HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-10-18, Page 1Vol, 38. No, 18 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1906 New Advertisements. Stook for ante—John Mental, Auction sale—Jamee Turnbull, Ladies' fur coats—G, N. McLaren. Leading Commercial School—Stratford Bueiueee college, x xicI tlxfs, li3ti)gru,ve. Mise Lottie MaGrogor, of Paisley, is visiting at A. H. Halliday'e this week. Miee Olive Wilson, of Alpena, Mioh„ is visiting her grandpareule, Mr. and Mre. Bowler. Robert Geddes' daughter, Iembeli, le at present very ill. We hope for her speedy reoovery. Several from thio iooality attended the funeral of the late W. J. Johueton, last Sunday. Poetmaeter Sproat attended the Pon mentors' Convention at Clinton '1'ueeday of Inst week. Wm. Wray hag been alightly indiepoe• ed for the past two weeke but le able to be around again, Daniel Fraser and family, who have lived in Belgrave for a number of yearn, have moved to the Soo. Lattalbeer-y. Mise Bella Haoksvell has been under the doctor's caro and ae recovering nicely. Ole are pined, to hear Alex. Roes ie improved in health and able to be around nein. David McOutoheoo hag returned home Irom the Went after spending the Sum. mer there, Miee Windsor is spending Thanks- giving et her home accompanied by Miee Gertie Forbes. A good night's entertainment ie prom. feed the young folks tie the Union School Grey and MuKillop on the evening of the 24th Wien a Box Boatel will be held in the interests of the Suuday School. A. good evening's enjoyment ie neared ae the oommit0e hee arranged an excolient program. Everybody weloome, Oranbrook Cider Mill The Cider letill here has commenced operations and Cider and Apple Batter will be made any day in the week (barring Sunday) while the season lasts. CAMERON BROS, 14-4 Proprietors. B�ut Eor�e� That my Photo. Studio will be open on THANKSGIVING DAY. It will not take long to get a Photo. taken and have them liuiehed for Xmas Presents. If your Family ie all at home for the Thanksgiving Turkey come and get a group taken. We oan make yon a Photo. 14x17 in. No better pioture to furnish your parlor. Como early. Always welcome. Satisfaction Guaranteed, H. R. BREWER Christopher White baa been re•eneaged by the trustees of the Leedburry eohool for next year. Mr. White le a tenober of great ability and is deserving of the ex- tra remuneration the new eohool law en. titles him to, °rann b COO it. Miee Melanie in visiting in Brussels. Mre. Adam Baker Dame from Heneall (hie week. Mre. F. Reddntz ehowe little improve. went we are sorry to Mato, John Cameron, jr., attended the funeral of Jae. Collins, Wiugbam, last week. D. Johnston and A. Perrie went to Toronto ou Monday with a ooneigoment of cattle. Mina Marion McDonald, of Newark, le vieiting at her fathere, Peter McDonald East of Oraubrook. Mrs. Livens bee returned to Ingersoll after spending a few Jaye with her par• este, J. and Mre, Dining. Poetmaeter Reymann was at Clintm, last week attending the P. M. Convention and reports a good meeting. The telephone wires are on the poles bot the instrumento are not here yet. We hope they will Boon arrive. Our teacher, Mies McKay, will attend the Teaobere' Convention at Wiugham out Friday and Saturday of tbia week. Thanksgiving eervioe will be held in Knox M inrob fu thin village on Thursday morning, Rev, D. B. McRae will oou• duct the eervioe, Rev. D. B. IticRae gave a very inter- esting disoouree on Sabbath Iaet. His eobject was "I do remember my faulte thin day," Geneeie 41at chap. and latter Menne of verse9. Oe Saturday evening Mrs. Fleober'e house °aught fire from the chimney but by the prompt action of the men around the neighborhood it wee soon ander son. trot, though considerable damage wae done, Geo. Stamen has his cider mill ready for operation naw. Be in thinking eer- ileuely