HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-10-11, Page 6SMITH & boudane, G W Irwin 1, 2& 8; dorkius, G W Irwin, S Ford, G W Irwin ; laug- shwus, G IV Irwin, 1 & 2, Atldereon s E �p�b p // R ,S Dwubrouk ' wyaudubtea, S Furd, G 1V lcwin, 'L k 8 ; ball' cvyauduttoe, G W Irwin, 1. & 2 ; white wyaudott00, Audor- sou & Danbrook, A Stevenson, Anderson, & Daubrooh ; blsole mium:cite, Geo W Irwin, Anderson & Daubrook 2 & 3 ; turkeys, J J Woolaoutb, Wm Armstrong, J J Woolwoott ; gesso, Oliver T'urnbell, 1 & 2, Robb kloDonald ; Oouen ducks, G W Irwin, 1 & 2, Win Armstrong ; aylosbury wake, G Chapman ; game fowl, G W Irwin, 1 & 2, Geo Chapman; fowl, tiny other panted breed, Geu Irwin, An- dersou & Daubrook ; colleubiou of fancy pigeons, Anderson & Danbrook, 1, 2 & 3, Ciu•rlagos, eninlalllente, see. Patent arm wagon, 1) Ewan & Go ; one horse covered buggy, D Ewell & Go 1 & 2 ; outter, D Ewau & Go 1 & 2 ; double - trees' and neokyoke, D Ewan & Go ; farm gate, ltobt Glues, MoLauohliq Bros ; wheelbarrow, 1) Ewan & Go, Gra In White Fall wheat, J K Wiee, S Wise, W L Manning ; red Fall wheat, Geo Kerr, 3 Wine, A MoLauehliu ; 4 or 6 rowed barley, J K Wiee, S Wise, W L Manniug ; black oats, J K Wise, C Wise, W L Maiming ; white oats,l peas, J K Wise, Swine, Mre E Stewnrt• em. I p , J W Edgar, J K Wise, S Wi.e; large peas, Jae Speir, 8 Wise, J IS \Vine; timothy eeed, J K Wise, W L Alarming, Jas Spain House, ry 1 Carriage Sign and Ca 1 Paint- ers. Ornamental and Scene Wolk and Papel' Hang- ing a Specialty. Quotations Furnished on Application SHOP 'Furnberry St., Brussels East lluron Fair a Sweeper. [Continued from page 1] PRIZE LiST horses HEAVY DILLM-Stallion over three years, Govoulock & Archibald Stallion under three yeare, Dickson Bru ; Brood mare, Jas Spoir, 1t 0.i,: , ,1, i:: k •. _: I3rus ; hurse cult, Juo i',.„...1 t• .ip„ir ; mare colt, A Kuight, 1., a+.0 Bn,o, Jas t`hurrie ; two year .In liihy, Robt Scott 1 & 2, 0 Wilkinson ; twu year old geldiug, Juo Oliver, It Reid, Wm Scott ; yearling filly, Jno Bolger ; yearling gelding, O Wilkinson Thou Bielby • heavy draft team, Geo Brown, Robs Scott, Dickson Bros ; stallion over 8 years, with 4 of his progeny for 1906, Goveulacic & Archibald; best geldiug or mare in olaes, David Nichol. Anitiet :Tunon.-Brood mare,0vans 13roe, J Sherrie, T Straoban ; horse colt, Wm Lowe, Geo Kerr, A Yaill ; mare colt, Ovaus Bros, A MoNeil, J J Pollard ; two year old filly, J J Pollard, R Reid, P A McArthur ; two year old gelding, Jno Oliver ; one year old filly, Dickson Bros ; open agricultural horses, W Hemingway, Ovens Broo, C Wilkinson ; boat gelding or mare, W Hemingway, ltoens'Ess.-Stallion with 4 of his progeny, 2 years old or under, Soott & Warwiok ; brood mare, W Holman, W Forrest, R Scott ; horse or mare colt, W Holman, Jae Sbeddan, H Ziun • 2 year old filly or geldiug, H Zinn, L Wheeler, M MoVitty ; one year old filly or gelding, H Zinn, G A Best, R Scott ; buggy horse 154 heeds high and over, H Zinn, Geo Hanna, G T Turnbull ; bogey horse, under 154 hands high, Jas Ferguson, John MoClyntont, Anderson & Dan - brook ; roadster team, Juo Watson, Goveulook & Archibald, H Walker ; best geldiug or mare, W Holman. CANNIAoE.