HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-10-18, Page 8Good Baking Powder is very necessary in successful Baking. If you use our halting Powder you can feel assured that there is none better on the mar- ket. Try some the next time and we are satisfied you will al- ways want to use it. The price is 25e per lb. and we sell any quantity. WAL L PAPER Now is the time to pap- er that room that you couldn't get done in the Spring. We have a large stock of Paper and Patterns suitable for all rooms, Bright Patterns from 5c. a Roll up, li R. SMITH DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 800 65614 EITEN9i0N W. G. & B. Trains Leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows; GOINGSOOTO GOING NORTH, Mail 1:08 a.m 1 Mixed 000 6,00 Mixed 11:28 a,m I Mail ,. 1:44 pan Express 9:02p,m Express 8:61 p.m nc..i ` Geis [tains A ohiel's amang ye takir' none, An' faith he'll prent is. INDIAN Summer. 1'nio PosT gives the news. FALL house oleauing is at hand, W. F. STEWART reoeived a oar of prime Manitoba when. Pam of speotaole° and oaae found. En• quire at Tao PoeT. A FINE pair of blne Beagle bound papa are now owned by Alf, Beaker. EAST Hann Executive of the Liberal Aeeooiatirn is called to meet at Brussels, on Tneeday, 80th that., at 1,30 p. m. Tan monthly Horse Fairs will be held in Brussels as usual this Fall and Winter. Aoeounoemeute will be made shortly ae to dates. TaANaeclviNo holiday fares on the rail. way good goiug Wednesday and returuing on Monday. Paeeeuger traffic will likely be beavy. Tau Tennis Club bave seb Friday, Deo. 7th ae the date of their annual C000ert and a Committee is arraogiug for A 1 taisot. OouoT of Revision on the new aide• walk Bylaws will be held on Monday evening, Nov. 6th. The offioial notice may be read in the columna of THE Posp tbie week. Tau King's Birthday, Nov. 9tb, will,be celebrated by the L, 0. L., of Brueaele, by a eooial gathering in their Lodge room, Thomae etreet. A abort program of eddreeees will be given. Dr. Obis - holm, M. P., for Ent Huron, hae been invited. TwELyE o'Caoc f SLUR.—Some of the young people in to an have organized what they designate a 12 o'Olock Club and purpose holding aeeemblies in the Town Hall twine a month dariug the Fall and Winter. The fleet is elated tor Friday evening of this week. THANKSGIVING RATES.—Retaro Tiokete on the tailwaye at single fare for the roaod trip will be leaned for Thuukegiv ing time. They will be good going on Wedoeeday 17th and returning on Mon. day, 22ud. The Hunters' Exooreio11 at a single fare good going from Oot. 9th. to Nov. 9th according to location. Good to return Dec. 8th. W. J. FAWCETT, of the Metropolitan Bank, and family, who have not taken up hoaeekeeping since coming to town awing to inability to Secure a home, have leased tbe line new brick residence from Thos. Newsome, corner of Ring and James etreete and will move iu forth• witb. TIE Pose wishes them happy years in their new quarters. DR, Ovens, M. D., London, Eye and Ear Surgeon, will be at Smith's Drag Store, Brussels, on the first 'Tneeday in each month. Hoare, 8 a. in. to 1.30 p. m, ()stunt, squint, failing eyesight, deaf0868 and nasal intent) treated and glasses properly fitted. Next visit, Tuee. day, November 8th, N. B.—Dr. Ovens makes no cella. NOT ACCEPTED.—In a desire to avoid a. lawsuit the Directors ot the Grey Branch Agricultural Boaiety proffered, thro0gb their solicitor, the sum of $250.00 to Mrs. Wm. Wilkinson, of Morrie, in settlement of the suit for damages she has entered. This was done of oonree without prejndiae. The offer vette not accepted. 8800.00 and oo6te was stated ee the only 0180116100 on wbioh settlement could be made. The writs eek for 31,000 from both Grey Branch Society and East Riding Society. WELL DESERVED.