of getting iu a larger engine and umuing a chopping mill. Why not buy the flax mill Geo. and ran a griet mill ? Oranbrook in bound to go ahead. If we had a few more onterpriaiug me" the burg might get a railway through it in the near future. A new windmill ie on exhibition at the Oraubroolt pump shop. Parting think ing ot getting a windmill should see (hie one before purohaeing and get prices. Something new and temple. The above new windmill wid be on exhibition al Frannie & Co'e. Carriage Worke Brunets to Saturday afreruoon Oot, 20th. Re- pairs for pumps can be had at R. Fran - ole b Co.'s ehope iu Brueeela. t-nxeLea. Joeeph Cowan waein Lindsay a part of teat week. Editor Carr epeut a few days of this week iu Toronto. Mre. Scott Blaok tae gone to London to spend eome time. Norman Muria returned from Mani - lobe on Saturday. Robert Thompson, of Brunets, was in the village on Friday. Allan H. Rae returned laet Tuesday from a six weeks' trip to t be West. Thos. Playford, of Dauphin, Mao., is vieiting with hie aunt, Mee. B. Playford. Mina Miouin StaP I 9 ot T eeewater was e the guest of Mre, T. G. Hemphill on Fri. day. Will. Griffith, of Hunteville was visit• ing at the home of hie pareate iu Howiok lent week. A load of Foresters from here attended the funeral of the late W. Johnston in Binevale on Sunday afternoon. John and Mre. Bray return to Hamil- ton this week atter a two weeks' visit with their many friends in the village. Mr. Mortara and family who have beau living in Howiok for the past year have moved into D. Martin's reeideuoe on Main street, )vire. 0. Smith and daughter, Mies Rosie, returned from the Week on Fridey where they have visited fqr three months. They were accompanied by Mre, Rae and little eon, of Radiation, Beak. .e4a They are made of pure rubber. 'Will fit any shoe. 'Will stand rough usage. We buy the best and sell at money -saving prices. Men's, women's and children's --all kinds, all prices. Those that are dry and those that are both dry and warm. Some prices:— Children's 40G Lathes' 60c ,[en's 85i pry Shod. r When you wear a pail of our rubbers you know you have a good thing— because they keep the feet dry and they wear well. We sell only brands that have stood the test. IN OUR HARNESS DEPARTMENT will be found all styles of Harness at the best prices, Also Robes, Blankets, Wool Rugs and Rubber Ruge. 3. C. rtatamartnis Mre, W, Rutherford and two children wout to Hamilton on Thursday to visit the lormer'e Otter, ,Mre. 0. I. Sanderson, Word was received here hub week of the death of Mre, Gtbeon, nee Mies Ellie Thynne, of Glenboro Mao„ eldest dough ter of Robert and Mre, Thynne former reeidente of file village, Typhoid fever was the oauee of Mre. Gibeou'e death. A husband and two small children are left to mourn her death. An event of Interest took plane at the home of Mrs. N. Allan at noon lase Wed- useduy when her youngest daughter Mies Sara Allan emu milted iu marriage by Rev, L. Perrin to Wendell Holmue Bevington, of Olevelae'l. '1'lte bride who was unattended, wore a gown of white satin bailete, and was given away by her brother, George Aline. d dainty lunch was served at the tomo of the bride's eleter, Mre. A. Munro, after which Mr. and Mre, Sevington left on the fonr o'clock tram for Toronto and Buffalo where they will visit before going to their home In Cleveland. The bride's going away costume was of brown material with a becoming hat to match. (0rtear - Voters' Litt Court at Ethel on the 24th inet, Township Council will meet on Moo. day, 29th inet. The reeideuoe of Mrs. Hugh McKinnon 7th con., hue been much improved by n new dress of paint, The family of Hugh Porter, IOth con., who have been laid up with typhoid fever is improving and will Boon be o, k, To Wecost IT MAY Commis —I will give Chia name for the Area and last time. Parties ueing my oame,aud uoudemuiug me will be proeeoated to the tallest ex- tent of the law if repented. (Signed) GEO. H. ANDREWS. BABY DIED.