HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-10-18, Page 4C t x.1 sseIO est,
THURSDAY, OOT 18, 1906
Noehtielree in the Dominion bye oleo
tlein for Northj3rpaB will take plan
n0xt Teieeday, 23rd inst., eleidi0n fol
lowing a week later. It Is enid Mritf
h'olmie; ez.. P,, of Ifiuoardine, eland
$ 1100aal
00d 011anee of 018011011. Tue de
of the late member le the 014880 of t
Tido POST would like to Bee the School
Board, baoked up by a Committee in the
town, if neoeeeary, arrange for a. series of
games and sports open to the pupile of
the school the same to be held early emit
Fall to be followed on the evening of that
day by a Oonoert in the Town Hall,
There is a charm alloat athlebioe to the
youthful that is not eaelly defined and if
kept in its proper place is no doubt pro.
declive of good. A sound mind is of
inestimable value but eo is a well develop.
tad body. We hope this waiter will he
taken hold of end set on foot by whatever
organizatiou le ne088eary eo that the
pupile will be enabled to look forward to
snob a day a year hence. THE Poor
will be pleased to further the object,
No doubt the Tara 000=08810n will
have a busy time *hie Fall in the oat.
Sideration of the many and varied inter.
este to be preeented. The work to be
done regoirea a clear mind, a broad out.
look and a spirit of tairneee in the con.
sideration of so diversified and diver-
gent matters, We are sensible of the
faet that the manufesttrere oannot be
overlooked but at tha came time the
agrionitarol department meet not be al.
lowed to gaffer iu attempting to give ed.
vantages to other Masses. The pos.
sibility of making itch in a fsw years
by high tariffs should be out oat but
legitimate profits should be taken into
consideration in tariff making. The
wisdom of the Commission will no doubt
-:be often taxed bat we have faith enough
in the-geutlemeo oompoeing it that the
"'very beet will be done for the general
well being of the Dominion.
THE liquor traffic and its advooatee
have peculiar methods not eaeily euder-
stood at all times. Here's an example.
Tara is a Local Option village and it
eeeme the hotels were not attempting to
reverenoe the law. They were brought
to book and fined. Berman of this they
udoeed up their houses and decided not to
entertain the public. To meetthis oon-
dition the temperance people are arrang.
ing bo look after the travelling pnblio. A
boyoobting program always etrikee ne as
the meanest kind of a plan of attempting
to a000mplieb au end. The liquor traffic
mast sooner or later aeoept the inevitable
as the trend of time. i8 largely in favor
of prohibitory meatarea. Pueeibly one
of the most difficult problems the tem
peranoe people have to lane is the 000ee.
Bary provision to meet the 811081ion of
affairs evidenced at Tara and other
pieties. The praobical solution le the
aereial consideration of the essential
a000mmodatioo and thereby demo0etrat.
lug to the pnblio that the bar room is not
a neoeeeity to the maintenance of a
popular boetlery. Of course the abnormal
profits of the regular hotel business used
not be expected but the tests being made
will clear the atmosphere of an anbi-
tempera0oe bugbear along the lino of
necessary accommodation. Where the
Local Option law bee been harried it
should be rigidly enforced.
hr a bountiful harvest, freedom from
pestilence, plague and disaster, proeperity
attending almost all departments of trade
a0d commerce, great growth in the
development of the West, peace and
plenty witbiu oar borders, with innum.
erable National and religions comforts,
biessiny, and privileges, should call for
devonttbankeglving, not only on the day
specially set apart for this purpose but
every day of nor lives, then the people of
the Dominion of Clarinda are the ones
who ehould praise and thank the God of
all their mercies. It is not bulikely that
the oonobant return of these many ines-
timable gifts may opium ns t0 sometimes
lorget their author and giver, receiving
them es a matter of course, but how
(pinkly we could be shorn of our strength
if aa decreed. How puny the human arm
in ikelt. While oar granaries are full to
overflowing, and we are enjoying the good
things of this life in health and etrengtb
lab us take up a °horns of thanksgiving
and back it up by thenkeliving and there.
