HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-10-25, Page 3CURRENT TOPICS Liquid ,14r, file! ecgaided by Iles public pe a late 11101 011 0 magefficent Petrel. into His Hands bIlity, iq altraeling mewed ettentiou bonnier. of English experitnents which ;attendee to reduce the price 01 the pro - duet to Use item one-sixth of the Pro. sent figure. Likeeld all has beet) mode connnereially for :several years, but be. eintee of the met and the complicated method of inenufakeure it has not been tient widely. In seine of the Weleh cott/ melee it bas figured a« en explosive, eseeejelly in "sone weer.. on account of lug tvay 10 such a vulgar denientstra- lion kit emotion. Nevertbeless, he WilS itili)reeftcall111,1.3e). 41131y101110811ect'vf (mpowdo1' 010 depth. touehed by its palpable sincerity and ing In England, u flee the process In- "I don't say the case is entirely with - by a Dune, an iiiihnate price of out, hope, and you must pardon me if This I have spoken out somewhat bluntly to 3 mils a gellen Is promised. you ns man to man," he sold, his 0P3S would make 14 a commercial practice- wandeeing about his private 100111 at bility 111 many lines. the hospital. "An operation might SaV0 her If perfoneeki immediately. But W is a de:manta sort of operation, and so liable to full that 1-1–well, I South Africa hos some segacious cculkln't conscientiously advise 11 11 there plants. They have Iwo problems to wave anything else Chat could be done," face, the first, that of walueing the ava- "Kill or cure?" suggested the haggard iteration of water from 111P11' intenor to man 10 a low, tremulous voice, as Ile crumpled his handkerchief between his O Minimum; the second, tbat ot guard - hands. Mg against being eaten V animals. "Exactly," returned the surgeon brisk - The plants have effected 3110 flest of these ly. "It has been successfully performed objects by assuming a spheroidal form, in Berlin twice,. in New York once, In London twice. How many thuds it has thus presenting minimum of surface. failed, I couldn't, say–I couldn't guess. The seeond is effeeted in a different wey There is only one man who could and by each o1. the two plants. The first 01 would perform it in ttme in this case. them grows among rotten water -worn We'll try it, If you like. But it must be done at once, Mr. Waddington, kif pebbles; which it so closely resembles In we an cutch our anent" form, color, en(1. mottling of the surface The younger man hesitated, lawnieg that it is difficult to distinguish. The this way and that, in the throes of anxie second plant is found among angular ely and Indecision. Suddenly Ile wheel - rock fragments. These it has &imitated rd round and faced the surgeoh. "Will you give me your professional to the extent of covering the mirface of word of honer, and In the name of all Ile fleshy double leaf with nabeete spots. those you hold most dear, that it is ale The general etfee,t is that of a lichen solutely the only thing to be done?" he stetted eagerly, In a hoarse voice. wowing on wea.thered stones. .Wily dissemblers I 1 + e•+++++++++++++++++++ to make tlet necessary arrangements." "She evill never be enythhig more le ehildren of the King's dead sieter, I/Thank You," said WaddIegion, Mint- you 8jr," he answered denberately, "You eldest of them being heir to .the tbroetir, MAKING OF A DETECTIVE ly, as lie plaited tip his hat, "1 Wiil re- delivered her life back into my Intinis Of coulee, the Alienist, palaces being {urn in about an home,' IL 17-ka,rcecei„ktielscl nng pause, woming. very roomy, and eaeh member of the to -night," said the U)33 1) eofily," and desigued fro. such emergemera, they are .1...,,..... A seeing odor of aollseptics pervaded crying gently ilice a heart -tern woman, ,ure all prepered el one IcItchen, end 1101V DE IS TRAINED IN LONDON AND HOW PAID. Me sat with Me fare hidden in bie !sande runtyeeptoule eslabbehment, ex. eepl, where 1 metes are maneerned. These Mc air of the brilliantly illuntineled op. Brinlon Mood, with bent slionlilers and itmet of the Royal inhaeliatils vi the ending -name awl a low hissing ream" drooping head, wtilehing hint; hie face pelmet dine together, — Takes Steers to Graduate, end is a Case rose irom the bright 11101W vossol at gleaming with &tell a leek of triumph e eime. Emma calve is oge of the "Oht dear liter said Doe eresely, "MIS The resident, eurgeon fingered the tong 1. ellenen, was engaged. which the while-aproned dresser, with his stile Lslaves turned .up above Ms winker man. Pi e01,1111 1/10'01' lilalliilln MP face of a k I , "A tbilktute operation, sir," Saki he, passionne let fond 01 Minim, Leet year, when touring in the Steles, eite 4111‘404•11elleted tt on1011 living, and Of the Survival of Me Fittest, . Is a horrid old world. le's, Wu Very, Aunt leteg smiled. worst world ever WIWI" ' • A nunke, whose somewhat pule fare brealthig the eileneet