—B, hearty vote of thaoka was accorded to J, Leckie at last Saturday's Agricultural Sootety Direct• ora' meetheg for the interest be bad taken and the large ()bare of work done in oonneotion with the Building Com• mittee of the fine new Nall on the Fair groande. Mr. Leek's was Ohairman of the Committee and brought to the oifioe a wide experience in the building line. He aokuowledged the vote received and thanked the members for it. The other members of the Building Oommittee were President Speir, W. H. MoOraoken, Geo. Tbomeon arid W. H. Kerr. WORDS Or PRAISE FROM INSPECTOR OowLEx.—The Inepeotot of Continuation Schools, R. H. Cowley, of Ottawa, visit. ed the Brunel() Coutinantion School on Tbhreday and expensed himself ae be. tog highly satisfied with the school premiere, school house, school equip. ment, staff and pupils. He said that the eohool bad a Provldoial reputation ; that it well deserved it ; and that it was the beet Continuation School be had yet visited. He visited all the roma and spoke in very eomplimentaty table el the Public Sohool departments, Brunch; should feel proud of its eohool and etaff oftea0her8 and parente Amid oo•operate with the teachers eepeoially in lending their children to wheal every day so us to enjoy the full benefit of en edaoatloe so freely offered. W. H. MoOnacicza is ellippiug n oar et potatoes this week, BRUeenns Voters' Liet Court will be beld ou Thursday 25110 in8t at 10.30 a. m. OWING to Tbankegiving Day and the Teaoltere' Convention there will be no eohool on Teuredey or Friday. A NUMRER lr001 town and looality at- tended the funeral of the late Wm. Jag, Johnston, let line Morris, last Sunday afternoon. Bateman meeting of the A. 0. U. W. will he held on Friday evening of thie week. The members are asked to attend for a epeoial parpuee. JOHN HewITT, Game Warden, of this locality, has received the deer hunting licensee for this seethe. A few will go North on these expeditions. THURSDAY is Thaokegiving Day and a mobilo holiday, The banks and other buaineee plaoes will be closed and tbe poetomoe hone 9 to 10 a. m. and 5 to 6 p. m. JOHN CUNNINGHAM ban disposed of a oar load of evaporated applee from his factory to a Montreal dealer. They are receiving quite a quantity of fruit at the factory and wan favorable weather will ran tor some weeks yet. "DARE Ne 8" in the title of the new story in thie week's issue of THE Poem. 01 course you will sot likely reed it but your neighbor may ao lend him the paper not forgetting to bell him that 10c will pay for it to the 1st of next January. Mina Grana,, of Wingbam, was here ou Tuesday and resumed her vocal class. A number of new pupils have made a start. Mies Griffin is a splendid teacher of vocal meeto both in theory and the art and is also an expert in the manipulation of the piano. PAYING FALL FAIR PRIZES.—The Treas. urn will be at the office of THE POST from 10 a. m, to 5 p. m. on Friday of this week to pay the Etat Huron prizes. All interested ebould call and get their money. Prizes not called for by Nov tat will be mailed to the exhibitors at their expenee. WenNEenoY of thio week Min Spence, special examiner, of Goderiob, took the evidence in the examination for die• oovery fa the suite of Wilkinson ve. Grey Twp. Agricultural Sooiety ; and Metal) ve. 8011th. These actions will Goma on for trial et the oon Jury Sitting() at Gode- rioh on Nov. 60h. The legal fraternity was represented by Barrister Penton, of Wiogham, and Sinclair and MacDon- ald, of Brussels. 0ORaEoTIoNe IN FALL FAIR AwdnDe.— Mie. (Dr.) Graham got 2ud for embroid- ered sofa pillow instead ot Mrs. Zollener ; Oliver Turnbull MoOraoken'e epeoial for yellow giant mangolde ; Thoe, Davidson, Tatman sweet apples instead of Jae. Speir; Iet for golden rueeett apples went to Oliver Turnball. The first prize winner for blood turnip beets ie not known as the entry ticket wee not on the exhibit. Other ohangee may be made ea a few other entries are in dispute. NEwoore BEEBe CONING.