by praotioally exemplify what may morn
eaeily•be spoken than lived out. "Tie
Lord hath done great things for no where
of we are glad." Thursday -the day of
National Tbankagiving-sboold oa11 oat
out sober thought and grateful e0know•
"Praihe ye the Lord 1 tie good to raise
Your beano and v0loe8 in Hie praise ;
Hie nature and Hie works invite
To make tbis duty our delight."
be T Eleventh nn al A a Oonaeution of
the Stratford Dietriol Epworth League
will be held in Mitchell, 'Tumidity and
Wednesday, Oot, 9th and 10th.
It, W. Dillon, formerly a teacher in
Mitchell High School, bat who has been
editor of the St. Catharines Star Journal
La! fb44tbodt fifteen months, has resigned bis
position to Wept a Iterative appoint.
hent under theDominlon Government at
OttaWit,,Mr, Dillon woe an the staff of
the Stratford Beacon 10111e time, aIleum
afterwards woe publisher of the St,
Marys Argus,
The probabilities are that the roaotion,
cry storms in llrogr888 as Ootober 001110,
in will reach their ooiminatiou on mad
00001ing the 2nd. Severe and dougerone
tropical 5108015 are iudloated for 800111.
ern parts of the o0nnbry, with a wide and
ferpelal-storm mare owning to meet
them out of the Northweet. The regul-
ar storm period obartered from Sud to
7th, will take up the disturbauoea and
renew and prolong them during the first
week of the month. We warn oar read.
ore of very dieagreeable, if nut deetruotive
storms end Weet110r at this end the fol.
lowing Ootober periods. The second ie
the oenbral day of a probable soi8mlo per.
iod extending two or three days before
Dud after that dela. Look for Northwest
galea end a change to nnreaeounbly cold.
Be on the watch iu the Northwest, for
this oold wave as early as the 3rd to 6th.
A reaabionory etprm period is central on
the 10th lltb and 12th, Look at this
time fora return of storm oonditione.
The Venue influence all through this part
of Ootober will tend to extremes of tem.
peratore, with storms all the way from
vicious lightoiog and thunder, to sudden
ohange into almost winter storms and
temperatures. These autumnal etorm
areas will almost certainly bring eevere
to dangerous di-turbanoea over Northern
lakes. A regular storm period clovers
the 16thto the 20th, having new moon
at he centre ou the 17th. In all proba
bility this will prove one of the most
severe to dangero0e storm periods of this
mouth, if not the whole Aatumo. The
17th is the oeotre of another eoiemio
period, extending from the lath to the
20th. This is a most probable time when
some more earthgnakse will oonolnde to
"let go." Read dispatches from the
world over and Bee. A reactionary ,term
period, is central on the 23rd and 25th,
Navigators of the big lakes will pay for
all reokleee disregard for storm warnings.
See if they don't. A regular stoma
period covers tbe last five days of the
month, Wide stretobes of olondinese,
rain and snow will pose aorose the whole
country from West to Beet. The oral
minatio0 of these storms will probably
center on the 31st, on or before which
date an early oold wave, with deoided
daebee 01 Aatgmuai snow and galea, will
be well on their sweep from the North•
Preventioe, as the name implies, pre-
vent ell Colds and Grippe when taken
at the sneeze stage. Preventioe are
toothsome windy tablets. Prevenbioa
dissipate all oolde quickly, and taken
earl when you fleet feel that a oold is
coming, they cheek and prevent them.
Preventioe ere thoroughly safe for chid.
dron, and as effectual for adults, Sold
and recommended in 5 omit and 26 cant
boxes by F. R. Smith.
B. B. Gunn, M. P., attended the Fair
at Kirkton and gave se address.
The little daughter of 0. H. and Mrs.
Broadtoot was seriously ill for a few days
lest week.