tee) (1(131Ian On. AILS busy welling in her aparlogen in a No. snit) a New Scotland Yard Waite "I've been thinking it was a real Mee lobe uf his eur nervously, aml nenv»ed. ills ems somewhat, surprised to S110 a wore an expreseion. of Interest br, strong, 11111, 1)1 that illo &Manion id the 0.'411. v i,i!W YOrk NAN Whin) 10 Wind 1,110,:li. in ihn WViler, I know Met it is a by no world, Dot, What is the matter with tem of such evident, gnod breeding giv- Ing-table, hokling a 110111111011 womates deleimilnatlon, stood behind the operat- Ileum in prekleetinalion, or, if 1 evr•re, pol one-elglith of an Melt 0013 way ktr the other 111111»S &alb, 1 run inn a 1ne veeied–heth girls, In FITII(1.1 they in- ili': earvel• as a detective in England lky Ole mod two email eltildrea 'Were re- eine ekku Met a men eau nu more Mart "and I 4°111(01'1 go down to PlaY wide 'qt. rained all We moralege," said Dot, that it might Wive Mem 1(114(1(1 11 [Or time to nth 0111(.1.4104,r, eth 3) 1113, °tweed means utteonniem impreesien; but I us- Air' hoed beiween her hands, while the I Memel certainly imagine that 1 have Nellie] and nye nullin' to do, and Ien 11)1)10 1111 controlled Me supply ef studied Ille operation with parlikatiar al mired if 111,1nn, 1iolve wens al home. I11; 1> a 111(0301 Call 001101101100 WS pro. tilted of all my bouics and games. No^ soothing vapors. A pace away, with her Mellon 110d. 1 might be Um only man The maid, leaving them at the door. in- lc 010)1111 life by wearing a &Be gown mons fuldtel across ha weisL staked un- yen mold rail to Ella's side tomigh3. formed bee 'entrees, and tee. fneeina- er snling on the 13ench. To graduate body pays any 'lentien to me, and ire lime prima donna luneedickhey ran uut, in a deisclIve even of the lowest grade a. horrid old wend." .11>00 1>1111)133 a .stleing suggestinn of neck close to the opt:rating table, was the (Mee nurse, her passive air aod 0\1)I ho and responskeenges behind with who have atm -noted the same operation3 lmaning over the instrument -tray, and !Who auk! blame me if ley sealed de- 'Wile- should judge whether the 111illd dello:ger' the blade or 1110 blade (111 mil of the dead line the mind had deleted?" fleeted as have those of other eurgeens .ehe need do for Mem, They W11010(1 10 anlbilion to 4'W/1e as a dtecoeceete or welcomed Ilie children, find reteroed 11 tbe work of years and a cue of the kissed theta b0113 and web them to her room, Mine calve siteeIrei of the iittest. helm her sans. Ille famous "Carmen:, crime, and you have all the natural then inquired what blippose, for histence, you have an at her, it made her feel so Mee and grown Up. Dot lilted to have people look.serlously loolced seriously at seven-year-old Dot. Aunt. Meg laid down her work Alfa resident surgeon. His expreseion WIIS the work, it would not "TomIgIn circumstance bent tame 30 without. in any way questioning their equipment for manna was very alert, as Ins question- chenee lo be revenged on you for ilk to Ille piano and eang for them Nome of 1111(3 and applying for a, place de the kind of world we make IL Would you "I C•10111, really think It is a horrid grave, even to anxiousness, and his me and offered Inn thls–this unequalled right to a free comae instantly went be the least geed going to Now Scotland world., Dot," she said. "It is just the Mg glance ran backwunts and foments unpardonable wrong you did 1118 while these Provencal songs she eo much cielecnve stuff there. You would have like a recipe for Making it a nice between the Ince of the ancesthelist and the door of the room with the handle the young nurse who stood waiting at ole 1 de not doubt you loved her; out „ laded lite children with bon -bons, and Mg Ms Bast 01 an 0edinarY °exist/1bl° in loves. Then she ordered tea. end cakes, ta begin much less ambitiously by seek- world?. "'Course I would," said Dot, pronepte poeIng as my Mend, You loved her– sent. them on their wily rejoieing, unitotne. 30)1 would have to produce In her hand. I loved her kind she loved MO. You Nikela Tesla, the well-known invenier, seilsfeclory teetimonials, pass all the ly. could never have induced her to leave "Then," said Aunt Meg, decidedly, No one spelt& No one moved. The whose . electrical apparatus IS used in plkysicill tests from the tape seconds dragged slowly on, the resident - surgeon, who nodded in - Suddenly the anmsthetist glanced at convincing her I no longer cared for her. . Falls, is a strikingly handeonte man of forty-nine–tall, dark, end typically PS a simple but searching educational medical overhauling, as well measure to ber eyes. people," "you must go and do things for other "What things?" asked Dot, opening me but by your elaborate scheme for and eutometteally after her so quickly ine her life —" proof of the forcefulness ol his nature a thorough ta kern how to give evidence, and in- find out what things for