—Western Stec Ledge, No. 149, I. 0. 0. F., Brae. eele, time made arrangements with New• ton Beers, the diamatio impersonator, of Boston, to present in monologae form the sublime biblical story of "David and Jonathan" in the Town Hail on the evening of Tneeday, Nov. 1318, oom- menoing at 8 o'clock, The story never fails to internal and entertain and Mr. Beers, who hes a Continental reputation, will preeent it iu in beat form. Plan of Hall will open in due ooaree at Fox's Drug store, Keep the date clear. Noe Ban.—Thio year W. H. MoOrook• en, the well known prize winner of Brae - eels, attended seven Fall Faire and oap• cored 231 awards. The winnings were a8 follows 1— Blytb 29 Seafortb 43 Lietowel 34 Milverton 29 Atwood 28 Brneeele 88 Fordwioh 30 Total 231 Mao. oeaally geed to Dungannon and Wiugham but missed them thio Fall. Tem Mad.INERY,—The milliners of Braeeele did not adhere to the old 008 tom of bolding "opening days" but bave neverbbeleee the latest and moat faobion• able goods in stook. It will pay you to call sad see the styles before planing ordere. The prevailing shades tbie Fall are Bordeanx, Rheims, bleak, white end deep and old rose, oetl blue, dark greens and greye. Trimminge are of all widtbe and all ahadee of oolore ; velvet in prevailing ehadee is also 1111. °rally utilized. Moire Bilk and plaid are need where sailor effeot ft desired, and wings and fanny vulture and ostrich feathers and breasts are far from being out of taebioo, In ehapee the noble picture hat and the toque are still fashionable, and sailors with fairly high crowns are very good Ballets, Flowers, which have been long in vogue are hardly eafa0hi00able ae they wore, but then as a rale they are only Spring and Summer trimmings, am the beavy winds and snows of Winter are aganiet the nee of these pretty adotnmente. 00 the whole the millinery of the Fall of 19013 • 1e a little ahead of termer 0800000 9 in appearance and durability, and ' clear• ly indioate0 that our arti81 milliners an Peeping well Up with the cities in the manatacture of all that le sweet in womaule head adornnlbnt. Standard Bank of Canada T H E =t2iT$zax+xe3=F33:7 1672 SURPLUB, on RESERVE FUND 8 1,000.000 TOTAL ASSETS OVER 16,000,004 A General Sanking I'3ureinekete gars a itt.eteci —4-NVSAVINGS BANK `e" Interest paid from date of depoelt to date of witbdraWal at highoet (A0rreob retell and oumpouuded half -yearly, Joint Aepoett Accounts—A 10E0L4L CONVENIENCE 111 use in our Savings De- partment Is the' Joint Dopoeit" account, Money may be deposited or withdrawn by either of the two members of the household. This system 1s a great conven- ience to many residing in town, but more particularly so to formate, BB 111 6114 latter ease whether man or wife emcee to town either ono attend to the Banking. An• other feature o1 the system is that iu ease of the death of either party the money eau be withdrawn by the survivor without eoet, We will tell you inure about our methods it you will Mildly °all or write. Married 'Women dad Miners may make and withdraw deposits without the M. tervenccon 00 any person, SALE NOTES GASHED, OOLLEOTED or may be left for SAFEKEEPING only for which no charge is made. YOUR BUSINESS will receive our oaretul and courteous attention. G. P. SOHOLFIELD, GEN. MANAGER. J. F. ROW LAND, MANAGER, QUITE a number in this looality bave beeu ill with a severe type of oholera motion. BALANao of 1906 free to all new flub• seribere to Tan Pon who pay in Bd• vane for 1907. FALL FAIR NOTES.