HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-10-25, Page 2litii0.4.14.10:44.442X1444;441444"
Fatigue 1. a sensation with whieli all
are more or less familiar, but which al.
feels different Persons differently, oc-
cording to circumstances.
There Is it so-called "healthy" fatigue
which comes alive normal labor, either
of body of mind, and which varies in a
Ilealthy person according to the amount
of labor performed; and there Is "Mat
tired feeling' which. collies without
much preeesing work. This last may
be merely what man culls las:Quite,
but the "fox calls laziness," or it may
he due to 1150 accumulatsd rife •Is uf tee
nutell- world carried on twisty over 0
long period of lime, with ..•to short
• throats of rest or sleep. This is a
ger.signal, which may be the forernmier
of a breakdown, and is one of which
the worker should lake heed if he would
not later pay the penalty.
Physical labor tires iu jraportion to
its unwontedness. The man accustom-
ed to walk ten or fifteen miles a day
without special faIlgue tires after a
very little manual labor which is
strange to hill; and, on. the other hand,
the carpenter or the blacksinith may
be exhausted by a four -or -live mile
ft was formerly thought that lath:Aire
was due le anflealmulation of waste
products in the blood and ilSallOa, but
recent Investigations seem to show that
the waste products resulting !rem mus-
cular action do not accumulate in the
.system. but are promptly eliminated m
the perspiration and other exeretione,
so that they have no opportunity to poi-
son the system.
A German scientist has recently sug-
gested that fatigue is really a disease,
although en evanescent and readily
curable one, and is caused by the for -
motion of a special toxin, a substance
similar to that elaborated by the ba-
cilli of lockjaw or diphtheria. If this
is true, it weuld explain how persons
becoming used to a special Rind of la-
bor accustom themselves to do an im-
mense amount of it without exhaustion.
This would be by the formation of an
antitoxin in the body, te neutralize the
action of the fatigue toxin. The tonin
is readily eliminated when its forma
lion ceases, as during rest or sleep, and
it is only when it accumulates in the
system that one becomes, as it were.
chronically tired. Then same of the fa-
tigue of the day before is felt on awak-
ening in the 'ensiling. This is a warn-
ing to make the work hours shorter.
-Youth's Companion.
Typhoid lever is caused, in the vast
majority of cases, by water, milk or
food, being poisoned by the germs of a
previous cast of this disease.
Water and milk are tho two articles
most particularly infected with typhoid.
Heat kilis the typhoid poison, there-
fore. if your drinking water Is not from
a source beyond suspicion, boil it fur
23 or 80 minutes.
Protect your milk from contamina.
lion bydust and flies, or pasteurize it,
that is, heat to 158 Fuhr. at 70 centi-
grade. Keep It at this teruperature 15
minutes and then cool rapidly.
Dirty hands may also carry typhoid
infection, therefore, wash your hands
carefully before allowing them to come
in contact with food shills of any kind.
Food becomes infected by flies craw-
ling over it or by dust from the street.
Wash thoroughly all vegetables that
are intended to be eaten raw, wash in
water of known purity. or water which
has been boiled and cooled.
Keep flies out of The house as morel
as possible by screening all doors and
windows and by the use of fly pipers.
Cover the food supplies so Mat flies
and dust may not have access to them.
Cleanliness is one of the greatest sate -
guards against typhoid fever.
The nmnure pile Is one of the great-
est breeding' grounds for flies, it is,
therefove, important that manure he not
allowed to eccumulete ar lie uncovered.
Cleanliness of the person, and in every
detail of housekeeping, cleanliness in
everything to be eaten and drankclean-
liness of back yards, and most rigid
cleanliness in the eare of those sick
with di -one eaunot be too strongly
If chemists end druggists diseppenred
from the face of the earth, humanity
could still worry along with the simple
'remedies which Nature yields, pineLl-
There Is nothing lo beat rhubarb juice
as a cure for gout or rheumatism. All
Kends of scurvy mid blood poisoning
yield to the juice of lemons or of limes,
which nee the greatest blood purifiers
In existence.
Even doctors acknowledge that natur-
al, flash events' from cows' mak can
give points to cod-liver all and similer
wetly liquids in Meeting consumption.