0. H, Broadtoot lett on a boeineee trip
to the Canadian West. He expeote to go
through as far es Vancouver,
Workmen are now enraged in emoting
the cement foundation for the new and
enlarged hnildinge of the Bell Rugine
Jae. and Mrs. Soott and family, of
Roxboro, have moved to town and will
live in Mr. Farquhareon'a pottage on
James street.
The horse "Sidney" owned by the late
George Whitely was sold. John and
Tobias Naeb Were the pnrohesere, pay.
lag $575.00 for it.
Thateday being Thanksgiving day, the
Ladies' Aid of the methodist ohatob twill
bold their annual Thankegiviog dinner in
the basement of the ehorob.
H, F. Thompson, of Kettering, Eng.
land, h88 arrived in town, He ie an ex-
pert shoe cutter and will take a position
in the W. H. Willie Shoe Factory.
R. 61. Peak, of the Seaforth magic
store, has base Buffering from a severe
attack of heart trouble. His ease was
quite seldom for some days but he ie now
Chas. Smith, of Walton, has moved his
family to town and will aaoopy the reel
derma of the late Mrs. Faith, which be
recently pnroboeed, Mr. Smith hae ob
twined s position with the Oanada,Furni-
ture Co. here.
The Oollegiate Institute held their
anneal sports on Wedneeday, Out. 17th.
The contest was held on the Agrionitaral
grounds at 1 60 p. m., and a good program
of sports wa8 arranged for the after/200e.
In the evening a concert was given jn the
Assembly Hall of the Collegiate 'esthete
when the winners of the various events
were announced and tbe prizes awarded.
G odericli.
Oe Wednesday afternoon of last week
a load of hay was brought to town on a
sleigh, and several of thane Winter
carrier%were out.
A. portion of the C. P, R, trestle work,
near the elevator, alongside of which the
C. P. R. steam ebovel was digging, has
gg g,
collapsed, owing to the Grand Trunk
H. W. Polley, who hag been in the
office of Proudfoot, Hays & Blair for a
long period, left for Winnipeg on Mon.
day, of last week where ho hae obtained
a good position.
Daniel Ferguson, who hag been market
olerk of the town of Goderlob for tee past
twelve years, closed hie term of office on
Saturday, hie tender for continuation in
the office not being the bigheet,
Goderich Planing Mill Co. has seven
houses under 0outraot and le preparing
carpenter work in part or whole for
nineteen. The Company's mill is ran
thugs daya to its Meek oapaeity.
A8 the result of a 8814008 accident
w111oh 000urred about eleven elolooli
Friday morning et the bridge the 0. P.
IL, are oonetraotiog acmes the Maitland
River here one mem was killed and three
badly injured, A hoisting engine mount.
ed one dab Dar on the bridge woe raising
a girder, when the oar fell over into the
rive n finder John Ma T
r, D S Maddleford, an
'Englishman, Cell with it and reoeived
injuries from wbioh ha died almost
immediately. Jock Campbell and D.
Lynn, of thio town, Were badly hurt, the
former having several ribs and an arm
broken ,the latter an atm broken. Har-
vey Gillman, of Peterboro, received in.
jurie0 in the book and le gold 10 be
seriously hoot.
The Goderich Gospel Temperance
League have made arraugemente for the
sppearanoe here of Rev. J. H. Hector oe
Sunday and Monday, Nov. 2Iet and
22nd, Mr. Hector will be aoupmpeeled
by mrs. Hector and Miss Hector.
Tlie total re0elpte of the exoureion from
the Westerly and Southerly part pt
Huron county to the Guelph Agricultural
College in June loot, under the auspi000
of the Farmers' Institutes of the county,
were 698I 30. Of Ibis amount $201,26 to
divided among the three riding Inetita.
tee, Tiokete were sold for 776 adult° and
56 ohildren,
Young' Will, Richards, who was Lound
guilty of petty thieving and was banded
over to a Children's Aid Society and
by them plaoad in a footer ions near
Glencoe, ran away from the farmer he
was living with and returned to town.