yourself." ' the tronsiniselon of power /nem Niagara stantlye and ' the ntirs& at the door dls- Greek in features. He possesses strength examinalien. Tben wined follow a period of drill, "Aml to -night! You brought ber here and iced her deem before me as a sac- annther GI attendance at a polka -court ''01), I can't tell you that. You must appeared, the door closing nolseleesly of will to a remarkable degree, and ill 1.11108 to my hatred of you! You offered slcirt. thet It alma!, caught the hem of her "Great Heavens!" cried Waddington, 1110 following story is told : When a "Are you in earnest ?" demanded Dot. efruction in your duties generally; and rising suddenly and advancing towards had of beteveen nine and len bis lather, througn . all these teste and periods of You'll see Met il. will Mange your opine 'Indeed, I ane Just try my reolpe. only after you had come sticeessfully As the antestlmtist stepped back from him with arms npraised tereatening1y. a priest of the Greek Chtutch, one day ion about, tho world." • the patient the residene surgeon threw eptertalned Nlitola and his sister with 'bantam cored you be considered as hay - "I had no choice! Would It not have lng taken tbe first step Upwards realiz- Privately Dot didn't believe it would. O 'white •-clote over her beautiful ivhite the story of how the manyited Gemmel. been the same, you fiend, If you had not faee, and the door opened and Kennedy held his rigitt hand hi the fire and un- 1»g your ambition to become, at some She wasn't at all sure she knew just . Menton entered the room. operated?" flinchingly watched it until it was con- remote Altura, what Aunt Meg meant, but she thought Brinton caught him by the wrists it over carefully as she went down He came In with a firm step and a firmly, and held him in a vice. slimed. 'Cho priest was full of admire- A FULL BLOWN DETEC.TIVE, stairs. seemed to scan% for defects in the ate long stride, and his keen glance around You have misunderstood me," be said Lion for the bishop's courageous act, And i would advise you not to be too In the silting-reom she saw grandma coldly.. "I 'said you offered me her life Ine, his son appeared quite 11nable to sanguine of ever accomplishing this; feat rangements made. sea anything particularly wonderful in getting ready to wind a skein 'of yarn Ile was a tall, lean man, of the type to -night and 1 accepted IL" there are hundreds of other men, many geee o, them sntart fellows, who are equally over two chairs. Dot knew it medo He flung off Waddington's bands, and such a performance. His father tau h I whose age it is Impossible to fix more approximately than lo put 11 somewhere Stepped back. good-humoredly, whereupon the boy ran "irk Iht. running," and it meet well be grandma's arms and rheumatics flngers between twenty and sixty; he might, I eaured it," he added. "She will live, Wall lentle• "11 was undeniably mlne to -night, and '0111 °I 11)° "res 811:ed 13331130(100(1(3:leak:. „uillillen°9„CTuelMelleirpaalle'eykeeNuersegltiatilt it either, and she was just slipping out ache to wind yarn; but Dot didn't like sixty; beardle-ss, with rather wide, de - e! twenty or a yeung-looking rnan of Waddington staggatted back. kept it Mere until the flesh began to your spurs as an "ot•dinary" policeman - when she thought of what. Aunt Meg had indeed, have been an old-loolcing youth and her life will he mine." holding his Index linger in Ole flame unifural. flowever„ after you have won said- Was Ibts what atm meant? termined mouth, open and courageous "You Say she livesT' he murnitmed. burn. elis audience begged him to dee and ara regarded, as a promising man, emu," she said. 'Grandma,. I'll wind your yarn for ' "Slue lives–for nee." sist, but it was not until the finger was you may in a few years, time have an And wind it she slid. When 11 was eyes, and a long, straight nose that de - The surgeon turned and Walked (moss almost chanted that he withdrew it end oportunity of ehowing whet you ean done grandma gave her a kiss and a noted immense will povem the room. - do in the way of ciente detection. Dute The sleeves of his long white meek- blew out the light. pineapple drop. ' "You are not playing with 111e, Blain- Mr..Edison, the inventoe, is a stanch Mg, the winter months a few men are I'm ever so melt obliged to you, intosh cent were turned back, disclosing ten?" said Waddington, a look of pain- admirer of King Edward, and to an chosen from each division for "palled" ful doubt in his ghastlyface. interviewer recently he stated that one work, and you may be one of the leeky ()eerie. You're a thoughtful Mlle girl." Dot slipped out to the a thin, sinetvy forearm and wrist which The surgeon did not answer. of the greatest pleasures lie looked for- elect. You will then discard your unL kitchen, and terminated in a hand expressive of con - woman. "Truly her life 18 yours," said