—We regret to State that Linnet ieabelta, the infant daughter of W. J. and Mrs. Hemingway, 10th amu., died on 'Thursday et last week, aged 2 menthe and 6 (Jaye. The close of her demise was diarrhoea. Funeral took plane . ou Saturday afternoon to Broeeele nem etery. Rev. Mr. \Viehart °endeared the eervioe. Mr. and Mre. Hemingway will be accorded eiucore sympathy in the going away of their tittle daughter. The 'Teeswater Nowa says :—Wrn. Hemingway, formerly of the 401 of Cal• nee, now of dear Bruseele, has been showing it very fine team of horst in the Agrioulturni olitee at the Faire this Fall. The team go; first prizes at Wiug ham end Luckoow, wooed at Teeswater, and first at Brussels, where there was very etroug competition. Showsd again et all homes on the ground, f00 Brussels, one member of the tram -the bay -was also awarded eweepetekee, eta ore -ten. Townehip Council met last Monday. Miee Mamie Walker as vieiting with Gorrie frieude, 10 note germ TDB POST for a trial trip to the end ot the year. Farmers are busy with their root Drop which is fairly good this year, Miee Bella McTaggart, of Grey, was vieiting Miee Nora Maunders for a few days daring the past week. We are sorry to bear that RevRobt. Maunders, of Theodore, N, W. T., has been ill with fever, but pleased to reportort that be ienotvouafair way to complete reetoration, Don't forget MaLaaablin Broe.' auction Bale of farm stook, implemente, do., on Friday afternoon of tbie week ut 2 o'olook sharp. They have bad the Iunee farm, 6th line, leaned but are giving it up. le epealtiug of the sale of Richard Mitchell's 60 sore farm last week the price waif given eat $2600, the 2 should have been a 3 a0 the figure wae $3,800, Mr. Mitchell purpoeee having an anatiuu Hale of [arm stook, implements, &m in the near future. Mr. Shaw gate pusses. Bion next month. On Tuesday, Boob inet , Jae, Turnbull, lot 19, 6th line, will hold en auction Bale of farm stook, implements, too., with F. S. Boort, tie auottoueer. fur. Turnbull will leave next month for Btrathootta, N. W. T„ whore he porpoees settling. He bee a number ot relatives out there now who have taken op laud. Veax LARGE FUNERAL.—There was a very large Nttendaoee at the funeral of the late Wm, James Johnston, let line, Imes Bueday afternoon. He was eo widely known and reepeated and held affiliation with two strong fraternal Orders that the people attended from tar and near. The eervioe was held in the oburah on the oornor 01 Mr, Jobe• eton'e farm but only a tithe of the people could be accommodated within the ediAoe, Rev. George Baker, of Bluevale, de. teaeed's pastor, conducted the impree give ceremony. His text was "Be y0 aleo ready for in such an hour ee ye think not the Son of Man cometh." Many references were made to the de. parted a0 to his integrity, industry and wide spread influence in the ohuroh and community. The pallbearere were Meters, Johneben, Peacock, Meaner, Jew. its, Oaldbiok and Hughes. Over 200 conveyances were 000uted in the pr0aes• Mon en route to Bluovale oemetery;from the Johnston ohurah, Ou arrival at the last earthly reetiug place the members of the L, 0. L. and 0. 