HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-10-11, Page 8Good Baking' Powder is 'Very necessary in successful Baking. If you use our Baking Powder you can feel assured that there is none better on the mar- ket. Try some the next time and we are satisfied you will al- ways want to use it. The price is 26o per lb, and we sell any quantity. WALL PAPER Now is the time to pap- er that room that you couldn't get done in the Spring, We have a large stock of Paper and Patterns suitable for all rooms, Bright Patterns from 6c, a Roll up. F. R. SMITH DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 900m= EXTENSION W. e. & D. Trains leave Brneeele Station, North and South, as follows : GOINe SOUTH GOING NORTH. Mall 7;06 8.02 I Mixed 8110 8,m ATrsetl.....•...11:25 a,m I Mall .. 1.49. p.m Express...... 9:02p,m Expreee 8:51 p,m .etvs Items A ohiel'a among ye takir' noise, An' faith he'll prent 19. Too POOT gives the news, ADVERTISE your Fall bargains. Souoon Board Friday evening of this week. TEE POST 1e a tiptop advertieing medium. POULTRY le making its appearance on the market, SQUAW Winter is uanally toliowed by Iednan Summer. W. JEWITT shipped a oar of hogs to Ooliingwood ou 'Tuesday. BALANCE of 1900 free to all new sub- soribers to Tan POST who •pay in ad• vanee, , •.' Elinor Qn88581 stepped on a nail whioh penetrated bis foot giving him consider. able annoyance. A Learn pane of glees was broken in James Ballautyne'a granary window last week by a mea being pushed against it by a friend. MI98 GRIFFIN, vooal teacher, of Wing• T ham, will resume her ola8e in Br088888 on neaday of next week, All interested 'are asked to govern themselves a000rding• JyA DAY EaOL180. Thareday of next week being Thanksgiving Day THE POST will be issued ou Wednesday instead of Thareday. Advertieere and oorreapond- ente are asked to kindly remember the change. Tau family of Thos. Curry, Queen street, is in quarantine owing to 8 case of soarlet lever. Mise Leo Carry is misted; in the post office and her de- tention makes it rather awkward tor Poetmaater Farrow. THANKSGIVING RUBEL—Return Tiukete on the railways at eingle fare for the round trip will be issued for T'haukegiv ing time. They will be good going on Wednesday 17th and returning on Mon- day, 22nd. The Banters' Excursion at a eiugle fare good going from Oot. 9th. to Nov. 9th according to looation. Good to return Deo. 8th. FIRST SNOW.—When Brns0elilee arose Wedneeday morning they were eorprieed to see the ground oovered with snow, Between 4 and 5 inches fell on the hovel. A number of trees Buffered by the heavy load of Body held by the leaves. Wedneeday was rough throughout and was a reminder of what may be expected regularly before long. SootAL,—A Tbanaegiving Bocial will be held on Oat. 113th, under the anepioee ot the baohelore of Brussels Epworth League in the basement of the Methodist ohuroh. Au interesting debate of three gnarters of au hour will be given by six bachelors. Snbjeot, "Resolved that the opportunities for doing good in the town of Brussels are greater to the single man than to the married man," Lonoh will then be given atter wbioh en interesting program will follow. Come and get an education on an interesting eubjeob. Silver oolleotion at the do0r. Meeting opens sharp at 8 o'olook. INVESTIGATION OF HORSE INDUSTRY.— Commieeioners 11. G. Reed, V, S., of Georgetown, and Thoe. Graham, of Glare• moot, have been appointed by the Ont. ario Government to make a short tour of East Huron to investigate the horse iu• entry. They will do their work from .Friday Ootober 12th to 15th, starting from Seafoeth, Secretary P, A. Mc• Arthur, of East Huron Partnere' Iueti• tote, will ao0olnpavy the oo02miaeioners in their trip in this Riding. Owners ot entire horses have beau uotified of the in. tended vieil. A puhlio meeting will be held at Clinton on Thanksgiving Day at 7.30 p. m. at whioh addreeeee will be given. TEAOaloo' Ae0o01ATIo;.