Common mustard, used as a plaster
os poultice 'Is the best. euro for a cold
on the, chest, and the while of an egg
svIth sugar is the finest medicine for
hoarseness. Tn euro 11 burn an appll-
cationof the while skin that lines tha
shell of en egg is unbeatable, while the
raw yolk 15 50 capital lento,
Finally, the gardens end hedgerows
are full of herbs of which the (oleo Or
leaves afford remedies nr /initiatives for
almost every disease to which Inirnanlly
• Is heir.
Gasmen Government statistics show
that. 40,421 horses arid 2,151 dogs were
slaughtered for food tinder government
Inspection during the first three months
of 1006. This was an increase of 7,522
horses nod 566 rings over the 11111111b0P
slaughtered during the some linte In
1005. And this only (=emits for the
dogs and horses, killed under govern.
mento supervision: It is estimated tial
mong the poorer chisseS, forced lo re.
Bert to dog and horse. ineat•by the ex-
clusion cif Americeri and other ,(oreigo
Meals from the eounity, the OonstIntp-
Con of this sort of meat visa notch
Inner (Ilan Ilia ellIcial recent) aliOW.
Pen -Angle Under-
wear le form -knit
so it can't help
Pol VI* fitting your figure,
t -Wet made of
eett long - fibred wool
" Trada on( i so it won't shrink
In a verist' of styles. __and it's guaran-
fabrics and prices, for
d teed besides. The
tg, •
children. Farm -fitted. whole idea is to
Demise are authorized Make it no good
to replace instantly and you can't afford
et our con any Pen- not to buy by the
Angle garment faulty trademark (in
in material or teekteg, red). 206
lana.s.r.........0.0 cs.Turcalra.uswar..10ssasneaszsd
rit,feez-10%.=.11trt`lot..1.t. 3300:711
mitigate AsemelDAN DYCIND co.
Fruit Growers, Attention
Slaving no commission to pay, and selling _for
cash, 'Ihe Basiern Townships Nurseries are thas
able to offer you Standard Apple Trees 4 to 6 feet
high, graven Item hardy and thrifty stock for Ilali
al Spring delivery, for 510.00 per hundred.
1,006 acres of clean unbrokenprairie,
the Moist wheel land 00 earth, on the
banks of the Red River, 43 miles from
Winnipeg„ four miles from two railway
(.stallons. 015 an acro takes 11, 05,030
cash, balance eaey. No better farm, no
better investment.
12 Slerehants Bank Blinding.
Winnipeg, Man.
Calling Cards
al Your name engraved in grace.
Fel Ryrie Script on a Copper Plate
will be furnished by our Stationery
Department for $ 1.00. The supply-
ing and plate,printing of one hundred
Calling Cards will be done for ea
additional $ 1.0 O.
al The card stock used is made
specirdly to our order and is of the
thin "snappy " sort. that denotes
quality -elegance.
Our Catalogue contains speci-
mans of engraved \Nedding
toas, Society Stationery, Etc.
Drop as a postal card and we WIZ
sendyou free of chore our large illus.
ironed catalogue ofjewelry, Silverware,
Leather Goods, els.
Rya LS Lad
There is a certain peppery old colonel
who claims to have been wounded long
years ago in the leg while serving his
country In some petty little frontier
fight. He Is very proud of that wounded.
One afternoon, when he sat at his
cluh nursing the injured leg, a fellow
clubman of recent acquaintance, sym-
pathetically asked
'Tame, Colonel 7'
"Yes, sir," was the reply, after en in-
expressibly solemn puma, "I am lame."
"Been riding. sir?"
"No," this time with rebuking stern-
ness, "I have not been riding."
"Ati, I trust, it was not due to a fall,
Colonel ?"
"No I" came In tones of feroeity,
"Perhaps, then, you . have sprained
your ankle?"
With painful slowness the old fellow
lifted his pet leg In both hands, set it
carefully on the floor, rose deliberately
tram lits chair, and, tanking down upon
the unfortunate questioner with mingled
pity and wrath, burst forth in almost
sublime rage
"Go, sir, and read the history of your
country, sir 1"
"111 g -get even w -with you, m..marn-
me," sobbed small Elsie, who had just
been severely chastised,
"How?" queried her mother.
' "When 5 g -grow up and h -have a
WW1° glrl tit beat the life out of
h -her," answered Elsie.