0. F. Soeietiee took part in the burial entvit° after the minister bad read the naval prayers, Tboe. Stewart and Rev, Mr. Baker of. i niabing for the Orangemen and chief Ranger Curtis, and R. N. Duff for the Foresters. After singing to couple of verges of "The Sweet Bye and Bye" and the offering of prayer the large company diepereed in the hope of one day meet• ing the departed where farewells ere never given, Two of Me. Johnetou'e Bone trona Manitoba who were Doming to attend the last sad rites, arrived at Toronto too late Saturday night to get to train home hence the grave was not Ailed in ob`Snn• day eo that the boyo might have a look on the familiar ooente enee of their father, Widespread sympathy ie ex- preoeed with Mra, Johnston„ and tastily to their Budden, bereavement. The de. parlor° of Me. Jobne10u should prove an leoentive to the young people to rally to the work of the ohuroh so that their hi000ry would bo written in imperiebable oharaotero on the paeeing years. No man iu the community will be missed more than Wm, Jae. Johnston, Mr, Renate and 0, Audrewe, a000m- pauied by the Miesee Peeblee, all of At. wood, were vieitore at the home of Mrs, Maunders. The first mentioned is fore. man of the Gement Works at Atwood and Mr. Andrews the ohemiet. The gentle. men are old Irionde of Rev. Joe E. Mann - dere, who became acquainted in Miobi. gen. Albert L, Cole, 601 line, Morrie, who took up a course on meobanloai drawing with mabhematine from the Intonational Correspondence School, Scranton, Penh„ left for Newark, New Jersey, Monday moruing where he has taken a position se meebauioal draltemau with the Weston L`leetrioel Go., o[ that plane. He epeake highly of the School. We wish him eu000ee. Dr. F. Lambie and bride, of Midland, Mioh„ wore visiting with the family of James Dunne a"d other old friends for a few (Jaye last week. Dr, Lambie has Eaten a position on the etaff of the Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, of which he is an honor graduate and medallist, We wish Dr. and Mre. Lambie a happy and proveroos lite. Wearesorry to hear that Hugh Blaok, eon of Donald Bluok, of Algoma, former• ly of Morrie, died at Battlolord, Sask., on October 3rd. Typhoid fever wee the nanee. Hs was 23 years of age and had intended to locate there ae he bud taken up laud. Deuoased was a fine young -wan whose demise will be slnoere- ly regretted, Interment was made at Wiunipeg. Mr. Blank was a nephew to Blank brothers ot this township. Owing to the removal of Mose Janet Hood frim Sunshine to Blyth a rear. ittngmertt of work was emissary in the Methodist ohoroh where iiise Hood so faithfully end Qupably failed the poeitiou of choir leader and Sunday School Super- tnaeudeet. She is anooeeded by Harry Ainlay,nchool teacher who has had eon. eiderable training along the line of hie uew office. We hope the young and older people will heartily aeoond his efforts and if so he will do well we have no doubt. W(ti1ton. The chopping mill of Meson, Hoogy Bros. ie nearing completion. A Thanksgiving eerree will be preaob. ed in Dur'e church next Sabbath, The Walton heeding mill commend the turning of the season's output of heading ou Tuesday. The Daher of '1', G. Wagboru'e new bowie has been excavated, and work on the walla will oommeuae shortly. It is said a co.partnership between Robt. Ferguson and Jae, Harris will be termed for operating a general etore in the uew McLaughlin biook. The Saoremeut of the Lord's Supper WAS observed in Duff's church last Sab• bath, when the largest number in the abnrott'e history partook of the nem - mein. Ou Monday evening a meeting of the Public Library Board was held, at which ft was decided to have au eotettaiomeut in the interests of. the Library in the near future, Last Tuesday Mre. Robb. Contte received a telegraph from Alex. that her sou John, who was sick wit nyP typhoid fever is borne from the Brandon hospital and doing lice. A Box Sofiel will be held in the Union school, 17th non. of Grey, on Wednes- day, 24th inet., under the auepiaee of the Sabbath Saboo! held there. A good programme ie being prepared, and a good time is expected. Don't forget to tome, Ou Thursday evening of next week a series of regular weekly prayer meetings will commeime in the Methodist ohnroh, Rev, R. J. Currie, B, A., the pastor, will conduct the meetings personally, and will take op ',The Lite of Christ" in