He bad hardly more them returned here
when he repeated hie old pertormanee,
stealing 210 from a atone iu (own, In
eo0rt on Tuesday he also admitted a
small theft from Elie house he was living
at to briug him home. He will be token
to the Industrial Home at Mimico.
Thos. McLaughlin, accompanied by hie
two litt'e girls, lett for Charlton, Nipis-
sing District, where they will make their
Ware home,
Rev. T. H. Farr has completed hie firet
year aa rector of Triufty ahead' and o0
Sunday, 7th inet., gave a synopsis of hie
year's work.
The supper given by the Ladies' Aid of
the Presbyterian oburoh ou Saturday
evening, 6th inet., was well atteuded.
The ladies realized about $40.
Sunday the Methodist oburoh held
their auuivoreary eervioee. Rev. W. G.
Roman, of Wingham, ooudtoted the
oervioee. Monday evening the annual
entertainment was held. Mneioal pro-
gram and addressee by Revs. W. G.
Howson, A. B. Dobson, and T. H. Farr,
A thank offering was received at the
Real estate has begat to ohange hands
this Fall. W. J. Spotton has gold
100 aoreo on the 2nd line to Nelson
Plant. The remaining 52 sores will be
offered for Bale on Oot. 28rd by public
00otiou. He has purchased the Spotter]
farm at Orange Hdl and will get po00ee.
cion next March. Lento Wade has pur-
ohaeed the 50 acres, owned by Samuel
Wileoo, Bruesele, and ooenpied by Mr.
Barnet, consideration, about $3,000. It
is aleo reported that W. H. Newton has
purchased a farm on the 9th con., Minto,
and that J. D. Scott hae purobaeed one
near Jameebown.
HowICK FAIr.-Tbe aonnel exhibition
of the Howick Fall Show, held hi Ford-
wich on Saturday, Oot. 6th, was a no.
cess when the state of the weather is
taken into consideration. It rained
steadily all day and being obilly and
disagreeable, it's a wonder eo many ex.
bibitore and others were present, but ex.
bibitors were here from Mtldmoy, 0111 -
ford, Harriston, Palmerston, Listowel,
Brussels, Wingham and the surrounding
uo0ntry for many miles. The exbibite,
on the whole, were ea0iefaobory. Howick
Agricultural Society hae always been
revered with flue weather, but this year
while all the surrounding Faire were
favored with ideal weather, Howick had
the most disagreeable day for many
weeks peat. The exbibite were good in
the live stook department. Some floe
noraee were on exhibition, H. Zinn, of
Wallace, being among the number with
file doe etring of light horses. The cattle
exhibit was larger than last year, some
good stook being shown. The exhibition
of sheep wail far behind .former years,
exhibitors thiuking it nowise to bring
them oat in the rain. The eboiving of
ewlue was only fair and there were only
a few birds in the poultry exhibit. The
made exbihit was splendid for the day.
04 fruit there was a good display. The
exhibit of apples was expeoially large end
better then former ye0re,there being some
tine epeoimeue, proving that thio die0ricl
cannot be sorpaeeed. The dairy and
provisions department was well patron.
feed, but in roots end vegetablee the die.
play was muob smaller than usual. In
the ladies' work and fine arts there
were not many exhibitors, without doubt
tine to the wet day. In /he old men's
race there were only two appeared on the
4aene. The president J. H. Johnston,
was there and he looked rather die
appointed when his racing mates of last
year, Thos. Akins, and Jas. McEwen
000ld not be found. They were afraid to
meet him this year and did not show op,
Many think that they tripped the preen.
dent last year as be finished up in doe
form although he was primed hard by
his racing mate, Jas. Rowe. The fair
has grown to such proportions that many
are of the opinion that Howick Fair
should be made a Iwo day fair. There is
too mnob hurry and worry receiving the
entries in a few boure,' every exhibitor
being in a burry and those who have
made entries before Fair Day wish to
change some entries already made and
make others.
r -s.-__- 760/017110. .1 4.",...m
Public Notice.