—The regular annual meeting ot the East Boron Teachers' Aaeoelation will be held in the Wingham Public School on Friday and Saturday, Oot. 19th and 20th. The drat 88881012 oil Friday at 10 a, m. A program will be ren• dered Friday evening, David J. Gog• gin, 51. A., of Toronto, will give an 8ddree8, and Wingham talent, insisted by Norman Murch, of Clinton, will furnish vo0n1 and inetrnmental mnoio. Following ie the program for Friday and Saturday's 008880ne:—Opeoingjiex• anion ; appointing committees ; Peeei- dent's addreee, David Robb, B. A. ; Our Poeta, John T. Strachan ; reading David J. Goggin, M. A. ; The New 0our0e in Geometry, J. G. Workman, B. A. ; Our Object as teachers, Min Mary Paufiold ; Public Sobool Sdienim, J, A. Taylor, B. A. ;• Oompoeiton, David J. Goggin, M. A,; Deflotteuhee, Aoonraoy and Simplioity in teaohing, W. R, Lough ; Treaeurer'e report 1 8leotiou of offioere. Inapeotor D. Robb, of Brueoels is PreOideht, and John Hartley, Principal or Blyth Pbblle Sahod,le Storatary. H, R. BREWER'S photo studio will be open on Thanksgiving Day. Tan Iaepeator of Uontiouation work fe here this week visiting Brneeele Sobool. A 8ODERN outfit in the oabinet Hue to display jewellery hue been added to the shop furniture of W. F. Stratton this week. He's bound to be up to -date. A sum plate glass front is being put in the ebop canopied by Messrs,. Wilton & Gilliepie by the proprietress, Mre. Hay• croft. It will be a thudded improvement. TENNIS club members are asked t0 meet et Foxe Drug Store at 8 o'clock, Friday evenlog to 'reenact eeason'e booi• nese nod arrange for canoed. All inter• sated are asked to attend, COURT ADJOURNED To 25TH INST.—The Voters' Lunt Court was aunoa0ce1 to be held here on Friday of this week but Judge Doyle wired from Goderioh on Wednesday postponing it to Thursday 26th int. Howiok township court is also put off until the 2Obh when it will be held in Gorrie. OR. Ovens, M. D., London, Eye and Ear Surgeon, will be at Smitb'e Drug Store, Brneeele, On the first Taeeday in eaoh month. Hours, 8 a. no. to 1.50 p. 02. Cataract, squint, tailing eyeelgbt, deafens and nasal catarrh treated and glasses properly fitted. Next visit, Tuee• day, November 6th, N. B.—Dr. Ovens makes no oalle. ROVeE or REFUGE.—A meeting of the Honee of Refuge Committee of the County Oonntl was held in Goderioh last week to, take steps in coeueotion with the ',rooster of property belong• lug to the inmates of the House. A property near Londeeboro was before the Committee, and it was decided that the lot might be gold, it he value could be got for it. The County solioi• tor and the inepeotor were author- ized t0 make proper arraogemeote for the transfer to the county of property belonging to inmates. Tenders for bread were opened, and one at 52 94 per houdred pounde was aooepted. It was suggested that the House by-law be amended to make it in line with reedit amendments to the Ain. MISS ROBERTSON LOCATED.—Tile rela- tives of Mies Jeanie Roberteoo, of Gode• rich, a former teacher in Brunie Publics Sobool, have received word of her discov- ery. She disappeared some weeks ago Iron Quebec, where she one in company of one of her brothers. Her state olh081th had somewhat affected her mind, and anxiety was felt on her dieappearauoe, persistent enrols being kept without eco• Geos until last week, when her where• abouts were naexpeutedly revealed ae in Buffalo, N. Y., where she bad obtained employment in connection with the china deoorating art. It is expected that full reo0very will !follow in due course after a period of rest and relaxation from aervone strain of wbioh she ie in need. Mise Robertson's many friends here hope ehe will soon be fully restored. MRS MOFFATT PASSES AWAY,—Last Sabbath eveniug at 8 o'olook, Abi White. ton, reliot of the late David Moffatt, formerly of Tnruberry township, was summand to the Great Beyond. She bad been poorly all Sommer but only real ill for three weeks. Heart failure and other oomplioatioue was the ensue of her demise. ales. Moffatt was born iu Ohio, U. S„ 70 years ago and was mar. ried to her late