Over 300,000 'Men Now Engagetl-Two
Thousand [louses in Twelve
A. city is wide by Its trarile, and tiro
growth of a state is dependent upon Its
natural resources, says a San Prellas-
cr. letter. Commerce is not as aceident,
and neither trade nor population Is
drawn continuously to a city or a coun-
try 1.0y brag. however persistent. A
strategic position, swell RA Son Fran-
cisco occupies, csamnand of a great na-
tural gateway, with a country behind
it imperial In area and incalculably rich
and varied in the products of its soil,
will (impel. growth inevitably.
The San Francisco Real Estate Cir-
cular, skewing the reel estate market
for she months ending on Tune 30, 1006,
records transactions Inc this period to
the ailment of liti8,309,01, and that real
estate in this city Is not heavily in debt.
The real estate transfers diming Au-
gust were 1075, as against 974 fur .Tan-
now say that within three years the
burned district between Market and
Vanness avenuo will be rebuilt. The
movement is going on from Vannes
eastwatelly, and westward from the
downtown section. This is not si long
time in \tench to cover a largo area wall
substantial buildings. And while this
heart of the city is being made of steel
and cement work will be going on south
of Ittptitet-slreet, and most of that great
section will be reconstructed. The. de-
lay in pushing up the. big class A struc-
tures is growing shorter as business
and the insurance situations adjust
Meantime, no lot or block of property
within the linos of the area indicated
will represent a decreasing valuation
for any length of time. In fact, red es-
tate values hese gone up in some blocks
nf the burned district, and are holding
their own in mast of the others.
Theist were employed in building end
r' construction work in this city on
nine 9 20,000 men. Those figures Were
intleined from the rosters of the unions.
The number of mechanics and laborers
on the rosters of the building; crafts,
and tinclitssifled and unaffiliated, or
working on permits pending applica-
tion, was on Aug. 1, in round numbers,
10,000 men.
An eastern statistician, who has care-
fully sorventedthe situation here, goes
into elaborate calculations as to the
stain that will be required to rebuild the
city. He puts it at 0400,000,000. It
seems a Sort Of rough guess, but perhaps
it is not too ninth to expect that some
such vast sum will be spout on build-
ing in San Frandsen within the coming
clotude. Wlialevor Om total, Inbar will
receive something like 40 per cent. of the
This money returns inmost at once
into eireulelion and Is felt in the volume
of retail and other trade in the eity.
San Francisco has been ordinal with
exceptional courage in undertaking her
owit rehabilitation, doing business at
the old stand and on nes' own capital.
nut while sentiment is involved -a pas-
sionate ettachment to the elly, its site,
Its climate and its cosmopolitan spirit
-busines.s sense is behind sentiment,
and necessity pushes business sense.
One-third of the eity's population must
be housed.
The (batman of the building commit-
tee of the relief cnrporation has closed
a contract for 2,000 houses, 800 of two
rooms am' 1,200 nf three rooms, all to he
ready within twelve weeks from Sept.
1. Negotiations ere going on with an-
other contractor for n like number of
cottages, and the necessary appropria-
tions have been made to cover both con-
tends. The California ruins will be an-
ticipated in large measure.
It 10 not definitely decided that the
cost of the new Palace Hotel will a Mires-
imate 03,000.000, with an additional al-
lowance of 0600,000 for furnishing. The
architects who are preparing the pro-
liminery plans have been Instructed to
provide 700 rooms, to duplicele the. fam-
ous old court and arrange grills for
both men and women.
The Alaskan Commercial Company
hes signed a contract for it dims A steel
building on lbe corner of California and
Sonsonte. The cost is to be 0500,000.
A concrete warehouse will he built by
Timothy L. Hopkins at a cost of 0420,-
000. An immense brick =rehouse will
also be in the same led:Oily, and work
on both is to begin shortly. The plans
are now drawn,
Who that is young and visionary or
old and hopeful hus 110t 50 SOCrOt weak -
nese for ftirtune-lelling? Many a we-
t -Mtn long past youth's golden days still
looks In her teacup for her fate. And
the teacup is fur oracle, say the wise.
acres. Do you wish. to know how many
years will elapse before you will.mar-
2y2 Dalrince your spoon en the edge
of your cup, first notitig that 11 18 per-
fectly dry: Fill another partly with
lea, and, holding IL nbove the balarated
spoon, let the drops of lea gather to the
tip of the apoon and• gently fall into the
bowl of the 0110 below. Count the drops,
Emily drop menne a long twelve month,
Should a leastrilk float in your cup, it
means n sweetheart, end you must Stir
yetis tea rapidly round .end round and
then hold the spoon upright in the cen-
tre of the cup. If the "sweethenrt" is
attracted by the spoon and clings to it,
yeu will shortly meet hIrro• but if the
leastalk goes to the side of Use cup,
yOu 'have lost him,
A doctor took it Into his heed In go
rabbit shooting, .and started out bright
and early on 1 beautiful morning, fully
(lensed for game. About .four' in the
Mennen he returned, fired otit and emp-
ty-lumderl, felling his wife he 110001
tduIed a thing, whereupon she reMarkeels
triumpherilly:-"1 'told you so," adding,
in the next treeing "If you had. stayed
sot home ond attended to your legal.