—The total finaaoial prened0 of East Huron Fall Fair was 31010.00•—Toe. Moore made an inter. eating exhibit of the White °awing maohine fur which he holds the loan ageooy,=1'he groan receipt), of the 00n. cert were 8137.50. This might easily have been iuoreeeed if the Hall could have accommodated more.—Oonebabte 0,iver nabbed e young men near the Toru Hall on the evening of the 0080erb who was selling tickets, of hie own maoufaotare, at 10 acute each. This olever gent was pat in the lookup but afterward liberated on penitently prom ieieg better behaviour.—A row on the street as the acumen people were going home was not creditable to those concern- ed.—Wein/2 once n- ed.—Weio/2 oat for East Huron Fall Fair fir 1907—the first Thursday and Friday of October—with good weather it wili we expect, discount the splendid emcees of 1906.—A meeting of the Direotore of the Fair was held last Saturday after. noon 10 oloee up the bathing of the Fair. Several errors in the list of prize winners wee oorreoled, A proteet was presented from MoLBaohlin Bros. as to the god award for cotters. The matter was ora eidered and it was decided to ask an oat. side party to re judge the cotters,—The queetion of eub•letting the new Agricul- ture/ Hall was dismissed and it was aR• auimono,y deoided that the Hall will be reserved for the purposes for wbioh it wee ereoted. Business Locals. Box to learn the drug buaineee. Jae. Fox, To RENT —Two upotair rooms. Apply at Bmith'e Drug Store. BLADE silk tob with agate attaohed loet last Friday. Owner will be greet• ly obliged to have it returned to Tam POST. WANTED boy, to learn blaokemithing. Firet.alaae encouragement, and highest wagee paid. Apply at 0008 to D, Ewa & Co. BOARD WANTED,—Lady and two children went comfortable theme tor Winter. Give full partioulare and pries. Drawer 81, Brueselo. To ANY ONE USING Bewe.—As I claim to have expert practice and have invented and am n8ing the latest new and improved saw thole I oan give fine advantage to oar costumers bona in prion and quality of work. Call early end you will not need to roeh. T. Me. Gregor, Mill Bt., Brussels. The new Pure Food and Drag Law will mark it on the lobe! of every Gough Oars containing Opium, OPloroform, or any other etapityiog or poieon0a0 drug, But it peens Dr. Shoop'() Cough Cure ae made for 20 years, entirely free. Dr. Shoop all along has bitterly opposed the neo of opietee or earootie. Dr. Shoop's Gough Oare ie abeolately safe even for the youngest babe—and it mime it does not simply eappreoe. Get a sate and reliable Cough Cure, by simply 10018ting on having Dr. Shoop's. Let the Law be your protection, We cheerfully recommend and sell it. F. R. Smith. UfUIRUlI CHIMES. There will be high mase and sermon in the Catholic olearob, Braeeele, next Sunday. Rev. E. G. Powell ie assisting Rev. Mr. Armstrong, of Ethel, in epeeist evangelistic 800780nn On the evenings of this week, Thaokegiving service will be held in Melville church on Thursday afternoon of tbie week oommenoiO3 at 2 30. The pastor will preach. Bev. Mr. Oameroo, a retired minister, of Hamilton, will preaob in Melville ahutoh next Sabbath as the paetor will be at St. Helene taking anniversary services. Ohrietian Moderation" was Rev. Mr. Powetl'e subject last Sabbath morning in the Methodist ohuroh. He proved ire ueoeseity (1) In the eooial attaehmeute of life ; (2) In oat griefs ; (8)In oar joys ; (4) In our worldly permeations. The evening text was "In the days of Herod the King." "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their ebrengtb,810." Was the text oboeen by the parlor in Melville ohuroh lams Sabbath morning. In the evening he dealt pointedly with the leavening infiueooe of Obrietianity, taking aa the foandetion of hie sermon Romana 8 end letter olauee of verse 22, "There i6 no difference." Wbileohnroh and Langeide Preeby. tartan oougregationo extended a Cull to Itev, G. P. Duncan,. lot Toronto, who