hoeband on Jao. 20, 1874. They same to Turobeery toWuehip, where Mr. Moffatt had a bulb farm, and resided ,here up to the decease of the husband in June of 1905. as was 71. years of age. They had no family of their own hot had 0 adopted sone, Robert (deoea8ed), Alex,, of Turnberry, and Wm„ of Brueeels, and two adopted daughters, Mre, Joseph Robb, of Morrie, and Oatberine, of Bruseele. Mre. Mot. fact moved to Brussels last January, buy- ing a home on Princess street, She was a Presbyterian in religion ; was of a obeerful disposition • induetrione and neighborly, and had possessed a robust oovetitutieo, None of bee relatives reeidein Canada but has brothers and a deter in the States. Tin funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon Reade, Meagre, Wiehert, of Brunets, and Weet, of Blnevale, taking part. Pallbearers 18re Jae, Meson, Peter Boost, S. Snell, A, Foreyti:, A. MODonald and A. Stewart. Ioternmeul wag made at Blue. vale oematery. PRESENTED WITH GOLD HEADED CANE,— The members of the 28th Regiment Band, from Btratford,.who visited Brea - eels Thursday and Friday of lost week, took ooaasion while here of presenting Lorne Addie, who was the dram major of the band for many yeare, and who recently left to reside in Bennis, with a gold headed cane. The snaring was as follows :• — To Lorna Addie, Sept. 28th Perth Rept. Band :— Dna ft,—Before allowing yon to part from se we desire to express to you one feelings of deep regret that oireametanoea are euoh as to compel you to Inver your ase0oiatiou8 with ne. Permit ne to 8ny host dnring yonr'period of eorviee with oar band we have found you gentlemanly and aottrt0008, always willing and anxious to do anything that might tend to pro. mote the beet interests of the band and like a true soldier always ready to per- form the various duties connoted with your ogles. Now that you 880 leaving as we wish to express our feelings ot goad feliowailip towarde you by regent. ..moi .a .� s �.... ., .. r .,,. +:,s" •�y aanz;2N',a+nrw fff••••pme•ifi_ - , Standard Bank of Canada METROPOLITAN BANK c'76T.s37�2.,7:02SS17� 1027-, BIIRPLUB, OR REBHRYE FUN]) 5 1,000,900 Tul'AL *BUM OVER moo") A General Balslring ]f3ustliu©Rite Trn.nsaOted — SAVINGS SANK''" Interest paid from date of deposit to date Of Withdrawal at highest uuri•ont rates and oumpounded halt.yearly, Joint Depoalt Accounts—A SPEC1AL CONVENIENCE in use iu our Ravlug0 De - pertinent ie the "Jolut Deposit" a000uut. Money may be deposited or wrtudrawu by either o1 the two members of the h0ueekold. Th1e ey0tem le a groat 00nved lone to many residing in town, but more parti0alarly 8o to 8armee, an in the latter ease whether man or wife winos to town either eau attend to the Banking. An. other feature of the system 18 that to ease of the death of either party the m0uey eau be withdrawn by the survivor without cost. We will tell you more about our methods If you will kindly pall or. write, Married Women and Minors may make and withdraw deposits without the in• terventi810 of any person, SALE NOTES OASHIID, COLLECTED or may be left for SAPE•KEEPING only tor which no °barge ie made, YOUR BUSINIIBB will reoeive our careful and 000rteone attention. G. P. SOHOLFIELD, GEN, MANAaEn, J. F. ROWLAND, 91ANAGEn, ing your aaoeptauoe of this ORES as a small token of our esteem for yoa. May we be permitted at this time to oongratclate you upon the happy event whioh has recently taken plane and in year good fortune in enuring eo eetim• able a yo0ug lady as your partner in life. Iu saying good-bye to you we aesore yon that we shall always retain in oar memories the many happy thine we have spent together and when the Ian assemble ie eoavded may you and we, your oomradee in arms, be ready to answer the call. With very beat re- gards to you and your wife and wishing both of you very many happy and pros - paten years we beg to remain, yours very eiuoerely, signed oo behalf ot the 28th Regiment Band, FOSTER CL08E, Bandmaster. A. Mo0anley read the address and Baudmaater Close made the presentation. A eaitable reply was made by Mr. Ad- dis. Business Locals. FRESH miloh cow for sale. Apply to ALF. BAEEEm, Brneeele. To RENT —Two npetair 100020. Apply at Smith's Drug Store. 