-Brood mare 16 hands high, A Campbell, H Zinn, A Speir ; two year old filly or geldiug, A Campbell, A Speir, J Evane ; cue year old filly or gelding, H Zion 1 & 2, A Speir ; horse or mare colt, H Zinn, W Armstrong ; carriage span, A McLennan ; beet gelding or mare in class, H Zinn. Cattle Duanalrs.-Bull 3 years and over, Jno Crerar, Joe Speir, T Davidson ; bull 2 years old, D Robertson, A Hielop, 0 Emelt ; bull one year old, Jas Speir, Jae Shedden, G H Taylor ; miloh cow 4 years or over, D Robertson 1 & 2, Teasdale Whitfield ; miloh cow under 4 years, D Robertson, Thos 1) vidson, D Milne; two year old heifer, D Attlee 1 & 2, II Crioh ; one year old heifer, D Milne 1 & 2, 'Toe Davidson ; one year old junior heifer, D Milne 1 & 2, T H Taylor ; bull calf, H Crich, D Robertson, D Milne ; heifer calf, H Crich 1 & 2, D Cook ; bull calf, D Robertson, H Crich, D Milne; heifer calf, H Crich, D Robertson, R Harrison ; bard of Durhams, D Robertson, H Oriole, D Milne. Jknssys.-Buil under 2 years, W Arm- strong, G A Deadman; ranch cow 4 years or over, W Armstrong 1 & 2 ; unfelt cow under 4 years, W Armetroug 1 & 2 ; year- ling heifer, W Armstrong. Gn.uEc.-Cow, D Robertson, John Broadfoot & San, W Scott ; two year old heifer, D Robertson, Wm Scott, R Har- rison ; one year old heifer, D Cook, Thos Davidson, 1t Harrison ; two year old steer, Wm Bryans 1 & 2, D Cook ; one year old steer, Wm Bryans 1 & 2, Thos Davidson ; steer calf, Wm Scott, Theis Davidson, D Robertson ; heifer calf, D Cook, R Harrison 2 & !3 ; fat cow or heifer, D Cook, Wm Scott, R Harrison ; fat ox or steer, Wm Bryans, 1, 2 & 8. Sheep LEICESTEEs.--Sbearliug ram, R J Sanderson, .1 8 Cowan ; ram lamb, J S Gowan, 1, 2 & 3 ; ewe having raised lamb in 1906 B J Sanderson, J 8 Cowan, R J Sanderson ; sbearling ewe, J J Woolacott 1 & 2, R J Sanderson ; owe lamb, 0 Turnbull, R ,J Sanderson, 0 Turnbull ; pen, R J Sanderson, J 8 Cowan. DOWNS AND THEM Gs.umo.-Aged ram, Chester Duncan, A Stevenson ; shear - ling ram, A qtevention, 0 Duncan, 2 dr 3 ; ram lamb, 0 Dunoan, A Sleveueon, 2 & 8 ; ewe, having raised lamb in 1906, A Stevenson, 0 Duncan, A Stevenson ; ehearling ewe, C Duncan, A Stevenoon, 2 & 8 ; ewe Iamb, A Stevenson 1 & 2, 0 Duncan ; pen, A Stevenson, 0 Duncan. LINCOLN AND pen.. lamb, R Corley 1, 2 & 3 ; ewe having raised lamb in 1906, R Oorley 1 & 2 ; ehearling ewe, 11 Corley 1 & 2 ; ewe lamb, R Corley 1, 2 & 3 ; pen, R Corley. Tiger BEmtemnu,-Boar under 1 year, J S Gowan ; sow 1 year and over, J S Cowan 1 & 2 ; sow under 1 year, J S Cowan, 1, 2&8. Yosnea,sc.-Boar 1 year and over, Jas Speir; boar under I year, R Nichol I sow 1 year and over, R Niohol 1 & 2 ; sow under 1 year, R Nichol, Jae Speir 2 & 3. TAnrwOnru.-Sow 1 year and over, W Armstrong, Pen of pigs, any breed, J 5 Cowan, it Niobol, Jae Speir. Pounry Orpingtone, Goo W Irwin, Anderoon & Danbrook ; dark braltmae, G W Irwin, 1 & 2 ; light brahmae, 13 Ford, G W Irwin, Anderson & Danbrook ; black Spanish, Anderson & Danbrook ; barred rocks, G W Ir\vin, W Armetroug, Anderson & Danbrook; white rocks, G W Irwin 1,2 & 3 ; buffrocks, G W Irwin 1, 2 & 3 ; white leghornw, Andereon & Danbrook, R Nichol, Anderson & Danbrook ; brown leghorno, Anderson & Dahbrook 1 2& 3 ; buff leghorno, Andereon & Danbrook 1 & 2 ; silver spangled hambnrge, G W Irwin 1 & 2, 8 Ford ; block hamburger, G W Irwin I, 2 & 13 ; polande, 0 W Irwin I, 2 & 8; bantams, G W Irwin, S Ford 2& 3; Emit Baldwin apples, Robt Niobol, Mre E Sellere • Fecuoeee, Geo Chapman, Geo Kerr ; King of 'Tompkins 0o., Jas Evane, Witte Bozell ; Mann, Jos Speir, Robert Niohol ; Northern Spies, Geo Chapman, Jae Speir ; R I Greenmge, Geo Johnston, Henry Bone; Golden Eueoete, not known, Chas Roznll ; Spitzoeburg, Jae Spoir, J W Edgar ; Bleu/term Pippins, Jae Speir, Thoe H Taylor ; 'Tolman Sweete, Geo Kerr, Jae Spoir ; Ontario, J Broadfoot &Son, Wm Armstrong; Wealthy, Wm Armstrong, Jae Speir ; Ribetou Pippins, Jae Speir, Geo Chapmuu ; ()Diverts, Alex McLaughlin, W L Manniug; Roxbury Roeeete, Oliver Turnbull, Geo Oltupmun ; Canada Red, Geo Johnston, Jae Speir ; Stark, Robt Nluhol, Wm Armstrong; Faliawater, Geo Chapman, Urs E Stew. art ; Graveuetein, Allan Speir, Jae Speir; Maiden's Blush, Jae Bargees, Jae Speir ; Phoenix, Oliver Turubnll, Geo Johnston ; Peewaokse,John Broadfoot & Son, Geo Pollard ; Ben Davie, George Obapman, Jaw Evans ; crabs, Thue H Taylor, Geo Chapman ; 6 varieties Winter apples, Jae Evane, Jae Speir ; 6 varietiee Fall ap- ples, Jae Evane, Jae Speir ; Fall pears, Jae Speir, Mre Geo Note 1 Winter pears, Wm Hemingway, Mre G Nott ; plume, Mrs Geo Not;, W H MoUraokeo ; grapes, Jae Speir, Jae Evane 1 epplee not in list, Tboe H Taylor, Robt Nichol ; 3 varie• ties of plume, W H Mc0reoken Duets and hoed Crone Early potatoes, Juo (Barer, Ed Garvin, Wm Armstrong, Jae Burgess ; late porn coos, Allan Speir, Oliver Turnbull, John ()recur, Alan Speir ; collection of pots, toes, Allan Speir, W H MuOrsoken, Geo Chapman ; Swede turnips, G Chapman, Wm Moliolvey ; any other variety Dir. nips, Geo Chapman, Ohae Bezel] ; white field oarrote, Geo Chapman, Mre John McKinnon ; Altringbam carrots, Geo Chapman, Jae Burgeee ; scarlet nitrites, Jae Evane, W H McCracken ; early horn garrote, Mre E Stewart, Geo Chapman ; long blood beets, George Johnetou, Geo Chapman ; blood turnip beets, not known, Jae Speir ; sugar marigold's, G Cbupmao, W H McCracken ; Citatory sugar beets, Robs MoDonald, Ed Garvin; pareuipe, Ohae Rozell, W H MoUraokeo ; long red mangel wurzele, Geo Chapman, W B MoOraoken ; yellow globe mangele, W H McCracken, Wm Armearong ; red globe mangele, W H ,lcOraekee ; long yellow mangele, G Chapman, W H McCracken; Winter radiebee, W H MoOraoken, Geo Chapman. Tegclaeles Red oniona from eeed, Wm Arm• strong, W H McCracken ; yellow onions from eeed, W H MoUraokeo, Wm Arm• strong ; Giant Roma ovinna from eeed, IV H hloCraeken, Geo. Ohanmen ; onions from top seta, W 13 McCracken ; onions from Dutch Bete, W H MoOraoken, Geo. Chapman . top oniou tune, Geo Chap. mus, W H MoOraoken ; Dotob seta, Geo Ohepmao, Mre. Geo Nott ; potato onions, Wm Armstrong, Jae Evane ; yellow Oauade Corn, W L Manning, Geo Olrap• man ; white Flint corn, Geo Chapman, W L Manning ; yellow Dent corn, Jae Speir, W Armstrong 1 collection of corn, W lit MoOraoken, F. 8. Scott ; Winter cabbage, Geo Ohapmao, W L Manning ; Curled Savoy, Mre. E. Sellere, W H MoGracken ; red pickling cabbage, Gm Chapman, IV L Manniug ; Cauliflower, Geo Chapman, W L Manning ; yellow field pumpkin, Geo Chapman, W H Mo. Oraoken ; Pumpkin Mammoth, W H MoOraoken, Geo Chapman ; egnaeb, D Hniet, W 1[ McCracken ; large tomatoes, Jae Burgree, Miee Kelly ; plum or cherry tomatoes, Miee Kelly, Jae Evane ; butter beano, R McDonald, Jae Speir ; white beano, W Armstrong, J W Edgar ; any other variety of beans, Geo