male business you might halo been
more stleeessful." ' • . , •
That is Dow Dr, Williams' pink Pills
Core the Common Ailments of Life
Making 1100' 1110011. T11211 IS just whet
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills are always do.
Mg -actually making new bleed, This
new blood strengthens every organ In
tho body, and strikes straight at the
root of anaemia and the common all.
feeds of life which 11111`e 5 heir origin
in poor, weak, watery blood. Meg. A.
11. SeeloY, of Stirling, Ont,, tells what
Dr Williams' Pink. Pills did for her
fourteen year old sister, Miss Annie
Sager, after Utter treatment had failed.
She says: "For some .ears Annie had
nut been web. She would take spells
of dizziness and headuelies that would
last for several days, and ller W11010
LiOtly W01111t bee0/110 dey and liot OS
MotAgli she was burning up with fever.
Her Res would swell until nom. 1110
bursting 1101111, and then when the fev-
er would leave her the outer skin of the
lips would peel off: She doctored with
two different doctors, but they did not
succeed in miring her, and the trouble
seemed gratluttIy to be growing worse.
Then wo bogus' giving her Dr. Wihit
ins' Pink Pits Lssssl under this treat-
ment she has recovered het- health.
The headaches and dizziness have gone;
her color is improned; her appetite bai-
ter, and she has had no further attacks
of the fever which baffled the doctors.
We are greatly pleased with what Dr,
AVilliams' Pink Pills have done for her,
and recommend them to other suffer-
11 was the rich red blood Dv. Willi-
ams' Pints Pilis actually make which
cured Miss Sager, That is why these
pills cure all common ailments like
anaemia and debility, Iteadnenes anti
backaches, indigestion, rheumatism,
neuralgia, St. Vitus dance and the speci-
al ailments that prey on the health and
happiness of girls and women of all
ages. Got the genuine Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People, with the
full rutine on the wrapper around each
box. Sold by all medicine dealers or
by mail at 50 cents e box or six boxes
for 02.50 from The 1)r. Williams' Medi-
cine Cos BrofiLville, Ont._
Eminent Physician Attacks One of
fain's Cherished Institutions.
"'Dig Ben' is nothing but a relic of
Such was the attack made npon one
01 nritain's most cherished institutions
by Dr, Theo. IL Hyslop, senior physi-
cian to the Royal Hospital of Bridewell
and Bethlehem at the Congress of Sani-
tary Inspectors at Blackpool recently.
Dr. Hyslop, however, only touched on
Big Bert in passing. lie classed It mere-
ly as one of the many noises which
torture the town -dweller, and the sub-
ject of his speech was the effect of
noises on health. The effect, it seems,
is e very bail one indeed.
"The fact that town lite under exist-
ing circumstances makes it impossible
la obtain adequate bidet rest goes far
to cause the prevalence of insanity about
white; municipalities are so solicitous,
and which, in my opinion, they could
do so much 1.0 prevent," said Dr. Hy-
The influence of noise upon infant
mortality, • he continued was much
more serious than was at present dream-
ed of. Ile had seen the growth of In-
fants who lived in or near noisy streets
greatly arrested, and their removal to
quieter localities had enabled them to
"The noises of clocks, bells, and
chimes, such as 111g Bon, are nothing
but relics of barbarism -the baneful ac-
companiments of the night."
After Dr. Hyslop's speech the con-
ference passed a resolution asking the
(:antral Cetincel of the association to
bring the subject. of noise before the
County Councils.
Sir James Crichton Browne then
said that Ile had lately been the vic-
tim of a bantam cock of amazingly in-
defatigable and exasperating habits.
"But," risked Dr. Hyslop, "have you
ever heard n really good, healthy tom' -
cal -not a melancholic cat, but ono
really and properly in love? It can give
'points to any cock that ever crew."