for 9 yeare was etatlooed in Unionville, The salary offered in 3900 and free mange in excellent condition, with five aorta of land, and four weeks' holiday°. Mr. Damian accepted the call and Maitland Presbytery met at Wbiteehuroh on Taeoday, Oct, 16111, at 8 p, m. t0 tn. duet him, At the Dietriot Convention lett week all Gerrie, Rev, E. G. Powell was 0151• pointed as Preeident of the Summer School Committee tor next year, It will be run distinct from the Dietriot League Ns far ss finances, &o •are ooneerned, The reverend gentleman hart had several yang of experience in ibis particular elan of Work so should prove a good Oommaodee•in•obief lo marshalling the tones for 8 eohool. SOCIAL.—A. Thanksgiving Social will be held on Oot. 18th, under the auspices of the bacbelore of Brunie Epwortb League in the basement of the Methodist church, An interesting debate of three quarters of an hour will be given by six baohelore. Subject, "Reeolved that the opportunities for doing good in the town of Braeeele are greater to the single mac then to the married man." Lunch will then be given after which an interesting program will follow, OIme and get au education on an interesting tubjeot. Silver oolleotioo at the door. Meeting opens sharp at 8 o'clock, A Busy WErx.—This week Rev. Mr. Wishart, B. A., pastor of Melvilleohuroh, to having a buoy time. Last Sabbath he prenohed twine, taught a<olaee in Sunday eohool and spoke to the Weetminieter Guild i Tueedny, preached at White- church at the indaotion of Rev. Mr. Dunoau, the new pastor ; Thareday afternoon at 2.30, will conduct a Thanks• giving 8ervioe in hie own church ; Friday and Saturday, will oo0apy the pulpit at LOoknow in connection with oemmunion preparatory °steioes and Sunday will preach nunivereary sermons at St. Helene. 1Ylsesioaoits.—Tboreday evening of last week a large audience aoeembled in Mel. villa church to bear an address from Nies Rattee. Rev. Mr. Wiebatt, the pastor presided and Was assisted in the opening exer0ia08 by Rev. Mr. Scott, of Danville, Illinois. The speaker of the evening gave an interesting 000onut of work among the French in the Province of Quebec and urged 0. wider interest in the good work being done to introduce the Protestant faith. The choir gave a good anthem and Mre. (Dr.) Holmes tang an appropriate solo with pleasure to the oougregetioo. A Thank offering wee taken amounting to over 845.00. People We Know. Mre. J. G. Skene i0 holidaying at Toronto, „Jho. Wilbee ie home from Stratford for the holiday, J. F. Rowland apeot a day or so in Toronto last week. Mice Pearl Sharpe was holidaying with relatives in Gerrie. Mrs. Neil MoLauohlin is holidaying with relatives at Oheeley. H. L. Jeokeou was in the Queen City for a few days on a bnei0ees trip. Mre, Pan/ and Mise 'Gordon are heli• 'laying with relatives at Blnevale, W. F. and Mrs. Stewart were visitors in Woodetook for a few days last week. Mre. Jew. Lott hae been on the sick let thie week bat is improving nicely now. Miss Linda Colvin ie epeuding Thanks- giving, with her sister, Mise Mabel, at Orediton. Mrs. Jessie Kerr ie spending the Thanksgiving boliday with relatives in Listowel. Mre, W. H. MoOraoken is enjoying a vacation with relatives at Paisley and E Iderelfe. Mre. J. L. Kerr and Mre. Tarnbnll are (pending the Thanksgiving holiday with Rev. W. E.Xerr and family at Clinton. W. B. Ballantyne, editor of the Einer. eon Journal, lett for the Weet on Friday afternoon after a few weeke' llolidaye here. Will. J. Bailey, of Sonia Falls, and Norse Bailey, of Guelph, were visiting under the parental roof in Brussels this week. Mre. J. F. Rowland has returned from her venation and will be at home on the let and god Wedndedaye of each month. H, and Mre. Baneton, of Brantford, will spend a few day° with tbeir