eord of eooy termoen, The farm aril betoldoy sae WILLIAM For further MON, pthel P. 0. apply tnWwLleM sL1anSMON,Eehelr.o. 124 LANDS FOR BALE FOR TAXES. Notice is hereby given that a list of the laude for Rale for arrears of taxes has been prepared and that eonle0 thereof may bo bad at title ol100, and Mutt the fret le 0eing published In the Ontario Comore, in the mites Of Auguol 18111 uud 96th, and Septem- ber eat and 803, MO, And tbat lb detenit of paym0ut 0r Me takes and coke aha lands will bo sold at the Court House,ia the' Down of Godot loll, on 'Tuesday, the 400 day of De• ember, at 2 0'01000 in the afternoon. 8.8m Wel, i1.0Lt1158, County of Huron, '1roaeuror. Treaouror's OWce, Goderloh,;Aug, 10,1805, FOR SALE OR TO RENT.— The undersigned offers her 100 sore farm, being Lot 20, Con. 7.000y, for sale or to rent. Comfortable house, bank baro, orchard, wane, deo. Farm in only b of a mile from the stirring village of 1711101,. For fur- ther particulars apply to F, 8, 800tt, Brea - eels, or MRS. KATE HOLLAND, 78 Shuter Street, Toronto. 87.3m Bank, of Hamilton Capital, Paid up, $2,500,000 Reserve Fund, $2.801,0110 Total Aseote, 809,000,000 80 BRANCHES IN CANADA 80 President, . - HON. WM. GIB80N Vice Preeldent dc General Mauener, JAMES TURNBULL ETHEL AGENCY.. ti Savings Department—Ample eeourity for Depoeitore. DOpoeite of 51 00 and upwards reoeived,.I Interest allowed at current rates and compounded half yearly. ADVANCES made to Ferment for feeding stock. Salo Notes collected and advanaes made thereon. Drafts bought and sold, W. N. MORAY, 0hB•Ao(00. 1 k % °tics a P 5a ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS Montreal to Liverpool Virginian Oot, 26 I'mdeian - Nov. 2 Vlotortan Nov, 8 Ionian Nov. 111 Mates of Passage First Cabin -870 and (, wards, acroording to steamer. 800011d Oobiu-940,50 and up- wards, Third Claes— 827.60 and upwardo, lteduoed Winter rates, .First Cabin, in ef- fect beginning November lat. IlIontreai to Glasgow Pretorlan Oot, 25 Numldlau . Nov 1 Mongolian - Nov. 8 Second alma 500 ; Third glass 52000 For further particulars, ratter and tickets apply to W. 1I. It1ltlt, Agent Allan Lino, Brueeole, S LT Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to tbe Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, Brussels, . Mill st. West, Brussels 3fist'iilip3 Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS ANY even numbered section of Dominion Lands in Manitoba, Baekatohetvan and Alberta, excepting 8 mud 20. Dot r00erved, may be homesteaded by any person who 10 the sole bead of a (amil y, or any mule 0000 18 years of age, to the 081000 of Dna-quarter motion 01100 ,acres more or lues. Entry may be made personally at the local land' ofboo for the distelot In which the laud to situate, The homesteader is required to perform the ooudltioueoouneeted therewith under one of the following plans (I) At least six mouths' residence upon and oultivation of the laud 10 eaoh year for three years, (2) If the father (or mother, it the father is deceased) of the homeateador resides 0900 a farm iu the vieleity or the lend entered for the requirements as to mi- stime(' may be eetieae,l by such mama re - Biding tulle the lather or mother. (81 1( the settler hae his permanent resi- dence upon farming land owned by him in the vicinity of 1,10 homestead, the re- quirements on to reeldonoe may be e00ie- 0ed by t•eoideuoe upon 0110 said land. Six months' notice in writing should ba given to the Commissioner of Dominion Lauds at Ottawa of intention to apply for pateu0, W. W, CORY. Deputy of the Mluietot• of Interior. N. B. Unauthorized pnblioaliou of this ad- vertieemeut will eat be paid for, GRAIN CHOPPING The undersigned beg leave to notify the farming community that they are now ready to do all kinds of Grain Chopping and Crushing at lowest rates. All work will be.promptly and care- fully attended to. . Manitoba and Ontottio Flour, Bran, Shorts, &e., always in stook and solo at Market Prices. Thuell Bros. Mill at Electric Light Building. To:onrto Rag and Metal Co y V PAYS CASH For Rags, Iron, Rubbers, Wool Pickings, Norse Hair, Hides, &c,, &c. Highest Prides ;For All K. LABEL