PUBLIO NOTION to hereby elven Ohio
0lttiug or the Oourt o1 Rov101eu at th0 hone.
on of November,
ouMonday, 1406010
day 0f Novomher, 1006, at los 108118 01 algin
tlit t
p.m„far the hearing of Bp.talo pnl'eaaht
tthe etatutuo lit that =half dnle l0spo01els the
sidewalks eel out In eohedal0 the flus and
the a oolo4 aaeeeetthe of the flse11ouul
Pt thereof upou t 102.1,
part of elite rt 1 u to
ort of bis bo lutsr 0 40 8uaut to u the
Olerk'sort 00 p0104 date now ou 1 h 'o the
=the 2d dated au sot out hereafter.
That the estimated coat of the said 2
provemente are set out in s ,0
fetid and
aro peptibdein fifteen equal annual Instal.
numb] of principal and iptereet o0mbiu4d,
iutereet henries .at four and •one half per
emit per aurum, and the laude proposed to
beespoobtlly.tis teased therefor =mints of
the laude cot out W the-eohadele following.
Mat the following petitions have bean
reeeived ler Sidewalks as eat out undor the
toopoevlve-ppe0itfopo ae 18l1ow0 1-
Petttiot No, 49 -Por a 4 -loot eemnnt aide.
walk on the West adds of Adexauder street
between Monne; aud,Flora streets in 8nid
Village of Brneeels;
Petition No. 50 -Fur a 4.foot Dement :side-
walk on the North side of Queen street be.
Wean Albert and Walnut streets In the. surd
Vllhtge ;
Petition M.O.-Per a 4.1000 cement side-
walk on the West side of Alexander street
between Flora street end the Southerly
benndery of lot 606 iu the Bald Village ;•
Petition No. 62 -Fora 4 -foot moment side.
walk on the South side of Queen street be-
tween Turnberry street and Easterly bound-
ery of the Village of Brussels,
Petition No, 68 -For a 4 -foot clement side-
walk 00 the West side of Albert street, be-
tween Queen street and the Northerly boun-
dary of Village Lot No, 267 In said Village 1
Petition No, 60 -For a 9.foot cement side -
well( 00 the West aide of James streetbe-
tween King street and Market street lu said
Vi hose.
That the dates of the Eaglneer's report 108
Petitions Nos, 99, 60,51 and 62 are dated the
10th day of September, 1900, and for Peti
Mous Noe, 60 and 64 are dated the 28011 day
of September, 1900, and the let day of Oe.
tober, 1900, respectively.