Beautiful, Graceful Woman, Whose Pic-
tures Represent Her Poorly.
The general appearance of the Gerona
may be fairly well known in thio coun-
try, although fewer pictures have been
published of her than of any other
crowned head. Bin no picture that I
had seen, writes Amalie Kussner Cou.
doe in the Century, gave any idea of
igewv. she really looks, seen thus face to
Perhaps this may be for the reason
that much of her beauty conies from
exquisite coloring and that there is
eboul her a subtle charm hnpossiblo to
picture and difficult to deseelbe. She
is very tell and very slender, yet most
finely proportioned. t1 -her features are
almost Greek in their regularity, and
the natural expression of her face struck
me at once as a singularly wistful and
sweet sadness that never went quite
away even when she smiled.
liar hair is strikingly beautiful and
luxuriant, long, heavy, glossy and
brown gold in color. Her eyes are largo
soft, lustrous gray blue, with long lash --
es, and I painted than east down, as
Usey neerly always are; Inc She is Ally
.end hardly aver looks up without a
Yet, with all the Cznrina's blushing
shyness her bearing impressed me with
a sense 111 something much deeper and
greyer than mere admirelimi for a beau.
HMI, graceful WOM1111. It is dffileult to
deckle Mgt what this iinpreaston was,
but it nifty be termed rimiesty, for lock
of a subtler Mem; and the feting of it
increased during the entire time thFil.
Was privileged to enter 'her presence,
nithough no one Could have been kinder
nr more simple in ail that she said and
There was once a professor who never
lost an oppoetimily to rebuke any
bumptiousness on MO part of 1115 stu-
pros, On one ocension, when he was
taking leave of 0. certain geminate. he is
reported to have said your fel.
Iow-slittlerila think highly 01 3,01111
think highly of yew; but AIN TtO one
thinks more highly at you than yell do
yourself 1" • • ' '
National charaeteristles are many
and veiled, end scientists are alwaya
discovering new things. The latest of
these Is feet, The French foot is nor -
row and long. The Spanish foot 15
small and elegantly eurved-thanks 10
its Moorish blood, The Aeab's fool, is
proverbial for its high (Weil. The Koran
,says that a stream of wales, can run
under the true Arab's foot without
touching It The foot of the Scotch is
high and thick; .that of the Irish flat
and square; the English short and
fleshy. When Athens was in her zen-
ith, the Grecian foot was the most per-
fectly formed and exactly proportioned
of that of any of the human race.
Swedes, Norwegians, and Germans have
the largest feet, Americans the snial-
hsst. Russian toes are "webbed" to the
first joint. Tartarlan toes are all the
same length.
With the worker who Is thorough in
small things as well as In large,
With the one who takes tho thorns
in his occupation with as good a grace
as the roses.
With the man who never loses sight
of his goal no matter what difficulties
employee who does not mea-
sure the quality and quantity of his
,work by the amount of his salary.
With the young man ar young Wo-
man who is willing to do a little ems -
tonal extra world without pay ancl
uL \ying mt hbel et go u.
rageous struggler who
puts grit, determination, and will -pow-
er against his handicap, whatever IL
may be.
Mother Graves' Worm Exterminater
is pleasant to take; sure and effectual
In destroying worms. Many have tried
h with best results.
Minister mildly) -"I've been wanting
to see you, Mr. Kurd, in regard to the
quality of the milk which you tire serv-
ing me." Milkman (uneasily) -"Yes,
sir." Minister (very Mildly) -"I only
wanted to say, Mr. Kurd, (hot I use the
milk for dietary purposes exclusively,
and not fee christening."
STIMULANT to the stomach, thereby
aiding digestion. An a tonic for
patients recovering from fevers and all
diseases lowering; the vitality, it is
without a rival. At all drug and gen-
eral store=
Witte: "Mrs. Neighbors threw a flat-
iron at her husband last, night because
lie accidentally sat down on her new
bonnet. Now, I couldn't do a thing like
that." Hubby : "You couldn't?"
Wide: "Of course not. I haven't any
new bonnet."
"By Medicine Life May be Prolonged."
-So wrote Shakespeare nearly three
hundred years ago. It is so to -day.
Medicine will prolong life, but be sure
of the qualities of the medittine. Life
is prolonged by keeping the body free
from disease. Dr. ThomasEICCiric 011
used internally will cure coughs and
colds, eradicate asthma, overcome croup
and give strength 10 the inspiratory or-
gans. Give it a trial.