Johnston, Geo Ohnpmoo I round striped nitrous, W H McOraoken, Geo Johneton ; long Oaltforoia oitrone, W H. MoOraok• en, Geo Johnston ; water melons, W Armstrong, W H MoOraoken ; meek. melons, W H MoOraoken ; oncembere, Geo Ohapman, F 5 Scott ; white oelery, W H MoOraoken, Geo Chapman ; pink oelery, Geo Ohapman. W H MoOraoken ; enuflower, Geo Chapman, Jae Evane ; (iolleation of garden produce, W H Mo- Oraoken. Hairy Produce Twentyfive pounds tub butter, home made, W Armstrong, Thoe Bolger ; five poende table batter, W Armstrong, J W Edgar, Thome Bolger, Mre. Jno Mo• Kinnon, Jae Evens ; 50 pounds faolory oheeee, colored, J K Brown. Domestic DGuturticieires Teo porde flannel, Mre. Zullener, J. K. Wise ; Pair blankets, Mre. E. Stew.' art ; Rag carpet, Miee Kelly, J. K. Wiee ; Counterpane, J. T. Wood, Mre. Geo, Nott ; Home spun yarn, Mre. Zolleuer, Mre. Geo, Noll I Speoimen of darning, Mre. Zollener, W. Hemingway 1 Maple Sugar, W. H, MoOraekon r Maple mol. aurae, W. II. McCracken, Mre. E. Sellere; Honey comb, G. A. Madman, W. Arm- strong ; Strained or extracted honey, G. A. Deadman, W. Armetroug; Grape wine, Mre, W. Wilbee, J. K, Wise ; Rhubarb wine, P. Scott, J. K. Wiee Strawberry wine, Mrs. Geo. Nott, Mrs. Wilbee; Tomato wine, W. H. MoOraok• en, Mre. Wilbao ; Elderberry wine, J. K. Wine, Mre Geo Nott ; tomato aateap, Mre Wilbee, F 5 Scott ; apple jelly, W Arm. strong, Mre Wilbee; rhubarb jelly, jam Evane, Mise;Toltuu; raepberry jolly, Mre E Sellere, nue Entire ; jelly auy other fruit, Mre Wilbee, Jas W Edgar ; white home made bread, Wm Acmetrung, Jet Burgeee ; brown home made broad, Wm Armstrong, A Speir ; fruit orate, Jue Enna, J W Edger ; jelly cake, D Heist, J W Edgar, ;'outmeel oaken, Mre J Mo Kinnon, Mrs (Dr) Graham ; short bread, P. Scott, 0. Turnbull 1 uulleutiuu of can. nod fruit, W 1d loteUreoken. Da uu'arturee Doable term hareem, I 0 Ri:hnrde, Goo Stemn ; emgle buggy harness, Geu, Stoma, 1 0 Rtoharde ; axe handle, B Gerry, 11 Closet aolleution of tinware, 12 pieuee, Gerry & Welker ; collection shelf hardware, Gerry & Walker, Ladles' Work Applique work, Mies Livingston, Mre Zoliener 1 fanny tea;eoey, Mre Hannon, Mise Livingstone ; five o'olook tea cloth, Mre Zollener, Mies Fieber ; tray cloth, ,vire Zullener, Miee Fisher ; batlenburg cloth, Mrs Haueou, Miee Fisher ; fauoy toilet set, Mtea Fisher, Mre Note ; (array pin onehiou, Mire Fieber, Mre Hanson ; lonely bedroom elippere, Mise Fisher, Mre G Roe ; whiek holder, Mies Talton, Mre Zollener ; feuoy foot 96001, Mre E Stewart, Miee Fisher ; maulle drape, Mies Fieber, LOire Nutt; pioture Court, Mre Zolleuer, Mrs Nato ; (alloy ams e Zollener, Mise Livia photo frame, Mr o • g atone; table ueutre piece, Mre Zalleeer, Aire Roe ; set of doylies, Mre Hanson, Mre Roe ; set of erouhet table mete, Mre Hele, Miee Rillt Hunter : mat, hooked, Mre Haueou, Mise Totten ; mat, sewed, Loire E Stewart ; Batten wreath, W H McOranieeo, Mre Zollener ; croobet work, cotton, Loire E Stewart, Mre Roe ; crochet work wool, Mlee R Hunter, Mre Roe ; aroobet in silk, Mies R Hunter, Miss Fisher : drawn work, hire Zolleuer, Mre Roe; embroidery, cotton or muslin, Miee Toltou, Mre Zolleuer ; Embroidery, worsted, Mre Roe Mrs Hele : embroidery, silk, Miee Toltou, Mre Nott ; fine shirt, Mire Huueon, Mre Hale, tanoy knitting i0 cotton, Mre E Stewart, Mrs Hele ; tanoy knitting in wool, Mre Roe, Mre E Stewart ; feather etitohing, Miee Fisher, Mre Zolleuer ; hairpiu work, Mre E Stewart, Mre Roe ; point lace, Miee Liviugeeon, Mre Hun• sou ; lace honitou, Mre Roe, Mise Fieber ; fanny glove handkerchief and culler and cuff oases, Mre Zolleuer, Mies Living. stun ; embroidery on bolting cloth, Mre Zollener, Aire Hele ; woollen mise, Mre Haneou, Wm Armetoog ; woollen glovee, Miee Fi.her, J K Wiee ; netting, Mre Hale, Miee Fisher ; oroobet work, Stott & Warwick, W H MoOraokeu; patchwork quilt, Mre Hele, Mre Zolleuer ; log cabin quilt, Mre Nott, Mrs E Stewart ; fancy quilt, Mre He,e, Mre E Stewart ; knitted quilt, Mre Hole, Mre Roe ; rag mat, Miee Totten, Mre Hele ; mount mellrok work, 11 iee Fieber, Mre Zolleuer ; rope silk, Miee Fisher, Mre Hele ; roman embroidery, Mre E Stewart, Mre Roe ; embroidered Hnukubaok oeutrepleoe, Miee Fieber, Jus Evane ; fancy lamp screen, blies Living. eton, Mies Fisher ; drawing room or fire soreen, Mise Toxon, Mre Roe ; em• broidered eota pillow, Mrs Roe, Mre Zol• lener ; patchwork sofa pilroty, Mrs E Stewart, W MoKelvey 1 woollen elook- inge, Mre E Stewart, Miee Fisher ; pair of etookmge, cotton, Mre E Stewart, Mrs Zolleuer pair oke, woollen, Miee • knee ee ; Co Ember ; pair Cooke, cotton, hire E Stewart ; Tenertffe lane, Scott & Warwick, Mre Zollener ; outline work, Mre Zolleuer, Mre Nott ; beet oolleotiou of ladle& fancy work, Mre Zolieuer, Miee Liviugeton, Mre Hanson. Fine Arte Collection of profeseioual photographs, H R Brewer ; collection of amateur photos, Mies Toltou ; pyrography, Mre deneun, MreHele ; pen and iuk skalahee, Miee Livingston, Mre Ileum ; pencil drawing, Mies Livingston, Mre Hanson ; water color landscape or marine, Mre Hanson, Miee Liviogeton : water eater ligteree, Miee Livingston, Litre Hanson ; oil painting landeoape or marine, Mies Toltou, Miee Livingston ; oil figaree, Mre Haneou, Mre (Dr) Graham ; blaok crayon drawing, Miee Livingston, Miee Talton ; oolored crayon drawing, Mies Rata Hueter, Mies Toltou ; painting on bolting cloth, Mies Talton, Mre Human : peinttug on pottery °rohine, Miee Living. uton, Mre Roe ; painting on Bilk or vet. vet, Miee Totten, Mise Livingston ; painting on placgee or trays, Mrs. Hale, ,Mre. Hanson ; painting on glace in oil, Miee Liviugetou, Mre Hanson ; beet single piece painted uhiue, Mitre Living• eton, Jae Evaoa.4 Flowers and Plante Table baguet, Mre fl Sellere, Miee Kelly ; hand baguet, Miee Kelly, James Evane ; button hole or dress briquet, Mies Kelly, Jae Evane ; collection of out flow• ere, Miee Kelly, Mre E Sellere ; collection of dahliae, W H nle0racken, Mre E Sellers ; paneiee, Jae Evane, Mies Kelly ; phlox drnmmondi, Jae Evane, Mre E Sellere; asters, Jae Evane, Pars E Sellers; stooks, Mre E Sellere, W H McCracken ; petauiae, Miee Kelly, T Davidson ; Afri• oan marigolds, Mre E Sellere, W H Mo. ()molten ; Frenoh marigolds, Jae Evane, Hies Kelly ; dianthus, Jae Enloe, Mise Kelly ; balsams, Mre E Sellere, Mre E Sellere ; zinnias, Jae Evane, Mre E Sellers ; gladiolus epikee, Miee Kelly, Jae Evane ; verbenas, Miee Kelly, W H Mo. Oraoken ; ohryeanthemums, Mies Kelly, Mre E Sellers ; perennial phlox, Miee Kelly ; doable holtyhooke, Miee Kelly ; aookeaombe, Jae Evane, Mre E Sellere 1 aolleution of ornamental freite, T David eon ; ooneotion of rosea, Miee