m •
d w em ow 8 c OWNER e'J is 0
4r,!0°, W 4494
49 892 Thomson 01 23 ft Din 97/1687
898 N7 Batekman,,, J 42 ft 9 fu 177/1587
Ouoningham,J 4
894081199 ate y, A M 1241t 808/1587
896 Holmes, BMA 84 ft 6 in 088/1587
Corporation Bruesele 103 ft 408/1807
Estimated total =et, 9,080 80
50 282' Hetet, David 0lex 6 t B in 26611 /2888
288 Hetet, Wm 66 it 6111 200/2888
284 Oakley,Eng,1 87 ft 288//808
Tait, John ff
2850286 40ewsom, Sue. 40 13811 682/2988
287 McGregor, Elie 71 .0 284/2888
Corporation Brussels 112 ft 6 in 46423..8
Estimated total cost, 8270 00
51 806 Martin, Wm • 2211 0 in 00/300
Corporation Brussels 74 ft 298/300
Estimated total cost, 842 48
62 196 MaLeueblin, E 22 ft Glu 80/6402
Wp6196 lie yoroft, E 081t Gia 164/5400
Det180 Backer, Alf 96 ft 6 in 180/6400
200 201 Sharp, Jae 107 It 6,n 428/0400
205 Grower, Annie 82 ft Oiu 020/5400
206 W1110p,J J 88 ft 882/5400
216 216
21 16111, Alex res 107 ft 100 1t 424/5400
217 Lowry, Deo 7310 0 fu 2114/0400
118 Hewlett, UIle9 75 ft/200/5400
219 Heist, Heery 7410 296/5400
210 221 Campbell, Mary 100 ft 800/6400
Corporation Brussels 909 ft '1080/5400
Estimated total eoet, 8023 00
53 254 Currie, Thos 74 f 0 290/1880
265 Heist, Sarah J 66 ft 61n 260/1380
167 MMon ehlw'John 07 ft 288/1880
u, Wm 69 It 0 In 260/1089 Br
Corporation Brussels 741E 299/1889
Estimated total.cost, 6187 00
04 Ep0156.7 Newsom, T 77 ft 808/1480
Pt 157.8 Muldoon, G 73 ft 202/1489
Pt 158.9 Stewart, W F 1 60 ft 240/1480
Stewart, W H 1
Oorporatiou Jimmie 180 ft 640/1480
Estimated total coat, 8169 00
Dated at Brussels this 8th day of October,
F. 8, SCOTT, Clerk.
uodereigned will keep for service -at
Lot 6, Ooa, 12, Grey, the there' -bred Berk-
shire hog, "Shining lcon." Aerms-81 for
grades and $2 for thorn' -bred sows to be
paid at time of serve= with privilege of re-
turning if necessary. DANIEL SHINE,
12.4° Proprietor,
here bred Leicester Ram Lambs.
8•11 N, A, MILNE, Ethel.
1. Bulls for sale. Two were prise win.
ners at Brussels Fall Fair, They are clan -
Mee. - Red and roan In color. Lot 8, Con, 9,
14-tf Brnosole P.O.
-11- aan8r0Nitn will rent for a term of ave
years North Half Lot 24,Oonoeeeicn 6, Town-
ship el Morrie: containing 100 acres, Parties
wauting this kindly call at lose eo they eau
do Fab work. F. B. SCO PT.
C. O. F.
Court ',ignition A1=04141 99., No.24, 0. 0. L'.,
Brneeele, meets i0 their Lodge Room, Bias.
11111 Blook, on the 2nd and last Tuesdays of
ettah month, at 8 o'clock. Visiting brethren
always welcome,
Clinine Milililery
We wish . to announce to our Customers
that we are again prepared to - show - you the
Newest Styles in all classes of Millinery, pro-
cured from
ro-cured-from the most up-to-date warehouses.
We follow the Fashions very closely, and
you may procure the same styles as are being
worn in Toronto, Chicago and Detroit.
We thank you for past patronage, and are
better prepared this season than ever to give
ati f i
s s set ou. Call and secu e.
Miss Strachan
Stocks are fairly bristling with Newness, It would be unfair of us to point
to any one department as the peer of the rest. What we attempted to do we have
accomplished—fixed it that no matter what line of goods yon are interested in,
that section answers "Ready" with confidence..
Lady shoppers will find much in Dress Goods and Mantles to interest them.
We've been particularly particular to assure ourselves that every weave and plat -
tern is what will be the exactly correct thing For the coming season,
There's a pleasing diversity of Fashionableness among all that pertains to
Ladies' Wear. Will you try and find time to give theses goods a portion of your
attention ?
Then the men folk haven't been neglected—not the least danger of that.
Fall and Winter Clothing, from Sox to Overcoats and from Mitts to New Suits
are inviting an examination with all the enthusiasm that should attach to these
important lines,
Read. the List Visit the Departments
—Beautiful Wide -wale Dress Goods in suit lengths, the very lat-
est, at $1.00 and 81.25 per yard.
—Grey Overehecked Tweeds, 46c, 50c, 75c, and $1.00.
—All Wool Amazons, made from pure Botany Wool, very special
values, in an immense color range, at 75c and $1.00.
—Special All Wool Henrietta, in splendid range of shades, at 50c.
—Silk and Wool Henrietta at $1.00.