He -"So your husband has given op
smoking? It requires a pretty strong
will LO accomplish that." She -"Well,
I'd have you understand that I have a
strong will."
is called a skin disease nifty be but a
symptom of bad blood. .In that case,
Weaver's Carat°, externally applied,
should be supplemented with Weavers
Syrup, taken daily.
Howell; "Rowell is always borrowing
trouble." Powell : "He's the kind of
fellow who; if he thought he was going
to get tat, would go out and walk orf
tho weight before he goL 11 1"
They Drive ?Myles Away. -A face
covered with pimples is unsightly. It
Mils of internal irregularities which
should long since have been corrected.
The liver and the kidneys are not per-
forming their functions in the healthy
way they should, and these pimples are
to Id you know that the blood protests.
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will drive
thein all aAvay, and will leave the skin
clear and cleen. Try them, mid there
will be another witness to their excel-
Hang blankets in Um sun constantly
between the times of washing, for it
whitens end purifies them besideS rais-
ing the pile.
For duck stuffing take (ley bread -
crumbs, chopped sour apples, and
boiled onions, seasoning the mixture
with salt, pepper, sage and butter.
Removing Bed Ink Stains. -Moisten
the spots with strong alcohol acidulated
with nitric acid. It is alwoys desirable
to mako a blank experiment first, as all
materials will not take the same treat -
m ene"
rbrown flour put a thick layer of
flour into a baking pan and place it in
a hot oven. Watch this and stir with a
spoon until the flour is nicely browned
all through. When it becomes cold, put
i1 into preserve jars and cover closely.
This is splendid for nuckening gravies
and sauces.
Made in Canada and sold by all
this coupon is good for ono ton
wine (10a) Trial 13ottle of the cola.
Dr. Leonhardt's Anti -Pill
a intro cure for Inelseation, B1110118.
nose, Dyspopala, Constipation and
all ailments arising therefrom.
'Mailed free, in a plain package,. On
reOeipt of namo and addreia. Fill
In year Tadao allgot taco address
on gettrieitees mini send 10
Niagara Fails, Ont.
The highest snottical knowledge in the world has produced
Thousands of sufferers have been perroamoolly cured by this wonders
rut remedy and thankfully write to tell us so, Keep it In the house and use it for
Colds, Coughs, Croup, 111/hoopings Cough, Asthma and alt Throcit
and Landig eroublen.
Your druggene not only keeps it but recommends 30.
Price, 20 coals.
WA" Steel Sh
Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices vary ng from $0.85 to 05.10
per hundred square feet covering measure. This Is t le mos durable coy.
ering on the market, and is an Ideal covering for Houses, Barns, Stores, Etat
vators, Churches, etc. Any bandy man can lay the "OSHAWA" ehingles. A
hammer and snips are the only fools required.
We aro the largest and oldest ceontpany of the kind under the British
flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada.
making them
We also manufacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets, Conductor Pipe and
METAL SIDING, Its Imitation of beleld or stone.
METAL CEILINGS, In 2,000 designs.
Write for Catalogue No. 141) and tree samples of "OSF1AWA" Shingles.
Write to-dny.
m5LniaCTE:19 71P IIEVID 3E2'30 X:E' TEAM „
loco, on. 011an, 011 TOMMO, 0111.10011011, OM. I Wilirilpeg, 000, VORCOUVer,B.C.
82143 W Craig St. 400 Sussex rob. 11 Colborne st 69 Dundee et. 70 Lombard at. 010 nowise ot.
Write your Nearest 0f1150,-INAD 01111108 AND WORES-05HAWA, Oot
560000 LIO 5U00
30C)2EZ well..2EDM
Near Nendorl, Saskatchewan. A great bargain. $12 per
acre. Close to two railroads. Branch. lino of Grand Trunk
Pacific surveyed almost through the property.
\Vifa : "I'm inclined to think, Mina
that our milkman puts water lo (he
Husband: "On the contrary, I think
he puts milk in the water." •
Why go limping and whining about,
your corns when a 25 cent bottle of
Holloway's Corn Cure will remove them?
Give it a trial and you will not regret
"No beggar," says the philanthropist,
"will go away empty-hancled from a_
good inan's door." Not if he mot reach
an overcoat from the good man's hall -
One Pact is Better than Ten Hearseys.-
Ask Dr. Burgess, Supt. Oospital for Insane, ?demi
treat, for his opinion of " The 1)0150"Ileuthel
Plaster. Yard rolls 51, also 08c. Una.