Wad- Wald to when he vises England in 1008 form for a lime and rehire to plam cake. there was Nora getting ready to bake a. ' trolled power, but delicate as 1110 1 of a dIngton slowly. "You have snatchea will be his Pessible meeting with the Bri- clothes, and in you new character wm "Can't. 1 seed those raisinS for yoll, Stopping abruptly at the foot of the her frotn a stimnger hold than nine, tish Sovereign. Mr. Edison well recce- eave plenty of scope to 'Irmo yew mee Nora?" she said. ,operaling-table, . he whispered a few ancl 'Death and I must admit We justice lects the visit of King Edward to the tie as33a discoverer and hunter at aim "shure, and it's ineself that'll :be hurried words to- the dresser; then 1010 (111(1 your Maim," States, now nearly half a century ag& Mats out of the beaten traelcs of pollee obliged to yez if yez will said Nora, Inge -smiled at the ancesthelfst, with his Ills Voice broke, and for a few me. "And no wonder," he humorously re. eyork. metals he struggled eilently with his heartily. "I've got forty other things ,to eyebrows raised questioningly. It Wrni merked, "for on that day I managed to There is, 01 course, lin element of luck do this blessed afternoon. If ye'll seed a smile of singular sweetness and gentle- ness. emotion. get lho biggest black nye I ever had in In week of this kind, and. if you are 011, Ken, leen," he said, his fac,e my life. It haeponed ill this way. 1 fortunnle and astute you may win euch lithe paitypans out of the cake for your both the raisins for me. 111 bake yez two "Excellent," Murmured the 5111083110 011 his fingers on the patient's pulse. twitching, `Ms boys together we laved was at school at the time in Detroit, and k laurels during your period of probation don-houee." ihe same games tho same studies. m there wrks bile& rivalry between our es -1 that you tall) be recommended to the "Where ie Ethel r said mamma, corn- eShe is ready." Briton stepped forward and laid !he men W0 loved the some woman; and toblishment •and another school in the I ()than/sal Investigation Department ing into the kitchen when the raisins point of this right, index finger on -111e loving het' so much can you blame me neighborhood. Well, the Primo of promotion to the rank ef deteetive. Ferrel were done. "I want her to an -nese Bobby, .spot where he intended to maks the for loving more? I did not steal her Wales was to pay Detroit a visit, and all again you will have lo. undergo further %vitae 1 seleh up her shirt -waist." primary incision, and compressed his from you. I swear I did notl Though the Schools were to talte part in the feels and probation; and only W11)11 y01) "Ethel is busy doing her arithmetic for lips. Then, in a clear, steady voice I deprived you of her and hoped, she general weleonte. We were therefore hove proved yourself to be might one day consent–perhaps by Mr- lined up, commander' to 'Quick march,' JUST THE NIAN FOR THE WORK !dandily," stud Dot. "I 11 play with I tricked her 1»lo leaving you and so ties when our rivals loomed in sight. el '1)-1.11,15M:1111°iour Dot played woolly aeiced for the instrument he required. will your goal at Met he et -melted. After leoboby \OM almost slanted his hearers, he curnstances be clriven–to c.onte to me. and were nearing the scene of fated, He glanced at It as hg accepted it. this etage has been pnssed, as before bear and building house with two -year - Then, for the first time he lokod towards compromised her by her flight, that she We met, and an inelant lo.ler the light le your success will depend on vci t the patient's face. • was rendered friendless but Mr me. But was on, I felt that things were corning ammo. end industry, Yon 11111;1, l'iSE 10 ' ' 1r o)1jTIllalsbYni. y tittle woman," said inam- "Taloa that off," he -said quickly, in a she never accepted my heart; and 1 be. my way, and I was not, wrong, for stud_ the rank of superintendent, with a sol ma' low tone, indicating the while cloth. neve her love was always wholly yours, deftly I received a terrine blow in my euty of $2,000 or $2,500 a year, or you e, et , ,...011 Bobby fell asleep six-year-old 'Take it off," he repeated, Mtn:ling over She has never been anything else, and right optic which put it entirely out of may–weu, you may stay where her and holding the 'meet lightly in it is not from me you have snatehed business. When I recovered myself our etare you 1 ecitlY .efrayed in Mils tears on les face. "I tane learn my letters," he sobbed. his finger& ber to -night, but from Death alone." assailants had )7111113110d, Order W118 re- As a detective full-blown, your work "OM yes. you can," sald Dot, bright - As the resident surgeon obeyed, Brin- A light knock at the door was In-''stcired, and we proceeded on our wily. enth be both lively–very lively at (frees 131. "Ell help you. Conte along, well Inn started, and the bend abou4 the ettantly followed by the appearance ei Yes, I saw the Prince all right, lisough It _and- interesting; and among other go up to the hall wimlow seat and find glistening Instrument shook, the reeldent surgeon. He glanced furi- was out of ono eye only." things it will snake a great demand on 101 straightened hiniself, end turned his GENERAL INFORMATION. you may have nothing more exacting his alphabet so well straightened out out all nbout them." tively at the two men, and smiled. "She tins come round," he said, his —4.