—All Wool Clan Tartans at 50c.
—Beautiful Satin Cloth at 50c, 75c and $1.00.
—Black Taffetta Silks at 50c, 66e, 75c and $1,00.
— 8 pieces 60 in. Table Linen, real value 85c, extra special at 25c.
—2 pieces only 72 inch Unbleached 'fable Linen, worth regular
50e, special at 850.
—10 dozen only Ladies' Ribbed Cashmere Stockings, real value
35c, special price 25e.
— 8 dozen Men's Wool Socks, ribbed tops, worth regular 150 each,
special at 12;c per pair.
—2 pieces 18 in. Linen Toweling, regular 8c, special at 5c per yd.
— 12 only Ladies' Black Satin Underskirts, lined throughout with
heavy Flannelette, worth reg. 81.85, while they last at 81.
—15 only Heavy Comforters, size 60x72, worth $1.75, on sale
at 81.25.
—3 dozen only Ladies' Flannelette Gowns, in plain pink, also
white, worth 75e, on sale at 50e.
Dry Goods, Mantles, Furs; Carpets, Men's Furnishings, Dress -making & Tailoring
14011 000., Grey. Apply to
8184000033, Brneeele. -
• undersigned offers for sale an sore of
laud upon which is a comfortable dwelling
house, stable, fruit trees, good over.dowlog
well, 00. Property is located d of a mile
East of Oranbrook and convenient to eohool,
=melt, poetottoe, 0e, Poseeeelou at any
time. For price, terms, 0a., apply on the
premiee9 to M. RAYMANN.
0.1f or Oranbrook P. 0.
2nRsiOAnn offers for sale a good 100
acre fares, being N7 Lot 21, Con. 3, Morrie.
All 10 grass or under crop. Brink veneered
house, bank barn with atone wall, sheep
house, 00. Good orobard; well fended;
near school and =moll. Posseseiou 00,0 be
given next March. For farther particulars
apply to G, W. TUBVEY, proprietor, or
Bluevale P. 0. 8-01
The undersigned . offere her 100 acre
farm, being Lot 20, Ooo. 7, Grey, for Bale or
to rent, Comfortable house, bank barn,
orchard, wells, 00. Farm le only of a mile
from the stirring village o2. Ethel. For fur-
ther particulars apply to F, 8. 800tt,. Brus-
sels, or MRS, RATIO HOLLAND, 72 Shu0er
Street, Toronto. 07.801
and 2 acres of land for sale on Walnut
street, Brussels. Brick house, good stable,
bard and soft water, small orchard, 00.
Propertylu good shape. Immediate posses-
sion can be given, Also a eement brlok
making machine for sale. For.further par-
ticulars apply on the premises,
Proprietor, Brussels.
LE11010FEa offers hie flue 100 sore
htrm,beiugR Lot 15, Oen. 12, Grey, for sale.
Oomforbable house, bank barn, orchard, 0u,
Farm le in a good state of cultivation and
adjoins the village of Oranbrook, where are
stores, ohnrehes, shops, dm, Poseeeoion
given next Fall. For further particulars as
to primo' terms, 00., applyon the premises
or Oraubrook P, U. CV moue 8PARL2N0,
• 1.11 Proprietor.
uudereigued offers his house and lot,
situate on Mill 0treet, Iguana's, for ea10.
it hi wen looated, a convenient and 801n1ort
table home. Poe0ee01on eau be given at
once, Will also sell the vacant tot, corner
of Mill and Elisabeth etreot,, which would
make 2 -Sue building site. For further par-
tloular0 as to prion, 040100, 00., apply to
FRED. ADAMS, Hardware Dealer, ,Nord-
Cob. 80.4
pension= effete 111, 100 'sore farm,
being 84 Lot 18, Oon, 4, Morrie, for sale, 75
acres cleared and all under ara00 exoeptlug
6 Urea, Farm well adapted i2r pasture, a
ue60 tali n e creek rnu
z i ug Prl are a through ie
'Thune a a oomfmquare triune hound lieu
bank barn 80 foot square, pig pen and hen
house 802200 ane shad 20x4b.1 email orchard.