Ho (who 118S known her three cloys
only) -"May I call you Edith?" She
-1 don't see why; my parents thought
Emily was quite good enough."
For Inflammation of the Eyes. -
Among the many good qualities which
Paemelee's Vegetable Pills possess, be -
skips regulating the digestive °mins,
is their efficacy in reducing inflammation
of the eyes. It lies called forth ninny
letters of roonnimenclntion from those
who were afflicted with this complaint
and found a cure in the pills. They
affect the nerve centres and the blood
in a surprisingly active way, and the
result is almost immediately seen.
Given ss reasonable chance for life, the
Indian child is as happy, hopeful, Am-
bitions, and playful ns Is 1110 while
child boon under much happier circum-
stances. Ile is, too, quite as imitative,
ond, like his white cousio, 130 npes Rio
ways and manners of his elders and
mimics thole occupations in hls play.
The infant Indian possesses enther more
dignify than the ordinary while child.
This is chiefly owing to the care Ile re.
Wyss rather limo to inherited Wein-
peas. In his infancy he is strapped
la a boardl or securely packed in an
obligated basket woven for Met purpose
where he can neither kick nor squirm.
Ile cries less then his whim 00iisiiv,
11001111,50 '110 envly learns that it is an 11n -
profitable occupniton, •The Indian 110.
ther is very accommodating. 11 1001' in-
tent wishes to cry she lets 111515 do so,
She does not, 111re the white mother,
rush to the child when it begins to how/
and try 10 pacify him, She leis hint
howl 1 111 he Mrs of it, and cases of his
own Wood. 11 55 becriose trying brings
them attention Vint most children cry.
Tito youog Indian does not get the at-
tention, so he soon cuts out (eying en-
tirely. Willi crying, kielting, and
squirming eliminated, there is really
nothing 1011 Inc him but In remain calm
and look dignified. This Is what be does
as a MM.
Mrs, Negget-"You don't lave rne 50
remit fig, you used to." 'Mr. 'Negget -
"Think tor Mrs. Naggat-'Nn1 you
Mood to SOY 1 was worth my weight, in
.011, intrl---" Negget-"Well,
you're 51(11 80 stela as you used. to bey
you linoW."
"I married you. my deer, bemuse you
were different Mont other women."
0t1intiern, 1 In what way
"You said ',yes' W11011 I prOpOSed."
Cholera and all summer complaints
are so quick in thole action Mut the
cold hand of death. is upon the victims
before they are aware that danger is
near. lf attacked do not delay in get-
ting Um proper medicine. Try a dose
of Dr, T. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cardi-
n!, and yon will get hinnedteln relief.
11 note with wonderful rapidity and
never fans Lo effect a cure.
Sirs. effibiff-"This 'palter says that
mice are attracted by musto; but, 1 don't
believe IL" effiniff-"Why not?" Mrs.
iti'Duff-"Because I never see any mice
around when 1 play the piano." erituff
-"Well, lints no reason for doubling
the paper's statement."
deep, hoarse bark, grimly called "a, •
gliave-yard cough." Take Allen's Lyng
Balsam, a remedy for pulmonary trou-,
ble, highly T TI`0 00 10 1,00
earlier stages of Consumption.
Brains of great men very very met
It is found that men of encyclopae0i.
mind have large and heavy brains --
Gladstone had to wear weeny big hat -
with on enormous bed or grey matter
end numerous convoltaions; on the other
hand, mon whose genius is concentrated
upon one line of thought nre of small
brain, and, consequently have small
heads. Newton, Byron, and Cromwell
were In this class, •
'Your Doctor
Can cure your Cough or Cold,
no question about that, but -
why go to all the trouble and _
inconvenience of looking him up,
and then of hay ing hisprescrip Hon
filled, when you can stop into any
drug store in Canada and obtain
a bottle of SHILOH'S CURE
for a quarter.
Why pay two to five dollars
when a twenty-five cent
bottle of SHILOH will moo ycte
as quickly?
Why not do as hundreds o
thousands of Canadians have
done for the past thirty-four
years let SHILOH be your doc-
tor whenever a Cough or Cold
sExtou will euro you, and all
druggists book tip tins statement
with a positive guarantee.
The next time you have 3
cough or Cold cure it With
. • •
A u
tg7311E1 NO, 4.1-01‘. •