a aeries of addressee. Meetings will commence at 7.80. Duff's ohurob Anniversary eervioee will be held on Sabbath, Ootober 28th, and will be oonduoted by Rev. Robert Martin, of Knox Church,Stratford. Mr. Martin is a preeoher of great Metall, and as a consequence, he is pastor of one o1 the largest ohurohee in Ontario, there being over four hundred families . in hie congregation. The customary Tea Meeting is to be diepeneed with Ohie yam., ae the Managing Board believes that all emissary tondo for the Carry• mg on of the congregation's work oan be raised without the Tea Meeting's aid. Serviette on the 28th will be at 11 a. m. and at 7 p. m. A RiNDLr Earnaesror.—The Ladies' Aid Society of Duff's church reooguized the logs eoebained by the Society in the demise of the late Mlee Maggie Smillie end Mise Jeau Simpson by the following reeolotion which epeake for itself :—We desire to recognize the great Wee that our Sooioty has enetaiued in the removal by death ot two of our faith ful and devoted woritere, Miee Maggie famillle, and Mies Jean Btmpeon. They were regular in their attendance at the meetings of our Souiety, and were al- ways ready to render all the help in their power towards the Sooisty'e under, takings. We mise them, and shall eon• tintte to do to. They were out off in the vigor of their days, I0 was the baud of God, and Hie ways are t0 ne teecrnt. able ; but we know that He ever death all thiuge well. Ws desire to express our 0100000 sympathy for the fumillee bereft, and the prayer that God in Hie iufiuite ooenpaeeioe may keep them in HIS holy oars, and when hie for them en earth i0 done, tannate them with. their loved ones who have earlier rend,.ed the brightness of the eternal day, and the glories of the heavenly home.. Signed on behalf of the Ladies' Aid Sooiety of Duff's aortal Walton, Mae. A. MscNsn, Hon. President, MRS. R. 11. FERGUSON, Preeidenb, Mee, R. GARDINER, Treasurer, Walton, September 230. Stratford council is in a deadlock over the appointment of Lawyer Steele as city Mork at 91,200 it year, retaining the peanut clerk as aeeie0ant ai hie pres- ent salary, �A W. H. K'ERR, Prop Sunday School and Epworth Leagues meet in Convention at Gorrie. The tenth annual convention of the Epworth Leagaee and Sunday Schools of Wingbam Diatriot was held in the Melba. diet ohoroh, Gorrie, on Tuesday and Wednesday, Oot, Oth and 1001, and was 000 of the best ever held 10 the District. The local League had made splendid arrangement for entertaining the pastors and delegates from the various olrouits. On Taeeday, breakfeet dinner and supper were served in the basement of the oburah—(hie method aided mob in get- ting the Leaguers aogaaieted with one another and bringing them nearer 00 - gather, so that they might the better en- joy the addressee and dieouoalons. In epite of the unfavorable weather about 80 delegates were present, and all seemed to feel at home, and to take a great interest throoghootthe Convention. The first notion opened on Tuesday morning at 9 °'°look, with devotional exeroieee oonduoted by Rev. W. A, Smith, B. D , who °coupled the chair Res'. W. G. Howson, of Wlegham, took aebie eubjeot "The Epworth League." In an eloquent, earnest address he point• ed oat (1) The elements of the League, (2) What it repreeente, (8) Its motto. Rev. R. Miliyard, Chairman of Wing - ham District, took for his eubjeot, "Work," and showed the relation of 000008e in the Epworth Leagues and Sunday Boboole to the amount of "work" and "enthaeiaem" put into them. Der• ing the evening solos were beautifully rendered tate Miens Laird, Hiles and 0, Siugebott. Mlee Joyot, of Laokeow, son tributed a reading entitled "The Light from over the Range." The Mooing session of the Convention was held on Wednesday morning, when severe) ten min00e papers were read by Epworth Leaguers. (1) Praying, by