Kelly ; 6 varieties of outdoor fiowere not epemfied in list, Mise Kelly Jae Evane. Children's competition Boy's penmauehip, Peal Pugh, G A Deadman ; gtrl'e peemaaehip, G A Dead. man, Jae Evans, Annie Spence ; ooilen• tion of weeds, G ti Deadman, Jae Beane; oolleobion of ggreine and eeede of Common weeds, 8 Maintoeb ; nature etody eollec lion belonging to a school, Ethel Public School ; map of Townebip of Grey, 5 McIntosh. Bpeeiat Prizes Eyrie Bros.' silver modal for heavy draught team, Geo Brown ; Eyrie Bros.' bronze medal for pen of sheep, R J San• dereon I Standard Bank's, for beet road. liter owned by a farmer, H Zinn, Geo Keys; Metropolitan Benk'e, for collection of Winter apples, Jae W .Edgar, E Corley, Jae Speir ; Geo Thomeon'e, for roadeter over 154 bande, H Zinn, and under 164 hands, W Doimage ; J Leckie'e, for dos pounds table butter, Wm Armstrong ; W H Me0reoken'e-Swede Turnips, Oliver Turnbull, Jae Speir 1 long red mengele, Wm Armstrong, Jae Speir ; and Yellow Giant intermediate mengele, W H Mo. Oraoken, E Niobol ; W H Kerr'e, for )tome made bread, Jae W Edgar ; and for 5 poonde butter, Wm Armstrong ; tor naming largeet number of varieties of apples, Tboe Wileon, Sydney Arm- elroug, Leelie Lemont, Ellen Evane ; Bank of Hamilton's, for beet short horn crow and 8 of her progeny, 1) Roberteon ; and for bast abort boru bull and 4 of idle progeny, D Milne. Jadore Heavy horses, Juo A 13001, of Raven. shoe ; !Wit hereon, A G Pettit, Grime. by ; beef saddle and dhuep, L Parkiueon, Eramoee ; dairy cattle and swim, J W Clark, Gaiuevtlle ; punitry, 11 Guuderd, Lietowol ; implements and corrtagee, J Hemsworth, Ethel ; grain, R Graham, Bruesele ; dairy and domeetio inauutto• turee, W Al Robinson, Wroxeter ; mann factures, B F Carr, Wroxeter ; verge• tables and roots, R Sloan, Blyth ; fruit, A Sloan, Blyth ; ladies' work, hire WIM Robinson, Wroxeter, and Mre W J Fyle, Blyth ; flue arta, Miee Berta 0 Carder, Blyth ; llowere and plants and children's oompetition, J H Oumeron, and Miee Dora Smith, Brussels. The new Pure Food and Drug Law will mark it on the label of every Cough Care oontaiuing Opium, Chloroform, or any other etupityiog or poieonoae drag. But it paeeee Dr. Shoop's tough (Jure as made for 20 years, entirely free. DC. Shoop ell atOn g here bitterly opposed the use of opiates or uarootie. Dr. Sboop'e tough Cure ie abeolueely safe even for the youngest babe -and it entree it does not eimply suppress. Get a safe and reliable tough ()ure, by simply iueietieog on having Dr. Sboop's. Let the Law be your protection. We eheerfully reoummend and sell it, F. R. Smith. Grey Council Meeting. The Coattail met parenaot to adjourn merit in the Township Hall, Ethel, on Monday, September 24th at 10 a. m. Reeve in the ohair and other members all present. Miuutee of last meeting read and passed. Moved by Dunoan Johnston, eeoonded by John Outt that the Report of the Engineer on the North Hielop Muvioipal Drain be read and ooueidered. tarried. Moved by Mr. Grant, seconded by Jno Brown that the Engineer's Report on the North Hielop Mouioipal Drain be adopt. ed and that the (Jlerk be authorized to have a bylaw prepared for same. Carried. By Law No. 255 known as the North Hielop Muniaipul Drain was read lst and 2nd time and provisionally adopted. Moved by D. Johnston, seconded by Jno. Outt that