Farmington given any time. For further
particulars apply on the Premien er ad.
dross liruoeolo P. 0. ROBT. &H1ODD19N,
ProprlotoY, 18.11
Lot 22, Con, 0., Grey, containing 80 aoree
all Moored except 2 aurae of bard wood bush,
and i C
e na good,tato o!o d kibebo.
is a goad brisk house and kitchen ;Tneuk
barn 40200 with stone stabling' Straw house,
("rive w tr Ill
houno and n i l w
tier out ul dln e' o ry D
cod 0 d
g r g esg b
1 pm NO
o m d tY «• ni'
b „
orchard, cod wellt •i•i ty a
g well
situ jo h wind I 1"44 P r.
The /4,4178welloltuated adjoining tb,imviil amfntBo41;1,,w W ra..y ,80=cVe,00 gPr." :
sage of l5tbel, when thorn ie all sorts 114 9 a5` ..o 1190 10,
001400niehoen, Tho farm w111 bo Boldon I'
easy_ tome. For further particulars 10 ply 1 o .e _ 2 o d 0 +bo ` "is d $a fp! o f
to WILLIAM SLEMMON,Ettel P. O. eie-e . 17944aa Fsas =ii isrrpYW S'Nld,$sl1 +' P, 'v'
Banat of Hamilton
[Capital, Pahl up, 82,600,000
Reserve Feud, $2,501,000
Total Assets, $29,000,000
President, - . HON. WM. GIBSON
VIae President & General Manager,
Sayings Department -Ample security
for Depositors.
Deposita of $1.00 and upwards received,
Interest allowed at current rates and
compounded hall. yearly.
ADVANCES made to Farmers for
feeding stook.
'Sale Notes' ootleoted end advances
made thereon.
Drafts bought and sold,
t % S08 s $Sr!>rdigit X50
The undersigned beg leave
to notify the farming community
that they are now ready to do
all kinds of Grain Chopping and
Crushing at lowest rates. All
work will be promptly and care-
fully attended to.
Manitoba and Ontario Flour,
Bran, Shorts, &o., always in stock
and sold at Market Prices.
Thuell Bros.
Mill at Electric Light Building.
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
ANY even numbered motion of Dominion
Lands in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and
Alberta, excepting 8 and 28, not reserved,
may be homesteaded byally e who is
lho Bolo head of a famil, menac
, or Bey male over
18 years of nge, to the extent of one-quarter
section of 100 awes more or lees.
Entry may be made personally at the
local land 1 case for the dietriot Sn which'
the laud Is situate.
The homesteader fs required to perform
the ou editions 0ouueoted therewith under
Due of the following plane:
(1) At least six months' residence upon.
and eultiyatlon of the laud in each year for
three years,
(2) If the father (or mother, if the father
is deceased) of the holnesteader resides
upou a farm 10 the Titiaity of the land
entered for the requirements as to root.
deuce may be satiated by =eh person re-
siding with the father or mother.
181 If the settlor has his permanent reel -
dente upon farming land owned by hien
fu the vicinity of his hemeetead, the re-
quirements as to residence may be satis-
fied by Maiden= upon the Bald land.
Bixmouthe' entice in writing should be
given to the Commissioner of Dominion
Lands at Ottawa of Intention to apply for
DN. B, Unauthorised Minister
hon of this ad.
vertlsemeut will not be paid for.
Toronto nage and
Mehl Co'y
For Rags, Iron, Rubbers,
Wool Pickings, Horse Hair,
Hides, &c , &c.
Highest Prices for All
Mill st. West, Brussels
fj•°'8eew .iyp' my tl°G ...'g.:ppo teBo' N ptst
ov a aMa1R11r° /frra,,iaryi oi hp.
g •m
pC5FJo a- v'g oq
ei 0~Oi1