14 YEARLING Oattle for sale. Mons DOLL, Lot 8, Ooo. 6, Grey. BLADE silk fob with agate attached loot last Friday. Owner will be great- ly obliged to have it returned to Tan POST. WANTED boy, to learn blaoksmibhing. Firnt•olaee evoonragement, and highest wagee paid. Apply at ouoe to D. Ewa; & Co. LINEN duster loot between Brussels end Eli Smith's. The owner will greatly oblige by leaving it at Tan POST. W. H. K. is worked oo she centre of it. Bosun WANTED.—Lady and two children want comfortable rooms for Winter. Give fall pertionlare and price. Drawer 31, Brands, TO ANY ONE IIeINO SAwe.-0.e I olaim to have expert practice and have iuveuted and am acing the latest new and improved saw tools I Dan give fine advantage to oar costumers both in prioee and quality of work. Call early and you will not need to rush. T. Mo• Gregor, Mill Bt., Brussels. UitORCIl (1 11 1 11 15 8. Revs. Hunter and Crossley are holding union revival servne5 in Teeewater. Kincardine Methodist church will be renovated and a new pipe organ iostell- ed. A load of Epworth Leaguers from the Methodist ohuroh, Brussels, attended the Dietriot Conveution at Gorrie on Tues. day. Ree. E. G. Powell gave an address and Miee Oarrie Hingetoo a solo. B. Gerry introdaoed a topic. The eeoond of the series of 8nniver• earie9 in Brueecla Methodist ohuroh will be held on Bulldog and Monday, Nov. 11th and 12th. Rev. S. J. Allis, of Park. hill, and Rev. G. H. Cobblediok, B. D., of Woodetook, are expected to preach, speak to the sabbath Sobool and give addreeeee Monday evening. Special mueio. Nov. 15th is the date eat tor the payment of subeoriptiooe to wipe out the 51,200 debt on the abarob. A nom• bar are Seeing the Treasurer in advance. In oonaeotion with the preparatory service in Melville ohuroh last Saturday afternoon the pastor preached a most nimble died:mese on "The new Birth." Sabbath the pulpit was 0000pied by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Wishart, The morning text woe "it is the L'ord's Passover." 8 new members were added to the roll. In the evening the sermon wee based on 1 Peter, let chapter and verses 26 and 26. Rev, Mr. Perrin, oL 'Wroxeter, was the preacher Monday forenoon being particularly happy and practical in hie presentation of the gospel, his theme be• ing "Ohrietiah eervioe." The Fordwich Record of last week nye :—The annual Harvest Tnankogiv- hog amain of Trinity oboroh was held on Sunday morning. Rev. H. M. Lang -Ford of Broseele, ono the presober and de. .lighted the forge oougregation with hie able and earnest sermon from tbo words —"If God so olotbe the grass of the field which to -day is, and 10.02orrow is oast into the oven, shall be not moot more clothe yon,' Mathew 6th obap. and 50th verse, The ohnrdh was 8001115 decorated with graiu, fruits, 'flowers and ever- greens. The thank offering amounted to 585.78, The Gorrie Vidette remarks The annual Barnet Thanksgiving ger- ',ion of Stephen's church were held on Sunday when a very appropriate Oermon was delivered by the Rev, H. M. Lang. Ford, ot Brussels, Mr. Lang•Ford ie an eloquent speaker and hie sermon was mnoh enjoyed by all who listened to him. The oollootioo amonnted to about 550. FINE SEsvlaEe,—Rev, W. Smyth, of Wiartoo, a former pastor, wasin the pulpitin the Methodist ohnrob here last Sabbath and demonstrated the Truth with eloquence sod power as of old. "Ez 82181 8 dein of the Waters" was the enbjeot dwelt upon •in the morning and the large Oongregation oould not but feel the inspiration ae the record of Christianity was 8o faithfully deplored. "Looking unto Jesse" wise the topic at the evening gathering hien the Friend. ship, Love and Power of the Mester was clearly proven, Spacial 1:0u010 wee rendered by the ohoir and the day's ser. does Were very he 1nl Sabbath after- noon noon was Rally Day in the