daugh• ter, Mre, W. L. Leatherdale and other old friends. Mre. Harbottle, who baa been living at Barrie, is here on a visit with her parents, Joe, and Mrs, Howard, Jolla street, Brussels. Mies Maud Anderson, of Obe°ley, is a visitor with her cousins, Mieee0 Jeau and Margaret MoLaachlin, of Braeeele, and relatives ho Morrie. Mr. and Mre. Pinner, of Clinton, were visitors in town on Tuesday. Mre. Pinner was formerly Mien Lyda Sartiiff, a one time Bruaeelite. Mise Edie Wilton, who hae been at Berlin, has returned to her borne here accompanied by her grandfather, Thoe, Simpson, who will Vieit here for a while, Misses Bella Sanderson, Carrie Mo• Cracker), Boa Molaiunon, Eva Cameron and Jennie Randa and F. Fraser are home from the Clinton Model for the Thanksgiving holiday. It is said Dr. J. A. MoNanghtoo has deoided to go to Foedwioh to pra06100 hie profession inetead of l000ting at Bree• Bele again 00 wag hie intention. 3, Ferguson will move to the MaNaughbon home, John street, we understand. A Bervie correspondent spetbks of for. mer Brneeelibae as follows ;—The many friends of Mre, dud Mies Fannon who left Boryle a abort time ego, will be pleased to hear they bave remind their destination, Seattle Waeb., in natty. They spenta few days with a brotber of Mrs. Fanetou's it1 Toronto, anti left there on the night of the ].0'h, Sept„ at II 80, They were met by reletivee at Pori Arthur, and again at Moosejew. They arrived in Seattle on Friday after• noon the 2141., having bad a very enjoy. able joarney. Mre. and Odin Funeton are I1oa018tent members of the Methodist obnroh, and are deservedly reepeoted bolb here and in Brunette, their former home, for many genre, We wieb them health, bappiceee and 0000008 in their ROW home. METROPOLITAN BANK CAPITAL—Anthor'tzedl $2,000.000 CAPITAL—L°8Id up 1,000,000 RESERVE and Surplus Profits 1,183,133 Dtreetora D, E, THOMPSON, B, C. Vlee-Prosident, RIB noxon tin, w, MORT1MER oLAB1, E,0, JAS, RYRIR JORN FIOe011R008 W. D, ROBS, General Manager 8, J. M0011E, President, Tnoa, BRADalrnw, F,L,A, THE METROPOLITAN BANE is open to receive the sonnets of Farmers, Merohants ea,i Business Community generally and to give careful ooneideratlou to all propoeale submitted to it. It relies upon its past record for oourteoue treatment of Ire One - tamers, and will extend every consideration bonelateut with 8o0nd banking to 611oae who may doelre to transact business with, it. Internal at HIGHEST OURREN' RATER allowed on all Same of 81 and upward() BRUSSELS BRANOH • W. J. FAWCE'IIT, Manager. Station Agent Henry is away on a deer hunt in Fort William Oouotry. He wag B000mpanied by W. Murray, of Walton. Alex, and Mrs. Lewis and daughter have removed to St. Thomas where the former nae a eitaation at hie trade BB Etnemilh. The many friends of the family in town will be pleased to hear of their prosperity in their new home. Rev. 8. E. Beckett, B. A., a former ()apply tesober in Brussels Public School, who hes been for some time peter of Knox thumb, Winnipeg, boa received a pall from the Presbyterian congregation of Carberry, Man. We bave not learned whether Mr. Beokett has accepted the oval or not, Bri0sels eehool tlonrd, Regular meetiag of the Brneeele Pub lie School Board was held in the Board Room on Friday, 006. 121/2. Membere present, W. M. Biooleir, D. 0. Rose, R. Leotberdale and J. G. Skene. Min utee of regular and special meetings adopted. J. G. Skene preeented an so- nnet of 35.65 for poe66ge, express and freight. moved by W. M. Sinclair, seconded by D. 0, Roes that the ao- oo0nt be paid. Carried. Board then adjourned. J. G. BREVE, See. mORlw. JoHNexoN.—In Morrie, on Ootober 71b, EO Mr. and Mre. Edward Johnston, a dangbter. MOKAY.