— your vitality and stamina. For days In IntIf an holies time Teddy had got "Heaven!" Ile ejaculated softly–"Elle." while lace first upon the resident sur- smile broadening. gem, then upon the areesthelist. __________ .-... Little Ras of Knowled ' ge About Most to do than to smoke your pipe in peace, that he knew every letter in it. Then ing his lips. Ile AIMS livid, but master Everything. , but at arot time you may be called from leot ran down to Mc Corners and dld "A ghastly triekl" he whispered, lick- PERSONAL POINTERS. your home in the middle of the night an errand for Ethel, for the rain had woman here?" Notes • of Interest About Seine of Me until, he is twenty.six. ' ssian does not become of age days, during which you will have had gl0e10n–Y. ' end 1>01,1>01, .500 11, again the many stopped, 011(1 the sun 0)08 Shining 81 rhe flowers In Does garden cif his nerve again. "Who brought this — A Ruthey ite300 islands are inhabited. reef plot ever° MI wide open and fresh. when adventures enough to satisfy any. in -media tely. Some of the railway lines in Russia every criminal in your districe almost as she came back. "I believe I'll pick a bunch and take 'Her husband, I presume, a Mr. Wad- Prominent People. ' lo the Indian Ocean only 370 Out of sortable men for a year. ()Melon," replied the resident surgeon The Austrian Emperor has more Mies It will be one of your duties to know The ancesthetist &need nt his watch. nine times OlIer and a duke eighteen Kangaroos readily leap from 60 feet to to keep a nonslant ancl walcbful eye lliem down lo old Airs. Brown," said then any other monatch. Ile is a king lute() smoking cars for ladies. Queen Wilhelmina of Hollend is an a Imre° Is 37 feet. well as you know y0131' own brother, mut Dot to hereelf. "I know she likes flow- , w 1 ers, and she hasn't any. "Bless VOW' kind little heart, deariel" Bethke) Raw the inovemene end under- limes. steed; but for a munent longer he heel- 7:1 feet. The greatest recorded leap of on him. Indeed fe flings tare more lilted, Ms eyes bent upon the patient's excellent linguise for, besides her remarkable then .ffie intimate and /a- said Mrs. Brown, as she look the big blade, half •hidden in his steadied fin- GOrMan, and En ladies lo wear male attire cost 50 he with the criminal classes. You might sweet thing of you be think of bringing Licenses Issued to certain French miller terms 011 'which deteetives are sw-at bouquet of blossoms "It's a Mee. Then Ile leant forward. The knowledge of Malay, she speales Freeoh, ,gors glittered as he lowered it over the glish as fluently as her nntive Dutcheand she Mows something ($.1o) yearly. Six have been issued. think they were the best of "pals" in- ine &Iola lovely flowers. I've been wish - In 1875 the number of cigarettes stead of bonier and quarry. exact spot be had marked for the In- besides of Italian and 'Russian. ing for some all day. And you're nee a cistern; oml he cernmencerl, Lord Alverstent has the distinction cif Austria has two. In 1005 it waa 140. J.) detail .smoked pee head of 3110 population in B10 IL would take too long to describe ikever '111 sell pet." The resident surgeon watched the de- having made the longest speech of any In Bohemia courtehips ere abnorm I The!. evening Aunt Meg came into the gaze wns riveted no his watch, .hy anxious eyes, while ihe ant -atheist's peered as couneel Mr his country before , the Venezuela Arbitration Conmeseioa, yeare. frequently last from Ili -teen to twenty e ' THE WORK OP A. DETECTIVE. 11 doos es not require much knowledge or gone to bed. 111.113) white bedroom where Dot had just Hate movements of the lancet with living Itiwyer. This Was when be tip- ,.5, long. In that country enterigements Consclence-money received yearly by a particularly vivid imagination to pie- "Well, Dot, what do you think of the IN Chancellor of 3110 Exchequer in de- /11101itiss nl "inning' world now r she asked, merrily. "les a Mee, splendid world," staid Dot. which Ile wee checking the patienee .puleo. and his addeess occupied sixteen 01110 1011 sleuth - &votive days. tore most et IL and to understand the for another instrumenL The only other General Sir Ftexlerick Stephenson, fault of unpaid taxes averages $30,000. hound pertinacity and inthille resource- "I'm ever so much obliged to you Mr . One word was spoken; Menton celled soand ab ove hie own heavy