Sunday Sobool. There wan a large attendance, 219 besldok the 082100x8, and a oolleetion of $10,12, In addition to the roll call of elation, Ren. Me. Smyth spoke en• vovenging words and the Oroheetra gave several ohoioe instrumental numbers, The eohool is in good heart and ready for the Fall and Winter osmpaign. De• spite threatening rain and a dark night a good audience assembled Moaday evening to enjoy the musical and literary program, Atter the opening exercises in whinn Rev. Ernest Maunders lead in prayer, Rev, E' G. Powell, the pastor, epoke appropriate words; the choir gave en anthem, followed by a flue, recitation by Mies Nora Maunders ; e Ladlea Quartette, consisting of Minn 0. Hing• stop, T. Gerry, B. and P. Sharpe, did themselves credit by giving 'When Christ is Near" ; Rev. A. 0. Wishart, B. A., ot Melville oburoh, pleasantly and practically addressed the aovgre• gation on "A purposeful life" ; anthem by choir ; 800018tlon by Mise Minnie Mo. Naughton given in her usual able mon. net ; Rev, W. Smyth gave the oloeing addreee his theme being "Ooneeoration," He also referred to the happy days he spent as pastor and wished the pastor and oongregatiou great 0000800. Owing to the had weather the Ethel Quartette was not able to be present which was a source of regret as the people were an. xi0ne to hear them. It is 19 or 20 years eine Rev. Mr. Smyth lett Brusoele but he boldo bis own so well that little ohange is notioeable in the passing years. He fa the Obairman of the Wiarloa Dietriot and ie kept busy. Many old friends were pleased to meet with him but regretted his ahoy was HO ehort• He returned home Tuesday noon. We hope. to see be and Mre. Smyth book again for a visit. • PERSONAL PARA(,lltAt'IIS. Mise Maggie MoNaugbboo, of Clinton, ie home on it short visit. Joseph Querin woe hn Berlin for a few daye combining bOsineee and pleasure. L. and Mre. Oallan removed to Galt. They carry with them many good wishes fur their future. Miss Maggio 800tt, of London, is en• joying it holiday visit with relatives and old !riende in Brueaele and locality. Chas. Goons and eon, Harry, of Kan - sae Oity, are visitors at Geo. Tbomeun'o. The former is a brother to Mre. Thom. eon. W. J. Fawcett attended a meeting of The Book and Publishing Commibteof the Methodist ohuroh on Thursday at Tor. auto. Mre. Oliver Smith who is 91 years of age, bite hardly been ae well as usual, daring the past week bot we hope ebe will soon be better. Mrs. Alfred Denny, of Warren, Ohio, who Dams here several months ago to improve her health, has returned home greatly invigorated, we are pleased to state. Mrs. Habkirk and eon, John, were oalled to Preston on 1Wouday owing to the demise of Mre. Johnston, a enter in-law to Mre. Habkirk. The funeral took plane Tuesday afternoon. Wm. Turnbull and daughter arrived home last Tuesday from a delightful visit to the Old Oonntry. They had splendid voyages and a most enjoyable time with relatives and friends. Mines Neeeie Kay and Jessie' Grant, of Winnipeg, who were visiting relatives and old trieuds io Brneeele for the past two weeks, left on Monday to visit at Guelph, Galt, Dundee, 'Toronto and Stratford before they return to the West. Mre. Richards, mother of I. 0. Rioh• ards, and Mies Ellen Richards, her daughter, have moved to Brneeele and CAPITAL—Aut110I'I20d1 $2,000,000 CAPITAL—Paid 'up 1,000,000 ILEBERYI RIlda$Brpl8taroftt9; 1,180,150 Directors B. A[UO I)10THOMP80N, 8.0.M J. President, Yioo•Proetdent. 