the following amounts be paid :- Donald MoDooald, refund Juokiie Mon. Drain 11 53 00 Wm. Hamilton, refund cm Jack. • lin Man. Drain 71 00 Joseph Coombe, refund 0u Juoklin Mun. Drain 51 00 L. L. Longeway on contract 6th con. Mao. Drain 600 00 L. L. Longeway, ole aontreot 6th eon. Mao. Drain 400 00 Joseph Welsh, 3 farm bridges 6th con. Mau. Drain 30 00 Wm. Rathwell, farm bridges Oos Man. Drain 12 00 Ferris Beirnee, on contraot Mo Donald Drain 255 00 Robert MoTaggart, bal. on con treat Howard Drain 325 00 Robt. MoTaggart, extras on con. traot Howard Drain 45 00 John Goatee, on contract Love Mao. Drain 320 00 John Cortin, on oontraut Hall Mun Drain 195 00 Richard Jacklin, on Oontreat Jaoklin Mun. Drain 150 00 Wm. Coseley, bal, of contract Whitfield Mau. Drain 100 00 Andrew Meehan, Orey and Elms, Bdy. Lot 35 con 17 6 75 Wm. Ellaoott, clearing Drain B. R. 6 con, 11 10 00 Juo, Ram, putting cinders on Oranbrook bridge 3 75 Jas. Casio, gravelling S. R. 3 con. 14 10 56 H.Oanningbam, dement culvert S. R. 5 oan 12 2 50 Thee. Straohs°, er, culvert, drain and petting in tyle lot 3 con 3 10 35 Henry Ward, repairing culvert, 1 25 Bamnel Burke, gravel11 68 Robb. Miller, grading and gravel ling S. R. 1 con. 10 24 31 Robert Miller, repairing Calvert S. R. 1 too 10 1 50 Hugh Lamont, for repairing aul vert, 8. R. 1 eon. 11 2 25 Joseph Raynard, repairing oul verb B. R. 3 oon 4 1 25 nary Holtzman, filling Dilworth bridge approach 26 50 Edward Garvin, clearing Garvin Award Drain 33 40 Peter Tarr, cement pipe 8. R. 5 con 12 4 38 Peter Tarr, cement pipes culverts Grey and ElmaBdy 33 12 Wm. Danoaneon,cutting brush B, R. 2 con, 13 3 00 Wm. Wright, filling approeoh Mc- Farlane Bridge 2 25 NOW OPEN FALL TERM IN 'fills CENTRAL WISINESS COLLEGE ES> >c}{f 5 vn TORONTO, ONr, Neter any time. Twenty teachers find true hundred and twenty Type- writing Mnohlnee, Unexcelled faotl- ltlee for aeetutlus grudnatee to post. time. Write for new Calendar. W. 8. eunw, Priuolpal, Tonga d; Gerrard ate., Torouto. Miller Broth gravel 3 92 R. J. Hoover, aleaning drain Lot, 9 Con, 9 3 00 Hugh Lamont, er. impacting wavelike Lot 5, eon, 10 1 00 James D. McNair, repairing out vert Lut 21 eon, 14, on 14th con Drain 4 00 Samuel Dunn, gravel 4 80 George Kerr, tile drain B. R. 5 eon 9 4 25 John Ma0neh, cutting a 5. R. g bush, 5 eon. 6 8 00 Wm. V. McKay, cleaning Peet Award Drain Bdy. Grey, Grey's ehare 17 00 Jno. Mitchell, repairing culvert and drawing plank and epikee 6th eon Drain 8 00 Amoe Smith, shovelling gravel1 00 Alex. Fraser, gravel 4 40 Julia Menzies, farm bridge Cox Drain 12 00 Thos. Strachan sr., gravel 4 00 Geo. Siemon, extinguishing fire Lot 18, Con. 17 160 Wm. Fraser, inspecting farm bridge, 6th Con. Drain 2 25 Harry Duncan, gravel on bdy. of Grey and Morrie 3 44 Harry Dungan, gravel 4 00 Euaee Crich, gravel 4 64 Prondtoot, Haye & Blair, bal. Ferrand Law suit mete 375 09 Proudfoot, Hayti & Blair, ooete Court of -Appeal to be paid by twp. 136 96 Proudfoot, Hays & Blair, Morrie twp. portion of mete and jedg• mem, Ferrend suit 915 98 Moved, eeoonded and carried that the ()outwit do now adjourn to meet on Mon day, Oat. 29111 at 10 a. m. JOHN MCINTOSHH, Clerk. Preventioe, ae the name implies, pre. vent all Oolde and Grippe when taken at the eueeze stage. Preventioe are toothsome sandy tabiete. Preventioe dissipate all aolde