Miee May Reid, of Brink church, Belgrave oirouit ; (2) Testifying, by T, W, Colwell, Kinloagh ; (8) Preparing, by Mre, (Rev.) Finlay, Whitechurch. These papers GORRIE METHODIST CHURCH throughout the eeoeiooe in the abeenoe of the President, Joo. Kerr, of Wiogham, who was unavoidably detained. Then followed very helpful and praotioal ad- dresses given by Rev. E. G. Powell, of Brunets ou "Sabbath Sohools and Missions," and Rev. J. 0. Pomeroy, of Pine River, on "Evangelistic work in connection with the Sunday Sohool." Both addressee were !allowed by interest- ing disouesione. During this session the Nominating or Business Committee was appointed oou• Meting of Revde, Oetorbout, Miliyard, Smith, Powell and Howson. A reeolu- t10n Committee was oleo appointed 000. sieting of Reeds, tMillyard and Pomeroy and Mre. Honer. The Donn boar having arrived the delegates adjourned to bbe basement where n splendid dinner wae served by the Gerrie League. At 2 o'olook the Convention assembled for the afternoon eeeeion, Devotional exeroieee were conducted by the Snore- Lary, Rev. G. W. Rivera, B. A., B. D., of Belgrave. B. Gerry, of Brueeela, in the abeeooe ot W. H. Kerr, handled very ably the eubjeot "The organization and equip. meat of the Bible Claes." Phis aeons. ed a great deal of dieoueaion eepeoially oonoerning the use of the Sunday School Banner. .6.11 seamed to agree that the Banner should be in the hands of the adult members of the School, ae it is the beet "help" we have, though it is net perteo0. The business of the Convention was then transacted. The Nominating Committee reported the officers appoint. ad for the ensuing year, eubjeot of course to the approval of the Convention ae tollowe :—Hon-Pres.—Rev, R. Miliyard ; Preeident,—D. 0. Taylor, Lnoknow ; let Vice-Pres.—Miee Brook, Wingbam ; 2nd Vice-Pres.—S. W. Colwell, Kin - lough ; Brd Vioe-Pres.—Mise Bide Hazel. wood, Wroxeter ; 4th Vice-Pres.—Mies Fairbairn, Teeswater { 6th Vice-Proe.— Mre, D. Slight, Kincardine ; Seo. -Treat, Rev. G, W. Rivera, B, A., B. D , Bel. grave ; Oonterenoe Repres.—Rev. E. F, Armetrong, B. A., B. D„ Ethel, A motion to unite the Summer School and Convention was disowned and the following resolution wan carried :— "That the Sommer School and Convert• tion be kept separate and that a separate Committee be appointed by the Conven- tion to manage the Summer School." The Nominating committee withdraw again, and on returning reported the following as the Summer Salmi Oom.:— Preo.—Rev. E. G. Powell, Brussels ; Vioe-Pres.—John Kerr, Wtngbem ; Seotetary.—S. J. Oourtioe, B. A„ Kin- cardine; Treseurea—Rev. 13. Locke, Kincardine, Before the afternoon minion oloend Rev. W. A. Findlay, of Whiteobnroh, read an excellent paper on "'The Con- seoration Service," Many helpful eaggestions were given whioh should be made praotioal in the Leagues of the District. • The Tuesday evening oboeion woe opened at 7.80 with a Bong eervioe non• ducted by Hee, W. A. Smith 13. D„ of Lucknow. The names of the °Moors for the sem. ing year• wore anuounoed 00 the Conven- tion. Mr. Sperling sang earnestly the nolo "A Olean Heart" atter which the speakers ter the evening wore in0roduo• ed. brought out a very helpful dieoaseion. Rev. W. A, Smith, B. D., then address- ed the Convention on the important eubjeot, "Are the Epworth Leagues ac- complishing their designed purpose ?" Thio addreee also led to a prolonged die. artesian, the sum of which was that "The Leagues are doing a splendid work, but tae is still room P h r tfor improvement." Rev.metroo B. A.,B. D. of Ra B.F.E. F. A Ethel, gave the last address f the Con- vention and one whish was indeed very suitable for the uloeing. Hie subject was "The League as an Evangelietio agency." He pointed out that the League se the kdvance,iegenb o1 the °berth should be (1) Ambitions, (2) Euthueiaatia, (8) Awakened for revival work. We need courage to give up the man tearing spirit and go forth. Several resolutions of thanks and appreciation were passed and the Convention of 1906 was brought to a aloes. Thanks were tendered the pastor, League and people ot Gorrie Methodist obnroh for their excellent entertainment of the convention, also thoes who eo kindly and effioieotly aided to the eervioe of Tuesday eveuing. The choir of the church, the solotate, reader sud epeakere were included in thio motion. The offerings at the various cessions were quite liberal as well as the coutributiooe sent in from Leagaee and Sunday sohcole. Several oiroatts hove not yet reported. G. W. W. RrvEae, Bee. Treas. East Huron Fair As Others See It. The Huron Expositor says :—The Fall Fair of the East Huron Agrioal• Mal Society, at Brnssele, was this year one of apeoial interest. Bine last show the Booing have ereoted a fine new exbibitiou ball whiob was formaily opened on Friday. Hon, Mr. Patterson, Minister of Customs, bad been leaned to be present at the op. ening, and on Thursday night he was presee° et the hall and gave as ad- dress, and was proeented with an ad. droea of welcome on belealt of the municipality of Brunets. On Fri. day the rem opening was held, when, in addition to Mr. Patterson, there were present Mole. Hislop, M. P. P., East Huron, and the Hon. Dr. McDonald ex•Speeker of the Houoe of Commons. Each gentleman made a neat speech sod their remarks were listened to by a large crowd. The hall is a 2 -story buiiding, the first story is of Dement, and the hal- antes of frame, It is artistic) in de. eign, and the interior arrangement is admirably adapted for show purpoaee and le very commodious. On the Wen side, averlookiug the grounds, is a large balcony, whioh seemed to be a favorite spot, if we are to judge by the way it was patronized on that day. Altogether, the Society have one of the fioeet hallo we have seen, and they are to be congratulated OR their eoterpriae, and the taste whioh they dis- played in the deeigo of the building. As was fitting on eaoh an ocoaeion, the indoor show exoelled that of any previous year, and in every depart went there was an apparent desire to have it of the beet, Good as wan this part of the exhibition, the show in the field exooliod it, and wg feel that we are quite within the hounds when we say that never in tbie oouuty was there a better Mime of horses and cattle than that of the Braoeofe phew thio year. Everything wee in keeping ; the weather remain- ed line, the orawd wag large, the gate reoeipte amounted to over 9700, and every person seemed to enjoy the show and toe day'e outing. The Strat- ford Bund wag in etbendanae, and were very liberal with their line musfo throughout the day. Piper McDonald, of Wingbam, was there too, and hie little daughter, the accomplished little step dancer, gave an exhibition that was appreciated to the full. Another pretty feature was the fancy drill by u number of little girls from the Ethel public eohool, who went through eeveral intricate m000000ree with perfect pre. oieion, Besides all this, there were bottle ramie and foot ranee for boyo and girla, so that the Society gave a mighty big programme for the day, and it was carried through without a bitch. From the Wingbam Times :—The people of Brueeela did not have extra good weather for their Fall Fair on Thursday and Fr,day last, bat not- withstaudiug this drawbaok there was a very large attendeljne on Friday after- noon. Hou. Wm. Patterson, Miuioter of L.astomo, was present and opened the Fair. the new building, ereoted thio year, is au ideal one for fair purpooes. The Fair Wage deotded 0000000 In every way and the offieere and direotore are to be eougratulated. Many trona thfe sec- tion were in attehdauoe. The Blyth Woodard nye :—The