—In Atwood, on Ootober Brd, to Mr. and Mre. W. N. McKay, of the Bank of Hamilton, a daughter. BEIIINow,tr. — Io Grey, on Oct. 1116, Laurel Isabella, intent daughter of W. J. and Mre. Hemingway, aged 2 menthe and 6 daye. avcTxoN SAx.,73. FRIDAY ORT. 19TH.—Farm stook, im• plemente, 460., North a lot 24, Oon. 5, Morrie, Sale 000848000d at 2 o'clock. MoLaoohlin Bros., proprietors. F. S. Soomt, 1800. TUESDAY, OOT, after—Farm stock, im- plements, &o., Nd' Lot 19, oon. 8 Morris. Sale without reserve, at 1.30 o'clock. JAMES TURNBULL, prop. F. S. Scoot, two. H25'r.TSS25:I.,S A6-[l.RSix9"S'S, Fall Wheat 68 69 Barley 40 42 Peas 72 73 Oats 32 32 Butter, tube and rolls18 19 Eggs per dozen 16 17 Hay per ton 6 00 7 00 Floor, per bbl 4 60 5 20 Hoge, Live 6 40 6 50 Wool 24 25 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. STOCK FOR SALE—THE UN- DEnetGNED offers for sale u Roadster Yoarleng Colt and a Roadster Foal; a 2•year old Heavy Draught Golding and several 2. year old H81(008, Lot 16, Goo, 0, Grey, 15.1f JOHN MENARY, OranbrookP,O. LANDS FOR SALE FOR TAXES. Notioe is hereby elven that a net of the lands for sale for arrears of taxes lane been prepared and that copies thereof may be laud at thio office, end that the list is being published in the Ontario Gazette, in the issues of August 18th mud 22th, and Septem- her let and 8111,1000, Bud that in default of payment of the taxes and ooete the laude will be sold at the Court House ,lfl the Town of Goderiob, on Tneeday, the 4th day of De- cember, at 2 o'olook in the afternoon. 8-8m W25, HOLMEB, County of Huron, 'Treasurer. Treasurer's Otaoe, Goderioh,OAug. 10, leo6. AUCTION SALE 01? FARM SToox, I1n'LEMENTB, &o.—F. S. Scott, auctioneer, has been instructed by tho un- dersigned to sell by nubile auction at Nd Lot 19, Coo. 0, Morris, on Tuesday, Oet. 90th, at 1 o'olook, the following property, viz :-1 heavy draught mare supposed in foal t0 old, 1 driving 1 lreevy draught borne 5 years 0181, 1 driving mare 12 years old euppoeed in foal to Replan wttumaplau colt 9 mars, 1 old et area, 1 Costumer 1111y rising 2 years, 1 mare 5 years old supposed to 100.1 to "Master of Art," 1 roadster 2 years old, 4 erre sup- posed in oalf, 1 farrow 0080, 1 steer rising 0 years, 3 heifers rising 8 years, 1 atter rising 2 years, 9 heifer's rising 2 years, 8 Spring oalvee, 1 Massey -Harris binder, 1 Wiener seed drill, 1 pair bob -sleighs, 1 set iron har- rows, 1 gang plow, 1 root pnlper, 1 tanning mill, 1 wheelbarrow, about 80 hens. All to be Bold without reserve as the proprietor ie going West. Terms—All surae of 55 and un- der oath, Over that amount 12 menthe' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes ; 6 per cent allowed off for oast on credit amounts. F: S. SCOTT, auotiouoer; JAMES TURNBULL, Proprietor. You won't 1 You Will cough long if you uee Fox'e. White Pine and Tar. Ib euros Colds, Coughs and all irritations of the air pas - Rogue. You won't lose any- thing benaueo the refund your money If not satisfactory, but agree that it 18 the beat med- icine for Coughs and Colds you nava ever bried. 25c Der Bottle at FOX'S Drug Store Voters' List Court. Notice is hereby given that a Oonrt win be held, pureuaut to The Outeri° Vetere' List Ao6, by His Honor the Judge of the Comity Court of the County oI Huron, at the Township 11 all, on the 24th day of Ootober, 1000. at 11 c'oloolf In the forenoon, to bear and determine the several complaints of errors and omission in the Vetere' Diet of the Muuieipality oI Grey for 1008. All per- sons baving business at the Court are re- quired to attend at the said time. and Cleo°. Dated at the Townenip of Grey this 4th day of October, A. D, 1000, JOHN MOIOTOSH, Clerk of Grey Twp, AUCTION SALE —0E— Valuable Farm Property IN THE TOWNSHIP OF GREY Under and by virtue of the Powers of Sale in a certain Mortgage made by one Alfred Ward, to the Vendor now in default and to bo produced at the time of Salo, there will be offered for sago by Public All°tiOn at the Central Hotel in the Town of Brussels, nu Saturday. the Third Day of November, 3500, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon:— All and singular that certain parcel or tract of /and and premises eftuate, lying au,i being in the Towuelitp of Grey, in the Coun- ty of Huron, being composed of the West Half of Lot Number Thirty -tour in tho Fifth COnoeeeion 01 the Bald Township of Orey, containing twenty-five acres, more or lees. Tan= 028 8ALL•.