beeathng 33.C.3is one of tha dmost dIsibiguisbed The Republic of Femme boastf IfIulnoeees–s wtheallit demandsIf you are born 30011 recipe3)u nt.M"} eg. and len .g oing while he worked 00)05 eonstifled ex-veterain the British ArmyFifty cnly one railway, forly-seven miles fthe work you wold love itend to use it every day tolinnatien from the 30111110113 surgeon. years ago he eves fighting in the Crimea length, though the area of tho countryeoonr or iIX` WOL10 10 WP11 at but •, As Brnton slopped bacfront theand directly aitnevars SAW service in s 31,500 SC111100 iles 11)101 you wnuld certainly ee-ios . GAVE HER A SURPRISE lble and moisened hs white lips 11000- Clan& lee won the thanks of Paella- Probably Me owner of 3h, iergee11010,' have a chance of tying it, at any misty, the drsser etepped forward to med, for his servces in 1310 SOUdal :1011101of dgs in the world is a ts-tale In Lnedon. "The bute 1" exceimed the bride of a take up lls taskthe rnesthelist laid18645Sir Frederick Stephenson Is tosiark rattlIcingwho haMAO ‚.lie As for the pay A s by no means bedyear and Millie* better than in Prance. A O stethoscope le Ihe patient's hart and French inspector of ihe Sul -ole begins "Rave a elm of ten." said her fondest day Constable of the Tower of London heed dogs to look idler 1,500,000 sheep. listened intently; and the resident sur- at $320 a yoke and 001111 IS hbriself a bee he been doing now ?" • friend, "and boll me all abed it. What and colonel of the Coldstream Guards. The new /11111108$ WWII /he Khedive .geon 1110Ved rend noiselessly 1000 at 31, iS bll 1 Aeldoin that more than one et. Egypt ordered In England seem) Ms distinguished confrere. , sister in a frontier 11)0)13e5 a present, or mofor four horses. Ills valued at $10,000. N $601). In Loden a detective begins "You know 1 lold you Ile has been en- nths 1)330 15 Ole 10033thcosily ever mode Inel/Y "1"n If Ills intimate sfilarY r"ell- Brinton to the 1041(30113 surgeon, al. Ihe in the cast of our own Queen Aleean- half 11111148 the size of 3330 British Isles. .eouraging me in learning lo reek; has "Ono word with yea, Ilncldly," said prospective Sovereign; but nes happened New South Wales is jutd, two mid a 'same Unto drawing him aide': "Wheve dra and the Dnwnger Czarine of Ponsia' Queensland le ocinal lo three times the 0110)0he may reasonably hope te receive 2000 a year before he retires item lite and ee better than his French rival kme.P.5 off, praised. my nice little dishes, talees tee to the 113011110 015 an 000051011111 reward, ik the num you mentioned–he Who ((Janet -dm of the )(tie King of 0011 Queensland he Is in Ilse hospilnl at the of . his sem are now reepectively Kings gent er, The ecindeer has greeter poever of e... No good ground tor a seperation in l i •• teentrnan Empire and Beige= but to. pursuit of the criminal into private Me. brought, her here?" mark), It is also notewerlhy that nyo present 010)11001 He was to have re. of Denmark end Greece and a Grand - endurance then 011', other 111111133131 ane MATT" AND FINAM-"E' Mat, I imagine," said the dearest friend . son King, of Norway. 'That four elle- null exeopt 0 camel. A, reindeer ha In Itiese days of perelstent appeal the tettretorte with slight settees/IL ," d the bride, who 40418 031. "Your sympathy is worse ' throe your , "I will go lo your rrinm," said. 13rin- demi ef ono ruler should Imre attained Ion, in rt low voice, If you lited Min Sovetteign or Consort ea)* 'Ls Artily re. miles on hove for twelve hours on to tell yen, anywny. , Not long: ago he elottely ont of sorts. "nut 3 em gefeg been known to pull 200 pounds at ten recent 01 thee Mullet' OrPharlagee at rogue Ing surgeon ,going straight to the esthete§ • • himself to the low. Before he thought ot medical lmowledge 1nstoad of devoting tour yentas' growth never begged 104 110111 in Ills orplianege end. Aelitcy DON1'0, 0113011 Eegland, stando , elsewhere, send Min there–alone, Tell markable in the annals el Royally. When a fortoight old Me eyelet. is net somew11411 1)1 1041101111) It Is well him eollting," They Dessert out together, the operat- have been making eonlritnitions to me Sir Belied Itlialay might very easily pin. Al the end nf rml mesh largee then the heed of a enowu Met the Into Mr. Molter himeeli promised 1110 11 81111/14S0 11 I would turn n111. a 111C0 01111101`, 0001(011 ell by myeelf, 11. is fit for the netelost. Oysters live to Walt, end it now tffineare 11111 1 aine0 111S A,I, F,VOry1lking 1110 150(1 him. from S011n 10 C01100. 