'MON, BRADSHAW, 0,I„A, • nos Roma mu, w. MORTI0IER OLARX, E.0. JAB, 501IIE JOHN I.IRETn000E W. D. 0088, - Oatmeal Manager THE METROPOLITAN BARR le open to receive the a000u018 of Partnere, Mer0ban18 and Business Oommuulty generally and to give 0810181 consideration to all proposals submitted to it. It relies ilium its past record for courteous treatment of Stu Cue. tomer°, and will exbeud every oousidoratlou oo08ietent with sound banking to those who may desire to traoeaot business with It. gammas AWN Intnifirmaxr Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on al: Hume of $1 and upwards BRUSSELS 1311AN019 W. J. FAWCETT; Blonager.: taken up reeidenoe in the Riobard blook. The first mentioned lady 18 in her 91st year but stood the drive of 52 miles re. markabiy well. We welcome them to Bens8&e. Rev. Andrew 80011, of Danville, Illinois, a former resident of this local• ity, and a brother to Mre. P. Vinton, Queen street, one here for a visit. The visitor ie pastor. of the Ohrietian oboroh in the above-mentioned oily. He preach- ed at Walkerton last Sunday and will ofiioiate at Niagara Falls 'next Sabbath, both old obargee of hie. Mr, Soots will attend the International Convention of the Ohrietian (Diaoiple) ohurab, bo be held lu Bollalo, N. Y. 16,000 delegates are expected to attend. Rev. Mr. Soott'e father was the late Adam Soots, Iv/10 melded on the 4th line of Morrie for over 30 yearsand was an old and highly respected resident. In 26 years Rev. Mr. Boots Ina never missed one Sabbath through illness, Danville is a city of about 56,000 to 40,000. 11 is a great railway aeotre with varieue coal mining lutere018 near by. It is 126 miles South of Ohicago. The negro problem ie one the people of that oo0ntry has to wreathe with. THE PosT enjoyed a obat with Mr. Scott. Danville is the home of Joeepb Gannon, Speaker of the House, whose name is mentioned as a coming candidate for the oo0upanoy of the White House. There is oleo a National Soldiers' Home loaated at Dauviite, in whiab 3,000 in• mates are well looked after. Mr. 8oett gave an interesting addreee at the prayer meeting in the Methodist ohuroh on Wed- needay evening. HANDED BADE MONEY,—GsOrge Soleell Powell, of the Sovereign Bink brauoh at Exeter, has handed bank to hie aged adopted grandfather, George Washington Holwell, of Thedford, the $9,000 which the old gentleman had given him for in•• vestment at a higher rate of interest. The young man, after be got the money, deposited it .in his own name in the Sovereign Bank broads at Exeter, and claimed that his adopted parent had made a 9108801 of it to him. The old man brought aotioii to recover in. The case bashed! !untied, and a oouseut judg- ment was signed by Judge Mabee. Ooe of the counsel in the case Credits the settlement and the handing over of the money, The 59,000 is to be paid over, with accrued interest 881108 it lett the old man's possession, and it ie to be held in treat by the London and Western Tenets Co„ Ltd., until the death of the graud• father, Then it i8 to pan to the exeoa• tore, or if there be no will, to the ad- ministrators of his estate. Holwell has to pay 18,e 00080 of the Sovereign Bank, which amount to $46. The Bank was en innocent third party in the matter. Powell and Holwell eaoh pay hie own nate. Judge Mabee wan not quite sore that it w8e the correct thing to do for him to make an order on the 0011801 terms of the Battlement. "I don't know that the 00010 is empowered to take Dare of it themaelvee," he remarked, "If the plaintiff ie oapeblo to take care of it ie the Oo0rt competent ho tie it up where be oan't put a linger on It. ?" The proper prooedure,thought hie Lordship, would be to have Holwell delated incapable, if be were in that condition. However, he would make the order on the termeagreed on. Holwell is 71 years old. HORN . AaDELL.—In Garman, Man„ on Sept. 17, to Mr. and Mro.Joeeph Ardell, a eon. MOARTEI,,—In Grey, on Cob, 6, to Mr. mod Mrs. Harry 13. MoArter, a eon. Y • • /A When you wear a pail of our rubbers you know you have a good thing— because they keep the feet dry and they wear well. We sell only brands that have stood the test. `They are made of pure rubber. 'Will fit any shoe. 'Will stand rough usage,'' We buy the best and sell at money -saving prices. Men's, women's and children's—all kinds, all prices. Those that are dry arid those that are both dry and Warm. - Some prices:-. Children's 4Qc Lathes' 60c lien's 85c IN OUR HARNLSS DEPARTMENT will be found all styles of Harness at the best prices. Also Robes, Blankets, Wool Rugs and Rubber Rugs. vr MILLE1,—At Whitewater, Man„ on Sept, 16112, to Mr. and Mre. J. A. Miller, a daughter. D6ARR297J, GinNIoe—SELLERS.