--The property will be of- fered for Bath Bubjeot to a reeery0. bid. Tou per cent of the purob0s8 money to be paid to the Vendor or her Solioltors at tbe time of sale, and the balance within Thirty days thereafter without intermit. It desired an arrangement wilt be made try watch part of tbo purchase price will be seemed by Flrot Mortgage with Interest at Five and cue -ball per cent. For further particulars apply t , HEIGHINO TON Jr LONG, Home Lite Build - log, Toronto, Solioltors for the Veudor ; or to A.B. MAODON ALD, Bolioitor, B russets, Dated at Toronto this 801 day of Ootober, 1000. 14.9 Brussels Daylight Store _ G.. N. McLaren IteVitPIn9 11,11,10110011ntNO4 ,010,1 J401 4,.101.'4,1,AGN.1,01,'IW4'Iielielhl4d4,'e,'le•ie'lu'In'trl,plJa 01,8 10111.aPt 41"01tVlin'lii B'llo lli.1 '4at"111IAMielt010%.1 4,'111110,0.1 ld'1 Ladic& Fur Coats We have without a doubt the very best values to be bad in Ladies' Fur Jackets—Trim- med and Plain. There are none better and few to equal our Jackets at the prices. We start them at $25.00 up to $50 00, with all the between prices as well. We have something "Spec- ial" in our Fur Coats. In the first place, they are "interlined," that is there is a heavy fitted lining between the skins and lining proper—this relieves the strain on the pelts. This "costs extra" but we have learned from experience that it pays in the end. Then our Coats are all lined with extra heavy Skinners Satin, and in places where there is extra strain on them they are hand sewn with linen thread. 'They are made from choice soft Skins, good curl and beau- tiful bright gloss. They are perfect fitting garments and are guaranteed by the makers and by us. We cordially invite you to pall and examine this. stock and compare them with others. Fur, Kufs, Stales, Caperilnes, Caps and . Muffs In all the newest designs—Natural Sable, Dyed Coon, Grey Lamb and numerous dyed Furs called by different names, and the prices are the lowest, at from $2.00 to $18.00. Jtlen's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats ready for your Inspection Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes—complete assortment Winter Underclothing for Ladies 4' Children, Men & Boys Here's a Good Thing in Flannelettes Just now when you can make good use of some wide Flannelettes we offer you a snap worth investigating. 17 pieces good quality, fine, even weave, 85 and 86 inches wide, 80 in a choice range of patterns ; take them while they last at per yard v 81.35 Black Sateen Underskirts for 98c 5 dozen Women's extra heavy quality Black Sateen Shirts, extra full sizes, beautifully made, all double stitched, lengths 88 to 42, are good value at $1.35 ; take tliom 980 while they last at each v eloth Coats for Ladies and Children We have had wonderful success for this, our first season in Brussels, in this depart- ment, and have still some choice garments left. We have also some splendid linos in the Children's Sample Coats. We are in a position to save you money on these. Dress Goods and Trimmings Ladies' and Men's Furnishings Always the Highest Prices for Produce Goods Right or Your Money Back Yours for Mutual Benefit G. N. McLaren Next Door to American house SeArlowtodiviritAmeithAwnewielAnevwevivvvii * ll ti