quickly, and taken early when you first Leel that a Bold is coming, they check and prevent them. Preventioe are thoroughly Bate for obit. dren, and ae effectual for adults. Sold and recommended in 5 oenl and 26 cent boxes by F. R. Smith. Benjamin Chatfield was drowned at Kinloee. Wm. McGregor, of Parham, aged six yeare, was aooideuially shot by his brother and killed. About 800 miners are on etrike at the Crow's Nest Company's minae at Coal Creek, refusing to work with non onion men. W. F. Hepburn, Liberal oendidatein East Elgin, has retired beoanee of the circulation of a slanderous story that he declares untrue. Tne Board of management of Knox College Toronto deoided to proceed with the work of eeouritig a new site and erect- ing new bnildinge. W. G. Sande, a laborer, employed in Battle Creek, Mich., has received word that hie grandfather died and left him an eetate valued at nearly half a million dollars. Sande' grandfather came to Ontario from Ireland and established a real estate and loan hairiness. Although the aged reeideul, bad many friends in Brantford, no one bad any idea that he was possessed of Buell a large fortune. Sande has quit his job in Battle Creek and gone to Brantford to take obarge of the estate. SALT Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, Brussels. Choice BiIIiuery We wish to announce to our Customers that we are again prepared to show you the Newest Stylus in all classes of Millinery, pro. cured from the most up-to-date warehouses. We follow the Fashions very closely, and you may procure the same styles • as are being worn in Toronto, Chicago and Detroit. We thank you for past patronage, and are batter prepared this season than ever to give satisfaction. Call and see us. Miss Strachan i 1,1 SY"c IRG claoiro'tl•LYRA.tY17Jt4G1L G1d'tLGIRGGI iRca Y !7 LiI BEAUTIFUL MILLINERY A. Large, Fashionable and well assorted stock of Fall Millinery is now on display at my Show Room and the Ladies of Brussels and vicinity are cordially invited to call and examine the same. MISS MASON, who has had a wide experience in City Millinery, has been engaged for the Season. The undersigned is grateful for past patronage and asks for a continuance. Prices moderate and Satisfaction assured. Kl Q1 Irl MRS. MoKNLAY zfuttizsiE o1./'ti.l1.r'l..J1.Y"1.l'1...M'i..J"'.JY-J't't..Jl. Y'l.Y"1..f•lJ`LJ''J' D. WALKER AND M. BLACK have formed a co -partnership, to be known as Walker & Black, and will carry on allow"- Furniture ' - Furniture and-wig/sr Undertaking Business IN THE LECKIE BLOCK Their stock of Furniture, Undertaking Goods and Musical Instruments is new from the Factories ; has been bought for cash and will be sold at Reasonable Prices. MR. CHAS. FORSTER, an experienced Undertaker and Upholsterer, will assist in the business. Picture Flaming a Specialty. They hope by strict attention to business, square and honorable dealing with their Cus- tomers to merit a share of the public patron- age. Night and Sunday calls will be promptly attended at David Walker's residence, North of bridge, Turnberry street. WALKER & BLACK Apples IIT Wantcd -at-- BRUSSELS EVAPORATOR On and after the Gth of Septem- ber 20 cents per bag will be paid for all good paring Apples deliv- ered at the Factory. No Small or Soft Apples will be taken. J. CUNNINGHAM, Proprietor vt • • fro r • t 4 , •l'