1,1181 night I did As hc opened the door: 1001011 hurried eating a, Temple Metter 110 Was busy rt eci eets. .t (tf1iihAete ag:e o 110)11 twelve,30 ei.lf'teernyeardeathr:a nles.ume.n.._o„f;.,.a236,01,.9. hASe,bo,un Nhlya; t .y' eo'pc, h'. ye o–soro.es–tnt–aoe. ,r gk&o'e,.od dm oqw bo'o bffionn%tloees1 forwadgraduating M13at Edinburgh themOn „die premises of kInk111aki11g rloSR;‚.011n;‚.011n111 0ny put ele appeal 81Ve 1111 1(1 you a seirise 00 an occasion Brinion entered (middy and cloedSity, which he dil quite euccesfully.rm eituate on the SulTey C01011Norh tbat ontalarel in the 0111111e1 repoellike this 1110 door behind him, After be mue howevrlie came to (01>131011', thkilfleehos never been Tho prsentdiretnellGPBninVrs1 answeeed011, do tell re Weddiegtort drew beckthe reation the concluelelMat he (0)04 Mr°"itedpermitted to go tut sine t was first staethat at Me 1) 33111111>133 othe 011110 ‚.0110) il isT Ms heart dryng on Ms li)elo Ihe kwItwas a 018(11001 inelsen'tn seTaligha hundred years agothe "Millepolicy was 5030I'ely hiedbt q shelldieeherge the cook at the end Sn we ere to Meet in singular ct(1e0100 aurae at Edinburgh, uler ,(1 00 elementaey hool aulhoilles at ram eel trinnphent3311110111 Appealsof the 1101111) 110 added ellnistitne(ssir?" said Brenton Mown, 11\VLittlejohn, 001)114)0 iteil archve) reditonEngland, hen(eamed thee ‚.011110,13 bnzaare011(1 eolely in unme hieyes lookng oolaly Jta Waddinghis Mee for maters iegaland te" he grs must have their 111fplaied to PraYe£22180 hal been received ton's. evenffintly 10 the transIntlen of 11111 and ed bettind their 11110111 The par01141 all hem gone well310(4103 Nat Ile The other NM evered his 1)03333113(1 activities, ents wimpeal lo heBoned of Edcareeitlentlielpers Iat one limo lo welt les hceigh fenehen suddnlyhe tanned mon the Ono point in the Omen of "41101)1') 0)1 hi the matterfotheir Salarieeeeie200opan eeehthe laeCrsianr ittegeenfutue li1e>103>0111 to Mee (seeped gannt! '(',0I11 0! ome double.bees Viol childen everakkm ,.0tit 00 the 11001105 lions frO) 11rnmany we Ivor IleaVeYee enkef tll mo how she noticehe wal have lo ive under the nbe1ilinele,tct.te1)ldft)31stlueing01e yeatP10 len" he deled–erlisime 1001 11,1.1(letggnrele,i),0,ris;10e 114111, end Ile body About 7 Met, Tile P,very equere mile of, the Oaten eie Me llf arn teenier: fo keep nut tif deble"xeles. Beirilen fettled hie 'Meg arma ecroSS eistineinenW, het, tnini-Ireleav, hey less- lop pett, or the bbdy % 11 f33.3,33 4 3)13.3,33es 130,t.tel 34) ba101'18 bl011101,111A11,Wi and l'h° 1110°1; eterass the never PIM 4 Md. lila MAO.. 1)01) nSit, have a peeallation Of 120,000e boy, you don't know whet trouble Is. ,I MI- get anybody te INA MO'. Go."00,:i.„0001;KKK,0000 "YOUNG FOLKS DOT'S. WORLD, "My dear sir," reeponded the surgeon, coldly, "I have not been playing on your offection–your natural (Wootton foe your wife. We do not say things With the coming–of frost we are re- in this hospital we do not mean. I minded that infants do not freeze la repeal thet nothing but an exceedingly death in the early winter, but perish from dangerous operation can save the lady's life, and while it may save her, it may thirst, The process is simple. The cold –noL I cannot put 11 more clearly and causes the withdrawal of the water from certainly than that. F1'0111 a profess1on.. the cells of the plant, forming ice crys- el point of view the situation is so 'sep- tets oulside of the cells. The frost, less that it must rest entirely with you to decide whether the operation shall be cooling and contracting the surface, attempted. But you must decide prompt. acts as a sort of munp, ead as soon ns -. 1110 cell is emptied Or its life-giving fluid "I say yes.' Yes; let us altenmt any - the plant, dirs. The truth of this theory thing that offers a shade* of hopel't „ "rn telephone to Mr. Brinton, then. has been proved clueing the present fee He's probably at home at this late hour," by numerous careful experiments. said the surgeon, rising quickly and go. Great variation was found in tho amount ing to the instrument. There'll be no of cold necessary to cause the death of difficulty about his fee, of course?" "Briniort?" cried Air. Waddington, vegetation. Some p101115 dry out quick- sterling after him as if to detain him. ly and tire killed before the freezing "Good Heaven! Not leen»edy Brinton?" poin1 is reached. Many plonls will "The same, sir–Kennedy Minton; the survive zero weather, and some only die only man who would dare to undertake this operation," answered the surgeon, at twenty degrees below. Certain vege- too preoccupied to at once detect the table grewths never freeze. There are other's sudden alarm. forms of bacteria that even when im. "Impossible–oh, imposeible," merman - )3101'00111 111 311:11.011 air, lite intensest cold ed the yoenger man, dropping weakly available, come out of their bitter bath into a chair and laying his white face in 1118 Iremlffing hands. PS chipper and lively as 01701'. "Whet's 'impossible, my dear sier in - mired the surgeon, turning away from 1(10 inS rilMent evhile the exchaege put Surely no stranger anti -Immigration him through to the famous young ,sur- laW 0001` was paseell than Mat by which gem, whose wonderful daring and skill hart raised