annual Fair of Beet Huron was held in Brunets ou Thursday and Friday and the Threaten bau oectaioly fine weather, The Fair was a tininess every way. Ou Thareday evening an address waspre• eeuten by the Village Couuail to Hon. Wm, Pattereou, who delivered an ad- dress to it large audienos. The Strat- ford tllilitary Baud watt also present and enlivened the proceedings with ohoioe mesio. The new hall was well filled and is a great improvement on the old one that had stood for many years. On Friday the people began ea Come in early and at 1230 headed by the Band, the crowd went to the grounds where Hon. Wm, Patterson formally opened the Fair. The total gets reoeipte were about $700 ; Greed Stand 924, and Concert 9140, making total receipts over 91000. There were about 2000 entries in all, the biggest ever kuewe iu the history of the Fair. The Officers and Direotore of the Sooioty have reason for congratulation ou the a000ese of the annual Fall exhibition. )Ethel. Votere' List Ooort Wednesday ot next week., Grey Ooonoil will meet on the last Monday of the month. Rev. Mr. Armstrong and Mies Milne attended the. District Convention at Gorrie last week. Rev. D. B. MoRae will preach a Thanksgiving sermon in the Presbyter - tan ohuroh here Thursday afternoon of this week. Evangelisiio serviette are being held hn this weak iu the Metho int church. r ob. The b pastor is being assisted by Rev. Mr. Powell, of Brueaele, Mre. T. Watton, ot Wiodeor, is visit. ing her sister Mrs. Wm, Cook. We hope the change of air will prove beneficial to the vieitor's health. One of the new stores in the Cole block is having its new tenant this week in the person of Juo. McDonald, who was et totmer occupant of about the same stand betore the fire. We wish him 0000e88 in hie new ()natters. The etore le a tidy one and a credit to the proprietor, S. B. Cole, The Atwood Bee speaking of the Pree• byterian ohuroh anniversary nye : The ohoir turuiehedexoelleut masa assisted by Chas. Davies, of Ethel, who along with George Cox, sang a duet at the morning 0000100, that NRB reeeived with delight. Iu the evening Mr. Davies sang a solo with great foroe and express- ion. Be ban au excellent baritone voiga ander good control. Mies Nellie Oookeltntt, of Brantford, died in a Montreal hospital, W. R. Riddle, K. 0., was eworn in on Saturday as judge of the High court. Mese Franoee Edwards wae run over by an automobile at Toronto and severely injured. Mre. Margaret Boddy, injured by a runaway horse died in Western Hoepital Toronto, The steamer Siackwater blew up near Pittebnrg, kihiug three and injoriug Afteen men. The eohooner Fleetwing oollided with the Bay bridge at Belleville, doing con• aiderable damage. The thiel who stole the jewelry from the home of Walter and Mre. Beardmore, Toronto, is believed to be in Philadel• pita. Mrs. Dobuoh, who oaneed the death of her little e0epson by orael treatment, was winnowed at Montreal t0 throe years in penitentiary. Lady Edgar will be the next President of the National Council of Women, and the annual meeting will probably be held in Vancouver. Peter Veregin, theDoukbobor leader, is going bank to Rena. to see Count Tolstoi, and intends retorning in the Spring with a large party of immigrant°. John Newcombe, of Godwin/1 town- ship loot his large barna, oontainiug the entire season's orope. Carrie's threshing outfit, which conned the fire, was also destroyed. Police Magistrate O'toane, of Strut. ford, tae given Matthew Granger, guilty of forgery, five years. The young man forged an Ellice farmer's signature to a Masque in payment for emus tunnel's., The Bank of Montreal took over the Ontario Batik and ie pr000sding with the realization of the bank's amts. General Manager McGill tea roeigned. Gen. 10, R, Oookbutu admits that Mr, MoGill'e epoeolatione extended over several yoare.