—Oh Oot. Ord, by Rev, (4. Baker, Mr. Martin L. Garniee, 800 of Mr. F. Garniee, to Mies Lizzie, daughter of Mr. H. Behan, all of Morrie. IN10TER—TAYLOR—In St. Stephen's ,oharoh, Gorrie,- on .October 3rd, by Rev. F. Farr, Mise 'Gracie Taylor, of Howiok, to Mr, R. J. Iok- titer, of Blind River,, Algoma,. alo3a- Jo0NaTON•—In Morrie, on Oct. 9th, Wm. James Johnston, aged 72 years, 6 months! and 28 days, MOYFATT.—Iu Brueaele, on Oot. 7th, Ad Wharton, reliot of the late David Moffatt, of Turnberry, aged 70 years sun 4 days. ATTOTION' SAIaE- FRIDAY OCT. 19TH,—Form stook, im- plements, eto., North lot 24, Con. 5, Morrie. Bale unreserved at 2 o'olook. MoLauohlin Bros., proprietors.. F. S. Soon, an. >✓Si't.PME I+S .ta;.A. R:ME1'B, Fall Wheat 08 69 Barley 40 42 Peas 71 ' 72 Oats 81 32 Butter, tabs and rolls..., 17 ' 18 Eggs per dozen" 17 Hay per too, • 6 00 7 00 Flonr, per bbl 4 50 5 20 'flogs, Live 6 40 6 50 Wool . 24 • .1.25, Potatoes per -bus 36 Apples (per bbl.) 1 00 1. 50 Boit, per bbl., retail 1 00 , 70 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. • rpBREE YOUNG SHORT HORN Sculls for sale, Two were prise win- ners at Brussels Fall- fair. They are dan- dies. Bad and roam 1n color. Lot 8, Con, 9, Grey. U. ROBERTSON, 1.4.01 B111ee0le P.O. You won't cough long if you use Foxe White Pine and Tar, 11 aures Colds, Oonghe and all irritations of the air pas- sages. 'You won't lose any- thing bamboo we refund your money it not sabietaotory, but You Will agree that it is the best med- icine for Coughs and OoJds you have ever tried, 25e per Bottle at FOX'S Drug Store Voters' List Court. Notice is hereby given that a court 11 l beheld pursuant to hebJudge of the List AoL by County Court of the the of Heron, at 0110 T08, at p Hall, on the 241)1 day of Ootobor, 1006, at 11 o'oloek to the forenoon, to near and determine the several complaiote of 080000 and lomieeiene In the antero' List of the Municipality 01 Grey for 1900. A11 per- qCourt aro re- ui ed tot attend at the said hutilnoe atthe and place, Dated at the Township of Grey this 411, clay of Ootober, A. JOHN M0I000013, Clerk of Grey Twp. AUCTION SALE —OF— Valuable Farm Property IN THE TOWNSHIP OF GRAY Under and by virtue of the Powers of Sale in a oortain Mortgage made by one Allred Ward, to the Vendor, now in default and to 528 produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction at the Central Hotel in the Town of Brussels, art Saturday, the Third Day of November, 1806, at the hour Oa o'efook noon:— All ooh:— All end singular that certain parcel or tract of laud and premises oltuate,lying and being in the Township of Grey, la the Coun- ty of Huron, being composed of the West Half of Lot Number Thirty -tour in the Fifth Oonooselon of the said Township of Groy, eon Mining twenty -Ove aurae, more or lees. , Turista or BALE,—The property wi11 be of fared for sale oubjeot to a reserve bid. Ten per oent of the purchase money to bo paid to the Vendor or ter 8olicltere at [be time o1 sale, and the balance within Thirty days thereafter without interest.. If desired an arrangement will be made by which part of the purchase prise wilt bo secured by First Mortgage with intermit at Five and oue•hall per cent For further part,oulars apply to HEIGHINOTON A LONG,Home Life Build. ing, Toronto, Solids tore for the Vendor • or to A.B. MACDON ALD, Solicitor, Brneeele, Dated at Toronto this 8th clay o'f Ootober, 1901 14.5 Dress. Goods Department Our Dress Goods Department is now very•com- plete and comprises all the newest Fall and Winter Shades—Materials and 'Trimmings, that go to make up a First-class Dress Goods stock Dress -making Rooms upstairs where you may have Dresses well made up in the latest Fashion and Satisfaction .Guaranteed. • Our large an.cZ Well assorted AStocla throughout 'the Store is at your Service a' NO FANCY PRICES. • EVERYTHING CFIEAP. GIVE US A TRIAL. A. ST'RACHAN