him above the heads of most the Australian Government has just 01 11)5 seniors, 10003' of whom possessed closed the gates of that country against knowledge and experience for greater foreign beeteria. By proclamation the than his own. mierobe hemorrhagic septicemia 0111- "Ring 11301 off!" (tried Mr. Wadding. dolly is barred from New South Wales. tem /10seceatelY. "It's impossible. She It was proposed to destroy theis—" rabbit lie checked himself, and his eyes pest, by the microscopical creative 01 seemed to look through and through the question. The rabbit pest Is bad enough, calm and courtly surgeon. "Now whet is it to be? Please melte but Australia, remembering her own 1)0' "Now your mince" said the latter as the brippiness with intported pests and the belt rang. tribulations of Massachusetts eith Me Waddington stood still, with the hands gypsy moth, has n well grounded fear in the pockets of his overcoatstaring at him. By the light streaming down Mat the 110;'.' microbe 1115) be worse than tthe electric larnp above theie beads the rabbits. The packages of bacteria thrame surgeon could see the beads of pen therefore ore token in charge by 0 am- spiranon on his forehead, rniesioner, who will not 1)0011111 the seals "Will you attempt the operation?" 10 'be beeeeth They are placed gg, eat Waddington asked suddenly in a low keeping 111 lhe hands of the 01110101 bac- voice. "No," sald the surgeon emphatically, teriologist of New South \Vales. Ho "Then get him if you can." evil' keep Mom while Ole Government, 110 paced about the room while the by aulthirlty of Dm noxious microbes arrangements were made. •Presently he , as if struelc by a sudden idea. law, enters Into certain experimsteeled ents. "Don't mention the name of Wadding- . If the imperial...microbe is found to be ton," he saidsharply. harmless to doniatic animals and fatal The surgeon' -nodded, and continued to rabbits, he will be turned loose on sr/a/Ming int° Me l'emtver. Mement the plantations to evorb 1118 Invisible but Inter ha hung it up. "That's all leght," he said, with hiq. norm the toss certein havoc upon the brisk, professional manner. "Ile will rodents. ante down at once. Will you remain• here, or call again, to see how the mate ter gees? Personally, I should advise A VERY USEFUL TREE. you not to remain–you're not equal to TM most; marvellone tree in the world ntliaehtsteetanldon n. Come back betateen mid- is Me learnehnha palm, which wows g in31>0101. lt lies recently been staled "Would it be possible to hide her face that In the grant ment-pedeng eaotheitt from him unlit he W415 operated?" (14110(1 ntheagte, every poth or a pig is Weddington, aleXientslY, speaking, $loevle e)sed exeopt Die squat, wIlh respect infelleddoisilitgl,treNlo'cri;,' 10 Ihe dernehtilm pellet ene cannot oven repeated the surgeon, reSeeve Me bark. Its roots produce the with n Run glance of wonder. "Piddle - mime meelleinni effect ns serseparilla, ttnicojes.LinleYtore10\(1\1;anstile 000W1-1Y;vhietdoalle'et From pens et the tree wine and Vine- gar are made. lis fruit Is lieed forfeed- your reasons. Heavens, you don't think ine, eagle. Of 1110 straw, hats baskets, hell Irolible to fall in love with her broom& and male nee made. 'it is idso while het' vent life lies at the point ef his Metter wed ror (Mining 11001505The Milp lute an agreeable Mete, and 1310net, "But her Iife May depend on lite not which is ctionginous and emulsive, Is alt11107,1krge;heodsh,we 108(11Ingtenell,°%1 1)000011033 04,1100. sometimes 'used as a mibstittation for 001100. 118 010015 elf101'd -strong, long tingi'Y in his cleSP811% mope, 401)1011 (100111100 a beautiful lustre And ,eerve else for joists, rafters and other betiding Materiels. It yields also 41 501101)51 130 substance, as well ns March resembling sego. Of the wood of (he Mem, musical Instruments, water. enbes,, rind pumps are made, 1)1.0111 1101 S1P10 11 0111110 11(11.11(1 811111100 10 100 110(10 nt the cocoa:mut, end a flour re - 'ambling anthena May be extrileted. Moremter 8313( 15 extracted from the tree, Mad likewise oil alkali used in the manu- facture of comnioh soap, 'there is ne Mill) equal tteelhat 0( 3110 men who advertieee.for Me rehire of a lost umbeeteee "Yon Insult my profession, sir, by im- plying, that it surgeon 10)0111(11101 do his best he nny event or eircumstanceset was the hot retoet. "But 1 know hitn. 1 ask, tee a half - distracted Man, I ask you to have her fate hidden Mom him mill after the operetion, oral 1101 10 mention her Mite or mine." The surgeon looked nt him coldly; cob culatieg, kw a nument, "IL phial' be as yott wish," he answeik- ed at 111$1, "I have es little renseh to refuse yolle requeet, as yoli have to Make IL I May say 3( 18 not at all unttsunt to 00401' a ellbjeeteS face (beteg on 033. 0(01110(0, ' Yon nmet 001104100 1110 it 1 leave at,OU W and yout Own way out; I have MSS TIM 0111.